2023-03-29 11:44:13 +00:00

128 lines
4.4 KiB

diff -up wsmancli-2.6.0/src/wsman.c.orig wsmancli-2.6.0/src/wsman.c
--- wsmancli-2.6.0/src/wsman.c.orig 2015-06-11 10:50:04.000000000 +0200
+++ wsmancli-2.6.0/src/wsman.c 2022-11-28 10:29:08.644509669 +0100
@@ -63,7 +63,11 @@ static char *cert = NULL;
static char *sslkey = NULL;
static char *endpoint = NULL;
static char *username = NULL;
+static char *username_given = NULL; /* copy of either the username from env or cmdline*/
+static char *username_prev = NULL; /* input username to request_usr_pwd() when called last time */
static char *password = NULL;
+static char *password_given = NULL; /* copy of either the password from env or cmdline */
+static char *password_prev = NULL; /* input password to request_usr_pwd() when called last time */
static char *server = "localhost";
static char *agent = NULL;
static char *url_path = NULL;
@@ -495,28 +499,79 @@ request_usr_pwd( WsManClient *client, ws
char user[21];
char *p;
- fprintf(stdout,"Authentication failed, please retry\n");
- /*
- fprintf(stdout, "%s authentication is used\n",
- wsmc_transport_get_auth_name( auth));
- */
- printf("User name: ");
- fflush(stdout);
- if ( (p = fgets(user, 20, stdin) ) != NULL )
- {
- if (strchr(user, '\n'))
- (*(strchr(user, '\n'))) = '\0';
- *username = u_strdup_printf ("%s", user);
- } else {
- *username = NULL;
+ /*
+ * fprintf(stdout,"Authentication failed, please retry\n");
+ *
+ * this message shall not be printed by this function as it cannot decide on the
+ * reason it was called for. It does not control the authentication process.
+ * wsmc_handler is better suited for such a decision making.
+ */
+ if (username_given) {
+ if (password_given) {
+ /* Initially provided combination of password and username is not valid.
+ * Request user to type both. Here I assume, that wsmc_handler called back to
+ * this function after trying a first authentication using these credentials.
+ */
+ } else {
+ /* Initially no password was provided => no authentication tried during first
+ * iteration of while loop in wsmc_handler. Check previously typed credentials
+ */
+ if (username_prev) {
+ /* This is a second call of this function, assuming only wsmc_handler is using it
+ * as a callback function. Therefore, there must have been a previous attempt to
+ * authenticate, but this previous combination of username and password did not
+ * lead to a successful authentication. Request new credentials, username_prev will
+ * be set each time after user has provided a username.
+ */
+ } else {
+ /* First time wsmc_handler calls back to this function. No password given on the
+ * command line or via the environment variable. Therefore wsmc_handler cannot
+ * have tried http authentication. A username was given on the command line or
+ * via an environment variable. And the user wants us to try this name at least
+ * at first. So, let's do him a favour and use it. When we are called back again,
+ * we will ask the user to provide a new name or the same, but a different password.
+ */
+ *username = u_strdup(username_given);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (*username == NULL) {
+ printf("User name: ");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if ( (p = fgets(user, 20, stdin) ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if (strchr(user, '\n'))
+ (*(strchr(user, '\n'))) = '\0';
+ *username = u_strdup_printf ("%s", user);
+ } else {
+ *username = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* after successfull receipt of a new username, store a copy at username_prev */
+ if (*username) {
+ if ( username_prev ) {
+ u_free(username_prev);
+ username_prev = NULL;
+ }
+ username_prev = u_strdup(*username);
+ /* but always ask for the password !? */
pw = (char *)getpass("Password: ");
*password = u_strdup_printf ("%s", pw);
+ /* make backup, *password will become free'd when next try of http-auth fails */
+ if (*password) {
+ if (password_prev) {
+ u_free(password_prev);
+ password_prev = NULL;
+ }
+ password_prev = u_strdup(*password);
+ }
static void
wsman_options_set_properties(client_opt_t *options)
@@ -647,6 +702,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ /* save copies of username or password when given on the command line or via environment variables */
+ if ( username != NULL ) {
+ username_given = u_strdup(username);
+ }
+ if ( password != NULL ) {
+ password_given = u_strdup(password);
+ }
filename = (char *) config_file;
if (filename) {