# INFO: When doing a bootstrap build on a new architecture, set this to 1 to # avoid build loops. %define build_bootstrap 0 # INFO: This package contains only C header files and pkg-config *.pc files, # and does not contain any ELF binaries or DSOs, so we disable debuginfo # generation. %define debug_package %{nil} Summary: X.Org X11 Protocol headers Name: xorg-x11-proto-devel Version: 7.4 Release: 1%{?dist} License: MIT Group: Development/System URL: http://www.x.org BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch # Add virtual provides lazily as they get updated, so the server and libs # can depend on specific proto versions instead of this package's version. Source0: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/bigreqsproto-1.0.2.tar.bz2 Source1: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/compositeproto-0.4.tar.bz2 Provides: compositeproto = 0.4 Source2: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/damageproto-1.1.0.tar.bz2 Provides: damageproto = 1.1.0 Source3: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/dmxproto-2.2.2.tar.bz2 Source31: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/dri2proto-1.1.tar.bz2 Provides: dri2proto = 1.1 Source4: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/evieext-1.0.2.tar.bz2 Source5: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/fixesproto-4.0.tar.bz2 Provides: fixesproto = 4.0 Source7: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/fontsproto-2.0.2.tar.bz2 Source8: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/glproto-1.4.9.tar.bz2 Provides: glproto = 1.4.9 Source9: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/inputproto-1.4.3.tar.bz2 Provides: inputproto = 1.4.3 Source10: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/kbproto-1.0.3.tar.bz2 Provides: kbproto = 1.0.3 Source13: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/randrproto-1.2.2.tar.bz2 Provides: randrproto = 1.2.2 Source14: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/recordproto-1.13.2.tar.bz2 Source15: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/renderproto-0.9.3.tar.bz2 Provides: renderproto = 0.9.3 Source16: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/resourceproto-1.0.2.tar.bz2 Source17: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/scrnsaverproto-1.1.0.tar.bz2 Provides: scrnsaverproto = 1.1.0 Source19: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/videoproto-2.2.2.tar.bz2 Source20: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xcmiscproto-1.1.2.tar.bz2 Source21: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xextproto-7.0.3.tar.bz2 Provides: xextproto = 7.0.3 Source22: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xf86bigfontproto-1.1.2.tar.bz2 Source23: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xf86dgaproto-2.0.3.tar.bz2 Provides: xf86dgaproto = 2.0.3 Source24: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xf86driproto-2.0.4.tar.bz2 Source25: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2.tar.bz2 Source27: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xf86vidmodeproto-2.2.2.tar.bz2 Source28: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xineramaproto-1.1.2.tar.bz2 Source29: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xproto-7.0.13.tar.bz2 Provides: xproto = 7.0.13 Source30: http://www.x.org/pub/individual/proto/xproxymanagementprotocol-1.0.2.tar.bz2 BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: xorg-x11-util-macros >= 1.0.2-1 Obsoletes: XFree86-devel, xorg-x11-devel # NOTE: This dependency on xorg-x11-filesystem is required to work around # a nasty upgrade problem when going from FC4->FC5 or monolithic to # modular X.Org. Bug #173384. Requires(pre): xorg-x11-filesystem >= 0.99.2-3 %if ! %{build_bootstrap} Requires: mesa-libGL-devel Requires: libXau-devel %endif Requires: pkgconfig %description X.Org X11 Protocol headers %prep %setup -q -c %{name}-%{version} -a1 -a2 -a3 -a4 -a5 -a7 -a8 -a9 -a10 -a13 -a14 -a15 -a16 -a17 -a19 -a20 -a21 -a22 -a23 -a24 -a25 -a27 -a28 -a29 -a30 -a31 %build # Proceed through each proto package directory, building them all for dir in $(ls -1) ; do pushd $dir # yes, this looks horrible, but it's to get the .pc files in datadir %configure --libdir=%{_datadir} make %{?_smp_mflags} mv COPYING COPYING-${dir%%-*} popd done %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT for dir in $(ls -1) ; do pushd $dir make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -m 444 COPYING-${dir%%-*} $OLDPWD popd done for i in composite damage randr render ; do mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/doc/${i}proto/${i}proto.txt . done # this header is supposed to come from Mesa, not driproto rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/GL/internal/dri_interface.h # libXext still needs XLbx.h and lbxstr.h to build. The rest are junk. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbxbuf.h \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbxbufstr.h \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbxdeltastr.h \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbximage.h \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbxopts.h \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbxzlib.h %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING-* %doc compositeproto.txt %doc damageproto.txt %doc randrproto.txt %doc renderproto.txt %dir %{_includedir}/GL %{_includedir}/GL/glxint.h %{_includedir}/GL/glxmd.h %{_includedir}/GL/glxproto.h %{_includedir}/GL/glxtokens.h %dir %{_includedir}/GL/internal %{_includedir}/GL/internal/glcore.h %dir %{_includedir}/X11 %{_includedir}/X11/DECkeysym.h %{_includedir}/X11/HPkeysym.h %dir %{_includedir}/X11/PM %{_includedir}/X11/PM/PM.h %{_includedir}/X11/PM/PMproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/Sunkeysym.h %{_includedir}/X11/X.h %{_includedir}/X11/XF86keysym.h %{_includedir}/X11/XWDFile.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xalloca.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xarch.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xatom.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xdefs.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xfuncproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xfuncs.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xmd.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xos.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xos_r.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xosdefs.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xpoll.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xprotostr.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xthreads.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xw32defs.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xwindows.h %{_includedir}/X11/Xwinsock.h %{_includedir}/X11/ap_keysym.h %dir %{_includedir}/X11/dri %{_includedir}/X11/dri/xf86dri.h %{_includedir}/X11/dri/xf86dristr.h %dir %{_includedir}/X11/extensions %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/MITMisc.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XEVI.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XEVIstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XI.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XInput.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XIproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XKB.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XKBproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XKBsrv.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XKBstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XLbx.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XResproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XShm.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XTest.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xag.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xagstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xcup.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xcupstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xdbe.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xdbeproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xext.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xeviestr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xge.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xinerama.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xv.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XvMC.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/XvMCproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/Xvproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/bigreqstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/composite.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/compositeproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/damageproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/damagewire.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/dmxext.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/dmxproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/dpms.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/dpmsstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/dri2proto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/extutil.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/ge.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/geproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/lbxstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/mitmiscstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/multibuf.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/multibufst.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/panoramiXext.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/panoramiXproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/randr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/randrproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/record.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/recordstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/render.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/renderproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/saver.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/saverproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/security.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/securstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/shape.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/shapestr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/shmstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/sync.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/syncstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/vldXvMC.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xcmiscstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86bigfont.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86bigfstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86dga.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86dga1.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86dga1str.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86dgastr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86misc.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86mscstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xf86vmstr.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xfixesproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xfixeswire.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xtestext1.h %{_includedir}/X11/extensions/xteststr.h %dir %{_includedir}/X11/fonts %{_includedir}/X11/fonts/FS.h %{_includedir}/X11/fonts/FSproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/fonts/font.h %{_includedir}/X11/fonts/fontproto.h %{_includedir}/X11/fonts/fontstruct.h %{_includedir}/X11/fonts/fsmasks.h %{_includedir}/X11/keysym.h %{_includedir}/X11/keysymdef.h %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/bigreqsproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/compositeproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/damageproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/dmxproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/dri2proto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/evieproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/fixesproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/fontsproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/glproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/inputproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/kbproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/randrproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/recordproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/renderproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/resourceproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/scrnsaverproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/videoproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xcmiscproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xextproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xf86bigfontproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xf86dgaproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xf86driproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xf86miscproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xf86vidmodeproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xineramaproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xproto.pc %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/xproxymngproto.pc %changelog * Sun Jul 20 2008 Adam Jackson 7.4-1 - Magic superstition version number bump. - Dropped: fontcacheproto, trapproto, xf86rushproto - Updated: randrproto 1.2.2 * Tue Jun 10 2008 Adam Jackson 7.3-13 - xproto 7.0.13 - xextproto 7.0.3 * Mon Apr 07 2008 Adam Jackson 7.3-12 - dri2proto 1.1.0 * Tue Apr 01 2008 Adam Jackson 7.3-11 - inputproto-1.4.3-card32-sucks.patch: Unbreak qt build. (#436703) * Tue Apr 1 2008 Kristian Høgsberg - 7.3-10 - Update to xf86driproto 2.0.4. * Mon Mar 31 2008 Kristian Høgsberg 7.3-9 - Add dri2proto. * Wed Mar 05 2008 Adam Jackson 7.3-8 - inputproto 1.4.3 - xproto 7.0.12 * Tue Nov 13 2007 Adam Jackson 7.3-7 - inputproto-1.4.2-card32.patch: Make sure CARD32 is defined on lp64. * Mon Nov 12 2007 Adam Jackson 7.3-6 - renderproto 0.9.3 * Fri Nov 9 2007 Kristian Høgsberg - 7.3-5 - Bump and rebuild. * Thu Oct 25 2007 Kristian Høgsberg 7.3-4 - Pull in new glproto to get proto structs for GLX_SGIX_pbuffer. * Thu Oct 11 2007 Adam Jackson 7.3-3 - BuildArch: noarch * Thu Oct 11 2007 Adam Jackson 7.3-3 - BuildArch: noarch * Thu Sep 27 2007 Adam Jackson 7.3-2 - Require libXau-devel when not doing arch bootstrap (#207391) * Mon Sep 24 2007 Adam Jackson 7.3-1 - dgaproto 2.0.3 - Bump to 7.3 * Wed Aug 29 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-13 - Remove the horrible header hack, in favor of proper fix in xserver itself. * Tue Jul 24 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-12 - Remove dri_interface.h. It's not protocol, it belongs in Mesa. * Wed Jul 11 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-11 - compositeproto 0.4 * Wed Jul 11 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-10 - inputproto-1.4.2-horrible-header-hack.patch: Re-add some #defines from older inputproto to make old drivers build. Do not commit this patch upstream. * Thu Apr 26 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-9 - inputproto 1.4.2 * Thu Apr 05 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-8 - Add virtual provides for the subprotocols (#231156) * Mon Apr 02 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-7 - inputproto 1.4.1 * Mon Mar 12 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-6 - Fix doc macros as per package review (#226641) * Wed Feb 28 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-5 - Package review cleanups (#226641) * Wed Feb 28 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-4 - Appease RPM. (#229336) * Fri Feb 23 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-3 - damageproto 1.1.0 * Mon Feb 19 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-2 - randrproto 1.2.1 * Mon Feb 12 2007 Adam Jackson 7.2-1 - randrproto 1.2 - Superstition bump to 7.2 * Fri Jan 05 2007 Adam Jackson 7.1-11 - xproto 7.0.10 * Tue Oct 3 2006 Adam Jackson 7.1-10 - Install just enough LBX headers to make libXext build. (#203815) * Sun Oct 01 2006 Jesse Keating - 7.1-9 - rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21 * Wed Sep 20 2006 Kristian Høgsberg - 7.1-8.fc6 - Update to 1.4.8 to get the finaly update of GLX_EXT_tfp opcodes. * Fri Sep 8 2006 Soren Sandmann 7.1-7.fc6 - Remove printproto source. Rest of 175350. * Thu Aug 17 2006 Soren Sandmann 7.1-6.fc6 - Don't install xprint headers, as they are being moved to the libXp package instead. Bug 175350. * Thu Jul 27 2006 Mike A. Harris 7.1-5.fc6 - Don't install LBX protocol headers, as LBX is obsoleted in the 7.1 release and no longer supported. * Fri Jul 21 2006 Adam Jackson 7.1-4 - Use dist tag. Update to kbproto-1.0.3. * Thu Jul 13 2006 Kristian Høgsberg 7.1-3 - Tag as 7.1-3.fc5.aiglx. * Thu Jul 13 2006 Kristian Høgsberg 7.1-3 - Add dist tag. * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating 7.1-2.1 - rebuild * Wed Jun 21 2006 Mike A. Harris 7.1-2 - Update to xproto 7.0.7 for X11R7.1 - Use "make install" instead of makeinstall macro. * Thu May 25 2006 Mike A. Harris 7.1-1 - Bump package version-release to 7.1-1 for X.Org X11R7.1 release. * Fri May 12 2006 Adam Jackson 7.0-13 - Update to glproto 1.4.7 for final EXT_tfp defines * Thu Apr 27 2006 Adam Jackson 7.0-12 - Update to xproto 7.0.5 for misc fixes * Fri Apr 07 2006 Adam Jackson 7.0-10 - Update to compositeproto-0.3.1 to fix big-endian LP64. * Sat Apr 01 2006 Adam Jackson 7.0-9 - Update to scrnsaverproto-1.1 * Mon Mar 20 2006 Adam Jackson 7.0-8 - Fix the base URL. * Wed Mar 15 2006 Adam Jackson 7.0-7 - Update to fixesproto-4.0, compositeproto-0.3, and glproto-1.4.6 * Wed Mar 01 2006 Mike A. Harris 7.0-6 - Update to glproto-1.4.5 - Remove xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.0-buffer-values.patch which is in 1.4.5. * Wed Feb 22 2006 Jeremy Katz 7.0-5 - require mesa-libGL-devel since it's needed by some of the headers * Sun Feb 19 2006 Ray Strode 7.0-4 - Add back part of glproto-texture-from-drawable patch that didn't get integrated for some reason * Thu Feb 16 2006 Mike A. Harris 7.0-3 - Update to glproto-1.4.4 - Drop glproto-texture-from-drawable patch, which is integrated now. * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating 7.0-2.3 - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64) * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating 7.0-2.1 - rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes * Fri Jan 27 2006 Kristian Høgsberg 7.0-2 - Add glproto-texture-from-drawable.patch to add opcodes and tokens for GLX_texture_from_drawable extension. * Fri Dec 23 2005 Mike A. Harris 7.0-1 - Update to damageproto-1.0.3, glproto-1.4.3, xf86driproto-2.0.2 from the X11R7.0 final release. - Bump package version to 7.0 to match the X11R7 version, for no particularly strong reason other than "it feels good". * Thu Dec 15 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.4-1 - Update all proto tarballs to the RC4 release. * Wed Dec 07 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.3-1 - Update to printproto-1.0.2, trapproto-3.4.2, xproto-7.0.3 from the X11R7 RC3 release. * Mon Nov 21 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.2-3 - Added "Requires(pre): xorg-x11-filesystem >= 0.99.2-1" to attempt to workaround bug( #173384). * Thu Nov 17 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.2-2 - Change Conflicts to "Obsoletes: XFree86-devel, xorg-x11-devel" * Fri Nov 11 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.2-1 - Update to X11R7 RC2 release, picking up new xproto-7.0.2. * Thu Oct 20 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.1-2 - This package contains only C header files and pkg-config *.pc files, and does not contain any ELF binaries or DSOs, so we disable debuginfo generation. * Thu Oct 20 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.99.1-1 - Update all tarballs to X11R7 RC1 release. - Remove panoramixproto, as it is now known as xineramaproto. - Remove glu.h and glx.h from file manifest, as they're provided by Mesa. - Added {_includedir}/GL/internal/dri_interface.h to file manifest. * Sun Oct 02 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.0.1-3 - Use Fedora-Extras style BuildRoot - Invoke make with _smp_mflags - Add full URLs to SourceN lines * Mon Sep 12 2005 Kristian Høgsberg 0.0.1-2 - Update to 20050912 cvs snapshot of kbproto. * Mon Aug 22 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.0.1-1 - Changed for loop in build section to use "ls -1" instead of find "*proto*" when going through protocol dirs, as "evieext" just *HAD* to be named something completely different from everything else, in true X.Org inconsistency fashion. - Added Conflicts with XFree86-devel and xorg-x11-devel. * Mon Aug 22 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.0.1-0 - Initial build of xproto from X.Org modular CVS checkout and "make dist". - Since there are no upstream tarballs yet, and "make dist" generates a "7.0" non-beta final version, I changed the version to 0.0 as I've no idea what the intention is and want to avoid using Epoch later.