- patchlevel 647

This commit is contained in:
Karsten Hopp 2015-02-28 18:00:04 +01:00
parent 2b35239f2c
commit d176780cc0

7.4.647 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
Subject: Patch 7.4.647
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
[Note: this may break the tests on MS-Windows, please send me a fix if
you can]
Patch 7.4.647
Problem: After running the tests on MS-Windows many files differ from their
originals as they were checked out.
Solution: Use a temp directory for executing the tests. (Ken Takata, Taro
Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
*** ../vim-7.4.646/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak 2015-02-17 13:43:35.562216149 +0100
--- src/testdir/Make_dos.mak 2015-02-27 21:09:13.380329915 +0100
*** 56,87 ****
SCRIPTS32 = test50.out test70.out
! SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
.SUFFIXES: .in .out
! nongui: fixff $(SCRIPTS16) $(SCRIPTS) report
! small: report
! gui: fixff $(SCRIPTS16) $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS_GUI) report
! win32: fixff $(SCRIPTS16) $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS32) report
! fixff:
! -$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim --noplugin "+argdo set ff=dos|upd" +q *.in *.ok
! -$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim --noplugin "+argdo set ff=unix|upd" +q \
! dotest.in test60.ok test71.ok test74.ok test100.ok
@echo ""
@echo Test results:
! @IF EXIST test.log ( type test.log & echo TEST FAILURE & exit /b 1 ) \
-del *.out
-del *.failed
-if exist test.ok del test.ok
-if exist small.vim del small.vim
-if exist tiny.vim del tiny.vim
--- 56,119 ----
SCRIPTS32 = test50.out test70.out
! SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
! DOSTMP = dostmp
! DOSTMP_OUTFILES = $(TEST_OUTFILES:test=dostmp\test)
.SUFFIXES: .in .out
! nongui: nolog $(SCRIPTS16) $(SCRIPTS) report
! small: nolog report
! gui: nolog $(SCRIPTS16) $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS_GUI) report
! win32: nolog $(SCRIPTS16) $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS32) report
! # Copy the input files to dostmp, changing the fileformat to dos.
! $(DOSTMP_INFILES): $(*B).in
! if not exist $(DOSTMP)\NUL md $(DOSTMP)
! if exist $@ del $@
! $(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim --noplugin "+set ff=dos|f $@|wq" $(*B).in
! # For each input file dostmp/test99.in run the tests.
! # This moves test99.in to test99.in.bak temporarily.
! $(TEST_OUTFILES): $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).in
! -@if exist test.out DEL test.out
! move $(*B).in $(*B).in.bak
! copy $*.in $(*B).in
! copy $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).in $(*B).in
! copy $(*B).ok test.ok
! $(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim -U NONE --noplugin -s dotest.in $(*B).in
! -@if exist test.out MOVE /y test.out $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out
! -@if exist $(*B).in.bak move /y $(*B).in.bak $(*B).in
! -@del X*
! -@if exist test.ok del test.ok
! -@if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
! -@if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
! -@if exist viminfo del viminfo
! $(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim --noplugin "+set ff=unix|f test.out|wq" \
! $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out
! @diff test.out $*.ok & if errorlevel 1 \
! ( move /y test.out $*.failed \
! & del $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out \
! & echo $* FAILED >> test.log ) \
! else ( move /y test.out $*.out )
@echo ""
@echo Test results:
! @if exist test.log ( type test.log & echo TEST FAILURE & exit /b 1 ) \
! else ( echo ALL DONE )
-del *.out
-del *.failed
+ -if exist $(DOSTMP) rd /s /q $(DOSTMP)
+ -if exist test.in del test.in
-if exist test.ok del test.ok
-if exist small.vim del small.vim
-if exist tiny.vim del tiny.vim
*** 92,115 ****
-if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
-if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
-if exist viminfo del viminfo
! -del test.log
-if exist benchmark.out del benchmark.out
- .in.out:
- -if exist $*.failed del $*.failed
- copy $*.ok test.ok
- $(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim -U NONE --noplugin -s dotest.in $*.in
- @diff test.out $*.ok & if errorlevel 1 \
- ( move /y test.out $*.failed & echo $* FAILED >> test.log ) \
- else ( move /y test.out $*.out )
- -del X*
- -del test.ok
- -if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
- -if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
- -if exist viminfo del viminfo
! -del test.log
--- 124,134 ----
-if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
-if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
-if exist viminfo del viminfo
! -if exist test.log del test.log
-if exist benchmark.out del benchmark.out
! -if exist test.log del test.log
*** ../vim-7.4.646/src/version.c 2015-02-27 20:33:27.452780646 +0100
--- src/version.c 2015-02-27 21:09:26.648178876 +0100
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 647,
They now pass three KNIGHTS impaled to a tree. With their feet off the
ground, with one lance through the lot of them, they are skewered up
like a barbecue.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///