241 lines
9.7 KiB
241 lines
9.7 KiB
From bebc18c317a46cc99f50d1f6932c81df4e7da1fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <rjones@redhat.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 09:01:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] convert: More robust qemu-ga installation, change paths
Add a commit from the common submodule to attempt to make qemu-ga
installation more robust on Windows.
Rename network configuration Powershell script from "v2vnetcf" to
"network-configuration". I also dropped the ".ps1" extension as the
modified Firstboot.add_firstboot_powershell function now adds this.
Update the common submodule to get these changes:
Richard W.M. Jones (3):
mlcustomize: Use Start-Process -Wait to run qemu-ga installer
mlcustomize: Add Firstboot.firstboot_dir function
mlcustomize: Place powershell scripts into <firstboot_dir>\Temp
(cherry picked from commit c57ec4fd5d4942d2320aec4a6b01977dabb87f83)
common | 2 +-
convert/convert_windows.ml | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Submodule common 5d1f5b84..d489469f:
diff --git a/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.ml b/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.ml
index 4b9b910b..3bbba714 100644
--- a/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.ml
+++ b/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.ml
@@ -239,7 +239,22 @@ WantedBy=%s
module Windows = struct
- let rec install_service (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root =
+ (* Create and return the firstboot directory. *)
+ let create_firstboot_dir (g : Guestfs.guestfs) =
+ let rec loop firstboot_dir firstboot_dir_win = function
+ | [] -> firstboot_dir, firstboot_dir_win
+ | dir :: path ->
+ let firstboot_dir =
+ if firstboot_dir = "" then "/" ^ dir else firstboot_dir // dir in
+ let firstboot_dir_win = firstboot_dir_win ^ "\\" ^ dir in
+ let firstboot_dir = g#case_sensitive_path firstboot_dir in
+ g#mkdir_p firstboot_dir;
+ loop firstboot_dir firstboot_dir_win path
+ in
+ loop "" "C:" ["Program Files"; "Guestfs"; "Firstboot"]
+ let rec install_service (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root
+ firstboot_dir firstboot_dir_win =
(* Either rhsrvany.exe or pvvxsvc.exe must exist.
* (Check also that it's not a dangling symlink but a real file).
@@ -254,20 +269,7 @@ module Windows = struct
error (f_"One of rhsrvany.exe or pvvxsvc.exe is missing in %s. One of them is required in order to install Windows firstboot scripts. You can get one by building rhsrvany (https://github.com/rwmjones/rhsrvany)")
(virt_tools_data_dir ()) in
- (* Create a directory for firstboot files in the guest. *)
- let firstboot_dir, firstboot_dir_win =
- let rec loop firstboot_dir firstboot_dir_win = function
- | [] -> firstboot_dir, firstboot_dir_win
- | dir :: path ->
- let firstboot_dir =
- if firstboot_dir = "" then "/" ^ dir else firstboot_dir // dir in
- let firstboot_dir_win = firstboot_dir_win ^ "\\" ^ dir in
- let firstboot_dir = g#case_sensitive_path firstboot_dir in
- g#mkdir_p firstboot_dir;
- loop firstboot_dir firstboot_dir_win path
- in
- loop "" "C:" ["Program Files"; "Guestfs"; "Firstboot"] in
+ (* Create a directory for firstboot scripts in the guest. *)
g#mkdir_p (firstboot_dir // "scripts");
(* Copy pvvxsvc or rhsrvany to the guest. *)
@@ -339,11 +341,25 @@ echo uninstalling firstboot service
"PWD", REG_SZ firstboot_dir_win ];
] in
reg_import reg regedits
- );
- firstboot_dir
+ )
+let firstboot_dir (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root =
+ let typ = g#inspect_get_type root in
+ match typ with
+ | "linux" ->
+ let dir = Linux.firstboot_dir in
+ g#mkdir_p dir;
+ dir, None
+ | "windows" ->
+ let dir, dir_win = Windows.create_firstboot_dir g in
+ dir, Some dir_win
+ | _ ->
+ error (f_"guest type %s is not supported") typ
let script_count = ref 0
let add_firstboot_script (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root ?(prio = 5000) name
@@ -363,7 +379,8 @@ let add_firstboot_script (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root ?(prio = 5000) name
g#chmod 0o755 filename
| "windows", _ ->
- let firstboot_dir = Windows.install_service g root in
+ let firstboot_dir, firstboot_dir_win = Windows.create_firstboot_dir g in
+ Windows.install_service g root firstboot_dir firstboot_dir_win;
let filename = firstboot_dir // "scripts" // filename ^ ".bat" in
g#write filename (String.unix2dos content)
@@ -382,15 +399,18 @@ let add_firstboot_powershell g root ?prio name code =
assert (g#inspect_get_type root = "windows");
- let windows_systemroot = g#inspect_get_windows_systemroot root in
- (* Create the temporary directory to put the Powershell file. *)
- let tempdir = sprintf "%s/Temp" windows_systemroot in
+ (* Place the Powershell script into firstboot_dir/Temp *)
+ let firstboot_dir, firstboot_dir_win = Windows.create_firstboot_dir g in
+ let tempdir = sprintf "%s/Temp" firstboot_dir in
g#mkdir_p tempdir;
- let ps_path = sprintf "%s/%s" tempdir name in
+ let ps_path = sprintf "%s/%s.ps1" tempdir name in
+ let ps_path_win = sprintf "%s\\Temp\\%s.ps1" firstboot_dir_win name in
let code = String.concat "\r\n" code ^ "\r\n" in
g#write ps_path code;
- let fb = sprintf "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -file %s"
- ps_path in
+ (* Create a regular firstboot bat that just invokes powershell *)
+ let fb =
+ sprintf "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -file \"%s\""
+ ps_path_win in
add_firstboot_script g root ?prio name fb
diff --git a/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.mli b/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.mli
index 8231af65..34ff0690 100644
--- a/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.mli
+++ b/common/mlcustomize/firstboot.mli
@@ -16,6 +16,23 @@
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+val firstboot_dir : Guestfs.guestfs -> string -> string * string option
+(** [firstboot_dir g root]
+ returns the path of the firstboot directory, creating it in
+ the guest if necessary.
+ This returns the name of the directory as a guestfs path, and
+ optionally the name as a Windows path (only for Windows guests).
+ For Linux this could be [/usr/lib/virt-sysprep, None]
+ For Windows this could be ["/Program Files/Guestfs/Firstboot",
+ Some "C:\Program Files\Guestfs\Firstboot"]
+ Additional files that are used during firstboot can be placed
+ in this directory, but be careful not to conflict with files
+ and scripts added by the firstboot process itself. *)
val add_firstboot_script : Guestfs.guestfs -> string -> ?prio:int -> string ->
string -> unit
(** [add_firstboot_script g root prio name content] adds a firstboot
diff --git a/common/mlcustomize/inject_virtio_win.ml b/common/mlcustomize/inject_virtio_win.ml
index eee93669..b04a3b38 100644
--- a/common/mlcustomize/inject_virtio_win.ml
+++ b/common/mlcustomize/inject_virtio_win.ml
@@ -592,11 +592,11 @@ and configure_qemu_ga t files =
add "# Run qemu-ga installers";
List.iter (
fun msi_path ->
- add (sprintf "C:\\%s /norestart /qn /l+*vx C:\\%s.log"
+ add (sprintf "Start-Process -Wait -FilePath \"C:\\%s\" -ArgumentList \"/norestart\",\"/qn\",\"/l+*vx\",\"C:\\%s.log\""
msi_path msi_path)
) files;
- Firstboot.add_firstboot_powershell t.g t.root "install-qemu-ga.ps1" !script
+ Firstboot.add_firstboot_powershell t.g t.root "install-qemu-ga" !script
and configure_blnsvr t blnsvr =
let cmd = sprintf "\
diff --git a/common/mldrivers/linux_kernels.ml b/common/mldrivers/linux_kernels.ml
index 23ff76a5..e0b6b8a0 100644
--- a/common/mldrivers/linux_kernels.ml
+++ b/common/mldrivers/linux_kernels.ml
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ let detect_kernels (g : G.guestfs) root bootloader apps =
) apps in
if verbose () then (
let names = List.map (fun { G.app2_name = name } -> name) kernel_pkgs in
- eprintf "candidate kernel packages in this guest: %s%!\n"
+ eprintf "info: candidate kernel packages in this guest: %s%!\n"
(String.concat " " names)
List.filter_map (
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ let detect_kernels (g : G.guestfs) root bootloader apps =
) kernel_pkgs in
if verbose () then (
- eprintf "installed kernel packages in this guest:\n";
+ eprintf "info: installed kernel packages in this guest:\n";
List.iter (print_kernel_info stderr "\t") installed_kernels;
flush stderr
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ let detect_kernels (g : G.guestfs) root bootloader apps =
) vmlinuzes in
if verbose () then (
- eprintf "kernels offered by the bootloader in this guest (first in list is default):\n";
+ eprintf "info: kernels offered by the bootloader in this guest (first in list is default):\n";
List.iter (print_kernel_info stderr "\t") bootloader_kernels;
flush stderr
diff --git a/convert/convert_windows.ml b/convert/convert_windows.ml
index 34cf341b..2ff60bad 100644
--- a/convert/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/convert/convert_windows.ml
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) _ inspect i_firmware block_driver _ static_ips =
%systemroot%\\Sysnative\\PnPutil -i -a \
%systemroot%\\Drivers\\Virtio\\*.inf" in
- (* Set priority higher than that of "v2vnetcf.ps1" firstboot script. *)
+ (* Set priority higher than that of "network-configure" firstboot script. *)
Firstboot.add_firstboot_script g inspect.i_root ~prio:2000
"pnputil install drivers" fb_script;
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) _ inspect i_firmware block_driver _ static_ips =
* Powershell script which runs at boot.
if static_ips <> [] then (
- let psh_filename = "v2vnetcf.ps1" in
+ let psh_filename = "network-configure" in
let psh = ref [] in
let add = List.push_back psh in