#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use REST::Client; use JSON::XS; use Data::Dumper; my ($variant, $architecture) = @ARGV; # When no architecture is given, fall back to x86_64. unless ($architecture) { $architecture = "x86_64"; } my $netinst = ""; $variant = ucfirst($variant); # If $variant is Netinst, then we will correct # it to Server to get the correct links and then # use the $netinst later to specify. if ($variant eq "Netinst") { $variant = "Server"; $netinst = "Netinst"; } elsif ($variant eq "Kde") { $variant = "KDE"; } print("I am starting the tests for $variant $netinst.\n"); print("Trying to download the iso links.\n"); # Download the JSON file. my $client = REST::Client->new(); $client->GET('https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/nightlies.json') or die("The iso links could not be downloaded. Exiting."); print("Iso links downloaded correctly.\n"); my $json = decode_json($client->responseContent()); my $links = []; # Push the link to $links when a match is found. for my $iso (@$json) { if (($iso->{arch} eq $architecture) and (lc($iso->{subvariant}) eq lc($variant))) { push(@$links, "$iso->{url}"); } } my $isolink = $links->[-1]; if ($variant eq "Server") { $isolink = $links->[-2]; } print("Sending the API command to openQA: \n"); my $command = "openqa-cli api -X POST isos DISTRI=fedora VERSION=Rawhide FLAVOR=PiKVM ARCH=$architecture BUILD=Bare_install_$variant DOWNLOAD=$isolink SUBVARIANT=$variant"; print(" $command\n"); exec($command);