Version: 33.003 Release: %autorelease URL: %global fontlicense OFL-1.1 %global fontlicenses OFL.txt %global fontdocs AUTHORS.txt *.md %global fontdocsex %{fontlicenses} %global common_description %{expand: Vazirmatn (formerly known as Vazir), is a Persian/Arabic typeface family with a simple and smooth form usable in most contexts. For Latin glyphs, Vazirmatn is combined with Roboto font, however there is also a version without Latin glyphs (Non-Latin). } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the main font family. Also used as # source rpm info. %global fontfamily0 Vazirmatn %global fontsummary0 A simple and legible Persian/Arabic typeface %global fontpkgheader0 %{expand: } %global fonts0 fonts/ttf/*.ttf %global fontconfs0 %{SOURCE10} %global fontdescription0 %{expand: %{common_description} } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the NL font family. %global fontfamily1 Vazirmatn NL %global fontsummary1 Non-Latin Vazirmatn font %global fontpkgheader1 %{expand: } %global fonts1 misc/Non-Latin/fonts/ttf/*.ttf %global fontconfs1 %{SOURCE11} %global fontdescription1 %{expand: %{common_description} This is the version of the font without Latin glyphs. } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the UI font family. %global fontfamily2 Vazirmatn UI %global fontsummary2 Vazirmatn UI font %global fontpkgheader2 %{expand: } %global fonts2 misc/UI/fonts/ttf/*.ttf %global fontconfs2 %{SOURCE12} %global fontdescription2 %{expand: %{common_description} This version of the font provides generally smaller height to be more suitable for UI. } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the UI NL font family. %global fontfamily3 Vazirmatn UI NL %global fontsummary3 Non-Latin Vazirmatn UI font %global fontpkgheader3 %{expand: } %global fonts3 misc/UI-Non-Latin/fonts/ttf/*.ttf %global fontconfs3 %{SOURCE13} %global fontdescription3 %{expand: %{common_description} This version of the font provides generally smaller height to be more suitable for UI and without Latin glyphs. } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the RD font family. %global fontfamily4 Vazirmatn RD %global fontsummary4 A variant of Vazirmatn using round dots instead of cubic ones %global fontpkgheader4 %{expand: } %global fonts4 Round-Dots/fonts/ttf/*.ttf %global fontconfs4 %{SOURCE14} %global fontdescription4 %{expand: %{common_description} This variant uses round dots including the dots used over or under letters rather than cubic dots used in original variant. } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the RD NL font family. %global fontfamily5 Vazirmatn RD NL %global fontsummary5 Non-Latin Vazirmatn RD font %global fontpkgheader5 %{expand: } %global fonts5 Round-Dots/misc/Non-Latin/fonts/*/*.ttf %global fontconfs5 %{SOURCE15} %global fontdescription5 %{expand: %{common_description} This variant uses round dots including the dots used over or under letters rather than cubic dots used in original variant. It also comes without Latin glyphs. } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the RD UI font family. %global fontfamily6 Vazirmatn RD UI %global fontsummary6 Vazirmatn RD UI font %global fontpkgheader6 %{expand: } %global fonts6 Round-Dots/misc/UI/fonts/*/*.ttf %global fontconfs6 %{SOURCE16} %global fontdescription6 %{expand: %{common_description} This version of the font provides generally smaller height to be more suitable for UI. } # Declaration for the subpackage containing the RD UI NL font family. %global fontfamily7 Vazirmatn RD UI NL %global fontsummary7 Non-Latin Vazirmatn RD UI font %global fontpkgheader7 %{expand: } %global fonts7 Round-Dots/misc/UI-Non-Latin/fonts/*/*.ttf %global fontconfs7 %{SOURCE17} %global fontdescription7 %{expand: %{common_description} This version of the font provides generally smaller height to be more suitable for UI and without Latin glyphs. } # Declaration for the subpackages of the variable versions %global fontfamily8 %{fontfamily0} VF %global fontsummary8 %{fontsummary0} (variable version) %global fontpkgheader8 %{fontpkgheader0} %global fonts8 fonts/variable/*.ttf %global fontconfs8 %{fontconfs0} %global fontdescription8 %{expand: %{fontdescription0} This is the variable version of this font. } %global fontfamily9 %{fontfamily1} VF %global fontsummary9 %{fontsummary1} (variable version) %global fontpkgheader9 %{fontpkgheader1} %global fonts9 misc/Non-Latin/fonts/variable/*.ttf %global fontconfs9 %{fontconfs1} %global fontdescription9 %{expand: %{fontdescription1} This is the variable version of this font. } %global fontfamily10 %{fontfamily4} VF %global fontsummary10 %{fontsummary4} (variable version) %global fontpkgheader10 %{fontpkgheader4} %global fonts10 Round-Dots/fonts/variable/*.ttf %global fontconfs10 %{fontconfs4} %global fontdescription10 %{expand: %{fontdescription4} This is the variable version of this font. } %global fontfamily11 %{fontfamily5} VF %global fontsummary11 %{fontsummary5} (variable version) %global fontpkgheader11 %{fontpkgheader5} %global fonts11 Round-Dots/misc/Non-Latin/fonts/variable/*.ttf %global fontconfs11 %{fontconfs5} %global fontdescription11 %{expand: %{fontdescription5} This is the variable version of this font. } Source0:{version}/vazirmatn-v%{version}.zip Source10: 55-%{fontpkgname0}.conf Source11: 55-%{fontpkgname1}.conf Source12: 62-%{fontpkgname2}.conf Source13: 62-%{fontpkgname3}.conf Source14: 55-%{fontpkgname4}.conf Source15: 55-%{fontpkgname5}.conf Source16: 62-%{fontpkgname6}.conf Source17: 62-%{fontpkgname7}.conf # Generate the font subpackage headers %fontpkg -a # Generate a font meta(sub)package header for all the font subpackages generated in this spec. %fontmetapkg %prep %setup -q -c %linuxtext *.txt %build %fontbuild -a sed -i 's/VF/(Variable)/' org*.xml %install %{lua: for i = 0, 7 do print(rpm.expand('%fontinstall -z ' .. i)) end} # Remove shared symlinks to prevent errors during fontinstall rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/fonts/conf.d/55-* %{lua: for i = 8, 11 do print(rpm.expand('%fontinstall -z ' .. i)) end} %check %fontcheck -a %fontfiles -a %changelog %autochangelog