# openSUSE Machines, Products, TestSuites and JobTemplates
# use load_templates to load the file into the database
  JobTemplates => [
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "workstation_live",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "default_install" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "server_boot",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "default_install" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "generic_boot",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "default_install" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "package_set_minimal" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_repository_http_variation" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_repository_http_graphical" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_mirrorlist_graphical" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_delete_pata" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_kickstart_user_creation" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_scsi_updates_img" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_sata_multi" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_simple_encrypted" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_simple_free_space" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_multi_empty" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_software_raid" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_delete_partial" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "server_kickstart_hdd" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "fedup_minimal" },
                      machine    => { name => "64bit" },
                      product    => {
                                      arch    => "x86_64",
                                      distri  => "fedora",
                                      flavor  => "universal",
                                      version => "*",
                      test_suite => { name => "fedup_desktop" },
  Machines     => [
                      backend   => "qemu",
                      name      => "64bit",
                      settings  => [
                        { key => "QEMUCPU", value => "qemu64" },
                        { key => "QEMUCPUS", value => "2"},
                        { key => "QEMUVGA", value => "std"},
                        { key => "QEMURAM", value => "2048"}
                      variables => "",
  Products     => [
                      arch      => "x86_64",
                      distri    => "fedora",
                      flavor    => "universal",
                      name      => "",
                      settings  => [
                      variables => "",
                      version   => "*",
                      arch      => "x86_64",
                      distri    => "fedora",
                      flavor    => "generic_boot",
                      name      => "",
                      settings  => [
                      variables => "",
                      version   => "*",
                      arch      => "x86_64",
                      distri    => "fedora",
                      flavor    => "server_boot",
                      name      => "",
                      settings  => [
                      variables => "",
                      version   => "*",
                      arch      => "x86_64",
                      distri    => "fedora",
                      flavor    => "workstation_live",
                      name      => "",
                      settings  => [
                        { key => "LIVE", value => "1" },
                        { key => "DESKTOP", value => "gnome" }
                      variables => "",
                      version   => "*",
  TestSuites   => [
                      name => "default_install",
                      prio => 1,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "PACKAGE_SET", value => "default" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "package_set_minimal",
                      prio => 1,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "PACKAGE_SET", value => "minimal" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_sata_multi",
                      prio => 2,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "DISK_GUIDED_MULTI", value => "1" },
                        { key => "HDDMODEL", value => "ide-hd,bus=ahci0.0" },
                        { key => "NUMDISKS", value => "2" },
                        { key => "HDD_2", value => "disk_full.img" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_scsi_updates_img",
                      prio => 3,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "BOOT_UPDATES_IMG_URL", value => "1" },
                        { key => "GRUB", value => "inst.updates=https://fedorapeople.org/groups/qa/updates/updates-unipony.img" },
                        { key => "HDDMODEL", value => "virtio-scsi-pci" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_kickstart_user_creation",
                      prio => 4,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "KICKSTART", value => "1" },
                        { key => "GRUB", value => "inst.ks=http://jskladan.fedorapeople.org/kickstarts/root-user-crypted-net.ks" },
                        { key => "USER_LOGIN", value => "test" },
                        { key => "USER_PASSWORD", value => "test" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "111111" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_delete_pata",
                      prio => 5,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "DISK_GUIDED_DELETE_ALL", value => "1" },
                        { key => "HDDMODEL", value => "ide-hd" },
                        { key => "HDD_1", value => "disk_full.img" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_mirrorlist_graphical",
                      prio => 6,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "MIRRORLIST_GRAPHICAL", value => "1" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_repository_http_graphical",
                      prio => 7,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "REPOSITORY_GRAPHICAL", value => "http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_repository_http_variation",
                      prio => 8,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "REPOSITORY_VARIATION", value => "http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_delete_partial",
                      prio => 9,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "DISK_GUIDED_DELETE_PARTIAL", value => "1" },
                        { key => "HDD_1", value => "disk_full.img" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_simple_encrypted",
                      prio => 10,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "ENCRYPT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_simple_free_space",
                      prio => 11,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "DISK_GUIDED_FREE_SPACE", value => "1" },
                        { key => "HDD_1", value => "disk_freespace.img" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_multi_empty",
                      prio => 12,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "DISK_GUIDED_MULTI_EMPTY_ALL", value => "1" },
                        { key => "NUMDISKS", value => "2" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_software_raid",
                      prio => 13,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "DISK_SOFTWARE_RAID", value => "1" },
                        { key => "NUMDISKS", value => "2" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "server_kickstart_hdd",
                      prio => 14,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "KICKSTART", value => "1" },
                        { key => "GRUB", value => "inst.ks=hd:vdb1:/root-user-crypted-net.ks" },
                        { key => "NUMDISKS", value => "2" },
                        { key => "HDD_2", value => "disk_ks.img" },
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "111111" },
                        { key => "USER_LOGIN", value => "test" },
                        { key => "USER_PASSWORD", value => "test" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "fedup_minimal",
                      prio => 15,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                        { key => "BOOTFROM", value => "c" },
                        { key => "HDD_1", value => "disk_f21_minimal.img" },
                        { key => "UPGRADE", value => "minimal" },
                      variables => "",
                      name => "fedup_desktop",
                      prio => 15,
                      settings => [
                        { key => "ROOT_PASSWORD", value => "weakpassword" },
                        { key => "BOOTFROM", value => "c" },
                        { key => "HDD_1", value => "disk_f21_desktop.img" },
                        { key => "UPGRADE", value => "desktop" },
                      variables => "",