package utils; use strict; use base 'Exporter'; use Exporter; use lockapi; use testapi; our @EXPORT = qw/run_with_error_check type_safely type_very_safely desktop_vt boot_to_login_screen console_login console_switch_layout desktop_switch_layout console_loadkeys_us do_bootloader get_milestone boot_decrypt check_release menu_launch_type start_cockpit repo_setup/; sub run_with_error_check { my ($func, $error_screen) = @_; die "Error screen appeared" if (check_screen $error_screen, 5); $func->(); die "Error screen appeared" if (check_screen $error_screen, 5); } # high-level 'type this string quite safely but reasonably fast' # function whose specific implementation may vary sub type_safely { my $string = shift; type_string($string, wait_screen_change => 3, max_interval => 20); wait_still_screen 2; } # high-level 'type this string extremely safely and rather slow' # function whose specific implementation may vary sub type_very_safely { my $string = shift; type_string($string, wait_screen_change => 1, max_interval => 1); wait_still_screen 5; } # Figure out what tty the desktop is on, switch to it. Assumes we're # at a root console sub desktop_vt { # use ps to find the tty of Xwayland or Xorg my $xout; # don't fail test if we don't find any process, just guess tty1 eval { $xout = script_output 'ps -C Xwayland,Xorg -o tty --no-headers'; }; my $tty = 1; # default while ($xout =~ /tty(\d)/g) { $tty = $1; # most recent match is probably best } send_key "ctrl-alt-f${tty}"; } # Wait for login screen to appear. Handle the annoying GPU buffer # problem where we see a stale copy of the login screen from the # previous boot. Will suffer a ~30 second delay if there's a chance # we're *already at* the expected login screen. sub boot_to_login_screen { my %args = @_; $args{timeout} //= 300; # we may start at a screen that matches one of the needles; if so, # wait till we don't (e.g. when rebooting at end of live install, # we match text_console_login until the console disappears) my $count = 5; while (check_screen("login_screen", 3) && $count > 0) { sleep 5; $count -= 1; } assert_screen "login_screen", $args{timeout}; if (match_has_tag "graphical_login") { wait_still_screen 10, 30; assert_screen "login_screen"; } } # Switch keyboard layouts at a console sub console_switch_layout { # switcher key combo differs between layouts, for console if (get_var("LANGUAGE", "") eq "russian") { send_key "ctrl-shift"; } } # switch to 'native' or 'ascii' input method in a graphical desktop # usually switched configs have one mode for inputting ascii-ish # characters (which may be 'us' keyboard layout, or a local layout for # inputting ascii like 'jp') and one mode for inputting native # characters (which may be another keyboard layout, like 'ru', or an # input method for more complex languages) # 'environment' can be a desktop name or 'anaconda' for anaconda # if not set, will use get_var('DESKTOP') or default 'anaconda' sub desktop_switch_layout { my ($layout, $environment) = @_; $layout //= 'ascii'; $environment //= get_var("DESKTOP", "anaconda"); # if already selected, we're good return if (check_screen "${environment}_layout_${layout}", 3); # otherwise we need to switch my $switcher = "alt-shift"; # anaconda $switcher = "super-spc" if $environment eq 'gnome'; # KDE? not used yet send_key $switcher; assert_screen "${environment}_layout_${layout}", 3; } # this subroutine handles logging in as a root/specified user into console # it requires TTY to be already displayed (handled by the root_console() # method of distribution classes) sub console_login { my %args = ( user => "root", password => get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"), @_); # There's a timing problem when we switch from a logged-in console # to a non-logged in console and immediately call this function; # if the switch lags a bit, this function will match one of the # logged-in needles for the console we switched from, and get out # of sync (e.g. ) # To avoid this, we'll sleep a couple of seconds before starting sleep 2; my $good = ""; my $bad = ""; if ($args{user} eq "root") { $good = "root_console"; $bad = "user_console"; } else { $good = "user_console"; $bad = "root_console"; } if (check_screen $bad, 0) { # we don't want to 'wait' for this as it won't return script_run "exit", 0; sleep 2; } check_screen [$good, 'text_console_login'], 10; # if we're already logged in, all is good return if (match_has_tag $good); # if we see the login prompt, type the username type_string("$args{user}\n") if (match_has_tag 'text_console_login'); check_screen [$good, 'console_password_required'], 30; # on a live image, just the user name will be enough return if (match_has_tag $good); # otherwise, type the password if we see the prompt if (match_has_tag 'console_password_required') { type_string "$args{password}"; if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT") and $args{user} ne "root") { # see _do_install_and_reboot; when layout is switched # user password is doubled to contain both US and native # chars console_switch_layout; type_string "$args{password}"; console_switch_layout; } send_key "ret"; } # make sure we reached the console assert_screen($good, 30); } # load US layout (from a root console) sub console_loadkeys_us { if (get_var('LANGUAGE') eq 'french') { script_run "loqdkeys us", 0; } } sub do_bootloader { # Handle bootloader screen. 'bootloader' is syslinux or grub. # 'uefi' is whether this is a UEFI install, will get_var UEFI if # not explicitly set. 'postinstall' is whether we're on an # installed system or at the installer (this matters for how many # times we press 'down' to find the kernel line when typing args). # 'args' is a string of extra kernel args, if desired. 'mutex' is # a parallel test mutex lock to wait for before proceeding, if # desired. 'first' is whether to hit 'up' a couple of times to # make sure we boot the first menu entry. 'timeout' is how long to # wait for the bootloader screen. my %args = ( postinstall => 0, params => "", mutex => "", first => 1, timeout => 30, uefi => get_var("UEFI"), @_ ); # if not postinstall and not UEFI, syslinux $args{bootloader} //= ($args{uefi} || $args{postinstall}) ? "grub" : "syslinux"; if ($args{uefi}) { # we use the firmware-type specific tags because we want to be # sure we actually did a UEFI boot assert_screen "bootloader_uefi", $args{timeout}; } else { assert_screen "bootloader_bios", $args{timeout}; } if ($args{mutex}) { # cancel countdown send_key "left"; mutex_lock $args{mutex}; mutex_unlock $args{mutex}; } if ($args{first}) { # press up a couple of times to make sure we're at first entry send_key "up"; send_key "up"; } if ($args{params}) { if ($args{bootloader} eq "syslinux") { send_key "tab"; } else { send_key "e"; # ternary: 13 'downs' to reach the kernel line for installed # system, 2 for UEFI installer my $presses = $args{postinstall} ? 13 : 2; foreach my $i (1..$presses) { send_key "down"; } send_key "end"; } type_string " $args{params}"; } # ctrl-X boots from grub editor mode send_key "ctrl-x"; # return boots all other cases send_key "ret"; } sub get_milestone { # FIXME: we don't know how to do this with Pungi 4 yet. return ''; } sub boot_decrypt { # decrypt storage during boot; arg is timeout (in seconds) my $timeout = shift || 60; assert_screen "boot_enter_passphrase", $timeout; # type_string get_var("ENCRYPT_PASSWORD"); send_key "ret"; } sub check_release { # Checks whether the installed release matches a given value. E.g. # `check_release(23)` checks whether the installed system is # Fedora 23. The value can be 'Rawhide' or a Fedora release # number; often you will want to use `get_var('VERSION')`. Expects # a console prompt to be active when it is called. my $release = shift; my $check_command = "grep SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora"; validate_script_output $check_command, sub { $_ =~ m/REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=$release/ }; } sub menu_launch_type { # Launch an application in a graphical environment, by opening a # launcher, typing the specified string and hitting enter. Pass # the string to be typed to launch whatever it is you want. my $app = shift; # super does not work on KDE, because fml send_key 'alt-f1'; # srsly KDE y u so slo wait_still_screen 3; type_very_safely $app; send_key 'ret'; } sub start_cockpit { # Starting from a console, get to a browser with Cockpit (running # on localhost) shown. If $login is truth-y, also log in. Assumes # X and Firefox are installed. my $login = shift || 0; # run firefox directly in X as root. never do this, kids! type_string "startx /usr/bin/firefox -width 1024 -height 768 http://localhost:9090\n"; assert_screen "cockpit_login"; wait_still_screen 5; if ($login) { type_safely "root"; wait_screen_change { send_key "tab"; }; type_safely get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"); send_key "ret"; assert_screen "cockpit_main"; # wait for any animation or other weirdness # can't use wait_still_screen because of that damn graph sleep 3; } } sub repo_setup { # disable updates-testing and updates and use the compose location # as the target for fedora and rawhide rather than mirrorlist, so # tools see only packages from the compose under test my $location = get_var("LOCATION"); assert_script_run 'dnf config-manager --set-disabled updates-testing updates'; # we use script_run here as the rawhide repo file won't always exist # and we don't want to bother testing or predicting its existence; # assert_script_run doesn't buy you much with sed anyway as it'll # return 0 even if it replaced nothing script_run "sed -i -e 's,^metalink,#metalink,g' -e 's,^#baseurl.*basearch,baseurl=${location}/Everything/\$basearch,g' /etc/yum.repos.d/{fedora,fedora-rawhide}.repo", 0; script_run "cat /etc/yum.repos.d/{fedora,fedora-rawhide}.repo", 0; }