use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use lockapi; use mmapi; sub run { my $self=shift; # boot with kernel params to ensure interface is 'eth0' and not whatever # systemd feels like calling it today $self->do_bootloader(1, "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"); $self->boot_to_login_screen("text_console_login", 5, 60); # login $self->root_console(); # set hostname assert_script_run 'hostnamectl set-hostname ipa001.domain.local'; # add entry to /etc/hosts assert_script_run 'echo " ipa001.domain.local ipa001" >> /etc/hosts'; # bring up network. DEFROUTE is *vital* here assert_script_run 'printf "DEVICE=eth0\nBOOTPROTO=none\nIPADDR=\nGATEWAY=\nPREFIX=24\nDEFROUTE=yes" > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0'; script_run "systemctl restart NetworkManager.service"; # clone host's resolv.conf to get name resolution $self->clone_host_resolv(); # we don't want updates-testing for validation purposes assert_script_run 'dnf config-manager --set-disabled updates-testing'; # we need a lot of entropy for this, and we don't care how good # it is, so let's use haveged assert_script_run 'dnf -y install haveged', 120; assert_script_run 'systemctl start haveged.service'; # deploy the domain controller role assert_script_run 'echo \'{"admin_password":"monkeys123"}\' | rolectl deploy domaincontroller --name=domain.local --settings-stdin', 1200; # check the role status, should be 'running' validate_script_output 'rolectl status domaincontroller/domain.local', sub { $_ =~ m/^running/ }; # check the admin password is listed in 'settings' validate_script_output 'rolectl settings domaincontroller/domain.local', sub {$_ =~m/dm_password = \w{5,}/ }; # sanitize the settings assert_script_run 'rolectl sanitize domaincontroller/domain.local'; # check the password now shows as 'None' validate_script_output 'rolectl settings domaincontroller/domain.local', sub {$_ =~ m/dm_password = None/ }; # kinit as admin assert_script_run 'echo "monkeys123" | kinit admin'; # set up an OTP for client001 enrolment (it will enrol with a kickstart) assert_script_run 'ipa host-add client001.domain.local --password=monkeys --force'; # create two user accounts, test1 and test2 assert_script_run 'echo "correcthorse" | ipa user-add test1 --first test --last one --password'; assert_script_run 'echo "correcthorse" | ipa user-add test2 --first test --last two --password'; # add a rule allowing access to all hosts and services assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-add testrule --servicecat=all --hostcat=all'; # add test1 (but not test2) to the rule assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-add-user testrule --users=test1'; # disable the default 'everyone everywhere' rule assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-disable allow_all'; # we're all ready for other jobs to run! mutex_create('freeipa_ready'); wait_for_children; # once child jobs are done, stop the role assert_script_run 'rolectl stop domaincontroller/domain.local'; # check role is stopped validate_script_output 'rolectl status domaincontroller/domain.local', sub { $_ =~ m/^ready-to-start/ }; # decommission the role assert_script_run 'rolectl decommission domaincontroller/domain.local', 120; # check role is decommissioned validate_script_output 'rolectl list instances', sub { $_ eq "" }; } sub test_flags { # without anything - rollback to 'lastgood' snapshot if failed # 'fatal' - whole test suite is in danger if this fails # 'milestone' - after this test succeeds, update 'lastgood' # 'important' - if this fails, set the overall state to 'fail' return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: