
110 lines
4.2 KiB

From 006bdf2599f4d56e0612192291b846b384675e96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:08:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update common submodule
This pulls in the commits below which simplify the installation of
Qemu Guest Agent on Windows.
Richard W.M. Jones (4):
mlcustomize: firstboot: Use Linux path for Powershell script path
mlcustomize: firstboot: Use powershell.exe instead of path
mlcustomize: firstboot: Use Powershell -NoProfile flag
mlcustomize: Revert delay installation of qemu-ga MSI
(cherry picked from commit 4ba18d2d6d1155db7cd83641a650477c0a13dbec)
common | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Submodule common 830cbdcf..5d1f5b84:
diff --git a/common/mlcustomize/ b/common/mlcustomize/
index 5dc01234..4b9b910b 100644
--- a/common/mlcustomize/
+++ b/common/mlcustomize/
@@ -387,16 +387,10 @@ let add_firstboot_powershell g root ?prio name code =
(* Create the temporary directory to put the Powershell file. *)
let tempdir = sprintf "%s/Temp" windows_systemroot in
g#mkdir_p tempdir;
+ let ps_path = sprintf "%s/%s" tempdir name in
let code = String.concat "\r\n" code ^ "\r\n" in
- g#write (sprintf "%s/%s" tempdir name) code;
+ g#write ps_path code;
- (* Powershell interpreter. Should we check this exists? XXX *)
- let ps_exe =
- windows_systemroot ^
- "\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe" in
- (* Windows path to the Powershell script. *)
- let ps_path = windows_systemroot ^ "\\Temp\\" ^ name in
- let fb = sprintf "%s -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file %s" ps_exe ps_path in
+ let fb = sprintf "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -file %s"
+ ps_path in
add_firstboot_script g root ?prio name fb
diff --git a/common/mlcustomize/ b/common/mlcustomize/
index 4e0ed0e0..eee93669 100644
--- a/common/mlcustomize/
+++ b/common/mlcustomize/
@@ -575,40 +575,28 @@ and copy_from_libosinfo { g; i_osinfo; i_arch } destdir =
) driver.Libosinfo.files
with Not_found -> []
+(* Install qemu-ga. [files] is the non-empty list of possible qemu-ga
+ * installers we detected.
+ *)
and configure_qemu_ga t files =
+ let script = ref [] in
+ let add = List.push_back script in
+ add "# Virt-v2v script which installs QEMU Guest Agent";
+ add "";
+ add "# Uncomment this line for lots of debug output.";
+ add "# Set-PSDebug -Trace 2";
+ add "";
+ add "Write-Host Installing QEMU Guest Agent";
+ add "";
+ add "# Run qemu-ga installers";
List.iter (
fun msi_path ->
- (* Windows is a trashfire.
- *
- *
- *)
- let psh_script = ref [] in
- let add = List.push_back psh_script in
+ add (sprintf "C:\\%s /norestart /qn /l+*vx C:\\%s.log"
+ msi_path msi_path)
+ ) files;
- add "# Uncomment this line for lots of debug output.";
- add "# Set-PSDebug -Trace 2";
- add "";
- add "Write-Host Removing any previously scheduled qemu-ga installation";
- add "schtasks.exe /Delete /TN Firstboot-qemu-ga /F";
- add "";
- add (sprintf
- "Write-Host Scheduling delayed installation of qemu-ga from %s"
- msi_path);
- add "$d = (get-date).AddSeconds(120)";
- add "$dtfinfo = [System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo";
- add "$sdp = $dtfinfo.ShortDatePattern";
- add "$sdp = $sdp -replace 'y+', 'yyyy'";
- add "$sdp = $sdp -replace 'M+', 'MM'";
- add "$sdp = $sdp -replace 'd+', 'dd'";
- add "schtasks.exe /Create /SC ONCE `";
- add " /ST $d.ToString('HH:mm') /SD $d.ToString($sdp) `";
- add " /RU SYSTEM /TN Firstboot-qemu-ga `";
- add (sprintf " /TR \"C:\\%s /forcerestart /qn /l+*vx C:\\%s.log\""
- msi_path msi_path);
- Firstboot.add_firstboot_powershell t.g t.root
- (sprintf "install-%s.ps1" msi_path) !psh_script;
- ) files
+ Firstboot.add_firstboot_powershell t.g t.root "install-qemu-ga.ps1" !script
and configure_blnsvr t blnsvr =
let cmd = sprintf "\