use base "anacondatest"; use strict; use testapi; use anaconda; use File::Basename; sub run { my $self = shift; my $repourl; my $addrepourl; if (get_var("MIRRORLIST_GRAPHICAL")) { $repourl = get_mirrorlist_url(); } else { # we kinda intentionally don't check ADD_REPOSITORY_GRAPHICAL # here, as we cover that case with a postinstall check $repourl = get_var("REPOSITORY_VARIATION", get_var("REPOSITORY_GRAPHICAL")); $repourl = get_full_repo($repourl) if ($repourl); $addrepourl = get_var("ADD_REPOSITORY_VARIATION"); $addrepourl = get_full_repo($addrepourl) if ($addrepourl); } # check that the repo was used $self->root_console; if ($addrepourl) { if ($addrepourl =~ m,^nfs://,,) { # this line tells us it set up a repo for our URL... assert_script_run 'grep "repo addrepo.*' . ${addrepourl} . '" /tmp/packaging.log'; # ...this line tells us it added the repo called 'addrepo'... assert_script_run 'grep "\(added\|enabled\) repo: .addrepo." /tmp/packaging.log'; # ...and one of these tells us it worked (I hope). This one is 1; send_key "ctrl-alt-f6"; # Anaconda hub assert_screen "anaconda_main_hub", 30; # } sub test_flags { return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: