# Description: Packages for the NeuroFedora computational neuroscience lab image. # # Maintained by the NeuroFedora SIG: # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/NeuroFedora # mailto:neuro-sig@lists.fedoraproject.org %packages # Includes numpy, scipy, jupyter, pandas, scikit, scipy, statsmodels, sympy, matplotlib @python-science # Add julia and R R julia #Computational neuroscience packages arbor auryn-mpich auryn-openmpi bionetgen calcium-calculator COPASI qalculate getdp genesis-simulator gnuplot moose nest neuron neurord octave # paraview python3 python3-brian2 python-brian2-doc python3-ipython python3-nest python3-neuron python3-libNeuroML python3-neo # Currently broken in rawhide # python3-nineml # python-nineml-doc python3-PyLEMS python-PyLEMS-doc python3-steps smoldyn %end