%packages -PackageKit* # we switched to yumex, so we don't need this firefox @mate compiz compiz-plugins-main compiz-plugins-extra compiz-manager compizconfig-python compiz-plugins-unsupported compiz-mate libcompizconfig compiz-plugins-main ccsm emerald-themes emerald fusion-icon @networkmanager-submodules blueman # some apps from mate-applications caja-actions mate-disk-usage-analyzer # more backgrounds f23-backgrounds-base f23-backgrounds-mate f23-backgrounds-extras-base # system tools system-config-printer system-config-printer-applet lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings # audio video parole exaile PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin # blacklist applications which breaks mate-desktop -audacious # office @libreoffice # dsl tools rp-pppoe # FIXME; apparently the glibc maintainers dislike this, but it got put into the # desktop image at some point. We won't touch this one for now. nss-mdns %end