use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; our $desktop = get_var("DESKTOP"); our $syspwd = get_var("USER_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword"; our $term = "terminal"; if ($desktop eq "kde") { $term = "konsole"; } sub type_password { # Safe typing prolongs the operation terribly. # Let's just use type_string and wait afterwards. my $string = shift; type_string "$string\n"; sleep 3; } sub adduser { # Add user to the system. my %args = @_; $args{termstop} //= 1; my $name = $args{name}; my $login = $args{login}; my $password = $args{password}; assert_script_run "useradd -c '$name' $login"; if ($password ne "askuser") { # If we want to create a user with a defined password. assert_script_run "echo '$login:$password' | chpasswd"; } else { # If we want to create a user without a password, # that forces GDM to create a password upon the # first login. assert_script_run "passwd -d $login"; assert_script_run "chage --lastday 0 $login"; } assert_script_run "grep $login /etc/passwd"; } sub lock_screen { # Click on buttons to lock the screen. #my $desktop = get_var("DESKTOP"); assert_and_click "system_menu_button"; if ($desktop eq "kde") { assert_and_click "leave_button"; } assert_and_click "lock_button"; wait_still_screen 10; } sub login_user { # Do steps to unlock a previously locked screen. We use it to handle # logins as well, because it is practically the same. my %args = @_; $args{checklogin} //= 1; $args{method} //= ""; my $user = $args{user}; my $password = $args{password}; my $method = $args{method}; if ($method ne "unlock" && !check_screen "login_$user") { # Sometimes, especially in SDDM, we do not get the user list # but rather a "screensaver" screen for the DM. If this is the # case, hit Escape to bring back the user list. send_key "esc"; wait_still_screen(stilltime => 5, similarity_level => 45); } if ($method ne "unlock") { # When we do not just want to unlock the screen, we need to select a user. if (check_screen "login_$user", 30) { click_lastmatch; } else { record_soft_failure "logout seems to be taking too long"; assert_and_click "login_$user"; } wait_still_screen(stilltime => 5, similarity_level => 45); } if ($method eq "create") { # With users that do not have passwords, we need to make an extra round # of password typing. type_very_safely "$password\n"; } type_very_safely "$password\n"; check_desktop(timeout => 60) if ($args{checklogin}); wait_still_screen(stilltime => 5, similarity_level => 45); if ($desktop eq "kde") { click_lastmatch if (check_screen "getting_started"); } } sub check_user_logged_in { # Performs a check that a correct user has been locked in. my $user = shift; my $exitkey; # In Gnome, the name of the user was accessible through menu # in the upper right corner, but apparently it has been removed. # Reading the login name from the terminal prompt seems to be # the most reliable thing to do. if ($desktop eq "gnome") { menu_launch_type $term; wait_still_screen 2; $exitkey = "alt-f4"; } # With KDE, the user is shown in the main menu, so let us just # open this and see. else { assert_and_click "system_menu_button"; $exitkey = "esc"; } assert_screen "user_confirm_$user"; send_key $exitkey; wait_still_screen 5; } sub logout_user { # Do steps to log out the user to reach the login screen. assert_and_click "system_menu_button"; assert_and_click "leave_button"; assert_and_click "log_out_entry"; assert_and_click "log_out_confirm"; wait_still_screen 5; sleep 10; } sub switch_user { # Switch the user, i.e. leave the current user logged in and # log in another user simultaneously. send_key "ret"; if (check_screen "locked_screen_switch_user", 5) { assert_and_click "locked_screen_switch_user"; } elsif (check_screen "system_menu_button") { # The system_menu_button indicates that we are in an active # and unlocked session, where user switching differs # from a locked but active session. assert_and_click "system_menu_button"; assert_and_click "leave_button"; assert_and_click "switch_user_entry"; wait_still_screen 5; # Add sleep to slow down the process a bit sleep 10; } } sub reboot_system { # Reboots the system and handles everything until the next login screen. assert_and_click "system_menu_button"; # In KDE the reboot entry is right here, on GNOME we need to # enter some kind of power option submenu. assert_screen ["power_entry", "reboot_entry"]; click_lastmatch; assert_and_click "reboot_entry" if (match_has_tag("power_entry")); assert_and_click "restart_confirm"; boot_to_login_screen(); } sub power_off { # Powers-off the machine. assert_and_click "system_menu_button"; # in KDE, there's no submenu to access, the button is right here, # in GNOME we need the submenu assert_screen ["power_entry", "power_off_entry"]; click_lastmatch; assert_and_click "power_off_entry" if (match_has_tag("power_entry")); assert_and_click "power_off_confirm"; assert_shutdown 120; } sub run { # Do a default installation of the Fedora release you wish to test. Create two user accounts. my $self = shift; my $jackpass = "kozapanijezibaby"; my $jimpass = "babajagakozaroza"; our $desktop = get_var("DESKTOP"); # replace the wallpaper with a black image, this should work for # all desktops. Takes effect after a logout / login cycle $self->root_console(tty => 3); assert_script_run "dnf -y install GraphicsMagick", 300; assert_script_run "gm convert -size 1024x768 xc:black /usr/share/backgrounds/black.png"; assert_script_run "gm convert -size 1024x768 xc:black /usr/share/backgrounds/black.webp"; if (script_run 'for i in /usr/share/backgrounds/f*/default/*.png; do ln -sf /usr/share/backgrounds/black.png $i; done') { # if that failed, they're probably in webp format assert_script_run 'for i in /usr/share/backgrounds/f*/default/*.webp; do ln -sf /usr/share/backgrounds/black.webp $i; done'; } if ($desktop eq "kde") { # use solid blue background for SDDM # theme.conf.user was dropped in 5.90.0-2.fc40, doing # theme.conf* should work before and after assert_script_run "sed -i -e 's,image,solid,g' /usr/share/sddm/themes/01-breeze-fedora/theme.conf*"; } adduser(name => "Jack Sparrow", login => "jack", password => $jackpass); if ($desktop eq "gnome") { # suppress the Welcome Tour for new users in GNOME 40+ assert_script_run 'printf "[]\nwelcome-dialog-last-shown-version=\'4294967295\'\n" > /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/'; # Disable automatic update installation (so we don't install an update # to fXX-backgrounds and put the 'real' image back when we reboot) assert_script_run 'printf "[]\ndownload-updates=false\n" > /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/'; assert_script_run 'glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas'; # In Gnome, we can create a passwordless user that can provide his password upon # the first login. So we can create the second user in this way to test this feature # later. adduser(name => "Jim Eagle", login => "jim", password => "askuser"); } else { # In KDE, we can also create a passwordless user, but we cannot log into the system # later, so we will create the second user the standard way. adduser(name => "Jim Eagle", login => "jim", password => $jimpass); } # Clean boot the system, and note what accounts are listed on the login screen. # There is no need to check specifically if the users are listed, because if they # are not, the login tests will fail later. script_run "systemctl reboot", 0; boot_to_login_screen; # Log in with the first user account. login_user(user => "jack", password => $jackpass); check_user_logged_in("jack"); # Log out the user. logout_user(); # Log in with the second user account. The second account, Jim Eagle, if ($desktop eq "gnome") { # If we are in Gnome, we will this time assign a password on first log-in. login_user(user => "jim", password => $jimpass, method => "create"); } else { # If not, we are in KDE and we will log in normally. login_user(user => "jim", password => $jimpass); } check_user_logged_in("jim"); # And this time reboot the system using the menu. reboot_system(); # Try to log in with either account, intentionally entering the wrong password. login_user(user => "jack", password => "wrongpassword", checklogin => 0); # get back to the login screen if necessary (dismiss an error message) send_key 'esc' unless (check_screen "login_jim"); # Now, log into the system again using the correct password. This will # only work if we were correctly denied login with the wrong password, # if we were let in with the wrong password it'll fail login_user(user => "jim", password => $jimpass); check_user_logged_in("jim"); # Lock the screen and unlock again. lock_screen(); # Use the password to unlock the screen. login_user(user => "jim", password => $jimpass, method => "unlock"); # Switch user tests if ($desktop eq "gnome") { # Because KDE at the moment (20200403) is very unreliable concerning switching the users inside # the virtual machine, we will skip this part, until situation is better. Switching users will # be only tested in Gnome. # Start a terminal session to monitor on which sessions we are, when we start switching users. # This time, we will open the terminal window manually because we want to leave it open later. menu_launch_type "terminal"; wait_still_screen 2; # Initiate switch user switch_user(); # Now, we get a new login screen, so let's do the login into the new session. login_user(user => "jack", password => $jackpass); # Check that it is a new session, the terminal window should not be visible. if (check_screen "user_confirm_jim") { die "The session was not switched!"; } else { check_user_logged_in("jack"); } # Log out the user. logout_user(); # Now, let us log into the original session, this time, the terminal window # should still be visible. login_user(user => "jim", password => $jimpass); assert_screen "user_confirm_jim"; # We will also test another alternative - switching the user from # a locked screen. lock_screen(); send_key "ret"; switch_user(); login_user(user => "jack", password => $jackpass); check_user_logged_in("jack"); } # Power off the machine power_off(); } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: