use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; sub run { assert_screen "root_console"; my $devboot = 'vda1'; if (get_var('OFW') || get_var('UEFI')) { $devboot = 'vda2'; } # check that lvm is present: validate_script_output "lvdisplay | grep 'LV Status'", sub { $_ =~ m/available/ }; # Check for standard LVM attributes, w - writable, i-inherited, a-active, o-open validate_script_output "lvs -o lv_attr", sub { $_ =~ m/wi-ao/ }; # Check that the partitions are ext4. validate_script_output "mount | grep /dev/$devboot", sub { $_ =~ m/on \/boot type ext4/ }; # There should be one partition in the LVM. validate_script_output "mount | grep /dev/mapper", sub { $_ =~ m/on \/ type ext4/ }; } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: