use base "anacondatest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use utils;

sub _set_root_password {
    # Set root password, unless we don't want to or can't
    # can also hit a transition animation
    wait_still_screen 2;
    my $root_password = get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
    unless (get_var("INSTALLER_NO_ROOT")) {
        assert_and_click "anaconda_install_root_password";
        # we have to click 'enable root account' before typing the
        assert_and_click "anaconda_install_root_password_screen";
        # wait out animation
        wait_still_screen 2;
        desktop_switch_layout("ascii", "anaconda") if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT"));
        # these screens seems insanely subject to typing errors, so
        # type super safely. This doesn't really slow the test down
        # as we still get done before the install process is complete.
        type_very_safely $root_password;
        wait_screen_change { send_key "tab"; };
        type_very_safely $root_password;
        # Another screen to test identification on
        my $identification = get_var('IDENTIFICATION');
        if ($identification eq 'true') {
            # we don't check version or pre-release because here those
            # texts appear on the banner which makes the needling
            # complex and fragile (banner is different between variants,
            # and has a gradient so for RTL languages the background color
            # differs; pre-release text is also translated)
        assert_and_click "anaconda_spoke_done";
        # exiting this screen can take a while, so check for the hub
        assert_screen "anaconda_main_hub", 60;

sub _do_root_and_user {
    # Set user details, unless the test is configured not to create one
    unless (get_var("USER_LOGIN") eq 'false' || get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER")) {
        # Wait out animation
        wait_still_screen 8;
    # Check username (and hence keyboard layout) if non-English
    if (get_var('LANGUAGE')) {
        assert_screen "anaconda_install_user_created";

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $webui = 0;
    # From F31 onwards (after Fedora-Rawhide-20190722.n.1), user and
    # root password spokes are moved to main hub, so we must do those
    # before we run the install.
    # Begin installation
    # Sometimes, the 'slide in from the top' animation messes with
    # this - by the time we click the button isn't where it was any
    # more. So wait for screen to stop moving before we click.
    assert_screen ["anaconda_main_hub_begin_installation", "anaconda_webui_begin_installation"], 90;
    wait_still_screen 5;
    assert_and_click ["anaconda_main_hub_begin_installation", "anaconda_webui_begin_installation"];
    if (match_has_tag "anaconda_webui_begin_installation") {
        $webui = 1;
        click_lastmatch if (check_screen "anaconda_webui_confirm_installation", 10);

    # If we want to test identification we will do it
    # on several places in this procedure, such as
    # on this screen and also on password creation screens
    # etc.
    my $identification = get_var('IDENTIFICATION');
    my $branched = get_var('VERSION');
    if ($identification eq 'true' or ($branched ne "Rawhide" && lc($branched) ne "eln")) {
        check_left_bar() unless ($webui);

    # Wait for install to end. Give Rawhide a bit longer, in case
    # we're on a debug kernel, debug kernel installs are really slow.
    my $timeout = 3000;
    my $version = lc(get_var('VERSION'));
    if ($version eq "rawhide") {
        $timeout = 4200;
    # workstation especially has an unfortunate habit of kicking in
    # the screensaver during install...
    my $interval = 60;
    while ($timeout > 0) {
        die "Error encountered!" if (check_screen "anaconda_error_report");
        # move the mouse a bit
        mouse_set 100, 100;
        # also click, if we're a RDP client, seems just moving mouse
        # isn't enough to defeat blanking
        mouse_click if (get_var("RDP_CLIENT"));
        last if (check_screen "anaconda_install_done", $interval);
        $timeout -= $interval;
    assert_screen "anaconda_install_done";
    # wait for transition to complete so we don't click in the sidebar
    wait_still_screen 3;
    # if this is a live install, let's go ahead and quit the installer
    # in all cases, just to make sure quitting doesn't crash etc.
    # not on web UI, as it immediately reboots
    assert_and_click "anaconda_install_done" if (get_var('LIVE') && !$webui);
    # there are various things we might have to do at a console here
    # before we actually reboot. let's figure them all out first...
    my @actions;
    push(@actions, 'consoletty0') if (get_var("ARCH") eq "aarch64");
    push(@actions, 'abrt') if (get_var("ABRT", '') eq "system");
    push(@actions, 'rootpw') if (get_var("INSTALLER_NO_ROOT"));
    # FIXME: remove plymouth from Server install_default_upload on
    # non-aarch64 to work around RHBZ #1933378
    unless (get_var("ARCH") eq "aarch64") {
        if (get_var("FLAVOR") eq "Server-dvd-iso" && get_var("TEST") eq "install_default_upload") {
            push(@actions, 'noplymouth');
    if (get_var("CANNED") && get_var("UEFI")) {
        push(@actions, 'checkefibootmgr') if (get_var("UEFI"));
    # memcheck test doesn't need to reboot at all. Rebooting from GUI
    # for no-webUI lives is unreliable (webUI lives reboot on "Quit"
    # just like non-lives). And if we're already doing something
    # else at a console, we may as well reboot from there too
    push(@actions, 'reboot') if (!get_var("MEMCHECK") && ((get_var("LIVE") && !$webui) || @actions));
    # check whether install is affected by
    # ,
    # soft fail and work around it if so
    # our approach for taking all these actions doesn't work on RDP
    # installs, fortunately we don't need any of them in that case
    # yet, so for now let's just flush the list here if we're RDP
    @actions = () if (get_var("RDP_CLIENT"));
    # If we have no actions, let's just go ahead and reboot now,
    # unless this is memcheck
    unless (@actions) {
        unless (get_var("MEMCHECK")) {
            assert_and_click "anaconda_install_done";
            if (get_var("TEST") eq 'install_default_update_netinst') {
                wait_still_screen 10;
                if (check_screen "anaconda_grey_stuck") {
                    record_soft_failure 'looks like anaconda shutdown stuck -';
                    $self->root_console(timeout => 30);
                    type_string "reboot\n";
        return undef;
    # OK, if we're here, we got actions, so head to a console. Switch
    # to console after liveinst sometimes takes a while, so 30 secs
    $self->root_console(timeout => 30);
    # this is something a couple of actions may need to know
    my $mount = "/mnt/sysimage";
    if (get_var("CANNED")) {
        # finding the actual host system root is fun for ostree...
        $mount = "/mnt/sysimage/ostree/deploy/fedora*/deploy/*.?";
    if (grep { $_ eq 'consoletty0' } @actions) {
        # somehow, by this point, localized keyboard layout has been
        # loaded for this tty, so for French and Arabic at least we
        # need to load the 'us' layout again for the next command to
        # be typed correctly
        # results
        # in boot messages going to serial console on aarch64, we need
        # them on tty0. We also need 'quiet' so we don't get kernel
        # messages, which screw up some needles. if /etc/default/grub
        # is not there, we're probably using bootupd; let's just edit
        # the BLS entries directly in that case
        if (script_run 'sed -i -e "s,\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.*\)\",\1 console=tty0 quiet\",g" ' . $mount . '/etc/default/grub') {
            assert_script_run 'sed -i -e "s,\(options .*\),\1 console=tty0 quiet,g" ' . $mount . '/boot/loader/entries/*.conf';
        else {
            # regenerate the bootloader config, only necessary if we
            # edited /etc/default/grub
            assert_script_run 'chroot ' . $mount . ' grub2-mkconfig -o $(readlink -m /etc/grub2.cfg)';
    if (grep { $_ eq 'abrt' } @actions) {
        # Chroot in the newly installed system and switch on ABRT systemwide
        assert_script_run "chroot $mount abrt-auto-reporting 1";
    if (grep { $_ eq 'rootpw' } @actions) {
        my $root_password = get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
        # this seems to have started to fail periodically with "failure while
        # writing changes to /etc/shadow" on 2023-09-01, attempt to work
        # around that
        my $count = 5;
        while ($count) {
            last unless (script_run "echo 'root:$root_password' | chpasswd -R $mount");
            die "setting root password failed five time!" unless ($count);
            $count -= 1;
    if (grep { $_ eq 'noplymouth' } @actions) {
        assert_script_run "chroot $mount dnf -y remove plymouth";
    if (grep { $_ eq 'checkefibootmgr' } @actions) {
        if (script_run 'efibootmgr | grep fedora') {
            record_soft_failure "No EFI boot manager entry created - likely RHBZ #2268505";
            # delete the optical drive entry, if there is one, so hopefully
            # we'll boot via fallback path
            unless (script_run 'efibootmgr | grep CD-ROM') {
                assert_script_run('efibootmgr -b $(efibootmgr | grep CD-ROM | head -1 | cut -f1 | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g") -B');
    type_string "reboot\n" if (grep { $_ eq 'reboot' } @actions);

sub test_flags {
    return {fatal => 1};


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