use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; # This part of the suite prepares the environment. sub run { my $self = shift; # Go to the root console to set up the test data and necessary stuff. $self->root_console(tty => 3); # As we want to deal with certain elements during testing, # we need to set the time and zones, otherwise we would need many needles. # Disable the automatic time and zone settings script_run("timedatectl set-ntp False"); # Set the time zone script_run("timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Prague"); # Set the time script_run('timedatectl set-time "2023-03-05 18:30:00"'); # Make serial writable script_run("chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0"); # Return to Desktop desktop_vt(); # Check that the upper panel shows correct date and time. assert_screen("panel_datetime"); } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 1, milestone => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: