use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; use disks; # This script will test if Disks can delete all partitions and # create three partitions for Standard partitioning, a small boot # partition, a bigger root partition, and a home partition that # takes the rest of the space. All partitions will be formatted # as ext4. sub run { # Select the test loop disk. assert_and_click("disks_loopdisk_listed"); # Remove partitions wipe_disk(); # Create the partitions (they are formatted as ext4) create_partition("boot", "200"); assert_and_click("disks_free_space"); create_partition("root", "300"); assert_and_click("disks_free_space"); create_partition("home", "full"); # Mount the partitions mount_partition("one"); mount_partition("two"); mount_partition("three"); } sub test_flags { return {always_rollback => 1}; } 1;