# Filename: # fedora-livecd-security.ks # Description: # A fully functional live OS based on Fedora for use in security auditing, forensics research, and penetration testing. # Maintainers: # Hiemanshu Sharma org> # Christoph Wickert org> # Joerg Simon org> # Acknowledgements: # Fedora LiveCD Xfce Spin team - some work here was inherited, many thanks! # Fedora LXDE Spin - Copied over stuff to make LXDE Default # Luke Macken, Adam Miller for the original OpenBox Security ks and all the Security Applications! %include fedora-live-base.ks %include fedora-live-minimization.ks %packages # internet firefox claws-mail # Command line cnetworkmanager irssi mutt ntfs-3g powertop wget yum-utils yum-presto # dictionaries are big #-aspell-* #-hunspell-* #-man-pages-* #-words # more fun with space saving -gimp-help #GUI Stuff @lxde Thunar thunar-volman xarchiver gnome-bluetooth alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pavucontrol system-config-printer # pam-fprint causes a segfault in LXDM when enabled -fprintd-pam # save some space -autofs -nss_db -sendmail ssmtp -acpid ###################### Security Stuffs ############################ security-menus # Reconnaissance dsniff hping3 nc6 nc ncrack nessus-client nessus-gui nessus-server ngrep nmap nmap-frontend p0f sing scanssh scapy socat tcpdump tiger unicornscan wireshark-gnome xprobe2 nbtscan tcpxtract firewalk hunt ## Apparently missing from the repositories and fails the build #halberd argus nbtscan ettercap ettercap-gtk iptraf pcapdiff picviz etherape lynis # Forensics chkrootkit clamav dd_rescue gparted hexedit prelude-lml testdisk foremost mhonarc sectool-gui rkhunter scanmem sleuthkit unhide examiner dc3dd # Wireless aircrack-ng airsnort kismet # Code analysis splint pscan flawfinder rats # Intrusion detection snort aide tripwire labrea honeyd pads prewikka prelude-notify prelude-manager nebula # Password cracking john ophcrack # Anonymity tor # under review (#461385) #hydra # Useful tools lsof ntop scrot mc # Other necessary components screen desktop-backgrounds-basic feh vim-enhanced gnome-menus gnome-terminal PolicyKit-gnome # make sure debuginfo doesn't end up on the live image -\*debug %end %post # LXDE and LXDM configuration # create /etc/sysconfig/desktop (needed for installation) cat > /etc/sysconfig/desktop <> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF # disable screensaver locking and make sure gamin gets started cat > /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart << FOE /usr/libexec/gam_server @lxpanel --profile LXDE @pcmanfm2 --desktop --profile lxde @pulseaudio -D FOE # set up preferred apps cat > /etc/xdg/libfm/pref-apps.conf << FOE [Preferred Applications] WebBrowser=mozilla-firefox.desktop MailClient=fedora-claws-mail.desktop FOE # set up auto-login for liveuser sed -i 's|# autologin=dgod|autologin=liveuser|g' /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf # Show harddisk install on the desktop sed -i -e 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/' /usr/share/applications/liveinst.desktop mkdir /home/liveuser/Desktop cp /usr/share/applications/liveinst.desktop /home/liveuser/Desktop # Add autostart for parcellite cp /usr/share/applications/fedora-parcellite.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart # this goes at the end after all other changes. chown -R liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser restorecon -R /home/liveuser EOF %end