%packages # install env-group to resolve RhBug:1891500 @^kde-desktop-environment @firefox @kde-apps @kde-media @libreoffice # add libreoffice-draw and libreoffice-math (pagureio:fedora-kde/SIG#103) libreoffice-draw libreoffice-math fedora-release-kde -@admin-tools ### The KDE-Desktop ### fixes # use kde-print-manager instead of system-config-printer -system-config-printer # make sure mariadb lands instead of MySQL (hopefully a temporary hack) mariadb-embedded mariadb-connector-c mariadb-server # minimal localization support - allows installing the kde-l10n-* packages system-config-language kde-l10n # unwanted packages from @kde-desktop # don't include these for now to fit on a cd -desktop-backgrounds-basic -kdeaccessibility* -ktorrent # kget has also basic torrent features (~3 megs) -digikam # digikam has duplicate functionality with gwenview (~28 megs) -kipi-plugins # ~8 megs + drags in Marble -krusader # ~4 megs -k3b # ~15 megs #-kdeplasma-addons # ~16 megs # Additional packages that are not default in kde-* groups, but useful #kdeartwork # only include some parts of kdeartwork fuse mediawriter ### space issues # admin-tools -gnome-disk-utility # kcm_clock still lacks some features, so keep system-config-date around #-system-config-date # prefer kcm_systemd -system-config-services # prefer/use kusers -system-config-users ## avoid serious bugs by omitting broken stuff %end