--- - name: "{{ test.name }} | install test packages" dnf: name="{{ test.package }}-tests" state=installed - name: "{{ test.name }} | define helper variables" set_fact: test_name_oneword: "{{ test.name | replace(' ','-') }}" # UGH. This is necessary because our caller sets some environment variables # and we need to set a few more based on other caller variables; then we # need to combine the two dicts when running the test. This seems to be # the only way to do it in ansible. - name: "{{ test.name }} | define local environment" set_fact: local_environment: TEST_NAME: "{{ test.name }}" TEST_PACKAGE: "{{ test.package }}" - name: "{{ test.name }} | setup/teardown helper | see if exists" local_action: stat path={{ role_path }}/files/helper.{{ test_name_oneword }}.sh register: helper - name: "{{ test.name }} | setup/teardown helper | install" copy: src=helper.{{ test_name_oneword }}.sh dest=/tmp/helper.sh when: helper.stat.exists - name: "{{ test.name }} | run test" script: ./run_bats_tests.sh args: chdir: /usr/share/{{ test.package }}/test/system become: "{{ true if test.become is defined else false }}" become_user: testuser environment: "{{ local_environment }}" - name: "{{ test.name }} | pull logs" fetch: src: "/tmp/test.{{ item }}.log" dest: "{{ artifacts }}/test.{{ test_name_oneword }}.{{ item }}.log" flat: yes with_items: - bats - debug - name: "{{ test.name }} | remove remote logs and helpers" file: dest=/tmp/{{ item }} state=absent with_items: - test.bats.log - test.debug.log - helper.sh