import requests import argparse import sys import time import conf_test_suites from operator import attrgetter from import Wiki, ResTuple API_ROOT = "http://localhost/api/v1" SLEEPTIME = 60 def get_passed_testcases(job_ids): """ job_ids ~ list of int (job ids) Returns ~ list of str - names of passed testcases """ running_jobs = dict([(job_id, "%s/jobs/%s" % (API_ROOT, job_id)) for job_id in job_ids]) finished_jobs = {} while running_jobs: for job_id, url in running_jobs.items(): job_state = requests.get(url).json()['job'] if job_state['state'] == 'done': print "Job %s is done" % job_id finished_jobs[job_id] = job_state del running_jobs[job_id] if running_jobs: time.sleep(SLEEPTIME) passed_testcases = set() for job_id in job_ids: job = finished_jobs[job_id] if job['result'] =='passed': (release, milestone, compose) = job['settings']['BUILD'].split('_') testsuite = job['settings']['TEST'] arch = job['settings']['ARCH'] flavor = job['settings']['FLAVOR'] for testcase in conf_test_suites.TESTSUITES[testsuite]: # each 'testsuite' is a list using testcase names to indicate which Wikitcms tests have # passed if this job passes. Each testcase name is the name of a dict in the TESTCASES # dict-of-dicts which more precisely identifies the 'test instance' (when there is more # than one for a testcase) and environment for which the result should be filed. uniqueres = conf_test_suites.TESTCASES[testcase] testname = '' if 'name_cb' in uniqueres: testname = uniqueres['name_cb'](flavor) env = arch if uniqueres['env'] == '$RUNARCH$' else uniqueres['env'] result = ResTuple( testtype=uniqueres['type'], release=release, milestone=milestone, compose=compose, testcase=testcase, section=uniqueres['section'], testname=testname, env=env, status='pass') passed_testcases.add(result) return sorted(list(passed_testcases), key=attrgetter('testcase')) def report_results(job_ids, printcases=False, report=True): passed_testcases = get_passed_testcases(job_ids) if printcases: for restup in passed_testcases: print(restup) if report: print "Reporting test passes:" wiki = Wiki() wiki.login() if not wiki.logged_in: sys.exit("Could not log in to wiki!") # Submit the results (insuffs, dupes) = wiki.report_validation_results(passed_testcases) for dupe in dupes: tmpl = "Already reported result for test {0}, env {1}! Will not report dupe." print(tmpl.format(dupe.testcase, dupe.env)) else: print "\n\n### No reporting is done! ###\n\n" if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Evaluate per-testcase results from OpenQA job runs") parser.add_argument('jobs', type=int, nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--report', default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() report_results(, printcases=True,