mirror of https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora.git synced 2024-10-05 19:27:23 +00:00

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use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use lockapi;
use mmapi;
use tapnet;
use utils;
sub run {
my $self=shift;
# use compose repo, disable u-t, etc.
# from here we branch: for F28 and earlier we use rolekit as
# always, for F29+ we deploy directly ourselves as rolekit is
# deprecated
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
# for upgrade tests we need to check CURRREL not VERSION
$version = get_var("CURRREL") if (get_var("UPGRADE"));
if ($version < 29 && $version ne 'Rawhide') {
# deploy the database server role
assert_script_run 'echo \'{"database":"openqa","owner":"openqa","password":"correcthorse"}\' | rolectl deploy databaseserver --settings-stdin', 300;
# check the role status, should be 'running'
validate_script_output 'rolectl status databaseserver/1', sub { $_ =~ m/^running/ };
# check 'settings' output looks vaguely right
validate_script_output 'rolectl settings databaseserver/1', sub {$_ =~ m/owner = openqa/ };
else {
# deploy postgres directly ourselves. first, install packages...
assert_script_run 'dnf -y install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib', 300;
# configure the firewall
assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service postgresql";
assert_script_run "systemctl restart firewalld.service";
# init the db
assert_script_run "/usr/bin/postgresql-setup --initdb";
# enable and start the systemd service
assert_script_run "systemctl enable postgresql.service";
assert_script_run "systemctl start postgresql.service";
# create the owner
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "/usr/bin/createuser openqa"';
# create the database
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "/usr/bin/createdb openqa -O openqa"';
# set the password. oh, god, the quotes. THE QUOTES. trying to
# get four layers of nested quotes properly escaped through
# perl, bash and postgres is futile, so we write the command
# to a file and call psql on the file
assert_script_run 'echo "ALTER ROLE openqa WITH PASSWORD \'correcthorse\'" > /tmp/cmd';
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "psql openqa -f /tmp/cmd"';
# adjust postgresql.conf to allow network connections; sloppy
# version of how rolekit did it
assert_script_run 'sed -i -e "s,.*listen_addresses *=.*,listen_addresses=\'*\',g" /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf';
# check that worked...
upload_logs "/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf";
# adjust pg_hba.conf to use md5 authentication; sloppy version
# of how rolekit did it
assert_script_run 'sed -i -e "s,^host,#host,g" /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf';
assert_script_run 'echo "host all all all md5" >> /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf';
# check that worked...
upload_logs "/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf";
# restart the service
assert_script_run "systemctl restart postgresql.service";
# check we can connect to the database and create a table
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "psql openqa -c \'CREATE TABLE test (testcol int);\'"';
# check we can add a row to the table
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "psql openqa -c \'INSERT INTO test VALUES (5);\'"';
# check we can query the table
validate_script_output 'su postgres -c "psql openqa -c \'SELECT * FROM test;\'"', sub {$_ =~ m/^ *testcol.*5.*1 row/s };
# check we can modify the row
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "psql openqa -c \'UPDATE test SET testcol = 50 WHERE testcol = 5;\'"';
validate_script_output 'su postgres -c "psql openqa -c \'SELECT * FROM test;\'"', sub {$_ =~ m/^ *testcol.*50.*1 row/s };
# we're all ready for other jobs to run!
if ($version < 29 && $version ne 'Rawhide') {
# once child jobs are done, stop the role
assert_script_run 'rolectl stop databaseserver/1';
# check role is stopped
validate_script_output 'rolectl status databaseserver/1', sub { $_ =~ m/^ready-to-start/ };
# decommission the role
assert_script_run 'rolectl decommission databaseserver/1', 120;
# check role is decommissioned
validate_script_output 'rolectl list instances', sub { $_ eq "" };
else {
# once child jobs are done, decommission the server a bit
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "/usr/bin/dropdb -w --if-exists openqa"';
assert_script_run 'su postgres -c "/usr/bin/dropuser -w --if-exists openqa"';
# stop the server
assert_script_run 'systemctl stop postgresql.service';
# check server is stopped
assert_script_run '! systemctl is-active postgresql.service';
# FIXME check server is decommissioned...how?
sub test_flags {
return { fatal => 1 };
# vim: set sw=4 et: