Convert domain controller test not to use rolekit

Rolekit is going away. At least for the F29 cycle, though, we
still want to test basically the same functionality. This ports
the 'domain controller role' test to use ipa-server-install
directly rather than rolectl.

Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <>
This commit is contained in:
Adam Williamson 2018-07-09 15:43:05 -07:00
parent 1c1b33840f
commit 7e7016ea14
2 changed files with 96 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -28,8 +28,15 @@ sub run {
assert_script_run 'mkdir -p /etc/ipa';
assert_script_run 'printf "[global]\ndebug = True\n" > /etc/ipa/server.conf';
# read DNS server IPs from host's /etc/resolv.conf for passing to
# rolectl
# ipa-server-install / rolectl
my @forwards = get_host_dns();
# from here we branch: for F28 and earlier we use rolekit as
# always, for F29+ we deploy directly ourselves as rolekit is
# deprecated
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
# for upgrade tests we need to check CURRREL not VERSION
$version = get_var("CURRREL") if (get_var("UPGRADE"));
if ($version < 29 && $version ne 'Rawhide') {
# we are now gonna work around a stupid bug in rolekit. we want to
# pass it a list of ipv4 DNS forwarders and have no ipv6 DNS
# forwarders. but it won't allow you to have a dns_forwarders array
@ -65,12 +72,27 @@ sub run {
# things running in phx2 cannot reach; we must make sure the phx2
# deployments use the phx2 nameservers.
assert_script_run 'echo \'{"admin_password":"monkeys123","dns_forwarders":{"ipv4":' . $fourlist . ',"ipv6":' . $sixlist .'}}\' | rolectl deploy domaincontroller --name=domain.local --settings-stdin', 1200;
# FIXME: workaround for RHBZ #1400293 on Fedora 24. Can be removed
# when Firefox is fixed.
my $release = lc(get_var('VERSION'));
if ($release ne "rawhide" && $release < 25) {
assert_script_run 'ipa-getcert resubmit -d /etc/httpd/alias -n Server-Cert -D $( uname -n )';
else {
# this is the other side of the version branch - we're on 29+,
# so no rolekit. First install the necessary packages
assert_script_run "dnf -y groupinstall freeipa-server", 600;
# configure the firewall
for my $service (qw(freeipa-ldap freeipa-ldaps dns)) {
assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service $service";
assert_script_run "systemctl restart firewalld.service";
# deploy the server
my $args = "-U --realm=DOMAIN.LOCAL --domain=domain.local --ds-password=monkeys123 --admin-password=monkeys123 --setup-dns --no-reverse";
for my $fwd (@forwards) {
$args .= " --forwarder=$fwd";
assert_script_run "ipa-server-install $args", 1200;
# enable and start the systemd service
assert_script_run "systemctl enable ipa.service";
assert_script_run "systemctl start ipa.service", 300;
# kinit as admin
assert_script_run 'echo "monkeys123" | kinit admin';
# set up an OTP for client001 enrolment (it will enrol with a kickstart)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ sub run {
my $self = shift;
# if this is an update, notify clients that we're now up again
mutex_create('server_upgraded') if get_var("UPGRADE");
# from here we branch: for F28 and earlier we use rolekit as
# always, for F29+ we decommission directly ourselves as rolekit
# is deprecated
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
# for upgrade tests we need to check CURRREL not VERSION
$version = get_var("CURRREL") if (get_var("UPGRADE"));
if ($version < 29 && $version ne 'Rawhide') {
# check the role status, should be 'running'
validate_script_output 'rolectl status domaincontroller/domain.local', sub { $_ =~ m/^running/ };
# check the admin password is listed in 'settings'
@ -25,6 +32,17 @@ sub run {
assert_script_run 'rolectl decommission domaincontroller/domain.local', 300;
# check role is decommissioned
validate_script_output 'rolectl list instances', sub { $_ eq "" };
else {
# once child jobs are done, stop the server
assert_script_run 'systemctl stop ipa.service';
# check server is stopped
assert_script_run '! systemctl is-active ipa.service';
# decommission the server
assert_script_run 'ipa-server-install -U --uninstall', 300;
# FIXME check server is
# run post-fail hook to upload logs - even when this test passes
# there are often cases where we need to see the logs (e.g. client
# test failed due to server issue)