%global advanced_branch 1 %{!?release_func:%global release_func() %1%{?dist}} Summary: A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP Name: xmlrpc-c Version: 1.13.8 Release: %release_func 2 License: BSD/PSF -- see COPYING Group: System Environment/Libraries URL: http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/ %{!?advanced_branch:Source0: http://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/xmlrpc-c/xmlrpc-%version.tgz} # generated by 'make svn-sources [SVN_BASEVER=%version]'. Unfortunately, # upstream does not tag versions so we must fetch from the branch and # check which version was used for it %{?advanced_branch:Source0: xmlrpc-c-%version.tar.bz2} Patch100: make-cmake-transition.patch Patch102: fixed-broken-format-string-modifiers-for-size_t-type.patch Patch104: fixed-uninitialised-usage-of-buffer-attribute.patch BuildRoot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-%release-root #BuildRequires: w3c-libwww-devel BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: curl-devel libxml2-devel %package devel Summary: Development files for xmlrpc-c based programs Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %name = %version-%release Requires: libxml2-devel curl-devel Requires: pkgconfig %package apps Summary: Sample XML-RPC applications Group: Applications/Internet %description XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the Internet. It converts the procedure call into XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML. This library provides a modular implementation of XML-RPC for C and C++. %description devel Static libraries and header files for writing XML-RPC applications in C and C++. %description apps XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the Internet. It converts the procedure call into XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML. This package contains some handy XML-RPC demo applications. %prep %setup -q %patch100 -p1 %patch102 -p1 %patch104 -p1 ## not needed... rm doc/{INSTALL,configure_doc} %build mkdir -p fedora cd fedora export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" export CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" cmake .. \ -D_lib:STRING=%_lib \ -DMUST_BUILD_CURL_CLIENT:BOOL=ON \ -DMUST_BUILD_LIBWWW_CLIENT:BOOL=OFF \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%_prefix \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON make VERBOSE=1 %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT cd fedora make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir/*.so %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc doc/* %_libdir/*.so.* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_bindir/xmlrpc-c-config %_includedir/xmlrpc-c %_includedir/*.h %_libdir/pkgconfig/*.pc %_libdir/*.so %files apps %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc tools/xmlrpc/xmlrpc.html %doc tools/xmlrpc_transport/xmlrpc_transport.html %_mandir/man1/* %_bindir/xmlrpc %_bindir/xmlrpc_transport %_bindir/xml-rpc-api2cpp %_bindir/xmlrpc_cpp_proxy %changelog * Mon Mar 17 2008 Enrico Scholz - 1.13.8-2 - fixed cmake quoting so that pkgconfig files get correct version number - fixed handling of 'server-util' and '--cflags' within xmlrpc-c-config * Sun Mar 16 2008 Enrico Scholz - 1.13.8-1 - updated to 1.13.8 - removed some patches which were applied upstream * Tue Feb 26 2008 Enrico Scholz - 1.13.07-2 - moved to advanced branched; rediffed/updated existing cmake patch and fixed other compilation issues (#369841) * Mon Feb 18 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.06.23-2 - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3 * Wed Jan 2 2008 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.23-1 - use correct pkg-config script for 'xmlrpc-config abyss-server' output (#355411) - updated to 1.06.23 (#355411) * Tue Sep 4 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.18-1 - updated to 1.06.18 * Thu Aug 16 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.17-1 - updated to 1.06.17 * Sun Jul 22 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.16-1 - updated to 1.06.16 * Thu Jun 14 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.14-1 - updated to 1.06.14 * Sun Apr 1 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.11-2 - rediffed cmake patch against current version - made the xmlrpc-c-config compatible to the upstream version - added compatibility symlinks for some header files (thx to Robert de Vries for reporting these two issues) * Sat Mar 17 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.11-1 - updated to 1.06.11 * Sat Feb 3 2007 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.09-1 - updated to 1.06.09 - removed -typo patch since applied upstream * Mon Nov 6 2006 Jindrich Novy - 1.06.05-3 - rebuild against the new curl * Mon Oct 2 2006 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.05-2 - updated cmake patch - strip installed libraries * Wed Sep 20 2006 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.05-1 - updated to 1.06.05 - merged + updated patches * Sat Sep 16 2006 Enrico Scholz - 1.06.04-1 - updated to 1.06.04 - patched the broken buildsystem - disabled libwww backend explicitely * Sun Jun 4 2006 Enrico Scholz - 1.05-1 - updated to 1.05 - updated patches * Sat Feb 18 2006 Enrico Scholz - 1.04-2 - rebuilt for FC5 * Sun Dec 18 2005 Enrico Scholz - 1.04-1 - added libxml2-devel and openssl-devel Requires: for the -devel subpackage - ship doc/* instead of doc - initial Fedora Extras package (review 175840) * Thu Dec 15 2005 Enrico Scholz - 1.04-0.1 - disabled w3c-libwww because it does not exist anymore in FC5 and seems to be unmaintained upstream - added missing libxml2-devel - cleaned up list of %%doc files - fixed gcc4.1 build issues - removed static libraries when there exists a corresponding dynamic one * Tue Aug 2 2005 Enrico Scholz - 1.03.02-1 - Initial build.