use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; sub reboot_and_login { # This subroutine reboots the host, waits out the boot process and logs in. my $reboot_time = shift; script_run "systemctl reboot"; boot_to_login_screen(timeout => $reboot_time); console_login(user=>"root", password=>get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD")); sleep 2; } sub run { my $self = shift; my $reboot_time = 300; # switch to TTY3 for both, graphical and console tests $self->root_console(tty=>3); # Install wget as rpm-ostree overlay. Let's have timeout defined # quite generously, because it loads the package DBs. assert_script_run "rpm-ostree install wget", timeout => 300; # Reboot the machine to boot into the overlayed tree. reboot_and_login "300"; # Check that wget rpm is installed assert_script_run "rpm -q wget"; # And that it works assert_script_run "wget --version"; # Then install the httpd package. assert_script_run "rpm-ostree install httpd", timeout => 300; # Reboot the machine to boot into the overlayed tree. reboot_and_login "300"; # Check for new as well as old overlays assert_script_run "rpm -q wget"; assert_script_run "rpm -q httpd"; assert_script_run "rpm -q apr"; # Start the httpd.service and check for its status assert_script_run "systemctl start httpd"; assert_script_run "systemctl is-active httpd"; # Check for the functional test page assert_script_run "curl -o page.html http://localhost"; assert_script_run "grep 'Fedora Project' page.html"; # Enable the httpd service assert_script_run "systemctl enable httpd"; # Reboot the computer to boot check if the service has been enabled and starts # automatically. reboot_and_login "300"; # See if httpd is started assert_script_run "systemctl is-active httpd"; # Uninstall wget and httpd again. assert_script_run "rpm-ostree uninstall wget httpd", timeout => 300; # Reboot to see the changed tree reboot_and_login "300"; # Check if wget and httpd were removed and no longer can be used. assert_script_run "! rpm -q wget"; assert_script_run "! rpm -q httpd"; assert_script_run "! wget --version"; assert_script_run "! systemctl is-active httpd"; } sub test_flags { return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: