39345 lines
1.6 MiB
39345 lines
1.6 MiB
From d2ac20b39ead7d575ca4369fef6e983a38482fa0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Vogt <fvogt@suse.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 10:59:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Remove call to removed QCPGraph::addItem as done in the
constructor now
- Needed to build with QCustomPlot 2.0.0-beta
tools/thermal_monitor/mainwindow.cpp | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/tools/thermal_monitor/mainwindow.cpp b/tools/thermal_monitor/mainwindow.cpp
index 537f349..6f11907 100644
--- a/tools/thermal_monitor/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/tools/thermal_monitor/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ void MainWindow::setupPlotWidget()
if (trip_count > 0) {
for (int trip = 0; trip < trip_count; trip++){
QCPItemLine *line = new QCPItemLine(m_plotWidget);
- m_plotWidget->addItem(line);
temp = m_thermaldInterface->getTripTempForZone(zone, trip);
line->start->setCoords(0, temp);
line->end->setCoords(SAMPLE_STORE_SIZE - 1, temp);
From 0d4e362d5e6a6d2c7c4040f1ec4de5bce3a33c14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Vogt <fvogt@suse.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 11:01:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update to QCustomPlot 2.0.0-beta
- Various bugfixes
- Minor API breaks
- Supports HiDPI
tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/changelog.txt | 117 +
tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp | 27188 ++++++++++++--------
tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h | 4491 +++-
3 files changed, 20487 insertions(+), 11309 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/changelog.txt b/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/changelog.txt
index 7acf22a..5e51a14 100644
--- a/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/changelog.txt
+++ b/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,120 @@
+#### Version 2.0.0-beta released on 13.09.16 ####
+Added major features:
+ - Axis tick and tick label generation was completely refactored and is now handled in the QCPAxisTicker class (also see QCPAxis::setTicker). Available ticker subclasses for special uses cases:
+ QCPAxisTicker, QCPAxisTickerFixed, QCPAxisTickerLog, QCPAxisTickerPi, QCPAxisTickerTime, QCPAxisTickerDateTime, QCPAxisTickerText
+ - Data container is now based on QCPDataContainer template for unified data interface and significantly improved memory footprint and better performance for common use-cases, especially data adding/removing.
+ - New data selection mechanism allows selection of single data points and data ranges for plottables. See special documentation page "data selection mechanism".
+ - Rubber band/selection rect for data point selection and axis zooming is now available, see documentation of QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode and QCPSelectionRect. For this purpose, the new default
+ layer "overlay" was introduced, which is now the top layer, and holds the QCustomPlot's QCPSelectionRect instance.
+ - Data sharing between plottables of the same type (see setData methods taking a QSharedPointer)
+ - OpenGL hardware acceleration is now available across all Qt versions (including Qt4) in a unified, simple interface, with QCustomPlot::setOpenGl
+ - QCPStatisticalBox can now display a series of statistical boxes instead of only a single one
+ - New QCPErrorBars plottable allows attaching error bars to any one-dimensional plottable (QCPGraph has thus lost its own error-bar capability)
+ - QCPColorMap now supports transparency via alpha in its color gradient stops, and via a dedicated cell-wise alpha map (see QCPColorMapData::setAlpha)
+ - Layers may now be individually replotted (QCPLayer::replot), if the mode (QCPLayer::setMode) is set to lmBuffered. Mutually adjacent lmLogical layers share a single paint buffer to save resources.
+ By default, the new topmost "overlay" layer which contains the selection rect is an lmBuffered layer. Updating the selection rect is thus very fast, independent of the plot contents.
+ - QCPLayerable (and thus practically all objects in QCP) now have virtual methods to receive mouse press/move/release/doubleclick/wheel events. Before, only QCPLayoutElement provided them.
+ this makes it much easier to subclass e.g. items and plottables to provide custom mouse interactions that were cumbersome and awkward with the simpler signal-based interface
+Added minor features:
+ - High-DPI support for Qt versions 5.0 and up, using device pixel ratio detected by Qt (can be changed manually via QCustomPlot::setBufferDevicePixelRatio).
+ - QCPGraph and QCPCurve can now be configured to only display every n'th scatter symbol, see ::setScatterSkip() method
+ - QCPFinancial allows to define bar width in absolute pixels and axis rect ratio, instead of only in plot key coordinates (see QCPFinancial::setWidthType)
+ - Range dragging/zooming can now be configured to affect more than one axis per orientation (see new overloads of QCPAxisRect::setRangeDragAxes/setRangeZoomAxes)
+ - Added QCPTextElement (replaces QCPPlotTitle) for general texts in layouts. Provides clicked and doubleClicked signals, as replacement for the removed QCustomPlot::titleClicked/titleDoubleClicked
+ - Export functions (QCustomPlot::savePng etc.) now support specifying the resolution that will be written to the image file header. This improves operability with other tools which respect metadata.
+ - Replots can now be queued to the next event loop iteration with replot(QCP::rpQueuedReplot). This way you can successively ask for a replot at multiple code locations without causing redundant replots
+ - QCPAxisRect::zoom(...) allows to zoom to a specific rectangular region given in pixel coordinates, either affecting all axes or a specified subset of axes.
+ - QCPRange::bounded returns a bounded range, trying to preserve its size. Works with rangeChanged signal to limit the allowed range (see rangeChanged doc)
+ - Plottable rescaleValueAxis method (and getValueRange) now take parameter inKeyRange, which allows rescaling of the value axis only with respect to data in the currently visible key range
+ - plottableClick and plottableDoubleClick signals now carry the clicked data point index as second parameter
+ - Added QCPAxis::scaleRange overload without "center" argument, which scales around the current axis range center
+ - Added QCPRange::expand/expanded overloads which take only one double parameter
+ - Plottables addToLegend/removeFromLegend methods now have overloads that take any QCPLegend, to make working with non-default legends easier (legends that are not QCustomPlot::legend)
+ - Added QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerAntialiased to allow controlling antialiasing state of whiskers independently of quartile box/median line
+ - The virtual method QCPLayoutElement::layoutChanged() now allows subclasses to react on a move of the layout element between logical positions in the parent layout, or between layouts
+ - QCPMarginGroup::commonMargin is now virtual, to facilitate subclassing of QCPMarginGroup
+ - QCPGraph::getPreparedData is now virtual, and thus allows subclasses to easily generate own plotted data, e.g. on-the-fly.
+ - Added QCPRange qDebug stream operator
+ - QCPLayoutGrid (and thus QCPLegend) can now wrap rows or columns at specified row/column counts, see setFillOrder, setWrap and the new addElement overload which doesn't have row/column index
+Bugfixes [Also backported to 1.3.2]:
+ - Fixed possible crash when having a QCPGraph with scatters only and a non-transparent main/fill brush of the graph
+ - Fixed QCPItemPixmap not updating internally cached scaled pixmap if new pixmap set with same scaled dimensions
+ - When using log axis scale and zooming out as far as possible (~1e-280..1e280), axis doesn't end up in (via mouse) unrecoverable range with strange axis ticks anymore
+ - Axis tick label algorithm for beautifully typeset powers now checks whether "e" in tick label is actually part of a number before converting the exponent to superscript
+ - Fixed QCustomPlot::moveLayer performing incorrect move and possible crash in certain situations
+ - Fixed possible crash on QCustomPlot destruction due to wrong QObject-hierarchy. Only occurs if a QCPAxisRect is removed from the normal QCustomPlot destruction hierarchy by taking it out of its layout
+ - Fixed possible freeze when data values become infinity after coord-to-pixel transformation (e.g. maximally zoomed out log axis), and line style is not solid (e.g. dashed) or phFastPolylines is disabled
+ - Fixed a few missing enums in meta type system, by unifying usage of Q_ENUMS, Q_FLAGS and Q_DECLARE_METATYPE
+Bugfixes [Not in 1.3.2]:
+ - Fixed QCPItemLine/QCPItemStraightLine not being selectable when defining coords are many orders of magnitude (>1e8) larger than currently viewed range
+ - Fixed/worked around crash due to bug in QPainter::drawPixmap with very large negative x/y pixel coordinates, when drawing sparse pixmap scatters
+ - Fixed possible (but unlikely) int overflow in adaptive sampling algorithm, that could cause plot artifacts when using extremely sparse data (with respect to current key axis range).
+ - Fixed QCPBarsGroup bug which caused stPlotCoords spacing to be wrong with vertical key axes
+ - A QCPBars axis rescale in the main window constructor (i.e. without well-defined plot size) now falls back to a datapoint-tight rescaling instead of doing nothing (because bar width can't be determined)
+ - Improved QCPBars stacking when using bars with very large keys and key separation at limit of double precision
+Summary of backward incompatible changes:
+ Plottable related:
+ - Removed QCustomPlot::addPlottable, not needed anymore as plottables now automatically register in their constructor
+ - Removed QCustomPlot::addItem, not needed anymore as items now automatically register in their constructor
+ - QCPAbstractPlottable::addToLegend/removeFromLegend are not virtual anymore. If your plottable requires a custom legend item, add it to the legend manually.
+ - setData/addData method overloads of plottables have changed to facilitate data sharing and new data container (see documentation)
+ - plottableClick and plottableDoubleClick signals now carry the clicked data point index as second parameter, and the QMouseEvent parameter has moved to third.
+ Check all your usages of those signals, because Qt's connect method only reports problems during runtime!
+ - setSelectable now not only limits what can be selected by the user, but limits also any programmatic selection changes via setSelected.
+ - enum QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain has changed namespace to QCP::SignDomain
+ Axis related:
+ - Removed QCPAxis::setAutoTicks, setAutoTickCount, setAutoTickLabels, setAutoTickStep, setAutoSubTicks, setTickLabelType, setDateTimeFormat, setDateTimeSpec,
+ setTickStep, setTickVector, setTickVectorLabels, setSubTickCount in favor of new QCPAxisTicker-based interface
+ - Added QCPAxis::setSubTicks to enable/disable subticks (manually controlling the subtick count needs subclassing of QCPAxisTicker, e.g. QCPAxisTickerText and QCPAxisTickerLog provide setSubTickCount)
+ Item related:
+ - Renamed QCPAbstractItem::rectSelectTest to rectDistance, to prevent confusion with new QCPAbstractPlottable1D::selectTestRect
+ - Renamed QCPItemAnchor::pixelPoint to QCPItemAnchor::pixelPosition (also affects subclass QCPItemPosition)
+ General:
+ - Renamed QCustomPlot::RefreshPriority enums (parameter of the replot() method): rpImmediate to rpImmediateRefresh, rpQueued to rpQueuedRefresh, rpHint to rpRefreshHint
+ - Renamed QCustomPlot::PlottingHint enum phForceRepaint to phImmediateRefresh
+ - Removed QCPPlotTitle layout element (See new QCPTextElement for almost drop-in replacement)
+ - Removed signals QCustomPlot::titleClicked/titleDoubleClicked, replaced by QCPTextElement signals clicked/doubleClicked.
+ - QCustomPlot::savePdf has changed parameters from (fileName, bool noCosmeticPen, width, height,...) to (fileName, width, height, QCP::ExportPen exportPen,...)
+ - Virtual methods QCPLayoutElement::mouseMoveEvent/mouseReleaseEvent (which are now introduced already in the superclass QCPLayerable) have gained an additional parameter const QPointF &startPos.
+ If you have reimplemented these methods, make sure to update your function signatures, otherwise your reimplementations will likely be ignored by the compiler without warning
+ - Creating a new QCPColorGradient without supplying a preset parameter in the constructor now creates an empty gradient, instead of loading the gpCold preset
+ - Replaced usage of Qt's QVector2D with own QCPVector2D which uses double precision and offers some convenience functions
+ - Extended relative range to which QCPItemLine/QCPItemStraightLine can be zoomed before vanishing from ~1e9 to ~1e16
+ - Removed QCPItemStraightLine::distToStraightLine (replaced by QCPVector2D::distanceToStraightLine)
+ - Removed QCPAbstractPlottable::distSqrToLine and QCPAbstractItem::distSqrToLine (replaced by QCPVector2D::distanceSquaredToLine)
+ - Qt5.5 compatibility (If you use PDF export, test your outputs, as output dimensions might change when switching Qt versions -- QCP does not try to emulate previous Qt version behaviour here)
+ - QCP now includes <QtPrintSupport/QtPrintSupport> instead of just <QtPrintSupport> because some users had problems with the latter. Please report if you now experience issues due to the new include.
+ - QCPGraph can now use a brush (filled polygon under the graph data) without having a graph line (line style lsNone)
+ - QCPFinancial is now two-colored (setTwoColored(true)) by default, and has green/red as default two-colored brushes and pens
+ - Plottable pixelsToCoords/coordsToPixels methods are now public, and offer transformations from pixel to plot coordinates and vice versa, using the plottable's axes
+ - Plottable getKeyRange/getValueRange methods are now public
+ - QCPBarsGroup now always places the QCPBars that was added to the group first towards lower keys, independent of axis orientation or direction (the ordering used to flip with axis orientation)
+ - Default focus policy for QCustomPlot is now Qt::ClickFocus, instead of Qt::NoFocus.
+ - tweaked QCPLegend and QCPAbstractLegendItem margins: The items have by default zero own margins, and QCPLegend row- and column spacing was increased to compensate. Legend was made slightly denser by default.
+ - Used doxygen version is now 1.8.12, and documentation/postprocessing-scripts were adapted accordingly. Expect minor issues and some warnings when using older doxygen.
+#### Version 1.3.2 released on 22.12.15 ####
+ Bugfixes [Backported from 2.0.0 branch]:
+ - Fixed possible crash when having a QCPGraph with scatters only and a non-transparent main/fill brush of the graph
+ - Fixed QCPItemPixmap not updating internally cached scaled pixmap if new pixmap set with same scaled dimensions
+ - When using log axis scale and zooming out as far as possible (~1e-280..1e280), axis doesn't end up in (via mouse) unrecoverable range with strange axis ticks anymore
+ - Axis tick label algorithm for beautifully typeset powers now checks whether "e" in tick label is actually part of a number before converting the exponent to superscript
+ - Fixed QCustomPlot::moveLayer performing incorrect move and possible crash in certain situations
+ - Fixed possible crash on QCustomPlot destruction due to wrong QObject-hierarchy. Only occurs if a QCPAxisRect is removed from the normal QCustomPlot destruction hierarchy by taking it out of its layout
+ - Fixed possible freeze when data values become infinity after coord-to-pixel transformation (e.g. maximally zoomed out log axis), and line style is not solid (e.g. dashed) or phFastPolylines is disabled
+ Other [Backported from 2.0.0 branch]:
+ - A few documentation fixes/improvements
+ - Qt5.5 compatibility (If you use PDF export, test your outputs, as output dimensions might change when switching Qt versions -- QCP does not try to emulate previous Qt version behaviour here)
+ - QCP now includes <QtPrintSupport/QtPrintSupport> instead of just <QtPrintSupport> because some users had problems with the latter. Please report if you now experience issues due to the new include.
#### Version 1.3.1 released on 25.04.15 ####
diff --git a/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp b/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp
index 8e7240c..94cd3c2 100644
--- a/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp
+++ b/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
** **
** QCustomPlot, an easy to use, modern plotting widget for Qt **
-** Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Emanuel Eichhammer **
+** Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Emanuel Eichhammer **
** **
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify **
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by **
@@ -19,13 +19,248 @@
** Author: Emanuel Eichhammer **
** Website/Contact: http://www.qcustomplot.com/ **
-** Date: 25.04.15 **
-** Version: 1.3.1 **
+** Date: 13.09.16 **
+** Version: 2.0.0-beta **
#include "qcustomplot.h"
+/* including file 'src/vector2d.cpp', size 7340 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPVector2D
+/*! \class QCPVector2D
+ \brief Represents two doubles as a mathematical 2D vector
+ This class acts as a replacement for QVector2D with the advantage of double precision instead of
+ single, and some convenience methods tailored for the QCustomPlot library.
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn void QCPVector2D::setX(double x)
+ Sets the x coordinate of this vector to \a x.
+ \see setY
+/*! \fn void QCPVector2D::setY(double y)
+ Sets the y coordinate of this vector to \a y.
+ \see setX
+/*! \fn double QCPVector2D::length() const
+ Returns the length of this vector.
+ \see lengthSquared
+/*! \fn double QCPVector2D::lengthSquared() const
+ Returns the squared length of this vector. In some situations, e.g. when just trying to find the
+ shortest vector of a group, this is faster than calculating \ref length, because it avoids
+ calculation of a square root.
+ \see length
+/*! \fn QPoint QCPVector2D::toPoint() const
+ Returns a QPoint which has the x and y coordinates of this vector, truncating any floating point
+ information.
+ \see toPointF
+/*! \fn QPointF QCPVector2D::toPointF() const
+ Returns a QPointF which has the x and y coordinates of this vector.
+ \see toPoint
+/*! \fn bool QCPVector2D::isNull() const
+ Returns whether this vector is null. A vector is null if \c qIsNull returns true for both x and y
+ coordinates, i.e. if both are binary equal to 0.
+/*! \fn QCPVector2D QCPVector2D::perpendicular() const
+ Returns a vector perpendicular to this vector, with the same length.
+/*! \fn double QCPVector2D::dot() const
+ Returns the dot/scalar product of this vector with the specified vector \a vec.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the x and y coordinates to 0.
+QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D() :
+ mX(0),
+ mY(0)
+ Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the \a x and \a y coordinates with the specified
+ values.
+QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D(double x, double y) :
+ mX(x),
+ mY(y)
+ Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the x and y coordinates respective coordinates of
+ the specified \a point.
+QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D(const QPoint &point) :
+ mX(point.x()),
+ mY(point.y())
+ Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the x and y coordinates respective coordinates of
+ the specified \a point.
+QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D(const QPointF &point) :
+ mX(point.x()),
+ mY(point.y())
+ Normalizes this vector. After this operation, the length of the vector is equal to 1.
+ \see normalized, length, lengthSquared
+void QCPVector2D::normalize()
+ double len = length();
+ mX /= len;
+ mY /= len;
+ Returns a normalized version of this vector. The length of the returned vector is equal to 1.
+ \see normalize, length, lengthSquared
+QCPVector2D QCPVector2D::normalized() const
+ QCPVector2D result(mX, mY);
+ result.normalize();
+ return result;
+/*! \overload
+ Returns the squared shortest distance of this vector (interpreted as a point) to the finite line
+ segment given by \a start and \a end.
+ \see distanceToStraightLine
+double QCPVector2D::distanceSquaredToLine(const QCPVector2D &start, const QCPVector2D &end) const
+ QCPVector2D v(end-start);
+ double vLengthSqr = v.lengthSquared();
+ if (!qFuzzyIsNull(vLengthSqr))
+ {
+ double mu = v.dot(*this-start)/vLengthSqr;
+ if (mu < 0)
+ return (*this-start).lengthSquared();
+ else if (mu > 1)
+ return (*this-end).lengthSquared();
+ else
+ return ((start + mu*v)-*this).lengthSquared();
+ } else
+ return (*this-start).lengthSquared();
+/*! \overload
+ Returns the squared shortest distance of this vector (interpreted as a point) to the finite line
+ segment given by \a line.
+ \see distanceToStraightLine
+double QCPVector2D::distanceSquaredToLine(const QLineF &line) const
+ return distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(line.p1()), QCPVector2D(line.p2()));
+ Returns the shortest distance of this vector (interpreted as a point) to the infinite straight
+ line given by a \a base point and a \a direction vector.
+ \see distanceSquaredToLine
+double QCPVector2D::distanceToStraightLine(const QCPVector2D &base, const QCPVector2D &direction) const
+ return qAbs((*this-base).dot(direction.perpendicular()))/direction.length();
+ Scales this vector by the given \a factor, i.e. the x and y components are multiplied by \a
+ factor.
+QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator*=(double factor)
+ mX *= factor;
+ mY *= factor;
+ return *this;
+ Scales this vector by the given \a divisor, i.e. the x and y components are divided by \a
+ divisor.
+QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator/=(double divisor)
+ mX /= divisor;
+ mY /= divisor;
+ return *this;
+ Adds the given \a vector to this vector component-wise.
+QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator+=(const QCPVector2D &vector)
+ mX += vector.mX;
+ mY += vector.mY;
+ return *this;
+ subtracts the given \a vector from this vector component-wise.
+QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator-=(const QCPVector2D &vector)
+ mX -= vector.mX;
+ mY -= vector.mY;
+ return *this;
+/* end of 'src/vector2d.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/painter.cpp', size 8670 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPPainter
@@ -73,10 +308,6 @@ QCPPainter::QCPPainter(QPaintDevice *device) :
Sets the pen of the painter and applies certain fixes to it, depending on the mode of this
@@ -243,471 +474,543 @@ void QCPPainter::makeNonCosmetic()
+/* end of 'src/painter.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/paintbuffer.cpp', size 18502 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPScatterStyle
+//////////////////// QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
-/*! \class QCPScatterStyle
- \brief Represents the visual appearance of scatter points
- This class holds information about shape, color and size of scatter points. In plottables like
- QCPGraph it is used to store how scatter points shall be drawn. For example, \ref
- QCPGraph::setScatterStyle takes a QCPScatterStyle instance.
- A scatter style consists of a shape (\ref setShape), a line color (\ref setPen) and possibly a
- fill (\ref setBrush), if the shape provides a fillable area. Further, the size of the shape can
- be controlled with \ref setSize.
+/*! \class QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
+ \brief The abstract base class for paint buffers, which define the rendering backend
- \section QCPScatterStyle-defining Specifying a scatter style
- You can set all these configurations either by calling the respective functions on an instance:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpscatterstyle-creation-1
- Or you can use one of the various constructors that take different parameter combinations, making
- it easy to specify a scatter style in a single call, like so:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpscatterstyle-creation-2
- \section QCPScatterStyle-undefinedpen Leaving the color/pen up to the plottable
- There are two constructors which leave the pen undefined: \ref QCPScatterStyle() and \ref
- QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size). If those constructors are used, a call to \ref
- isPenDefined will return false. It leads to scatter points that inherit the pen from the
- plottable that uses the scatter style. Thus, if such a scatter style is passed to QCPGraph, the line
- color of the graph (\ref QCPGraph::setPen) will be used by the scatter points. This makes
- it very convenient to set up typical scatter settings:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpscatterstyle-shortcreation
+ This abstract base class defines the basic interface that a paint buffer needs to provide in
+ order to be usable by QCustomPlot.
- Notice that it wasn't even necessary to explicitly call a QCPScatterStyle constructor. This works
- because QCPScatterStyle provides a constructor that can transform a \ref ScatterShape directly
- into a QCPScatterStyle instance (that's the \ref QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size)
- constructor with a default for \a size). In those cases, C++ allows directly supplying a \ref
- ScatterShape, where actually a QCPScatterStyle is expected.
- \section QCPScatterStyle-custompath-and-pixmap Custom shapes and pixmaps
- QCPScatterStyle supports drawing custom shapes and arbitrary pixmaps as scatter points.
+ A paint buffer manages both a surface to draw onto, and the matching paint device. The size of
+ the surface can be changed via \ref setSize. External classes (\ref QCustomPlot and \ref
+ QCPLayer) request a painter via \ref startPainting and then perform the draw calls. Once the
+ painting is complete, \ref donePainting is called, so the paint buffer implementation can do
+ clean up if necessary. Before rendering a frame, each paint buffer is usually filled with a color
+ using \ref clear (usually the color is \c Qt::transparent), to remove the contents of the
+ previous frame.
- For custom shapes, you can provide a QPainterPath with the desired shape to the \ref
- setCustomPath function or call the constructor that takes a painter path. The scatter shape will
- automatically be set to \ref ssCustom.
- For pixmaps, you call \ref setPixmap with the desired QPixmap. Alternatively you can use the
- constructor that takes a QPixmap. The scatter shape will automatically be set to \ref ssPixmap.
- Note that \ref setSize does not influence the appearance of the pixmap.
+ The simplest paint buffer implementation is \ref QCPPaintBufferPixmap which allows regular
+ software rendering via the raster engine. Hardware accelerated rendering via pixel buffers and
+ frame buffer objects is provided by \ref QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer and \ref QCPPaintBufferGlFbo.
+ They are used automatically if \ref QCustomPlot::setOpenGl is enabled.
-/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/* start documentation of pure virtual functions */
-/*! \fn bool QCPScatterStyle::isNone() const
- Returns whether the scatter shape is \ref ssNone.
- \see setShape
+/*! \fn virtual QCPPainter *QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::startPainting() = 0
+ Returns a \ref QCPPainter which is ready to draw to this buffer. The ownership and thus the
+ responsibility to delete the painter after the painting operations are complete is given to the
+ caller of this method.
+ Once you are done using the painter, delete the painter and call \ref donePainting.
+ While a painter generated with this method is active, you must not call \ref setSize, \ref
+ setDevicePixelRatio or \ref clear.
+ This method may return 0, if a painter couldn't be activated on the buffer. This usually
+ indicates a problem with the respective painting backend.
-/*! \fn bool QCPScatterStyle::isPenDefined() const
- Returns whether a pen has been defined for this scatter style.
- The pen is undefined if a constructor is called that does not carry \a pen as parameter. Those are
- \ref QCPScatterStyle() and \ref QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size). If the pen is
- left undefined, the scatter color will be inherited from the plottable that uses this scatter
- style.
- \see setPen
+/*! \fn virtual void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::draw(QCPPainter *painter) const = 0
+ Draws the contents of this buffer with the provided \a painter. This is the method that is used
+ to finally join all paint buffers and draw them onto the screen.
+/*! \fn virtual void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::clear(const QColor &color) = 0
+ Fills the entire buffer with the provided \a color. To have an empty transparent buffer, use the
+ named color \c Qt::transparent.
+ This method must not be called if there is currently a painter (acquired with \ref startPainting)
+ active.
+/*! \fn virtual void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::reallocateBuffer() = 0
+ Reallocates the internal buffer with the currently configured size (\ref setSize) and device
+ pixel ratio, if applicable (\ref setDevicePixelRatio). It is called as soon as any of those
+ properties are changed on this paint buffer.
+ \note Subclasses of \ref QCPAbstractPaintBuffer must call their reimplementation of this method
+ in their constructor, to perform the first allocation (this can not be done by the base class
+ because calling pure virtual methods in base class constructors is not possible).
+/* end documentation of pure virtual functions */
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn virtual void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::donePainting()
+ If you have acquired a \ref QCPPainter to paint onto this paint buffer via \ref startPainting,
+ call this method as soon as you are done with the painting operations and have deleted the
+ painter.
+ paint buffer subclasses may use this method to perform any type of cleanup that is necessary. The
+ default implementation does nothing.
/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with size set to 6. No shape, pen or brush is defined.
- Since the pen is undefined (\ref isPenDefined returns false), the scatter color will be inherited
- from the plottable that uses this scatter style.
+ Creates a paint buffer and initializes it with the provided \a size and \a devicePixelRatio.
+ Subclasses must call their \ref reallocateBuffer implementation in their respective constructors.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle() :
- mSize(6),
- mShape(ssNone),
- mPen(Qt::NoPen),
- mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
- mPenDefined(false)
+QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::QCPAbstractPaintBuffer(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio) :
+ mSize(size),
+ mDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio),
+ mInvalidated(true)
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape and size to \a size. No pen or
- brush is defined.
- Since the pen is undefined (\ref isPenDefined returns false), the scatter color will be inherited
- from the plottable that uses this scatter style.
+ Sets the paint buffer size.
+ The buffer is reallocated (by calling \ref reallocateBuffer), so any painters that were obtained
+ by \ref startPainting are invalidated and must not be used after calling this method.
+ If \a size is already the current buffer size, this method does nothing.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size) :
- mSize(size),
- mShape(shape),
- mPen(Qt::NoPen),
- mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
- mPenDefined(false)
+void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::setSize(const QSize &size)
+ if (mSize != size)
+ {
+ mSize = size;
+ reallocateBuffer();
+ }
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape, the pen color set to \a color,
- and size to \a size. No brush is defined, i.e. the scatter point will not be filled.
+ Sets the invalidated flag to \a invalidated.
+ This mechanism is used internally in conjunction with isolated replotting of \ref QCPLayer
+ instances (in \ref QCPLayer::lmBuffered mode). If \ref QCPLayer::replot is called on a buffered
+ layer, i.e. an isolated repaint of only that layer (and its dedicated paint buffer) is requested,
+ QCustomPlot will decide depending on the invalidated flags of other paint buffers whether it also
+ replots them, instead of only the layer on which the replot was called.
+ The invalidated flag is set to true when \ref QCPLayer association has changed, i.e. if layers
+ were added or removed from this buffer, or if they were reordered. It is set to false as soon as
+ all associated \ref QCPLayer instances are drawn onto the buffer.
+ Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to manually call this method.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, double size) :
- mSize(size),
- mShape(shape),
- mPen(QPen(color)),
- mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
- mPenDefined(true)
+void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::setInvalidated(bool invalidated)
+ mInvalidated = invalidated;
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape, the pen color set to \a color,
- the brush color to \a fill (with a solid pattern), and size to \a size.
+ Sets the the device pixel ratio to \a ratio. This is useful to render on high-DPI output devices.
+ The ratio is automatically set to the device pixel ratio used by the parent QCustomPlot instance.
+ The buffer is reallocated (by calling \ref reallocateBuffer), so any painters that were obtained
+ by \ref startPainting are invalidated and must not be used after calling this method.
+ \note This method is only available for Qt versions 5.4 and higher.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, const QColor &fill, double size) :
- mSize(size),
- mShape(shape),
- mPen(QPen(color)),
- mBrush(QBrush(fill)),
- mPenDefined(true)
+void QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::setDevicePixelRatio(double ratio)
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(ratio, mDevicePixelRatio))
+ {
+ mDevicePixelRatio = ratio;
+ reallocateBuffer();
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Device pixel ratios not supported for Qt versions before 5.4";
+ mDevicePixelRatio = 1.0;
+ }
+//////////////////// QCPPaintBufferPixmap
+/*! \class QCPPaintBufferPixmap
+ \brief A paint buffer based on QPixmap, using software raster rendering
+ This paint buffer is the default and fall-back paint buffer which uses software rendering and
+ QPixmap as internal buffer. It is used if \ref QCustomPlot::setOpenGl is false.
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape, the pen set to \a pen, the
- brush to \a brush, and size to \a size.
- \warning In some cases it might be tempting to directly use a pen style like <tt>Qt::NoPen</tt> as \a pen
- and a color like <tt>Qt::blue</tt> as \a brush. Notice however, that the corresponding call\n
- <tt>QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterShape::ssCircle, Qt::NoPen, Qt::blue, 5)</tt>\n
- doesn't necessarily lead C++ to use this constructor in some cases, but might mistake
- <tt>Qt::NoPen</tt> for a QColor and use the
- \ref QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, const QColor &fill, double size)
- constructor instead (which will lead to an unexpected look of the scatter points). To prevent
- this, be more explicit with the parameter types. For example, use <tt>QBrush(Qt::blue)</tt>
- instead of just <tt>Qt::blue</tt>, to clearly point out to the compiler that this constructor is
- wanted.
+ Creates a pixmap paint buffer instancen with the specified \a size and \a devicePixelRatio, if
+ applicable.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double size) :
- mSize(size),
- mShape(shape),
- mPen(pen),
- mBrush(brush),
- mPenDefined(pen.style() != Qt::NoPen)
+QCPPaintBufferPixmap::QCPPaintBufferPixmap(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio) :
+ QCPAbstractPaintBuffer(size, devicePixelRatio)
+ QCPPaintBufferPixmap::reallocateBuffer();
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance which will show the specified \a pixmap. The scatter shape
- is set to \ref ssPixmap.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(const QPixmap &pixmap) :
- mSize(5),
- mShape(ssPixmap),
- mPen(Qt::NoPen),
- mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
- mPixmap(pixmap),
- mPenDefined(false)
- Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with a custom shape that is defined via \a customPath. The
- scatter shape is set to \ref ssCustom.
- The custom shape line will be drawn with \a pen and filled with \a brush. The size has a slightly
- different meaning than for built-in scatter points: The custom path will be drawn scaled by a
- factor of \a size/6.0. Since the default \a size is 6, the custom path will appear at a its
- natural size by default. To double the size of the path for example, set \a size to 12.
-QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(const QPainterPath &customPath, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double size) :
- mSize(size),
- mShape(ssCustom),
- mPen(pen),
- mBrush(brush),
- mCustomPath(customPath),
- mPenDefined(pen.style() != Qt::NoPen)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPPainter *QCPPaintBufferPixmap::startPainting()
+ QCPPainter *result = new QCPPainter(&mBuffer);
+ result->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);
+ return result;
- Sets the size (pixel diameter) of the drawn scatter points to \a size.
- \see setShape
-void QCPScatterStyle::setSize(double size)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferPixmap::draw(QCPPainter *painter) const
- mSize = size;
+ if (painter && painter->isActive())
+ painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, mBuffer);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid or inactive painter passed";
- Sets the shape to \a shape.
- Note that the calls \ref setPixmap and \ref setCustomPath automatically set the shape to \ref
- ssPixmap and \ref ssCustom, respectively.
- \see setSize
-void QCPScatterStyle::setShape(QCPScatterStyle::ScatterShape shape)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferPixmap::clear(const QColor &color)
- mShape = shape;
+ mBuffer.fill(color);
- Sets the pen that will be used to draw scatter points to \a pen.
- If the pen was previously undefined (see \ref isPenDefined), the pen is considered defined after
- a call to this function, even if \a pen is <tt>Qt::NoPen</tt>.
- \see setBrush
-void QCPScatterStyle::setPen(const QPen &pen)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferPixmap::reallocateBuffer()
- mPenDefined = true;
- mPen = pen;
+ setInvalidated();
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(1.0, mDevicePixelRatio))
+ {
+ mBuffer = QPixmap(mSize*mDevicePixelRatio);
+ mBuffer.setDevicePixelRatio(mDevicePixelRatio);
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Device pixel ratios not supported for Qt versions before 5.4";
+ mDevicePixelRatio = 1.0;
+ mBuffer = QPixmap(mSize);
+ } else
+ {
+ mBuffer = QPixmap(mSize);
+ }
+//////////////////// QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer
+/*! \class QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer
+ \brief A paint buffer based on OpenGL pixel buffers, using hardware accelerated rendering
+ This paint buffer is one of the OpenGL paint buffers which facilitate hardware accelerated plot
+ rendering. It is based on OpenGL pixel buffers (pbuffer) and is used in Qt versions before 5.0.
+ (See \ref QCPPaintBufferGlFbo used in newer Qt versions.)
+ The OpenGL paint buffers are used if \ref QCustomPlot::setOpenGl is set to true, and if they are
+ supported by the system.
- Sets the brush that will be used to fill scatter points to \a brush. Note that not all scatter
- shapes have fillable areas. For example, \ref ssPlus does not while \ref ssCircle does.
- \see setPen
+ Creates a \ref QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer instance with the specified \a size and \a
+ devicePixelRatio, if applicable.
+ The parameter \a multisamples defines how many samples are used per pixel. Higher values thus
+ result in higher quality antialiasing. If the specified \a multisamples value exceeds the
+ capability of the graphics hardware, the highest supported multisampling is used.
-void QCPScatterStyle::setBrush(const QBrush &brush)
+QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer::QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio, int multisamples) :
+ QCPAbstractPaintBuffer(size, devicePixelRatio),
+ mGlPBuffer(0),
+ mMultisamples(qMax(0, multisamples))
- mBrush = brush;
+ QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer::reallocateBuffer();
- Sets the pixmap that will be drawn as scatter point to \a pixmap.
- Note that \ref setSize does not influence the appearance of the pixmap.
- The scatter shape is automatically set to \ref ssPixmap.
-void QCPScatterStyle::setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
- setShape(ssPixmap);
- mPixmap = pixmap;
+ if (mGlPBuffer)
+ delete mGlPBuffer;
- Sets the custom shape that will be drawn as scatter point to \a customPath.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPPainter *QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer::startPainting()
+ if (!mGlPBuffer->isValid())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL frame buffer object doesn't exist, reallocateBuffer was not called?";
+ return 0;
+ }
- The scatter shape is automatically set to \ref ssCustom.
-void QCPScatterStyle::setCustomPath(const QPainterPath &customPath)
+ QCPPainter *result = new QCPPainter(mGlPBuffer);
+ result->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);
+ return result;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer::draw(QCPPainter *painter) const
- setShape(ssCustom);
- mCustomPath = customPath;
+ if (!painter || !painter->isActive())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid or inactive painter passed";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!mGlPBuffer->isValid())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL pbuffer isn't valid, reallocateBuffer was not called?";
+ return;
+ }
+ painter->drawImage(0, 0, mGlPBuffer->toImage());
- Applies the pen and the brush of this scatter style to \a painter. If this scatter style has an
- undefined pen (\ref isPenDefined), sets the pen of \a painter to \a defaultPen instead.
- This function is used by plottables (or any class that wants to draw scatters) just before a
- number of scatters with this style shall be drawn with the \a painter.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer::clear(const QColor &color)
+ if (mGlPBuffer->isValid())
+ {
+ mGlPBuffer->makeCurrent();
+ glClearColor(color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), color.alphaF());
+ mGlPBuffer->doneCurrent();
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL pbuffer invalid or context not current";
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer::reallocateBuffer()
+ if (mGlPBuffer)
+ delete mGlPBuffer;
- \see drawShape
+ QGLFormat format;
+ format.setAlpha(true);
+ format.setSamples(mMultisamples);
+ mGlPBuffer = new QGLPixelBuffer(mSize, format);
+//////////////////// QCPPaintBufferGlFbo
+/*! \class QCPPaintBufferGlFbo
+ \brief A paint buffer based on OpenGL frame buffers objects, using hardware accelerated rendering
+ This paint buffer is one of the OpenGL paint buffers which facilitate hardware accelerated plot
+ rendering. It is based on OpenGL frame buffer objects (fbo) and is used in Qt versions 5.0 and
+ higher. (See \ref QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer used in older Qt versions.)
+ The OpenGL paint buffers are used if \ref QCustomPlot::setOpenGl is set to true, and if they are
+ supported by the system.
-void QCPScatterStyle::applyTo(QCPPainter *painter, const QPen &defaultPen) const
+ Creates a \ref QCPPaintBufferGlFbo instance with the specified \a size and \a devicePixelRatio,
+ if applicable.
+ All frame buffer objects shall share one OpenGL context and paint device, which need to be set up
+ externally and passed via \a glContext and \a glPaintDevice. The set-up is done in \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setupOpenGl and the context and paint device are managed by the parent QCustomPlot
+ instance.
+QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::QCPPaintBufferGlFbo(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio, QWeakPointer<QOpenGLContext> glContext, QWeakPointer<QOpenGLPaintDevice> glPaintDevice) :
+ QCPAbstractPaintBuffer(size, devicePixelRatio),
+ mGlContext(glContext),
+ mGlPaintDevice(glPaintDevice),
+ mGlFrameBuffer(0)
- painter->setPen(mPenDefined ? mPen : defaultPen);
- painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::reallocateBuffer();
- Draws the scatter shape with \a painter at position \a pos.
- This function does not modify the pen or the brush on the painter, as \ref applyTo is meant to be
- called before scatter points are drawn with \ref drawShape.
+ if (mGlFrameBuffer)
+ delete mGlFrameBuffer;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPPainter *QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::startPainting()
+ if (mGlPaintDevice.isNull())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL paint device doesn't exist";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!mGlFrameBuffer)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL frame buffer object doesn't exist, reallocateBuffer was not called?";
+ return 0;
+ }
- \see applyTo
-void QCPScatterStyle::drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, QPointF pos) const
+ if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext() != mGlContext.data())
+ mGlContext.data()->makeCurrent(mGlContext.data()->surface());
+ mGlFrameBuffer->bind();
+ QCPPainter *result = new QCPPainter(mGlPaintDevice.data());
+ result->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);
+ return result;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::donePainting()
- drawShape(painter, pos.x(), pos.y());
+ if (mGlFrameBuffer && mGlFrameBuffer->isBound())
+ mGlFrameBuffer->release();
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Either OpenGL frame buffer not valid or was not bound";
-/*! \overload
- Draws the scatter shape with \a painter at position \a x and \a y.
-void QCPScatterStyle::drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y) const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::draw(QCPPainter *painter) const
- double w = mSize/2.0;
- switch (mShape)
+ if (!painter || !painter->isActive())
- case ssNone: break;
- case ssDot:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x+0.0001, y));
- break;
- }
- case ssCross:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y-w, x+w, y+w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y+w, x+w, y-w));
- break;
- }
- case ssPlus:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w, y));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
- break;
- }
- case ssCircle:
- {
- painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x , y), w, w);
- break;
- }
- case ssDisc:
- {
- QBrush b = painter->brush();
- painter->setBrush(painter->pen().color());
- painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x , y), w, w);
- painter->setBrush(b);
- break;
- }
- case ssSquare:
- {
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(x-w, y-w, mSize, mSize));
- break;
- }
- case ssDiamond:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x, y-w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y-w, x+w, y));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+w, y, x, y+w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x-w, y));
- break;
- }
- case ssStar:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w, y));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y-w*0.707, x+w*0.707, y+w*0.707));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y+w*0.707, x+w*0.707, y-w*0.707));
- break;
- }
- case ssTriangle:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y+0.755*w, x+w, y+0.755*w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+w, y+0.755*w, x, y-0.977*w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y-0.977*w, x-w, y+0.755*w));
- break;
- }
- case ssTriangleInverted:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y-0.755*w, x+w, y-0.755*w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+w, y-0.755*w, x, y+0.977*w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+0.977*w, x-w, y-0.755*w));
- break;
- }
- case ssCrossSquare:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y-w, x+w*0.95, y+w*0.95));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y+w*0.95, x+w*0.95, y-w));
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(x-w, y-w, mSize, mSize));
- break;
- }
- case ssPlusSquare:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w*0.95, y));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(x-w, y-w, mSize, mSize));
- break;
- }
- case ssCrossCircle:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y-w*0.707, x+w*0.670, y+w*0.670));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y+w*0.670, x+w*0.670, y-w*0.707));
- painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), w, w);
- break;
- }
- case ssPlusCircle:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w, y));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
- painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), w, w);
- break;
- }
- case ssPeace:
- {
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y-w, x, y+w));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y, x-w*0.707, y+w*0.707));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y, x+w*0.707, y+w*0.707));
- painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), w, w);
- break;
- }
- case ssPixmap:
- {
- painter->drawPixmap(x-mPixmap.width()*0.5, y-mPixmap.height()*0.5, mPixmap);
- break;
- }
- case ssCustom:
- {
- QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
- painter->translate(x, y);
- painter->scale(mSize/6.0, mSize/6.0);
- painter->drawPath(mCustomPath);
- painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
- break;
- }
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid or inactive painter passed";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!mGlFrameBuffer)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL frame buffer object doesn't exist, reallocateBuffer was not called?";
+ return;
+ }
+ painter->drawImage(0, 0, mGlFrameBuffer->toImage());
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::clear(const QColor &color)
+ if (mGlContext.isNull())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL context doesn't exist";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!mGlFrameBuffer)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL frame buffer object doesn't exist, reallocateBuffer was not called?";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext() != mGlContext.data())
+ mGlContext.data()->makeCurrent(mGlContext.data()->surface());
+ mGlFrameBuffer->bind();
+ glClearColor(color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), color.alphaF());
+ mGlFrameBuffer->release();
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPPaintBufferGlFbo::reallocateBuffer()
+ // release and delete possibly existing framebuffer:
+ if (mGlFrameBuffer)
+ {
+ if (mGlFrameBuffer->isBound())
+ mGlFrameBuffer->release();
+ delete mGlFrameBuffer;
+ mGlFrameBuffer = 0;
+ }
+ if (mGlContext.isNull())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL context doesn't exist";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mGlPaintDevice.isNull())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL paint device doesn't exist";
+ return;
+ // create new fbo with appropriate size:
+ mGlContext.data()->makeCurrent(mGlContext.data()->surface());
+ QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat frameBufferFormat;
+ frameBufferFormat.setSamples(mGlContext.data()->format().samples());
+ frameBufferFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::CombinedDepthStencil);
+ mGlFrameBuffer = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject(mSize*mDevicePixelRatio, frameBufferFormat);
+ if (mGlPaintDevice.data()->size() != mSize*mDevicePixelRatio)
+ mGlPaintDevice.data()->setSize(mSize*mDevicePixelRatio);
+ mGlPaintDevice.data()->setDevicePixelRatio(mDevicePixelRatio);
+#endif // QCP_OPENGL_FBO
+/* end of 'src/paintbuffer.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/layer.cpp', size 37064 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPLayer
/*! \class QCPLayer
\brief A layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order
The Layering system of QCustomPlot is the mechanism to control the rendering order of the
elements inside the plot.
It is based on the two classes QCPLayer and QCPLayerable. QCustomPlot holds an ordered list of
one or more instances of QCPLayer (see QCustomPlot::addLayer, QCustomPlot::layer,
QCustomPlot::moveLayer, etc.). When replotting, QCustomPlot goes through the list of layers
- bottom to top and successively draws the layerables of the layers.
+ bottom to top and successively draws the layerables of the layers into the paint buffer(s).
A QCPLayer contains an ordered list of QCPLayerable instances. QCPLayerable is an abstract base
class from which almost all visible objects derive, like axes, grids, graphs, items, etc.
- Initially, QCustomPlot has five layers: "background", "grid", "main", "axes" and "legend" (in
- that order). The top two layers "axes" and "legend" contain the default axes and legend, so they
- will be drawn on top. In the middle, there is the "main" layer. It is initially empty and set as
- the current layer (see QCustomPlot::setCurrentLayer). This means, all new plottables, items etc.
- are created on this layer by default. Then comes the "grid" layer which contains the QCPGrid
- instances (which belong tightly to QCPAxis, see \ref QCPAxis::grid). The Axis rect background
- shall be drawn behind everything else, thus the default QCPAxisRect instance is placed on the
- "background" layer. Of course, the layer affiliation of the individual objects can be changed as
- required (\ref QCPLayerable::setLayer).
- Controlling the ordering of objects is easy: Create a new layer in the position you want it to
- be, e.g. above "main", with QCustomPlot::addLayer. Then set the current layer with
- QCustomPlot::setCurrentLayer to that new layer and finally create the objects normally. They will
- be placed on the new layer automatically, due to the current layer setting. Alternatively you
- could have also ignored the current layer setting and just moved the objects with
- QCPLayerable::setLayer to the desired layer after creating them.
+ \section qcplayer-defaultlayers Default layers
+ Initially, QCustomPlot has six layers: "background", "grid", "main", "axes", "legend" and
+ "overlay" (in that order). On top is the "overlay" layer, which only contains the QCustomPlot's
+ selection rect (\ref QCustomPlot::selectionRect). The next two layers "axes" and "legend" contain
+ the default axes and legend, so they will be drawn above plottables. In the middle, there is the
+ "main" layer. It is initially empty and set as the current layer (see
+ QCustomPlot::setCurrentLayer). This means, all new plottables, items etc. are created on this
+ layer by default. Then comes the "grid" layer which contains the QCPGrid instances (which belong
+ tightly to QCPAxis, see \ref QCPAxis::grid). The Axis rect background shall be drawn behind
+ everything else, thus the default QCPAxisRect instance is placed on the "background" layer. Of
+ course, the layer affiliation of the individual objects can be changed as required (\ref
+ QCPLayerable::setLayer).
+ \section qcplayer-ordering Controlling the rendering order via layers
+ Controlling the ordering of layerables in the plot is easy: Create a new layer in the position
+ you want the layerable to be in, e.g. above "main", with \ref QCustomPlot::addLayer. Then set the
+ current layer with \ref QCustomPlot::setCurrentLayer to that new layer and finally create the
+ objects normally. They will be placed on the new layer automatically, due to the current layer
+ setting. Alternatively you could have also ignored the current layer setting and just moved the
+ objects with \ref QCPLayerable::setLayer to the desired layer after creating them.
It is also possible to move whole layers. For example, If you want the grid to be shown in front
of all plottables/items on the "main" layer, just move it above "main" with
The rendering order within one layer is simply by order of creation or insertion. The item
created last (or added last to the layer), is drawn on top of all other objects on that layer.
When a layer is deleted, the objects on it are not deleted with it, but fall on the layer below
the deleted layer, see QCustomPlot::removeLayer.
+ \section qcplayer-buffering Replotting only a specific layer
+ If the layer mode (\ref setMode) is set to \ref lmBuffered, you can replot only this specific
+ layer by calling \ref replot. In certain situations this can provide better replot performance,
+ compared with a full replot of all layers. Upon creation of a new layer, the layer mode is
+ initialized to \ref lmLogical. The only layer that is set to \ref lmBuffered in a new \ref
+ QCustomPlot instance is the "overlay" layer, containing the selection rect.
/* start documentation of inline functions */
@@ -741,7 +1044,8 @@ QCPLayer::QCPLayer(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &layerName) :
mIndex(-1), // will be set to a proper value by the QCustomPlot layer creation function
- mVisible(true)
+ mVisible(true),
+ mMode(lmLogical)
// Note: no need to make sure layerName is unique, because layer
// management is done with QCustomPlot functions.
@@ -774,6 +1078,113 @@ void QCPLayer::setVisible(bool visible)
mVisible = visible;
+ Sets the rendering mode of this layer.
+ If \a mode is set to \ref lmBuffered for a layer, it will be given a dedicated paint buffer by
+ the parent QCustomPlot instance. This means it may be replotted individually by calling \ref
+ QCPLayer::replot, without needing to replot all other layers.
+ Layers which are set to \ref lmLogical (the default) are used only to define the rendering order
+ and can't be replotted individually.
+ Note that each layer which is set to \ref lmBuffered requires additional paint buffers for the
+ layers below, above and for the layer itself. This increases the memory consumption and
+ (slightly) decreases the repainting speed because multiple paint buffers need to be joined. So
+ you should carefully choose which layers benefit from having their own paint buffer. A typical
+ example would be a layer which contains certain layerables (e.g. items) that need to be changed
+ and thus replotted regularly, while all other layerables on other layers stay static. By default,
+ only the topmost layer called "overlay" is in mode \ref lmBuffered, and contains the selection
+ rect.
+ \see replot
+void QCPLayer::setMode(QCPLayer::LayerMode mode)
+ if (mMode != mode)
+ {
+ mMode = mode;
+ if (!mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated();
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ Draws the contents of this layer with the provided \a painter.
+ \see replot, drawToPaintBuffer
+void QCPLayer::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ foreach (QCPLayerable *child, mChildren)
+ {
+ if (child->realVisibility())
+ {
+ painter->save();
+ painter->setClipRect(child->clipRect().translated(0, -1));
+ child->applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ child->draw(painter);
+ painter->restore();
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ Draws the contents of this layer into the paint buffer which is associated with this layer. The
+ association is established by the parent QCustomPlot, which manages all paint buffers (see \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setupPaintBuffers).
+ \see draw
+void QCPLayer::drawToPaintBuffer()
+ if (!mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ {
+ if (QCPPainter *painter = mPaintBuffer.data()->startPainting())
+ {
+ if (painter->isActive())
+ draw(painter);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "paint buffer returned inactive painter";
+ delete painter;
+ mPaintBuffer.data()->donePainting();
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "paint buffer returned zero painter";
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no valid paint buffer associated with this layer";
+ If the layer mode (\ref setMode) is set to \ref lmBuffered, this method allows replotting only
+ the layerables on this specific layer, without the need to replot all other layers (as a call to
+ \ref QCustomPlot::replot would do).
+ If the layer mode is \ref lmLogical however, this method simply calls \ref QCustomPlot::replot on
+ the parent QCustomPlot instance.
+ QCustomPlot also makes sure to replot all layers instead of only this one, if the layer ordering
+ has changed since the last full replot and the other paint buffers were thus invalidated.
+ \see draw
+void QCPLayer::replot()
+ if (mMode == lmBuffered && !mParentPlot->hasInvalidatedPaintBuffers())
+ {
+ if (!mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ {
+ mPaintBuffer.data()->clear(Qt::transparent);
+ drawToPaintBuffer();
+ mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated(false);
+ mParentPlot->update();
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no valid paint buffer associated with this layer";
+ } else if (mMode == lmLogical)
+ mParentPlot->replot();
/*! \internal
Adds the \a layerable to the list of this layer. If \a prepend is set to true, the layerable will
@@ -792,6 +1203,8 @@ void QCPLayer::addChild(QCPLayerable *layerable, bool prepend)
+ if (!mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated();
} else
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "layerable is already child of this layer" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(layerable);
@@ -807,7 +1220,11 @@ void QCPLayer::addChild(QCPLayerable *layerable, bool prepend)
void QCPLayer::removeChild(QCPLayerable *layerable)
- if (!mChildren.removeOne(layerable))
+ if (mChildren.removeOne(layerable))
+ {
+ if (!mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated();
+ } else
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "layerable is not child of this layer" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(layerable);
@@ -839,7 +1256,7 @@ void QCPLayer::removeChild(QCPLayerable *layerable)
Note that a parent layerable is not necessarily also the QObject parent for memory management.
Further, a layerable doesn't always have a parent layerable, so this function may return 0.
- A parent layerable is set implicitly with when placed inside layout elements and doesn't need to be
+ A parent layerable is set implicitly when placed inside layout elements and doesn't need to be
set manually by the user.
@@ -858,9 +1275,9 @@ void QCPLayer::removeChild(QCPLayerable *layerable)
default antialiasing hint.
<b>First example:</b> QCPGraph has multiple entities that have an antialiasing setting: The graph
- line, fills, scatters and error bars. Those can be configured via QCPGraph::setAntialiased,
- QCPGraph::setAntialiasedFill, QCPGraph::setAntialiasedScatters etc. Consequently, there isn't
- only the QCPGraph::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint function (which corresponds to the graph line's
+ line, fills and scatters. Those can be configured via QCPGraph::setAntialiased,
+ QCPGraph::setAntialiasedFill and QCPGraph::setAntialiasedScatters. Consequently, there isn't only
+ the QCPGraph::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint function (which corresponds to the graph line's
antialiasing), but specialized ones like QCPGraph::applyFillAntialiasingHint and
QCPGraph::applyScattersAntialiasingHint. So before drawing one of those entities, QCPGraph::draw
calls the respective specialized applyAntialiasingHint function.
@@ -912,10 +1329,12 @@ void QCPLayer::removeChild(QCPLayerable *layerable)
It is possible to provide 0 as \a plot. In that case, you should assign a parent plot at a later
time with \ref initializeParentPlot.
- The layerable's parent layerable is set to \a parentLayerable, if provided. Direct layerable parents
- are mainly used to control visibility in a hierarchy of layerables. This means a layerable is
- only drawn, if all its ancestor layerables are also visible. Note that \a parentLayerable does
- not become the QObject-parent (for memory management) of this layerable, \a plot does.
+ The layerable's parent layerable is set to \a parentLayerable, if provided. Direct layerable
+ parents are mainly used to control visibility in a hierarchy of layerables. This means a
+ layerable is only drawn, if all its ancestor layerables are also visible. Note that \a
+ parentLayerable does not become the QObject-parent (for memory management) of this layerable, \a
+ plot does. It is not uncommon to set the QObject-parent to something else in the constructors of
+ QCPLayerable subclasses, to guarantee a working destruction hierarchy.
QCPLayerable::QCPLayerable(QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer, QCPLayerable *parentLayerable) :
@@ -957,7 +1376,10 @@ void QCPLayerable::setVisible(bool on)
Sets the \a layer of this layerable object. The object will be placed on top of the other objects
already on \a layer.
- Returns true on success, i.e. if \a layer is a valid layer.
+ If \a layer is 0, this layerable will not be on any layer and thus not appear in the plot (or
+ interact/receive events).
+ Returns true if the layer of this layerable was successfully changed to \a layer.
bool QCPLayerable::setLayer(QCPLayer *layer)
@@ -999,16 +1421,13 @@ void QCPLayerable::setAntialiased(bool enabled)
Returns whether this layerable is visible, taking the visibility of the layerable parent and the
- visibility of the layer this layerable is on into account. This is the method that is consulted
- to decide whether a layerable shall be drawn or not.
+ visibility of this layerable's layer into account. This is the method that is consulted to decide
+ whether a layerable shall be drawn or not.
If this layerable has a direct layerable parent (usually set via hierarchies implemented in
- subclasses, like in the case of QCPLayoutElement), this function returns true only if this
+ subclasses, like in the case of \ref QCPLayoutElement), this function returns true only if this
layerable has its visibility set to true and the parent layerable's \ref realVisibility returns
- If this layerable doesn't have a direct layerable parent, returns the state of this layerable's
- visibility.
bool QCPLayerable::realVisibility() const
@@ -1034,7 +1453,7 @@ bool QCPLayerable::realVisibility() const
The actual setting of the selection state is not done by this function. This is handled by the
parent QCustomPlot when the mouseReleaseEvent occurs, and the finally selected object is notified
- via the selectEvent/deselectEvent methods.
+ via the \ref selectEvent/\ref deselectEvent methods.
\a details is an optional output parameter. Every layerable subclass may place any information
in \a details. This information will be passed to \ref selectEvent when the parent QCustomPlot
@@ -1047,7 +1466,7 @@ bool QCPLayerable::realVisibility() const
You may pass 0 as \a details to indicate that you are not interested in those selection details.
- \see selectEvent, deselectEvent, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
+ \see selectEvent, deselectEvent, mousePressEvent, wheelEvent, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
double QCPLayerable::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
@@ -1261,103 +1680,287 @@ void QCPLayerable::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
+ This event gets called when the user presses a mouse button while the cursor is over the
+ layerable. Whether a cursor is over the layerable is decided by a preceding call to \ref
+ selectTest.
-//////////////////// QCPRange
-/*! \class QCPRange
- \brief Represents the range an axis is encompassing.
- contains a \a lower and \a upper double value and provides convenience input, output and
- modification functions.
- \see QCPAxis::setRange
+ The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via \c
+ event->pos(). The parameter \a details contains layerable-specific details about the hit, which
+ were generated in the previous call to \ref selectTest. For example, One-dimensional plottables
+ like \ref QCPGraph or \ref QCPBars convey the clicked data point in the \a details parameter, as
+ \ref QCPDataSelection packed as QVariant. Multi-part objects convey the specific \c
+ SelectablePart that was hit (e.g. \ref QCPAxis::SelectablePart in the case of axes).
- Minimum range size (\a upper - \a lower) the range changing functions will accept. Smaller
- intervals would cause errors due to the 11-bit exponent of double precision numbers,
- corresponding to a minimum magnitude of roughly 1e-308.
- \see validRange, maxRange
-const double QCPRange::minRange = 1e-280;
+ QCustomPlot uses an event propagation system that works the same as Qt's system. If your
+ layerable doesn't reimplement the \ref mousePressEvent or explicitly calls \c event->ignore() in
+ its reimplementation, the event will be propagated to the next layerable in the stacking order.
- Maximum values (negative and positive) the range will accept in range-changing functions.
- Larger absolute values would cause errors due to the 11-bit exponent of double precision numbers,
- corresponding to a maximum magnitude of roughly 1e308.
- Since the number of planck-volumes in the entire visible universe is only ~1e183, this should
- be enough.
- \see validRange, minRange
-const double QCPRange::maxRange = 1e250;
+ Once a layerable has accepted the \ref mousePressEvent, it is considered the mouse grabber and
+ will receive all following calls to \ref mouseMoveEvent or \ref mouseReleaseEvent for this mouse
+ interaction (a "mouse interaction" in this context ends with the release).
- Constructs a range with \a lower and \a upper set to zero.
+ The default implementation does nothing except explicitly ignoring the event with \c
+ event->ignore().
+ \see mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent, wheelEvent
-QCPRange::QCPRange() :
- lower(0),
- upper(0)
+void QCPLayerable::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ event->ignore();
-/*! \overload
- Constructs a range with the specified \a lower and \a upper values.
+ This event gets called when the user moves the mouse while holding a mouse button, after this
+ layerable has become the mouse grabber by accepting the preceding \ref mousePressEvent.
+ The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via \c
+ event->pos(). The parameter \a startPos indicates the position where the initial \ref
+ mousePressEvent occured, that started the mouse interaction.
+ The default implementation does nothing.
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent, wheelEvent
-QCPRange::QCPRange(double lower, double upper) :
- lower(lower),
- upper(upper)
+void QCPLayerable::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
- normalize();
+ Q_UNUSED(startPos)
+ event->ignore();
- Returns the size of the range, i.e. \a upper-\a lower
+ This event gets called when the user releases the mouse button, after this layerable has become
+ the mouse grabber by accepting the preceding \ref mousePressEvent.
+ The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via \c
+ event->pos(). The parameter \a startPos indicates the position where the initial \ref
+ mousePressEvent occured, that started the mouse interaction.
+ The default implementation does nothing.
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent, wheelEvent
-double QCPRange::size() const
+void QCPLayerable::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
- return upper-lower;
+ Q_UNUSED(startPos)
+ event->ignore();
- Returns the center of the range, i.e. (\a upper+\a lower)*0.5
+ This event gets called when the user presses the mouse button a second time in a double-click,
+ while the cursor is over the layerable. Whether a cursor is over the layerable is decided by a
+ preceding call to \ref selectTest.
+ The \ref mouseDoubleClickEvent is called instead of the second \ref mousePressEvent. So in the
+ case of a double-click, the event succession is
+ <i>pressEvent – releaseEvent – doubleClickEvent – releaseEvent</i>.
+ The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via \c
+ event->pos(). The parameter \a details contains layerable-specific details about the hit, which
+ were generated in the previous call to \ref selectTest. For example, One-dimensional plottables
+ like \ref QCPGraph or \ref QCPBars convey the clicked data point in the \a details parameter, as
+ \ref QCPDataSelection packed as QVariant. Multi-part objects convey the specific \c
+ SelectablePart that was hit (e.g. \ref QCPAxis::SelectablePart in the case of axes).
+ Similarly to \ref mousePressEvent, once a layerable has accepted the \ref mouseDoubleClickEvent,
+ it is considered the mouse grabber and will receive all following calls to \ref mouseMoveEvent
+ and \ref mouseReleaseEvent for this mouse interaction (a "mouse interaction" in this context ends
+ with the release).
+ The default implementation does nothing except explicitly ignoring the event with \c
+ event->ignore().
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, wheelEvent
-double QCPRange::center() const
+void QCPLayerable::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
- return (upper+lower)*0.5;
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ event->ignore();
- Makes sure \a lower is numerically smaller than \a upper. If this is not the case, the values
- are swapped.
+ This event gets called when the user turns the mouse scroll wheel while the cursor is over the
+ layerable. Whether a cursor is over the layerable is decided by a preceding call to \ref
+ selectTest.
+ The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via \c
+ event->pos().
+ The \c event->delta() indicates how far the mouse wheel was turned, which is usually +/- 120 for
+ single rotation steps. However, if the mouse wheel is turned rapidly, multiple steps may
+ accumulate to one event, making \c event->delta() larger. On the other hand, if the wheel has
+ very smooth steps or none at all, the delta may be smaller.
+ The default implementation does nothing.
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent
-void QCPRange::normalize()
+void QCPLayerable::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
- if (lower > upper)
- qSwap(lower, upper);
+ event->ignore();
+/* end of 'src/layer.cpp' */
- Expands this range such that \a otherRange is contained in the new range. It is assumed that both
- this range and \a otherRange are normalized (see \ref normalize).
+/* including file 'src/axis/range.cpp', size 12221 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPRange
+/*! \class QCPRange
+ \brief Represents the range an axis is encompassing.
- If \a otherRange is already inside the current range, this function does nothing.
+ contains a \a lower and \a upper double value and provides convenience input, output and
+ modification functions.
- \see expanded
+ \see QCPAxis::setRange
-void QCPRange::expand(const QCPRange &otherRange)
- if (lower > otherRange.lower)
- lower = otherRange.lower;
- if (upper < otherRange.upper)
- upper = otherRange.upper;
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn double QCPRange::size() const
+ Returns the size of the range, i.e. \a upper-\a lower
+/*! \fn double QCPRange::center() const
+ Returns the center of the range, i.e. (\a upper+\a lower)*0.5
+/*! \fn void QCPRange::normalize()
+ Makes sure \a lower is numerically smaller than \a upper. If this is not the case, the values are
+ swapped.
+/*! \fn bool QCPRange::contains(double value) const
+ Returns true when \a value lies within or exactly on the borders of the range.
+/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator+=(const double& value)
+ Adds \a value to both boundaries of the range.
+/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator-=(const double& value)
+ Subtracts \a value from both boundaries of the range.
+/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator*=(const double& value)
+ Multiplies both boundaries of the range by \a value.
+/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator/=(const double& value)
+ Divides both boundaries of the range by \a value.
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+ Minimum range size (\a upper - \a lower) the range changing functions will accept. Smaller
+ intervals would cause errors due to the 11-bit exponent of double precision numbers,
+ corresponding to a minimum magnitude of roughly 1e-308.
+ \warning Do not use this constant to indicate "arbitrarily small" values in plotting logic (as
+ values that will appear in the plot)! It is intended only as a bound to compare against, e.g. to
+ prevent axis ranges from obtaining underflowing ranges.
+ \see validRange, maxRange
+const double QCPRange::minRange = 1e-280;
+ Maximum values (negative and positive) the range will accept in range-changing functions.
+ Larger absolute values would cause errors due to the 11-bit exponent of double precision numbers,
+ corresponding to a maximum magnitude of roughly 1e308.
+ \warning Do not use this constant to indicate "arbitrarily large" values in plotting logic (as
+ values that will appear in the plot)! It is intended only as a bound to compare against, e.g. to
+ prevent axis ranges from obtaining overflowing ranges.
+ \see validRange, minRange
+const double QCPRange::maxRange = 1e250;
+ Constructs a range with \a lower and \a upper set to zero.
+QCPRange::QCPRange() :
+ lower(0),
+ upper(0)
+/*! \overload
+ Constructs a range with the specified \a lower and \a upper values.
+ The resulting range will be normalized (see \ref normalize), so if \a lower is not numerically
+ smaller than \a upper, they will be swapped.
+QCPRange::QCPRange(double lower, double upper) :
+ lower(lower),
+ upper(upper)
+ normalize();
+/*! \overload
+ Expands this range such that \a otherRange is contained in the new range. It is assumed that both
+ this range and \a otherRange are normalized (see \ref normalize).
+ If this range contains NaN as lower or upper bound, it will be replaced by the respective bound
+ of \a otherRange.
+ If \a otherRange is already inside the current range, this function does nothing.
+ \see expanded
+void QCPRange::expand(const QCPRange &otherRange)
+ if (lower > otherRange.lower || qIsNaN(lower))
+ lower = otherRange.lower;
+ if (upper < otherRange.upper || qIsNaN(upper))
+ upper = otherRange.upper;
+/*! \overload
+ Expands this range such that \a includeCoord is contained in the new range. It is assumed that
+ this range is normalized (see \ref normalize).
+ If this range contains NaN as lower or upper bound, the respective bound will be set to \a
+ includeCoord.
+ If \a includeCoord is already inside the current range, this function does nothing.
+ \see expand
+void QCPRange::expand(double includeCoord)
+ if (lower > includeCoord || qIsNaN(lower))
+ lower = includeCoord;
+ if (upper < includeCoord || qIsNaN(upper))
+ upper = includeCoord;
+/*! \overload
Returns an expanded range that contains this and \a otherRange. It is assumed that both this
range and \a otherRange are normalized (see \ref normalize).
+ If this range contains NaN as lower or upper bound, the returned range's bound will be taken from
+ \a otherRange.
\see expand
QCPRange QCPRange::expanded(const QCPRange &otherRange) const
@@ -1367,6 +1970,54 @@ QCPRange QCPRange::expanded(const QCPRange &otherRange) const
return result;
+/*! \overload
+ Returns an expanded range that includes the specified \a includeCoord. It is assumed that this
+ range is normalized (see \ref normalize).
+ If this range contains NaN as lower or upper bound, the returned range's bound will be set to \a
+ includeCoord.
+ \see expand
+QCPRange QCPRange::expanded(double includeCoord) const
+ QCPRange result = *this;
+ result.expand(includeCoord);
+ return result;
+ Returns this range, possibly modified to not exceed the bounds provided as \a lowerBound and \a
+ upperBound. If possible, the size of the current range is preserved in the process.
+ If the range shall only be bounded at the lower side, you can set \a upperBound to \ref
+ QCPRange::maxRange. If it shall only be bounded at the upper side, set \a lowerBound to -\ref
+ QCPRange::maxRange.
+QCPRange QCPRange::bounded(double lowerBound, double upperBound) const
+ if (lowerBound > upperBound)
+ qSwap(lowerBound, upperBound);
+ QCPRange result(lower, upper);
+ if (result.lower < lowerBound)
+ {
+ result.lower = lowerBound;
+ result.upper = lowerBound + size();
+ if (result.upper > upperBound || qFuzzyCompare(size(), upperBound-lowerBound))
+ result.upper = upperBound;
+ } else if (result.upper > upperBound)
+ {
+ result.upper = upperBound;
+ result.lower = upperBound - size();
+ if (result.lower < lowerBound || qFuzzyCompare(size(), upperBound-lowerBound))
+ result.lower = lowerBound;
+ }
+ return result;
Returns a sanitized version of the range. Sanitized means for logarithmic scales, that
the range won't span the positive and negative sign domain, i.e. contain zero. Further
@@ -1436,14 +2087,6 @@ QCPRange QCPRange::sanitizedForLinScale() const
- Returns true when \a value lies within or exactly on the borders of the range.
-bool QCPRange::contains(double value) const
- return value >= lower && value <= upper;
Checks, whether the specified range is within valid bounds, which are defined
as QCPRange::maxRange and QCPRange::minRange.
A valid range means:
@@ -1453,17 +2096,12 @@ bool QCPRange::contains(double value) const
bool QCPRange::validRange(double lower, double upper)
- /*
return (lower > -maxRange &&
upper < maxRange &&
qAbs(lower-upper) > minRange &&
- (lower < -minRange || lower > minRange) &&
- (upper < -minRange || upper > minRange));
- */
- return (lower > -maxRange &&
- upper < maxRange &&
- qAbs(lower-upper) > minRange &&
- qAbs(lower-upper) < maxRange);
+ qAbs(lower-upper) < maxRange &&
+ !(lower > 0 && qIsInf(upper/lower)) &&
+ !(upper < 0 && qIsInf(lower/upper)));
@@ -1477,1433 +2115,1506 @@ bool QCPRange::validRange(double lower, double upper)
bool QCPRange::validRange(const QCPRange &range)
- /*
return (range.lower > -maxRange &&
range.upper < maxRange &&
qAbs(range.lower-range.upper) > minRange &&
qAbs(range.lower-range.upper) < maxRange &&
- (range.lower < -minRange || range.lower > minRange) &&
- (range.upper < -minRange || range.upper > minRange));
- */
- return (range.lower > -maxRange &&
- range.upper < maxRange &&
- qAbs(range.lower-range.upper) > minRange &&
- qAbs(range.lower-range.upper) < maxRange);
+ !(range.lower > 0 && qIsInf(range.upper/range.lower)) &&
+ !(range.upper < 0 && qIsInf(range.lower/range.upper)));
+/* end of 'src/axis/range.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/selection.cpp', size 21898 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPMarginGroup
+//////////////////// QCPDataRange
-/*! \class QCPMarginGroup
- \brief A margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements.
- QCPMarginGroup allows you to tie a margin side of two or more layout elements together, such that
- they will all have the same size, based on the largest required margin in the group.
+/*! \class QCPDataRange
+ \brief Describes a data range given by begin and end index
- \n
- \image html QCPMarginGroup.png "Demonstration of QCPMarginGroup"
- \n
+ QCPDataRange holds two integers describing the begin (\ref setBegin) and end (\ref setEnd) index
+ of a contiguous set of data points. The end index points to the data point above the last data point that's part of
+ the data range, similarly to the nomenclature used in standard iterators.
- In certain situations it is desirable that margins at specific sides are synchronized across
- layout elements. For example, if one QCPAxisRect is below another one in a grid layout, it will
- provide a cleaner look to the user if the left and right margins of the two axis rects are of the
- same size. The left axis of the top axis rect will then be at the same horizontal position as the
- left axis of the lower axis rect, making them appear aligned. The same applies for the right
- axes. This is what QCPMarginGroup makes possible.
+ Data Ranges are not bound to a certain plottable, thus they can be freely exchanged, created and
+ modified. If a non-contiguous data set shall be described, the class \ref QCPDataSelection is
+ used, which holds and manages multiple instances of \ref QCPDataRange. In most situations, \ref
+ QCPDataSelection is thus used.
- To add/remove a specific side of a layout element to/from a margin group, use the \ref
- QCPLayoutElement::setMarginGroup method. To completely break apart the margin group, either call
- \ref clear, or just delete the margin group.
+ Both \ref QCPDataRange and \ref QCPDataSelection offer convenience methods to work with them,
+ e.g. \ref bounded, \ref expanded, \ref intersects, \ref intersection, \ref adjusted, \ref
+ contains. Further, addition and subtraction operators (defined in \ref QCPDataSelection) can be
+ used to join/subtract data ranges and data selections (or mixtures), to retrieve a corresponding
+ \ref QCPDataSelection.
- \section QCPMarginGroup-example Example
+ %QCustomPlot's \ref dataselection "data selection mechanism" is based on \ref QCPDataSelection and
+ QCPDataRange.
- First create a margin group:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpmargingroup-creation-1
- Then set this group on the layout element sides:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpmargingroup-creation-2
- Here, we've used the first two axis rects of the plot and synchronized their left margins with
- each other and their right margins with each other.
+ \note Do not confuse \ref QCPDataRange with \ref QCPRange. A \ref QCPRange describes an interval
+ in floating point plot coordinates, e.g. the current axis range.
/* start documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPMarginGroup::elements(QCP::MarginSide side) const
+/*! \fn int QCPDataRange::size() const
- Returns a list of all layout elements that have their margin \a side associated with this margin
- group.
+ Returns the number of data points described by this data range. This is equal to the end index
+ minus the begin index.
+ \see length
+/*! \fn int QCPDataRange::length() const
+ Returns the number of data points described by this data range. Equivalent to \ref size.
+/*! \fn void QCPDataRange::setBegin(int begin)
+ Sets the begin of this data range. The \a begin index points to the first data point that is part
+ of the data range.
+ No checks or corrections are made to ensure the resulting range is valid (\ref isValid).
+ \see setEnd
+/*! \fn void QCPDataRange::setEnd(int end)
+ Sets the end of this data range. The \a end index points to the data point just above the last
+ data point that is part of the data range.
+ No checks or corrections are made to ensure the resulting range is valid (\ref isValid).
+ \see setBegin
+/*! \fn bool QCPDataRange::isValid() const
+ Returns whether this range is valid. A valid range has a begin index greater or equal to 0, and
+ an end index greater or equal to the begin index.
+ \note Invalid ranges should be avoided and are never the result of any of QCustomPlot's methods
+ (unless they are themselves fed with invalid ranges). Do not pass invalid ranges to QCustomPlot's
+ methods. The invalid range is not inherently prevented in QCPDataRange, to allow temporary
+ invalid begin/end values while manipulating the range. An invalid range is not necessarily empty
+ (\ref isEmpty), since its \ref length can be negative and thus non-zero.
+/*! \fn bool QCPDataRange::isEmpty() const
+ Returns whether this range is empty, i.e. whether its begin index equals its end index.
+ \see size, length
+/*! \fn QCPDataRange QCPDataRange::adjusted(int changeBegin, int changeEnd) const
+ Returns a data range where \a changeBegin and \a changeEnd were added to the begin and end
+ indices, respectively.
/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Creates a new QCPMarginGroup instance in \a parentPlot.
+ Creates an empty QCPDataRange, with begin and end set to 0.
-QCPMarginGroup::QCPMarginGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
- QObject(parentPlot),
- mParentPlot(parentPlot)
+QCPDataRange::QCPDataRange() :
+ mBegin(0),
+ mEnd(0)
- mChildren.insert(QCP::msLeft, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
- mChildren.insert(QCP::msRight, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
- mChildren.insert(QCP::msTop, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
- mChildren.insert(QCP::msBottom, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
+ Creates a QCPDataRange, initialized with the specified \a begin and \a end.
+ No checks or corrections are made to ensure the resulting range is valid (\ref isValid).
+QCPDataRange::QCPDataRange(int begin, int end) :
+ mBegin(begin),
+ mEnd(end)
- clear();
- Returns whether this margin group is empty. If this function returns true, no layout elements use
- this margin group to synchronize margin sides.
+ Returns a data range that matches this data range, except that parts exceeding \a other are
+ excluded.
+ This method is very similar to \ref intersection, with one distinction: If this range and the \a
+ other range share no intersection, the returned data range will be empty with begin and end set
+ to the respective boundary side of \a other, at which this range is residing. (\ref intersection
+ would just return a range with begin and end set to 0.)
-bool QCPMarginGroup::isEmpty() const
+QCPDataRange QCPDataRange::bounded(const QCPDataRange &other) const
- QHashIterator<QCP::MarginSide, QList<QCPLayoutElement*> > it(mChildren);
- while (it.hasNext())
+ QCPDataRange result(intersection(other));
+ if (result.isEmpty()) // no intersection, preserve respective bounding side of otherRange as both begin and end of return value
- it.next();
- if (!it.value().isEmpty())
- return false;
+ if (mEnd <= other.mBegin)
+ result = QCPDataRange(other.mBegin, other.mBegin);
+ else
+ result = QCPDataRange(other.mEnd, other.mEnd);
- return true;
+ return result;
- Clears this margin group. The synchronization of the margin sides that use this margin group is
- lifted and they will use their individual margin sizes again.
+ Returns a data range that contains both this data range as well as \a other.
-void QCPMarginGroup::clear()
+QCPDataRange QCPDataRange::expanded(const QCPDataRange &other) const
- // make all children remove themselves from this margin group:
- QHashIterator<QCP::MarginSide, QList<QCPLayoutElement*> > it(mChildren);
- while (it.hasNext())
- {
- it.next();
- const QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements = it.value();
- for (int i=elements.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
- elements.at(i)->setMarginGroup(it.key(), 0); // removes itself from mChildren via removeChild
- }
+ return QCPDataRange(qMin(mBegin, other.mBegin), qMax(mEnd, other.mEnd));
-/*! \internal
+ Returns the data range which is contained in both this data range and \a other.
- Returns the synchronized common margin for \a side. This is the margin value that will be used by
- the layout element on the respective side, if it is part of this margin group.
+ This method is very similar to \ref bounded, with one distinction: If this range and the \a other
+ range share no intersection, the returned data range will be empty with begin and end set to 0.
+ (\ref bounded would return a range with begin and end set to one of the boundaries of \a other,
+ depending on which side this range is on.)
- The common margin is calculated by requesting the automatic margin (\ref
- QCPLayoutElement::calculateAutoMargin) of each element associated with \a side in this margin
- group, and choosing the largest returned value. (QCPLayoutElement::minimumMargins is taken into
- account, too.)
+ \see QCPDataSelection::intersection
-int QCPMarginGroup::commonMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) const
+QCPDataRange QCPDataRange::intersection(const QCPDataRange &other) const
- // query all automatic margins of the layout elements in this margin group side and find maximum:
- int result = 0;
- const QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements = mChildren.value(side);
- for (int i=0; i<elements.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (!elements.at(i)->autoMargins().testFlag(side))
- continue;
- int m = qMax(elements.at(i)->calculateAutoMargin(side), QCP::getMarginValue(elements.at(i)->minimumMargins(), side));
- if (m > result)
- result = m;
- }
- return result;
+ QCPDataRange result(qMax(mBegin, other.mBegin), qMin(mEnd, other.mEnd));
+ if (result.isValid())
+ return result;
+ else
+ return QCPDataRange();
-/*! \internal
+ Returns whether this data range and \a other share common data points.
- Adds \a element to the internal list of child elements, for the margin \a side.
- This function does not modify the margin group property of \a element.
+ \see intersection, contains
-void QCPMarginGroup::addChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element)
+bool QCPDataRange::intersects(const QCPDataRange &other) const
- if (!mChildren[side].contains(element))
- mChildren[side].append(element);
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "element is already child of this margin group side" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(element);
+ return !( (mBegin > other.mBegin && mBegin >= other.mEnd) ||
+ (mEnd <= other.mBegin && mEnd < other.mEnd) );
-/*! \internal
- Removes \a element from the internal list of child elements, for the margin \a side.
+ Returns whether all data points described by this data range are also in \a other.
- This function does not modify the margin group property of \a element.
+ \see intersects
-void QCPMarginGroup::removeChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element)
+bool QCPDataRange::contains(const QCPDataRange &other) const
- if (!mChildren[side].removeOne(element))
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "element is not child of this margin group side" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(element);
+ return mBegin <= other.mBegin && mEnd >= other.mEnd;
-//////////////////// QCPLayoutElement
+//////////////////// QCPDataSelection
-/*! \class QCPLayoutElement
- \brief The abstract base class for all objects that form \ref thelayoutsystem "the layout system".
+/*! \class QCPDataSelection
+ \brief Describes a data set by holding multiple QCPDataRange instances
- This is an abstract base class. As such, it can't be instantiated directly, rather use one of its subclasses.
+ QCPDataSelection manages multiple instances of QCPDataRange in order to represent any (possibly
+ disjoint) set of data selection.
- A Layout element is a rectangular object which can be placed in layouts. It has an outer rect
- (QCPLayoutElement::outerRect) and an inner rect (\ref QCPLayoutElement::rect). The difference
- between outer and inner rect is called its margin. The margin can either be set to automatic or
- manual (\ref setAutoMargins) on a per-side basis. If a side is set to manual, that margin can be
- set explicitly with \ref setMargins and will stay fixed at that value. If it's set to automatic,
- the layout element subclass will control the value itself (via \ref calculateAutoMargin).
+ The data selection can be modified with addition and subtraction operators which take
+ QCPDataSelection and QCPDataRange instances, as well as methods such as \ref addDataRange and
+ \ref clear. Read access is provided by \ref dataRange, \ref dataRanges, \ref dataRangeCount, etc.
- Layout elements can be placed in layouts (base class QCPLayout) like QCPLayoutGrid. The top level
- layout is reachable via \ref QCustomPlot::plotLayout, and is a \ref QCPLayoutGrid. Since \ref
- QCPLayout itself derives from \ref QCPLayoutElement, layouts can be nested.
+ The method \ref simplify is used to join directly adjacent or even overlapping QCPDataRange
+ instances. QCPDataSelection automatically simplifies when using the addition/subtraction
+ operators. The only case when \ref simplify is left to the user, is when calling \ref
+ addDataRange, with the parameter \a simplify explicitly set to false. This is useful if many data
+ ranges will be added to the selection successively and the overhead for simplifying after each
+ iteration shall be avoided. In this case, you should make sure to call \ref simplify after
+ completing the operation.
- Thus in QCustomPlot one can divide layout elements into two categories: The ones that are
- invisible by themselves, because they don't draw anything. Their only purpose is to manage the
- position and size of other layout elements. This category of layout elements usually use
- QCPLayout as base class. Then there is the category of layout elements which actually draw
- something. For example, QCPAxisRect, QCPLegend and QCPPlotTitle are of this category. This does
- not necessarily mean that the latter category can't have child layout elements. QCPLegend for
- instance, actually derives from QCPLayoutGrid and the individual legend items are child layout
- elements in the grid layout.
-/* start documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QCPLayout *QCPLayoutElement::layout() const
+ Use \ref enforceType to bring the data selection into a state complying with the constraints for
+ selections defined in \ref QCP::SelectionType.
- Returns the parent layout of this layout element.
-/*! \fn QRect QCPLayoutElement::rect() const
+ %QCustomPlot's \ref dataselection "data selection mechanism" is based on QCPDataSelection and
+ QCPDataRange.
- Returns the inner rect of this layout element. The inner rect is the outer rect (\ref
- setOuterRect) shrinked by the margins (\ref setMargins, \ref setAutoMargins).
+ \section qcpdataselection-iterating Iterating over a data selection
- In some cases, the area between outer and inner rect is left blank. In other cases the margin
- area is used to display peripheral graphics while the main content is in the inner rect. This is
- where automatic margin calculation becomes interesting because it allows the layout element to
- adapt the margins to the peripheral graphics it wants to draw. For example, \ref QCPAxisRect
- draws the axis labels and tick labels in the margin area, thus needs to adjust the margins (if
- \ref setAutoMargins is enabled) according to the space required by the labels of the axes.
-/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutElement::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ As an example, the following code snippet calculates the average value of a graph's data
+ \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::selection "selection":
- This event is called, if the mouse was pressed while being inside the outer rect of this layout
- element.
-/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutElement::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpdataselection-iterating-1
- This event is called, if the mouse is moved inside the outer rect of this layout element.
-/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutElement::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn int QCPDataSelection::dataRangeCount() const
+ Returns the number of ranges that make up the data selection. The ranges can be accessed by \ref
+ dataRange via their index.
- This event is called, if the mouse was previously pressed inside the outer rect of this layout
- element and is now released.
+ \see dataRange, dataPointCount
-/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutElement::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+/*! \fn QList<QCPDataRange> QCPDataSelection::dataRanges() const
- This event is called, if the mouse is double-clicked inside the outer rect of this layout
- element.
+ Returns all data ranges that make up the data selection. If the data selection is simplified (the
+ usual state of the selection, see \ref simplify), the ranges are sorted by ascending data point
+ index.
+ \see dataRange
-/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutElement::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
+/*! \fn bool QCPDataSelection::isEmpty() const
+ Returns true if there are no data ranges, and thus no data points, in this QCPDataSelection
+ instance.
- This event is called, if the mouse wheel is scrolled while the cursor is inside the rect of this
- layout element.
+ \see dataRangeCount
/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Creates an instance of QCPLayoutElement and sets default values.
+ Creates an empty QCPDataSelection.
-QCPLayoutElement::QCPLayoutElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
- QCPLayerable(parentPlot), // parenthood is changed as soon as layout element gets inserted into a layout (except for top level layout)
- mParentLayout(0),
- mMinimumSize(),
- mRect(0, 0, 0, 0),
- mOuterRect(0, 0, 0, 0),
- mMargins(0, 0, 0, 0),
- mMinimumMargins(0, 0, 0, 0),
- mAutoMargins(QCP::msAll)
+ Creates a QCPDataSelection containing the provided \a range.
+QCPDataSelection::QCPDataSelection(const QCPDataRange &range)
- setMarginGroup(QCP::msAll, 0); // unregister at margin groups, if there are any
- // unregister at layout:
- if (qobject_cast<QCPLayout*>(mParentLayout)) // the qobject_cast is just a safeguard in case the layout forgets to call clear() in its dtor and this dtor is called by QObject dtor
- mParentLayout->take(this);
+ mDataRanges.append(range);
- Sets the outer rect of this layout element. If the layout element is inside a layout, the layout
- sets the position and size of this layout element using this function.
- Calling this function externally has no effect, since the layout will overwrite any changes to
- the outer rect upon the next replot.
- The layout element will adapt its inner \ref rect by applying the margins inward to the outer rect.
- \see rect
+ Returns true if this selection is identical (contains the same data ranges with the same begin
+ and end indices) to \a other.
+ Note that both data selections must be in simplified state (the usual state of the selection, see
+ \ref simplify) for this operator to return correct results.
-void QCPLayoutElement::setOuterRect(const QRect &rect)
+bool QCPDataSelection::operator==(const QCPDataSelection &other) const
- if (mOuterRect != rect)
+ if (mDataRanges.size() != other.mDataRanges.size())
+ return false;
+ for (int i=0; i<mDataRanges.size(); ++i)
- mOuterRect = rect;
- mRect = mOuterRect.adjusted(mMargins.left(), mMargins.top(), -mMargins.right(), -mMargins.bottom());
+ if (mDataRanges.at(i) != other.mDataRanges.at(i))
+ return false;
+ return true;
- Sets the margins of this layout element. If \ref setAutoMargins is disabled for some or all
- sides, this function is used to manually set the margin on those sides. Sides that are still set
- to be handled automatically are ignored and may have any value in \a margins.
- The margin is the distance between the outer rect (controlled by the parent layout via \ref
- setOuterRect) and the inner \ref rect (which usually contains the main content of this layout
- element).
- \see setAutoMargins
+ Adds the data selection of \a other to this data selection, and then simplifies this data
+ selection (see \ref simplify).
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMargins(const QMargins &margins)
+QCPDataSelection &QCPDataSelection::operator+=(const QCPDataSelection &other)
- if (mMargins != margins)
- {
- mMargins = margins;
- mRect = mOuterRect.adjusted(mMargins.left(), mMargins.top(), -mMargins.right(), -mMargins.bottom());
- }
+ mDataRanges << other.mDataRanges;
+ simplify();
+ return *this;
- If \ref setAutoMargins is enabled on some or all margins, this function is used to provide
- minimum values for those margins.
- The minimum values are not enforced on margin sides that were set to be under manual control via
- \ref setAutoMargins.
+ Adds the data range \a other to this data selection, and then simplifies this data selection (see
+ \ref simplify).
+QCPDataSelection &QCPDataSelection::operator+=(const QCPDataRange &other)
+ addDataRange(other);
+ return *this;
+ Removes all data point indices that are described by \a other from this data range.
+QCPDataSelection &QCPDataSelection::operator-=(const QCPDataSelection &other)
+ for (int i=0; i<other.dataRangeCount(); ++i)
+ *this -= other.dataRange(i);
- \see setAutoMargins
+ return *this;
+ Removes all data point indices that are described by \a other from this data range.
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumMargins(const QMargins &margins)
+QCPDataSelection &QCPDataSelection::operator-=(const QCPDataRange &other)
- if (mMinimumMargins != margins)
+ if (other.isEmpty() || isEmpty())
+ return *this;
+ simplify();
+ int i=0;
+ while (i < mDataRanges.size())
- mMinimumMargins = margins;
+ const int thisBegin = mDataRanges.at(i).begin();
+ const int thisEnd = mDataRanges.at(i).end();
+ if (thisBegin >= other.end())
+ break; // since data ranges are sorted after the simplify() call, no ranges which contain other will come after this
+ if (thisEnd > other.begin()) // ranges which don't fulfill this are entirely before other and can be ignored
+ {
+ if (thisBegin >= other.begin()) // range leading segment is encompassed
+ {
+ if (thisEnd <= other.end()) // range fully encompassed, remove completely
+ {
+ mDataRanges.removeAt(i);
+ continue;
+ } else // only leading segment is encompassed, trim accordingly
+ mDataRanges[i].setBegin(other.end());
+ } else // leading segment is not encompassed
+ {
+ if (thisEnd <= other.end()) // only trailing segment is encompassed, trim accordingly
+ {
+ mDataRanges[i].setEnd(other.begin());
+ } else // other lies inside this range, so split range
+ {
+ mDataRanges[i].setEnd(other.begin());
+ mDataRanges.insert(i+1, QCPDataRange(other.end(), thisEnd));
+ break; // since data ranges are sorted (and don't overlap) after simplify() call, we're done here
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ return *this;
- Sets on which sides the margin shall be calculated automatically. If a side is calculated
- automatically, a minimum margin value may be provided with \ref setMinimumMargins. If a side is
- set to be controlled manually, the value may be specified with \ref setMargins.
- Margin sides that are under automatic control may participate in a \ref QCPMarginGroup (see \ref
- setMarginGroup), to synchronize (align) it with other layout elements in the plot.
- \see setMinimumMargins, setMargins
+ Returns the total number of data points contained in all data ranges that make up this data
+ selection.
-void QCPLayoutElement::setAutoMargins(QCP::MarginSides sides)
+int QCPDataSelection::dataPointCount() const
- mAutoMargins = sides;
+ int result = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<mDataRanges.size(); ++i)
+ result += mDataRanges.at(i).length();
+ return result;
- Sets the minimum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element. A parent layout tries to
- respect the \a size here by changing row/column sizes in the layout accordingly.
+ Returns the data range with the specified \a index.
- If the parent layout size is not sufficient to satisfy all minimum size constraints of its child
- layout elements, the layout may set a size that is actually smaller than \a size. QCustomPlot
- propagates the layout's size constraints to the outside by setting its own minimum QWidget size
- accordingly, so violations of \a size should be exceptions.
+ If the data selection is simplified (the usual state of the selection, see \ref simplify), the
+ ranges are sorted by ascending data point index.
+ \see dataRangeCount
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize(const QSize &size)
+QCPDataRange QCPDataSelection::dataRange(int index) const
- if (mMinimumSize != size)
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataRanges.size())
- mMinimumSize = size;
- if (mParentLayout)
- mParentLayout->sizeConstraintsChanged();
+ return mDataRanges.at(index);
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index out of range:" << index;
+ return QCPDataRange();
-/*! \overload
- Sets the minimum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element.
+ Returns a \ref QCPDataRange which spans the entire data selection, including possible
+ intermediate segments which are not part of the original data selection.
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize(int width, int height)
+QCPDataRange QCPDataSelection::span() const
- setMinimumSize(QSize(width, height));
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return QCPDataRange();
+ else
+ return QCPDataRange(mDataRanges.first().begin(), mDataRanges.last().end());
- Sets the maximum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element. A parent layout tries to
- respect the \a size here by changing row/column sizes in the layout accordingly.
+ Adds the given \a dataRange to this data selection. This is equivalent to the += operator but
+ allows disabling immediate simplification by setting \a simplify to false. This can improve
+ performance if adding a very large amount of data ranges successively. In this case, make sure to
+ call \ref simplify manually, after the operation.
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size)
+void QCPDataSelection::addDataRange(const QCPDataRange &dataRange, bool simplify)
- if (mMaximumSize != size)
- {
- mMaximumSize = size;
- if (mParentLayout)
- mParentLayout->sizeConstraintsChanged();
- }
+ mDataRanges.append(dataRange);
+ if (simplify)
+ this->simplify();
-/*! \overload
+ Removes all data ranges. The data selection then contains no data points.
- Sets the maximum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element.
+ \ref isEmpty
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize(int width, int height)
+void QCPDataSelection::clear()
- setMaximumSize(QSize(width, height));
+ mDataRanges.clear();
- Sets the margin \a group of the specified margin \a sides.
- Margin groups allow synchronizing specified margins across layout elements, see the documentation
- of \ref QCPMarginGroup.
- To unset the margin group of \a sides, set \a group to 0.
- Note that margin groups only work for margin sides that are set to automatic (\ref
- setAutoMargins).
+ Sorts all data ranges by range begin index in ascending order, and then joins directly adjacent
+ or overlapping ranges. This can reduce the number of individual data ranges in the selection, and
+ prevents possible double-counting when iterating over the data points held by the data ranges.
+ This method is automatically called when using the addition/subtraction operators. The only case
+ when \ref simplify is left to the user, is when calling \ref addDataRange, with the parameter \a
+ simplify explicitly set to false.
-void QCPLayoutElement::setMarginGroup(QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group)
+void QCPDataSelection::simplify()
- QVector<QCP::MarginSide> sideVector;
- if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msLeft)) sideVector.append(QCP::msLeft);
- if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msRight)) sideVector.append(QCP::msRight);
- if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msTop)) sideVector.append(QCP::msTop);
- if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msBottom)) sideVector.append(QCP::msBottom);
+ // remove any empty ranges:
+ for (int i=mDataRanges.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
+ {
+ if (mDataRanges.at(i).isEmpty())
+ mDataRanges.removeAt(i);
+ }
+ if (mDataRanges.isEmpty())
+ return;
- for (int i=0; i<sideVector.size(); ++i)
+ // sort ranges by starting value, ascending:
+ std::sort(mDataRanges.begin(), mDataRanges.end(), lessThanDataRangeBegin);
+ // join overlapping/contiguous ranges:
+ int i = 1;
+ while (i < mDataRanges.size())
- QCP::MarginSide side = sideVector.at(i);
- if (marginGroup(side) != group)
+ if (mDataRanges.at(i-1).end() >= mDataRanges.at(i).begin()) // range i overlaps/joins with i-1, so expand range i-1 appropriately and remove range i from list
- QCPMarginGroup *oldGroup = marginGroup(side);
- if (oldGroup) // unregister at old group
- oldGroup->removeChild(side, this);
- if (!group) // if setting to 0, remove hash entry. Else set hash entry to new group and register there
- {
- mMarginGroups.remove(side);
- } else // setting to a new group
- {
- mMarginGroups[side] = group;
- group->addChild(side, this);
- }
- }
+ mDataRanges[i-1].setEnd(qMax(mDataRanges.at(i-1).end(), mDataRanges.at(i).end()));
+ mDataRanges.removeAt(i);
+ } else
+ ++i;
- Updates the layout element and sub-elements. This function is automatically called before every
- replot by the parent layout element. It is called multiple times, once for every \ref
- UpdatePhase. The phases are run through in the order of the enum values. For details about what
- happens at the different phases, see the documentation of \ref UpdatePhase.
+ Makes sure this data selection conforms to the specified \a type selection type. Before the type
+ is enforced, \ref simplify is called.
- Layout elements that have child elements should call the \ref update method of their child
- elements, and pass the current \a phase unchanged.
+ Depending on \a type, enforcing means adding new data points that were previously not part of the
+ selection, or removing data points from the selection. If the current selection already conforms
+ to \a type, the data selection is not changed.
- The default implementation executes the automatic margin mechanism in the \ref upMargins phase.
- Subclasses should make sure to call the base class implementation.
+ \see QCP::SelectionType
-void QCPLayoutElement::update(UpdatePhase phase)
+void QCPDataSelection::enforceType(QCP::SelectionType type)
- if (phase == upMargins)
+ simplify();
+ switch (type)
- if (mAutoMargins != QCP::msNone)
+ case QCP::stNone:
- // set the margins of this layout element according to automatic margin calculation, either directly or via a margin group:
- QMargins newMargins = mMargins;
- QList<QCP::MarginSide> allMarginSides = QList<QCP::MarginSide>() << QCP::msLeft << QCP::msRight << QCP::msTop << QCP::msBottom;
- foreach (QCP::MarginSide side, allMarginSides)
+ mDataRanges.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ case QCP::stWhole:
+ {
+ // whole selection isn't defined by data range, so don't change anything (is handled in plottable methods)
+ break;
+ }
+ case QCP::stSingleData:
+ {
+ // reduce all data ranges to the single first data point:
+ if (!mDataRanges.isEmpty())
- if (mAutoMargins.testFlag(side)) // this side's margin shall be calculated automatically
- {
- if (mMarginGroups.contains(side))
- QCP::setMarginValue(newMargins, side, mMarginGroups[side]->commonMargin(side)); // this side is part of a margin group, so get the margin value from that group
- else
- QCP::setMarginValue(newMargins, side, calculateAutoMargin(side)); // this side is not part of a group, so calculate the value directly
- // apply minimum margin restrictions:
- if (QCP::getMarginValue(newMargins, side) < QCP::getMarginValue(mMinimumMargins, side))
- QCP::setMarginValue(newMargins, side, QCP::getMarginValue(mMinimumMargins, side));
- }
+ if (mDataRanges.size() > 1)
+ mDataRanges = QList<QCPDataRange>() << mDataRanges.first();
+ if (mDataRanges.first().length() > 1)
+ mDataRanges.first().setEnd(mDataRanges.first().begin()+1);
- setMargins(newMargins);
+ break;
+ }
+ case QCP::stDataRange:
+ {
+ mDataRanges = QList<QCPDataRange>() << span();
+ break;
+ }
+ case QCP::stMultipleDataRanges:
+ {
+ // this is the selection type that allows all concievable combinations of ranges, so do nothing
+ break;
- Returns the minimum size this layout element (the inner \ref rect) may be compressed to.
+ Returns true if the data selection \a other is contained entirely in this data selection, i.e.
+ all data point indices that are in \a other are also in this data selection.
- if a minimum size (\ref setMinimumSize) was not set manually, parent layouts consult this
- function to determine the minimum allowed size of this layout element. (A manual minimum size is
- considered set if it is non-zero.)
+ \see QCPDataRange::contains
-QSize QCPLayoutElement::minimumSizeHint() const
+bool QCPDataSelection::contains(const QCPDataSelection &other) const
- return mMinimumSize;
+ if (other.isEmpty()) return false;
+ int otherIndex = 0;
+ int thisIndex = 0;
+ while (thisIndex < mDataRanges.size() && otherIndex < other.mDataRanges.size())
+ {
+ if (mDataRanges.at(thisIndex).contains(other.mDataRanges.at(otherIndex)))
+ ++otherIndex;
+ else
+ ++thisIndex;
+ }
+ return thisIndex < mDataRanges.size(); // if thisIndex ran all the way to the end to find a containing range for the current otherIndex, other is not contained in this
- Returns the maximum size this layout element (the inner \ref rect) may be expanded to.
- if a maximum size (\ref setMaximumSize) was not set manually, parent layouts consult this
- function to determine the maximum allowed size of this layout element. (A manual maximum size is
- considered set if it is smaller than Qt's QWIDGETSIZE_MAX.)
+ Returns a data selection containing the points which are both in this data selection and in the
+ data range \a other.
+ A common use case is to limit an unknown data selection to the valid range of a data container,
+ using \ref QCPDataContainer::dataRange as \a other. One can then safely iterate over the returned
+ data selection without exceeding the data container's bounds.
-QSize QCPLayoutElement::maximumSizeHint() const
+QCPDataSelection QCPDataSelection::intersection(const QCPDataRange &other) const
- return mMaximumSize;
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ for (int i=0; i<mDataRanges.size(); ++i)
+ result.addDataRange(mDataRanges.at(i).intersection(other), false);
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
- Returns a list of all child elements in this layout element. If \a recursive is true, all
- sub-child elements are included in the list, too.
- \warning There may be entries with value 0 in the returned list. (For example, QCPLayoutGrid may have
- empty cells which yield 0 at the respective index.)
+ Returns a data selection containing the points which are both in this data selection and in the
+ data selection \a other.
-QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayoutElement::elements(bool recursive) const
+QCPDataSelection QCPDataSelection::intersection(const QCPDataSelection &other) const
- Q_UNUSED(recursive)
- return QList<QCPLayoutElement*>();
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ for (int i=0; i<other.dataRangeCount(); ++i)
+ result += intersection(other.dataRange(i));
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
- Layout elements are sensitive to events inside their outer rect. If \a pos is within the outer
- rect, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection
- tolerance. However, layout elements are not selectable by default. So if \a onlySelectable is
- true, -1.0 is returned.
- See \ref QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.
- QCPLayoutElement subclasses may reimplement this method to provide more specific selection test
- behaviour.
+ Returns a data selection which is the exact inverse of this data selection, with \a outerRange
+ defining the base range on which to invert. If \a outerRange is smaller than the \ref span of
+ this data selection, it is expanded accordingly.
+ For example, this method can be used to retrieve all unselected segments by setting \a outerRange
+ to the full data range of the plottable, and calling this method on a data selection holding the
+ selected segments.
-double QCPLayoutElement::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+QCPDataSelection QCPDataSelection::inverse(const QCPDataRange &outerRange) const
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (onlySelectable)
- return -1;
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return QCPDataSelection(outerRange);
+ QCPDataRange fullRange = outerRange.expanded(span());
- if (QRectF(mOuterRect).contains(pos))
- {
- if (mParentPlot)
- return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- else
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "parent plot not defined";
- return -1;
- }
- } else
- return -1;
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ // first unselected segment:
+ if (mDataRanges.first().begin() != fullRange.begin())
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(fullRange.begin(), mDataRanges.first().begin()), false);
+ // intermediate unselected segments:
+ for (int i=1; i<mDataRanges.size(); ++i)
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(mDataRanges.at(i-1).end(), mDataRanges.at(i).begin()), false);
+ // last unselected segment:
+ if (mDataRanges.last().end() != fullRange.end())
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(mDataRanges.last().end(), fullRange.end()), false);
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
+/* end of 'src/selection.cpp' */
-/*! \internal
- propagates the parent plot initialization to all child elements, by calling \ref
- QCPLayerable::initializeParentPlot on them.
-void QCPLayoutElement::parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
- foreach (QCPLayoutElement* el, elements(false))
- {
- if (!el->parentPlot())
- el->initializeParentPlot(parentPlot);
- }
-/*! \internal
- Returns the margin size for this \a side. It is used if automatic margins is enabled for this \a
- side (see \ref setAutoMargins). If a minimum margin was set with \ref setMinimumMargins, the
- returned value will not be smaller than the specified minimum margin.
- The default implementation just returns the respective manual margin (\ref setMargins) or the
- minimum margin, whichever is larger.
-int QCPLayoutElement::calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side)
- return qMax(QCP::getMarginValue(mMargins, side), QCP::getMarginValue(mMinimumMargins, side));
+/* including file 'src/selectionrect.cpp', size 9224 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPLayout
+//////////////////// QCPSelectionRect
-/*! \class QCPLayout
- \brief The abstract base class for layouts
- This is an abstract base class for layout elements whose main purpose is to define the position
- and size of other child layout elements. In most cases, layouts don't draw anything themselves
- (but there are exceptions to this, e.g. QCPLegend).
+/*! \class QCPSelectionRect
+ \brief Provides rect/rubber-band data selection and range zoom interaction
- QCPLayout derives from QCPLayoutElement, and thus can itself be nested in other layouts.
+ QCPSelectionRect is used by QCustomPlot when the \ref QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode is not
+ \ref QCP::srmNone. When the user drags the mouse across the plot, the current selection rect
+ instance (\ref QCustomPlot::setSelectionRect) is forwarded these events and makes sure an
+ according rect shape is drawn. At the begin, during, and after completion of the interaction, it
+ emits the corresponding signals \ref started, \ref changed, \ref canceled, and \ref accepted.
- QCPLayout introduces a common interface for accessing and manipulating the child elements. Those
- functions are most notably \ref elementCount, \ref elementAt, \ref takeAt, \ref take, \ref
- simplify, \ref removeAt, \ref remove and \ref clear. Individual subclasses may add more functions
- to this interface which are more specialized to the form of the layout. For example, \ref
- QCPLayoutGrid adds functions that take row and column indices to access cells of the layout grid
- more conveniently.
+ The QCustomPlot instance connects own slots to the current selection rect instance, in order to
+ react to an accepted selection rect interaction accordingly.
- Since this is an abstract base class, you can't instantiate it directly. Rather use one of its
- subclasses like QCPLayoutGrid or QCPLayoutInset.
+ \ref isActive can be used to check whether the selection rect is currently active. An ongoing
+ selection interaction can be cancelled programmatically via calling \ref cancel at any time.
- For a general introduction to the layout system, see the dedicated documentation page \ref
- thelayoutsystem "The Layout System".
+ The appearance of the selection rect can be controlled via \ref setPen and \ref setBrush.
+ If you wish to provide custom behaviour, e.g. a different visual representation of the selection
+ rect (\ref QCPSelectionRect::draw), you can subclass QCPSelectionRect and pass an instance of
+ your subclass to \ref QCustomPlot::setSelectionRect.
-/* start documentation of pure virtual functions */
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn virtual int QCPLayout::elementCount() const = 0
- Returns the number of elements/cells in the layout.
- \see elements, elementAt
+/*! \fn bool QCPSelectionRect::isActive() const
+ Returns true if there is currently a selection going on, i.e. the user has started dragging a
+ selection rect, but hasn't released the mouse button yet.
+ \see cancel
-/*! \fn virtual QCPLayoutElement* QCPLayout::elementAt(int index) const = 0
- Returns the element in the cell with the given \a index. If \a index is invalid, returns 0.
- Note that even if \a index is valid, the respective cell may be empty in some layouts (e.g.
- QCPLayoutGrid), so this function may return 0 in those cases. You may use this function to check
- whether a cell is empty or not.
- \see elements, elementCount, takeAt
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+/* start documentation of signals */
+/*! \fn void QCPSelectionRect::started(QMouseEvent *event);
+ This signal is emitted when a selection rect interaction was initiated, i.e. the user just
+ started dragging the selection rect with the mouse.
-/*! \fn virtual QCPLayoutElement* QCPLayout::takeAt(int index) = 0
- Removes the element with the given \a index from the layout and returns it.
- If the \a index is invalid or the cell with that index is empty, returns 0.
+/*! \fn void QCPSelectionRect::changed(const QRect &rect, QMouseEvent *event);
- Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an empty cell after
- successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref simplify.
+ This signal is emitted while the selection rect interaction is ongoing and the \a rect has
+ changed its size due to the user moving the mouse.
- \see elementAt, take
+ Note that \a rect may have a negative width or height, if the selection is being dragged to the
+ upper or left side of the selection rect origin.
-/*! \fn virtual bool QCPLayout::take(QCPLayoutElement* element) = 0
+/*! \fn void QCPSelectionRect::canceled(const QRect &rect, QInputEvent *event);
- Removes the specified \a element from the layout and returns true on success.
+ This signal is emitted when the selection interaction was cancelled. Note that \a event is 0 if
+ the selection interaction was cancelled programmatically, by a call to \ref cancel.
- If the \a element isn't in this layout, returns false.
+ The user may cancel the selection interaction by pressing the escape key. In this case, \a event
+ holds the respective input event.
- Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an empty cell after
- successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref simplify.
+ Note that \a rect may have a negative width or height, if the selection is being dragged to the
+ upper or left side of the selection rect origin.
+/*! \fn void QCPSelectionRect::accepted(const QRect &rect, QMouseEvent *event);
- \see takeAt
+ This signal is emitted when the selection interaction was completed by the user releasing the
+ mouse button.
+ Note that \a rect may have a negative width or height, if the selection is being dragged to the
+ upper or left side of the selection rect origin.
-/* end documentation of pure virtual functions */
+/* end documentation of signals */
- Creates an instance of QCPLayout and sets default values. Note that since QCPLayout
- is an abstract base class, it can't be instantiated directly.
+ Creates a new QCPSelectionRect instance. To make QCustomPlot use the selection rect instance,
+ pass it to \ref QCustomPlot::setSelectionRect. \a parentPlot should be set to the same
+ QCustomPlot widget.
+QCPSelectionRect::QCPSelectionRect(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ QCPLayerable(parentPlot),
+ mPen(QBrush(Qt::gray), 0, Qt::DashLine),
+ mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mActive(false)
+ cancel();
- First calls the QCPLayoutElement::update base class implementation to update the margins on this
- layout.
- Then calls \ref updateLayout which subclasses reimplement to reposition and resize their cells.
- Finally, \ref update is called on all child elements.
+ A convenience function which returns the coordinate range of the provided \a axis, that this
+ selection rect currently encompasses.
-void QCPLayout::update(UpdatePhase phase)
+QCPRange QCPSelectionRect::range(const QCPAxis *axis) const
- QCPLayoutElement::update(phase);
- // set child element rects according to layout:
- if (phase == upLayout)
- updateLayout();
- // propagate update call to child elements:
- const int elCount = elementCount();
- for (int i=0; i<elCount; ++i)
+ if (axis)
- if (QCPLayoutElement *el = elementAt(i))
- el->update(phase);
+ if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return QCPRange(axis->pixelToCoord(mRect.left()), axis->pixelToCoord(mRect.left()+mRect.width()));
+ else
+ return QCPRange(axis->pixelToCoord(mRect.top()+mRect.height()), axis->pixelToCoord(mRect.top()));
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "called with axis zero";
+ return QCPRange();
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayout::elements(bool recursive) const
+ Sets the pen that will be used to draw the selection rect outline.
+ \see setBrush
+void QCPSelectionRect::setPen(const QPen &pen)
- const int c = elementCount();
- QList<QCPLayoutElement*> result;
- result.reserve(c);
- for (int i=0; i<c; ++i)
- result.append(elementAt(i));
- if (recursive)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<c; ++i)
- {
- if (result.at(i))
- result << result.at(i)->elements(recursive);
- }
- }
- return result;
+ mPen = pen;
- Simplifies the layout by collapsing empty cells. The exact behavior depends on subclasses, the
- default implementation does nothing.
+ Sets the brush that will be used to fill the selection rect. By default the selection rect is not
+ filled, i.e. \a brush is <tt>Qt::NoBrush</tt>.
- Not all layouts need simplification. For example, QCPLayoutInset doesn't use explicit
- simplification while QCPLayoutGrid does.
+ \see setPen
-void QCPLayout::simplify()
+void QCPSelectionRect::setBrush(const QBrush &brush)
+ mBrush = brush;
- Removes and deletes the element at the provided \a index. Returns true on success. If \a index is
- invalid or points to an empty cell, returns false.
- This function internally uses \ref takeAt to remove the element from the layout and then deletes
- the returned element. Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an
- empty cell after successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref
- simplify.
- \see remove, takeAt
+ If there is currently a selection interaction going on (\ref isActive), the interaction is
+ canceled. The selection rect will emit the \ref canceled signal.
-bool QCPLayout::removeAt(int index)
+void QCPSelectionRect::cancel()
- if (QCPLayoutElement *el = takeAt(index))
+ if (mActive)
- delete el;
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
+ mActive = false;
+ emit canceled(mRect, 0);
+ }
- Removes and deletes the provided \a element. Returns true on success. If \a element is not in the
- layout, returns false.
- This function internally uses \ref takeAt to remove the element from the layout and then deletes
- the element. Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an
- empty cell after successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref
- simplify.
+/*! \internal
- \see removeAt, take
+ This method is called by QCustomPlot to indicate that a selection rect interaction was initiated.
+ The default implementation sets the selection rect to active, initializes the selection rect
+ geometry and emits the \ref started signal.
-bool QCPLayout::remove(QCPLayoutElement *element)
+void QCPSelectionRect::startSelection(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (take(element))
- {
- delete element;
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
+ mActive = true;
+ mRect = QRect(event->pos(), event->pos());
+ emit started(event);
- Removes and deletes all layout elements in this layout. Finally calls \ref simplify to make sure
- all empty cells are collapsed.
+/*! \internal
- \see remove, removeAt
+ This method is called by QCustomPlot to indicate that an ongoing selection rect interaction needs
+ to update its geometry. The default implementation updates the rect and emits the \ref changed
+ signal.
-void QCPLayout::clear()
+void QCPSelectionRect::moveSelection(QMouseEvent *event)
- for (int i=elementCount()-1; i>=0; --i)
- {
- if (elementAt(i))
- removeAt(i);
- }
- simplify();
+ mRect.setBottomRight(event->pos());
+ emit changed(mRect, event);
+ layer()->replot();
- Subclasses call this method to report changed (minimum/maximum) size constraints.
+/*! \internal
- If the parent of this layout is again a QCPLayout, forwards the call to the parent's \ref
- sizeConstraintsChanged. If the parent is a QWidget (i.e. is the \ref QCustomPlot::plotLayout of
- QCustomPlot), calls QWidget::updateGeometry, so if the QCustomPlot widget is inside a Qt QLayout,
- it may update itself and resize cells accordingly.
+ This method is called by QCustomPlot to indicate that an ongoing selection rect interaction has
+ finished by the user releasing the mouse button. The default implementation deactivates the
+ selection rect and emits the \ref accepted signal.
-void QCPLayout::sizeConstraintsChanged() const
+void QCPSelectionRect::endSelection(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (QWidget *w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(parent()))
- w->updateGeometry();
- else if (QCPLayout *l = qobject_cast<QCPLayout*>(parent()))
- l->sizeConstraintsChanged();
+ mRect.setBottomRight(event->pos());
+ mActive = false;
+ emit accepted(mRect, event);
/*! \internal
- Subclasses reimplement this method to update the position and sizes of the child elements/cells
- via calling their \ref QCPLayoutElement::setOuterRect. The default implementation does nothing.
- The geometry used as a reference is the inner \ref rect of this layout. Child elements should stay
- within that rect.
+ This method is called by QCustomPlot when a key has been pressed by the user while the selection
+ rect interaction is active. The default implementation allows to \ref cancel the interaction by
+ hitting the escape key.
+void QCPSelectionRect::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
+ if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape && mActive)
+ {
+ mActive = false;
+ emit canceled(mRect, event);
+ }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPSelectionRect::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeOther);
+/*! \internal
- \ref getSectionSizes may help with the reimplementation of this function.
+ If the selection rect is active (\ref isActive), draws the selection rect defined by \a mRect.
- \see update
+ \seebaseclassmethod
-void QCPLayout::updateLayout()
+void QCPSelectionRect::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ if (mActive)
+ {
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ painter->drawRect(mRect);
+ }
+/* end of 'src/selectionrect.cpp' */
-/*! \internal
+/* including file 'src/layout.cpp', size 74302 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPMarginGroup
+/*! \class QCPMarginGroup
+ \brief A margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements.
- Associates \a el with this layout. This is done by setting the \ref QCPLayoutElement::layout, the
- \ref QCPLayerable::parentLayerable and the QObject parent to this layout.
+ QCPMarginGroup allows you to tie a margin side of two or more layout elements together, such that
+ they will all have the same size, based on the largest required margin in the group.
- Further, if \a el didn't previously have a parent plot, calls \ref
- QCPLayerable::initializeParentPlot on \a el to set the paret plot.
+ \n
+ \image html QCPMarginGroup.png "Demonstration of QCPMarginGroup"
+ \n
- This method is used by subclass specific methods that add elements to the layout. Note that this
- method only changes properties in \a el. The removal from the old layout and the insertion into
- the new layout must be done additionally.
+ In certain situations it is desirable that margins at specific sides are synchronized across
+ layout elements. For example, if one QCPAxisRect is below another one in a grid layout, it will
+ provide a cleaner look to the user if the left and right margins of the two axis rects are of the
+ same size. The left axis of the top axis rect will then be at the same horizontal position as the
+ left axis of the lower axis rect, making them appear aligned. The same applies for the right
+ axes. This is what QCPMarginGroup makes possible.
+ To add/remove a specific side of a layout element to/from a margin group, use the \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::setMarginGroup method. To completely break apart the margin group, either call
+ \ref clear, or just delete the margin group.
+ \section QCPMarginGroup-example Example
+ First create a margin group:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpmargingroup-creation-1
+ Then set this group on the layout element sides:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpmargingroup-creation-2
+ Here, we've used the first two axis rects of the plot and synchronized their left margins with
+ each other and their right margins with each other.
-void QCPLayout::adoptElement(QCPLayoutElement *el)
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPMarginGroup::elements(QCP::MarginSide side) const
+ Returns a list of all layout elements that have their margin \a side associated with this margin
+ group.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Creates a new QCPMarginGroup instance in \a parentPlot.
+QCPMarginGroup::QCPMarginGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ QObject(parentPlot),
+ mParentPlot(parentPlot)
- if (el)
+ mChildren.insert(QCP::msLeft, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
+ mChildren.insert(QCP::msRight, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
+ mChildren.insert(QCP::msTop, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
+ mChildren.insert(QCP::msBottom, QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
+ clear();
+ Returns whether this margin group is empty. If this function returns true, no layout elements use
+ this margin group to synchronize margin sides.
+bool QCPMarginGroup::isEmpty() const
+ QHashIterator<QCP::MarginSide, QList<QCPLayoutElement*> > it(mChildren);
+ while (it.hasNext())
- el->mParentLayout = this;
- el->setParentLayerable(this);
- el->setParent(this);
- if (!el->parentPlot())
- el->initializeParentPlot(mParentPlot);
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Null element passed";
+ it.next();
+ if (!it.value().isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Clears this margin group. The synchronization of the margin sides that use this margin group is
+ lifted and they will use their individual margin sizes again.
+void QCPMarginGroup::clear()
+ // make all children remove themselves from this margin group:
+ QHashIterator<QCP::MarginSide, QList<QCPLayoutElement*> > it(mChildren);
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ it.next();
+ const QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements = it.value();
+ for (int i=elements.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
+ elements.at(i)->setMarginGroup(it.key(), 0); // removes itself from mChildren via removeChild
+ }
/*! \internal
- Disassociates \a el from this layout. This is done by setting the \ref QCPLayoutElement::layout
- and the \ref QCPLayerable::parentLayerable to zero. The QObject parent is set to the parent
- QCustomPlot.
+ Returns the synchronized common margin for \a side. This is the margin value that will be used by
+ the layout element on the respective side, if it is part of this margin group.
- This method is used by subclass specific methods that remove elements from the layout (e.g. \ref
- take or \ref takeAt). Note that this method only changes properties in \a el. The removal from
- the old layout must be done additionally.
+ The common margin is calculated by requesting the automatic margin (\ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::calculateAutoMargin) of each element associated with \a side in this margin
+ group, and choosing the largest returned value. (QCPLayoutElement::minimumMargins is taken into
+ account, too.)
-void QCPLayout::releaseElement(QCPLayoutElement *el)
+int QCPMarginGroup::commonMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) const
- if (el)
+ // query all automatic margins of the layout elements in this margin group side and find maximum:
+ int result = 0;
+ const QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements = mChildren.value(side);
+ for (int i=0; i<elements.size(); ++i)
- el->mParentLayout = 0;
- el->setParentLayerable(0);
- el->setParent(mParentPlot);
- // Note: Don't initializeParentPlot(0) here, because layout element will stay in same parent plot
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Null element passed";
+ if (!elements.at(i)->autoMargins().testFlag(side))
+ continue;
+ int m = qMax(elements.at(i)->calculateAutoMargin(side), QCP::getMarginValue(elements.at(i)->minimumMargins(), side));
+ if (m > result)
+ result = m;
+ }
+ return result;
/*! \internal
- This is a helper function for the implementation of \ref updateLayout in subclasses.
+ Adds \a element to the internal list of child elements, for the margin \a side.
- It calculates the sizes of one-dimensional sections with provided constraints on maximum section
- sizes, minimum section sizes, relative stretch factors and the final total size of all sections.
+ This function does not modify the margin group property of \a element.
+void QCPMarginGroup::addChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ if (!mChildren[side].contains(element))
+ mChildren[side].append(element);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "element is already child of this margin group side" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(element);
+/*! \internal
- The QVector entries refer to the sections. Thus all QVectors must have the same size.
+ Removes \a element from the internal list of child elements, for the margin \a side.
- \a maxSizes gives the maximum allowed size of each section. If there shall be no maximum size
- imposed, set all vector values to Qt's QWIDGETSIZE_MAX.
+ This function does not modify the margin group property of \a element.
+void QCPMarginGroup::removeChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ if (!mChildren[side].removeOne(element))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "element is not child of this margin group side" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(element);
+//////////////////// QCPLayoutElement
+/*! \class QCPLayoutElement
+ \brief The abstract base class for all objects that form \ref thelayoutsystem "the layout system".
- \a minSizes gives the minimum allowed size of each section. If there shall be no minimum size
- imposed, set all vector values to zero. If the \a minSizes entries add up to a value greater than
- \a totalSize, sections will be scaled smaller than the proposed minimum sizes. (In other words,
- not exceeding the allowed total size is taken to be more important than not going below minimum
- section sizes.)
+ This is an abstract base class. As such, it can't be instantiated directly, rather use one of its subclasses.
- \a stretchFactors give the relative proportions of the sections to each other. If all sections
- shall be scaled equally, set all values equal. If the first section shall be double the size of
- each individual other section, set the first number of \a stretchFactors to double the value of
- the other individual values (e.g. {2, 1, 1, 1}).
+ A Layout element is a rectangular object which can be placed in layouts. It has an outer rect
+ (QCPLayoutElement::outerRect) and an inner rect (\ref QCPLayoutElement::rect). The difference
+ between outer and inner rect is called its margin. The margin can either be set to automatic or
+ manual (\ref setAutoMargins) on a per-side basis. If a side is set to manual, that margin can be
+ set explicitly with \ref setMargins and will stay fixed at that value. If it's set to automatic,
+ the layout element subclass will control the value itself (via \ref calculateAutoMargin).
- \a totalSize is the value that the final section sizes will add up to. Due to rounding, the
- actual sum may differ slightly. If you want the section sizes to sum up to exactly that value,
- you could distribute the remaining difference on the sections.
+ Layout elements can be placed in layouts (base class QCPLayout) like QCPLayoutGrid. The top level
+ layout is reachable via \ref QCustomPlot::plotLayout, and is a \ref QCPLayoutGrid. Since \ref
+ QCPLayout itself derives from \ref QCPLayoutElement, layouts can be nested.
- The return value is a QVector containing the section sizes.
+ Thus in QCustomPlot one can divide layout elements into two categories: The ones that are
+ invisible by themselves, because they don't draw anything. Their only purpose is to manage the
+ position and size of other layout elements. This category of layout elements usually use
+ QCPLayout as base class. Then there is the category of layout elements which actually draw
+ something. For example, QCPAxisRect, QCPLegend and QCPTextElement are of this category. This does
+ not necessarily mean that the latter category can't have child layout elements. QCPLegend for
+ instance, actually derives from QCPLayoutGrid and the individual legend items are child layout
+ elements in the grid layout.
-QVector<int> QCPLayout::getSectionSizes(QVector<int> maxSizes, QVector<int> minSizes, QVector<double> stretchFactors, int totalSize) const
- if (maxSizes.size() != minSizes.size() || minSizes.size() != stretchFactors.size())
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Passed vector sizes aren't equal:" << maxSizes << minSizes << stretchFactors;
- return QVector<int>();
- }
- if (stretchFactors.isEmpty())
- return QVector<int>();
- int sectionCount = stretchFactors.size();
- QVector<double> sectionSizes(sectionCount);
- // if provided total size is forced smaller than total minimum size, ignore minimum sizes (squeeze sections):
- int minSizeSum = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
- minSizeSum += minSizes.at(i);
- if (totalSize < minSizeSum)
- {
- // new stretch factors are minimum sizes and minimum sizes are set to zero:
- for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
- {
- stretchFactors[i] = minSizes.at(i);
- minSizes[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- QList<int> minimumLockedSections;
- QList<int> unfinishedSections;
- for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
- unfinishedSections.append(i);
- double freeSize = totalSize;
- int outerIterations = 0;
- while (!unfinishedSections.isEmpty() && outerIterations < sectionCount*2) // the iteration check ist just a failsafe in case something really strange happens
- {
- ++outerIterations;
- int innerIterations = 0;
- while (!unfinishedSections.isEmpty() && innerIterations < sectionCount*2) // the iteration check ist just a failsafe in case something really strange happens
- {
- ++innerIterations;
- // find section that hits its maximum next:
- int nextId = -1;
- double nextMax = 1e12;
- for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
- {
- int secId = unfinishedSections.at(i);
- double hitsMaxAt = (maxSizes.at(secId)-sectionSizes.at(secId))/stretchFactors.at(secId);
- if (hitsMaxAt < nextMax)
- {
- nextMax = hitsMaxAt;
- nextId = secId;
- }
- }
- // check if that maximum is actually within the bounds of the total size (i.e. can we stretch all remaining sections so far that the found section
- // actually hits its maximum, without exceeding the total size when we add up all sections)
- double stretchFactorSum = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
- stretchFactorSum += stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i));
- double nextMaxLimit = freeSize/stretchFactorSum;
- if (nextMax < nextMaxLimit) // next maximum is actually hit, move forward to that point and fix the size of that section
- {
- for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
- {
- sectionSizes[unfinishedSections.at(i)] += nextMax*stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i)); // increment all sections
- freeSize -= nextMax*stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i));
- }
- unfinishedSections.removeOne(nextId); // exclude the section that is now at maximum from further changes
- } else // next maximum isn't hit, just distribute rest of free space on remaining sections
- {
- for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
- sectionSizes[unfinishedSections.at(i)] += nextMaxLimit*stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i)); // increment all sections
- unfinishedSections.clear();
- }
- }
- if (innerIterations == sectionCount*2)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exceeded maximum expected inner iteration count, layouting aborted. Input was:" << maxSizes << minSizes << stretchFactors << totalSize;
- // now check whether the resulting section sizes violate minimum restrictions:
- bool foundMinimumViolation = false;
- for (int i=0; i<sectionSizes.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (minimumLockedSections.contains(i))
- continue;
- if (sectionSizes.at(i) < minSizes.at(i)) // section violates minimum
- {
- sectionSizes[i] = minSizes.at(i); // set it to minimum
- foundMinimumViolation = true; // make sure we repeat the whole optimization process
- minimumLockedSections.append(i);
- }
- }
- if (foundMinimumViolation)
- {
- freeSize = totalSize;
- for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
- {
- if (!minimumLockedSections.contains(i)) // only put sections that haven't hit their minimum back into the pool
- unfinishedSections.append(i);
- else
- freeSize -= sectionSizes.at(i); // remove size of minimum locked sections from available space in next round
- }
- // reset all section sizes to zero that are in unfinished sections (all others have been set to their minimum):
- for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
- sectionSizes[unfinishedSections.at(i)] = 0;
- }
- }
- if (outerIterations == sectionCount*2)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exceeded maximum expected outer iteration count, layouting aborted. Input was:" << maxSizes << minSizes << stretchFactors << totalSize;
- QVector<int> result(sectionCount);
- for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
- result[i] = qRound(sectionSizes.at(i));
- return result;
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
-//////////////////// QCPLayoutGrid
-/*! \class QCPLayoutGrid
- \brief A layout that arranges child elements in a grid
+/*! \fn QCPLayout *QCPLayoutElement::layout() const
- Elements are laid out in a grid with configurable stretch factors (\ref setColumnStretchFactor,
- \ref setRowStretchFactor) and spacing (\ref setColumnSpacing, \ref setRowSpacing).
+ Returns the parent layout of this layout element.
+/*! \fn QRect QCPLayoutElement::rect() const
- Elements can be added to cells via \ref addElement. The grid is expanded if the specified row or
- column doesn't exist yet. Whether a cell contains a valid layout element can be checked with \ref
- hasElement, that element can be retrieved with \ref element. If rows and columns that only have
- empty cells shall be removed, call \ref simplify. Removal of elements is either done by just
- adding the element to a different layout or by using the QCPLayout interface \ref take or \ref
- remove.
+ Returns the inner rect of this layout element. The inner rect is the outer rect (\ref
+ setOuterRect) shrinked by the margins (\ref setMargins, \ref setAutoMargins).
- Row and column insertion can be performed with \ref insertRow and \ref insertColumn.
+ In some cases, the area between outer and inner rect is left blank. In other cases the margin
+ area is used to display peripheral graphics while the main content is in the inner rect. This is
+ where automatic margin calculation becomes interesting because it allows the layout element to
+ adapt the margins to the peripheral graphics it wants to draw. For example, \ref QCPAxisRect
+ draws the axis labels and tick labels in the margin area, thus needs to adjust the margins (if
+ \ref setAutoMargins is enabled) according to the space required by the labels of the axes.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Creates an instance of QCPLayoutGrid and sets default values.
+ Creates an instance of QCPLayoutElement and sets default values.
-QCPLayoutGrid::QCPLayoutGrid() :
- mColumnSpacing(5),
- mRowSpacing(5)
+QCPLayoutElement::QCPLayoutElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ QCPLayerable(parentPlot), // parenthood is changed as soon as layout element gets inserted into a layout (except for top level layout)
+ mParentLayout(0),
+ mMinimumSize(),
+ mRect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ mOuterRect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ mMargins(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ mMinimumMargins(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ mAutoMargins(QCP::msAll)
- // clear all child layout elements. This is important because only the specific layouts know how
- // to handle removing elements (clear calls virtual removeAt method to do that).
- clear();
+ setMarginGroup(QCP::msAll, 0); // unregister at margin groups, if there are any
+ // unregister at layout:
+ if (qobject_cast<QCPLayout*>(mParentLayout)) // the qobject_cast is just a safeguard in case the layout forgets to call clear() in its dtor and this dtor is called by QObject dtor
+ mParentLayout->take(this);
- Returns the element in the cell in \a row and \a column.
+ Sets the outer rect of this layout element. If the layout element is inside a layout, the layout
+ sets the position and size of this layout element using this function.
- Returns 0 if either the row/column is invalid or if the cell is empty. In those cases, a qDebug
- message is printed. To check whether a cell exists and isn't empty, use \ref hasElement.
+ Calling this function externally has no effect, since the layout will overwrite any changes to
+ the outer rect upon the next replot.
- \see addElement, hasElement
+ The layout element will adapt its inner \ref rect by applying the margins inward to the outer rect.
+ \see rect
-QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutGrid::element(int row, int column) const
+void QCPLayoutElement::setOuterRect(const QRect &rect)
- if (row >= 0 && row < mElements.size())
+ if (mOuterRect != rect)
- if (column >= 0 && column < mElements.first().size())
- {
- if (QCPLayoutElement *result = mElements.at(row).at(column))
- return result;
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Requested cell is empty. Row:" << row << "Column:" << column;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid column. Row:" << row << "Column:" << column;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid row. Row:" << row << "Column:" << column;
- return 0;
+ mOuterRect = rect;
+ mRect = mOuterRect.adjusted(mMargins.left(), mMargins.top(), -mMargins.right(), -mMargins.bottom());
+ }
- Returns the number of rows in the layout.
+ Sets the margins of this layout element. If \ref setAutoMargins is disabled for some or all
+ sides, this function is used to manually set the margin on those sides. Sides that are still set
+ to be handled automatically are ignored and may have any value in \a margins.
- \see columnCount
+ The margin is the distance between the outer rect (controlled by the parent layout via \ref
+ setOuterRect) and the inner \ref rect (which usually contains the main content of this layout
+ element).
+ \see setAutoMargins
-int QCPLayoutGrid::rowCount() const
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMargins(const QMargins &margins)
- return mElements.size();
+ if (mMargins != margins)
+ {
+ mMargins = margins;
+ mRect = mOuterRect.adjusted(mMargins.left(), mMargins.top(), -mMargins.right(), -mMargins.bottom());
+ }
- Returns the number of columns in the layout.
+ If \ref setAutoMargins is enabled on some or all margins, this function is used to provide
+ minimum values for those margins.
- \see rowCount
+ The minimum values are not enforced on margin sides that were set to be under manual control via
+ \ref setAutoMargins.
+ \see setAutoMargins
-int QCPLayoutGrid::columnCount() const
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumMargins(const QMargins &margins)
- if (mElements.size() > 0)
- return mElements.first().size();
- else
- return 0;
+ if (mMinimumMargins != margins)
+ {
+ mMinimumMargins = margins;
+ }
- Adds the \a element to cell with \a row and \a column. If \a element is already in a layout, it
- is first removed from there. If \a row or \a column don't exist yet, the layout is expanded
- accordingly.
+ Sets on which sides the margin shall be calculated automatically. If a side is calculated
+ automatically, a minimum margin value may be provided with \ref setMinimumMargins. If a side is
+ set to be controlled manually, the value may be specified with \ref setMargins.
- Returns true if the element was added successfully, i.e. if the cell at \a row and \a column
- didn't already have an element.
+ Margin sides that are under automatic control may participate in a \ref QCPMarginGroup (see \ref
+ setMarginGroup), to synchronize (align) it with other layout elements in the plot.
- \see element, hasElement, take, remove
+ \see setMinimumMargins, setMargins, QCP::MarginSide
-bool QCPLayoutGrid::addElement(int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element)
+void QCPLayoutElement::setAutoMargins(QCP::MarginSides sides)
- if (element)
- {
- if (!hasElement(row, column))
- {
- if (element->layout()) // remove from old layout first
- element->layout()->take(element);
- expandTo(row+1, column+1);
- mElements[row][column] = element;
- adoptElement(element);
- return true;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "There is already an element in the specified row/column:" << row << column;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't add null element to row/column:" << row << column;
- return false;
+ mAutoMargins = sides;
- Returns whether the cell at \a row and \a column exists and contains a valid element, i.e. isn't
- empty.
+ Sets the minimum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element. A parent layout tries to
+ respect the \a size here by changing row/column sizes in the layout accordingly.
- \see element
+ If the parent layout size is not sufficient to satisfy all minimum size constraints of its child
+ layout elements, the layout may set a size that is actually smaller than \a size. QCustomPlot
+ propagates the layout's size constraints to the outside by setting its own minimum QWidget size
+ accordingly, so violations of \a size should be exceptions.
-bool QCPLayoutGrid::hasElement(int row, int column)
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize(const QSize &size)
- if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount() && column >= 0 && column < columnCount())
- return mElements.at(row).at(column);
- else
- return false;
+ if (mMinimumSize != size)
+ {
+ mMinimumSize = size;
+ if (mParentLayout)
+ mParentLayout->sizeConstraintsChanged();
+ }
- Sets the stretch \a factor of \a column.
- Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
- their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
- QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
- The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+/*! \overload
- \see setColumnStretchFactors, setRowStretchFactor
+ Sets the minimum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element.
-void QCPLayoutGrid::setColumnStretchFactor(int column, double factor)
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize(int width, int height)
- if (column >= 0 && column < columnCount())
- {
- if (factor > 0)
- mColumnStretchFactors[column] = factor;
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << factor;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid column:" << column;
+ setMinimumSize(QSize(width, height));
- Sets the stretch \a factors of all columns. \a factors must have the size \ref columnCount.
- Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
- their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
- QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
- The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
- \see setColumnStretchFactor, setRowStretchFactors
+ Sets the maximum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element. A parent layout tries to
+ respect the \a size here by changing row/column sizes in the layout accordingly.
-void QCPLayoutGrid::setColumnStretchFactors(const QList<double> &factors)
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size)
- if (factors.size() == mColumnStretchFactors.size())
+ if (mMaximumSize != size)
- mColumnStretchFactors = factors;
- for (int i=0; i<mColumnStretchFactors.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (mColumnStretchFactors.at(i) <= 0)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << mColumnStretchFactors.at(i);
- mColumnStretchFactors[i] = 1;
- }
- }
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Column count not equal to passed stretch factor count:" << factors;
+ mMaximumSize = size;
+ if (mParentLayout)
+ mParentLayout->sizeConstraintsChanged();
+ }
+/*! \overload
+ Sets the maximum size for the inner \ref rect of this layout element.
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize(int width, int height)
+ setMaximumSize(QSize(width, height));
- Sets the stretch \a factor of \a row.
+ Sets the margin \a group of the specified margin \a sides.
- Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
- their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
- QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
+ Margin groups allow synchronizing specified margins across layout elements, see the documentation
+ of \ref QCPMarginGroup.
- The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+ To unset the margin group of \a sides, set \a group to 0.
- \see setColumnStretchFactors, setRowStretchFactor
+ Note that margin groups only work for margin sides that are set to automatic (\ref
+ setAutoMargins).
+ \see QCP::MarginSide
-void QCPLayoutGrid::setRowStretchFactor(int row, double factor)
+void QCPLayoutElement::setMarginGroup(QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group)
- if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount())
+ QVector<QCP::MarginSide> sideVector;
+ if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msLeft)) sideVector.append(QCP::msLeft);
+ if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msRight)) sideVector.append(QCP::msRight);
+ if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msTop)) sideVector.append(QCP::msTop);
+ if (sides.testFlag(QCP::msBottom)) sideVector.append(QCP::msBottom);
+ for (int i=0; i<sideVector.size(); ++i)
- if (factor > 0)
- mRowStretchFactors[row] = factor;
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << factor;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid row:" << row;
+ QCP::MarginSide side = sideVector.at(i);
+ if (marginGroup(side) != group)
+ {
+ QCPMarginGroup *oldGroup = marginGroup(side);
+ if (oldGroup) // unregister at old group
+ oldGroup->removeChild(side, this);
+ if (!group) // if setting to 0, remove hash entry. Else set hash entry to new group and register there
+ {
+ mMarginGroups.remove(side);
+ } else // setting to a new group
+ {
+ mMarginGroups[side] = group;
+ group->addChild(side, this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- Sets the stretch \a factors of all rows. \a factors must have the size \ref rowCount.
- Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
- their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
- QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
+ Updates the layout element and sub-elements. This function is automatically called before every
+ replot by the parent layout element. It is called multiple times, once for every \ref
+ UpdatePhase. The phases are run through in the order of the enum values. For details about what
+ happens at the different phases, see the documentation of \ref UpdatePhase.
- The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+ Layout elements that have child elements should call the \ref update method of their child
+ elements, and pass the current \a phase unchanged.
- \see setRowStretchFactor, setColumnStretchFactors
+ The default implementation executes the automatic margin mechanism in the \ref upMargins phase.
+ Subclasses should make sure to call the base class implementation.
-void QCPLayoutGrid::setRowStretchFactors(const QList<double> &factors)
+void QCPLayoutElement::update(UpdatePhase phase)
- if (factors.size() == mRowStretchFactors.size())
+ if (phase == upMargins)
- mRowStretchFactors = factors;
- for (int i=0; i<mRowStretchFactors.size(); ++i)
+ if (mAutoMargins != QCP::msNone)
- if (mRowStretchFactors.at(i) <= 0)
+ // set the margins of this layout element according to automatic margin calculation, either directly or via a margin group:
+ QMargins newMargins = mMargins;
+ QList<QCP::MarginSide> allMarginSides = QList<QCP::MarginSide>() << QCP::msLeft << QCP::msRight << QCP::msTop << QCP::msBottom;
+ foreach (QCP::MarginSide side, allMarginSides)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << mRowStretchFactors.at(i);
- mRowStretchFactors[i] = 1;
+ if (mAutoMargins.testFlag(side)) // this side's margin shall be calculated automatically
+ {
+ if (mMarginGroups.contains(side))
+ QCP::setMarginValue(newMargins, side, mMarginGroups[side]->commonMargin(side)); // this side is part of a margin group, so get the margin value from that group
+ else
+ QCP::setMarginValue(newMargins, side, calculateAutoMargin(side)); // this side is not part of a group, so calculate the value directly
+ // apply minimum margin restrictions:
+ if (QCP::getMarginValue(newMargins, side) < QCP::getMarginValue(mMinimumMargins, side))
+ QCP::setMarginValue(newMargins, side, QCP::getMarginValue(mMinimumMargins, side));
+ }
+ setMargins(newMargins);
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Row count not equal to passed stretch factor count:" << factors;
+ }
- Sets the gap that is left blank between columns to \a pixels.
+ Returns the minimum size this layout element (the inner \ref rect) may be compressed to.
- \see setRowSpacing
+ if a minimum size (\ref setMinimumSize) was not set manually, parent layouts consult this
+ function to determine the minimum allowed size of this layout element. (A manual minimum size is
+ considered set if it is non-zero.)
-void QCPLayoutGrid::setColumnSpacing(int pixels)
+QSize QCPLayoutElement::minimumSizeHint() const
- mColumnSpacing = pixels;
+ return mMinimumSize;
- Sets the gap that is left blank between rows to \a pixels.
+ Returns the maximum size this layout element (the inner \ref rect) may be expanded to.
- \see setColumnSpacing
+ if a maximum size (\ref setMaximumSize) was not set manually, parent layouts consult this
+ function to determine the maximum allowed size of this layout element. (A manual maximum size is
+ considered set if it is smaller than Qt's QWIDGETSIZE_MAX.)
-void QCPLayoutGrid::setRowSpacing(int pixels)
+QSize QCPLayoutElement::maximumSizeHint() const
- mRowSpacing = pixels;
+ return mMaximumSize;
- Expands the layout to have \a newRowCount rows and \a newColumnCount columns. So the last valid
- row index will be \a newRowCount-1, the last valid column index will be \a newColumnCount-1.
- If the current column/row count is already larger or equal to \a newColumnCount/\a newRowCount,
- this function does nothing in that dimension.
- Newly created cells are empty, new rows and columns have the stretch factor 1.
- Note that upon a call to \ref addElement, the layout is expanded automatically to contain the
- specified row and column, using this function.
+ Returns a list of all child elements in this layout element. If \a recursive is true, all
+ sub-child elements are included in the list, too.
- \see simplify
+ \warning There may be entries with value 0 in the returned list. (For example, QCPLayoutGrid may have
+ empty cells which yield 0 at the respective index.)
-void QCPLayoutGrid::expandTo(int newRowCount, int newColumnCount)
+QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayoutElement::elements(bool recursive) const
- // add rows as necessary:
- while (rowCount() < newRowCount)
- {
- mElements.append(QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
- mRowStretchFactors.append(1);
- }
- // go through rows and expand columns as necessary:
- int newColCount = qMax(columnCount(), newColumnCount);
- for (int i=0; i<rowCount(); ++i)
- {
- while (mElements.at(i).size() < newColCount)
- mElements[i].append(0);
- }
- while (mColumnStretchFactors.size() < newColCount)
- mColumnStretchFactors.append(1);
+ Q_UNUSED(recursive)
+ return QList<QCPLayoutElement*>();
- Inserts a new row with empty cells at the row index \a newIndex. Valid values for \a newIndex
- range from 0 (inserts a row at the top) to \a rowCount (appends a row at the bottom).
+ Layout elements are sensitive to events inside their outer rect. If \a pos is within the outer
+ rect, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection
+ tolerance. However, layout elements are not selectable by default. So if \a onlySelectable is
+ true, -1.0 is returned.
- \see insertColumn
+ See \ref QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.
+ QCPLayoutElement subclasses may reimplement this method to provide more specific selection test
+ behaviour.
-void QCPLayoutGrid::insertRow(int newIndex)
+double QCPLayoutElement::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- if (mElements.isEmpty() || mElements.first().isEmpty()) // if grid is completely empty, add first cell
- {
- expandTo(1, 1);
- return;
- }
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (newIndex < 0)
- newIndex = 0;
- if (newIndex > rowCount())
- newIndex = rowCount();
+ if (onlySelectable)
+ return -1;
- mRowStretchFactors.insert(newIndex, 1);
- QList<QCPLayoutElement*> newRow;
- for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
- newRow.append((QCPLayoutElement*)0);
- mElements.insert(newIndex, newRow);
+ if (QRectF(mOuterRect).contains(pos))
+ {
+ if (mParentPlot)
+ return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "parent plot not defined";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ return -1;
- Inserts a new column with empty cells at the column index \a newIndex. Valid values for \a
- newIndex range from 0 (inserts a row at the left) to \a rowCount (appends a row at the right).
+/*! \internal
- \see insertRow
+ propagates the parent plot initialization to all child elements, by calling \ref
+ QCPLayerable::initializeParentPlot on them.
-void QCPLayoutGrid::insertColumn(int newIndex)
+void QCPLayoutElement::parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
- if (mElements.isEmpty() || mElements.first().isEmpty()) // if grid is completely empty, add first cell
+ foreach (QCPLayoutElement* el, elements(false))
- expandTo(1, 1);
- return;
+ if (!el->parentPlot())
+ el->initializeParentPlot(parentPlot);
- if (newIndex < 0)
- newIndex = 0;
- if (newIndex > columnCount())
- newIndex = columnCount();
- mColumnStretchFactors.insert(newIndex, 1);
- for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
- mElements[row].insert(newIndex, (QCPLayoutElement*)0);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPLayoutGrid::updateLayout()
- QVector<int> minColWidths, minRowHeights, maxColWidths, maxRowHeights;
- getMinimumRowColSizes(&minColWidths, &minRowHeights);
- getMaximumRowColSizes(&maxColWidths, &maxRowHeights);
+/*! \internal
- int totalRowSpacing = (rowCount()-1) * mRowSpacing;
- int totalColSpacing = (columnCount()-1) * mColumnSpacing;
- QVector<int> colWidths = getSectionSizes(maxColWidths, minColWidths, mColumnStretchFactors.toVector(), mRect.width()-totalColSpacing);
- QVector<int> rowHeights = getSectionSizes(maxRowHeights, minRowHeights, mRowStretchFactors.toVector(), mRect.height()-totalRowSpacing);
+ Returns the margin size for this \a side. It is used if automatic margins is enabled for this \a
+ side (see \ref setAutoMargins). If a minimum margin was set with \ref setMinimumMargins, the
+ returned value will not be smaller than the specified minimum margin.
- // go through cells and set rects accordingly:
- int yOffset = mRect.top();
- for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
- {
- if (row > 0)
- yOffset += rowHeights.at(row-1)+mRowSpacing;
- int xOffset = mRect.left();
- for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
- {
- if (col > 0)
- xOffset += colWidths.at(col-1)+mColumnSpacing;
- if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
- mElements.at(row).at(col)->setOuterRect(QRect(xOffset, yOffset, colWidths.at(col), rowHeights.at(row)));
- }
- }
+ The default implementation just returns the respective manual margin (\ref setMargins) or the
+ minimum margin, whichever is larger.
+int QCPLayoutElement::calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side)
+ return qMax(QCP::getMarginValue(mMargins, side), QCP::getMarginValue(mMinimumMargins, side));
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-int QCPLayoutGrid::elementCount() const
+/*! \internal
+ This virtual method is called when this layout element was moved to a different QCPLayout, or
+ when this layout element has changed its logical position (e.g. row and/or column) within the
+ same QCPLayout. Subclasses may use this to react accordingly.
+ Since this method is called after the completion of the move, you can access the new parent
+ layout via \ref layout().
+ The default implementation does nothing.
+void QCPLayoutElement::layoutChanged()
- return rowCount()*columnCount();
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutGrid::elementAt(int index) const
- if (index >= 0 && index < elementCount()) {
- int count = columnCount();
+//////////////////// QCPLayout
- if (count != 0)
- return mElements.at(index / count).at(index % count);
- }
- return 0;
+/*! \class QCPLayout
+ \brief The abstract base class for layouts
+ This is an abstract base class for layout elements whose main purpose is to define the position
+ and size of other child layout elements. In most cases, layouts don't draw anything themselves
+ (but there are exceptions to this, e.g. QCPLegend).
+ QCPLayout derives from QCPLayoutElement, and thus can itself be nested in other layouts.
+ QCPLayout introduces a common interface for accessing and manipulating the child elements. Those
+ functions are most notably \ref elementCount, \ref elementAt, \ref takeAt, \ref take, \ref
+ simplify, \ref removeAt, \ref remove and \ref clear. Individual subclasses may add more functions
+ to this interface which are more specialized to the form of the layout. For example, \ref
+ QCPLayoutGrid adds functions that take row and column indices to access cells of the layout grid
+ more conveniently.
+ Since this is an abstract base class, you can't instantiate it directly. Rather use one of its
+ subclasses like QCPLayoutGrid or QCPLayoutInset.
+ For a general introduction to the layout system, see the dedicated documentation page \ref
+ thelayoutsystem "The Layout System".
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutGrid::takeAt(int index)
- if (QCPLayoutElement *el = elementAt(index))
- {
- int count = columnCount();
+/* start documentation of pure virtual functions */
- if (count == 0)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Attempt to divide by zero";
- return 0;
- } else
- {
- releaseElement(el);
- mElements[index / count][index % count] = 0;
- return el;
- }
- } else
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Attempt to take invalid index:" << index;
- return 0;
- }
+/*! \fn virtual int QCPLayout::elementCount() const = 0
+ Returns the number of elements/cells in the layout.
+ \see elements, elementAt
+/*! \fn virtual QCPLayoutElement* QCPLayout::elementAt(int index) const = 0
+ Returns the element in the cell with the given \a index. If \a index is invalid, returns 0.
+ Note that even if \a index is valid, the respective cell may be empty in some layouts (e.g.
+ QCPLayoutGrid), so this function may return 0 in those cases. You may use this function to check
+ whether a cell is empty or not.
+ \see elements, elementCount, takeAt
+/*! \fn virtual QCPLayoutElement* QCPLayout::takeAt(int index) = 0
+ Removes the element with the given \a index from the layout and returns it.
+ If the \a index is invalid or the cell with that index is empty, returns 0.
+ Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an empty cell after
+ successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref simplify.
+ \see elementAt, take
+/*! \fn virtual bool QCPLayout::take(QCPLayoutElement* element) = 0
+ Removes the specified \a element from the layout and returns true on success.
+ If the \a element isn't in this layout, returns false.
+ Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an empty cell after
+ successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref simplify.
+ \see takeAt
+/* end documentation of pure virtual functions */
+ Creates an instance of QCPLayout and sets default values. Note that since QCPLayout
+ is an abstract base class, it can't be instantiated directly.
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-bool QCPLayoutGrid::take(QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ First calls the QCPLayoutElement::update base class implementation to update the margins on this
+ layout.
+ Then calls \ref updateLayout which subclasses reimplement to reposition and resize their cells.
+ Finally, \ref update is called on all child elements.
+void QCPLayout::update(UpdatePhase phase)
- if (element)
+ QCPLayoutElement::update(phase);
+ // set child element rects according to layout:
+ if (phase == upLayout)
+ updateLayout();
+ // propagate update call to child elements:
+ const int elCount = elementCount();
+ for (int i=0; i<elCount; ++i)
- for (int i=0; i<elementCount(); ++i)
- {
- if (elementAt(i) == element)
- {
- takeAt(i);
- return true;
- }
- }
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Element not in this layout, couldn't take";
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't take null element";
- return false;
+ if (QCPLayoutElement *el = elementAt(i))
+ el->update(phase);
+ }
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayoutGrid::elements(bool recursive) const
+QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayout::elements(bool recursive) const
+ const int c = elementCount();
QList<QCPLayoutElement*> result;
- int colC = columnCount();
- int rowC = rowCount();
- result.reserve(colC*rowC);
+ result.reserve(c);
- for (int row=0; row<rowC; ++row)
- {
- for (int col=0; col<colC; ++col)
- {
- result.append(mElements.at(row).at(col));
- }
- }
+ for (int i=0; i<c; ++i)
+ result.append(elementAt(i));
if (recursive)
- int c = result.size();
for (int i=0; i<c; ++i)
if (result.at(i))
@@ -2914,3791 +3625,6594 @@ QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayoutGrid::elements(bool recursive) const
- Simplifies the layout by collapsing rows and columns which only contain empty cells.
+ Simplifies the layout by collapsing empty cells. The exact behavior depends on subclasses, the
+ default implementation does nothing.
+ Not all layouts need simplification. For example, QCPLayoutInset doesn't use explicit
+ simplification while QCPLayoutGrid does.
-void QCPLayoutGrid::simplify()
+void QCPLayout::simplify()
- // remove rows with only empty cells:
- for (int row=rowCount()-1; row>=0; --row)
- {
- bool hasElements = false;
- for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
- {
- if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
- {
- hasElements = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!hasElements)
- {
- mRowStretchFactors.removeAt(row);
- mElements.removeAt(row);
- if (mElements.isEmpty()) // removed last element, also remove stretch factor (wouldn't happen below because also columnCount changed to 0 now)
- mColumnStretchFactors.clear();
- }
- }
- // remove columns with only empty cells:
- for (int col=columnCount()-1; col>=0; --col)
- {
- bool hasElements = false;
- for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
- {
- if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
- {
- hasElements = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!hasElements)
- {
- mColumnStretchFactors.removeAt(col);
- for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
- mElements[row].removeAt(col);
- }
- }
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QSize QCPLayoutGrid::minimumSizeHint() const
- QVector<int> minColWidths, minRowHeights;
- getMinimumRowColSizes(&minColWidths, &minRowHeights);
- QSize result(0, 0);
- for (int i=0; i<minColWidths.size(); ++i)
- result.rwidth() += minColWidths.at(i);
- for (int i=0; i<minRowHeights.size(); ++i)
- result.rheight() += minRowHeights.at(i);
- result.rwidth() += qMax(0, columnCount()-1) * mColumnSpacing + mMargins.left() + mMargins.right();
- result.rheight() += qMax(0, rowCount()-1) * mRowSpacing + mMargins.top() + mMargins.bottom();
- return result;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QSize QCPLayoutGrid::maximumSizeHint() const
- QVector<int> maxColWidths, maxRowHeights;
- getMaximumRowColSizes(&maxColWidths, &maxRowHeights);
- QSize result(0, 0);
- for (int i=0; i<maxColWidths.size(); ++i)
- result.setWidth(qMin(result.width()+maxColWidths.at(i), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));
- for (int i=0; i<maxRowHeights.size(); ++i)
- result.setHeight(qMin(result.height()+maxRowHeights.at(i), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));
- result.rwidth() += qMax(0, columnCount()-1) * mColumnSpacing + mMargins.left() + mMargins.right();
- result.rheight() += qMax(0, rowCount()-1) * mRowSpacing + mMargins.top() + mMargins.bottom();
- return result;
-/*! \internal
- Places the minimum column widths and row heights into \a minColWidths and \a minRowHeights
- respectively.
- The minimum height of a row is the largest minimum height of any element in that row. The minimum
- width of a column is the largest minimum width of any element in that column.
+ Removes and deletes the element at the provided \a index. Returns true on success. If \a index is
+ invalid or points to an empty cell, returns false.
- This is a helper function for \ref updateLayout.
+ This function internally uses \ref takeAt to remove the element from the layout and then deletes
+ the returned element. Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an
+ empty cell after successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref
+ simplify.
- \see getMaximumRowColSizes
+ \see remove, takeAt
-void QCPLayoutGrid::getMinimumRowColSizes(QVector<int> *minColWidths, QVector<int> *minRowHeights) const
+bool QCPLayout::removeAt(int index)
- *minColWidths = QVector<int>(columnCount(), 0);
- *minRowHeights = QVector<int>(rowCount(), 0);
- for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ if (QCPLayoutElement *el = takeAt(index))
- for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
- {
- if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
- {
- QSize minHint = mElements.at(row).at(col)->minimumSizeHint();
- QSize min = mElements.at(row).at(col)->minimumSize();
- QSize final(min.width() > 0 ? min.width() : minHint.width(), min.height() > 0 ? min.height() : minHint.height());
- if (minColWidths->at(col) < final.width())
- (*minColWidths)[col] = final.width();
- if (minRowHeights->at(row) < final.height())
- (*minRowHeights)[row] = final.height();
- }
- }
- }
+ delete el;
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
-/*! \internal
- Places the maximum column widths and row heights into \a maxColWidths and \a maxRowHeights
- respectively.
- The maximum height of a row is the smallest maximum height of any element in that row. The
- maximum width of a column is the smallest maximum width of any element in that column.
+ Removes and deletes the provided \a element. Returns true on success. If \a element is not in the
+ layout, returns false.
- This is a helper function for \ref updateLayout.
+ This function internally uses \ref takeAt to remove the element from the layout and then deletes
+ the element. Note that some layouts don't remove the respective cell right away but leave an
+ empty cell after successful removal of the layout element. To collapse empty cells, use \ref
+ simplify.
- \see getMinimumRowColSizes
+ \see removeAt, take
-void QCPLayoutGrid::getMaximumRowColSizes(QVector<int> *maxColWidths, QVector<int> *maxRowHeights) const
+bool QCPLayout::remove(QCPLayoutElement *element)
- *maxColWidths = QVector<int>(columnCount(), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX);
- *maxRowHeights = QVector<int>(rowCount(), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX);
- for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ if (take(element))
- for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
- {
- if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
- {
- QSize maxHint = mElements.at(row).at(col)->maximumSizeHint();
- QSize max = mElements.at(row).at(col)->maximumSize();
- QSize final(max.width() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? max.width() : maxHint.width(), max.height() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? max.height() : maxHint.height());
- if (maxColWidths->at(col) > final.width())
- (*maxColWidths)[col] = final.width();
- if (maxRowHeights->at(row) > final.height())
- (*maxRowHeights)[row] = final.height();
- }
- }
- }
-//////////////////// QCPLayoutInset
-/*! \class QCPLayoutInset
- \brief A layout that places child elements aligned to the border or arbitrarily positioned
- Elements are placed either aligned to the border or at arbitrary position in the area of the
- layout. Which placement applies is controlled with the \ref InsetPlacement (\ref
- setInsetPlacement).
- Elements are added via \ref addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment) or
- addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, const QRectF &rect). If the first method is used, the inset
- placement will default to \ref ipBorderAligned and the element will be aligned according to the
- \a alignment parameter. The second method defaults to \ref ipFree and allows placing elements at
- arbitrary position and size, defined by \a rect.
- The alignment or rect can be set via \ref setInsetAlignment or \ref setInsetRect, respectively.
- This is the layout that every QCPAxisRect has as \ref QCPAxisRect::insetLayout.
-/* start documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutInset::simplify()
- The QCPInsetLayout does not need simplification since it can never have empty cells due to its
- linear index structure. This method does nothing.
-/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Creates an instance of QCPLayoutInset and sets default values.
- // clear all child layout elements. This is important because only the specific layouts know how
- // to handle removing elements (clear calls virtual removeAt method to do that).
- clear();
+ delete element;
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
- Returns the placement type of the element with the specified \a index.
+ Removes and deletes all layout elements in this layout. Finally calls \ref simplify to make sure
+ all empty cells are collapsed.
+ \see remove, removeAt
-QCPLayoutInset::InsetPlacement QCPLayoutInset::insetPlacement(int index) const
+void QCPLayout::clear()
- if (elementAt(index))
- return mInsetPlacement.at(index);
- else
+ for (int i=elementCount()-1; i>=0; --i)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
- return ipFree;
+ if (elementAt(i))
+ removeAt(i);
+ simplify();
- Returns the alignment of the element with the specified \a index. The alignment only has a
- meaning, if the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipBorderAligned.
+ Subclasses call this method to report changed (minimum/maximum) size constraints.
+ If the parent of this layout is again a QCPLayout, forwards the call to the parent's \ref
+ sizeConstraintsChanged. If the parent is a QWidget (i.e. is the \ref QCustomPlot::plotLayout of
+ QCustomPlot), calls QWidget::updateGeometry, so if the QCustomPlot widget is inside a Qt QLayout,
+ it may update itself and resize cells accordingly.
-Qt::Alignment QCPLayoutInset::insetAlignment(int index) const
+void QCPLayout::sizeConstraintsChanged() const
- if (elementAt(index))
- return mInsetAlignment.at(index);
- else
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
- return 0;
- }
+ if (QWidget *w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(parent()))
+ w->updateGeometry();
+ else if (QCPLayout *l = qobject_cast<QCPLayout*>(parent()))
+ l->sizeConstraintsChanged();
- Returns the rect of the element with the specified \a index. The rect only has a
- meaning, if the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipFree.
+/*! \internal
+ Subclasses reimplement this method to update the position and sizes of the child elements/cells
+ via calling their \ref QCPLayoutElement::setOuterRect. The default implementation does nothing.
+ The geometry used as a reference is the inner \ref rect of this layout. Child elements should stay
+ within that rect.
+ \ref getSectionSizes may help with the reimplementation of this function.
+ \see update
-QRectF QCPLayoutInset::insetRect(int index) const
+void QCPLayout::updateLayout()
- if (elementAt(index))
- return mInsetRect.at(index);
- else
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
- return QRectF();
- }
- Sets the inset placement type of the element with the specified \a index to \a placement.
+/*! \internal
- \see InsetPlacement
+ Associates \a el with this layout. This is done by setting the \ref QCPLayoutElement::layout, the
+ \ref QCPLayerable::parentLayerable and the QObject parent to this layout.
+ Further, if \a el didn't previously have a parent plot, calls \ref
+ QCPLayerable::initializeParentPlot on \a el to set the paret plot.
+ This method is used by subclass specific methods that add elements to the layout. Note that this
+ method only changes properties in \a el. The removal from the old layout and the insertion into
+ the new layout must be done additionally.
-void QCPLayoutInset::setInsetPlacement(int index, QCPLayoutInset::InsetPlacement placement)
+void QCPLayout::adoptElement(QCPLayoutElement *el)
- if (elementAt(index))
- mInsetPlacement[index] = placement;
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ if (el)
+ {
+ el->mParentLayout = this;
+ el->setParentLayerable(this);
+ el->setParent(this);
+ if (!el->parentPlot())
+ el->initializeParentPlot(mParentPlot);
+ el->layoutChanged();
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Null element passed";
- If the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipBorderAligned, this function
- is used to set the alignment of the element with the specified \a index to \a alignment.
+/*! \internal
- \a alignment is an or combination of the following alignment flags: Qt::AlignLeft,
- Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::AlighRight, Qt::AlignTop, Qt::AlignVCenter, Qt::AlignBottom. Any other
- alignment flags will be ignored.
+ Disassociates \a el from this layout. This is done by setting the \ref QCPLayoutElement::layout
+ and the \ref QCPLayerable::parentLayerable to zero. The QObject parent is set to the parent
+ QCustomPlot.
+ This method is used by subclass specific methods that remove elements from the layout (e.g. \ref
+ take or \ref takeAt). Note that this method only changes properties in \a el. The removal from
+ the old layout must be done additionally.
-void QCPLayoutInset::setInsetAlignment(int index, Qt::Alignment alignment)
+void QCPLayout::releaseElement(QCPLayoutElement *el)
- if (elementAt(index))
- mInsetAlignment[index] = alignment;
+ if (el)
+ {
+ el->mParentLayout = 0;
+ el->setParentLayerable(0);
+ el->setParent(mParentPlot);
+ // Note: Don't initializeParentPlot(0) here, because layout element will stay in same parent plot
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Null element passed";
+/*! \internal
+ This is a helper function for the implementation of \ref updateLayout in subclasses.
+ It calculates the sizes of one-dimensional sections with provided constraints on maximum section
+ sizes, minimum section sizes, relative stretch factors and the final total size of all sections.
+ The QVector entries refer to the sections. Thus all QVectors must have the same size.
+ \a maxSizes gives the maximum allowed size of each section. If there shall be no maximum size
+ imposed, set all vector values to Qt's QWIDGETSIZE_MAX.
+ \a minSizes gives the minimum allowed size of each section. If there shall be no minimum size
+ imposed, set all vector values to zero. If the \a minSizes entries add up to a value greater than
+ \a totalSize, sections will be scaled smaller than the proposed minimum sizes. (In other words,
+ not exceeding the allowed total size is taken to be more important than not going below minimum
+ section sizes.)
+ \a stretchFactors give the relative proportions of the sections to each other. If all sections
+ shall be scaled equally, set all values equal. If the first section shall be double the size of
+ each individual other section, set the first number of \a stretchFactors to double the value of
+ the other individual values (e.g. {2, 1, 1, 1}).
+ \a totalSize is the value that the final section sizes will add up to. Due to rounding, the
+ actual sum may differ slightly. If you want the section sizes to sum up to exactly that value,
+ you could distribute the remaining difference on the sections.
+ The return value is a QVector containing the section sizes.
+QVector<int> QCPLayout::getSectionSizes(QVector<int> maxSizes, QVector<int> minSizes, QVector<double> stretchFactors, int totalSize) const
+ if (maxSizes.size() != minSizes.size() || minSizes.size() != stretchFactors.size())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Passed vector sizes aren't equal:" << maxSizes << minSizes << stretchFactors;
+ return QVector<int>();
+ }
+ if (stretchFactors.isEmpty())
+ return QVector<int>();
+ int sectionCount = stretchFactors.size();
+ QVector<double> sectionSizes(sectionCount);
+ // if provided total size is forced smaller than total minimum size, ignore minimum sizes (squeeze sections):
+ int minSizeSum = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
+ minSizeSum += minSizes.at(i);
+ if (totalSize < minSizeSum)
+ {
+ // new stretch factors are minimum sizes and minimum sizes are set to zero:
+ for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
+ {
+ stretchFactors[i] = minSizes.at(i);
+ minSizes[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ QList<int> minimumLockedSections;
+ QList<int> unfinishedSections;
+ for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
+ unfinishedSections.append(i);
+ double freeSize = totalSize;
+ int outerIterations = 0;
+ while (!unfinishedSections.isEmpty() && outerIterations < sectionCount*2) // the iteration check ist just a failsafe in case something really strange happens
+ {
+ ++outerIterations;
+ int innerIterations = 0;
+ while (!unfinishedSections.isEmpty() && innerIterations < sectionCount*2) // the iteration check ist just a failsafe in case something really strange happens
+ {
+ ++innerIterations;
+ // find section that hits its maximum next:
+ int nextId = -1;
+ double nextMax = 1e12;
+ for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ int secId = unfinishedSections.at(i);
+ double hitsMaxAt = (maxSizes.at(secId)-sectionSizes.at(secId))/stretchFactors.at(secId);
+ if (hitsMaxAt < nextMax)
+ {
+ nextMax = hitsMaxAt;
+ nextId = secId;
+ }
+ }
+ // check if that maximum is actually within the bounds of the total size (i.e. can we stretch all remaining sections so far that the found section
+ // actually hits its maximum, without exceeding the total size when we add up all sections)
+ double stretchFactorSum = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
+ stretchFactorSum += stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i));
+ double nextMaxLimit = freeSize/stretchFactorSum;
+ if (nextMax < nextMaxLimit) // next maximum is actually hit, move forward to that point and fix the size of that section
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ sectionSizes[unfinishedSections.at(i)] += nextMax*stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i)); // increment all sections
+ freeSize -= nextMax*stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i));
+ }
+ unfinishedSections.removeOne(nextId); // exclude the section that is now at maximum from further changes
+ } else // next maximum isn't hit, just distribute rest of free space on remaining sections
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
+ sectionSizes[unfinishedSections.at(i)] += nextMaxLimit*stretchFactors.at(unfinishedSections.at(i)); // increment all sections
+ unfinishedSections.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (innerIterations == sectionCount*2)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exceeded maximum expected inner iteration count, layouting aborted. Input was:" << maxSizes << minSizes << stretchFactors << totalSize;
+ // now check whether the resulting section sizes violate minimum restrictions:
+ bool foundMinimumViolation = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<sectionSizes.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (minimumLockedSections.contains(i))
+ continue;
+ if (sectionSizes.at(i) < minSizes.at(i)) // section violates minimum
+ {
+ sectionSizes[i] = minSizes.at(i); // set it to minimum
+ foundMinimumViolation = true; // make sure we repeat the whole optimization process
+ minimumLockedSections.append(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundMinimumViolation)
+ {
+ freeSize = totalSize;
+ for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!minimumLockedSections.contains(i)) // only put sections that haven't hit their minimum back into the pool
+ unfinishedSections.append(i);
+ else
+ freeSize -= sectionSizes.at(i); // remove size of minimum locked sections from available space in next round
+ }
+ // reset all section sizes to zero that are in unfinished sections (all others have been set to their minimum):
+ for (int i=0; i<unfinishedSections.size(); ++i)
+ sectionSizes[unfinishedSections.at(i)] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outerIterations == sectionCount*2)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exceeded maximum expected outer iteration count, layouting aborted. Input was:" << maxSizes << minSizes << stretchFactors << totalSize;
+ QVector<int> result(sectionCount);
+ for (int i=0; i<sectionCount; ++i)
+ result[i] = qRound(sectionSizes.at(i));
+ return result;
+//////////////////// QCPLayoutGrid
+/*! \class QCPLayoutGrid
+ \brief A layout that arranges child elements in a grid
+ Elements are laid out in a grid with configurable stretch factors (\ref setColumnStretchFactor,
+ \ref setRowStretchFactor) and spacing (\ref setColumnSpacing, \ref setRowSpacing).
+ Elements can be added to cells via \ref addElement. The grid is expanded if the specified row or
+ column doesn't exist yet. Whether a cell contains a valid layout element can be checked with \ref
+ hasElement, that element can be retrieved with \ref element. If rows and columns that only have
+ empty cells shall be removed, call \ref simplify. Removal of elements is either done by just
+ adding the element to a different layout or by using the QCPLayout interface \ref take or \ref
+ remove.
+ If you use \ref addElement(QCPLayoutElement*) without explicit parameters for \a row and \a
+ column, the grid layout will choose the position according to the current \ref setFillOrder and
+ the wrapping (\ref setWrap).
+ Row and column insertion can be performed with \ref insertRow and \ref insertColumn.
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn int QCPLayoutGrid::rowCount() const
+ Returns the number of rows in the layout.
+ \see columnCount
+/*! \fn int QCPLayoutGrid::columnCount() const
+ Returns the number of columns in the layout.
+ \see rowCount
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Creates an instance of QCPLayoutGrid and sets default values.
+QCPLayoutGrid::QCPLayoutGrid() :
+ mColumnSpacing(5),
+ mRowSpacing(5),
+ mWrap(0),
+ mFillOrder(foRowsFirst)
+ // clear all child layout elements. This is important because only the specific layouts know how
+ // to handle removing elements (clear calls virtual removeAt method to do that).
+ clear();
+ Returns the element in the cell in \a row and \a column.
+ Returns 0 if either the row/column is invalid or if the cell is empty. In those cases, a qDebug
+ message is printed. To check whether a cell exists and isn't empty, use \ref hasElement.
+ \see addElement, hasElement
+QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutGrid::element(int row, int column) const
+ if (row >= 0 && row < mElements.size())
+ {
+ if (column >= 0 && column < mElements.first().size())
+ {
+ if (QCPLayoutElement *result = mElements.at(row).at(column))
+ return result;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Requested cell is empty. Row:" << row << "Column:" << column;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid column. Row:" << row << "Column:" << column;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid row. Row:" << row << "Column:" << column;
+ return 0;
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the \a element to cell with \a row and \a column. If \a element is already in a layout, it
+ is first removed from there. If \a row or \a column don't exist yet, the layout is expanded
+ accordingly.
+ Returns true if the element was added successfully, i.e. if the cell at \a row and \a column
+ didn't already have an element.
+ Use the overload of this method without explicit row/column index to place the element according
+ to the configured fill order and wrapping settings.
+ \see element, hasElement, take, remove
+bool QCPLayoutGrid::addElement(int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ if (!hasElement(row, column))
+ {
+ if (element && element->layout()) // remove from old layout first
+ element->layout()->take(element);
+ expandTo(row+1, column+1);
+ mElements[row][column] = element;
+ if (element)
+ adoptElement(element);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "There is already an element in the specified row/column:" << row << column;
+ return false;
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the \a element to the next empty cell according to the current fill order (\ref
+ setFillOrder) and wrapping (\ref setWrap). If \a element is already in a layout, it is first
+ removed from there. If necessary, the layout is expanded to hold the new element.
+ Returns true if the element was added successfully.
+ \see setFillOrder, setWrap, element, hasElement, take, remove
+bool QCPLayoutGrid::addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ int rowIndex = 0;
+ int colIndex = 0;
+ if (mFillOrder == foColumnsFirst)
+ {
+ while (hasElement(rowIndex, colIndex))
+ {
+ ++colIndex;
+ if (colIndex >= mWrap && mWrap > 0)
+ {
+ colIndex = 0;
+ ++rowIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ while (hasElement(rowIndex, colIndex))
+ {
+ ++rowIndex;
+ if (rowIndex >= mWrap && mWrap > 0)
+ {
+ rowIndex = 0;
+ ++colIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return addElement(rowIndex, colIndex, element);
+ Returns whether the cell at \a row and \a column exists and contains a valid element, i.e. isn't
+ empty.
+ \see element
+bool QCPLayoutGrid::hasElement(int row, int column)
+ if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount() && column >= 0 && column < columnCount())
+ return mElements.at(row).at(column);
+ else
+ return false;
+ Sets the stretch \a factor of \a column.
+ Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
+ their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
+ The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+ \see setColumnStretchFactors, setRowStretchFactor
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setColumnStretchFactor(int column, double factor)
+ if (column >= 0 && column < columnCount())
+ {
+ if (factor > 0)
+ mColumnStretchFactors[column] = factor;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << factor;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid column:" << column;
+ Sets the stretch \a factors of all columns. \a factors must have the size \ref columnCount.
+ Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
+ their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
+ The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+ \see setColumnStretchFactor, setRowStretchFactors
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setColumnStretchFactors(const QList<double> &factors)
+ if (factors.size() == mColumnStretchFactors.size())
+ {
+ mColumnStretchFactors = factors;
+ for (int i=0; i<mColumnStretchFactors.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mColumnStretchFactors.at(i) <= 0)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << mColumnStretchFactors.at(i);
+ mColumnStretchFactors[i] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Column count not equal to passed stretch factor count:" << factors;
+ Sets the stretch \a factor of \a row.
+ Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
+ their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
+ The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+ \see setColumnStretchFactors, setRowStretchFactor
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setRowStretchFactor(int row, double factor)
+ if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount())
+ {
+ if (factor > 0)
+ mRowStretchFactors[row] = factor;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << factor;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid row:" << row;
+ Sets the stretch \a factors of all rows. \a factors must have the size \ref rowCount.
+ Stretch factors control the relative sizes of rows and columns. Cells will not be resized beyond
+ their minimum and maximum widths/heights (\ref QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize), regardless of the stretch factor.
+ The default stretch factor of newly created rows/columns is 1.
+ \see setRowStretchFactor, setColumnStretchFactors
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setRowStretchFactors(const QList<double> &factors)
+ if (factors.size() == mRowStretchFactors.size())
+ {
+ mRowStretchFactors = factors;
+ for (int i=0; i<mRowStretchFactors.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mRowStretchFactors.at(i) <= 0)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid stretch factor, must be positive:" << mRowStretchFactors.at(i);
+ mRowStretchFactors[i] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Row count not equal to passed stretch factor count:" << factors;
+ Sets the gap that is left blank between columns to \a pixels.
+ \see setRowSpacing
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setColumnSpacing(int pixels)
+ mColumnSpacing = pixels;
+ Sets the gap that is left blank between rows to \a pixels.
+ \see setColumnSpacing
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setRowSpacing(int pixels)
+ mRowSpacing = pixels;
+ Sets the maximum number of columns or rows that are used, before new elements added with \ref
+ addElement(QCPLayoutElement*) will start to fill the next row or column, respectively. It depends
+ on \ref setFillOrder, whether rows or columns are wrapped.
+ If \a count is set to zero, no wrapping will ever occur.
+ If you wish to re-wrap the elements currently in the layout, call \ref setFillOrder with \a
+ rearrange set to true (the actual fill order doesn't need to be changed for the rearranging to be
+ done).
+ Note that the method \ref addElement(int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element) with
+ explicitly stated row and column is not subject to wrapping and can place elements even beyond
+ the specified wrapping point.
+ \see setFillOrder
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setWrap(int count)
+ mWrap = qMax(0, count);
+ Sets the filling order and wrapping behaviour that is used when adding new elements with the
+ method \ref addElement(QCPLayoutElement*).
+ The specified \a order defines whether rows or columns are filled first. Using \ref setWrap, you
+ can control at which row/column count wrapping into the next column/row will occur. If you set it
+ to zero, no wrapping will ever occur. Changing the fill order also changes the meaning of the
+ linear index used e.g. in \ref elementAt and \ref takeAt.
+ If you want to have all current elements arranged in the new order, set \a rearrange to true. The
+ elements will be rearranged in a way that tries to preserve their linear index. However, empty
+ cells are skipped during build-up of the new cell order, which shifts the succeding element's
+ index. The rearranging is performed even if the specified \a order is already the current fill
+ order. Thus this method can be used to re-wrap the current elements.
+ If \a rearrange is false, the current element arrangement is not changed, which means the
+ linear indexes change (because the linear index is dependent on the fill order).
+ Note that the method \ref addElement(int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element) with
+ explicitly stated row and column is not subject to wrapping and can place elements even beyond
+ the specified wrapping point.
+ \see setWrap, addElement(QCPLayoutElement*)
+void QCPLayoutGrid::setFillOrder(FillOrder order, bool rearrange)
+ // if rearranging, take all elements via linear index of old fill order:
+ const int elCount = elementCount();
+ QVector<QCPLayoutElement*> tempElements;
+ if (rearrange)
+ {
+ tempElements.reserve(elCount);
+ for (int i=0; i<elCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (elementAt(i))
+ tempElements.append(takeAt(i));
+ }
+ simplify();
+ }
+ // change fill order as requested:
+ mFillOrder = order;
+ // if rearranging, re-insert via linear index according to new fill order:
+ if (rearrange)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<tempElements.size(); ++i)
+ addElement(tempElements.at(i));
+ }
+ Expands the layout to have \a newRowCount rows and \a newColumnCount columns. So the last valid
+ row index will be \a newRowCount-1, the last valid column index will be \a newColumnCount-1.
+ If the current column/row count is already larger or equal to \a newColumnCount/\a newRowCount,
+ this function does nothing in that dimension.
+ Newly created cells are empty, new rows and columns have the stretch factor 1.
+ Note that upon a call to \ref addElement, the layout is expanded automatically to contain the
+ specified row and column, using this function.
+ \see simplify
+void QCPLayoutGrid::expandTo(int newRowCount, int newColumnCount)
+ // add rows as necessary:
+ while (rowCount() < newRowCount)
+ {
+ mElements.append(QList<QCPLayoutElement*>());
+ mRowStretchFactors.append(1);
+ }
+ // go through rows and expand columns as necessary:
+ int newColCount = qMax(columnCount(), newColumnCount);
+ for (int i=0; i<rowCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ while (mElements.at(i).size() < newColCount)
+ mElements[i].append(0);
+ }
+ while (mColumnStretchFactors.size() < newColCount)
+ mColumnStretchFactors.append(1);
+ Inserts a new row with empty cells at the row index \a newIndex. Valid values for \a newIndex
+ range from 0 (inserts a row at the top) to \a rowCount (appends a row at the bottom).
+ \see insertColumn
+void QCPLayoutGrid::insertRow(int newIndex)
+ if (mElements.isEmpty() || mElements.first().isEmpty()) // if grid is completely empty, add first cell
+ {
+ expandTo(1, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newIndex < 0)
+ newIndex = 0;
+ if (newIndex > rowCount())
+ newIndex = rowCount();
+ mRowStretchFactors.insert(newIndex, 1);
+ QList<QCPLayoutElement*> newRow;
+ for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
+ newRow.append((QCPLayoutElement*)0);
+ mElements.insert(newIndex, newRow);
+ Inserts a new column with empty cells at the column index \a newIndex. Valid values for \a
+ newIndex range from 0 (inserts a row at the left) to \a rowCount (appends a row at the right).
+ \see insertRow
+void QCPLayoutGrid::insertColumn(int newIndex)
+ if (mElements.isEmpty() || mElements.first().isEmpty()) // if grid is completely empty, add first cell
+ {
+ expandTo(1, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newIndex < 0)
+ newIndex = 0;
+ if (newIndex > columnCount())
+ newIndex = columnCount();
+ mColumnStretchFactors.insert(newIndex, 1);
+ for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ mElements[row].insert(newIndex, (QCPLayoutElement*)0);
+ Converts the given \a row and \a column to the linear index used by some methods of \ref
+ QCPLayoutGrid and \ref QCPLayout.
+ The way the cells are indexed depends on \ref setFillOrder. If it is \ref foRowsFirst, the
+ indices increase left to right and then top to bottom. If it is \ref foColumnsFirst, the indices
+ increase top to bottom and then left to right.
+ For the returned index to be valid, \a row and \a column must be valid indices themselves, i.e.
+ greater or equal to zero and smaller than the current \ref rowCount/\ref columnCount.
+ \see indexToRowCol
+int QCPLayoutGrid::rowColToIndex(int row, int column) const
+ if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount())
+ {
+ if (column >= 0 && column < columnCount())
+ {
+ switch (mFillOrder)
+ {
+ case foRowsFirst: return column*rowCount() + row;
+ case foColumnsFirst: return row*columnCount() + column;
+ }
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "row index out of bounds:" << row;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "column index out of bounds:" << column;
+ return 0;
+ Converts the linear index to row and column indices and writes the result to \a row and \a
+ column.
+ The way the cells are indexed depends on \ref setFillOrder. If it is \ref foRowsFirst, the
+ indices increase left to right and then top to bottom. If it is \ref foColumnsFirst, the indices
+ increase top to bottom and then left to right.
+ If there are no cells (i.e. column or row count is zero), sets \a row and \a column to -1.
+ For the retrieved \a row and \a column to be valid, the passed \a index must be valid itself,
+ i.e. greater or equal to zero and smaller than the current \ref elementCount.
+ \see rowColToIndex
+void QCPLayoutGrid::indexToRowCol(int index, int &row, int &column) const
+ row = -1;
+ column = -1;
+ if (columnCount() == 0 || rowCount() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (index < 0 || index >= elementCount())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index out of bounds:" << index;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (mFillOrder)
+ {
+ case foRowsFirst:
+ {
+ column = index / rowCount();
+ row = index % rowCount();
+ break;
+ }
+ case foColumnsFirst:
+ {
+ row = index / columnCount();
+ column = index % columnCount();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPLayoutGrid::updateLayout()
+ QVector<int> minColWidths, minRowHeights, maxColWidths, maxRowHeights;
+ getMinimumRowColSizes(&minColWidths, &minRowHeights);
+ getMaximumRowColSizes(&maxColWidths, &maxRowHeights);
+ int totalRowSpacing = (rowCount()-1) * mRowSpacing;
+ int totalColSpacing = (columnCount()-1) * mColumnSpacing;
+ QVector<int> colWidths = getSectionSizes(maxColWidths, minColWidths, mColumnStretchFactors.toVector(), mRect.width()-totalColSpacing);
+ QVector<int> rowHeights = getSectionSizes(maxRowHeights, minRowHeights, mRowStretchFactors.toVector(), mRect.height()-totalRowSpacing);
+ // go through cells and set rects accordingly:
+ int yOffset = mRect.top();
+ for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ {
+ if (row > 0)
+ yOffset += rowHeights.at(row-1)+mRowSpacing;
+ int xOffset = mRect.left();
+ for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
+ {
+ if (col > 0)
+ xOffset += colWidths.at(col-1)+mColumnSpacing;
+ if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
+ mElements.at(row).at(col)->setOuterRect(QRect(xOffset, yOffset, colWidths.at(col), rowHeights.at(row)));
+ }
+ }
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+ Note that the association of the linear \a index to the row/column based cells depends on the
+ current setting of \ref setFillOrder.
+ \see rowColToIndex
+QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutGrid::elementAt(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < elementCount())
+ {
+ int row, col;
+ indexToRowCol(index, row, col);
+ return mElements.at(row).at(col);
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+ Note that the association of the linear \a index to the row/column based cells depends on the
+ current setting of \ref setFillOrder.
+ \see rowColToIndex
+QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutGrid::takeAt(int index)
+ if (QCPLayoutElement *el = elementAt(index))
+ {
+ releaseElement(el);
+ int row, col;
+ indexToRowCol(index, row, col);
+ mElements[row][col] = 0;
+ return el;
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Attempt to take invalid index:" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+bool QCPLayoutGrid::take(QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ if (element)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<elementCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (elementAt(i) == element)
+ {
+ takeAt(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Element not in this layout, couldn't take";
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't take null element";
+ return false;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QList<QCPLayoutElement*> QCPLayoutGrid::elements(bool recursive) const
+ QList<QCPLayoutElement*> result;
+ const int elCount = elementCount();
+ result.reserve(elCount);
+ for (int i=0; i<elCount; ++i)
+ result.append(elementAt(i));
+ if (recursive)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<elCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (result.at(i))
+ result << result.at(i)->elements(recursive);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ Simplifies the layout by collapsing rows and columns which only contain empty cells.
+void QCPLayoutGrid::simplify()
+ // remove rows with only empty cells:
+ for (int row=rowCount()-1; row>=0; --row)
+ {
+ bool hasElements = false;
+ for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
+ {
+ if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
+ {
+ hasElements = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasElements)
+ {
+ mRowStretchFactors.removeAt(row);
+ mElements.removeAt(row);
+ if (mElements.isEmpty()) // removed last element, also remove stretch factor (wouldn't happen below because also columnCount changed to 0 now)
+ mColumnStretchFactors.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ // remove columns with only empty cells:
+ for (int col=columnCount()-1; col>=0; --col)
+ {
+ bool hasElements = false;
+ for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ {
+ if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
+ {
+ hasElements = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasElements)
+ {
+ mColumnStretchFactors.removeAt(col);
+ for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ mElements[row].removeAt(col);
+ }
+ }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QSize QCPLayoutGrid::minimumSizeHint() const
+ QVector<int> minColWidths, minRowHeights;
+ getMinimumRowColSizes(&minColWidths, &minRowHeights);
+ QSize result(0, 0);
+ for (int i=0; i<minColWidths.size(); ++i)
+ result.rwidth() += minColWidths.at(i);
+ for (int i=0; i<minRowHeights.size(); ++i)
+ result.rheight() += minRowHeights.at(i);
+ result.rwidth() += qMax(0, columnCount()-1) * mColumnSpacing + mMargins.left() + mMargins.right();
+ result.rheight() += qMax(0, rowCount()-1) * mRowSpacing + mMargins.top() + mMargins.bottom();
+ return result;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QSize QCPLayoutGrid::maximumSizeHint() const
+ QVector<int> maxColWidths, maxRowHeights;
+ getMaximumRowColSizes(&maxColWidths, &maxRowHeights);
+ QSize result(0, 0);
+ for (int i=0; i<maxColWidths.size(); ++i)
+ result.setWidth(qMin(result.width()+maxColWidths.at(i), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));
+ for (int i=0; i<maxRowHeights.size(); ++i)
+ result.setHeight(qMin(result.height()+maxRowHeights.at(i), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));
+ result.rwidth() += qMax(0, columnCount()-1) * mColumnSpacing + mMargins.left() + mMargins.right();
+ result.rheight() += qMax(0, rowCount()-1) * mRowSpacing + mMargins.top() + mMargins.bottom();
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Places the minimum column widths and row heights into \a minColWidths and \a minRowHeights
+ respectively.
+ The minimum height of a row is the largest minimum height of any element in that row. The minimum
+ width of a column is the largest minimum width of any element in that column.
+ This is a helper function for \ref updateLayout.
+ \see getMaximumRowColSizes
+void QCPLayoutGrid::getMinimumRowColSizes(QVector<int> *minColWidths, QVector<int> *minRowHeights) const
+ *minColWidths = QVector<int>(columnCount(), 0);
+ *minRowHeights = QVector<int>(rowCount(), 0);
+ for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ {
+ for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
+ {
+ if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
+ {
+ QSize minHint = mElements.at(row).at(col)->minimumSizeHint();
+ QSize min = mElements.at(row).at(col)->minimumSize();
+ QSize final(min.width() > 0 ? min.width() : minHint.width(), min.height() > 0 ? min.height() : minHint.height());
+ if (minColWidths->at(col) < final.width())
+ (*minColWidths)[col] = final.width();
+ if (minRowHeights->at(row) < final.height())
+ (*minRowHeights)[row] = final.height();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ Places the maximum column widths and row heights into \a maxColWidths and \a maxRowHeights
+ respectively.
+ The maximum height of a row is the smallest maximum height of any element in that row. The
+ maximum width of a column is the smallest maximum width of any element in that column.
+ This is a helper function for \ref updateLayout.
+ \see getMinimumRowColSizes
+void QCPLayoutGrid::getMaximumRowColSizes(QVector<int> *maxColWidths, QVector<int> *maxRowHeights) const
+ *maxColWidths = QVector<int>(columnCount(), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX);
+ *maxRowHeights = QVector<int>(rowCount(), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX);
+ for (int row=0; row<rowCount(); ++row)
+ {
+ for (int col=0; col<columnCount(); ++col)
+ {
+ if (mElements.at(row).at(col))
+ {
+ QSize maxHint = mElements.at(row).at(col)->maximumSizeHint();
+ QSize max = mElements.at(row).at(col)->maximumSize();
+ QSize final(max.width() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? max.width() : maxHint.width(), max.height() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? max.height() : maxHint.height());
+ if (maxColWidths->at(col) > final.width())
+ (*maxColWidths)[col] = final.width();
+ if (maxRowHeights->at(row) > final.height())
+ (*maxRowHeights)[row] = final.height();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//////////////////// QCPLayoutInset
+/*! \class QCPLayoutInset
+ \brief A layout that places child elements aligned to the border or arbitrarily positioned
+ Elements are placed either aligned to the border or at arbitrary position in the area of the
+ layout. Which placement applies is controlled with the \ref InsetPlacement (\ref
+ setInsetPlacement).
+ Elements are added via \ref addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment) or
+ addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, const QRectF &rect). If the first method is used, the inset
+ placement will default to \ref ipBorderAligned and the element will be aligned according to the
+ \a alignment parameter. The second method defaults to \ref ipFree and allows placing elements at
+ arbitrary position and size, defined by \a rect.
+ The alignment or rect can be set via \ref setInsetAlignment or \ref setInsetRect, respectively.
+ This is the layout that every QCPAxisRect has as \ref QCPAxisRect::insetLayout.
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn virtual void QCPLayoutInset::simplify()
+ The QCPInsetLayout does not need simplification since it can never have empty cells due to its
+ linear index structure. This method does nothing.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Creates an instance of QCPLayoutInset and sets default values.
+ // clear all child layout elements. This is important because only the specific layouts know how
+ // to handle removing elements (clear calls virtual removeAt method to do that).
+ clear();
+ Returns the placement type of the element with the specified \a index.
+QCPLayoutInset::InsetPlacement QCPLayoutInset::insetPlacement(int index) const
+ if (elementAt(index))
+ return mInsetPlacement.at(index);
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ return ipFree;
+ }
+ Returns the alignment of the element with the specified \a index. The alignment only has a
+ meaning, if the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipBorderAligned.
+Qt::Alignment QCPLayoutInset::insetAlignment(int index) const
+ if (elementAt(index))
+ return mInsetAlignment.at(index);
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Returns the rect of the element with the specified \a index. The rect only has a
+ meaning, if the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipFree.
+QRectF QCPLayoutInset::insetRect(int index) const
+ if (elementAt(index))
+ return mInsetRect.at(index);
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ return QRectF();
+ }
+ Sets the inset placement type of the element with the specified \a index to \a placement.
+ \see InsetPlacement
+void QCPLayoutInset::setInsetPlacement(int index, QCPLayoutInset::InsetPlacement placement)
+ if (elementAt(index))
+ mInsetPlacement[index] = placement;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ If the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipBorderAligned, this function
+ is used to set the alignment of the element with the specified \a index to \a alignment.
+ \a alignment is an or combination of the following alignment flags: Qt::AlignLeft,
+ Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::AlighRight, Qt::AlignTop, Qt::AlignVCenter, Qt::AlignBottom. Any other
+ alignment flags will be ignored.
+void QCPLayoutInset::setInsetAlignment(int index, Qt::Alignment alignment)
+ if (elementAt(index))
+ mInsetAlignment[index] = alignment;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ If the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipFree, this function is used to set the
+ position and size of the element with the specified \a index to \a rect.
+ \a rect is given in fractions of the whole inset layout rect. So an inset with rect (0, 0, 1, 1)
+ will span the entire layout. An inset with rect (0.6, 0.1, 0.35, 0.35) will be in the top right
+ corner of the layout, with 35% width and height of the parent layout.
+ Note that the minimum and maximum sizes of the embedded element (\ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize) are enforced.
+void QCPLayoutInset::setInsetRect(int index, const QRectF &rect)
+ if (elementAt(index))
+ mInsetRect[index] = rect;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPLayoutInset::updateLayout()
+ for (int i=0; i<mElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ QRect insetRect;
+ QSize finalMinSize, finalMaxSize;
+ QSize minSizeHint = mElements.at(i)->minimumSizeHint();
+ QSize maxSizeHint = mElements.at(i)->maximumSizeHint();
+ finalMinSize.setWidth(mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().width() > 0 ? mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().width() : minSizeHint.width());
+ finalMinSize.setHeight(mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().height() > 0 ? mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().height() : minSizeHint.height());
+ finalMaxSize.setWidth(mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().width() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().width() : maxSizeHint.width());
+ finalMaxSize.setHeight(mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().height() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().height() : maxSizeHint.height());
+ if (mInsetPlacement.at(i) == ipFree)
+ {
+ insetRect = QRect(rect().x()+rect().width()*mInsetRect.at(i).x(),
+ rect().y()+rect().height()*mInsetRect.at(i).y(),
+ rect().width()*mInsetRect.at(i).width(),
+ rect().height()*mInsetRect.at(i).height());
+ if (insetRect.size().width() < finalMinSize.width())
+ insetRect.setWidth(finalMinSize.width());
+ if (insetRect.size().height() < finalMinSize.height())
+ insetRect.setHeight(finalMinSize.height());
+ if (insetRect.size().width() > finalMaxSize.width())
+ insetRect.setWidth(finalMaxSize.width());
+ if (insetRect.size().height() > finalMaxSize.height())
+ insetRect.setHeight(finalMaxSize.height());
+ } else if (mInsetPlacement.at(i) == ipBorderAligned)
+ {
+ insetRect.setSize(finalMinSize);
+ Qt::Alignment al = mInsetAlignment.at(i);
+ if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignLeft)) insetRect.moveLeft(rect().x());
+ else if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignRight)) insetRect.moveRight(rect().x()+rect().width());
+ else insetRect.moveLeft(rect().x()+rect().width()*0.5-finalMinSize.width()*0.5); // default to Qt::AlignHCenter
+ if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignTop)) insetRect.moveTop(rect().y());
+ else if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignBottom)) insetRect.moveBottom(rect().y()+rect().height());
+ else insetRect.moveTop(rect().y()+rect().height()*0.5-finalMinSize.height()*0.5); // default to Qt::AlignVCenter
+ }
+ mElements.at(i)->setOuterRect(insetRect);
+ }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+int QCPLayoutInset::elementCount() const
+ return mElements.size();
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutInset::elementAt(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mElements.size())
+ return mElements.at(index);
+ else
+ return 0;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutInset::takeAt(int index)
+ if (QCPLayoutElement *el = elementAt(index))
+ {
+ releaseElement(el);
+ mElements.removeAt(index);
+ mInsetPlacement.removeAt(index);
+ mInsetAlignment.removeAt(index);
+ mInsetRect.removeAt(index);
+ return el;
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Attempt to take invalid index:" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+bool QCPLayoutInset::take(QCPLayoutElement *element)
+ if (element)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<elementCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (elementAt(i) == element)
+ {
+ takeAt(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Element not in this layout, couldn't take";
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't take null element";
+ return false;
+ The inset layout is sensitive to events only at areas where its (visible) child elements are
+ sensitive. If the selectTest method of any of the child elements returns a positive number for \a
+ pos, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection
+ tolerance. The inset layout is not selectable itself by default. So if \a onlySelectable is true,
+ -1.0 is returned.
+ See \ref QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.
+double QCPLayoutInset::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ if (onlySelectable)
+ return -1;
+ for (int i=0; i<mElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // inset layout shall only return positive selectTest, if actually an inset object is at pos
+ // else it would block the entire underlying QCPAxisRect with its surface.
+ if (mElements.at(i)->realVisibility() && mElements.at(i)->selectTest(pos, onlySelectable) >= 0)
+ return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Adds the specified \a element to the layout as an inset aligned at the border (\ref
+ setInsetAlignment is initialized with \ref ipBorderAligned). The alignment is set to \a
+ alignment.
+ \a alignment is an or combination of the following alignment flags: Qt::AlignLeft,
+ Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::AlighRight, Qt::AlignTop, Qt::AlignVCenter, Qt::AlignBottom. Any other
+ alignment flags will be ignored.
+ \see addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, const QRectF &rect)
+void QCPLayoutInset::addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment)
+ if (element)
+ {
+ if (element->layout()) // remove from old layout first
+ element->layout()->take(element);
+ mElements.append(element);
+ mInsetPlacement.append(ipBorderAligned);
+ mInsetAlignment.append(alignment);
+ mInsetRect.append(QRectF(0.6, 0.6, 0.4, 0.4));
+ adoptElement(element);
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't add null element";
+ Adds the specified \a element to the layout as an inset with free positioning/sizing (\ref
+ setInsetAlignment is initialized with \ref ipFree). The position and size is set to \a
+ rect.
+ \a rect is given in fractions of the whole inset layout rect. So an inset with rect (0, 0, 1, 1)
+ will span the entire layout. An inset with rect (0.6, 0.1, 0.35, 0.35) will be in the top right
+ corner of the layout, with 35% width and height of the parent layout.
+ \see addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment)
+void QCPLayoutInset::addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, const QRectF &rect)
+ if (element)
+ {
+ if (element->layout()) // remove from old layout first
+ element->layout()->take(element);
+ mElements.append(element);
+ mInsetPlacement.append(ipFree);
+ mInsetAlignment.append(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop);
+ mInsetRect.append(rect);
+ adoptElement(element);
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't add null element";
+/* end of 'src/layout.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/lineending.cpp', size 11536 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPLineEnding
+/*! \class QCPLineEnding
+ \brief Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items
+ \image html QCPLineEnding.png "The various ending styles currently supported"
+ For every ending a line-like item has, an instance of this class exists. For example, QCPItemLine
+ has two endings which can be set with QCPItemLine::setHead and QCPItemLine::setTail.
+ The styles themselves are defined via the enum QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle. Most decorations can
+ be modified regarding width and length, see \ref setWidth and \ref setLength. The direction of
+ the ending decoration (e.g. direction an arrow is pointing) is controlled by the line-like item.
+ For example, when both endings of a QCPItemLine are set to be arrows, they will point to opposite
+ directions, e.g. "outward". This can be changed by \ref setInverted, which would make the
+ respective arrow point inward.
+ Note that due to the overloaded QCPLineEnding constructor, you may directly specify a
+ QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle where actually a QCPLineEnding is expected, e.g.
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcplineending-sethead
+ Creates a QCPLineEnding instance with default values (style \ref esNone).
+QCPLineEnding::QCPLineEnding() :
+ mStyle(esNone),
+ mWidth(8),
+ mLength(10),
+ mInverted(false)
+ Creates a QCPLineEnding instance with the specified values.
+QCPLineEnding::QCPLineEnding(QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle style, double width, double length, bool inverted) :
+ mStyle(style),
+ mWidth(width),
+ mLength(length),
+ mInverted(inverted)
+ Sets the style of the ending decoration.
+void QCPLineEnding::setStyle(QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle style)
+ mStyle = style;
+ Sets the width of the ending decoration, if the style supports it. On arrows, for example, the
+ width defines the size perpendicular to the arrow's pointing direction.
+ \see setLength
+void QCPLineEnding::setWidth(double width)
+ mWidth = width;
+ Sets the length of the ending decoration, if the style supports it. On arrows, for example, the
+ length defines the size in pointing direction.
+ \see setWidth
+void QCPLineEnding::setLength(double length)
+ mLength = length;
+ Sets whether the ending decoration shall be inverted. For example, an arrow decoration will point
+ inward when \a inverted is set to true.
+ Note that also the \a width direction is inverted. For symmetrical ending styles like arrows or
+ discs, this doesn't make a difference. However, asymmetric styles like \ref esHalfBar are
+ affected by it, which can be used to control to which side the half bar points to.
+void QCPLineEnding::setInverted(bool inverted)
+ mInverted = inverted;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the maximum pixel radius the ending decoration might cover, starting from the position
+ the decoration is drawn at (typically a line ending/\ref QCPItemPosition of an item).
+ This is relevant for clipping. Only omit painting of the decoration when the position where the
+ decoration is supposed to be drawn is farther away from the clipping rect than the returned
+ distance.
+double QCPLineEnding::boundingDistance() const
+ switch (mStyle)
+ {
+ case esNone:
+ return 0;
+ case esFlatArrow:
+ case esSpikeArrow:
+ case esLineArrow:
+ case esSkewedBar:
+ return qSqrt(mWidth*mWidth+mLength*mLength); // items that have width and length
+ case esDisc:
+ case esSquare:
+ case esDiamond:
+ case esBar:
+ case esHalfBar:
+ return mWidth*1.42; // items that only have a width -> width*sqrt(2)
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Starting from the origin of this line ending (which is style specific), returns the length
+ covered by the line ending symbol, in backward direction.
+ For example, the \ref esSpikeArrow has a shorter real length than a \ref esFlatArrow, even if
+ both have the same \ref setLength value, because the spike arrow has an inward curved back, which
+ reduces the length along its center axis (the drawing origin for arrows is at the tip).
+ This function is used for precise, style specific placement of line endings, for example in
+ QCPAxes.
+double QCPLineEnding::realLength() const
+ switch (mStyle)
+ {
+ case esNone:
+ case esLineArrow:
+ case esSkewedBar:
+ case esBar:
+ case esHalfBar:
+ return 0;
+ case esFlatArrow:
+ return mLength;
+ case esDisc:
+ case esSquare:
+ case esDiamond:
+ return mWidth*0.5;
+ case esSpikeArrow:
+ return mLength*0.8;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/*! \internal
+ Draws the line ending with the specified \a painter at the position \a pos. The direction of the
+ line ending is controlled with \a dir.
+void QCPLineEnding::draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPVector2D &pos, const QCPVector2D &dir) const
+ if (mStyle == esNone)
+ return;
+ QCPVector2D lengthVec = dir.normalized() * mLength*(mInverted ? -1 : 1);
+ if (lengthVec.isNull())
+ lengthVec = QCPVector2D(1, 0);
+ QCPVector2D widthVec = dir.normalized().perpendicular() * mWidth*0.5*(mInverted ? -1 : 1);
+ QPen penBackup = painter->pen();
+ QBrush brushBackup = painter->brush();
+ QPen miterPen = penBackup;
+ miterPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); // to make arrow heads spikey
+ QBrush brush(painter->pen().color(), Qt::SolidPattern);
+ switch (mStyle)
+ {
+ case esNone: break;
+ case esFlatArrow:
+ {
+ QPointF points[3] = {pos.toPointF(),
+ (pos-lengthVec+widthVec).toPointF(),
+ (pos-lengthVec-widthVec).toPointF()
+ };
+ painter->setPen(miterPen);
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 3);
+ painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
+ painter->setPen(penBackup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case esSpikeArrow:
+ {
+ QPointF points[4] = {pos.toPointF(),
+ (pos-lengthVec+widthVec).toPointF(),
+ (pos-lengthVec*0.8).toPointF(),
+ (pos-lengthVec-widthVec).toPointF()
+ };
+ painter->setPen(miterPen);
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4);
+ painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
+ painter->setPen(penBackup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case esLineArrow:
+ {
+ QPointF points[3] = {(pos-lengthVec+widthVec).toPointF(),
+ pos.toPointF(),
+ (pos-lengthVec-widthVec).toPointF()
+ };
+ painter->setPen(miterPen);
+ painter->drawPolyline(points, 3);
+ painter->setPen(penBackup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case esDisc:
+ {
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->drawEllipse(pos.toPointF(), mWidth*0.5, mWidth*0.5);
+ painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case esSquare:
+ {
+ QCPVector2D widthVecPerp = widthVec.perpendicular();
+ QPointF points[4] = {(pos-widthVecPerp+widthVec).toPointF(),
+ (pos-widthVecPerp-widthVec).toPointF(),
+ (pos+widthVecPerp-widthVec).toPointF(),
+ (pos+widthVecPerp+widthVec).toPointF()
+ };
+ painter->setPen(miterPen);
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4);
+ painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
+ painter->setPen(penBackup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case esDiamond:
+ {
+ QCPVector2D widthVecPerp = widthVec.perpendicular();
+ QPointF points[4] = {(pos-widthVecPerp).toPointF(),
+ (pos-widthVec).toPointF(),
+ (pos+widthVecPerp).toPointF(),
+ (pos+widthVec).toPointF()
+ };
+ painter->setPen(miterPen);
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4);
+ painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
+ painter->setPen(penBackup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case esBar:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec).toPointF(), (pos-widthVec).toPointF());
+ break;
+ }
+ case esHalfBar:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec).toPointF(), pos.toPointF());
+ break;
+ }
+ case esSkewedBar:
+ {
+ if (qFuzzyIsNull(painter->pen().widthF()) && !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNonCosmetic))
+ {
+ // if drawing with cosmetic pen (perfectly thin stroke, happens only in vector exports), draw bar exactly on tip of line
+ painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec+lengthVec*0.2*(mInverted?-1:1)).toPointF(),
+ (pos-widthVec-lengthVec*0.2*(mInverted?-1:1)).toPointF());
+ } else
+ {
+ // if drawing with thick (non-cosmetic) pen, shift bar a little in line direction to prevent line from sticking through bar slightly
+ painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec+lengthVec*0.2*(mInverted?-1:1)+dir.normalized()*qMax(1.0f, (float)painter->pen().widthF())*0.5f).toPointF(),
+ (pos-widthVec-lengthVec*0.2*(mInverted?-1:1)+dir.normalized()*qMax(1.0f, (float)painter->pen().widthF())*0.5f).toPointF());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ \overload
+ Draws the line ending. The direction is controlled with the \a angle parameter in radians.
+void QCPLineEnding::draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPVector2D &pos, double angle) const
+ draw(painter, pos, QCPVector2D(qCos(angle), qSin(angle)));
+/* end of 'src/lineending.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axisticker.cpp', size 18664 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTicker
+/*! \class QCPAxisTicker
+ \brief The base class tick generator used by QCPAxis to create tick positions and tick labels
+ Each QCPAxis has an internal QCPAxisTicker (or a subclass) in order to generate tick positions
+ and tick labels for the current axis range. The ticker of an axis can be set via \ref
+ QCPAxis::setTicker. Since that method takes a <tt>QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker></tt>, multiple
+ axes can share the same ticker instance.
+ This base class generates normal tick coordinates and numeric labels for linear axes. It picks a
+ reasonable tick step (the separation between ticks) which results in readable tick labels. The
+ number of ticks that should be approximately generated can be set via \ref setTickCount.
+ Depending on the current tick step strategy (\ref setTickStepStrategy), the algorithm either
+ sacrifices readability to better match the specified tick count (\ref
+ QCPAxisTicker::tssMeetTickCount) or relaxes the tick count in favor of better tick steps (\ref
+ QCPAxisTicker::tssReadability), which is the default.
+ The following more specialized axis ticker subclasses are available, see details in the
+ respective class documentation:
+ <center>
+ <table>
+ <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding: 0 1em">QCPAxisTickerFixed</td><td>\image html axisticker-fixed.png</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding: 0 1em">QCPAxisTickerLog</td><td>\image html axisticker-log.png</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding: 0 1em">QCPAxisTickerPi</td><td>\image html axisticker-pi.png</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding: 0 1em">QCPAxisTickerText</td><td>\image html axisticker-text.png</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding: 0 1em">QCPAxisTickerDateTime</td><td>\image html axisticker-datetime.png</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="text-align:right; padding: 0 1em">QCPAxisTickerTime</td><td>\image html axisticker-time.png
+ \image html axisticker-time2.png</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </center>
+ \section axisticker-subclassing Creating own axis tickers
+ Creating own axis tickers can be achieved very easily by sublassing QCPAxisTicker and
+ reimplementing some or all of the available virtual methods.
+ In the simplest case you might wish to just generate different tick steps than the other tickers,
+ so you only reimplement the method \ref getTickStep. If you additionally want control over the
+ string that will be shown as tick label, reimplement \ref getTickLabel.
+ If you wish to have complete control, you can generate the tick vectors and tick label vectors
+ yourself by reimplementing \ref createTickVector and \ref createLabelVector. The default
+ implementations use the previously mentioned virtual methods \ref getTickStep and \ref
+ getTickLabel, but your reimplementations don't necessarily need to do so. For example in the case
+ of unequal tick steps, the method \ref getTickStep loses its usefulness and can be ignored.
+ The sub tick count between major ticks can be controlled with \ref getSubTickCount. Full sub tick
+ placement control is obtained by reimplementing \ref createSubTickVector.
+ See the documentation of all these virtual methods in QCPAxisTicker for detailed information
+ about the parameters and expected return values.
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTicker::QCPAxisTicker() :
+ mTickStepStrategy(tssReadability),
+ mTickCount(5),
+ mTickOrigin(0)
+ Sets which strategy the axis ticker follows when choosing the size of the tick step. For the
+ available strategies, see \ref TickStepStrategy.
+void QCPAxisTicker::setTickStepStrategy(QCPAxisTicker::TickStepStrategy strategy)
+ mTickStepStrategy = strategy;
+ Sets how many ticks this ticker shall aim to generate across the axis range. Note that \a count
+ is not guaranteed to be matched exactly, as generating readable tick intervals may conflict with
+ the requested number of ticks.
+ Whether the readability has priority over meeting the requested \a count can be specified with
+ \ref setTickStepStrategy.
+void QCPAxisTicker::setTickCount(int count)
+ if (count > 0)
+ mTickCount = count;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "tick count must be greater than zero:" << count;
+ Sets the mathematical coordinate (or "offset") of the zeroth tick. This tick coordinate is just a
+ concept and doesn't need to be inside the currently visible axis range.
+ By default \a origin is zero, which for example yields ticks {-5, 0, 5, 10, 15,...} when the tick
+ step is five. If \a origin is now set to 1 instead, the correspondingly generated ticks would be
+ {-4, 1, 6, 11, 16,...}.
+void QCPAxisTicker::setTickOrigin(double origin)
+ mTickOrigin = origin;
+ This is the method called by QCPAxis in order to actually generate tick coordinates (\a ticks),
+ tick label strings (\a tickLabels) and sub tick coordinates (\a subTicks).
+ The ticks are generated for the specified \a range. The generated labels typically follow the
+ specified \a locale, \a formatChar and number \a precision, however this might be different (or
+ even irrelevant) for certain QCPAxisTicker subclasses.
+ The output parameter \a ticks is filled with the generated tick positions in axis coordinates.
+ The output parameters \a subTicks and \a tickLabels are optional (set them to 0 if not needed)
+ and are respectively filled with sub tick coordinates, and tick label strings belonging to \a
+ ticks by index.
+void QCPAxisTicker::generate(const QCPRange &range, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision, QVector<double> &ticks, QVector<double> *subTicks, QVector<QString> *tickLabels)
+ // generate (major) ticks:
+ double tickStep = getTickStep(range);
+ ticks = createTickVector(tickStep, range);
+ trimTicks(range, ticks, true); // trim ticks to visible range plus one outer tick on each side (incase a subclass createTickVector creates more)
+ // generate sub ticks between major ticks:
+ if (subTicks)
+ {
+ if (ticks.size() > 0)
+ {
+ *subTicks = createSubTickVector(getSubTickCount(tickStep), ticks);
+ trimTicks(range, *subTicks, false);
+ } else
+ *subTicks = QVector<double>();
+ }
+ // finally trim also outliers (no further clipping happens in axis drawing):
+ trimTicks(range, ticks, false);
+ // generate labels for visible ticks if requested:
+ if (tickLabels)
+ *tickLabels = createLabelVector(ticks, locale, formatChar, precision);
+/*! \internal
+ Takes the entire currently visible axis range and returns a sensible tick step in
+ order to provide readable tick labels as well as a reasonable number of tick counts (see \ref
+ setTickCount, \ref setTickStepStrategy).
+ If a QCPAxisTicker subclass only wants a different tick step behaviour than the default
+ implementation, it should reimplement this method. See \ref cleanMantissa for a possible helper
+ function.
+double QCPAxisTicker::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ double exactStep = range.size()/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10); // mTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
+ return cleanMantissa(exactStep);
+/*! \internal
+ Takes the \a tickStep, i.e. the distance between two consecutive ticks, and returns
+ an appropriate number of sub ticks for that specific tick step.
+ Note that a returned sub tick count of e.g. 4 will split each tick interval into 5 sections.
+int QCPAxisTicker::getSubTickCount(double tickStep)
+ int result = 1; // default to 1, if no proper value can be found
+ // separate integer and fractional part of mantissa:
+ double epsilon = 0.01;
+ double intPartf;
+ int intPart;
+ double fracPart = modf(getMantissa(tickStep), &intPartf);
+ intPart = intPartf;
+ // handle cases with (almost) integer mantissa:
+ if (fracPart < epsilon || 1.0-fracPart < epsilon)
+ {
+ if (1.0-fracPart < epsilon)
+ ++intPart;
+ switch (intPart)
+ {
+ case 1: result = 4; break; // 1.0 -> 0.2 substep
+ case 2: result = 3; break; // 2.0 -> 0.5 substep
+ case 3: result = 2; break; // 3.0 -> 1.0 substep
+ case 4: result = 3; break; // 4.0 -> 1.0 substep
+ case 5: result = 4; break; // 5.0 -> 1.0 substep
+ case 6: result = 2; break; // 6.0 -> 2.0 substep
+ case 7: result = 6; break; // 7.0 -> 1.0 substep
+ case 8: result = 3; break; // 8.0 -> 2.0 substep
+ case 9: result = 2; break; // 9.0 -> 3.0 substep
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ // handle cases with significantly fractional mantissa:
+ if (qAbs(fracPart-0.5) < epsilon) // *.5 mantissa
+ {
+ switch (intPart)
+ {
+ case 1: result = 2; break; // 1.5 -> 0.5 substep
+ case 2: result = 4; break; // 2.5 -> 0.5 substep
+ case 3: result = 4; break; // 3.5 -> 0.7 substep
+ case 4: result = 2; break; // 4.5 -> 1.5 substep
+ case 5: result = 4; break; // 5.5 -> 1.1 substep (won't occur with default getTickStep from here on)
+ case 6: result = 4; break; // 6.5 -> 1.3 substep
+ case 7: result = 2; break; // 7.5 -> 2.5 substep
+ case 8: result = 4; break; // 8.5 -> 1.7 substep
+ case 9: result = 4; break; // 9.5 -> 1.9 substep
+ }
+ }
+ // if mantissa fraction isn't 0.0 or 0.5, don't bother finding good sub tick marks, leave default
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ This method returns the tick label string as it should be printed under the \a tick coordinate.
+ If a textual number is returned, it should respect the provided \a locale, \a formatChar and \a
+ precision.
+ If the returned value contains exponentials of the form "2e5" and beautifully typeset powers is
+ enabled in the QCPAxis number format (\ref QCPAxis::setNumberFormat), the exponential part will
+ be formatted accordingly using multiplication symbol and superscript during rendering of the
+ label automatically.
+QString QCPAxisTicker::getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
+ return locale.toString(tick, formatChar.toLatin1(), precision);
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a vector containing all coordinates of sub ticks that should be drawn. It generates \a
+ subTickCount sub ticks between each tick pair given in \a ticks.
+ If a QCPAxisTicker subclass needs maximal control over the generated sub ticks, it should
+ reimplement this method. Depending on the purpose of the subclass it doesn't necessarily need to
+ base its result on \a subTickCount or \a ticks.
+QVector<double> QCPAxisTicker::createSubTickVector(int subTickCount, const QVector<double> &ticks)
+ QVector<double> result;
+ if (subTickCount <= 0 || ticks.size() < 2)
+ return result;
+ result.reserve((ticks.size()-1)*subTickCount);
+ for (int i=1; i<ticks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ double subTickStep = (ticks.at(i)-ticks.at(i-1))/(double)(subTickCount+1);
+ for (int k=1; k<=subTickCount; ++k)
+ result.append(ticks.at(i-1) + k*subTickStep);
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a vector containing all coordinates of ticks that should be drawn. The default
+ implementation generates ticks with a spacing of \a tickStep (mathematically starting at the tick
+ step origin, see \ref setTickOrigin) distributed over the passed \a range.
+ In order for the axis ticker to generate proper sub ticks, it is necessary that the first and
+ last tick coordinates returned by this method are just below/above the provided \a range.
+ Otherwise the outer intervals won't contain any sub ticks.
+ If a QCPAxisTicker subclass needs maximal control over the generated ticks, it should reimplement
+ this method. Depending on the purpose of the subclass it doesn't necessarily need to base its
+ result on \a tickStep, e.g. when the ticks are spaced unequally like in the case of
+ QCPAxisTickerLog.
+QVector<double> QCPAxisTicker::createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range)
+ QVector<double> result;
+ // Generate tick positions according to tickStep:
+ qint64 firstStep = floor((range.lower-mTickOrigin)/tickStep); // do not use qFloor here, or we'll lose 64 bit precision
+ qint64 lastStep = ceil((range.upper-mTickOrigin)/tickStep); // do not use qCeil here, or we'll lose 64 bit precision
+ int tickcount = lastStep-firstStep+1;
+ if (tickcount < 0) tickcount = 0;
+ result.resize(tickcount);
+ for (int i=0; i<tickcount; ++i)
+ result[i] = mTickOrigin + (firstStep+i)*tickStep;
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a vector containing all tick label strings corresponding to the tick coordinates provided
+ in \a ticks. The default implementation calls \ref getTickLabel to generate the respective
+ strings.
+ It is possible but uncommon for QCPAxisTicker subclasses to reimplement this method, as
+ reimplementing \ref getTickLabel often achieves the intended result easier.
+QVector<QString> QCPAxisTicker::createLabelVector(const QVector<double> &ticks, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
+ QVector<QString> result;
+ result.reserve(ticks.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<ticks.size(); ++i)
+ result.append(getTickLabel(ticks.at(i), locale, formatChar, precision));
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Removes tick coordinates from \a ticks which lie outside the specified \a range. If \a
+ keepOneOutlier is true, it preserves one tick just outside the range on both sides, if present.
+ The passed \a ticks must be sorted in ascending order.
+void QCPAxisTicker::trimTicks(const QCPRange &range, QVector<double> &ticks, bool keepOneOutlier) const
+ bool lowFound = false;
+ bool highFound = false;
+ int lowIndex = 0;
+ int highIndex = -1;
+ for (int i=0; i < ticks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (ticks.at(i) >= range.lower)
+ {
+ lowFound = true;
+ lowIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=ticks.size()-1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ if (ticks.at(i) <= range.upper)
+ {
+ highFound = true;
+ highIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (highFound && lowFound)
+ {
+ int trimFront = qMax(0, lowIndex-(keepOneOutlier ? 1 : 0));
+ int trimBack = qMax(0, ticks.size()-(keepOneOutlier ? 2 : 1)-highIndex);
+ if (trimFront > 0 || trimBack > 0)
+ ticks = ticks.mid(trimFront, ticks.size()-trimFront-trimBack);
+ } else // all ticks are either all below or all above the range
+ ticks.clear();
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the coordinate contained in \a candidates which is closest to the provided \a target.
+ This method assumes \a candidates is not empty and sorted in ascending order.
+double QCPAxisTicker::pickClosest(double target, const QVector<double> &candidates) const
+ if (candidates.size() == 1)
+ return candidates.first();
+ QVector<double>::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(candidates.constBegin(), candidates.constEnd(), target);
+ if (it == candidates.constEnd())
+ return *(it-1);
+ else if (it == candidates.constBegin())
+ return *it;
+ else
+ return target-*(it-1) < *it-target ? *(it-1) : *it;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the decimal mantissa of \a input. Optionally, if \a magnitude is not set to zero, it also
+ returns the magnitude of \a input as a power of 10.
+ For example, an input of 142.6 will return a mantissa of 1.426 and a magnitude of 100.
+double QCPAxisTicker::getMantissa(double input, double *magnitude) const
+ const double mag = qPow(10.0, qFloor(qLn(input)/qLn(10.0)));
+ if (magnitude) *magnitude = mag;
+ return input/mag;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a number that is close to \a input but has a clean, easier human readable mantissa. How
+ strongly the mantissa is altered, and thus how strong the result deviates from the original \a
+ input, depends on the current tick step strategy (see \ref setTickStepStrategy).
+double QCPAxisTicker::cleanMantissa(double input) const
+ double magnitude;
+ const double mantissa = getMantissa(input, &magnitude);
+ switch (mTickStepStrategy)
+ {
+ case tssReadability:
+ {
+ return pickClosest(mantissa, QVector<double>() << 1.0 << 2.0 << 2.5 << 5.0 << 10.0)*magnitude;
+ }
+ case tssMeetTickCount:
+ {
+ // this gives effectively a mantissa of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0
+ if (mantissa <= 5.0)
+ return (int)(mantissa*2)/2.0*magnitude; // round digit after decimal point to 0.5
+ else
+ return (int)(mantissa/2.0)*2.0*magnitude; // round to first digit in multiples of 2
+ }
+ }
+ return input;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axisticker.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerdatetime.cpp', size 14443 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTickerDateTime
+/*! \class QCPAxisTickerDateTime
+ \brief Specialized axis ticker for calendar dates and times as axis ticks
+ \image html axisticker-datetime.png
+ This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks that correspond to real calendar dates and times. The
+ plot axis coordinate is interpreted as Unix Time, so seconds since Epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00
+ UTC). This is also used for example by QDateTime in the <tt>toTime_t()/setTime_t()</tt> methods
+ with a precision of one second. Since Qt 4.7, millisecond accuracy can be obtained from QDateTime
+ by using <tt>QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0</tt>. The static methods \ref dateTimeToKey
+ and \ref keyToDateTime conveniently perform this conversion achieving a precision of one
+ millisecond on all Qt versions.
+ The format of the date/time display in the tick labels is controlled with \ref setDateTimeFormat.
+ If a different time spec (time zone) shall be used, see \ref setDateTimeSpec.
+ This ticker produces unequal tick spacing in order to provide intuitive date and time-of-day
+ ticks. For example, if the axis range spans a few years such that there is one tick per year,
+ ticks will be positioned on 1. January of every year. This is intuitive but, due to leap years,
+ will result in slightly unequal tick intervals (visually unnoticeable). The same can be seen in
+ the image above: even though the number of days varies month by month, this ticker generates
+ ticks on the same day of each month.
+ If you would like to change the date/time that is used as a (mathematical) starting date for the
+ ticks, use the \ref setTickOrigin(const QDateTime &origin) method overload, which takes a
+ QDateTime. If you pass 15. July, 9:45 to this method, the yearly ticks will end up on 15. July at
+ 9:45 of every year.
+ The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickerdatetime-creation
+ \note If you rather wish to display relative times in terms of days, hours, minutes, seconds and
+ milliseconds, and are not interested in the intricacies of real calendar dates with months and
+ (leap) years, have a look at QCPAxisTickerTime instead.
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTickerDateTime::QCPAxisTickerDateTime() :
+ mDateTimeFormat(QLatin1String("hh:mm:ss\ndd.MM.yy")),
+ mDateTimeSpec(Qt::LocalTime),
+ mDateStrategy(dsNone)
+ setTickCount(4);
+ Sets the format in which dates and times are displayed as tick labels. For details about the \a
+ format string, see the documentation of QDateTime::toString().
+ Newlines can be inserted with "\n".
+ \see setDateTimeSpec
+void QCPAxisTickerDateTime::setDateTimeFormat(const QString &format)
+ mDateTimeFormat = format;
+ Sets the time spec that is used for creating the tick labels from corresponding dates/times.
+ The default value of QDateTime objects (and also QCPAxisTickerDateTime) is
+ <tt>Qt::LocalTime</tt>. However, if the date time values passed to QCustomPlot (e.g. in the form
+ of axis ranges or keys of a plottable) are given in the UTC spec, set \a spec to <tt>Qt::UTC</tt>
+ to get the correct axis labels.
+ \see setDateTimeFormat
+void QCPAxisTickerDateTime::setDateTimeSpec(Qt::TimeSpec spec)
+ mDateTimeSpec = spec;
+ Sets the tick origin (see \ref QCPAxisTicker::setTickOrigin) in seconds since Epoch (1. Jan 1970,
+ 00:00 UTC). For the date time ticker it might be more intuitive to use the overload which
+ directly takes a QDateTime, see \ref setTickOrigin(const QDateTime &origin).
+ This is useful to define the month/day/time recurring at greater tick interval steps. For
+ example, If you pass 15. July, 9:45 to this method and the tick interval happens to be one tick
+ per year, the ticks will end up on 15. July at 9:45 of every year.
+void QCPAxisTickerDateTime::setTickOrigin(double origin)
+ QCPAxisTicker::setTickOrigin(origin);
+ Sets the tick origin (see \ref QCPAxisTicker::setTickOrigin) as a QDateTime \a origin.
+ This is useful to define the month/day/time recurring at greater tick interval steps. For
+ example, If you pass 15. July, 9:45 to this method and the tick interval happens to be one tick
+ per year, the ticks will end up on 15. July at 9:45 of every year.
+void QCPAxisTickerDateTime::setTickOrigin(const QDateTime &origin)
+ setTickOrigin(dateTimeToKey(origin));
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a sensible tick step with intervals appropriate for a date-time-display, such as weekly,
+ monthly, bi-monthly, etc.
+ Note that this tick step isn't used exactly when generating the tick vector in \ref
+ createTickVector, but only as a guiding value requiring some correction for each individual tick
+ interval. Otherwise this would lead to unintuitive date displays, e.g. jumping between first day
+ in the month to the last day in the previous month from tick to tick, due to the non-uniform
+ length of months. The same problem arises with leap years.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPAxisTickerDateTime::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ double result = range.size()/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10); // mTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
+ mDateStrategy = dsNone;
+ if (result < 1) // ideal tick step is below 1 second -> use normal clean mantissa algorithm in units of seconds
+ {
+ result = cleanMantissa(result);
+ } else if (result < 86400*30.4375*12) // below a year
+ {
+ result = pickClosest(result, QVector<double>()
+ << 1 << 2.5 << 5 << 10 << 15 << 30 << 60 << 2.5*60 << 5*60 << 10*60 << 15*60 << 30*60 << 60*60 // second, minute, hour range
+ << 3600*2 << 3600*3 << 3600*6 << 3600*12 << 3600*24 // hour to day range
+ << 86400*2 << 86400*5 << 86400*7 << 86400*14 << 86400*30.4375 << 86400*30.4375*2 << 86400*30.4375*3 << 86400*30.4375*6 << 86400*30.4375*12); // day, week, month range (avg. days per month includes leap years)
+ if (result > 86400*30.4375-1) // month tick intervals or larger
+ mDateStrategy = dsUniformDayInMonth;
+ else if (result > 3600*24-1) // day tick intervals or larger
+ mDateStrategy = dsUniformTimeInDay;
+ } else // more than a year, go back to normal clean mantissa algorithm but in units of years
+ {
+ const double secondsPerYear = 86400*30.4375*12; // average including leap years
+ result = cleanMantissa(result/secondsPerYear)*secondsPerYear;
+ mDateStrategy = dsUniformDayInMonth;
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a sensible sub tick count with intervals appropriate for a date-time-display, such as weekly,
+ monthly, bi-monthly, etc.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+int QCPAxisTickerDateTime::getSubTickCount(double tickStep)
+ int result = QCPAxisTicker::getSubTickCount(tickStep);
+ switch (qRound(tickStep)) // hand chosen subticks for specific minute/hour/day/week/month range (as specified in getTickStep)
+ {
+ case 5*60: result = 4; break;
+ case 10*60: result = 1; break;
+ case 15*60: result = 2; break;
+ case 30*60: result = 1; break;
+ case 60*60: result = 3; break;
+ case 3600*2: result = 3; break;
+ case 3600*3: result = 2; break;
+ case 3600*6: result = 1; break;
+ case 3600*12: result = 3; break;
+ case 3600*24: result = 3; break;
+ case 86400*2: result = 1; break;
+ case 86400*5: result = 4; break;
+ case 86400*7: result = 6; break;
+ case 86400*14: result = 1; break;
+ case (int)(86400*30.4375+0.5): result = 3; break;
+ case (int)(86400*30.4375*2+0.5): result = 1; break;
+ case (int)(86400*30.4375*3+0.5): result = 2; break;
+ case (int)(86400*30.4375*6+0.5): result = 5; break;
+ case (int)(86400*30.4375*12+0.5): result = 3; break;
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Generates a date/time tick label for tick coordinate \a tick, based on the currently set format
+ (\ref setDateTimeFormat) and time spec (\ref setDateTimeSpec).
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+QString QCPAxisTickerDateTime::getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
+ Q_UNUSED(precision)
+ Q_UNUSED(formatChar)
+ return locale.toString(keyToDateTime(tick).toTimeSpec(mDateTimeSpec), mDateTimeFormat);
+/*! \internal
+ Uses the passed \a tickStep as a guiding value and applies corrections in order to obtain
+ non-uniform tick intervals but intuitive tick labels, e.g. falling on the same day of each month.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+QVector<double> QCPAxisTickerDateTime::createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range)
+ QVector<double> result = QCPAxisTicker::createTickVector(tickStep, range);
+ if (!result.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (mDateStrategy == dsUniformTimeInDay)
+ {
+ QDateTime uniformDateTime = keyToDateTime(mTickOrigin); // the time of this datetime will be set for all other ticks, if possible
+ QDateTime tickDateTime;
+ for (int i=0; i<result.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ tickDateTime = keyToDateTime(result.at(i));
+ tickDateTime.setTime(uniformDateTime.time());
+ result[i] = dateTimeToKey(tickDateTime);
+ }
+ } else if (mDateStrategy == dsUniformDayInMonth)
+ {
+ QDateTime uniformDateTime = keyToDateTime(mTickOrigin); // this day (in month) and time will be set for all other ticks, if possible
+ QDateTime tickDateTime;
+ for (int i=0; i<result.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ tickDateTime = keyToDateTime(result.at(i));
+ tickDateTime.setTime(uniformDateTime.time());
+ int thisUniformDay = uniformDateTime.date().day() <= tickDateTime.date().daysInMonth() ? uniformDateTime.date().day() : tickDateTime.date().daysInMonth(); // don't exceed month (e.g. try to set day 31 in February)
+ if (thisUniformDay-tickDateTime.date().day() < -15) // with leap years involved, date month may jump backwards or forwards, and needs to be corrected before setting day
+ tickDateTime = tickDateTime.addMonths(1);
+ else if (thisUniformDay-tickDateTime.date().day() > 15) // with leap years involved, date month may jump backwards or forwards, and needs to be corrected before setting day
+ tickDateTime = tickDateTime.addMonths(-1);
+ tickDateTime.setDate(QDate(tickDateTime.date().year(), tickDateTime.date().month(), thisUniformDay));
+ result[i] = dateTimeToKey(tickDateTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ A convenience method which turns \a key (in seconds since Epoch 1. Jan 1970, 00:00 UTC) into a
+ QDateTime object. This can be used to turn axis coordinates to actual QDateTimes.
+ The accuracy achieved by this method is one millisecond, irrespective of the used Qt version (it
+ works around the lack of a QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch in Qt 4.6)
+ \see dateTimeToKey
+QDateTime QCPAxisTickerDateTime::keyToDateTime(double key)
+ return QDateTime::fromTime_t(key).addMSecs((key-(qint64)key)*1000);
+# else
+ return QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(key*1000.0);
+# endif
+/*! \overload
+ A convenience method which turns a QDateTime object into a double value that corresponds to
+ seconds since Epoch (1. Jan 1970, 00:00 UTC). This is the format used as axis coordinates by
+ QCPAxisTickerDateTime.
+ The accuracy achieved by this method is one millisecond, irrespective of the used Qt version (it
+ works around the lack of a QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch in Qt 4.6)
+ \see keyToDateTime
+double QCPAxisTickerDateTime::dateTimeToKey(const QDateTime dateTime)
+ return dateTime.toTime_t()+dateTime.time().msec()/1000.0;
+# else
+ return dateTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0;
+# endif
+/*! \overload
+ A convenience method which turns a QDate object into a double value that corresponds to
+ seconds since Epoch (1. Jan 1970, 00:00 UTC). This is the format used as axis coordinates by
+ QCPAxisTickerDateTime.
+ \see keyToDateTime
+double QCPAxisTickerDateTime::dateTimeToKey(const QDate date)
+ return QDateTime(date).toTime_t();
+# else
+ return QDateTime(date).toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0;
+# endif
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerdatetime.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickertime.cpp', size 11747 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTickerTime
+/*! \class QCPAxisTickerTime
+ \brief Specialized axis ticker for time spans in units of milliseconds to days
+ \image html axisticker-time.png
+ This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks that corresponds to time intervals.
+ The format of the time display in the tick labels is controlled with \ref setTimeFormat and \ref
+ setFieldWidth. The time coordinate is in the unit of seconds with respect to the time coordinate
+ zero. Unlike with QCPAxisTickerDateTime, the ticks don't correspond to a specific calendar date
+ and time.
+ The time can be displayed in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours and days. Depending on the
+ largest available unit in the format specified with \ref setTimeFormat, any time spans above will
+ be carried in that largest unit. So for example if the format string is "%m:%s" and a tick at
+ coordinate value 7815 (being 2 hours, 10 minutes and 15 seconds) is created, the resulting tick
+ label will show "130:15" (130 minutes, 15 seconds). If the format string is "%h:%m:%s", the hour
+ unit will be used and the label will thus be "02:10:15". Negative times with respect to the axis
+ zero will carry a leading minus sign.
+ The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickertime-creation
+ Here is an example of a time axis providing time information in days, hours and minutes. Due to
+ the axis range spanning a few days and the wanted tick count (\ref setTickCount), the ticker
+ decided to use tick steps of 12 hours:
+ \image html axisticker-time2.png
+ The format string for this example is
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickertime-creation-2
+ \note If you rather wish to display calendar dates and times, have a look at QCPAxisTickerDateTime
+ instead.
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTickerTime::QCPAxisTickerTime() :
+ mTimeFormat(QLatin1String("%h:%m:%s")),
+ mSmallestUnit(tuSeconds),
+ mBiggestUnit(tuHours)
+ setTickCount(4);
+ mFieldWidth[tuMilliseconds] = 3;
+ mFieldWidth[tuSeconds] = 2;
+ mFieldWidth[tuMinutes] = 2;
+ mFieldWidth[tuHours] = 2;
+ mFieldWidth[tuDays] = 1;
+ mFormatPattern[tuMilliseconds] = QLatin1String("%z");
+ mFormatPattern[tuSeconds] = QLatin1String("%s");
+ mFormatPattern[tuMinutes] = QLatin1String("%m");
+ mFormatPattern[tuHours] = QLatin1String("%h");
+ mFormatPattern[tuDays] = QLatin1String("%d");
+ Sets the format that will be used to display time in the tick labels.
+ The available patterns are:
+ - %%z for milliseconds
+ - %%s for seconds
+ - %%m for minutes
+ - %%h for hours
+ - %%d for days
+ The field width (zero padding) can be controlled for each unit with \ref setFieldWidth.
+ The largest unit that appears in \a format will carry all the remaining time of a certain tick
+ coordinate, even if it overflows the natural limit of the unit. For example, if %%m is the
+ largest unit it might become larger than 59 in order to consume larger time values. If on the
+ other hand %%h is available, the minutes will wrap around to zero after 59 and the time will
+ carry to the hour digit.
+void QCPAxisTickerTime::setTimeFormat(const QString &format)
+ mTimeFormat = format;
+ // determine smallest and biggest unit in format, to optimize unit replacement and allow biggest
+ // unit to consume remaining time of a tick value and grow beyond its modulo (e.g. min > 59)
+ mSmallestUnit = tuMilliseconds;
+ mBiggestUnit = tuMilliseconds;
+ bool hasSmallest = false;
+ for (int i = tuMilliseconds; i <= tuDays; ++i)
+ {
+ TimeUnit unit = static_cast<TimeUnit>(i);
+ if (mTimeFormat.contains(mFormatPattern.value(unit)))
+ {
+ if (!hasSmallest)
+ {
+ mSmallestUnit = unit;
+ hasSmallest = true;
+ }
+ mBiggestUnit = unit;
+ }
+ }
+ Sets the field widh of the specified \a unit to be \a width digits, when displayed in the tick
+ label. If the number for the specific unit is shorter than \a width, it will be padded with an
+ according number of zeros to the left in order to reach the field width.
+ \see setTimeFormat
+void QCPAxisTickerTime::setFieldWidth(QCPAxisTickerTime::TimeUnit unit, int width)
+ mFieldWidth[unit] = qMax(width, 1);
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the tick step appropriate for time displays, depending on the provided \a range and the
+ smallest available time unit in the current format (\ref setTimeFormat). For example if the unit
+ of seconds isn't available in the format, this method will not generate steps (like 2.5 minutes)
+ that require sub-minute precision to be displayed correctly.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPAxisTickerTime::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ double result = range.size()/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10); // mTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
+ if (result < 1) // ideal tick step is below 1 second -> use normal clean mantissa algorithm in units of seconds
+ {
+ if (mSmallestUnit == tuMilliseconds)
+ result = qMax(cleanMantissa(result), 0.001); // smallest tick step is 1 millisecond
+ else // have no milliseconds available in format, so stick with 1 second tickstep
+ result = 1.0;
+ } else if (result < 3600*24) // below a day
+ {
+ // the filling of availableSteps seems a bit contorted but it fills in a sorted fashion and thus saves a post-fill sorting run
+ QVector<double> availableSteps;
+ // seconds range:
+ if (mSmallestUnit <= tuSeconds)
+ availableSteps << 1;
+ if (mSmallestUnit == tuMilliseconds)
+ availableSteps << 2.5; // only allow half second steps if milliseconds are there to display it
+ else if (mSmallestUnit == tuSeconds)
+ availableSteps << 2;
+ if (mSmallestUnit <= tuSeconds)
+ availableSteps << 5 << 10 << 15 << 30;
+ // minutes range:
+ if (mSmallestUnit <= tuMinutes)
+ availableSteps << 1*60;
+ if (mSmallestUnit <= tuSeconds)
+ availableSteps << 2.5*60; // only allow half minute steps if seconds are there to display it
+ else if (mSmallestUnit == tuMinutes)
+ availableSteps << 2*60;
+ if (mSmallestUnit <= tuMinutes)
+ availableSteps << 5*60 << 10*60 << 15*60 << 30*60;
+ // hours range:
+ if (mSmallestUnit <= tuHours)
+ availableSteps << 1*3600 << 2*3600 << 3*3600 << 6*3600 << 12*3600 << 24*3600;
+ // pick available step that is most appropriate to approximate ideal step:
+ result = pickClosest(result, availableSteps);
+ } else // more than a day, go back to normal clean mantissa algorithm but in units of days
+ {
+ const double secondsPerDay = 3600*24;
+ result = cleanMantissa(result/secondsPerDay)*secondsPerDay;
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the sub tick count appropriate for the provided \a tickStep and time displays.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+int QCPAxisTickerTime::getSubTickCount(double tickStep)
+ int result = QCPAxisTicker::getSubTickCount(tickStep);
+ switch (qRound(tickStep)) // hand chosen subticks for specific minute/hour/day range (as specified in getTickStep)
+ {
+ case 5*60: result = 4; break;
+ case 10*60: result = 1; break;
+ case 15*60: result = 2; break;
+ case 30*60: result = 1; break;
+ case 60*60: result = 3; break;
+ case 3600*2: result = 3; break;
+ case 3600*3: result = 2; break;
+ case 3600*6: result = 1; break;
+ case 3600*12: result = 3; break;
+ case 3600*24: result = 3; break;
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the tick label corresponding to the provided \a tick and the configured format and field
+ widths (\ref setTimeFormat, \ref setFieldWidth).
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+QString QCPAxisTickerTime::getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
+ Q_UNUSED(precision)
+ Q_UNUSED(formatChar)
+ Q_UNUSED(locale)
+ bool negative = tick < 0;
+ if (negative) tick *= -1;
+ double values[tuDays+1]; // contains the msec/sec/min/... value with its respective modulo (e.g. minute 0..59)
+ double restValues[tuDays+1]; // contains the msec/sec/min/... value as if it's the largest available unit and thus consumes the remaining time
+ restValues[tuMilliseconds] = tick*1000;
+ values[tuMilliseconds] = modf(restValues[tuMilliseconds]/1000, &restValues[tuSeconds])*1000;
+ values[tuSeconds] = modf(restValues[tuSeconds]/60, &restValues[tuMinutes])*60;
+ values[tuMinutes] = modf(restValues[tuMinutes]/60, &restValues[tuHours])*60;
+ values[tuHours] = modf(restValues[tuHours]/24, &restValues[tuDays])*24;
+ // no need to set values[tuDays] because days are always a rest value (there is no higher unit so it consumes all remaining time)
+ QString result = mTimeFormat;
+ for (int i = mSmallestUnit; i <= mBiggestUnit; ++i)
+ {
+ TimeUnit iUnit = static_cast<TimeUnit>(i);
+ replaceUnit(result, iUnit, qRound(iUnit == mBiggestUnit ? restValues[iUnit] : values[iUnit]));
+ }
+ if (negative)
+ result.prepend(QLatin1Char('-'));
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Replaces all occurrences of the format pattern belonging to \a unit in \a text with the specified
+ \a value, using the field width as specified with \ref setFieldWidth for the \a unit.
+void QCPAxisTickerTime::replaceUnit(QString &text, QCPAxisTickerTime::TimeUnit unit, int value) const
+ QString valueStr = QString::number(value);
+ while (valueStr.size() < mFieldWidth.value(unit))
+ valueStr.prepend(QLatin1Char('0'));
+ text.replace(mFormatPattern.value(unit), valueStr);
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickertime.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerfixed.cpp', size 5583 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTickerFixed
+/*! \class QCPAxisTickerFixed
+ \brief Specialized axis ticker with a fixed tick step
+ \image html axisticker-fixed.png
+ This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks with a fixed tick step set with \ref setTickStep. It
+ is also possible to allow integer multiples and integer powers of the specified tick step with
+ \ref setScaleStrategy.
+ A typical application of this ticker is to make an axis only display integers, by setting the
+ tick step of the ticker to 1.0 and the scale strategy to \ref ssMultiples.
+ Another case is when a certain number has a special meaning and axis ticks should only appear at
+ multiples of that value. In this case you might also want to consider \ref QCPAxisTickerPi
+ because despite the name it is not limited to only pi symbols/values.
+ The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickerfixed-creation
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTickerFixed::QCPAxisTickerFixed() :
+ mTickStep(1.0),
+ mScaleStrategy(ssNone)
+ Sets the fixed tick interval to \a step.
+ The axis ticker will only use this tick step when generating axis ticks. This might cause a very
+ high tick density and overlapping labels if the axis range is zoomed out. Using \ref
+ setScaleStrategy it is possible to relax the fixed step and also allow multiples or powers of \a
+ step. This will enable the ticker to reduce the number of ticks to a reasonable amount (see \ref
+ setTickCount).
+void QCPAxisTickerFixed::setTickStep(double step)
+ if (step > 0)
+ mTickStep = step;
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "tick step must be greater than zero:" << step;
+ Sets whether the specified tick step (\ref setTickStep) is absolutely fixed or whether
+ modifications may be applied to it before calculating the finally used tick step, such as
+ permitting multiples or powers. See \ref ScaleStrategy for details.
+ The default strategy is \ref ssNone, which means the tick step is absolutely fixed.
+void QCPAxisTickerFixed::setScaleStrategy(QCPAxisTickerFixed::ScaleStrategy strategy)
+ mScaleStrategy = strategy;
+/*! \internal
+ Determines the actually used tick step from the specified tick step and scale strategy (\ref
+ setTickStep, \ref setScaleStrategy).
+ This method either returns the specified tick step exactly, or, if the scale strategy is not \ref
+ ssNone, a modification of it to allow varying the number of ticks in the current axis range.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPAxisTickerFixed::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ switch (mScaleStrategy)
+ {
+ case ssNone:
+ {
+ return mTickStep;
+ }
+ case ssMultiples:
+ {
+ double exactStep = range.size()/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10); // mTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
+ if (exactStep < mTickStep)
+ return mTickStep;
+ else
+ return (qint64)(cleanMantissa(exactStep/mTickStep)+0.5)*mTickStep;
+ }
+ case ssPowers:
+ {
+ double exactStep = range.size()/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10); // mTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
+ return qPow(mTickStep, (int)(qLn(exactStep)/qLn(mTickStep)+0.5));
+ }
+ }
+ return mTickStep;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerfixed.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickertext.cpp', size 8653 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTickerText
+/*! \class QCPAxisTickerText
+ \brief Specialized axis ticker which allows arbitrary labels at specified coordinates
+ \image html axisticker-text.png
+ This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks which can be directly specified by the user as
+ coordinates and associated strings. They can be passed as a whole with \ref setTicks or one at a
+ time with \ref addTick. Alternatively you can directly access the internal storage via \ref ticks
+ and modify the tick/label data there.
+ This is useful for cases where the axis represents categories rather than numerical values.
+ If you are updating the ticks of this ticker regularly and in a dynamic fasion (e.g. dependent on
+ the axis range), it is a sign that you should probably create an own ticker by subclassing
+ QCPAxisTicker, instead of using this one.
+ The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickertext-creation
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QMap<double, QString> &QCPAxisTickerText::ticks()
+ Returns a non-const reference to the internal map which stores the tick coordinates and their
+ labels.
+ You can access the map directly in order to add, remove or manipulate ticks, as an alternative to
+ using the methods provided by QCPAxisTickerText, such as \ref setTicks and \ref addTick.
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTickerText::QCPAxisTickerText() :
+ mSubTickCount(0)
+/*! \overload
+ Sets the ticks that shall appear on the axis. The map key of \a ticks corresponds to the axis
+ coordinate, and the map value is the string that will appear as tick label.
+ An alternative to manipulate ticks is to directly access the internal storage with the \ref ticks
+ getter.
+ \see addTicks, addTick, clear
+void QCPAxisTickerText::setTicks(const QMap<double, QString> &ticks)
+ mTicks = ticks;
+/*! \overload
+ Sets the ticks that shall appear on the axis. The entries of \a positions correspond to the axis
+ coordinates, and the entries of \a labels are the respective strings that will appear as tick
+ labels.
+ \see addTicks, addTick, clear
+void QCPAxisTickerText::setTicks(const QVector<double> &positions, const QVector<QString> labels)
+ clear();
+ addTicks(positions, labels);
+ Sets the number of sub ticks that shall appear between ticks. For QCPAxisTickerText, there is no
+ automatic sub tick count calculation. So if sub ticks are needed, they must be configured with this
+ method.
+void QCPAxisTickerText::setSubTickCount(int subTicks)
+ if (subTicks >= 0)
+ mSubTickCount = subTicks;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "sub tick count can't be negative:" << subTicks;
+ Clears all ticks.
+ An alternative to manipulate ticks is to directly access the internal storage with the \ref ticks
+ getter.
+ \see setTicks, addTicks, addTick
+void QCPAxisTickerText::clear()
+ mTicks.clear();
+ Adds a single tick to the axis at the given axis coordinate \a position, with the provided tick \a
+ label.
+ \see addTicks, setTicks, clear
+void QCPAxisTickerText::addTick(double position, QString label)
+ mTicks.insert(position, label);
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided \a ticks to the ones already existing. The map key of \a ticks corresponds to
+ the axis coordinate, and the map value is the string that will appear as tick label.
+ An alternative to manipulate ticks is to directly access the internal storage with the \ref ticks
+ getter.
+ \see addTick, setTicks, clear
+void QCPAxisTickerText::addTicks(const QMap<double, QString> &ticks)
+ mTicks.unite(ticks);
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided ticks to the ones already existing. The entries of \a positions correspond to
+ the axis coordinates, and the entries of \a labels are the respective strings that will appear as
+ tick labels.
+ An alternative to manipulate ticks is to directly access the internal storage with the \ref ticks
+ getter.
+ \see addTick, setTicks, clear
+void QCPAxisTickerText::addTicks(const QVector<double> &positions, const QVector<QString> &labels)
+ if (positions.size() != labels.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed unequal length vectors for positions and labels:" << positions.size() << labels.size();
+ int n = qMin(positions.size(), labels.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ mTicks.insert(positions.at(i), labels.at(i));
+ Since the tick coordinates are provided externally, this method implementation does nothing.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPAxisTickerText::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ // text axis ticker has manual tick positions, so doesn't need this method
+ Q_UNUSED(range)
+ return 1.0;
+ Returns the sub tick count that was configured with \ref setSubTickCount.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+int QCPAxisTickerText::getSubTickCount(double tickStep)
+ Q_UNUSED(tickStep)
+ return mSubTickCount;
+ Returns the tick label which corresponds to the key \a tick in the internal tick storage. Since
+ the labels are provided externally, \a locale, \a formatChar, and \a precision are ignored.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+QString QCPAxisTickerText::getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
+ Q_UNUSED(locale)
+ Q_UNUSED(formatChar)
+ Q_UNUSED(precision)
+ return mTicks.value(tick);
+ Returns the externally provided tick coordinates which are in the specified \a range. If
+ available, one tick above and below the range is provided in addition, to allow possible sub tick
+ calculation. The parameter \a tickStep is ignored.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+QVector<double> QCPAxisTickerText::createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range)
+ Q_UNUSED(tickStep)
+ QVector<double> result;
+ if (mTicks.isEmpty())
+ return result;
+ QMap<double, QString>::const_iterator start = mTicks.lowerBound(range.lower);
+ QMap<double, QString>::const_iterator end = mTicks.upperBound(range.upper);
+ // this method should try to give one tick outside of range so proper subticks can be generated:
+ if (start != mTicks.constBegin()) --start;
+ if (end != mTicks.constEnd()) ++end;
+ for (QMap<double, QString>::const_iterator it = start; it != end; ++it)
+ result.append(it.key());
+ return result;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickertext.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerpi.cpp', size 11170 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTickerPi
+/*! \class QCPAxisTickerPi
+ \brief Specialized axis ticker to display ticks in units of an arbitrary constant, for example pi
+ \image html axisticker-pi.png
+ This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks that are expressed with respect to a given symbolic
+ constant with a numerical value specified with \ref setPiValue and an appearance in the tick
+ labels specified with \ref setPiSymbol.
+ Ticks may be generated at fractions of the symbolic constant. How these fractions appear in the
+ tick label can be configured with \ref setFractionStyle.
+ The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickerpi-creation
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTickerPi::QCPAxisTickerPi() :
+ mPiSymbol(QLatin1String(" ")+QChar(0x03C0)),
+ mPiValue(M_PI),
+ mPeriodicity(0),
+ mFractionStyle(fsUnicodeFractions),
+ mPiTickStep(0)
+ setTickCount(4);
+ Sets how the symbol part (which is always a suffix to the number) shall appear in the axis tick
+ label.
+ If a space shall appear between the number and the symbol, make sure the space is contained in \a
+ symbol.
+void QCPAxisTickerPi::setPiSymbol(QString symbol)
+ mPiSymbol = symbol;
+ Sets the numerical value that the symbolic constant has.
+ This will be used to place the appropriate fractions of the symbol at the respective axis
+ coordinates.
+void QCPAxisTickerPi::setPiValue(double pi)
+ mPiValue = pi;
+ Sets whether the axis labels shall appear periodicly and if so, at which multiplicity of the
+ symbolic constant.
+ To disable periodicity, set \a multiplesOfPi to zero.
+ For example, an axis that identifies 0 with 2pi would set \a multiplesOfPi to two.
+void QCPAxisTickerPi::setPeriodicity(int multiplesOfPi)
+ mPeriodicity = qAbs(multiplesOfPi);
+ Sets how the numerical/fractional part preceding the symbolic constant is displayed in tick
+ labels. See \ref FractionStyle for the various options.
+void QCPAxisTickerPi::setFractionStyle(QCPAxisTickerPi::FractionStyle style)
+ mFractionStyle = style;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the tick step, using the constant's value (\ref setPiValue) as base unit. In consequence
+ the numerical/fractional part preceding the symbolic constant is made to have a readable
+ mantissa.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPAxisTickerPi::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ mPiTickStep = range.size()/mPiValue/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10); // mTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
+ mPiTickStep = cleanMantissa(mPiTickStep);
+ return mPiTickStep*mPiValue;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the sub tick count, using the constant's value (\ref setPiValue) as base unit. In
+ consequence the sub ticks divide the numerical/fractional part preceding the symbolic constant
+ reasonably, and not the total tick coordinate.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+int QCPAxisTickerPi::getSubTickCount(double tickStep)
+ return QCPAxisTicker::getSubTickCount(tickStep/mPiValue);
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the tick label as a fractional/numerical part and a symbolic string as suffix. The
+ formatting of the fraction is done according to the specified \ref setFractionStyle. The appended
+ symbol is specified with \ref setPiSymbol.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+QString QCPAxisTickerPi::getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
+ double tickInPis = tick/mPiValue;
+ if (mPeriodicity > 0)
+ tickInPis = fmod(tickInPis, mPeriodicity);
+ if (mFractionStyle != fsFloatingPoint && mPiTickStep > 0.09 && mPiTickStep < 50)
+ {
+ // simply construct fraction from decimal like 1.234 -> 1234/1000 and then simplify fraction, smaller digits are irrelevant due to mPiTickStep conditional above
+ int denominator = 1000;
+ int numerator = qRound(tickInPis*denominator);
+ simplifyFraction(numerator, denominator);
+ if (qAbs(numerator) == 1 && denominator == 1)
+ return (numerator < 0 ? QLatin1String("-") : QLatin1String("")) + mPiSymbol.trimmed();
+ else if (numerator == 0)
+ return QLatin1String("0");
+ else
+ return fractionToString(numerator, denominator) + mPiSymbol;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (qFuzzyIsNull(tickInPis))
+ return QLatin1String("0");
+ else if (qFuzzyCompare(qAbs(tickInPis), 1.0))
+ return (tickInPis < 0 ? QLatin1String("-") : QLatin1String("")) + mPiSymbol.trimmed();
+ else
+ return QCPAxisTicker::getTickLabel(tickInPis, locale, formatChar, precision) + mPiSymbol;
+ }
- If the inset placement (\ref setInsetPlacement) is \ref ipFree, this function is used to set the
- position and size of the element with the specified \a index to \a rect.
- \a rect is given in fractions of the whole inset layout rect. So an inset with rect (0, 0, 1, 1)
- will span the entire layout. An inset with rect (0.6, 0.1, 0.35, 0.35) will be in the top right
- corner of the layout, with 35% width and height of the parent layout.
+/*! \internal
- Note that the minimum and maximum sizes of the embedded element (\ref
- QCPLayoutElement::setMinimumSize, \ref QCPLayoutElement::setMaximumSize) are enforced.
+ Takes the fraction given by \a numerator and \a denominator and modifies the values to make sure
+ the fraction is in irreducible form, i.e. numerator and denominator don't share any common
+ factors which could be cancelled.
-void QCPLayoutInset::setInsetRect(int index, const QRectF &rect)
+void QCPAxisTickerPi::simplifyFraction(int &numerator, int &denominator) const
- if (elementAt(index))
- mInsetRect[index] = rect;
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid element index:" << index;
+ if (numerator == 0 || denominator == 0)
+ return;
+ int num = numerator;
+ int denom = denominator;
+ while (denom != 0) // euclidean gcd algorithm
+ {
+ int oldDenom = denom;
+ denom = num % denom;
+ num = oldDenom;
+ }
+ // num is now gcd of numerator and denominator
+ numerator /= num;
+ denominator /= num;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPLayoutInset::updateLayout()
+/*! \internal
+ Takes the fraction given by \a numerator and \a denominator and returns a string representation.
+ The result depends on the configured fraction style (\ref setFractionStyle).
+ This method is used to format the numerical/fractional part when generating tick labels. It
+ simplifies the passed fraction to an irreducible form using \ref simplifyFraction and factors out
+ any integer parts of the fraction (e.g. "10/4" becomes "2 1/2").
+QString QCPAxisTickerPi::fractionToString(int numerator, int denominator) const
- for (int i=0; i<mElements.size(); ++i)
+ if (denominator == 0)
- QRect insetRect;
- QSize finalMinSize, finalMaxSize;
- QSize minSizeHint = mElements.at(i)->minimumSizeHint();
- QSize maxSizeHint = mElements.at(i)->maximumSizeHint();
- finalMinSize.setWidth(mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().width() > 0 ? mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().width() : minSizeHint.width());
- finalMinSize.setHeight(mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().height() > 0 ? mElements.at(i)->minimumSize().height() : minSizeHint.height());
- finalMaxSize.setWidth(mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().width() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().width() : maxSizeHint.width());
- finalMaxSize.setHeight(mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().height() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ? mElements.at(i)->maximumSize().height() : maxSizeHint.height());
- if (mInsetPlacement.at(i) == ipFree)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "called with zero denominator";
+ return QString();
+ }
+ if (mFractionStyle == fsFloatingPoint) // should never be the case when calling this function
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "shouldn't be called with fraction style fsDecimal";
+ return QString::number(numerator/(double)denominator); // failsafe
+ }
+ int sign = numerator*denominator < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ numerator = qAbs(numerator);
+ denominator = qAbs(denominator);
+ if (denominator == 1)
+ {
+ return QString::number(sign*numerator);
+ } else
+ {
+ int integerPart = numerator/denominator;
+ int remainder = numerator%denominator;
+ if (remainder == 0)
- insetRect = QRect(rect().x()+rect().width()*mInsetRect.at(i).x(),
- rect().y()+rect().height()*mInsetRect.at(i).y(),
- rect().width()*mInsetRect.at(i).width(),
- rect().height()*mInsetRect.at(i).height());
- if (insetRect.size().width() < finalMinSize.width())
- insetRect.setWidth(finalMinSize.width());
- if (insetRect.size().height() < finalMinSize.height())
- insetRect.setHeight(finalMinSize.height());
- if (insetRect.size().width() > finalMaxSize.width())
- insetRect.setWidth(finalMaxSize.width());
- if (insetRect.size().height() > finalMaxSize.height())
- insetRect.setHeight(finalMaxSize.height());
- } else if (mInsetPlacement.at(i) == ipBorderAligned)
+ return QString::number(sign*integerPart);
+ } else
- insetRect.setSize(finalMinSize);
- Qt::Alignment al = mInsetAlignment.at(i);
- if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignLeft)) insetRect.moveLeft(rect().x());
- else if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignRight)) insetRect.moveRight(rect().x()+rect().width());
- else insetRect.moveLeft(rect().x()+rect().width()*0.5-finalMinSize.width()*0.5); // default to Qt::AlignHCenter
- if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignTop)) insetRect.moveTop(rect().y());
- else if (al.testFlag(Qt::AlignBottom)) insetRect.moveBottom(rect().y()+rect().height());
- else insetRect.moveTop(rect().y()+rect().height()*0.5-finalMinSize.height()*0.5); // default to Qt::AlignVCenter
+ if (mFractionStyle == fsAsciiFractions)
+ {
+ return QString(QLatin1String("%1%2%3/%4"))
+ .arg(sign == -1 ? QLatin1String("-") : QLatin1String(""))
+ .arg(integerPart > 0 ? QString::number(integerPart)+QLatin1String(" ") : QLatin1String(""))
+ .arg(remainder)
+ .arg(denominator);
+ } else if (mFractionStyle == fsUnicodeFractions)
+ {
+ return QString(QLatin1String("%1%2%3"))
+ .arg(sign == -1 ? QLatin1String("-") : QLatin1String(""))
+ .arg(integerPart > 0 ? QString::number(integerPart) : QLatin1String(""))
+ .arg(unicodeFraction(remainder, denominator));
+ }
- mElements.at(i)->setOuterRect(insetRect);
+ return QString();
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-int QCPLayoutInset::elementCount() const
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the unicode string representation of the fraction given by \a numerator and \a
+ denominator. This is the representation used in \ref fractionToString when the fraction style
+ (\ref setFractionStyle) is \ref fsUnicodeFractions.
+ This method doesn't use the single-character common fractions but builds each fraction from a
+ superscript unicode number, the unicode fraction character, and a subscript unicode number.
+QString QCPAxisTickerPi::unicodeFraction(int numerator, int denominator) const
- return mElements.size();
+ return unicodeSuperscript(numerator)+QChar(0x2044)+unicodeSubscript(denominator);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutInset::elementAt(int index) const
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the unicode string representing \a number as superscript. This is used to build
+ unicode fractions in \ref unicodeFraction.
+QString QCPAxisTickerPi::unicodeSuperscript(int number) const
- if (index >= 0 && index < mElements.size())
- return mElements.at(index);
- else
- return 0;
+ if (number == 0)
+ return QString(QChar(0x2070));
+ QString result;
+ while (number > 0)
+ {
+ const int digit = number%10;
+ switch (digit)
+ {
+ case 1: { result.prepend(QChar(0x00B9)); break; }
+ case 2: { result.prepend(QChar(0x00B2)); break; }
+ case 3: { result.prepend(QChar(0x00B3)); break; }
+ default: { result.prepend(QChar(0x2070+digit)); break; }
+ }
+ number /= 10;
+ }
+ return result;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPLayoutElement *QCPLayoutInset::takeAt(int index)
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the unicode string representing \a number as subscript. This is used to build unicode
+ fractions in \ref unicodeFraction.
+QString QCPAxisTickerPi::unicodeSubscript(int number) const
- if (QCPLayoutElement *el = elementAt(index))
- {
- releaseElement(el);
- mElements.removeAt(index);
- mInsetPlacement.removeAt(index);
- mInsetAlignment.removeAt(index);
- mInsetRect.removeAt(index);
- return el;
- } else
+ if (number == 0)
+ return QString(QChar(0x2080));
+ QString result;
+ while (number > 0)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Attempt to take invalid index:" << index;
- return 0;
+ result.prepend(QChar(0x2080+number%10));
+ number /= 10;
+ return result;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerpi.cpp' */
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-bool QCPLayoutInset::take(QCPLayoutElement *element)
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerlog.cpp', size 7106 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPAxisTickerLog
+/*! \class QCPAxisTickerLog
+ \brief Specialized axis ticker suited for logarithmic axes
+ \image html axisticker-log.png
+ This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks with unequal tick intervals suited for logarithmic
+ axis scales. The ticks are placed at powers of the specified log base (\ref setLogBase).
+ Especially in the case of a log base equal to 10 (the default), it might be desirable to have
+ tick labels in the form of powers of ten without mantissa display. To achieve this, set the
+ number precision (\ref QCPAxis::setNumberPrecision) to zero and the number format (\ref
+ QCPAxis::setNumberFormat) to scientific (exponential) display with beautifully typeset decimal
+ powers, so a format string of <tt>"eb"</tt>. This will result in the following axis tick labels:
+ \image html axisticker-log-powers.png
+ The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp axistickerlog-creation
+ Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created
+ managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.
+QCPAxisTickerLog::QCPAxisTickerLog() :
+ mLogBase(10.0),
+ mSubTickCount(8), // generates 10 intervals
+ mLogBaseLnInv(1.0/qLn(mLogBase))
- if (element)
+ Sets the logarithm base used for tick coordinate generation. The ticks will be placed at integer
+ powers of \a base.
+void QCPAxisTickerLog::setLogBase(double base)
+ if (base > 0)
- for (int i=0; i<elementCount(); ++i)
- {
- if (elementAt(i) == element)
- {
- takeAt(i);
- return true;
- }
- }
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Element not in this layout, couldn't take";
+ mLogBase = base;
+ mLogBaseLnInv = 1.0/qLn(mLogBase);
} else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't take null element";
- return false;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "log base has to be greater than zero:" << base;
- The inset layout is sensitive to events only at areas where its (visible) child elements are
- sensitive. If the selectTest method of any of the child elements returns a positive number for \a
- pos, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection
- tolerance. The inset layout is not selectable itself by default. So if \a onlySelectable is true,
- -1.0 is returned.
+ Sets the number of sub ticks in a tick interval. Within each interval, the sub ticks are spaced
+ linearly to provide a better visual guide, so the sub tick density increases toward the higher
+ tick.
- See \ref QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.
+ Note that \a subTicks is the number of sub ticks (not sub intervals) in one tick interval. So in
+ the case of logarithm base 10 an intuitive sub tick spacing would be achieved with eight sub
+ ticks (the default). This means e.g. between the ticks 10 and 100 there will be eight ticks,
+ namely at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90.
-double QCPLayoutInset::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+void QCPAxisTickerLog::setSubTickCount(int subTicks)
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (onlySelectable)
- return -1;
+ if (subTicks >= 0)
+ mSubTickCount = subTicks;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "sub tick count can't be negative:" << subTicks;
+/*! \internal
- for (int i=0; i<mElements.size(); ++i)
- {
- // inset layout shall only return positive selectTest, if actually an inset object is at pos
- // else it would block the entire underlying QCPAxisRect with its surface.
- if (mElements.at(i)->realVisibility() && mElements.at(i)->selectTest(pos, onlySelectable) >= 0)
- return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- }
- return -1;
+ Since logarithmic tick steps are necessarily different for each tick interval, this method does
+ nothing in the case of QCPAxisTickerLog
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPAxisTickerLog::getTickStep(const QCPRange &range)
+ // Logarithmic axis ticker has unequal tick spacing, so doesn't need this method
+ Q_UNUSED(range)
+ return 1.0;
- Adds the specified \a element to the layout as an inset aligned at the border (\ref
- setInsetAlignment is initialized with \ref ipBorderAligned). The alignment is set to \a
- alignment.
+/*! \internal
- \a alignment is an or combination of the following alignment flags: Qt::AlignLeft,
- Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::AlighRight, Qt::AlignTop, Qt::AlignVCenter, Qt::AlignBottom. Any other
- alignment flags will be ignored.
+ Returns the sub tick count specified in \ref setSubTickCount. For QCPAxisTickerLog, there is no
+ automatic sub tick count calculation necessary.
- \see addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, const QRectF &rect)
+ \seebaseclassmethod
-void QCPLayoutInset::addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment)
+int QCPAxisTickerLog::getSubTickCount(double tickStep)
- if (element)
- {
- if (element->layout()) // remove from old layout first
- element->layout()->take(element);
- mElements.append(element);
- mInsetPlacement.append(ipBorderAligned);
- mInsetAlignment.append(alignment);
- mInsetRect.append(QRectF(0.6, 0.6, 0.4, 0.4));
- adoptElement(element);
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't add null element";
+ Q_UNUSED(tickStep)
+ return mSubTickCount;
- Adds the specified \a element to the layout as an inset with free positioning/sizing (\ref
- setInsetAlignment is initialized with \ref ipFree). The position and size is set to \a
- rect.
+/*! \internal
- \a rect is given in fractions of the whole inset layout rect. So an inset with rect (0, 0, 1, 1)
- will span the entire layout. An inset with rect (0.6, 0.1, 0.35, 0.35) will be in the top right
- corner of the layout, with 35% width and height of the parent layout.
+ Creates ticks with a spacing given by the logarithm base and an increasing integer power in the
+ provided \a range. The step in which the power increases tick by tick is chosen in order to keep
+ the total number of ticks as close as possible to the tick count (\ref setTickCount). The
+ parameter \a tickStep is ignored for QCPAxisTickerLog
- \see addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment)
+ \seebaseclassmethod
-void QCPLayoutInset::addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, const QRectF &rect)
+QVector<double> QCPAxisTickerLog::createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range)
- if (element)
+ Q_UNUSED(tickStep)
+ QVector<double> result;
+ if (range.lower > 0 && range.upper > 0) // positive range
- if (element->layout()) // remove from old layout first
- element->layout()->take(element);
- mElements.append(element);
- mInsetPlacement.append(ipFree);
- mInsetAlignment.append(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop);
- mInsetRect.append(rect);
- adoptElement(element);
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Can't add null element";
+ double exactPowerStep = qLn(range.upper/range.lower)*mLogBaseLnInv/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10);
+ double newLogBase = qPow(mLogBase, qMax((int)cleanMantissa(exactPowerStep), 1));
+ double currentTick = qPow(newLogBase, qFloor(qLn(range.lower)/qLn(newLogBase)));
+ result.append(currentTick);
+ while (currentTick < range.upper && currentTick > 0) // currentMag might be zero for ranges ~1e-300, just cancel in that case
+ {
+ currentTick *= newLogBase;
+ result.append(currentTick);
+ }
+ } else if (range.lower < 0 && range.upper < 0) // negative range
+ {
+ double exactPowerStep = qLn(range.lower/range.upper)*mLogBaseLnInv/(double)(mTickCount+1e-10);
+ double newLogBase = qPow(mLogBase, qMax((int)cleanMantissa(exactPowerStep), 1));
+ double currentTick = -qPow(newLogBase, qCeil(qLn(-range.lower)/qLn(newLogBase)));
+ result.append(currentTick);
+ while (currentTick < range.upper && currentTick < 0) // currentMag might be zero for ranges ~1e-300, just cancel in that case
+ {
+ currentTick /= newLogBase;
+ result.append(currentTick);
+ }
+ } else // invalid range for logarithmic scale, because lower and upper have different sign
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid range for logarithmic plot: " << range.lower << ".." << range.upper;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerlog.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axis.cpp', size 94458 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPLineEnding
+//////////////////// QCPGrid
-/*! \class QCPLineEnding
- \brief Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items
+/*! \class QCPGrid
+ \brief Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis.
- \image html QCPLineEnding.png "The various ending styles currently supported"
+ This class is tightly bound to QCPAxis. Every axis owns a grid instance and uses it to draw the
+ grid lines, sub grid lines and zero-line. You can interact with the grid of an axis via \ref
+ QCPAxis::grid. Normally, you don't need to create an instance of QCPGrid yourself.
- For every ending a line-like item has, an instance of this class exists. For example, QCPItemLine
- has two endings which can be set with QCPItemLine::setHead and QCPItemLine::setTail.
- The styles themselves are defined via the enum QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle. Most decorations can
- be modified regarding width and length, see \ref setWidth and \ref setLength. The direction of
- the ending decoration (e.g. direction an arrow is pointing) is controlled by the line-like item.
- For example, when both endings of a QCPItemLine are set to be arrows, they will point to opposite
- directions, e.g. "outward". This can be changed by \ref setInverted, which would make the
- respective arrow point inward.
+ The axis and grid drawing was split into two classes to allow them to be placed on different
+ layers (both QCPAxis and QCPGrid inherit from QCPLayerable). Thus it is possible to have the grid
+ in the background and the axes in the foreground, and any plottables/items in between. This
+ described situation is the default setup, see the QCPLayer documentation.
+ Creates a QCPGrid instance and sets default values.
- Note that due to the overloaded QCPLineEnding constructor, you may directly specify a
- QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle where actually a QCPLineEnding is expected, e.g.
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcplineending-sethead
+ You shouldn't instantiate grids on their own, since every QCPAxis brings its own QCPGrid.
+QCPGrid::QCPGrid(QCPAxis *parentAxis) :
+ QCPLayerable(parentAxis->parentPlot(), QString(), parentAxis),
+ mParentAxis(parentAxis)
+ // warning: this is called in QCPAxis constructor, so parentAxis members should not be accessed/called
+ setParent(parentAxis);
+ setPen(QPen(QColor(200,200,200), 0, Qt::DotLine));
+ setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(220,220,220), 0, Qt::DotLine));
+ setZeroLinePen(QPen(QColor(200,200,200), 0, Qt::SolidLine));
+ setSubGridVisible(false);
+ setAntialiased(false);
+ setAntialiasedSubGrid(false);
+ setAntialiasedZeroLine(false);
- Creates a QCPLineEnding instance with default values (style \ref esNone).
+ Sets whether grid lines at sub tick marks are drawn.
+ \see setSubGridPen
-QCPLineEnding::QCPLineEnding() :
- mStyle(esNone),
- mWidth(8),
- mLength(10),
- mInverted(false)
+void QCPGrid::setSubGridVisible(bool visible)
+ mSubGridVisible = visible;
- Creates a QCPLineEnding instance with the specified values.
+ Sets whether sub grid lines are drawn antialiased.
-QCPLineEnding::QCPLineEnding(QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle style, double width, double length, bool inverted) :
- mStyle(style),
- mWidth(width),
- mLength(length),
- mInverted(inverted)
+void QCPGrid::setAntialiasedSubGrid(bool enabled)
+ mAntialiasedSubGrid = enabled;
- Sets the style of the ending decoration.
+ Sets whether zero lines are drawn antialiased.
-void QCPLineEnding::setStyle(QCPLineEnding::EndingStyle style)
+void QCPGrid::setAntialiasedZeroLine(bool enabled)
- mStyle = style;
+ mAntialiasedZeroLine = enabled;
- Sets the width of the ending decoration, if the style supports it. On arrows, for example, the
- width defines the size perpendicular to the arrow's pointing direction.
- \see setLength
+ Sets the pen with which (major) grid lines are drawn.
-void QCPLineEnding::setWidth(double width)
+void QCPGrid::setPen(const QPen &pen)
- mWidth = width;
+ mPen = pen;
- Sets the length of the ending decoration, if the style supports it. On arrows, for example, the
- length defines the size in pointing direction.
- \see setWidth
+ Sets the pen with which sub grid lines are drawn.
-void QCPLineEnding::setLength(double length)
+void QCPGrid::setSubGridPen(const QPen &pen)
- mLength = length;
+ mSubGridPen = pen;
- Sets whether the ending decoration shall be inverted. For example, an arrow decoration will point
- inward when \a inverted is set to true.
- Note that also the \a width direction is inverted. For symmetrical ending styles like arrows or
- discs, this doesn't make a difference. However, asymmetric styles like \ref esHalfBar are
- affected by it, which can be used to control to which side the half bar points to.
+ Sets the pen with which zero lines are drawn.
+ Zero lines are lines at value coordinate 0 which may be drawn with a different pen than other grid
+ lines. To disable zero lines and just draw normal grid lines at zero, set \a pen to Qt::NoPen.
-void QCPLineEnding::setInverted(bool inverted)
+void QCPGrid::setZeroLinePen(const QPen &pen)
- mInverted = inverted;
+ mZeroLinePen = pen;
/*! \internal
+ A convenience function to easily set the QPainter::Antialiased hint on the provided \a painter
+ before drawing the major grid lines.
+ This is the antialiasing state the painter passed to the \ref draw method is in by default.
- Returns the maximum pixel radius the ending decoration might cover, starting from the position
- the decoration is drawn at (typically a line ending/\ref QCPItemPosition of an item).
+ This function takes into account the local setting of the antialiasing flag as well as the
+ overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
- This is relevant for clipping. Only omit painting of the decoration when the position where the
- decoration is supposed to be drawn is farther away from the clipping rect than the returned
- distance.
+ \see setAntialiased
-double QCPLineEnding::boundingDistance() const
+void QCPGrid::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
- switch (mStyle)
- {
- case esNone:
- return 0;
- case esFlatArrow:
- case esSpikeArrow:
- case esLineArrow:
- case esSkewedBar:
- return qSqrt(mWidth*mWidth+mLength*mLength); // items that have width and length
- case esDisc:
- case esSquare:
- case esDiamond:
- case esBar:
- case esHalfBar:
- return mWidth*1.42; // items that only have a width -> width*sqrt(2)
- }
- return 0;
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeGrid);
- Starting from the origin of this line ending (which is style specific), returns the length
- covered by the line ending symbol, in backward direction.
- For example, the \ref esSpikeArrow has a shorter real length than a \ref esFlatArrow, even if
- both have the same \ref setLength value, because the spike arrow has an inward curved back, which
- reduces the length along its center axis (the drawing origin for arrows is at the tip).
+/*! \internal
- This function is used for precise, style specific placement of line endings, for example in
- QCPAxes.
+ Draws grid lines and sub grid lines at the positions of (sub) ticks of the parent axis, spanning
+ over the complete axis rect. Also draws the zero line, if appropriate (\ref setZeroLinePen).
-double QCPLineEnding::realLength() const
+void QCPGrid::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- switch (mStyle)
- {
- case esNone:
- case esLineArrow:
- case esSkewedBar:
- case esBar:
- case esHalfBar:
- return 0;
- case esFlatArrow:
- return mLength;
- case esDisc:
- case esSquare:
- case esDiamond:
- return mWidth*0.5;
- case esSpikeArrow:
- return mLength*0.8;
- }
- return 0;
+ if (!mParentAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid parent axis"; return; }
+ if (mParentAxis->subTicks() && mSubGridVisible)
+ drawSubGridLines(painter);
+ drawGridLines(painter);
/*! \internal
- Draws the line ending with the specified \a painter at the position \a pos. The direction of the
- line ending is controlled with \a dir.
+ Draws the main grid lines and possibly a zero line with the specified painter.
+ This is a helper function called by \ref draw.
-void QCPLineEnding::draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector2D &pos, const QVector2D &dir) const
+void QCPGrid::drawGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const
- if (mStyle == esNone)
- return;
- QVector2D lengthVec(dir.normalized());
- if (lengthVec.isNull())
- lengthVec = QVector2D(1, 0);
- QVector2D widthVec(-lengthVec.y(), lengthVec.x());
- lengthVec *= (float)(mLength*(mInverted ? -1 : 1));
- widthVec *= (float)(mWidth*0.5*(mInverted ? -1 : 1));
+ if (!mParentAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid parent axis"; return; }
- QPen penBackup = painter->pen();
- QBrush brushBackup = painter->brush();
- QPen miterPen = penBackup;
- miterPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); // to make arrow heads spikey
- QBrush brush(painter->pen().color(), Qt::SolidPattern);
- switch (mStyle)
+ const int tickCount = mParentAxis->mTickVector.size();
+ double t; // helper variable, result of coordinate-to-pixel transforms
+ if (mParentAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- case esNone: break;
- case esFlatArrow:
- {
- QPointF points[3] = {pos.toPointF(),
- (pos-lengthVec+widthVec).toPointF(),
- (pos-lengthVec-widthVec).toPointF()
- };
- painter->setPen(miterPen);
- painter->setBrush(brush);
- painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 3);
- painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
- painter->setPen(penBackup);
- break;
- }
- case esSpikeArrow:
- {
- QPointF points[4] = {pos.toPointF(),
- (pos-lengthVec+widthVec).toPointF(),
- (pos-lengthVec*0.8f).toPointF(),
- (pos-lengthVec-widthVec).toPointF()
- };
- painter->setPen(miterPen);
- painter->setBrush(brush);
- painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4);
- painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
- painter->setPen(penBackup);
- break;
- }
- case esLineArrow:
- {
- QPointF points[3] = {(pos-lengthVec+widthVec).toPointF(),
- pos.toPointF(),
- (pos-lengthVec-widthVec).toPointF()
- };
- painter->setPen(miterPen);
- painter->drawPolyline(points, 3);
- painter->setPen(penBackup);
- break;
- }
- case esDisc:
- {
- painter->setBrush(brush);
- painter->drawEllipse(pos.toPointF(), mWidth*0.5, mWidth*0.5);
- painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
- break;
- }
- case esSquare:
- {
- QVector2D widthVecPerp(-widthVec.y(), widthVec.x());
- QPointF points[4] = {(pos-widthVecPerp+widthVec).toPointF(),
- (pos-widthVecPerp-widthVec).toPointF(),
- (pos+widthVecPerp-widthVec).toPointF(),
- (pos+widthVecPerp+widthVec).toPointF()
- };
- painter->setPen(miterPen);
- painter->setBrush(brush);
- painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4);
- painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
- painter->setPen(penBackup);
- break;
- }
- case esDiamond:
- {
- QVector2D widthVecPerp(-widthVec.y(), widthVec.x());
- QPointF points[4] = {(pos-widthVecPerp).toPointF(),
- (pos-widthVec).toPointF(),
- (pos+widthVecPerp).toPointF(),
- (pos+widthVec).toPointF()
- };
- painter->setPen(miterPen);
- painter->setBrush(brush);
- painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4);
- painter->setBrush(brushBackup);
- painter->setPen(penBackup);
- break;
- }
- case esBar:
+ // draw zeroline:
+ int zeroLineIndex = -1;
+ if (mZeroLinePen.style() != Qt::NoPen && mParentAxis->mRange.lower < 0 && mParentAxis->mRange.upper > 0)
- painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec).toPointF(), (pos-widthVec).toPointF());
- break;
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedZeroLine, QCP::aeZeroLine);
+ painter->setPen(mZeroLinePen);
+ double epsilon = mParentAxis->range().size()*1E-6; // for comparing double to zero
+ for (int i=0; i<tickCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (qAbs(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)) < epsilon)
+ {
+ zeroLineIndex = i;
+ t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // x
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->bottom(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->top()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- case esHalfBar:
+ // draw grid lines:
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ for (int i=0; i<tickCount; ++i)
- painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec).toPointF(), pos.toPointF());
- break;
+ if (i == zeroLineIndex) continue; // don't draw a gridline on top of the zeroline
+ t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // x
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->bottom(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->top()));
- case esSkewedBar:
+ } else
+ {
+ // draw zeroline:
+ int zeroLineIndex = -1;
+ if (mZeroLinePen.style() != Qt::NoPen && mParentAxis->mRange.lower < 0 && mParentAxis->mRange.upper > 0)
- if (qFuzzyIsNull(painter->pen().widthF()) && !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNonCosmetic))
- {
- // if drawing with cosmetic pen (perfectly thin stroke, happens only in vector exports), draw bar exactly on tip of line
- painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec+lengthVec*0.2f*(mInverted?-1:1)).toPointF(),
- (pos-widthVec-lengthVec*0.2f*(mInverted?-1:1)).toPointF());
- } else
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedZeroLine, QCP::aeZeroLine);
+ painter->setPen(mZeroLinePen);
+ double epsilon = mParentAxis->mRange.size()*1E-6; // for comparing double to zero
+ for (int i=0; i<tickCount; ++i)
- // if drawing with thick (non-cosmetic) pen, shift bar a little in line direction to prevent line from sticking through bar slightly
- painter->drawLine((pos+widthVec+lengthVec*0.2f*(mInverted?-1:1)+dir.normalized()*qMax(1.0f, (float)painter->pen().widthF())*0.5f).toPointF(),
- (pos-widthVec-lengthVec*0.2f*(mInverted?-1:1)+dir.normalized()*qMax(1.0f, (float)painter->pen().widthF())*0.5f).toPointF());
+ if (qAbs(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)) < epsilon)
+ {
+ zeroLineIndex = i;
+ t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // y
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(mParentAxis->mAxisRect->left(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->right(), t));
+ break;
+ }
- break;
+ }
+ // draw grid lines:
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ for (int i=0; i<tickCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == zeroLineIndex) continue; // don't draw a gridline on top of the zeroline
+ t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // y
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(mParentAxis->mAxisRect->left(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->right(), t));
/*! \internal
- \overload
- Draws the line ending. The direction is controlled with the \a angle parameter in radians.
+ Draws the sub grid lines with the specified painter.
+ This is a helper function called by \ref draw.
-void QCPLineEnding::draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector2D &pos, double angle) const
+void QCPGrid::drawSubGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const
- draw(painter, pos, QVector2D(qCos(angle), qSin(angle)));
+ if (!mParentAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid parent axis"; return; }
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedSubGrid, QCP::aeSubGrid);
+ double t; // helper variable, result of coordinate-to-pixel transforms
+ painter->setPen(mSubGridPen);
+ if (mParentAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.at(i)); // x
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->bottom(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->top()));
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.at(i)); // y
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(mParentAxis->mAxisRect->left(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->right(), t));
+ }
+ }
-//////////////////// QCPGrid
+//////////////////// QCPAxis
-/*! \class QCPGrid
- \brief Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis.
+/*! \class QCPAxis
+ \brief Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot.
+ Usually doesn't need to be instantiated externally. Access %QCustomPlot's default four axes via
+ QCustomPlot::xAxis (bottom), QCustomPlot::yAxis (left), QCustomPlot::xAxis2 (top) and
+ QCustomPlot::yAxis2 (right).
- This class is tightly bound to QCPAxis. Every axis owns a grid instance and uses it to draw the
- grid lines, sub grid lines and zero-line. You can interact with the grid of an axis via \ref
- QCPAxis::grid. Normally, you don't need to create an instance of QCPGrid yourself.
+ Axes are always part of an axis rect, see QCPAxisRect.
+ \image html AxisNamesOverview.png
+ <center>Naming convention of axis parts</center>
+ \n
+ \image html AxisRectSpacingOverview.png
+ <center>Overview of the spacings and paddings that define the geometry of an axis. The dashed gray line
+ on the left represents the QCustomPlot widget border.</center>
- The axis and grid drawing was split into two classes to allow them to be placed on different
- layers (both QCPAxis and QCPGrid inherit from QCPLayerable). Thus it is possible to have the grid
- in the background and the axes in the foreground, and any plottables/items in between. This
- described situation is the default setup, see the QCPLayer documentation.
+ Each axis holds an instance of QCPAxisTicker which is used to generate the tick coordinates and
+ tick labels. You can access the currently installed \ref ticker or set a new one (possibly one of
+ the specialized subclasses, or your own subclass) via \ref setTicker. For details, see the
+ documentation of QCPAxisTicker.
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn Qt::Orientation QCPAxis::orientation() const
+ Returns the orientation of this axis. The axis orientation (horizontal or vertical) is deduced
+ from the axis type (left, top, right or bottom).
+ \see orientation(AxisType type), pixelOrientation
+/*! \fn QCPGrid *QCPAxis::grid() const
+ Returns the \ref QCPGrid instance belonging to this axis. Access it to set details about the way the
+ grid is displayed.
+/*! \fn static Qt::Orientation QCPAxis::orientation(AxisType type)
+ Returns the orientation of the specified axis type
+ \see orientation(), pixelOrientation
+/*! \fn int QCPAxis::pixelOrientation() const
+ Returns which direction points towards higher coordinate values/keys, in pixel space.
+ This method returns either 1 or -1. If it returns 1, then going in the positive direction along
+ the orientation of the axis in pixels corresponds to going from lower to higher axis coordinates.
+ On the other hand, if this method returns -1, going to smaller pixel values corresponds to going
+ from lower to higher axis coordinates.
+ For example, this is useful to easily shift axis coordinates by a certain amount given in pixels,
+ without having to care about reversed or vertically aligned axes:
+ \code
+ double newKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(oldKey)+10*keyAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ \endcode
+ \a newKey will then contain a key that is ten pixels towards higher keys, starting from \a oldKey.
+/*! \fn QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> QCPAxis::ticker() const
+ Returns a modifiable shared pointer to the currently installed axis ticker. The axis ticker is
+ responsible for generating the tick positions and tick labels of this axis. You can access the
+ \ref QCPAxisTicker with this method and modify basic properties such as the approximate tick count
+ (\ref QCPAxisTicker::setTickCount).
+ You can gain more control over the axis ticks by setting a different \ref QCPAxisTicker subclass, see
+ the documentation there. A new axis ticker can be set with \ref setTicker.
+ Since the ticker is stored in the axis as a shared pointer, multiple axes may share the same axis
+ ticker simply by passing the same shared pointer to multiple axes.
+ \see setTicker
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+/* start of documentation of signals */
+/*! \fn void QCPAxis::rangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange)
+ This signal is emitted when the range of this axis has changed. You can connect it to the \ref
+ setRange slot of another axis to communicate the new range to the other axis, in order for it to
+ be synchronized.
+ You may also manipulate/correct the range with \ref setRange in a slot connected to this signal.
+ This is useful if for example a maximum range span shall not be exceeded, or if the lower/upper
+ range shouldn't go beyond certain values (see \ref QCPRange::bounded). For example, the following
+ slot would limit the x axis to ranges between 0 and 10:
+ \code
+ customPlot->xAxis->setRange(newRange.bounded(0, 10))
+ \endcode
+/*! \fn void QCPAxis::rangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange, const QCPRange &oldRange)
+ \overload
+ Additionally to the new range, this signal also provides the previous range held by the axis as
+ \a oldRange.
+/*! \fn void QCPAxis::scaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
+ This signal is emitted when the scale type changes, by calls to \ref setScaleType
+/*! \fn void QCPAxis::selectionChanged(QCPAxis::SelectableParts selection)
+ This signal is emitted when the selection state of this axis has changed, either by user interaction
+ or by a direct call to \ref setSelectedParts.
+/*! \fn void QCPAxis::selectableChanged(const QCPAxis::SelectableParts &parts);
+ This signal is emitted when the selectability changes, by calls to \ref setSelectableParts
+/* end of documentation of signals */
- Creates a QCPGrid instance and sets default values.
+ Constructs an Axis instance of Type \a type for the axis rect \a parent.
- You shouldn't instantiate grids on their own, since every QCPAxis brings its own QCPGrid.
+ Usually it isn't necessary to instantiate axes directly, because you can let QCustomPlot create
+ them for you with \ref QCPAxisRect::addAxis. If you want to use own QCPAxis-subclasses however,
+ create them manually and then inject them also via \ref QCPAxisRect::addAxis.
-QCPGrid::QCPGrid(QCPAxis *parentAxis) :
- QCPLayerable(parentAxis->parentPlot(), QString(), parentAxis),
- mParentAxis(parentAxis)
+QCPAxis::QCPAxis(QCPAxisRect *parent, AxisType type) :
+ QCPLayerable(parent->parentPlot(), QString(), parent),
+ // axis base:
+ mAxisType(type),
+ mAxisRect(parent),
+ mPadding(5),
+ mOrientation(orientation(type)),
+ mSelectableParts(spAxis | spTickLabels | spAxisLabel),
+ mSelectedParts(spNone),
+ mBasePen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
+ mSelectedBasePen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2)),
+ // axis label:
+ mLabel(),
+ mLabelFont(mParentPlot->font()),
+ mSelectedLabelFont(QFont(mLabelFont.family(), mLabelFont.pointSize(), QFont::Bold)),
+ mLabelColor(Qt::black),
+ mSelectedLabelColor(Qt::blue),
+ // tick labels:
+ mTickLabels(true),
+ mTickLabelFont(mParentPlot->font()),
+ mSelectedTickLabelFont(QFont(mTickLabelFont.family(), mTickLabelFont.pointSize(), QFont::Bold)),
+ mTickLabelColor(Qt::black),
+ mSelectedTickLabelColor(Qt::blue),
+ mNumberPrecision(6),
+ mNumberFormatChar('g'),
+ mNumberBeautifulPowers(true),
+ // ticks and subticks:
+ mTicks(true),
+ mSubTicks(true),
+ mTickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
+ mSelectedTickPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2)),
+ mSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
+ mSelectedSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2)),
+ // scale and range:
+ mRange(0, 5),
+ mRangeReversed(false),
+ mScaleType(stLinear),
+ // internal members:
+ mGrid(new QCPGrid(this)),
+ mAxisPainter(new QCPAxisPainterPrivate(parent->parentPlot())),
+ mTicker(new QCPAxisTicker),
+ mCachedMarginValid(false),
+ mCachedMargin(0)
- // warning: this is called in QCPAxis constructor, so parentAxis members should not be accessed/called
- setParent(parentAxis);
- setPen(QPen(QColor(200,200,200), 0, Qt::DotLine));
- setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(220,220,220), 0, Qt::DotLine));
- setZeroLinePen(QPen(QColor(200,200,200), 0, Qt::SolidLine));
- setSubGridVisible(false);
+ setParent(parent);
+ mGrid->setVisible(false);
- setAntialiasedSubGrid(false);
- setAntialiasedZeroLine(false);
+ setLayer(mParentPlot->currentLayer()); // it's actually on that layer already, but we want it in front of the grid, so we place it on there again
+ if (type == atTop)
+ {
+ setTickLabelPadding(3);
+ setLabelPadding(6);
+ } else if (type == atRight)
+ {
+ setTickLabelPadding(7);
+ setLabelPadding(12);
+ } else if (type == atBottom)
+ {
+ setTickLabelPadding(3);
+ setLabelPadding(3);
+ } else if (type == atLeft)
+ {
+ setTickLabelPadding(5);
+ setLabelPadding(10);
+ }
+ delete mAxisPainter;
+ delete mGrid; // delete grid here instead of via parent ~QObject for better defined deletion order
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::tickLabelPadding() const
+ return mAxisPainter->tickLabelPadding;
- Sets whether grid lines at sub tick marks are drawn.
- \see setSubGridPen
-void QCPGrid::setSubGridVisible(bool visible)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+double QCPAxis::tickLabelRotation() const
- mSubGridVisible = visible;
+ return mAxisPainter->tickLabelRotation;
- Sets whether sub grid lines are drawn antialiased.
-void QCPGrid::setAntialiasedSubGrid(bool enabled)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+QCPAxis::LabelSide QCPAxis::tickLabelSide() const
- mAntialiasedSubGrid = enabled;
+ return mAxisPainter->tickLabelSide;
- Sets whether zero lines are drawn antialiased.
-void QCPGrid::setAntialiasedZeroLine(bool enabled)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+QString QCPAxis::numberFormat() const
- mAntialiasedZeroLine = enabled;
+ QString result;
+ result.append(mNumberFormatChar);
+ if (mNumberBeautifulPowers)
+ {
+ result.append(QLatin1Char('b'));
+ if (mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross)
+ result.append(QLatin1Char('c'));
+ }
+ return result;
- Sets the pen with which (major) grid lines are drawn.
-void QCPGrid::setPen(const QPen &pen)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::tickLengthIn() const
- mPen = pen;
+ return mAxisPainter->tickLengthIn;
- Sets the pen with which sub grid lines are drawn.
-void QCPGrid::setSubGridPen(const QPen &pen)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::tickLengthOut() const
- mSubGridPen = pen;
+ return mAxisPainter->tickLengthOut;
- Sets the pen with which zero lines are drawn.
- Zero lines are lines at value coordinate 0 which may be drawn with a different pen than other grid
- lines. To disable zero lines and just draw normal grid lines at zero, set \a pen to Qt::NoPen.
-void QCPGrid::setZeroLinePen(const QPen &pen)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::subTickLengthIn() const
- mZeroLinePen = pen;
+ return mAxisPainter->subTickLengthIn;
-/*! \internal
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::subTickLengthOut() const
+ return mAxisPainter->subTickLengthOut;
- A convenience function to easily set the QPainter::Antialiased hint on the provided \a painter
- before drawing the major grid lines.
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::labelPadding() const
+ return mAxisPainter->labelPadding;
- This is the antialiasing state the painter passed to the \ref draw method is in by default.
- This function takes into account the local setting of the antialiasing flag as well as the
- overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
- \see setAntialiased
-void QCPGrid::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+int QCPAxis::offset() const
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeGrid);
+ return mAxisPainter->offset;
-/*! \internal
- Draws grid lines and sub grid lines at the positions of (sub) ticks of the parent axis, spanning
- over the complete axis rect. Also draws the zero line, if appropriate (\ref setZeroLinePen).
-void QCPGrid::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+QCPLineEnding QCPAxis::lowerEnding() const
- if (!mParentAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid parent axis"; return; }
- if (mSubGridVisible)
- drawSubGridLines(painter);
- drawGridLines(painter);
+ return mAxisPainter->lowerEnding;
-/*! \internal
+/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
+QCPLineEnding QCPAxis::upperEnding() const
+ return mAxisPainter->upperEnding;
+ Sets whether the axis uses a linear scale or a logarithmic scale.
- Draws the main grid lines and possibly a zero line with the specified painter.
+ Note that this method controls the coordinate transformation. You will likely also want to use a
+ logarithmic tick spacing and labeling, which can be achieved by setting an instance of \ref
+ QCPAxisTickerLog via \ref setTicker. See the documentation of \ref QCPAxisTickerLog about the
+ details of logarithmic axis tick creation.
- This is a helper function called by \ref draw.
+ \ref setNumberPrecision
-void QCPGrid::drawGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const
+void QCPAxis::setScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType type)
- if (!mParentAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid parent axis"; return; }
- int lowTick = mParentAxis->mLowestVisibleTick;
- int highTick = mParentAxis->mHighestVisibleTick;
- double t; // helper variable, result of coordinate-to-pixel transforms
- if (mParentAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- // draw zeroline:
- int zeroLineIndex = -1;
- if (mZeroLinePen.style() != Qt::NoPen && mParentAxis->mRange.lower < 0 && mParentAxis->mRange.upper > 0)
- {
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedZeroLine, QCP::aeZeroLine);
- painter->setPen(mZeroLinePen);
- double epsilon = mParentAxis->range().size()*1E-6; // for comparing double to zero
- for (int i=lowTick; i <= highTick; ++i)
- {
- if (qAbs(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)) < epsilon)
- {
- zeroLineIndex = i;
- t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // x
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->bottom(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->top()));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // draw grid lines:
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mPen);
- for (int i=lowTick; i <= highTick; ++i)
- {
- if (i == zeroLineIndex) continue; // don't draw a gridline on top of the zeroline
- t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // x
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->bottom(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->top()));
- }
- } else
+ if (mScaleType != type)
- // draw zeroline:
- int zeroLineIndex = -1;
- if (mZeroLinePen.style() != Qt::NoPen && mParentAxis->mRange.lower < 0 && mParentAxis->mRange.upper > 0)
- {
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedZeroLine, QCP::aeZeroLine);
- painter->setPen(mZeroLinePen);
- double epsilon = mParentAxis->mRange.size()*1E-6; // for comparing double to zero
- for (int i=lowTick; i <= highTick; ++i)
- {
- if (qAbs(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)) < epsilon)
- {
- zeroLineIndex = i;
- t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // y
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(mParentAxis->mAxisRect->left(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->right(), t));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // draw grid lines:
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mPen);
- for (int i=lowTick; i <= highTick; ++i)
- {
- if (i == zeroLineIndex) continue; // don't draw a gridline on top of the zeroline
- t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mTickVector.at(i)); // y
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(mParentAxis->mAxisRect->left(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->right(), t));
- }
+ mScaleType = type;
+ if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
+ setRange(mRange.sanitizedForLogScale());
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ emit scaleTypeChanged(mScaleType);
-/*! \internal
+ Sets the range of the axis.
- Draws the sub grid lines with the specified painter.
+ This slot may be connected with the \ref rangeChanged signal of another axis so this axis
+ is always synchronized with the other axis range, when it changes.
- This is a helper function called by \ref draw.
+ To invert the direction of an axis, use \ref setRangeReversed.
-void QCPGrid::drawSubGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const
+void QCPAxis::setRange(const QCPRange &range)
- if (!mParentAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid parent axis"; return; }
+ if (range.lower == mRange.lower && range.upper == mRange.upper)
+ return;
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedSubGrid, QCP::aeSubGrid);
- double t; // helper variable, result of coordinate-to-pixel transforms
- painter->setPen(mSubGridPen);
- if (mParentAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ if (!QCPRange::validRange(range)) return;
+ QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
+ if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- for (int i=0; i<mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.size(); ++i)
- {
- t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.at(i)); // x
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->bottom(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->top()));
- }
+ mRange = range.sanitizedForLogScale();
} else
- for (int i=0; i<mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.size(); ++i)
- {
- t = mParentAxis->coordToPixel(mParentAxis->mSubTickVector.at(i)); // y
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(mParentAxis->mAxisRect->left(), t, mParentAxis->mAxisRect->right(), t));
- }
+ mRange = range.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange);
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
-//////////////////// QCPAxis
-/*! \class QCPAxis
- \brief Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot.
- Usually doesn't need to be instantiated externally. Access %QCustomPlot's default four axes via
- QCustomPlot::xAxis (bottom), QCustomPlot::yAxis (left), QCustomPlot::xAxis2 (top) and
- QCustomPlot::yAxis2 (right).
+ Sets whether the user can (de-)select the parts in \a selectable by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface.
+ (When \ref QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes.)
- Axes are always part of an axis rect, see QCPAxisRect.
- \image html AxisNamesOverview.png
- <center>Naming convention of axis parts</center>
- \n
- \image html AxisRectSpacingOverview.png
- <center>Overview of the spacings and paddings that define the geometry of an axis. The dashed gray line
- on the left represents the QCustomPlot widget border.</center>
+ However, even when \a selectable is set to a value not allowing the selection of a specific part,
+ it is still possible to set the selection of this part manually, by calling \ref setSelectedParts
+ directly.
+ \see SelectablePart, setSelectedParts
+void QCPAxis::setSelectableParts(const SelectableParts &selectable)
+ if (mSelectableParts != selectable)
+ {
+ mSelectableParts = selectable;
+ emit selectableChanged(mSelectableParts);
+ }
-/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn Qt::Orientation QCPAxis::orientation() const
- Returns the orientation of this axis. The axis orientation (horizontal or vertical) is deduced
- from the axis type (left, top, right or bottom).
+ Sets the selected state of the respective axis parts described by \ref SelectablePart. When a part
+ is selected, it uses a different pen/font.
- \see orientation(AxisType type)
-/*! \fn QCPGrid *QCPAxis::grid() const
+ The entire selection mechanism for axes is handled automatically when \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes. You only need to call this function when you
+ wish to change the selection state manually.
- Returns the \ref QCPGrid instance belonging to this axis. Access it to set details about the way the
- grid is displayed.
-/*! \fn static Qt::Orientation QCPAxis::orientation(AxisType type)
+ This function can change the selection state of a part, independent of the \ref setSelectableParts setting.
- Returns the orientation of the specified axis type
+ emits the \ref selectionChanged signal when \a selected is different from the previous selection state.
- \see orientation()
+ \see SelectablePart, setSelectableParts, selectTest, setSelectedBasePen, setSelectedTickPen, setSelectedSubTickPen,
+ setSelectedTickLabelFont, setSelectedLabelFont, setSelectedTickLabelColor, setSelectedLabelColor
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedParts(const SelectableParts &selected)
+ if (mSelectedParts != selected)
+ {
+ mSelectedParts = selected;
+ emit selectionChanged(mSelectedParts);
+ }
-/* end of documentation of inline functions */
-/* start of documentation of signals */
-/*! \fn void QCPAxis::ticksRequest()
+ \overload
- This signal is emitted when \ref setAutoTicks is false and the axis is about to generate tick
- labels for a replot.
+ Sets the lower and upper bound of the axis range.
- Modifying the tick positions can be done with \ref setTickVector. If you also want to control the
- tick labels, set \ref setAutoTickLabels to false and also provide the labels with \ref
- setTickVectorLabels.
+ To invert the direction of an axis, use \ref setRangeReversed.
- If you only want static ticks you probably don't need this signal, since you can just set the
- tick vector (and possibly tick label vector) once. However, if you want to provide ticks (and
- maybe labels) dynamically, e.g. depending on the current axis range, connect a slot to this
- signal and set the vector/vectors there.
+ There is also a slot to set a range, see \ref setRange(const QCPRange &range).
-/*! \fn void QCPAxis::rangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange)
- This signal is emitted when the range of this axis has changed. You can connect it to the \ref
- setRange slot of another axis to communicate the new range to the other axis, in order for it to
- be synchronized.
+void QCPAxis::setRange(double lower, double upper)
+ if (lower == mRange.lower && upper == mRange.upper)
+ return;
- You may also manipulate/correct the range with \ref setRange in a slot connected to this signal.
- This is useful if for example a maximum range span shall not be exceeded, or if the lower/upper
- range shouldn't go beyond certain values. For example, the following slot would limit the x axis
- to only positive ranges:
- \code
- if (newRange.lower < 0)
- plot->xAxis->setRange(0, newRange.size());
- \endcode
+ if (!QCPRange::validRange(lower, upper)) return;
+ QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
+ mRange.lower = lower;
+ mRange.upper = upper;
+ if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
+ {
+ mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
+ } else
+ {
+ mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ }
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange);
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
-/*! \fn void QCPAxis::rangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange, const QCPRange &oldRange)
- Additionally to the new range, this signal also provides the previous range held by the axis as
- \a oldRange.
-/*! \fn void QCPAxis::scaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
+ Sets the range of the axis.
- This signal is emitted when the scale type changes, by calls to \ref setScaleType
+ The \a position coordinate indicates together with the \a alignment parameter, where the new
+ range will be positioned. \a size defines the size of the new axis range. \a alignment may be
+ Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight or Qt::AlignCenter. This will cause the left border, right border,
+ or center of the range to be aligned with \a position. Any other values of \a alignment will
+ default to Qt::AlignCenter.
+void QCPAxis::setRange(double position, double size, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
+ if (alignment == Qt::AlignLeft)
+ setRange(position, position+size);
+ else if (alignment == Qt::AlignRight)
+ setRange(position-size, position);
+ else // alignment == Qt::AlignCenter
+ setRange(position-size/2.0, position+size/2.0);
-/*! \fn void QCPAxis::selectionChanged(QCPAxis::SelectableParts selection)
- This signal is emitted when the selection state of this axis has changed, either by user interaction
- or by a direct call to \ref setSelectedParts.
+ Sets the lower bound of the axis range. The upper bound is not changed.
+ \see setRange
-/*! \fn void QCPAxis::selectableChanged(const QCPAxis::SelectableParts &parts);
+void QCPAxis::setRangeLower(double lower)
+ if (mRange.lower == lower)
+ return;
- This signal is emitted when the selectability changes, by calls to \ref setSelectableParts
-/* end of documentation of signals */
+ QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
+ mRange.lower = lower;
+ if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
+ {
+ mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
+ } else
+ {
+ mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ }
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange);
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
- Constructs an Axis instance of Type \a type for the axis rect \a parent.
- Usually it isn't necessary to instantiate axes directly, because you can let QCustomPlot create
- them for you with \ref QCPAxisRect::addAxis. If you want to use own QCPAxis-subclasses however,
- create them manually and then inject them also via \ref QCPAxisRect::addAxis.
+ Sets the upper bound of the axis range. The lower bound is not changed.
+ \see setRange
-QCPAxis::QCPAxis(QCPAxisRect *parent, AxisType type) :
- QCPLayerable(parent->parentPlot(), QString(), parent),
- // axis base:
- mAxisType(type),
- mAxisRect(parent),
- mPadding(5),
- mOrientation(orientation(type)),
- mSelectableParts(spAxis | spTickLabels | spAxisLabel),
- mSelectedParts(spNone),
- mBasePen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
- mSelectedBasePen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2)),
- // axis label:
- mLabel(),
- mLabelFont(mParentPlot->font()),
- mSelectedLabelFont(QFont(mLabelFont.family(), mLabelFont.pointSize(), QFont::Bold)),
- mLabelColor(Qt::black),
- mSelectedLabelColor(Qt::blue),
- // tick labels:
- mTickLabels(true),
- mAutoTickLabels(true),
- mTickLabelType(ltNumber),
- mTickLabelFont(mParentPlot->font()),
- mSelectedTickLabelFont(QFont(mTickLabelFont.family(), mTickLabelFont.pointSize(), QFont::Bold)),
- mTickLabelColor(Qt::black),
- mSelectedTickLabelColor(Qt::blue),
- mDateTimeFormat(QLatin1String("hh:mm:ss\ndd.MM.yy")),
- mDateTimeSpec(Qt::LocalTime),
- mNumberPrecision(6),
- mNumberFormatChar('g'),
- mNumberBeautifulPowers(true),
- // ticks and subticks:
- mTicks(true),
- mTickStep(1),
- mSubTickCount(4),
- mAutoTickCount(6),
- mAutoTicks(true),
- mAutoTickStep(true),
- mAutoSubTicks(true),
- mTickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
- mSelectedTickPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2)),
- mSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
- mSelectedSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2)),
- // scale and range:
- mRange(0, 5),
- mRangeReversed(false),
- mScaleType(stLinear),
- mScaleLogBase(10),
- mScaleLogBaseLogInv(1.0/qLn(mScaleLogBase)),
- // internal members:
- mGrid(new QCPGrid(this)),
- mAxisPainter(new QCPAxisPainterPrivate(parent->parentPlot())),
- mLowestVisibleTick(0),
- mHighestVisibleTick(-1),
- mCachedMarginValid(false),
- mCachedMargin(0)
+void QCPAxis::setRangeUpper(double upper)
- mGrid->setVisible(false);
- setAntialiased(false);
- setLayer(mParentPlot->currentLayer()); // it's actually on that layer already, but we want it in front of the grid, so we place it on there again
+ if (mRange.upper == upper)
+ return;
- if (type == atTop)
- {
- setTickLabelPadding(3);
- setLabelPadding(6);
- } else if (type == atRight)
- {
- setTickLabelPadding(7);
- setLabelPadding(12);
- } else if (type == atBottom)
+ QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
+ mRange.upper = upper;
+ if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- setTickLabelPadding(3);
- setLabelPadding(3);
- } else if (type == atLeft)
+ mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
+ } else
- setTickLabelPadding(5);
- setLabelPadding(10);
+ mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange);
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
- delete mAxisPainter;
- delete mGrid; // delete grid here instead of via parent ~QObject for better defined deletion order
+ Sets whether the axis range (direction) is displayed reversed. Normally, the values on horizontal
+ axes increase left to right, on vertical axes bottom to top. When \a reversed is set to true, the
+ direction of increasing values is inverted.
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::tickLabelPadding() const
+ Note that the range and data interface stays the same for reversed axes, e.g. the \a lower part
+ of the \ref setRange interface will still reference the mathematically smaller number than the \a
+ upper part.
+void QCPAxis::setRangeReversed(bool reversed)
- return mAxisPainter->tickLabelPadding;
+ mRangeReversed = reversed;
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-double QCPAxis::tickLabelRotation() const
+ The axis ticker is responsible for generating the tick positions and tick labels. See the
+ documentation of QCPAxisTicker for details on how to work with axis tickers.
+ You can change the tick positioning/labeling behaviour of this axis by setting a different
+ QCPAxisTicker subclass using this method. If you only wish to modify the currently installed axis
+ ticker, access it via \ref ticker.
+ Since the ticker is stored in the axis as a shared pointer, multiple axes may share the same axis
+ ticker simply by passing the same shared pointer to multiple axes.
+ \see ticker
+void QCPAxis::setTicker(QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> ticker)
- return mAxisPainter->tickLabelRotation;
+ if (ticker)
+ mTicker = ticker;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "can not set 0 as axis ticker";
+ // no need to invalidate margin cache here because produced tick labels are checked for changes in setupTickVector
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-QCPAxis::LabelSide QCPAxis::tickLabelSide() const
+ Sets whether tick marks are displayed.
+ Note that setting \a show to false does not imply that tick labels are invisible, too. To achieve
+ that, see \ref setTickLabels.
+ \see setSubTicks
+void QCPAxis::setTicks(bool show)
- return mAxisPainter->tickLabelSide;
+ if (mTicks != show)
+ {
+ mTicks = show;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ }
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-QString QCPAxis::numberFormat() const
+ Sets whether tick labels are displayed. Tick labels are the numbers drawn next to tick marks.
+void QCPAxis::setTickLabels(bool show)
- QString result;
- result.append(mNumberFormatChar);
- if (mNumberBeautifulPowers)
+ if (mTickLabels != show)
- result.append(QLatin1Char('b'));
- if (mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross)
- result.append(QLatin1Char('c'));
+ mTickLabels = show;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ if (!mTickLabels)
+ mTickVectorLabels.clear();
- return result;
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::tickLengthIn() const
+ Sets the distance between the axis base line (including any outward ticks) and the tick labels.
+ \see setLabelPadding, setPadding
+void QCPAxis::setTickLabelPadding(int padding)
- return mAxisPainter->tickLengthIn;
+ if (mAxisPainter->tickLabelPadding != padding)
+ {
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabelPadding = padding;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ }
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::tickLengthOut() const
+ Sets the font of the tick labels.
+ \see setTickLabels, setTickLabelColor
+void QCPAxis::setTickLabelFont(const QFont &font)
- return mAxisPainter->tickLengthOut;
+ if (font != mTickLabelFont)
+ {
+ mTickLabelFont = font;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ }
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::subTickLengthIn() const
+ Sets the color of the tick labels.
+ \see setTickLabels, setTickLabelFont
+void QCPAxis::setTickLabelColor(const QColor &color)
- return mAxisPainter->subTickLengthIn;
+ mTickLabelColor = color;
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::subTickLengthOut() const
+ Sets the rotation of the tick labels. If \a degrees is zero, the labels are drawn normally. Else,
+ the tick labels are drawn rotated by \a degrees clockwise. The specified angle is bound to values
+ from -90 to 90 degrees.
+ If \a degrees is exactly -90, 0 or 90, the tick labels are centered on the tick coordinate. For
+ other angles, the label is drawn with an offset such that it seems to point toward or away from
+ the tick mark.
+void QCPAxis::setTickLabelRotation(double degrees)
- return mAxisPainter->subTickLengthOut;
+ if (!qFuzzyIsNull(degrees-mAxisPainter->tickLabelRotation))
+ {
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabelRotation = qBound(-90.0, degrees, 90.0);
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ }
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::labelPadding() const
+ Sets whether the tick labels (numbers) shall appear inside or outside the axis rect.
+ The usual and default setting is \ref lsOutside. Very compact plots sometimes require tick labels
+ to be inside the axis rect, to save space. If \a side is set to \ref lsInside, the tick labels
+ appear on the inside are additionally clipped to the axis rect.
+void QCPAxis::setTickLabelSide(LabelSide side)
- return mAxisPainter->labelPadding;
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabelSide = side;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-int QCPAxis::offset() const
+ Sets the number format for the numbers in tick labels. This \a formatCode is an extended version
+ of the format code used e.g. by QString::number() and QLocale::toString(). For reference about
+ that, see the "Argument Formats" section in the detailed description of the QString class.
+ \a formatCode is a string of one, two or three characters. The first character is identical to
+ the normal format code used by Qt. In short, this means: 'e'/'E' scientific format, 'f' fixed
+ format, 'g'/'G' scientific or fixed, whichever is shorter.
+ The second and third characters are optional and specific to QCustomPlot:\n
+ If the first char was 'e' or 'g', numbers are/might be displayed in the scientific format, e.g.
+ "5.5e9", which is ugly in a plot. So when the second char of \a formatCode is set to 'b' (for
+ "beautiful"), those exponential numbers are formatted in a more natural way, i.e. "5.5
+ [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] 9". By default, the multiplication sign is a centered dot.
+ If instead a cross should be shown (as is usual in the USA), the third char of \a formatCode can
+ be set to 'c'. The inserted multiplication signs are the UTF-8 characters 215 (0xD7) for the
+ cross and 183 (0xB7) for the dot.
+ Examples for \a formatCode:
+ \li \c g normal format code behaviour. If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large,
+ normal scientific format is used
+ \li \c gb If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large, scientific format is used with
+ beautifully typeset decimal powers and a dot as multiplication sign
+ \li \c ebc All numbers are in scientific format with beautifully typeset decimal power and a cross as
+ multiplication sign
+ \li \c fb illegal format code, since fixed format doesn't support (or need) beautifully typeset decimal
+ powers. Format code will be reduced to 'f'.
+ \li \c hello illegal format code, since first char is not 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g' or 'G'. Current format
+ code will not be changed.
+void QCPAxis::setNumberFormat(const QString &formatCode)
- return mAxisPainter->offset;
+ if (formatCode.isEmpty())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Passed formatCode is empty";
+ return;
+ }
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ // interpret first char as number format char:
+ QString allowedFormatChars(QLatin1String("eEfgG"));
+ if (allowedFormatChars.contains(formatCode.at(0)))
+ {
+ mNumberFormatChar = QLatin1Char(formatCode.at(0).toLatin1());
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid number format code (first char not in 'eEfgG'):" << formatCode;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (formatCode.length() < 2)
+ {
+ mNumberBeautifulPowers = false;
+ mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // interpret second char as indicator for beautiful decimal powers:
+ if (formatCode.at(1) == QLatin1Char('b') && (mNumberFormatChar == QLatin1Char('e') || mNumberFormatChar == QLatin1Char('g')))
+ {
+ mNumberBeautifulPowers = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid number format code (second char not 'b' or first char neither 'e' nor 'g'):" << formatCode;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (formatCode.length() < 3)
+ {
+ mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // interpret third char as indicator for dot or cross multiplication symbol:
+ if (formatCode.at(2) == QLatin1Char('c'))
+ {
+ mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = true;
+ } else if (formatCode.at(2) == QLatin1Char('d'))
+ {
+ mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = false;
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid number format code (third char neither 'c' nor 'd'):" << formatCode;
+ return;
+ }
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-QCPLineEnding QCPAxis::lowerEnding() const
+ Sets the precision of the tick label numbers. See QLocale::toString(double i, char f, int prec)
+ for details. The effect of precisions are most notably for number Formats starting with 'e', see
+ \ref setNumberFormat
+void QCPAxis::setNumberPrecision(int precision)
- return mAxisPainter->lowerEnding;
+ if (mNumberPrecision != precision)
+ {
+ mNumberPrecision = precision;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ }
-/* No documentation as it is a property getter */
-QCPLineEnding QCPAxis::upperEnding() const
+ Sets the length of the ticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the ticks will reach inside the
+ plot and \a outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If \a outside is greater than
+ zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so
+ they won't collide with the ticks.
+ \see setSubTickLength, setTickLengthIn, setTickLengthOut
+void QCPAxis::setTickLength(int inside, int outside)
- return mAxisPainter->upperEnding;
+ setTickLengthIn(inside);
+ setTickLengthOut(outside);
- Sets whether the axis uses a linear scale or a logarithmic scale. If \a type is set to \ref
- stLogarithmic, the logarithm base can be set with \ref setScaleLogBase. In logarithmic axis
- scaling, major tick marks appear at all powers of the logarithm base. Properties like tick step
- (\ref setTickStep) don't apply in logarithmic scaling. If you wish a decimal base but less major
- ticks, consider choosing a logarithm base of 100, 1000 or even higher.
+ Sets the length of the inward ticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the ticks will reach
+ inside the plot.
- If \a type is \ref stLogarithmic and the number format (\ref setNumberFormat) uses the 'b' option
- (beautifully typeset decimal powers), the display usually is "1 [multiplication sign] 10
- [superscript] n", which looks unnatural for logarithmic scaling (the "1 [multiplication sign]"
- part). To only display the decimal power, set the number precision to zero with
- \ref setNumberPrecision.
+ \see setTickLengthOut, setTickLength, setSubTickLength
-void QCPAxis::setScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType type)
+void QCPAxis::setTickLengthIn(int inside)
- if (mScaleType != type)
+ if (mAxisPainter->tickLengthIn != inside)
- mScaleType = type;
- if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- setRange(mRange.sanitizedForLogScale());
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit scaleTypeChanged(mScaleType);
+ mAxisPainter->tickLengthIn = inside;
- If \ref setScaleType is set to \ref stLogarithmic, \a base will be the logarithm base of the
- scaling. In logarithmic axis scaling, major tick marks appear at all powers of \a base.
+ Sets the length of the outward ticks in pixels. \a outside is the length the ticks will reach
+ outside the plot. If \a outside is greater than zero, the tick labels and axis label will
+ increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.
- Properties like tick step (\ref setTickStep) don't apply in logarithmic scaling. If you wish a decimal base but
- less major ticks, consider choosing \a base 100, 1000 or even higher.
+ \see setTickLengthIn, setTickLength, setSubTickLength
-void QCPAxis::setScaleLogBase(double base)
+void QCPAxis::setTickLengthOut(int outside)
- if (base > 1)
+ if (mAxisPainter->tickLengthOut != outside)
- mScaleLogBase = base;
- mScaleLogBaseLogInv = 1.0/qLn(mScaleLogBase); // buffer for faster baseLog() calculation
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid logarithmic scale base (must be greater 1):" << base;
+ mAxisPainter->tickLengthOut = outside;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false; // only outside tick length can change margin
+ }
- Sets the range of the axis.
+ Sets whether sub tick marks are displayed.
- This slot may be connected with the \ref rangeChanged signal of another axis so this axis
- is always synchronized with the other axis range, when it changes.
+ Sub ticks are only potentially visible if (major) ticks are also visible (see \ref setTicks)
- To invert the direction of an axis, use \ref setRangeReversed.
+ \see setTicks
-void QCPAxis::setRange(const QCPRange &range)
+void QCPAxis::setSubTicks(bool show)
- if (range.lower == mRange.lower && range.upper == mRange.upper)
- return;
- if (!QCPRange::validRange(range)) return;
- QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
- if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- {
- mRange = range.sanitizedForLogScale();
- } else
+ if (mSubTicks != show)
- mRange = range.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ mSubTicks = show;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit rangeChanged(mRange);
- emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
- Sets whether the user can (de-)select the parts in \a selectable by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface.
- (When \ref QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes.)
+ Sets the length of the subticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the subticks will reach inside
+ the plot and \a outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If \a outside is greater
+ than zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly,
+ so they won't collide with the ticks.
- However, even when \a selectable is set to a value not allowing the selection of a specific part,
- it is still possible to set the selection of this part manually, by calling \ref setSelectedParts
- directly.
+ \see setTickLength, setSubTickLengthIn, setSubTickLengthOut
+void QCPAxis::setSubTickLength(int inside, int outside)
+ setSubTickLengthIn(inside);
+ setSubTickLengthOut(outside);
+ Sets the length of the inward subticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the subticks will reach inside
+ the plot.
- \see SelectablePart, setSelectedParts
+ \see setSubTickLengthOut, setSubTickLength, setTickLength
-void QCPAxis::setSelectableParts(const SelectableParts &selectable)
+void QCPAxis::setSubTickLengthIn(int inside)
- if (mSelectableParts != selectable)
+ if (mAxisPainter->subTickLengthIn != inside)
- mSelectableParts = selectable;
- emit selectableChanged(mSelectableParts);
+ mAxisPainter->subTickLengthIn = inside;
- Sets the selected state of the respective axis parts described by \ref SelectablePart. When a part
- is selected, it uses a different pen/font.
- The entire selection mechanism for axes is handled automatically when \ref
- QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes. You only need to call this function when you
- wish to change the selection state manually.
- This function can change the selection state of a part, independent of the \ref setSelectableParts setting.
- emits the \ref selectionChanged signal when \a selected is different from the previous selection state.
+ Sets the length of the outward subticks in pixels. \a outside is the length the subticks will reach
+ outside the plot. If \a outside is greater than zero, the tick labels will increase their
+ distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.
- \see SelectablePart, setSelectableParts, selectTest, setSelectedBasePen, setSelectedTickPen, setSelectedSubTickPen,
- setSelectedTickLabelFont, setSelectedLabelFont, setSelectedTickLabelColor, setSelectedLabelColor
+ \see setSubTickLengthIn, setSubTickLength, setTickLength
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedParts(const SelectableParts &selected)
+void QCPAxis::setSubTickLengthOut(int outside)
- if (mSelectedParts != selected)
+ if (mAxisPainter->subTickLengthOut != outside)
- mSelectedParts = selected;
- emit selectionChanged(mSelectedParts);
+ mAxisPainter->subTickLengthOut = outside;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false; // only outside tick length can change margin
- \overload
- Sets the lower and upper bound of the axis range.
- To invert the direction of an axis, use \ref setRangeReversed.
+ Sets the pen, the axis base line is drawn with.
- There is also a slot to set a range, see \ref setRange(const QCPRange &range).
+ \see setTickPen, setSubTickPen
-void QCPAxis::setRange(double lower, double upper)
+void QCPAxis::setBasePen(const QPen &pen)
- if (lower == mRange.lower && upper == mRange.upper)
- return;
- if (!QCPRange::validRange(lower, upper)) return;
- QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
- mRange.lower = lower;
- mRange.upper = upper;
- if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- {
- mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
- } else
- {
- mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
- }
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit rangeChanged(mRange);
- emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
+ mBasePen = pen;
- \overload
- Sets the range of the axis.
+ Sets the pen, tick marks will be drawn with.
- The \a position coordinate indicates together with the \a alignment parameter, where the new
- range will be positioned. \a size defines the size of the new axis range. \a alignment may be
- Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight or Qt::AlignCenter. This will cause the left border, right border,
- or center of the range to be aligned with \a position. Any other values of \a alignment will
- default to Qt::AlignCenter.
+ \see setTickLength, setBasePen
-void QCPAxis::setRange(double position, double size, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
+void QCPAxis::setTickPen(const QPen &pen)
- if (alignment == Qt::AlignLeft)
- setRange(position, position+size);
- else if (alignment == Qt::AlignRight)
- setRange(position-size, position);
- else // alignment == Qt::AlignCenter
- setRange(position-size/2.0, position+size/2.0);
+ mTickPen = pen;
- Sets the lower bound of the axis range. The upper bound is not changed.
- \see setRange
+ Sets the pen, subtick marks will be drawn with.
+ \see setSubTickCount, setSubTickLength, setBasePen
-void QCPAxis::setRangeLower(double lower)
+void QCPAxis::setSubTickPen(const QPen &pen)
- if (mRange.lower == lower)
- return;
- QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
- mRange.lower = lower;
- if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- {
- mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
- } else
- {
- mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
- }
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit rangeChanged(mRange);
- emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
+ mSubTickPen = pen;
- Sets the upper bound of the axis range. The lower bound is not changed.
- \see setRange
+ Sets the font of the axis label.
+ \see setLabelColor
-void QCPAxis::setRangeUpper(double upper)
+void QCPAxis::setLabelFont(const QFont &font)
- if (mRange.upper == upper)
- return;
- QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
- mRange.upper = upper;
- if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- {
- mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
- } else
+ if (mLabelFont != font)
- mRange = mRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ mLabelFont = font;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit rangeChanged(mRange);
- emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
- Sets whether the axis range (direction) is displayed reversed. Normally, the values on horizontal
- axes increase left to right, on vertical axes bottom to top. When \a reversed is set to true, the
- direction of increasing values is inverted.
+ Sets the color of the axis label.
+ \see setLabelFont
+void QCPAxis::setLabelColor(const QColor &color)
+ mLabelColor = color;
- Note that the range and data interface stays the same for reversed axes, e.g. the \a lower part
- of the \ref setRange interface will still reference the mathematically smaller number than the \a
- upper part.
+ Sets the text of the axis label that will be shown below/above or next to the axis, depending on
+ its orientation. To disable axis labels, pass an empty string as \a str.
-void QCPAxis::setRangeReversed(bool reversed)
+void QCPAxis::setLabel(const QString &str)
- if (mRangeReversed != reversed)
+ if (mLabel != str)
- mRangeReversed = reversed;
+ mLabel = str;
mCachedMarginValid = false;
- Sets whether the tick positions should be calculated automatically (either from an automatically
- generated tick step or a tick step provided manually via \ref setTickStep, see \ref setAutoTickStep).
- If \a on is set to false, you must provide the tick positions manually via \ref setTickVector.
- For these manual ticks you may let QCPAxis generate the appropriate labels automatically by
- leaving \ref setAutoTickLabels set to true. If you also wish to control the displayed labels
- manually, set \ref setAutoTickLabels to false and provide the label strings with \ref
- setTickVectorLabels.
- If you need dynamically calculated tick vectors (and possibly tick label vectors), set the
- vectors in a slot connected to the \ref ticksRequest signal.
+ Sets the distance between the tick labels and the axis label.
- \see setAutoTickLabels, setAutoSubTicks, setAutoTickCount, setAutoTickStep
+ \see setTickLabelPadding, setPadding
-void QCPAxis::setAutoTicks(bool on)
+void QCPAxis::setLabelPadding(int padding)
- if (mAutoTicks != on)
+ if (mAxisPainter->labelPadding != padding)
- mAutoTicks = on;
+ mAxisPainter->labelPadding = padding;
mCachedMarginValid = false;
- When \ref setAutoTickStep is true, \a approximateCount determines how many ticks should be
- generated in the visible range, approximately.
- It's not guaranteed that this number of ticks is met exactly, but approximately within a
- tolerance of about two.
+ Sets the padding of the axis.
+ When \ref QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins is enabled, the padding is the additional outer most space,
+ that is left blank.
- Only values greater than zero are accepted as \a approximateCount.
+ The axis padding has no meaning if \ref QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins is disabled.
- \see setAutoTickStep, setAutoTicks, setAutoSubTicks
+ \see setLabelPadding, setTickLabelPadding
-void QCPAxis::setAutoTickCount(int approximateCount)
+void QCPAxis::setPadding(int padding)
- if (mAutoTickCount != approximateCount)
+ if (mPadding != padding)
- if (approximateCount > 0)
- {
- mAutoTickCount = approximateCount;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "approximateCount must be greater than zero:" << approximateCount;
+ mPadding = padding;
+ mCachedMarginValid = false;
- Sets whether the tick labels are generated automatically. Depending on the tick label type (\ref
- ltNumber or \ref ltDateTime), the labels will either show the coordinate as floating point
- number (\ref setNumberFormat), or a date/time formatted according to \ref setDateTimeFormat.
- If \a on is set to false, you should provide the tick labels via \ref setTickVectorLabels. This
- is usually used in a combination with \ref setAutoTicks set to false for complete control over
- tick positions and labels, e.g. when the ticks should be at multiples of pi and show "2pi", "3pi"
- etc. as tick labels.
- If you need dynamically calculated tick vectors (and possibly tick label vectors), set the
- vectors in a slot connected to the \ref ticksRequest signal.
+ Sets the offset the axis has to its axis rect side.
- \see setAutoTicks
+ If an axis rect side has multiple axes and automatic margin calculation is enabled for that side,
+ only the offset of the inner most axis has meaning (even if it is set to be invisible). The
+ offset of the other, outer axes is controlled automatically, to place them at appropriate
+ positions.
-void QCPAxis::setAutoTickLabels(bool on)
+void QCPAxis::setOffset(int offset)
- if (mAutoTickLabels != on)
- {
- mAutoTickLabels = on;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mAxisPainter->offset = offset;
- Sets whether the tick step, i.e. the interval between two (major) ticks, is calculated
- automatically. If \a on is set to true, the axis finds a tick step that is reasonable for human
- readable plots.
- The number of ticks the algorithm aims for within the visible range can be specified with \ref
- setAutoTickCount.
- If \a on is set to false, you may set the tick step manually with \ref setTickStep.
+ Sets the font that is used for tick labels when they are selected.
- \see setAutoTicks, setAutoSubTicks, setAutoTickCount
+ \see setTickLabelFont, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setAutoTickStep(bool on)
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickLabelFont(const QFont &font)
- if (mAutoTickStep != on)
+ if (font != mSelectedTickLabelFont)
- mAutoTickStep = on;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ mSelectedTickLabelFont = font;
+ // don't set mCachedMarginValid to false here because margin calculation is always done with non-selected fonts
- Sets whether the number of sub ticks in one tick interval is determined automatically. This
- works, as long as the tick step mantissa is a multiple of 0.5. When \ref setAutoTickStep is
- enabled, this is always the case.
- When \a on is set to false, you may set the sub tick count with \ref setSubTickCount manually.
+ Sets the font that is used for the axis label when it is selected.
- \see setAutoTickCount, setAutoTicks, setAutoTickStep
+ \see setLabelFont, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setAutoSubTicks(bool on)
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedLabelFont(const QFont &font)
- if (mAutoSubTicks != on)
- {
- mAutoSubTicks = on;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mSelectedLabelFont = font;
+ // don't set mCachedMarginValid to false here because margin calculation is always done with non-selected fonts
- Sets whether tick marks are displayed.
- Note that setting \a show to false does not imply that tick labels are invisible, too. To achieve
- that, see \ref setTickLabels.
+ Sets the color that is used for tick labels when they are selected.
+ \see setTickLabelColor, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setTicks(bool show)
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickLabelColor(const QColor &color)
- if (mTicks != show)
+ if (color != mSelectedTickLabelColor)
- mTicks = show;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ mSelectedTickLabelColor = color;
- Sets whether tick labels are displayed. Tick labels are the numbers drawn next to tick marks.
+ Sets the color that is used for the axis label when it is selected.
+ \see setLabelColor, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabels(bool show)
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedLabelColor(const QColor &color)
- if (mTickLabels != show)
- {
- mTickLabels = show;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mSelectedLabelColor = color;
- Sets the distance between the axis base line (including any outward ticks) and the tick labels.
- \see setLabelPadding, setPadding
+ Sets the pen that is used to draw the axis base line when selected.
+ \see setBasePen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabelPadding(int padding)
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedBasePen(const QPen &pen)
- if (mAxisPainter->tickLabelPadding != padding)
- {
- mAxisPainter->tickLabelPadding = padding;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mSelectedBasePen = pen;
- Sets whether the tick labels display numbers or dates/times.
- If \a type is set to \ref ltNumber, the format specifications of \ref setNumberFormat apply.
- If \a type is set to \ref ltDateTime, the format specifications of \ref setDateTimeFormat apply.
- In QCustomPlot, date/time coordinates are <tt>double</tt> numbers representing the seconds since
- 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC. This format can be retrieved from QDateTime objects with the
- QDateTime::toTime_t() function. Since this only gives a resolution of one second, there is also
- the QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch() function which returns the timespan described above in
- milliseconds. Divide its return value by 1000.0 to get a value with the format needed for
- date/time plotting, with a resolution of one millisecond.
+ Sets the pen that is used to draw the (major) ticks when selected.
- Using the toMSecsSinceEpoch function allows dates that go back to 2nd January 4713 B.C.
- (represented by a negative number), unlike the toTime_t function, which works with unsigned
- integers and thus only goes back to 1st January 1970. So both for range and accuracy, use of
- toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0 should be preferred as key coordinate for date/time axes.
+ \see setTickPen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickPen(const QPen &pen)
+ mSelectedTickPen = pen;
+ Sets the pen that is used to draw the subticks when selected.
- \see setTickLabels
+ \see setSubTickPen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabelType(LabelType type)
+void QCPAxis::setSelectedSubTickPen(const QPen &pen)
- if (mTickLabelType != type)
- {
- mTickLabelType = type;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mSelectedSubTickPen = pen;
- Sets the font of the tick labels.
+ Sets the style for the lower axis ending. See the documentation of QCPLineEnding for available
+ styles.
- \see setTickLabels, setTickLabelColor
+ For horizontal axes, this method refers to the left ending, for vertical axes the bottom ending.
+ Note that this meaning does not change when the axis range is reversed with \ref
+ setRangeReversed.
+ \see setUpperEnding
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabelFont(const QFont &font)
+void QCPAxis::setLowerEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending)
- if (font != mTickLabelFont)
- {
- mTickLabelFont = font;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mAxisPainter->lowerEnding = ending;
- Sets the color of the tick labels.
+ Sets the style for the upper axis ending. See the documentation of QCPLineEnding for available
+ styles.
- \see setTickLabels, setTickLabelFont
+ For horizontal axes, this method refers to the right ending, for vertical axes the top ending.
+ Note that this meaning does not change when the axis range is reversed with \ref
+ setRangeReversed.
+ \see setLowerEnding
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabelColor(const QColor &color)
+void QCPAxis::setUpperEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending)
- if (color != mTickLabelColor)
- {
- mTickLabelColor = color;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ mAxisPainter->upperEnding = ending;
- Sets the rotation of the tick labels. If \a degrees is zero, the labels are drawn normally. Else,
- the tick labels are drawn rotated by \a degrees clockwise. The specified angle is bound to values
- from -90 to 90 degrees.
+ If the scale type (\ref setScaleType) is \ref stLinear, \a diff is added to the lower and upper
+ bounds of the range. The range is simply moved by \a diff.
- If \a degrees is exactly -90, 0 or 90, the tick labels are centered on the tick coordinate. For
- other angles, the label is drawn with an offset such that it seems to point toward or away from
- the tick mark.
+ If the scale type is \ref stLogarithmic, the range bounds are multiplied by \a diff. This
+ corresponds to an apparent "linear" move in logarithmic scaling by a distance of log(diff).
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabelRotation(double degrees)
+void QCPAxis::moveRange(double diff)
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(degrees-mAxisPainter->tickLabelRotation))
+ QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- mAxisPainter->tickLabelRotation = qBound(-90.0, degrees, 90.0);
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ mRange.lower += diff;
+ mRange.upper += diff;
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ mRange.lower *= diff;
+ mRange.upper *= diff;
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange);
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
- Sets whether the tick labels (numbers) shall appear inside or outside the axis rect.
- The usual and default setting is \ref lsOutside. Very compact plots sometimes require tick labels
- to be inside the axis rect, to save space. If \a side is set to \ref lsInside, the tick labels
- appear on the inside are additionally clipped to the axis rect.
+ Scales the range of this axis by \a factor around the center of the current axis range. For
+ example, if \a factor is 2.0, then the axis range will double its size, and the point at the axis
+ range center won't have changed its position in the QCustomPlot widget (i.e. coordinates around
+ the center will have moved symmetrically closer).
+ If you wish to scale around a different coordinate than the current axis range center, use the
+ overload \ref scaleRange(double factor, double center).
-void QCPAxis::setTickLabelSide(LabelSide side)
+void QCPAxis::scaleRange(double factor)
- mAxisPainter->tickLabelSide = side;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ scaleRange(factor, range().center());
- Sets the format in which dates and times are displayed as tick labels, if \ref setTickLabelType is \ref ltDateTime.
- for details about the \a format string, see the documentation of QDateTime::toString().
- Newlines can be inserted with "\n".
- \see setDateTimeSpec
+/*! \overload
+ Scales the range of this axis by \a factor around the coordinate \a center. For example, if \a
+ factor is 2.0, \a center is 1.0, then the axis range will double its size, and the point at
+ coordinate 1.0 won't have changed its position in the QCustomPlot widget (i.e. coordinates
+ around 1.0 will have moved symmetrically closer to 1.0).
+ \see scaleRange(double factor)
-void QCPAxis::setDateTimeFormat(const QString &format)
+void QCPAxis::scaleRange(double factor, double center)
- if (mDateTimeFormat != format)
+ QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- mDateTimeFormat = format;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ QCPRange newRange;
+ newRange.lower = (mRange.lower-center)*factor + center;
+ newRange.upper = (mRange.upper-center)*factor + center;
+ if (QCPRange::validRange(newRange))
+ mRange = newRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ if ((mRange.upper < 0 && center < 0) || (mRange.upper > 0 && center > 0)) // make sure center has same sign as range
+ {
+ QCPRange newRange;
+ newRange.lower = qPow(mRange.lower/center, factor)*center;
+ newRange.upper = qPow(mRange.upper/center, factor)*center;
+ if (QCPRange::validRange(newRange))
+ mRange = newRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Center of scaling operation doesn't lie in same logarithmic sign domain as range:" << center;
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange);
+ emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
- Sets the time spec that is used for the date time values when \ref setTickLabelType is \ref
- ltDateTime.
+ Scales the range of this axis to have a certain scale \a ratio to \a otherAxis. The scaling will
+ be done around the center of the current axis range.
- The default value of QDateTime objects (and also QCustomPlot) is <tt>Qt::LocalTime</tt>. However,
- if the date time values passed to QCustomPlot are given in the UTC spec, set \a
- timeSpec to <tt>Qt::UTC</tt> to get the correct axis labels.
- \see setDateTimeFormat
+ For example, if \a ratio is 1, this axis is the \a yAxis and \a otherAxis is \a xAxis, graphs
+ plotted with those axes will appear in a 1:1 aspect ratio, independent of the aspect ratio the
+ axis rect has.
+ This is an operation that changes the range of this axis once, it doesn't fix the scale ratio
+ indefinitely. Note that calling this function in the constructor of the QCustomPlot's parent
+ won't have the desired effect, since the widget dimensions aren't defined yet, and a resizeEvent
+ will follow.
-void QCPAxis::setDateTimeSpec(const Qt::TimeSpec &timeSpec)
+void QCPAxis::setScaleRatio(const QCPAxis *otherAxis, double ratio)
- mDateTimeSpec = timeSpec;
+ int otherPixelSize, ownPixelSize;
+ if (otherAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ otherPixelSize = otherAxis->axisRect()->width();
+ else
+ otherPixelSize = otherAxis->axisRect()->height();
+ if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ ownPixelSize = axisRect()->width();
+ else
+ ownPixelSize = axisRect()->height();
+ double newRangeSize = ratio*otherAxis->range().size()*ownPixelSize/(double)otherPixelSize;
+ setRange(range().center(), newRangeSize, Qt::AlignCenter);
- Sets the number format for the numbers drawn as tick labels (if tick label type is \ref
- ltNumber). This \a formatCode is an extended version of the format code used e.g. by
- QString::number() and QLocale::toString(). For reference about that, see the "Argument Formats"
- section in the detailed description of the QString class. \a formatCode is a string of one, two
- or three characters. The first character is identical to the normal format code used by Qt. In
- short, this means: 'e'/'E' scientific format, 'f' fixed format, 'g'/'G' scientific or fixed,
- whichever is shorter.
- The second and third characters are optional and specific to QCustomPlot:\n
- If the first char was 'e' or 'g', numbers are/might be displayed in the scientific format, e.g.
- "5.5e9", which is ugly in a plot. So when the second char of \a formatCode is set to 'b' (for
- "beautiful"), those exponential numbers are formatted in a more natural way, i.e. "5.5
- [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] 9". By default, the multiplication sign is a centered dot.
- If instead a cross should be shown (as is usual in the USA), the third char of \a formatCode can
- be set to 'c'. The inserted multiplication signs are the UTF-8 characters 215 (0xD7) for the
- cross and 183 (0xB7) for the dot.
- If the scale type (\ref setScaleType) is \ref stLogarithmic and the \a formatCode uses the 'b'
- option (beautifully typeset decimal powers), the display usually is "1 [multiplication sign] 10
- [superscript] n", which looks unnatural for logarithmic scaling (the "1 [multiplication sign]"
- part). To only display the decimal power, set the number precision to zero with \ref
- setNumberPrecision.
+ Changes the axis range such that all plottables associated with this axis are fully visible in
+ that dimension.
- Examples for \a formatCode:
- \li \c g normal format code behaviour. If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large,
- normal scientific format is used
- \li \c gb If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large, scientific format is used with
- beautifully typeset decimal powers and a dot as multiplication sign
- \li \c ebc All numbers are in scientific format with beautifully typeset decimal power and a cross as
- multiplication sign
- \li \c fb illegal format code, since fixed format doesn't support (or need) beautifully typeset decimal
- powers. Format code will be reduced to 'f'.
- \li \c hello illegal format code, since first char is not 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g' or 'G'. Current format
- code will not be changed.
+ \see QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleAxes, QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes
-void QCPAxis::setNumberFormat(const QString &formatCode)
+void QCPAxis::rescale(bool onlyVisiblePlottables)
- if (formatCode.isEmpty())
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Passed formatCode is empty";
- return;
- }
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- // interpret first char as number format char:
- QString allowedFormatChars(QLatin1String("eEfgG"));
- if (allowedFormatChars.contains(formatCode.at(0)))
- {
- mNumberFormatChar = QLatin1Char(formatCode.at(0).toLatin1());
- } else
+ QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> p = plottables();
+ QCPRange newRange;
+ bool haveRange = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid number format code (first char not in 'eEfgG'):" << formatCode;
- return;
+ if (!p.at(i)->realVisibility() && onlyVisiblePlottables)
+ continue;
+ QCPRange plottableRange;
+ bool currentFoundRange;
+ QCP::SignDomain signDomain = QCP::sdBoth;
+ if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
+ signDomain = (mRange.upper < 0 ? QCP::sdNegative : QCP::sdPositive);
+ if (p.at(i)->keyAxis() == this)
+ plottableRange = p.at(i)->getKeyRange(currentFoundRange, signDomain);
+ else
+ plottableRange = p.at(i)->getValueRange(currentFoundRange, signDomain);
+ if (currentFoundRange)
+ {
+ if (!haveRange)
+ newRange = plottableRange;
+ else
+ newRange.expand(plottableRange);
+ haveRange = true;
+ }
- if (formatCode.length() < 2)
+ if (haveRange)
- mNumberBeautifulPowers = false;
- mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = false;
- return;
+ if (!QCPRange::validRange(newRange)) // likely due to range being zero (plottable has only constant data in this axis dimension), shift current range to at least center the plottable
+ {
+ double center = (newRange.lower+newRange.upper)*0.5; // upper and lower should be equal anyway, but just to make sure, incase validRange returned false for other reason
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ {
+ newRange.lower = center-mRange.size()/2.0;
+ newRange.upper = center+mRange.size()/2.0;
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ newRange.lower = center/qSqrt(mRange.upper/mRange.lower);
+ newRange.upper = center*qSqrt(mRange.upper/mRange.lower);
+ }
+ }
+ setRange(newRange);
- // interpret second char as indicator for beautiful decimal powers:
- if (formatCode.at(1) == QLatin1Char('b') && (mNumberFormatChar == QLatin1Char('e') || mNumberFormatChar == QLatin1Char('g')))
- {
- mNumberBeautifulPowers = true;
- } else
+ Transforms \a value, in pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget, to axis coordinates.
+double QCPAxis::pixelToCoord(double value) const
+ if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid number format code (second char not 'b' or first char neither 'e' nor 'g'):" << formatCode;
- return;
- }
- if (formatCode.length() < 3)
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return (value-mAxisRect->left())/(double)mAxisRect->width()*mRange.size()+mRange.lower;
+ else
+ return -(value-mAxisRect->left())/(double)mAxisRect->width()*mRange.size()+mRange.upper;
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (value-mAxisRect->left())/(double)mAxisRect->width())*mRange.lower;
+ else
+ return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (mAxisRect->left()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->width())*mRange.upper;
+ }
+ } else // orientation() == Qt::Vertical
- mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = false;
- return;
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return (mAxisRect->bottom()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->height()*mRange.size()+mRange.lower;
+ else
+ return -(mAxisRect->bottom()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->height()*mRange.size()+mRange.upper;
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (mAxisRect->bottom()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->height())*mRange.lower;
+ else
+ return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (value-mAxisRect->bottom())/(double)mAxisRect->height())*mRange.upper;
+ }
- // interpret third char as indicator for dot or cross multiplication symbol:
- if (formatCode.at(2) == QLatin1Char('c'))
- {
- mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = true;
- } else if (formatCode.at(2) == QLatin1Char('d'))
+ Transforms \a value, in coordinates of the axis, to pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget.
+double QCPAxis::coordToPixel(double value) const
+ if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- mAxisPainter->numberMultiplyCross = false;
- } else
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return (value-mRange.lower)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
+ else
+ return (mRange.upper-value)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ if (value >= 0 && mRange.upper < 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
+ return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->right()+200 : mAxisRect->left()-200;
+ else if (value <= 0 && mRange.upper > 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
+ return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->left()-200 : mAxisRect->right()+200;
+ else
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return qLn(value/mRange.lower)/qLn(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
+ else
+ return qLn(mRange.upper/value)/qLn(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
+ }
+ }
+ } else // orientation() == Qt::Vertical
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid number format code (third char neither 'c' nor 'd'):" << formatCode;
- return;
+ if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return mAxisRect->bottom()-(value-mRange.lower)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->height();
+ else
+ return mAxisRect->bottom()-(mRange.upper-value)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->height();
+ } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ {
+ if (value >= 0 && mRange.upper < 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
+ return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->top()-200 : mAxisRect->bottom()+200;
+ else if (value <= 0 && mRange.upper > 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
+ return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->bottom()+200 : mAxisRect->top()-200;
+ else
+ {
+ if (!mRangeReversed)
+ return mAxisRect->bottom()-qLn(value/mRange.lower)/qLn(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->height();
+ else
+ return mAxisRect->bottom()-qLn(mRange.upper/value)/qLn(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->height();
+ }
+ }
- Sets the precision of the tick label numbers. See QLocale::toString(double i, char f, int prec)
- for details. The effect of precisions are most notably for number Formats starting with 'e', see
- \ref setNumberFormat
- If the scale type (\ref setScaleType) is \ref stLogarithmic and the number format (\ref
- setNumberFormat) uses the 'b' format code (beautifully typeset decimal powers), the display
- usually is "1 [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] n", which looks unnatural for logarithmic
- scaling (the redundant "1 [multiplication sign]" part). To only display the decimal power "10
- [superscript] n", set \a precision to zero.
+ Returns the part of the axis that is hit by \a pos (in pixels). The return value of this function
+ is independent of the user-selectable parts defined with \ref setSelectableParts. Further, this
+ function does not change the current selection state of the axis.
+ If the axis is not visible (\ref setVisible), this function always returns \ref spNone.
+ \see setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setNumberPrecision(int precision)
+QCPAxis::SelectablePart QCPAxis::getPartAt(const QPointF &pos) const
- if (mNumberPrecision != precision)
- {
- mNumberPrecision = precision;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ if (!mVisible)
+ return spNone;
+ if (mAxisPainter->axisSelectionBox().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ return spAxis;
+ else if (mAxisPainter->tickLabelsSelectionBox().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ return spTickLabels;
+ else if (mAxisPainter->labelSelectionBox().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ return spAxisLabel;
+ else
+ return spNone;
- If \ref setAutoTickStep is set to false, use this function to set the tick step manually.
- The tick step is the interval between (major) ticks, in plot coordinates.
- \see setSubTickCount
-void QCPAxis::setTickStep(double step)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPAxis::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- if (mTickStep != step)
- {
- mTickStep = step;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ if (!mParentPlot) return -1;
+ SelectablePart part = getPartAt(pos);
+ if ((onlySelectable && !mSelectableParts.testFlag(part)) || part == spNone)
+ return -1;
+ if (details)
+ details->setValue(part);
+ return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- If you want full control over what ticks (and possibly labels) the axes show, this function is
- used to set the coordinates at which ticks will appear.\ref setAutoTicks must be disabled, else
- the provided tick vector will be overwritten with automatically generated tick coordinates upon
- replot. The labels of the ticks can be generated automatically when \ref setAutoTickLabels is
- left enabled. If it is disabled, you can set the labels manually with \ref setTickVectorLabels.
+ Returns a list of all the plottables that have this axis as key or value axis.
- \a vec is a vector containing the positions of the ticks, in plot coordinates.
+ If you are only interested in plottables of type QCPGraph, see \ref graphs.
- \warning \a vec must be sorted in ascending order, no additional checks are made to ensure this.
- \see setTickVectorLabels
+ \see graphs, items
-void QCPAxis::setTickVector(const QVector<double> &vec)
+QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> QCPAxis::plottables() const
- // don't check whether mTickVector != vec here, because it takes longer than we would save
- mTickVector = vec;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> result;
+ if (!mParentPlot) return result;
+ for (int i=0; i<mParentPlot->mPlottables.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->keyAxis() == this ||mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->valueAxis() == this)
+ result.append(mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i));
+ }
+ return result;
- If you want full control over what ticks and labels the axes show, this function is used to set a
- number of QStrings that will be displayed at the tick positions which you need to provide with
- \ref setTickVector. These two vectors should have the same size. (Note that you need to disable
- \ref setAutoTicks and \ref setAutoTickLabels first.)
- \a vec is a vector containing the labels of the ticks. The entries correspond to the respective
- indices in the tick vector, passed via \ref setTickVector.
+ Returns a list of all the graphs that have this axis as key or value axis.
- \see setTickVector
+ \see plottables, items
-void QCPAxis::setTickVectorLabels(const QVector<QString> &vec)
+QList<QCPGraph*> QCPAxis::graphs() const
- // don't check whether mTickVectorLabels != vec here, because it takes longer than we would save
- mTickVectorLabels = vec;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
+ QList<QCPGraph*> result;
+ if (!mParentPlot) return result;
+ for (int i=0; i<mParentPlot->mGraphs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mParentPlot->mGraphs.at(i)->keyAxis() == this || mParentPlot->mGraphs.at(i)->valueAxis() == this)
+ result.append(mParentPlot->mGraphs.at(i));
+ }
+ return result;
- Sets the length of the ticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the ticks will reach inside the
- plot and \a outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If \a outside is greater than
- zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so
- they won't collide with the ticks.
+ Returns a list of all the items that are associated with this axis. An item is considered
+ associated with an axis if at least one of its positions uses the axis as key or value axis.
- \see setSubTickLength, setTickLengthIn, setTickLengthOut
+ \see plottables, graphs
-void QCPAxis::setTickLength(int inside, int outside)
+QList<QCPAbstractItem*> QCPAxis::items() const
- setTickLengthIn(inside);
- setTickLengthOut(outside);
+ QList<QCPAbstractItem*> result;
+ if (!mParentPlot) return result;
+ for (int itemId=0; itemId<mParentPlot->mItems.size(); ++itemId)
+ {
+ QList<QCPItemPosition*> positions = mParentPlot->mItems.at(itemId)->positions();
+ for (int posId=0; posId<positions.size(); ++posId)
+ {
+ if (positions.at(posId)->keyAxis() == this || positions.at(posId)->valueAxis() == this)
+ {
+ result.append(mParentPlot->mItems.at(itemId));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
- Sets the length of the inward ticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the ticks will reach
- inside the plot.
- \see setTickLengthOut, setTickLength, setSubTickLength
+ Transforms a margin side to the logically corresponding axis type. (QCP::msLeft to
+ QCPAxis::atLeft, QCP::msRight to QCPAxis::atRight, etc.)
-void QCPAxis::setTickLengthIn(int inside)
+QCPAxis::AxisType QCPAxis::marginSideToAxisType(QCP::MarginSide side)
- if (mAxisPainter->tickLengthIn != inside)
+ switch (side)
- mAxisPainter->tickLengthIn = inside;
+ case QCP::msLeft: return atLeft;
+ case QCP::msRight: return atRight;
+ case QCP::msTop: return atTop;
+ case QCP::msBottom: return atBottom;
+ default: break;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid margin side passed:" << (int)side;
+ return atLeft;
- Sets the length of the outward ticks in pixels. \a outside is the length the ticks will reach
- outside the plot. If \a outside is greater than zero, the tick labels and axis label will
- increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.
- \see setTickLengthIn, setTickLength, setSubTickLength
+ Returns the axis type that describes the opposite axis of an axis with the specified \a type.
-void QCPAxis::setTickLengthOut(int outside)
+QCPAxis::AxisType QCPAxis::opposite(QCPAxis::AxisType type)
- if (mAxisPainter->tickLengthOut != outside)
+ switch (type)
- mAxisPainter->tickLengthOut = outside;
- mCachedMarginValid = false; // only outside tick length can change margin
+ case atLeft: return atRight; break;
+ case atRight: return atLeft; break;
+ case atBottom: return atTop; break;
+ case atTop: return atBottom; break;
+ default: qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid axis type"; return atLeft; break;
- Sets the number of sub ticks in one (major) tick step. A sub tick count of three for example,
- divides the tick intervals in four sub intervals.
- By default, the number of sub ticks is chosen automatically in a reasonable manner as long as the
- mantissa of the tick step is a multiple of 0.5. When \ref setAutoTickStep is enabled, this is
- always the case.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPAxis::selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
+ Q_UNUSED(event)
+ SelectablePart part = details.value<SelectablePart>();
+ if (mSelectableParts.testFlag(part))
+ {
+ SelectableParts selBefore = mSelectedParts;
+ setSelectedParts(additive ? mSelectedParts^part : part);
+ if (selectionStateChanged)
+ *selectionStateChanged = mSelectedParts != selBefore;
+ }
- If you want to disable automatic sub tick count and use this function to set the count manually,
- see \ref setAutoSubTicks.
-void QCPAxis::setSubTickCount(int count)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPAxis::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
- mSubTickCount = count;
+ SelectableParts selBefore = mSelectedParts;
+ setSelectedParts(mSelectedParts & ~mSelectableParts);
+ if (selectionStateChanged)
+ *selectionStateChanged = mSelectedParts != selBefore;
- Sets the length of the subticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the subticks will reach inside
- the plot and \a outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If \a outside is greater
- than zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly,
- so they won't collide with the ticks.
+/*! \internal
+ A convenience function to easily set the QPainter::Antialiased hint on the provided \a painter
+ before drawing axis lines.
+ This is the antialiasing state the painter passed to the \ref draw method is in by default.
- \see setTickLength, setSubTickLengthIn, setSubTickLengthOut
+ This function takes into account the local setting of the antialiasing flag as well as the
+ overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+ \see setAntialiased
-void QCPAxis::setSubTickLength(int inside, int outside)
+void QCPAxis::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
- setSubTickLengthIn(inside);
- setSubTickLengthOut(outside);
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeAxes);
- Sets the length of the inward subticks in pixels. \a inside is the length the subticks will reach inside
- the plot.
+/*! \internal
- \see setSubTickLengthOut, setSubTickLength, setTickLength
+ Draws the axis with the specified \a painter, using the internal QCPAxisPainterPrivate instance.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
-void QCPAxis::setSubTickLengthIn(int inside)
+void QCPAxis::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- if (mAxisPainter->subTickLengthIn != inside)
+ QVector<double> subTickPositions; // the final coordToPixel transformed vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
+ QVector<double> tickPositions; // the final coordToPixel transformed vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
+ QVector<QString> tickLabels; // the final vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
+ tickPositions.reserve(mTickVector.size());
+ tickLabels.reserve(mTickVector.size());
+ subTickPositions.reserve(mSubTickVector.size());
+ if (mTicks)
- mAxisPainter->subTickLengthIn = inside;
+ for (int i=0; i<mTickVector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ tickPositions.append(coordToPixel(mTickVector.at(i)));
+ if (mTickLabels)
+ tickLabels.append(mTickVectorLabels.at(i));
+ }
+ if (mSubTicks)
+ {
+ const int subTickCount = mSubTickVector.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<subTickCount; ++i)
+ subTickPositions.append(coordToPixel(mSubTickVector.at(i)));
+ }
+ // transfer all properties of this axis to QCPAxisPainterPrivate which it needs to draw the axis.
+ // Note that some axis painter properties are already set by direct feed-through with QCPAxis setters
+ mAxisPainter->type = mAxisType;
+ mAxisPainter->basePen = getBasePen();
+ mAxisPainter->labelFont = getLabelFont();
+ mAxisPainter->labelColor = getLabelColor();
+ mAxisPainter->label = mLabel;
+ mAxisPainter->substituteExponent = mNumberBeautifulPowers;
+ mAxisPainter->tickPen = getTickPen();
+ mAxisPainter->subTickPen = getSubTickPen();
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabelColor = getTickLabelColor();
+ mAxisPainter->axisRect = mAxisRect->rect();
+ mAxisPainter->viewportRect = mParentPlot->viewport();
+ mAxisPainter->abbreviateDecimalPowers = mScaleType == stLogarithmic;
+ mAxisPainter->reversedEndings = mRangeReversed;
+ mAxisPainter->tickPositions = tickPositions;
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabels = tickLabels;
+ mAxisPainter->subTickPositions = subTickPositions;
+ mAxisPainter->draw(painter);
- Sets the length of the outward subticks in pixels. \a outside is the length the subticks will reach
- outside the plot. If \a outside is greater than zero, the tick labels will increase their
- distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.
+/*! \internal
- \see setSubTickLengthIn, setSubTickLength, setTickLength
+ Prepares the internal tick vector, sub tick vector and tick label vector. This is done by calling
+ QCPAxisTicker::generate on the currently installed ticker.
+ If a change in the label text/count is detected, the cached axis margin is invalidated to make
+ sure the next margin calculation recalculates the label sizes and returns an up-to-date value.
-void QCPAxis::setSubTickLengthOut(int outside)
+void QCPAxis::setupTickVectors()
- if (mAxisPainter->subTickLengthOut != outside)
- {
- mAxisPainter->subTickLengthOut = outside;
- mCachedMarginValid = false; // only outside tick length can change margin
- }
+ if (!mParentPlot) return;
+ if ((!mTicks && !mTickLabels && !mGrid->visible()) || mRange.size() <= 0) return;
+ QVector<QString> oldLabels = mTickVectorLabels;
+ mTicker->generate(mRange, mParentPlot->locale(), mNumberFormatChar, mNumberPrecision, mTickVector, mSubTicks ? &mSubTickVector : 0, mTickLabels ? &mTickVectorLabels : 0);
+ mCachedMarginValid &= mTickVectorLabels == oldLabels; // if labels have changed, margin might have changed, too
- Sets the pen, the axis base line is drawn with.
+/*! \internal
- \see setTickPen, setSubTickPen
+ Returns the pen that is used to draw the axis base line. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedBasePen or mBasePen.
-void QCPAxis::setBasePen(const QPen &pen)
+QPen QCPAxis::getBasePen() const
- mBasePen = pen;
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxis) ? mSelectedBasePen : mBasePen;
- Sets the pen, tick marks will be drawn with.
+/*! \internal
- \see setTickLength, setBasePen
+ Returns the pen that is used to draw the (major) ticks. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedTickPen or mTickPen.
-void QCPAxis::setTickPen(const QPen &pen)
+QPen QCPAxis::getTickPen() const
- mTickPen = pen;
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxis) ? mSelectedTickPen : mTickPen;
- Sets the pen, subtick marks will be drawn with.
+/*! \internal
- \see setSubTickCount, setSubTickLength, setBasePen
+ Returns the pen that is used to draw the subticks. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedSubTickPen or mSubTickPen.
-void QCPAxis::setSubTickPen(const QPen &pen)
+QPen QCPAxis::getSubTickPen() const
- mSubTickPen = pen;
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxis) ? mSelectedSubTickPen : mSubTickPen;
- Sets the font of the axis label.
+/*! \internal
- \see setLabelColor
+ Returns the font that is used to draw the tick labels. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedTickLabelFont or mTickLabelFont.
-void QCPAxis::setLabelFont(const QFont &font)
+QFont QCPAxis::getTickLabelFont() const
- if (mLabelFont != font)
- {
- mLabelFont = font;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spTickLabels) ? mSelectedTickLabelFont : mTickLabelFont;
- Sets the color of the axis label.
+/*! \internal
- \see setLabelFont
+ Returns the font that is used to draw the axis label. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedLabelFont or mLabelFont.
-void QCPAxis::setLabelColor(const QColor &color)
+QFont QCPAxis::getLabelFont() const
- mLabelColor = color;
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxisLabel) ? mSelectedLabelFont : mLabelFont;
- Sets the text of the axis label that will be shown below/above or next to the axis, depending on
- its orientation. To disable axis labels, pass an empty string as \a str.
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the color that is used to draw the tick labels. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedTickLabelColor or mTickLabelColor.
-void QCPAxis::setLabel(const QString &str)
+QColor QCPAxis::getTickLabelColor() const
- if (mLabel != str)
- {
- mLabel = str;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spTickLabels) ? mSelectedTickLabelColor : mTickLabelColor;
- Sets the distance between the tick labels and the axis label.
+/*! \internal
- \see setTickLabelPadding, setPadding
+ Returns the color that is used to draw the axis label. Depending on the selection state, this
+ is either mSelectedLabelColor or mLabelColor.
-void QCPAxis::setLabelPadding(int padding)
+QColor QCPAxis::getLabelColor() const
- if (mAxisPainter->labelPadding != padding)
- {
- mAxisPainter->labelPadding = padding;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
+ return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxisLabel) ? mSelectedLabelColor : mLabelColor;
- Sets the padding of the axis.
- When \ref QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins is enabled, the padding is the additional outer most space,
- that is left blank.
+/*! \internal
- The axis padding has no meaning if \ref QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins is disabled.
+ Returns the appropriate outward margin for this axis. It is needed if \ref
+ QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins is set to true on the parent axis rect. An axis with axis type \ref
+ atLeft will return an appropriate left margin, \ref atBottom will return an appropriate bottom
+ margin and so forth. For the calculation, this function goes through similar steps as \ref draw,
+ so changing one function likely requires the modification of the other one as well.
- \see setLabelPadding, setTickLabelPadding
-void QCPAxis::setPadding(int padding)
- if (mPadding != padding)
- {
- mPadding = padding;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- }
- Sets the offset the axis has to its axis rect side.
+ The margin consists of the outward tick length, tick label padding, tick label size, label
+ padding, label size, and padding.
- If an axis rect side has multiple axes and automatic margin calculation is enabled for that side,
- only the offset of the inner most axis has meaning (even if it is set to be invisible). The
- offset of the other, outer axes is controlled automatically, to place them at appropriate
- positions.
+ The margin is cached internally, so repeated calls while leaving the axis range, fonts, etc.
+ unchanged are very fast.
-void QCPAxis::setOffset(int offset)
+int QCPAxis::calculateMargin()
- mAxisPainter->offset = offset;
- Sets the font that is used for tick labels when they are selected.
+ if (!mVisible) // if not visible, directly return 0, don't cache 0 because we can't react to setVisible in QCPAxis
+ return 0;
- \see setTickLabelFont, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickLabelFont(const QFont &font)
- if (font != mSelectedTickLabelFont)
- {
- mSelectedTickLabelFont = font;
- // don't set mCachedMarginValid to false here because margin calculation is always done with non-selected fonts
- }
- Sets the font that is used for the axis label when it is selected.
+ if (mCachedMarginValid)
+ return mCachedMargin;
- \see setLabelFont, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedLabelFont(const QFont &font)
- mSelectedLabelFont = font;
- // don't set mCachedMarginValid to false here because margin calculation is always done with non-selected fonts
- Sets the color that is used for tick labels when they are selected.
+ // run through similar steps as QCPAxis::draw, and calculate margin needed to fit axis and its labels
+ int margin = 0;
- \see setTickLabelColor, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickLabelColor(const QColor &color)
- if (color != mSelectedTickLabelColor)
+ QVector<double> tickPositions; // the final coordToPixel transformed vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
+ QVector<QString> tickLabels; // the final vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
+ tickPositions.reserve(mTickVector.size());
+ tickLabels.reserve(mTickVector.size());
+ if (mTicks)
- mSelectedTickLabelColor = color;
+ for (int i=0; i<mTickVector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ tickPositions.append(coordToPixel(mTickVector.at(i)));
+ if (mTickLabels)
+ tickLabels.append(mTickVectorLabels.at(i));
+ }
+ // transfer all properties of this axis to QCPAxisPainterPrivate which it needs to calculate the size.
+ // Note that some axis painter properties are already set by direct feed-through with QCPAxis setters
+ mAxisPainter->type = mAxisType;
+ mAxisPainter->labelFont = getLabelFont();
+ mAxisPainter->label = mLabel;
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabelFont = mTickLabelFont;
+ mAxisPainter->axisRect = mAxisRect->rect();
+ mAxisPainter->viewportRect = mParentPlot->viewport();
+ mAxisPainter->tickPositions = tickPositions;
+ mAxisPainter->tickLabels = tickLabels;
+ margin += mAxisPainter->size();
+ margin += mPadding;
+ mCachedMargin = margin;
+ mCachedMarginValid = true;
+ return margin;
- Sets the color that is used for the axis label when it is selected.
- \see setLabelColor, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedLabelColor(const QColor &color)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCP::Interaction QCPAxis::selectionCategory() const
- mSelectedLabelColor = color;
+ return QCP::iSelectAxes;
- Sets the pen that is used to draw the axis base line when selected.
+//////////////////// QCPAxisPainterPrivate
+/*! \class QCPAxisPainterPrivate
+ \internal
+ \brief (Private)
- \see setBasePen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
+ This is a private class and not part of the public QCustomPlot interface.
+ It is used by QCPAxis to do the low-level drawing of axis backbone, tick marks, tick labels and
+ axis label. It also buffers the labels to reduce replot times. The parameters are configured by
+ directly accessing the public member variables.
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedBasePen(const QPen &pen)
- mSelectedBasePen = pen;
- Sets the pen that is used to draw the (major) ticks when selected.
- \see setTickPen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
+ Constructs a QCPAxisPainterPrivate instance. Make sure to not create a new instance on every
+ redraw, to utilize the caching mechanisms.
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickPen(const QPen &pen)
+QCPAxisPainterPrivate::QCPAxisPainterPrivate(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ type(QCPAxis::atLeft),
+ basePen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
+ lowerEnding(QCPLineEnding::esNone),
+ upperEnding(QCPLineEnding::esNone),
+ labelPadding(0),
+ tickLabelPadding(0),
+ tickLabelRotation(0),
+ tickLabelSide(QCPAxis::lsOutside),
+ substituteExponent(true),
+ numberMultiplyCross(false),
+ tickLengthIn(5),
+ tickLengthOut(0),
+ subTickLengthIn(2),
+ subTickLengthOut(0),
+ tickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
+ subTickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
+ offset(0),
+ abbreviateDecimalPowers(false),
+ reversedEndings(false),
+ mParentPlot(parentPlot),
+ mLabelCache(16) // cache at most 16 (tick) labels
- mSelectedTickPen = pen;
- Sets the pen that is used to draw the subticks when selected.
- \see setSubTickPen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-void QCPAxis::setSelectedSubTickPen(const QPen &pen)
- mSelectedSubTickPen = pen;
- Sets the style for the lower axis ending. See the documentation of QCPLineEnding for available
- styles.
+/*! \internal
- For horizontal axes, this method refers to the left ending, for vertical axes the bottom ending.
- Note that this meaning does not change when the axis range is reversed with \ref
- setRangeReversed.
+ Draws the axis with the specified \a painter.
- \see setUpperEnding
+ The selection boxes (mAxisSelectionBox, mTickLabelsSelectionBox, mLabelSelectionBox) are set
+ here, too.
-void QCPAxis::setLowerEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending)
+void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- mAxisPainter->lowerEnding = ending;
+ QByteArray newHash = generateLabelParameterHash();
+ if (newHash != mLabelParameterHash)
+ {
+ mLabelCache.clear();
+ mLabelParameterHash = newHash;
+ }
+ QPoint origin;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case QCPAxis::atLeft: origin = axisRect.bottomLeft() +QPoint(-offset, 0); break;
+ case QCPAxis::atRight: origin = axisRect.bottomRight()+QPoint(+offset, 0); break;
+ case QCPAxis::atTop: origin = axisRect.topLeft() +QPoint(0, -offset); break;
+ case QCPAxis::atBottom: origin = axisRect.bottomLeft() +QPoint(0, +offset); break;
+ }
- Sets the style for the upper axis ending. See the documentation of QCPLineEnding for available
- styles.
+ double xCor = 0, yCor = 0; // paint system correction, for pixel exact matches (affects baselines and ticks of top/right axes)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case QCPAxis::atTop: yCor = -1; break;
+ case QCPAxis::atRight: xCor = 1; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ int margin = 0;
+ // draw baseline:
+ QLineF baseLine;
+ painter->setPen(basePen);
+ if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ baseLine.setPoints(origin+QPointF(xCor, yCor), origin+QPointF(axisRect.width()+xCor, yCor));
+ else
+ baseLine.setPoints(origin+QPointF(xCor, yCor), origin+QPointF(xCor, -axisRect.height()+yCor));
+ if (reversedEndings)
+ baseLine = QLineF(baseLine.p2(), baseLine.p1()); // won't make a difference for line itself, but for line endings later
+ painter->drawLine(baseLine);
- For horizontal axes, this method refers to the right ending, for vertical axes the top ending.
- Note that this meaning does not change when the axis range is reversed with \ref
- setRangeReversed.
+ // draw ticks:
+ if (!tickPositions.isEmpty())
+ {
+ painter->setPen(tickPen);
+ int tickDir = (type == QCPAxis::atBottom || type == QCPAxis::atRight) ? -1 : 1; // direction of ticks ("inward" is right for left axis and left for right axis)
+ if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<tickPositions.size(); ++i)
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(tickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()-tickLengthOut*tickDir+yCor, tickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()+tickLengthIn*tickDir+yCor));
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<tickPositions.size(); ++i)
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(origin.x()-tickLengthOut*tickDir+xCor, tickPositions.at(i)+yCor, origin.x()+tickLengthIn*tickDir+xCor, tickPositions.at(i)+yCor));
+ }
+ }
- \see setLowerEnding
-void QCPAxis::setUpperEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending)
- mAxisPainter->upperEnding = ending;
+ // draw subticks:
+ if (!subTickPositions.isEmpty())
+ {
+ painter->setPen(subTickPen);
+ // direction of ticks ("inward" is right for left axis and left for right axis)
+ int tickDir = (type == QCPAxis::atBottom || type == QCPAxis::atRight) ? -1 : 1;
+ if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<subTickPositions.size(); ++i)
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(subTickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()-subTickLengthOut*tickDir+yCor, subTickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()+subTickLengthIn*tickDir+yCor));
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<subTickPositions.size(); ++i)
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(origin.x()-subTickLengthOut*tickDir+xCor, subTickPositions.at(i)+yCor, origin.x()+subTickLengthIn*tickDir+xCor, subTickPositions.at(i)+yCor));
+ }
+ }
+ margin += qMax(0, qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut));
+ // draw axis base endings:
+ bool antialiasingBackup = painter->antialiasing();
+ painter->setAntialiasing(true); // always want endings to be antialiased, even if base and ticks themselves aren't
+ painter->setBrush(QBrush(basePen.color()));
+ QCPVector2D baseLineVector(baseLine.dx(), baseLine.dy());
+ if (lowerEnding.style() != QCPLineEnding::esNone)
+ lowerEnding.draw(painter, QCPVector2D(baseLine.p1())-baseLineVector.normalized()*lowerEnding.realLength()*(lowerEnding.inverted()?-1:1), -baseLineVector);
+ if (upperEnding.style() != QCPLineEnding::esNone)
+ upperEnding.draw(painter, QCPVector2D(baseLine.p2())+baseLineVector.normalized()*upperEnding.realLength()*(upperEnding.inverted()?-1:1), baseLineVector);
+ painter->setAntialiasing(antialiasingBackup);
+ // tick labels:
+ QRect oldClipRect;
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside) // if using inside labels, clip them to the axis rect
+ {
+ oldClipRect = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
+ painter->setClipRect(axisRect);
+ }
+ QSize tickLabelsSize(0, 0); // size of largest tick label, for offset calculation of axis label
+ if (!tickLabels.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
+ margin += tickLabelPadding;
+ painter->setFont(tickLabelFont);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(tickLabelColor));
+ const int maxLabelIndex = qMin(tickPositions.size(), tickLabels.size());
+ int distanceToAxis = margin;
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)
+ distanceToAxis = -(qMax(tickLengthIn, subTickLengthIn)+tickLabelPadding);
+ for (int i=0; i<maxLabelIndex; ++i)
+ placeTickLabel(painter, tickPositions.at(i), distanceToAxis, tickLabels.at(i), &tickLabelsSize);
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
+ margin += (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal) ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width();
+ }
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)
+ painter->setClipRect(oldClipRect);
+ // axis label:
+ QRect labelBounds;
+ if (!label.isEmpty())
+ {
+ margin += labelPadding;
+ painter->setFont(labelFont);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(labelColor));
+ labelBounds = painter->fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, label);
+ if (type == QCPAxis::atLeft)
+ {
+ QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
+ painter->translate((origin.x()-margin-labelBounds.height()), origin.y());
+ painter->rotate(-90);
+ painter->drawText(0, 0, axisRect.height(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
+ painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
+ }
+ else if (type == QCPAxis::atRight)
+ {
+ QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
+ painter->translate((origin.x()+margin+labelBounds.height()), origin.y()-axisRect.height());
+ painter->rotate(90);
+ painter->drawText(0, 0, axisRect.height(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
+ painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
+ }
+ else if (type == QCPAxis::atTop)
+ painter->drawText(origin.x(), origin.y()-margin-labelBounds.height(), axisRect.width(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
+ else if (type == QCPAxis::atBottom)
+ painter->drawText(origin.x(), origin.y()+margin, axisRect.width(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
+ }
+ // set selection boxes:
+ int selectionTolerance = 0;
+ if (mParentPlot)
+ selectionTolerance = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance();
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "mParentPlot is null";
+ int selAxisOutSize = qMax(qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut), selectionTolerance);
+ int selAxisInSize = selectionTolerance;
+ int selTickLabelSize;
+ int selTickLabelOffset;
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
+ {
+ selTickLabelSize = (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width());
+ selTickLabelOffset = qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut)+tickLabelPadding;
+ } else
+ {
+ selTickLabelSize = -(QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width());
+ selTickLabelOffset = -(qMax(tickLengthIn, subTickLengthIn)+tickLabelPadding);
+ }
+ int selLabelSize = labelBounds.height();
+ int selLabelOffset = qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut)+(!tickLabels.isEmpty() && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside ? tickLabelPadding+selTickLabelSize : 0)+labelPadding;
+ if (type == QCPAxis::atLeft)
+ {
+ mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selAxisOutSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selAxisInSize, axisRect.bottom());
+ mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selTickLabelOffset-selTickLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()-selTickLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
+ mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selLabelOffset-selLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()-selLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
+ } else if (type == QCPAxis::atRight)
+ {
+ mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selAxisInSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selAxisOutSize, axisRect.bottom());
+ mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()+selTickLabelOffset+selTickLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selTickLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
+ mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()+selLabelOffset+selLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
+ } else if (type == QCPAxis::atTop)
+ {
+ mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selAxisOutSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selAxisInSize);
+ mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selTickLabelOffset-selTickLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()-selTickLabelOffset);
+ mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selLabelOffset-selLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()-selLabelOffset);
+ } else if (type == QCPAxis::atBottom)
+ {
+ mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selAxisInSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selAxisOutSize);
+ mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()+selTickLabelOffset+selTickLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selTickLabelOffset);
+ mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()+selLabelOffset+selLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selLabelOffset);
+ }
+ mAxisSelectionBox = mAxisSelectionBox.normalized();
+ mTickLabelsSelectionBox = mTickLabelsSelectionBox.normalized();
+ mLabelSelectionBox = mLabelSelectionBox.normalized();
+ // draw hitboxes for debug purposes:
+ //painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ //painter->drawRects(QVector<QRect>() << mAxisSelectionBox << mTickLabelsSelectionBox << mLabelSelectionBox);
- If the scale type (\ref setScaleType) is \ref stLinear, \a diff is added to the lower and upper
- bounds of the range. The range is simply moved by \a diff.
+/*! \internal
- If the scale type is \ref stLogarithmic, the range bounds are multiplied by \a diff. This
- corresponds to an apparent "linear" move in logarithmic scaling by a distance of log(diff).
+ Returns the size ("margin" in QCPAxisRect context, so measured perpendicular to the axis backbone
+ direction) needed to fit the axis.
-void QCPAxis::moveRange(double diff)
+int QCPAxisPainterPrivate::size() const
- QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ int result = 0;
+ // get length of tick marks pointing outwards:
+ if (!tickPositions.isEmpty())
+ result += qMax(0, qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut));
+ // calculate size of tick labels:
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- mRange.lower += diff;
- mRange.upper += diff;
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ QSize tickLabelsSize(0, 0);
+ if (!tickLabels.isEmpty())
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<tickLabels.size(); ++i)
+ getMaxTickLabelSize(tickLabelFont, tickLabels.at(i), &tickLabelsSize);
+ result += QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width();
+ result += tickLabelPadding;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate size of axis label (only height needed, because left/right labels are rotated by 90 degrees):
+ if (!label.isEmpty())
- mRange.lower *= diff;
- mRange.upper *= diff;
+ QFontMetrics fontMetrics(labelFont);
+ QRect bounds;
+ bounds = fontMetrics.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, label);
+ result += bounds.height() + labelPadding;
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit rangeChanged(mRange);
- emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
+ return result;
- Scales the range of this axis by \a factor around the coordinate \a center. For example, if \a
- factor is 2.0, \a center is 1.0, then the axis range will double its size, and the point at
- coordinate 1.0 won't have changed its position in the QCustomPlot widget (i.e. coordinates
- around 1.0 will have moved symmetrically closer to 1.0).
+/*! \internal
+ Clears the internal label cache. Upon the next \ref draw, all labels will be created new. This
+ method is called automatically in \ref draw, if any parameters have changed that invalidate the
+ cached labels, such as font, color, etc.
-void QCPAxis::scaleRange(double factor, double center)
+void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::clearCache()
- QCPRange oldRange = mRange;
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- {
- QCPRange newRange;
- newRange.lower = (mRange.lower-center)*factor + center;
- newRange.upper = (mRange.upper-center)*factor + center;
- if (QCPRange::validRange(newRange))
- mRange = newRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
- {
- if ((mRange.upper < 0 && center < 0) || (mRange.upper > 0 && center > 0)) // make sure center has same sign as range
- {
- QCPRange newRange;
- newRange.lower = qPow(mRange.lower/center, factor)*center;
- newRange.upper = qPow(mRange.upper/center, factor)*center;
- if (QCPRange::validRange(newRange))
- mRange = newRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Center of scaling operation doesn't lie in same logarithmic sign domain as range:" << center;
- }
- mCachedMarginValid = false;
- emit rangeChanged(mRange);
- emit rangeChanged(mRange, oldRange);
+ mLabelCache.clear();
- Scales the range of this axis to have a certain scale \a ratio to \a otherAxis. The scaling will
- be done around the center of the current axis range.
- For example, if \a ratio is 1, this axis is the \a yAxis and \a otherAxis is \a xAxis, graphs
- plotted with those axes will appear in a 1:1 aspect ratio, independent of the aspect ratio the
- axis rect has.
- This is an operation that changes the range of this axis once, it doesn't fix the scale ratio
- indefinitely. Note that calling this function in the constructor of the QCustomPlot's parent
- won't have the desired effect, since the widget dimensions aren't defined yet, and a resizeEvent
- will follow.
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a hash that allows uniquely identifying whether the label parameters have changed such
+ that the cached labels must be refreshed (\ref clearCache). It is used in \ref draw. If the
+ return value of this method hasn't changed since the last redraw, the respective label parameters
+ haven't changed and cached labels may be used.
-void QCPAxis::setScaleRatio(const QCPAxis *otherAxis, double ratio)
+QByteArray QCPAxisPainterPrivate::generateLabelParameterHash() const
- int otherPixelSize, ownPixelSize;
- if (otherAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- otherPixelSize = otherAxis->axisRect()->width();
- else
- otherPixelSize = otherAxis->axisRect()->height();
- if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- ownPixelSize = axisRect()->width();
- else
- ownPixelSize = axisRect()->height();
- double newRangeSize = ratio*otherAxis->range().size()*ownPixelSize/(double)otherPixelSize;
- setRange(range().center(), newRangeSize, Qt::AlignCenter);
+ QByteArray result;
+ result.append(QByteArray::number(mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio()));
+ result.append(QByteArray::number(tickLabelRotation));
+ result.append(QByteArray::number((int)tickLabelSide));
+ result.append(QByteArray::number((int)substituteExponent));
+ result.append(QByteArray::number((int)numberMultiplyCross));
+ result.append(tickLabelColor.name().toLatin1()+QByteArray::number(tickLabelColor.alpha(), 16));
+ result.append(tickLabelFont.toString().toLatin1());
+ return result;
- Changes the axis range such that all plottables associated with this axis are fully visible in
- that dimension.
+/*! \internal
- \see QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleAxes, QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes
+ Draws a single tick label with the provided \a painter, utilizing the internal label cache to
+ significantly speed up drawing of labels that were drawn in previous calls. The tick label is
+ always bound to an axis, the distance to the axis is controllable via \a distanceToAxis in
+ pixels. The pixel position in the axis direction is passed in the \a position parameter. Hence
+ for the bottom axis, \a position would indicate the horizontal pixel position (not coordinate),
+ at which the label should be drawn.
+ In order to later draw the axis label in a place that doesn't overlap with the tick labels, the
+ largest tick label size is needed. This is acquired by passing a \a tickLabelsSize to the \ref
+ drawTickLabel calls during the process of drawing all tick labels of one axis. In every call, \a
+ tickLabelsSize is expanded, if the drawn label exceeds the value \a tickLabelsSize currently
+ holds.
+ The label is drawn with the font and pen that are currently set on the \a painter. To draw
+ superscripted powers, the font is temporarily made smaller by a fixed factor (see \ref
+ getTickLabelData).
-void QCPAxis::rescale(bool onlyVisiblePlottables)
+void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::placeTickLabel(QCPPainter *painter, double position, int distanceToAxis, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize)
- QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> p = plottables();
- QCPRange newRange;
- bool haveRange = false;
- for (int i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
+ // warning: if you change anything here, also adapt getMaxTickLabelSize() accordingly!
+ if (text.isEmpty()) return;
+ QSize finalSize;
+ QPointF labelAnchor;
+ switch (type)
- if (!p.at(i)->realVisibility() && onlyVisiblePlottables)
- continue;
- QCPRange plottableRange;
- bool currentFoundRange;
- QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain signDomain = QCPAbstractPlottable::sdBoth;
- if (mScaleType == stLogarithmic)
- signDomain = (mRange.upper < 0 ? QCPAbstractPlottable::sdNegative : QCPAbstractPlottable::sdPositive);
- if (p.at(i)->keyAxis() == this)
- plottableRange = p.at(i)->getKeyRange(currentFoundRange, signDomain);
- else
- plottableRange = p.at(i)->getValueRange(currentFoundRange, signDomain);
- if (currentFoundRange)
- {
- if (!haveRange)
- newRange = plottableRange;
- else
- newRange.expand(plottableRange);
- haveRange = true;
- }
+ case QCPAxis::atLeft: labelAnchor = QPointF(axisRect.left()-distanceToAxis-offset, position); break;
+ case QCPAxis::atRight: labelAnchor = QPointF(axisRect.right()+distanceToAxis+offset, position); break;
+ case QCPAxis::atTop: labelAnchor = QPointF(position, axisRect.top()-distanceToAxis-offset); break;
+ case QCPAxis::atBottom: labelAnchor = QPointF(position, axisRect.bottom()+distanceToAxis+offset); break;
- if (haveRange)
+ if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels) && !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNoCaching)) // label caching enabled
- if (!QCPRange::validRange(newRange)) // likely due to range being zero (plottable has only constant data in this axis dimension), shift current range to at least center the plottable
+ CachedLabel *cachedLabel = mLabelCache.take(text); // attempt to get label from cache
+ if (!cachedLabel) // no cached label existed, create it
- double center = (newRange.lower+newRange.upper)*0.5; // upper and lower should be equal anyway, but just to make sure, incase validRange returned false for other reason
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- {
- newRange.lower = center-mRange.size()/2.0;
- newRange.upper = center+mRange.size()/2.0;
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ cachedLabel = new CachedLabel;
+ TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(painter->font(), text);
+ cachedLabel->offset = getTickLabelDrawOffset(labelData)+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft();
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(1.0, mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio()))
- newRange.lower = center/qSqrt(mRange.upper/mRange.lower);
- newRange.upper = center*qSqrt(mRange.upper/mRange.lower);
- }
+ cachedLabel->pixmap = QPixmap(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size()*mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio());
+ cachedLabel->pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(mParentPlot->devicePixelRatio());
+ } else
+ cachedLabel->pixmap = QPixmap(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size());
+ cachedLabel->pixmap = QPixmap(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size());
+ cachedLabel->pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
+ QCPPainter cachePainter(&cachedLabel->pixmap);
+ cachePainter.setPen(painter->pen());
+ drawTickLabel(&cachePainter, -labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft().x(), -labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft().y(), labelData);
- setRange(newRange);
- }
- Transforms \a value, in pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget, to axis coordinates.
-double QCPAxis::pixelToCoord(double value) const
- if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- {
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return (value-mAxisRect->left())/(double)mAxisRect->width()*mRange.size()+mRange.lower;
- else
- return -(value-mAxisRect->left())/(double)mAxisRect->width()*mRange.size()+mRange.upper;
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ // if label would be partly clipped by widget border on sides, don't draw it (only for outside tick labels):
+ bool labelClippedByBorder = false;
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (value-mAxisRect->left())/(double)mAxisRect->width())*mRange.lower;
+ if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ labelClippedByBorder = labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x()+cachedLabel->pixmap.width()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio() > viewportRect.right() || labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x() < viewportRect.left();
- return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (mAxisRect->left()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->width())*mRange.upper;
+ labelClippedByBorder = labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y()+cachedLabel->pixmap.height()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio() > viewportRect.bottom() || labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y() < viewportRect.top();
- } else // orientation() == Qt::Vertical
- {
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- {
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return (mAxisRect->bottom()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->height()*mRange.size()+mRange.lower;
- else
- return -(mAxisRect->bottom()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->height()*mRange.size()+mRange.upper;
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ if (!labelClippedByBorder)
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (mAxisRect->bottom()-value)/(double)mAxisRect->height())*mRange.lower;
- else
- return qPow(mRange.upper/mRange.lower, (value-mAxisRect->bottom())/(double)mAxisRect->height())*mRange.upper;
+ painter->drawPixmap(labelAnchor+cachedLabel->offset, cachedLabel->pixmap);
+ finalSize = cachedLabel->pixmap.size()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio();
- }
- Transforms \a value, in coordinates of the axis, to pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget.
-double QCPAxis::coordToPixel(double value) const
- if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ mLabelCache.insert(text, cachedLabel); // return label to cache or insert for the first time if newly created
+ } else // label caching disabled, draw text directly on surface:
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- {
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return (value-mRange.lower)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
- else
- return (mRange.upper-value)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(painter->font(), text);
+ QPointF finalPosition = labelAnchor + getTickLabelDrawOffset(labelData);
+ // if label would be partly clipped by widget border on sides, don't draw it (only for outside tick labels):
+ bool labelClippedByBorder = false;
+ if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- if (value >= 0 && mRange.upper < 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
- return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->right()+200 : mAxisRect->left()-200;
- else if (value <= 0 && mRange.upper > 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
- return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->left()-200 : mAxisRect->right()+200;
+ if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ labelClippedByBorder = finalPosition.x()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.width()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left()) > viewportRect.right() || finalPosition.x()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left() < viewportRect.left();
- {
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return baseLog(value/mRange.lower)/baseLog(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
- else
- if (value == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return baseLog(mRange.upper/value)/baseLog(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->width()+mAxisRect->left();
- }
+ labelClippedByBorder = finalPosition.y()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.height()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top()) > viewportRect.bottom() || finalPosition.y()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top() < viewportRect.top();
- } else // orientation() == Qt::Vertical
- {
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
- {
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return mAxisRect->bottom()-(value-mRange.lower)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->height();
- else
- return mAxisRect->bottom()-(mRange.upper-value)/mRange.size()*mAxisRect->height();
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
- {
- if (value >= 0 && mRange.upper < 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
- return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->top()-200 : mAxisRect->bottom()+200;
- else if (value <= 0 && mRange.upper > 0) // invalid value for logarithmic scale, just draw it outside visible range
- return !mRangeReversed ? mAxisRect->bottom()+200 : mAxisRect->top()-200;
- else
- {
- if (!mRangeReversed)
- return mAxisRect->bottom()-baseLog(value/mRange.lower)/baseLog(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->height();
- else
- if (value == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return mAxisRect->bottom()-baseLog(mRange.upper/value)/baseLog(mRange.upper/mRange.lower)*mAxisRect->height();
- }
+ if (!labelClippedByBorder)
+ {
+ drawTickLabel(painter, finalPosition.x(), finalPosition.y(), labelData);
+ finalSize = labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size();
- Returns the part of the axis that is hit by \a pos (in pixels). The return value of this function
- is independent of the user-selectable parts defined with \ref setSelectableParts. Further, this
- function does not change the current selection state of the axis.
- If the axis is not visible (\ref setVisible), this function always returns \ref spNone.
- \see setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions
-QCPAxis::SelectablePart QCPAxis::getPartAt(const QPointF &pos) const
- if (!mVisible)
- return spNone;
- if (mAxisPainter->axisSelectionBox().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- return spAxis;
- else if (mAxisPainter->tickLabelsSelectionBox().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- return spTickLabels;
- else if (mAxisPainter->labelSelectionBox().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- return spAxisLabel;
- else
- return spNone;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-double QCPAxis::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- if (!mParentPlot) return -1;
- SelectablePart part = getPartAt(pos);
- if ((onlySelectable && !mSelectableParts.testFlag(part)) || part == spNone)
- return -1;
- if (details)
- details->setValue(part);
- return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ // expand passed tickLabelsSize if current tick label is larger:
+ if (finalSize.width() > tickLabelsSize->width())
+ tickLabelsSize->setWidth(finalSize.width());
+ if (finalSize.height() > tickLabelsSize->height())
+ tickLabelsSize->setHeight(finalSize.height());
- Returns a list of all the plottables that have this axis as key or value axis.
+/*! \internal
- If you are only interested in plottables of type QCPGraph, see \ref graphs.
+ This is a \ref placeTickLabel helper function.
- \see graphs, items
+ Draws the tick label specified in \a labelData with \a painter at the pixel positions \a x and \a
+ y. This function is used by \ref placeTickLabel to create new tick labels for the cache, or to
+ directly draw the labels on the QCustomPlot surface when label caching is disabled, i.e. when
+ QCP::phCacheLabels plotting hint is not set.
-QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> QCPAxis::plottables() const
+void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::drawTickLabel(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y, const TickLabelData &labelData) const
- QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> result;
- if (!mParentPlot) return result;
- for (int i=0; i<mParentPlot->mPlottables.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->keyAxis() == this ||mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->valueAxis() == this)
- result.append(mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i));
- }
- return result;
- Returns a list of all the graphs that have this axis as key or value axis.
+ // backup painter settings that we're about to change:
+ QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
+ QFont oldFont = painter->font();
- \see plottables, items
-QList<QCPGraph*> QCPAxis::graphs() const
- QList<QCPGraph*> result;
- if (!mParentPlot) return result;
+ // transform painter to position/rotation:
+ painter->translate(x, y);
+ if (!qFuzzyIsNull(tickLabelRotation))
+ painter->rotate(tickLabelRotation);
- for (int i=0; i<mParentPlot->mGraphs.size(); ++i)
+ // draw text:
+ if (!labelData.expPart.isEmpty()) // indicator that beautiful powers must be used
- if (mParentPlot->mGraphs.at(i)->keyAxis() == this || mParentPlot->mGraphs.at(i)->valueAxis() == this)
- result.append(mParentPlot->mGraphs.at(i));
+ painter->setFont(labelData.baseFont);
+ painter->drawText(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, labelData.basePart);
+ if (!labelData.suffixPart.isEmpty())
+ painter->drawText(labelData.baseBounds.width()+1+labelData.expBounds.width(), 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, labelData.suffixPart);
+ painter->setFont(labelData.expFont);
+ painter->drawText(labelData.baseBounds.width()+1, 0, labelData.expBounds.width(), labelData.expBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip, labelData.expPart);
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->setFont(labelData.baseFont);
+ painter->drawText(0, 0, labelData.totalBounds.width(), labelData.totalBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignHCenter, labelData.basePart);
- return result;
+ // reset painter settings to what it was before:
+ painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
+ painter->setFont(oldFont);
- Returns a list of all the items that are associated with this axis. An item is considered
- associated with an axis if at least one of its positions uses the axis as key or value axis.
+/*! \internal
- \see plottables, graphs
+ This is a \ref placeTickLabel helper function.
+ Transforms the passed \a text and \a font to a tickLabelData structure that can then be further
+ processed by \ref getTickLabelDrawOffset and \ref drawTickLabel. It splits the text into base and
+ exponent if necessary (member substituteExponent) and calculates appropriate bounding boxes.
-QList<QCPAbstractItem*> QCPAxis::items() const
+QCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelData QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getTickLabelData(const QFont &font, const QString &text) const
- QList<QCPAbstractItem*> result;
- if (!mParentPlot) return result;
+ TickLabelData result;
- for (int itemId=0; itemId<mParentPlot->mItems.size(); ++itemId)
+ // determine whether beautiful decimal powers should be used
+ bool useBeautifulPowers = false;
+ int ePos = -1; // first index of exponent part, text before that will be basePart, text until eLast will be expPart
+ int eLast = -1; // last index of exponent part, rest of text after this will be suffixPart
+ if (substituteExponent)
- QList<QCPItemPosition*> positions = mParentPlot->mItems.at(itemId)->positions();
- for (int posId=0; posId<positions.size(); ++posId)
+ ePos = text.indexOf(QLatin1Char('e'));
+ if (ePos > 0 && text.at(ePos-1).isDigit())
- if (positions.at(posId)->keyAxis() == this || positions.at(posId)->valueAxis() == this)
- {
- result.append(mParentPlot->mItems.at(itemId));
- break;
- }
+ eLast = ePos;
+ while (eLast+1 < text.size() && (text.at(eLast+1) == QLatin1Char('+') || text.at(eLast+1) == QLatin1Char('-') || text.at(eLast+1).isDigit()))
+ ++eLast;
+ if (eLast > ePos) // only if also to right of 'e' is a digit/+/- interpret it as beautifiable power
+ useBeautifulPowers = true;
- return result;
- Transforms a margin side to the logically corresponding axis type. (QCP::msLeft to
- QCPAxis::atLeft, QCP::msRight to QCPAxis::atRight, etc.)
-QCPAxis::AxisType QCPAxis::marginSideToAxisType(QCP::MarginSide side)
- switch (side)
+ // calculate text bounding rects and do string preparation for beautiful decimal powers:
+ result.baseFont = font;
+ if (result.baseFont.pointSizeF() > 0) // might return -1 if specified with setPixelSize, in that case we can't do correction in next line
+ result.baseFont.setPointSizeF(result.baseFont.pointSizeF()+0.05); // QFontMetrics.boundingRect has a bug for exact point sizes that make the results oscillate due to internal rounding
+ if (useBeautifulPowers)
- case QCP::msLeft: return atLeft;
- case QCP::msRight: return atRight;
- case QCP::msTop: return atTop;
- case QCP::msBottom: return atBottom;
- default: break;
+ // split text into parts of number/symbol that will be drawn normally and part that will be drawn as exponent:
+ result.basePart = text.left(ePos);
+ result.suffixPart = text.mid(eLast+1); // also drawn normally but after exponent
+ // in log scaling, we want to turn "1*10^n" into "10^n", else add multiplication sign and decimal base:
+ if (abbreviateDecimalPowers && result.basePart == QLatin1String("1"))
+ result.basePart = QLatin1String("10");
+ else
+ result.basePart += (numberMultiplyCross ? QString(QChar(215)) : QString(QChar(183))) + QLatin1String("10");
+ result.expPart = text.mid(ePos+1, eLast-ePos);
+ // clip "+" and leading zeros off expPart:
+ while (result.expPart.length() > 2 && result.expPart.at(1) == QLatin1Char('0')) // length > 2 so we leave one zero when numberFormatChar is 'e'
+ result.expPart.remove(1, 1);
+ if (!result.expPart.isEmpty() && result.expPart.at(0) == QLatin1Char('+'))
+ result.expPart.remove(0, 1);
+ // prepare smaller font for exponent:
+ result.expFont = font;
+ if (result.expFont.pointSize() > 0)
+ result.expFont.setPointSize(result.expFont.pointSize()*0.75);
+ else
+ result.expFont.setPixelSize(result.expFont.pixelSize()*0.75);
+ // calculate bounding rects of base part(s), exponent part and total one:
+ result.baseBounds = QFontMetrics(result.baseFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, result.basePart);
+ result.expBounds = QFontMetrics(result.expFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, result.expPart);
+ if (!result.suffixPart.isEmpty())
+ result.suffixBounds = QFontMetrics(result.baseFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, result.suffixPart);
+ result.totalBounds = result.baseBounds.adjusted(0, 0, result.expBounds.width()+result.suffixBounds.width()+2, 0); // +2 consists of the 1 pixel spacing between base and exponent (see drawTickLabel) and an extra pixel to include AA
+ } else // useBeautifulPowers == false
+ {
+ result.basePart = text;
+ result.totalBounds = QFontMetrics(result.baseFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignHCenter, result.basePart);
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid margin side passed:" << (int)side;
- return atLeft;
- Returns the axis type that describes the opposite axis of an axis with the specified \a type.
-QCPAxis::AxisType QCPAxis::opposite(QCPAxis::AxisType type)
- switch (type)
+ result.totalBounds.moveTopLeft(QPoint(0, 0)); // want bounding box aligned top left at origin, independent of how it was created, to make further processing simpler
+ // calculate possibly different bounding rect after rotation:
+ result.rotatedTotalBounds = result.totalBounds;
+ if (!qFuzzyIsNull(tickLabelRotation))
- case atLeft: return atRight; break;
- case atRight: return atLeft; break;
- case atBottom: return atTop; break;
- case atTop: return atBottom; break;
- default: qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid axis type"; return atLeft; break;
+ QTransform transform;
+ transform.rotate(tickLabelRotation);
+ result.rotatedTotalBounds = transform.mapRect(result.rotatedTotalBounds);
+ return result;
/*! \internal
- This function is called to prepare the tick vector, sub tick vector and tick label vector. If
- \ref setAutoTicks is set to true, appropriate tick values are determined automatically via \ref
- generateAutoTicks. If it's set to false, the signal ticksRequest is emitted, which can be used to
- provide external tick positions. Then the sub tick vectors and tick label vectors are created.
-void QCPAxis::setupTickVectors()
- if (!mParentPlot) return;
- if ((!mTicks && !mTickLabels && !mGrid->visible()) || mRange.size() <= 0) return;
- // fill tick vectors, either by auto generating or by notifying user to fill the vectors himself
- if (mAutoTicks)
- {
- generateAutoTicks();
- } else
- {
- emit ticksRequest();
- }
+ This is a \ref placeTickLabel helper function.
- visibleTickBounds(mLowestVisibleTick, mHighestVisibleTick);
- if (mTickVector.isEmpty())
- {
- mSubTickVector.clear();
- return;
- }
+ Calculates the offset at which the top left corner of the specified tick label shall be drawn.
+ The offset is relative to a point right next to the tick the label belongs to.
- // generate subticks between ticks:
- mSubTickVector.resize((mTickVector.size()-1)*mSubTickCount);
- if (mSubTickCount > 0)
+ This function is thus responsible for e.g. centering tick labels under ticks and positioning them
+ appropriately when they are rotated.
+QPointF QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getTickLabelDrawOffset(const TickLabelData &labelData) const
+ /*
+ calculate label offset from base point at tick (non-trivial, for best visual appearance): short
+ explanation for bottom axis: The anchor, i.e. the point in the label that is placed
+ horizontally under the corresponding tick is always on the label side that is closer to the
+ axis (e.g. the left side of the text when we're rotating clockwise). On that side, the height
+ is halved and the resulting point is defined the anchor. This way, a 90 degree rotated text
+ will be centered under the tick (i.e. displaced horizontally by half its height). At the same
+ time, a 45 degree rotated text will "point toward" its tick, as is typical for rotated tick
+ labels.
+ */
+ bool doRotation = !qFuzzyIsNull(tickLabelRotation);
+ bool flip = qFuzzyCompare(qAbs(tickLabelRotation), 90.0); // perfect +/-90 degree flip. Indicates vertical label centering on vertical axes.
+ double radians = tickLabelRotation/180.0*M_PI;
+ int x=0, y=0;
+ if ((type == QCPAxis::atLeft && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atRight && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at right side of tick label
- double subTickStep = 0;
- double subTickPosition = 0;
- int subTickIndex = 0;
- bool done = false;
- int lowTick = mLowestVisibleTick > 0 ? mLowestVisibleTick-1 : mLowestVisibleTick;
- int highTick = mHighestVisibleTick < mTickVector.size()-1 ? mHighestVisibleTick+1 : mHighestVisibleTick;
- for (int i=lowTick+1; i<=highTick; ++i)
+ if (doRotation)
- subTickStep = (mTickVector.at(i)-mTickVector.at(i-1))/(double)(mSubTickCount+1);
- for (int k=1; k<=mSubTickCount; ++k)
+ if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- subTickPosition = mTickVector.at(i-1) + k*subTickStep;
- if (subTickPosition < mRange.lower)
- continue;
- if (subTickPosition > mRange.upper)
- {
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- mSubTickVector[subTickIndex] = subTickPosition;
- subTickIndex++;
+ x = -qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width();
+ y = flip ? -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : -qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
+ } else
+ {
+ x = -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
+ y = flip ? +labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : +qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- if (done) break;
+ } else
+ {
+ x = -labelData.totalBounds.width();
+ y = -labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- mSubTickVector.resize(subTickIndex);
- }
- // generate tick labels according to tick positions:
- if (mAutoTickLabels)
+ } else if ((type == QCPAxis::atRight && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atLeft && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at left side of tick label
- int vecsize = mTickVector.size();
- mTickVectorLabels.resize(vecsize);
- if (mTickLabelType == ltNumber)
- {
- for (int i=mLowestVisibleTick; i<=mHighestVisibleTick; ++i)
- mTickVectorLabels[i] = mParentPlot->locale().toString(mTickVector.at(i), mNumberFormatChar.toLatin1(), mNumberPrecision);
- } else if (mTickLabelType == ltDateTime)
+ if (doRotation)
- for (int i=mLowestVisibleTick; i<=mHighestVisibleTick; ++i)
+ if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
+ {
+ x = +qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
+ y = flip ? -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : -qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
+ } else
-#if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) // use fromMSecsSinceEpoch function if available, to gain sub-second accuracy on tick labels (e.g. for format "hh:mm:ss:zzz")
- mTickVectorLabels[i] = mParentPlot->locale().toString(QDateTime::fromTime_t(mTickVector.at(i)).toTimeSpec(mDateTimeSpec), mDateTimeFormat);
- mTickVectorLabels[i] = mParentPlot->locale().toString(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(mTickVector.at(i)*1000).toTimeSpec(mDateTimeSpec), mDateTimeFormat);
+ x = 0;
+ y = flip ? +labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- }
- } else // mAutoTickLabels == false
- {
- if (mAutoTicks) // ticks generated automatically, but not ticklabels, so emit ticksRequest here for labels
+ } else
- emit ticksRequest();
+ x = 0;
+ y = -labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- // make sure provided tick label vector has correct (minimal) length:
- if (mTickVectorLabels.size() < mTickVector.size())
- mTickVectorLabels.resize(mTickVector.size());
- }
-/*! \internal
- If \ref setAutoTicks is set to true, this function is called by \ref setupTickVectors to
- generate reasonable tick positions (and subtick count). The algorithm tries to create
- approximately <tt>mAutoTickCount</tt> ticks (set via \ref setAutoTickCount).
- If the scale is logarithmic, \ref setAutoTickCount is ignored, and one tick is generated at every
- power of the current logarithm base, set via \ref setScaleLogBase.
-void QCPAxis::generateAutoTicks()
- if (mScaleType == stLinear)
+ } else if ((type == QCPAxis::atTop && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atBottom && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at bottom side of tick label
- if (mAutoTickStep)
+ if (doRotation)
- // Generate tick positions according to linear scaling:
- mTickStep = mRange.size()/(double)(mAutoTickCount+1e-10); // mAutoTickCount ticks on average, the small addition is to prevent jitter on exact integers
- double magnitudeFactor = qPow(10.0, qFloor(qLn(mTickStep)/qLn(10.0))); // get magnitude factor e.g. 0.01, 1, 10, 1000 etc.
- double tickStepMantissa = mTickStep/magnitudeFactor;
- if (tickStepMantissa < 5)
+ if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- // round digit after decimal point to 0.5
- mTickStep = (int)(tickStepMantissa*2)/2.0*magnitudeFactor;
+ x = -qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()+qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
+ y = -qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
} else
- // round to first digit in multiples of 2
- mTickStep = (int)(tickStepMantissa/2.0)*2.0*magnitudeFactor;
+ x = -qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
+ y = -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
+ } else
+ {
+ x = -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0;
+ y = -labelData.totalBounds.height();
- if (mAutoSubTicks)
- mSubTickCount = calculateAutoSubTickCount(mTickStep);
- // Generate tick positions according to mTickStep:
- qint64 firstStep = floor(mRange.lower/mTickStep); // do not use qFloor here, or we'll lose 64 bit precision
- qint64 lastStep = ceil(mRange.upper/mTickStep); // do not use qCeil here, or we'll lose 64 bit precision
- int tickcount = lastStep-firstStep+1;
- if (tickcount < 0) tickcount = 0;
- mTickVector.resize(tickcount);
- for (int i=0; i<tickcount; ++i)
- mTickVector[i] = (firstStep+i)*mTickStep;
- } else // mScaleType == stLogarithmic
+ } else if ((type == QCPAxis::atBottom && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atTop && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at top side of tick label
- // Generate tick positions according to logbase scaling:
- if (mRange.lower > 0 && mRange.upper > 0) // positive range
+ if (doRotation)
- double lowerMag = basePow(qFloor(baseLog(mRange.lower)));
- double currentMag = lowerMag;
- mTickVector.clear();
- mTickVector.append(currentMag);
- while (currentMag < mRange.upper && currentMag > 0) // currentMag might be zero for ranges ~1e-300, just cancel in that case
+ if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- currentMag *= mScaleLogBase;
- mTickVector.append(currentMag);
- }
- } else if (mRange.lower < 0 && mRange.upper < 0) // negative range
- {
- double lowerMag = -basePow(qCeil(baseLog(-mRange.lower)));
- double currentMag = lowerMag;
- mTickVector.clear();
- mTickVector.append(currentMag);
- while (currentMag < mRange.upper && currentMag < 0) // currentMag might be zero for ranges ~1e-300, just cancel in that case
+ x = +qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
+ y = 0;
+ } else
- currentMag /= mScaleLogBase;
- mTickVector.append(currentMag);
+ x = -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
+ y = +qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width();
- } else // invalid range for logarithmic scale, because lower and upper have different sign
+ } else
- mTickVector.clear();
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid range for logarithmic plot: " << mRange.lower << "-" << mRange.upper;
+ x = -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0;
+ y = 0;
+ return QPointF(x, y);
/*! \internal
- Called by generateAutoTicks when \ref setAutoSubTicks is set to true. Depending on the \a
- tickStep between two major ticks on the axis, a different number of sub ticks is appropriate. For
- Example taking 4 sub ticks for a \a tickStep of 1 makes more sense than taking 5 sub ticks,
- because this corresponds to a sub tick step of 0.2, instead of the less intuitive 0.16667. Note
- that a subtick count of 4 means dividing the major tick step into 5 sections.
- This is implemented by a hand made lookup for integer tick steps as well as fractional tick steps
- with a fractional part of (approximately) 0.5. If a tick step is different (i.e. has no
- fractional part close to 0.5), the currently set sub tick count (\ref setSubTickCount) is
- returned.
+ Simulates the steps done by \ref placeTickLabel by calculating bounding boxes of the text label
+ to be drawn, depending on number format etc. Since only the largest tick label is wanted for the
+ margin calculation, the passed \a tickLabelsSize is only expanded, if it's currently set to a
+ smaller width/height.
-int QCPAxis::calculateAutoSubTickCount(double tickStep) const
+void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize) const
- int result = mSubTickCount; // default to current setting, if no proper value can be found
- // get mantissa of tickstep:
- double magnitudeFactor = qPow(10.0, qFloor(qLn(tickStep)/qLn(10.0))); // get magnitude factor e.g. 0.01, 1, 10, 1000 etc.
- double tickStepMantissa = tickStep/magnitudeFactor;
- // separate integer and fractional part of mantissa:
- double epsilon = 0.01;
- double intPartf;
- int intPart;
- double fracPart = modf(tickStepMantissa, &intPartf);
- intPart = intPartf;
- // handle cases with (almost) integer mantissa:
- if (fracPart < epsilon || 1.0-fracPart < epsilon)
+ // note: this function must return the same tick label sizes as the placeTickLabel function.
+ QSize finalSize;
+ if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels) && mLabelCache.contains(text)) // label caching enabled and have cached label
- if (1.0-fracPart < epsilon)
- ++intPart;
- switch (intPart)
- {
- case 1: result = 4; break; // 1.0 -> 0.2 substep
- case 2: result = 3; break; // 2.0 -> 0.5 substep
- case 3: result = 2; break; // 3.0 -> 1.0 substep
- case 4: result = 3; break; // 4.0 -> 1.0 substep
- case 5: result = 4; break; // 5.0 -> 1.0 substep
- case 6: result = 2; break; // 6.0 -> 2.0 substep
- case 7: result = 6; break; // 7.0 -> 1.0 substep
- case 8: result = 3; break; // 8.0 -> 2.0 substep
- case 9: result = 2; break; // 9.0 -> 3.0 substep
- }
- } else
+ const CachedLabel *cachedLabel = mLabelCache.object(text);
+ finalSize = cachedLabel->pixmap.size()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio();
+ } else // label caching disabled or no label with this text cached:
- // handle cases with significantly fractional mantissa:
- if (qAbs(fracPart-0.5) < epsilon) // *.5 mantissa
- {
- switch (intPart)
- {
- case 1: result = 2; break; // 1.5 -> 0.5 substep
- case 2: result = 4; break; // 2.5 -> 0.5 substep
- case 3: result = 4; break; // 3.5 -> 0.7 substep
- case 4: result = 2; break; // 4.5 -> 1.5 substep
- case 5: result = 4; break; // 5.5 -> 1.1 substep (won't occur with autoTickStep from here on)
- case 6: result = 4; break; // 6.5 -> 1.3 substep
- case 7: result = 2; break; // 7.5 -> 2.5 substep
- case 8: result = 4; break; // 8.5 -> 1.7 substep
- case 9: result = 4; break; // 9.5 -> 1.9 substep
- }
- }
- // if mantissa fraction isnt 0.0 or 0.5, don't bother finding good sub tick marks, leave default
+ TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(font, text);
+ finalSize = labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size();
- return result;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPAxis::selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
- Q_UNUSED(event)
- SelectablePart part = details.value<SelectablePart>();
- if (mSelectableParts.testFlag(part))
- {
- SelectableParts selBefore = mSelectedParts;
- setSelectedParts(additive ? mSelectedParts^part : part);
- if (selectionStateChanged)
- *selectionStateChanged = mSelectedParts != selBefore;
- }
+ // expand passed tickLabelsSize if current tick label is larger:
+ if (finalSize.width() > tickLabelsSize->width())
+ tickLabelsSize->setWidth(finalSize.width());
+ if (finalSize.height() > tickLabelsSize->height())
+ tickLabelsSize->setHeight(finalSize.height());
+/* end of 'src/axis/axis.cpp' */
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPAxis::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
- SelectableParts selBefore = mSelectedParts;
- setSelectedParts(mSelectedParts & ~mSelectableParts);
- if (selectionStateChanged)
- *selectionStateChanged = mSelectedParts != selBefore;
-/*! \internal
+/* including file 'src/scatterstyle.cpp', size 17420 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
- A convenience function to easily set the QPainter::Antialiased hint on the provided \a painter
- before drawing axis lines.
+//////////////////// QCPScatterStyle
- This is the antialiasing state the painter passed to the \ref draw method is in by default.
+/*! \class QCPScatterStyle
+ \brief Represents the visual appearance of scatter points
- This function takes into account the local setting of the antialiasing flag as well as the
- overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
+ This class holds information about shape, color and size of scatter points. In plottables like
+ QCPGraph it is used to store how scatter points shall be drawn. For example, \ref
+ QCPGraph::setScatterStyle takes a QCPScatterStyle instance.
- \see setAntialiased
-void QCPAxis::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeAxes);
+ A scatter style consists of a shape (\ref setShape), a line color (\ref setPen) and possibly a
+ fill (\ref setBrush), if the shape provides a fillable area. Further, the size of the shape can
+ be controlled with \ref setSize.
-/*! \internal
+ \section QCPScatterStyle-defining Specifying a scatter style
- Draws the axis with the specified \a painter, using the internal QCPAxisPainterPrivate instance.
+ You can set all these configurations either by calling the respective functions on an instance:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpscatterstyle-creation-1
+ Or you can use one of the various constructors that take different parameter combinations, making
+ it easy to specify a scatter style in a single call, like so:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpscatterstyle-creation-2
+ \section QCPScatterStyle-undefinedpen Leaving the color/pen up to the plottable
+ There are two constructors which leave the pen undefined: \ref QCPScatterStyle() and \ref
+ QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size). If those constructors are used, a call to \ref
+ isPenDefined will return false. It leads to scatter points that inherit the pen from the
+ plottable that uses the scatter style. Thus, if such a scatter style is passed to QCPGraph, the line
+ color of the graph (\ref QCPGraph::setPen) will be used by the scatter points. This makes
+ it very convenient to set up typical scatter settings:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpscatterstyle-shortcreation
-void QCPAxis::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- const int lowTick = mLowestVisibleTick;
- const int highTick = mHighestVisibleTick;
- QVector<double> subTickPositions; // the final coordToPixel transformed vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
- QVector<double> tickPositions; // the final coordToPixel transformed vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
- QVector<QString> tickLabels; // the final vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
- tickPositions.reserve(highTick-lowTick+1);
- tickLabels.reserve(highTick-lowTick+1);
- subTickPositions.reserve(mSubTickVector.size());
+ Notice that it wasn't even necessary to explicitly call a QCPScatterStyle constructor. This works
+ because QCPScatterStyle provides a constructor that can transform a \ref ScatterShape directly
+ into a QCPScatterStyle instance (that's the \ref QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size)
+ constructor with a default for \a size). In those cases, C++ allows directly supplying a \ref
+ ScatterShape, where actually a QCPScatterStyle is expected.
- if (mTicks)
- {
- for (int i=lowTick; i<=highTick; ++i)
- {
- tickPositions.append(coordToPixel(mTickVector.at(i)));
- if (mTickLabels)
- tickLabels.append(mTickVectorLabels.at(i));
- }
- if (mSubTickCount > 0)
- {
- const int subTickCount = mSubTickVector.size();
- for (int i=0; i<subTickCount; ++i) // no need to check bounds because subticks are always only created inside current mRange
- subTickPositions.append(coordToPixel(mSubTickVector.at(i)));
- }
- }
- // transfer all properties of this axis to QCPAxisPainterPrivate which it needs to draw the axis.
- // Note that some axis painter properties are already set by direct feed-through with QCPAxis setters
- mAxisPainter->type = mAxisType;
- mAxisPainter->basePen = getBasePen();
- mAxisPainter->labelFont = getLabelFont();
- mAxisPainter->labelColor = getLabelColor();
- mAxisPainter->label = mLabel;
- mAxisPainter->substituteExponent = mAutoTickLabels && mNumberBeautifulPowers && mTickLabelType == ltNumber;
- mAxisPainter->tickPen = getTickPen();
- mAxisPainter->subTickPen = getSubTickPen();
- mAxisPainter->tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
- mAxisPainter->tickLabelColor = getTickLabelColor();
- mAxisPainter->axisRect = mAxisRect->rect();
- mAxisPainter->viewportRect = mParentPlot->viewport();
- mAxisPainter->abbreviateDecimalPowers = mScaleType == stLogarithmic;
- mAxisPainter->reversedEndings = mRangeReversed;
- mAxisPainter->tickPositions = tickPositions;
- mAxisPainter->tickLabels = tickLabels;
- mAxisPainter->subTickPositions = subTickPositions;
- mAxisPainter->draw(painter);
+ \section QCPScatterStyle-custompath-and-pixmap Custom shapes and pixmaps
+ QCPScatterStyle supports drawing custom shapes and arbitrary pixmaps as scatter points.
-/*! \internal
+ For custom shapes, you can provide a QPainterPath with the desired shape to the \ref
+ setCustomPath function or call the constructor that takes a painter path. The scatter shape will
+ automatically be set to \ref ssCustom.
- Returns via \a lowIndex and \a highIndex, which ticks in the current tick vector are visible in
- the current range. The return values are indices of the tick vector, not the positions of the
- ticks themselves.
+ For pixmaps, you call \ref setPixmap with the desired QPixmap. Alternatively you can use the
+ constructor that takes a QPixmap. The scatter shape will automatically be set to \ref ssPixmap.
+ Note that \ref setSize does not influence the appearance of the pixmap.
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn bool QCPScatterStyle::isNone() const
- The actual use of this function is when an external tick vector is provided, since it might
- exceed far beyond the currently displayed range, and would cause unnecessary calculations e.g. of
- subticks.
+ Returns whether the scatter shape is \ref ssNone.
- If all ticks are outside the axis range, an inverted range is returned, i.e. highIndex will be
- smaller than lowIndex. There is one case, where this function returns indices that are not really
- visible in the current axis range: When the tick spacing is larger than the axis range size and
- one tick is below the axis range and the next tick is already above the axis range. Because in
- such cases it is usually desirable to know the tick pair, to draw proper subticks.
+ \see setShape
-void QCPAxis::visibleTickBounds(int &lowIndex, int &highIndex) const
- bool lowFound = false;
- bool highFound = false;
- lowIndex = 0;
- highIndex = -1;
+/*! \fn bool QCPScatterStyle::isPenDefined() const
- for (int i=0; i < mTickVector.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (mTickVector.at(i) >= mRange.lower)
- {
- lowFound = true;
- lowIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (int i=mTickVector.size()-1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- if (mTickVector.at(i) <= mRange.upper)
- {
- highFound = true;
- highIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
+ Returns whether a pen has been defined for this scatter style.
- if (!lowFound && highFound)
- lowIndex = highIndex+1;
- else if (lowFound && !highFound)
- highIndex = lowIndex-1;
-/*! \internal
+ The pen is undefined if a constructor is called that does not carry \a pen as parameter. Those
+ are \ref QCPScatterStyle() and \ref QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size). If the pen
+ is undefined, the pen of the respective plottable will be used for drawing scatters.
+ If a pen was defined for this scatter style instance, and you now wish to undefine the pen, call
+ \ref undefinePen.
- A log function with the base mScaleLogBase, used mostly for coordinate transforms in logarithmic
- scales with arbitrary log base. Uses the buffered mScaleLogBaseLogInv for faster calculation.
- This is set to <tt>1.0/qLn(mScaleLogBase)</tt> in \ref setScaleLogBase.
+ \see setPen
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with size set to 6. No shape, pen or brush is defined.
- \see basePow, setScaleLogBase, setScaleType
+ Since the pen is undefined (\ref isPenDefined returns false), the scatter color will be inherited
+ from the plottable that uses this scatter style.
-double QCPAxis::baseLog(double value) const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle() :
+ mSize(6),
+ mShape(ssNone),
+ mPen(Qt::NoPen),
+ mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mPenDefined(false)
- return qLn(value)*mScaleLogBaseLogInv;
-/*! \internal
- A power function with the base mScaleLogBase, used mostly for coordinate transforms in
- logarithmic scales with arbitrary log base.
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape and size to \a size. No pen or
+ brush is defined.
- \see baseLog, setScaleLogBase, setScaleType
+ Since the pen is undefined (\ref isPenDefined returns false), the scatter color will be inherited
+ from the plottable that uses this scatter style.
-double QCPAxis::basePow(double value) const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size) :
+ mSize(size),
+ mShape(shape),
+ mPen(Qt::NoPen),
+ mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mPenDefined(false)
- return qPow(mScaleLogBase, value);
-/*! \internal
- Returns the pen that is used to draw the axis base line. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedBasePen or mBasePen.
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape, the pen color set to \a color,
+ and size to \a size. No brush is defined, i.e. the scatter point will not be filled.
-QPen QCPAxis::getBasePen() const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, double size) :
+ mSize(size),
+ mShape(shape),
+ mPen(QPen(color)),
+ mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mPenDefined(true)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxis) ? mSelectedBasePen : mBasePen;
-/*! \internal
- Returns the pen that is used to draw the (major) ticks. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedTickPen or mTickPen.
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape, the pen color set to \a color,
+ the brush color to \a fill (with a solid pattern), and size to \a size.
-QPen QCPAxis::getTickPen() const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, const QColor &fill, double size) :
+ mSize(size),
+ mShape(shape),
+ mPen(QPen(color)),
+ mBrush(QBrush(fill)),
+ mPenDefined(true)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxis) ? mSelectedTickPen : mTickPen;
-/*! \internal
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with shape set to \a shape, the pen set to \a pen, the
+ brush to \a brush, and size to \a size.
- Returns the pen that is used to draw the subticks. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedSubTickPen or mSubTickPen.
+ \warning In some cases it might be tempting to directly use a pen style like <tt>Qt::NoPen</tt> as \a pen
+ and a color like <tt>Qt::blue</tt> as \a brush. Notice however, that the corresponding call\n
+ <tt>QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterShape::ssCircle, Qt::NoPen, Qt::blue, 5)</tt>\n
+ doesn't necessarily lead C++ to use this constructor in some cases, but might mistake
+ <tt>Qt::NoPen</tt> for a QColor and use the
+ \ref QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, const QColor &fill, double size)
+ constructor instead (which will lead to an unexpected look of the scatter points). To prevent
+ this, be more explicit with the parameter types. For example, use <tt>QBrush(Qt::blue)</tt>
+ instead of just <tt>Qt::blue</tt>, to clearly point out to the compiler that this constructor is
+ wanted.
-QPen QCPAxis::getSubTickPen() const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double size) :
+ mSize(size),
+ mShape(shape),
+ mPen(pen),
+ mBrush(brush),
+ mPenDefined(pen.style() != Qt::NoPen)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxis) ? mSelectedSubTickPen : mSubTickPen;
-/*! \internal
- Returns the font that is used to draw the tick labels. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedTickLabelFont or mTickLabelFont.
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance which will show the specified \a pixmap. The scatter shape
+ is set to \ref ssPixmap.
-QFont QCPAxis::getTickLabelFont() const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(const QPixmap &pixmap) :
+ mSize(5),
+ mShape(ssPixmap),
+ mPen(Qt::NoPen),
+ mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mPixmap(pixmap),
+ mPenDefined(false)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spTickLabels) ? mSelectedTickLabelFont : mTickLabelFont;
-/*! \internal
+ Creates a new QCPScatterStyle instance with a custom shape that is defined via \a customPath. The
+ scatter shape is set to \ref ssCustom.
- Returns the font that is used to draw the axis label. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedLabelFont or mLabelFont.
+ The custom shape line will be drawn with \a pen and filled with \a brush. The size has a slightly
+ different meaning than for built-in scatter points: The custom path will be drawn scaled by a
+ factor of \a size/6.0. Since the default \a size is 6, the custom path will appear at a its
+ natural size by default. To double the size of the path for example, set \a size to 12.
-QFont QCPAxis::getLabelFont() const
+QCPScatterStyle::QCPScatterStyle(const QPainterPath &customPath, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double size) :
+ mSize(size),
+ mShape(ssCustom),
+ mPen(pen),
+ mBrush(brush),
+ mCustomPath(customPath),
+ mPenDefined(pen.style() != Qt::NoPen)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxisLabel) ? mSelectedLabelFont : mLabelFont;
-/*! \internal
- Returns the color that is used to draw the tick labels. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedTickLabelColor or mTickLabelColor.
+ Copies the specified \a properties from the \a other scatter style to this scatter style.
-QColor QCPAxis::getTickLabelColor() const
+void QCPScatterStyle::setFromOther(const QCPScatterStyle &other, ScatterProperties properties)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spTickLabels) ? mSelectedTickLabelColor : mTickLabelColor;
+ if (properties.testFlag(spPen))
+ {
+ setPen(other.pen());
+ if (!other.isPenDefined())
+ undefinePen();
+ }
+ if (properties.testFlag(spBrush))
+ setBrush(other.brush());
+ if (properties.testFlag(spSize))
+ setSize(other.size());
+ if (properties.testFlag(spShape))
+ {
+ setShape(other.shape());
+ if (other.shape() == ssPixmap)
+ setPixmap(other.pixmap());
+ else if (other.shape() == ssCustom)
+ setCustomPath(other.customPath());
+ }
-/*! \internal
+ Sets the size (pixel diameter) of the drawn scatter points to \a size.
- Returns the color that is used to draw the axis label. Depending on the selection state, this
- is either mSelectedLabelColor or mLabelColor.
+ \see setShape
-QColor QCPAxis::getLabelColor() const
+void QCPScatterStyle::setSize(double size)
- return mSelectedParts.testFlag(spAxisLabel) ? mSelectedLabelColor : mLabelColor;
+ mSize = size;
-/*! \internal
- Returns the appropriate outward margin for this axis. It is needed if \ref
- QCPAxisRect::setAutoMargins is set to true on the parent axis rect. An axis with axis type \ref
- atLeft will return an appropriate left margin, \ref atBottom will return an appropriate bottom
- margin and so forth. For the calculation, this function goes through similar steps as \ref draw,
- so changing one function likely requires the modification of the other one as well.
+ Sets the shape to \a shape.
- The margin consists of the outward tick length, tick label padding, tick label size, label
- padding, label size, and padding.
+ Note that the calls \ref setPixmap and \ref setCustomPath automatically set the shape to \ref
+ ssPixmap and \ref ssCustom, respectively.
- The margin is cached internally, so repeated calls while leaving the axis range, fonts, etc.
- unchanged are very fast.
+ \see setSize
-int QCPAxis::calculateMargin()
+void QCPScatterStyle::setShape(QCPScatterStyle::ScatterShape shape)
- if (!mVisible) // if not visible, directly return 0, don't cache 0 because we can't react to setVisible in QCPAxis
- return 0;
- if (mCachedMarginValid)
- return mCachedMargin;
- // run through similar steps as QCPAxis::draw, and caluclate margin needed to fit axis and its labels
- int margin = 0;
- int lowTick, highTick;
- visibleTickBounds(lowTick, highTick);
- QVector<double> tickPositions; // the final coordToPixel transformed vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
- QVector<QString> tickLabels; // the final vector passed to QCPAxisPainter
- tickPositions.reserve(highTick-lowTick+1);
- tickLabels.reserve(highTick-lowTick+1);
- if (mTicks)
- {
- for (int i=lowTick; i<=highTick; ++i)
- {
- tickPositions.append(coordToPixel(mTickVector.at(i)));
- if (mTickLabels)
- tickLabels.append(mTickVectorLabels.at(i));
- }
- }
- // transfer all properties of this axis to QCPAxisPainterPrivate which it needs to calculate the size.
- // Note that some axis painter properties are already set by direct feed-through with QCPAxis setters
- mAxisPainter->type = mAxisType;
- mAxisPainter->labelFont = getLabelFont();
- mAxisPainter->label = mLabel;
- mAxisPainter->tickLabelFont = mTickLabelFont;
- mAxisPainter->axisRect = mAxisRect->rect();
- mAxisPainter->viewportRect = mParentPlot->viewport();
- mAxisPainter->tickPositions = tickPositions;
- mAxisPainter->tickLabels = tickLabels;
- margin += mAxisPainter->size();
- margin += mPadding;
- mCachedMargin = margin;
- mCachedMarginValid = true;
- return margin;
+ mShape = shape;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCP::Interaction QCPAxis::selectionCategory() const
+ Sets the pen that will be used to draw scatter points to \a pen.
+ If the pen was previously undefined (see \ref isPenDefined), the pen is considered defined after
+ a call to this function, even if \a pen is <tt>Qt::NoPen</tt>. If you have defined a pen
+ previously by calling this function and now wish to undefine the pen, call \ref undefinePen.
+ \see setBrush
+void QCPScatterStyle::setPen(const QPen &pen)
- return QCP::iSelectAxes;
+ mPenDefined = true;
+ mPen = pen;
-//////////////////// QCPAxisPainterPrivate
-/*! \class QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- \internal
- \brief (Private)
- This is a private class and not part of the public QCustomPlot interface.
+ Sets the brush that will be used to fill scatter points to \a brush. Note that not all scatter
+ shapes have fillable areas. For example, \ref ssPlus does not while \ref ssCircle does.
- It is used by QCPAxis to do the low-level drawing of axis backbone, tick marks, tick labels and
- axis label. It also buffers the labels to reduce replot times. The parameters are configured by
- directly accessing the public member variables.
+ \see setPen
+void QCPScatterStyle::setBrush(const QBrush &brush)
+ mBrush = brush;
- Constructs a QCPAxisPainterPrivate instance. Make sure to not create a new instance on every
- redraw, to utilize the caching mechanisms.
-QCPAxisPainterPrivate::QCPAxisPainterPrivate(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
- type(QCPAxis::atLeft),
- basePen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
- lowerEnding(QCPLineEnding::esNone),
- upperEnding(QCPLineEnding::esNone),
- labelPadding(0),
- tickLabelPadding(0),
- tickLabelRotation(0),
- tickLabelSide(QCPAxis::lsOutside),
- substituteExponent(true),
- numberMultiplyCross(false),
- tickLengthIn(5),
- tickLengthOut(0),
- subTickLengthIn(2),
- subTickLengthOut(0),
- tickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
- subTickPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap)),
- offset(0),
- abbreviateDecimalPowers(false),
- reversedEndings(false),
- mParentPlot(parentPlot),
- mLabelCache(16) // cache at most 16 (tick) labels
+ Sets the pixmap that will be drawn as scatter point to \a pixmap.
+ Note that \ref setSize does not influence the appearance of the pixmap.
+ The scatter shape is automatically set to \ref ssPixmap.
+void QCPScatterStyle::setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
+ setShape(ssPixmap);
+ mPixmap = pixmap;
+ Sets the custom shape that will be drawn as scatter point to \a customPath.
+ The scatter shape is automatically set to \ref ssCustom.
+void QCPScatterStyle::setCustomPath(const QPainterPath &customPath)
+ setShape(ssCustom);
+ mCustomPath = customPath;
+ Sets this scatter style to have an undefined pen (see \ref isPenDefined for what an undefined pen
+ implies).
+ A call to \ref setPen will define a pen.
+void QCPScatterStyle::undefinePen()
+ mPenDefined = false;
-/*! \internal
+ Applies the pen and the brush of this scatter style to \a painter. If this scatter style has an
+ undefined pen (\ref isPenDefined), sets the pen of \a painter to \a defaultPen instead.
- Draws the axis with the specified \a painter.
+ This function is used by plottables (or any class that wants to draw scatters) just before a
+ number of scatters with this style shall be drawn with the \a painter.
- The selection boxes (mAxisSelectionBox, mTickLabelsSelectionBox, mLabelSelectionBox) are set
- here, too.
+ \see drawShape
-void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+void QCPScatterStyle::applyTo(QCPPainter *painter, const QPen &defaultPen) const
- QByteArray newHash = generateLabelParameterHash();
- if (newHash != mLabelParameterHash)
- {
- mLabelCache.clear();
- mLabelParameterHash = newHash;
- }
- QPoint origin;
- switch (type)
- {
- case QCPAxis::atLeft: origin = axisRect.bottomLeft() +QPoint(-offset, 0); break;
- case QCPAxis::atRight: origin = axisRect.bottomRight()+QPoint(+offset, 0); break;
- case QCPAxis::atTop: origin = axisRect.topLeft() +QPoint(0, -offset); break;
- case QCPAxis::atBottom: origin = axisRect.bottomLeft() +QPoint(0, +offset); break;
- }
+ painter->setPen(mPenDefined ? mPen : defaultPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
- double xCor = 0, yCor = 0; // paint system correction, for pixel exact matches (affects baselines and ticks of top/right axes)
- switch (type)
- {
- case QCPAxis::atTop: yCor = -1; break;
- case QCPAxis::atRight: xCor = 1; break;
- default: break;
- }
- int margin = 0;
- // draw baseline:
- QLineF baseLine;
- painter->setPen(basePen);
- if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
- baseLine.setPoints(origin+QPointF(xCor, yCor), origin+QPointF(axisRect.width()+xCor, yCor));
- else
- baseLine.setPoints(origin+QPointF(xCor, yCor), origin+QPointF(xCor, -axisRect.height()+yCor));
- if (reversedEndings)
- baseLine = QLineF(baseLine.p2(), baseLine.p1()); // won't make a difference for line itself, but for line endings later
- painter->drawLine(baseLine);
+ Draws the scatter shape with \a painter at position \a pos.
- // draw ticks:
- if (!tickPositions.isEmpty())
+ This function does not modify the pen or the brush on the painter, as \ref applyTo is meant to be
+ called before scatter points are drawn with \ref drawShape.
+ \see applyTo
+void QCPScatterStyle::drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, const QPointF &pos) const
+ drawShape(painter, pos.x(), pos.y());
+/*! \overload
+ Draws the scatter shape with \a painter at position \a x and \a y.
+void QCPScatterStyle::drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y) const
+ double w = mSize/2.0;
+ switch (mShape)
- painter->setPen(tickPen);
- int tickDir = (type == QCPAxis::atBottom || type == QCPAxis::atRight) ? -1 : 1; // direction of ticks ("inward" is right for left axis and left for right axis)
- if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ case ssNone: break;
+ case ssDot:
- for (int i=0; i<tickPositions.size(); ++i)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(tickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()-tickLengthOut*tickDir+yCor, tickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()+tickLengthIn*tickDir+yCor));
- } else
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x+0.0001, y));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssCross:
- for (int i=0; i<tickPositions.size(); ++i)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(origin.x()-tickLengthOut*tickDir+xCor, tickPositions.at(i)+yCor, origin.x()+tickLengthIn*tickDir+xCor, tickPositions.at(i)+yCor));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y-w, x+w, y+w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y+w, x+w, y-w));
+ break;
- }
- // draw subticks:
- if (!subTickPositions.isEmpty())
- {
- painter->setPen(subTickPen);
- // direction of ticks ("inward" is right for left axis and left for right axis)
- int tickDir = (type == QCPAxis::atBottom || type == QCPAxis::atRight) ? -1 : 1;
- if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
+ case ssPlus:
- for (int i=0; i<subTickPositions.size(); ++i)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(subTickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()-subTickLengthOut*tickDir+yCor, subTickPositions.at(i)+xCor, origin.y()+subTickLengthIn*tickDir+yCor));
- } else
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w, y));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssCircle:
- for (int i=0; i<subTickPositions.size(); ++i)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(origin.x()-subTickLengthOut*tickDir+xCor, subTickPositions.at(i)+yCor, origin.x()+subTickLengthIn*tickDir+xCor, subTickPositions.at(i)+yCor));
+ painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x , y), w, w);
+ break;
- }
- margin += qMax(0, qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut));
- // draw axis base endings:
- bool antialiasingBackup = painter->antialiasing();
- painter->setAntialiasing(true); // always want endings to be antialiased, even if base and ticks themselves aren't
- painter->setBrush(QBrush(basePen.color()));
- QVector2D baseLineVector(baseLine.dx(), baseLine.dy());
- if (lowerEnding.style() != QCPLineEnding::esNone)
- lowerEnding.draw(painter, QVector2D(baseLine.p1())-baseLineVector.normalized()*lowerEnding.realLength()*(lowerEnding.inverted()?-1:1), -baseLineVector);
- if (upperEnding.style() != QCPLineEnding::esNone)
- upperEnding.draw(painter, QVector2D(baseLine.p2())+baseLineVector.normalized()*upperEnding.realLength()*(upperEnding.inverted()?-1:1), baseLineVector);
- painter->setAntialiasing(antialiasingBackup);
- // tick labels:
- QRect oldClipRect;
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside) // if using inside labels, clip them to the axis rect
- {
- oldClipRect = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
- painter->setClipRect(axisRect);
- }
- QSize tickLabelsSize(0, 0); // size of largest tick label, for offset calculation of axis label
- if (!tickLabels.isEmpty())
- {
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- margin += tickLabelPadding;
- painter->setFont(tickLabelFont);
- painter->setPen(QPen(tickLabelColor));
- const int maxLabelIndex = qMin(tickPositions.size(), tickLabels.size());
- int distanceToAxis = margin;
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)
- distanceToAxis = -(qMax(tickLengthIn, subTickLengthIn)+tickLabelPadding);
- for (int i=0; i<maxLabelIndex; ++i)
- placeTickLabel(painter, tickPositions.at(i), distanceToAxis, tickLabels.at(i), &tickLabelsSize);
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- margin += (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal) ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width();
- }
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)
- painter->setClipRect(oldClipRect);
- // axis label:
- QRect labelBounds;
- if (!label.isEmpty())
- {
- margin += labelPadding;
- painter->setFont(labelFont);
- painter->setPen(QPen(labelColor));
- labelBounds = painter->fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, label);
- if (type == QCPAxis::atLeft)
+ case ssDisc:
+ {
+ QBrush b = painter->brush();
+ painter->setBrush(painter->pen().color());
+ painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x , y), w, w);
+ painter->setBrush(b);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssSquare:
+ {
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(x-w, y-w, mSize, mSize));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssDiamond:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x, y-w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y-w, x+w, y));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+w, y, x, y+w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x-w, y));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssStar:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w, y));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y-w*0.707, x+w*0.707, y+w*0.707));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y+w*0.707, x+w*0.707, y-w*0.707));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssTriangle:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y+0.755*w, x+w, y+0.755*w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+w, y+0.755*w, x, y-0.977*w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y-0.977*w, x-w, y+0.755*w));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssTriangleInverted:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y-0.755*w, x+w, y-0.755*w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+w, y-0.755*w, x, y+0.977*w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+0.977*w, x-w, y-0.755*w));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssCrossSquare:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y-w, x+w*0.95, y+w*0.95));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y+w*0.95, x+w*0.95, y-w));
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(x-w, y-w, mSize, mSize));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssPlusSquare:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w*0.95, y));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(x-w, y-w, mSize, mSize));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssCrossCircle:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y-w*0.707, x+w*0.670, y+w*0.670));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w*0.707, y+w*0.670, x+w*0.670, y-w*0.707));
+ painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), w, w);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssPlusCircle:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-w, y, x+w, y));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF( x, y+w, x, y-w));
+ painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), w, w);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssPeace:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y-w, x, y+w));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y, x-w*0.707, y+w*0.707));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y, x+w*0.707, y+w*0.707));
+ painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), w, w);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ssPixmap:
- QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
- painter->translate((origin.x()-margin-labelBounds.height()), origin.y());
- painter->rotate(-90);
- painter->drawText(0, 0, axisRect.height(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
- painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
+ const double widthHalf = mPixmap.width()*0.5;
+ const double heightHalf = mPixmap.height()*0.5;
+ const QRectF clipRect = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect().adjusted(-widthHalf, -heightHalf, widthHalf, heightHalf);
+ const QRectF clipRect = painter->clipBoundingRect().adjusted(-widthHalf, -heightHalf, widthHalf, heightHalf);
+ if (clipRect.contains(x, y))
+ painter->drawPixmap(x-widthHalf, y-heightHalf, mPixmap);
+ break;
- else if (type == QCPAxis::atRight)
+ case ssCustom:
QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
- painter->translate((origin.x()+margin+labelBounds.height()), origin.y()-axisRect.height());
- painter->rotate(90);
- painter->drawText(0, 0, axisRect.height(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
+ painter->translate(x, y);
+ painter->scale(mSize/6.0, mSize/6.0);
+ painter->drawPath(mCustomPath);
+ break;
- else if (type == QCPAxis::atTop)
- painter->drawText(origin.x(), origin.y()-margin-labelBounds.height(), axisRect.width(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
- else if (type == QCPAxis::atBottom)
- painter->drawText(origin.x(), origin.y()+margin, axisRect.width(), labelBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignCenter, label);
- }
- // set selection boxes:
- int selectionTolerance = 0;
- if (mParentPlot)
- selectionTolerance = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance();
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "mParentPlot is null";
- int selAxisOutSize = qMax(qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut), selectionTolerance);
- int selAxisInSize = selectionTolerance;
- int selTickLabelSize;
- int selTickLabelOffset;
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- {
- selTickLabelSize = (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width());
- selTickLabelOffset = qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut)+tickLabelPadding;
- } else
- {
- selTickLabelSize = -(QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width());
- selTickLabelOffset = -(qMax(tickLengthIn, subTickLengthIn)+tickLabelPadding);
- }
- int selLabelSize = labelBounds.height();
- int selLabelOffset = qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut)+(!tickLabels.isEmpty() && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside ? tickLabelPadding+selTickLabelSize : 0)+labelPadding;
- if (type == QCPAxis::atLeft)
- {
- mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selAxisOutSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selAxisInSize, axisRect.bottom());
- mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selTickLabelOffset-selTickLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()-selTickLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
- mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selLabelOffset-selLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()-selLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
- } else if (type == QCPAxis::atRight)
- {
- mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()-selAxisInSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selAxisOutSize, axisRect.bottom());
- mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()+selTickLabelOffset+selTickLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selTickLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
- mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(origin.x()+selLabelOffset+selLabelSize, axisRect.top(), origin.x()+selLabelOffset, axisRect.bottom());
- } else if (type == QCPAxis::atTop)
- {
- mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selAxisOutSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selAxisInSize);
- mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selTickLabelOffset-selTickLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()-selTickLabelOffset);
- mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selLabelOffset-selLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()-selLabelOffset);
- } else if (type == QCPAxis::atBottom)
- {
- mAxisSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()-selAxisInSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selAxisOutSize);
- mTickLabelsSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()+selTickLabelOffset+selTickLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selTickLabelOffset);
- mLabelSelectionBox.setCoords(axisRect.left(), origin.y()+selLabelOffset+selLabelSize, axisRect.right(), origin.y()+selLabelOffset);
- mAxisSelectionBox = mAxisSelectionBox.normalized();
- mTickLabelsSelectionBox = mTickLabelsSelectionBox.normalized();
- mLabelSelectionBox = mLabelSelectionBox.normalized();
- // draw hitboxes for debug purposes:
- //painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- //painter->drawRects(QVector<QRect>() << mAxisSelectionBox << mTickLabelsSelectionBox << mLabelSelectionBox);
+/* end of 'src/scatterstyle.cpp' */
-/*! \internal
+//amalgamation: add datacontainer.cpp
+/* including file 'src/plottable.cpp', size 38861 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPSelectionDecorator
+/*! \class QCPSelectionDecorator
+ \brief Controls how a plottable's data selection is drawn
- Returns the size ("margin" in QCPAxisRect context, so measured perpendicular to the axis backbone
- direction) needed to fit the axis.
-int QCPAxisPainterPrivate::size() const
- int result = 0;
+ Each \ref QCPAbstractPlottable instance has one \ref QCPSelectionDecorator (accessible via \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionDecorator) and uses it when drawing selected segments of its data.
- // get length of tick marks pointing outwards:
- if (!tickPositions.isEmpty())
- result += qMax(0, qMax(tickLengthOut, subTickLengthOut));
+ The selection decorator controls both pen (\ref setPen) and brush (\ref setBrush), as well as the
+ scatter style (\ref setScatterStyle) if the plottable draws scatters. Since a \ref
+ QCPScatterStyle is itself composed of different properties such as color shape and size, the
+ decorator allows specifying exactly which of those properties shall be used for the selected data
+ point, via \ref setUsedScatterProperties.
- // calculate size of tick labels:
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- {
- QSize tickLabelsSize(0, 0);
- if (!tickLabels.isEmpty())
- {
- for (int i=0; i<tickLabels.size(); ++i)
- getMaxTickLabelSize(tickLabelFont, tickLabels.at(i), &tickLabelsSize);
- result += QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal ? tickLabelsSize.height() : tickLabelsSize.width();
- result += tickLabelPadding;
- }
- }
+ A \ref QCPSelectionDecorator subclass instance can be passed to a plottable via \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectionDecorator, allowing greater customizability of the appearance
+ of selected segments.
- // calculate size of axis label (only height needed, because left/right labels are rotated by 90 degrees):
- if (!label.isEmpty())
- {
- QFontMetrics fontMetrics(labelFont);
- QRect bounds;
- bounds = fontMetrics.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, label);
- result += bounds.height() + labelPadding;
- }
+ Use \ref copyFrom to easily transfer the settings of one decorator to another one. This is
+ especially useful since plottables take ownership of the passed selection decorator, and thus the
+ same decorator instance can not be passed to multiple plottables.
- return result;
+ Selection decorators can also themselves perform drawing operations by reimplementing \ref
+ drawDecoration, which is called by the plottable's draw method. The base class \ref
+ QCPSelectionDecorator does not make use of this however. For example, \ref
+ QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket draws brackets around selected data segments.
-/*! \internal
- Clears the internal label cache. Upon the next \ref draw, all labels will be created new. This
- method is called automatically in \ref draw, if any parameters have changed that invalidate the
- cached labels, such as font, color, etc.
+ Creates a new QCPSelectionDecorator instance with default values
-void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::clearCache()
+QCPSelectionDecorator::QCPSelectionDecorator() :
+ mPen(QColor(80, 80, 255), 2.5),
+ mBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssNone, QPen(Qt::blue, 2), Qt::NoBrush, 6.0),
+ mUsedScatterProperties(QCPScatterStyle::spPen),
+ mPlottable(0)
- mLabelCache.clear();
-/*! \internal
- Returns a hash that allows uniquely identifying whether the label parameters have changed such
- that the cached labels must be refreshed (\ref clearCache). It is used in \ref draw. If the
- return value of this method hasn't changed since the last redraw, the respective label parameters
- haven't changed and cached labels may be used.
+ Sets the pen that will be used by the parent plottable to draw selected data segments.
-QByteArray QCPAxisPainterPrivate::generateLabelParameterHash() const
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::setPen(const QPen &pen)
- QByteArray result;
- result.append(QByteArray::number(tickLabelRotation));
- result.append(QByteArray::number((int)tickLabelSide));
- result.append(QByteArray::number((int)substituteExponent));
- result.append(QByteArray::number((int)numberMultiplyCross));
- result.append(tickLabelColor.name().toLatin1()+QByteArray::number(tickLabelColor.alpha(), 16));
- result.append(tickLabelFont.toString().toLatin1());
- return result;
+ mPen = pen;
-/*! \internal
- Draws a single tick label with the provided \a painter, utilizing the internal label cache to
- significantly speed up drawing of labels that were drawn in previous calls. The tick label is
- always bound to an axis, the distance to the axis is controllable via \a distanceToAxis in
- pixels. The pixel position in the axis direction is passed in the \a position parameter. Hence
- for the bottom axis, \a position would indicate the horizontal pixel position (not coordinate),
- at which the label should be drawn.
- In order to later draw the axis label in a place that doesn't overlap with the tick labels, the
- largest tick label size is needed. This is acquired by passing a \a tickLabelsSize to the \ref
- drawTickLabel calls during the process of drawing all tick labels of one axis. In every call, \a
- tickLabelsSize is expanded, if the drawn label exceeds the value \a tickLabelsSize currently
- holds.
- The label is drawn with the font and pen that are currently set on the \a painter. To draw
- superscripted powers, the font is temporarily made smaller by a fixed factor (see \ref
- getTickLabelData).
+ Sets the brush that will be used by the parent plottable to draw selected data segments.
-void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::placeTickLabel(QCPPainter *painter, double position, int distanceToAxis, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize)
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::setBrush(const QBrush &brush)
- // warning: if you change anything here, also adapt getMaxTickLabelSize() accordingly!
- if (text.isEmpty()) return;
- QSize finalSize;
- QPointF labelAnchor;
- switch (type)
- {
- case QCPAxis::atLeft: labelAnchor = QPointF(axisRect.left()-distanceToAxis-offset, position); break;
- case QCPAxis::atRight: labelAnchor = QPointF(axisRect.right()+distanceToAxis+offset, position); break;
- case QCPAxis::atTop: labelAnchor = QPointF(position, axisRect.top()-distanceToAxis-offset); break;
- case QCPAxis::atBottom: labelAnchor = QPointF(position, axisRect.bottom()+distanceToAxis+offset); break;
- }
- if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels) && !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNoCaching)) // label caching enabled
- {
- CachedLabel *cachedLabel = mLabelCache.take(text); // attempt to get label from cache
- if (!cachedLabel) // no cached label existed, create it
- {
- cachedLabel = new CachedLabel;
- TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(painter->font(), text);
- cachedLabel->offset = getTickLabelDrawOffset(labelData)+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft();
- cachedLabel->pixmap = QPixmap(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size());
- cachedLabel->pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
- QCPPainter cachePainter(&cachedLabel->pixmap);
- cachePainter.setPen(painter->pen());
- drawTickLabel(&cachePainter, -labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft().x(), -labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft().y(), labelData);
- }
- // if label would be partly clipped by widget border on sides, don't draw it (only for outside tick labels):
- bool labelClippedByBorder = false;
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- {
- if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
- labelClippedByBorder = labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x()+cachedLabel->pixmap.width() > viewportRect.right() || labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x() < viewportRect.left();
- else
- labelClippedByBorder = labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y()+cachedLabel->pixmap.height() > viewportRect.bottom() || labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y() < viewportRect.top();
- }
- if (!labelClippedByBorder)
- {
- painter->drawPixmap(labelAnchor+cachedLabel->offset, cachedLabel->pixmap);
- finalSize = cachedLabel->pixmap.size();
- }
- mLabelCache.insert(text, cachedLabel); // return label to cache or insert for the first time if newly created
- } else // label caching disabled, draw text directly on surface:
- {
- TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(painter->font(), text);
- QPointF finalPosition = labelAnchor + getTickLabelDrawOffset(labelData);
- // if label would be partly clipped by widget border on sides, don't draw it (only for outside tick labels):
- bool labelClippedByBorder = false;
- if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside)
- {
- if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal)
- labelClippedByBorder = finalPosition.x()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.width()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left()) > viewportRect.right() || finalPosition.x()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left() < viewportRect.left();
- else
- labelClippedByBorder = finalPosition.y()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.height()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top()) > viewportRect.bottom() || finalPosition.y()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top() < viewportRect.top();
- }
- if (!labelClippedByBorder)
- {
- drawTickLabel(painter, finalPosition.x(), finalPosition.y(), labelData);
- finalSize = labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size();
- }
- }
- // expand passed tickLabelsSize if current tick label is larger:
- if (finalSize.width() > tickLabelsSize->width())
- tickLabelsSize->setWidth(finalSize.width());
- if (finalSize.height() > tickLabelsSize->height())
- tickLabelsSize->setHeight(finalSize.height());
+ mBrush = brush;
-/*! \internal
- This is a \ref placeTickLabel helper function.
+ Sets the scatter style that will be used by the parent plottable to draw scatters in selected
+ data segments.
- Draws the tick label specified in \a labelData with \a painter at the pixel positions \a x and \a
- y. This function is used by \ref placeTickLabel to create new tick labels for the cache, or to
- directly draw the labels on the QCustomPlot surface when label caching is disabled, i.e. when
- QCP::phCacheLabels plotting hint is not set.
+ \a usedProperties specifies which parts of the passed \a scatterStyle will be used by the
+ plottable. The used properties can also be changed via \ref setUsedScatterProperties.
-void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::drawTickLabel(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y, const TickLabelData &labelData) const
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::setScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &scatterStyle, QCPScatterStyle::ScatterProperties usedProperties)
- // backup painter settings that we're about to change:
- QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
- QFont oldFont = painter->font();
- // transform painter to position/rotation:
- painter->translate(x, y);
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(tickLabelRotation))
- painter->rotate(tickLabelRotation);
- // draw text:
- if (!labelData.expPart.isEmpty()) // indicator that beautiful powers must be used
- {
- painter->setFont(labelData.baseFont);
- painter->drawText(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, labelData.basePart);
- painter->setFont(labelData.expFont);
- painter->drawText(labelData.baseBounds.width()+1, 0, labelData.expBounds.width(), labelData.expBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip, labelData.expPart);
- } else
- {
- painter->setFont(labelData.baseFont);
- painter->drawText(0, 0, labelData.totalBounds.width(), labelData.totalBounds.height(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignHCenter, labelData.basePart);
- }
- // reset painter settings to what it was before:
- painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
- painter->setFont(oldFont);
+ mScatterStyle = scatterStyle;
+ setUsedScatterProperties(usedProperties);
+ Use this method to define which properties of the scatter style (set via \ref setScatterStyle)
+ will be used for selected data segments. All properties of the scatter style that are not
+ specified in \a properties will remain as specified in the plottable's original scatter style.
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::setUsedScatterProperties(const QCPScatterStyle::ScatterProperties &properties)
+ mUsedScatterProperties = properties;
-/*! \internal
- This is a \ref placeTickLabel helper function.
+ Sets the pen of \a painter to the pen of this selection decorator.
- Transforms the passed \a text and \a font to a tickLabelData structure that can then be further
- processed by \ref getTickLabelDrawOffset and \ref drawTickLabel. It splits the text into base and
- exponent if necessary (member substituteExponent) and calculates appropriate bounding boxes.
+ \see applyBrush, getFinalScatterStyle
-QCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelData QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getTickLabelData(const QFont &font, const QString &text) const
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::applyPen(QCPPainter *painter) const
- TickLabelData result;
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ Sets the brush of \a painter to the brush of this selection decorator.
- // determine whether beautiful decimal powers should be used
- bool useBeautifulPowers = false;
- int ePos = -1;
- if (substituteExponent)
- {
- ePos = text.indexOf(QLatin1Char('e'));
- if (ePos > -1)
- useBeautifulPowers = true;
- }
+ \see applyPen, getFinalScatterStyle
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::applyBrush(QCPPainter *painter) const
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ Returns the scatter style that the parent plottable shall use for selected scatter points. The
+ plottable's original (unselected) scatter style must be passed as \a unselectedStyle. Depending
+ on the setting of \ref setUsedScatterProperties, the returned scatter style is a mixture of this
+ selecion decorator's scatter style (\ref setScatterStyle), and \a unselectedStyle.
- // calculate text bounding rects and do string preparation for beautiful decimal powers:
- result.baseFont = font;
- if (result.baseFont.pointSizeF() > 0) // might return -1 if specified with setPixelSize, in that case we can't do correction in next line
- result.baseFont.setPointSizeF(result.baseFont.pointSizeF()+0.05); // QFontMetrics.boundingRect has a bug for exact point sizes that make the results oscillate due to internal rounding
- if (useBeautifulPowers)
- {
- // split text into parts of number/symbol that will be drawn normally and part that will be drawn as exponent:
- result.basePart = text.left(ePos);
- // in log scaling, we want to turn "1*10^n" into "10^n", else add multiplication sign and decimal base:
- if (abbreviateDecimalPowers && result.basePart == QLatin1String("1"))
- result.basePart = QLatin1String("10");
- else
- result.basePart += (numberMultiplyCross ? QString(QChar(215)) : QString(QChar(183))) + QLatin1String("10");
- result.expPart = text.mid(ePos+1);
- // clip "+" and leading zeros off expPart:
- while (result.expPart.length() > 2 && result.expPart.at(1) == QLatin1Char('0')) // length > 2 so we leave one zero when numberFormatChar is 'e'
- result.expPart.remove(1, 1);
- if (!result.expPart.isEmpty() && result.expPart.at(0) == QLatin1Char('+'))
- result.expPart.remove(0, 1);
- // prepare smaller font for exponent:
- result.expFont = font;
- if (result.expFont.pointSize() > 0)
- result.expFont.setPointSize(result.expFont.pointSize()*0.75);
- else
- result.expFont.setPixelSize(result.expFont.pixelSize()*0.75);
- // calculate bounding rects of base part, exponent part and total one:
- result.baseBounds = QFontMetrics(result.baseFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, result.basePart);
- result.expBounds = QFontMetrics(result.expFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, result.expPart);
- result.totalBounds = result.baseBounds.adjusted(0, 0, result.expBounds.width()+2, 0); // +2 consists of the 1 pixel spacing between base and exponent (see drawTickLabel) and an extra pixel to include AA
- } else // useBeautifulPowers == false
- {
- result.basePart = text;
- result.totalBounds = QFontMetrics(result.baseFont).boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignHCenter, result.basePart);
- }
- result.totalBounds.moveTopLeft(QPoint(0, 0)); // want bounding box aligned top left at origin, independent of how it was created, to make further processing simpler
+ \see applyPen, applyBrush, setScatterStyle
+QCPScatterStyle QCPSelectionDecorator::getFinalScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &unselectedStyle) const
+ QCPScatterStyle result(unselectedStyle);
+ result.setFromOther(mScatterStyle, mUsedScatterProperties);
- // calculate possibly different bounding rect after rotation:
- result.rotatedTotalBounds = result.totalBounds;
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(tickLabelRotation))
- {
- QTransform transform;
- transform.rotate(tickLabelRotation);
- result.rotatedTotalBounds = transform.mapRect(result.rotatedTotalBounds);
- }
+ // if style shall inherit pen from plottable (has no own pen defined), give it the selected
+ // plottable pen explicitly, so it doesn't use the unselected plottable pen when used in the
+ // plottable:
+ if (!result.isPenDefined())
+ result.setPen(mPen);
return result;
-/*! \internal
- This is a \ref placeTickLabel helper function.
- Calculates the offset at which the top left corner of the specified tick label shall be drawn.
- The offset is relative to a point right next to the tick the label belongs to.
- This function is thus responsible for e.g. centering tick labels under ticks and positioning them
- appropriately when they are rotated.
+ Copies all properties (e.g. color, fill, scatter style) of the \a other selection decorator to
+ this selection decorator.
-QPointF QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getTickLabelDrawOffset(const TickLabelData &labelData) const
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::copyFrom(const QCPSelectionDecorator *other)
- /*
- calculate label offset from base point at tick (non-trivial, for best visual appearance): short
- explanation for bottom axis: The anchor, i.e. the point in the label that is placed
- horizontally under the corresponding tick is always on the label side that is closer to the
- axis (e.g. the left side of the text when we're rotating clockwise). On that side, the height
- is halved and the resulting point is defined the anchor. This way, a 90 degree rotated text
- will be centered under the tick (i.e. displaced horizontally by half its height). At the same
- time, a 45 degree rotated text will "point toward" its tick, as is typical for rotated tick
- labels.
- */
- bool doRotation = !qFuzzyIsNull(tickLabelRotation);
- bool flip = qFuzzyCompare(qAbs(tickLabelRotation), 90.0); // perfect +/-90 degree flip. Indicates vertical label centering on vertical axes.
- double radians = tickLabelRotation/180.0*M_PI;
- int x=0, y=0;
- if ((type == QCPAxis::atLeft && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atRight && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at right side of tick label
- {
- if (doRotation)
- {
- if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- {
- x = -qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width();
- y = flip ? -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : -qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- } else
- {
- x = -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
- y = flip ? +labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : +qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- }
- } else
- {
- x = -labelData.totalBounds.width();
- y = -labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- }
- } else if ((type == QCPAxis::atRight && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atLeft && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at left side of tick label
- {
- if (doRotation)
- {
- if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- {
- x = +qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
- y = flip ? -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : -qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- } else
- {
- x = 0;
- y = flip ? +labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0 : -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- }
- } else
- {
- x = 0;
- y = -labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- }
- } else if ((type == QCPAxis::atTop && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atBottom && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at bottom side of tick label
- {
- if (doRotation)
- {
- if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- {
- x = -qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()+qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- y = -qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qCos(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
- } else
- {
- x = -qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- y = -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height();
- }
- } else
- {
- x = -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0;
- y = -labelData.totalBounds.height();
- }
- } else if ((type == QCPAxis::atBottom && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) || (type == QCPAxis::atTop && tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsInside)) // Anchor at top side of tick label
- {
- if (doRotation)
- {
- if (tickLabelRotation > 0)
- {
- x = +qSin(radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- y = 0;
- } else
- {
- x = -qCos(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width()-qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.height()/2.0;
- y = +qSin(-radians)*labelData.totalBounds.width();
- }
- } else
- {
- x = -labelData.totalBounds.width()/2.0;
- y = 0;
- }
- }
+ setPen(other->pen());
+ setBrush(other->brush());
+ setScatterStyle(other->scatterStyle(), other->usedScatterProperties());
+ This method is called by all plottables' draw methods to allow custom selection decorations to be
+ drawn. Use the passed \a painter to perform the drawing operations. \a selection carries the data
+ selection for which the decoration shall be drawn.
- return QPointF(x, y);
+ The default base class implementation of \ref QCPSelectionDecorator has no special decoration, so
+ this method does nothing.
+void QCPSelectionDecorator::drawDecoration(QCPPainter *painter, QCPDataSelection selection)
+ Q_UNUSED(painter)
+ Q_UNUSED(selection)
/*! \internal
- Simulates the steps done by \ref placeTickLabel by calculating bounding boxes of the text label
- to be drawn, depending on number format etc. Since only the largest tick label is wanted for the
- margin calculation, the passed \a tickLabelsSize is only expanded, if it's currently set to a
- smaller width/height.
+ This method is called as soon as a selection decorator is associated with a plottable, by a call
+ to \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectionDecorator. This way the selection decorator can obtain a pointer to the plottable that uses it (e.g. to access
+ data points via the \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::interface1D interface).
+ If the selection decorator was already added to a different plottable before, this method aborts
+ the registration and returns false.
-void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize) const
+bool QCPSelectionDecorator::registerWithPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable)
- // note: this function must return the same tick label sizes as the placeTickLabel function.
- QSize finalSize;
- if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels) && mLabelCache.contains(text)) // label caching enabled and have cached label
+ if (!mPlottable)
- const CachedLabel *cachedLabel = mLabelCache.object(text);
- finalSize = cachedLabel->pixmap.size();
- } else // label caching disabled or no label with this text cached:
+ mPlottable = plottable;
+ return true;
+ } else
- TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(font, text);
- finalSize = labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size();
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "This selection decorator is already registered with plottable:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(mPlottable);
+ return false;
- // expand passed tickLabelsSize if current tick label is larger:
- if (finalSize.width() > tickLabelsSize->width())
- tickLabelsSize->setWidth(finalSize.width());
- if (finalSize.height() > tickLabelsSize->height())
- tickLabelsSize->setHeight(finalSize.height());
@@ -6711,10 +10225,13 @@ void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString
It defines a very basic interface like name, pen, brush, visibility etc. Since this class is
abstract, it can't be instantiated. Use one of the subclasses or create a subclass yourself to
- create new ways of displaying data (see "Creating own plottables" below).
+ create new ways of displaying data (see "Creating own plottables" below). Plottables that display
+ one-dimensional data (i.e. data points have a single key dimension and one or multiple values at
+ each key) are based off of the template subclass \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D, see details
+ there.
All further specifics are in the subclasses, for example:
- \li A normal graph with possibly a line, scatter points and error bars: \ref QCPGraph
+ \li A normal graph with possibly a line and/or scatter points \ref QCPGraph
(typically created with \ref QCustomPlot::addGraph)
\li A parametric curve: \ref QCPCurve
\li A bar chart: \ref QCPBars
@@ -6724,9 +10241,13 @@ void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString
\section plottables-subclassing Creating own plottables
- To create an own plottable, you implement a subclass of QCPAbstractPlottable. These are the pure
- virtual functions, you must implement:
- \li \ref clearData
+ Subclassing directly from QCPAbstractPlottable is only recommended if you wish to display
+ two-dimensional data like \ref QCPColorMap, i.e. two logical key dimensions and one (or more)
+ data dimensions. If you want to display data with only one logical key dimension, you should
+ rather derive from \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D.
+ If subclassing QCPAbstractPlottable directly, these are the pure virtual functions you must
+ implement:
\li \ref selectTest
\li \ref draw
\li \ref drawLegendIcon
@@ -6753,33 +10274,72 @@ void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString
<td>The name of the plottable.</td>
<td>QPen \b mPen</td>
- <td>The generic pen of the plottable. You should use this pen for the most prominent data representing lines in the plottable (e.g QCPGraph uses this pen for its graph lines and scatters)</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td>QPen \b mSelectedPen</td>
- <td>The generic pen that should be used when the plottable is selected (hint: \ref mainPen gives you the right pen, depending on selection state).</td>
+ <td>The generic pen of the plottable. You should use this pen for the most prominent data representing lines in the plottable
+ (e.g QCPGraph uses this pen for its graph lines and scatters)</td>
<td>QBrush \b mBrush</td>
- <td>The generic brush of the plottable. You should use this brush for the most prominent fillable structures in the plottable (e.g. QCPGraph uses this brush to control filling under the graph)</td>
+ <td>The generic brush of the plottable. You should use this brush for the most prominent fillable structures in the plottable
+ (e.g. QCPGraph uses this brush to control filling under the graph)</td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td>QPointer<\ref QCPAxis> \b mKeyAxis, \b mValueAxis</td>
+ <td>The key and value axes this plottable is attached to. Call their QCPAxis::coordToPixel functions to translate coordinates
+ to pixels in either the key or value dimension. Make sure to check whether the pointer is null before using it. If one of
+ the axes is null, don't draw the plottable.</td>
- <td>QBrush \b mSelectedBrush</td>
- <td>The generic brush that should be used when the plottable is selected (hint: \ref mainBrush gives you the right brush, depending on selection state).</td>
+ <td>\ref QCPSelectionDecorator \b mSelectionDecorator</td>
+ <td>The currently set selection decorator which specifies how selected data of the plottable shall be drawn and decorated.
+ When drawing your data, you must consult this decorator for the appropriate pen/brush before drawing unselected/selected data segments.
+ Finally, you should call its \ref QCPSelectionDecorator::drawDecoration method at the end of your \ref draw implementation.</td>
- <td>QPointer<QCPAxis>\b mKeyAxis, \b mValueAxis</td>
- <td>The key and value axes this plottable is attached to. Call their QCPAxis::coordToPixel functions to translate coordinates to pixels in either the key or value dimension.
- Make sure to check whether the pointer is null before using it. If one of the axes is null, don't draw the plottable.</td>
+ <td>\ref QCP::SelectionType \b mSelectable</td>
+ <td>In which composition, if at all, this plottable's data may be selected. Enforcing this setting on the data selection is done
+ by QCPAbstractPlottable automatically.</td>
- <td>bool \b mSelected</td>
- <td>indicates whether the plottable is selected or not.</td>
+ <td>\ref QCPDataSelection \b mSelection</td>
+ <td>Holds the current selection state of the plottable's data, i.e. the selected data ranges (\ref QCPDataRange).</td>
-/* start of documentation of pure virtual functions */
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QCPSelectionDecorator *QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionDecorator() const
+ Provides access to the selection decorator of this plottable. The selection decorator controls
+ how selected data ranges are drawn (e.g. their pen color and fill), see \ref
+ QCPSelectionDecorator for details.
+ If you wish to use an own \ref QCPSelectionDecorator subclass, pass an instance of it to \ref
+ setSelectionDecorator.
+/*! \fn bool QCPAbstractPlottable::selected() const
+ Returns true if there are any data points of the plottable currently selected. Use \ref selection
+ to retrieve the current \ref QCPDataSelection.
+/*! \fn QCPDataSelection QCPAbstractPlottable::selection() const
+ Returns a \ref QCPDataSelection encompassing all the data points that are currently selected on
+ this plottable.
+ \see selected, setSelection, setSelectable
-/*! \fn void QCPAbstractPlottable::clearData() = 0
- Clears all data in the plottable.
+/*! \fn virtual QCPPlottableInterface1D *QCPAbstractPlottable::interface1D()
+ If this plottable is a one-dimensional plottable, i.e. it implements the \ref
+ QCPPlottableInterface1D, returns the \a this pointer with that type. Otherwise (e.g. in the case
+ of a \ref QCPColorMap) returns zero.
+ You can use this method to gain read access to data coordinates while holding a pointer to the
+ abstract base class only.
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+/* start of documentation of pure virtual functions */
/*! \fn void QCPAbstractPlottable::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRect &rect) const = 0
@@ -6790,36 +10350,42 @@ void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString
appear outside the legend icon border.
-/*! \fn QCPRange QCPAbstractPlottable::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const = 0
- \internal
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPAbstractPlottable::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const = 0
- called by rescaleAxes functions to get the full data key bounds. For logarithmic plots, one can
- set \a inSignDomain to either \ref sdNegative or \ref sdPositive in order to restrict the
- returned range to that sign domain. E.g. when only negative range is wanted, set \a inSignDomain
- to \ref sdNegative and all positive points will be ignored for range calculation. For no
- restriction, just set \a inSignDomain to \ref sdBoth (default). \a foundRange is an output
- parameter that indicates whether a range could be found or not. If this is false, you shouldn't
- use the returned range (e.g. no points in data).
+ Returns the coordinate range that all data in this plottable span in the key axis dimension. For
+ logarithmic plots, one can set \a inSignDomain to either \ref QCP::sdNegative or \ref
+ QCP::sdPositive in order to restrict the returned range to that sign domain. E.g. when only
+ negative range is wanted, set \a inSignDomain to \ref QCP::sdNegative and all positive points
+ will be ignored for range calculation. For no restriction, just set \a inSignDomain to \ref
+ QCP::sdBoth (default). \a foundRange is an output parameter that indicates whether a range could
+ be found or not. If this is false, you shouldn't use the returned range (e.g. no points in data).
Note that \a foundRange is not the same as \ref QCPRange::validRange, since the range returned by
- this function may have size zero, which wouldn't count as a valid range.
+ this function may have size zero (e.g. when there is only one data point). In this case \a
+ foundRange would return true, but the returned range is not a valid range in terms of \ref
+ QCPRange::validRange.
\see rescaleAxes, getValueRange
-/*! \fn QCPRange QCPAbstractPlottable::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const = 0
- \internal
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPAbstractPlottable::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const = 0
- called by rescaleAxes functions to get the full data value bounds. For logarithmic plots, one can
- set \a inSignDomain to either \ref sdNegative or \ref sdPositive in order to restrict the
- returned range to that sign domain. E.g. when only negative range is wanted, set \a inSignDomain
- to \ref sdNegative and all positive points will be ignored for range calculation. For no
- restriction, just set \a inSignDomain to \ref sdBoth (default). \a foundRange is an output
- parameter that indicates whether a range could be found or not. If this is false, you shouldn't
- use the returned range (e.g. no points in data).
+ Returns the coordinate range that the data points in the specified key range (\a inKeyRange) span
+ in the value axis dimension. For logarithmic plots, one can set \a inSignDomain to either \ref
+ QCP::sdNegative or \ref QCP::sdPositive in order to restrict the returned range to that sign
+ domain. E.g. when only negative range is wanted, set \a inSignDomain to \ref QCP::sdNegative and
+ all positive points will be ignored for range calculation. For no restriction, just set \a
+ inSignDomain to \ref QCP::sdBoth (default). \a foundRange is an output parameter that indicates
+ whether a range could be found or not. If this is false, you shouldn't use the returned range
+ (e.g. no points in data).
+ If \a inKeyRange has both lower and upper bound set to zero (is equal to <tt>QCPRange()</tt>),
+ all data points are considered, without any restriction on the keys.
Note that \a foundRange is not the same as \ref QCPRange::validRange, since the range returned by
- this function may have size zero, which wouldn't count as a valid range.
+ this function may have size zero (e.g. when there is only one data point). In this case \a
+ foundRange would return true, but the returned range is not a valid range in terms of \ref
+ QCPRange::validRange.
\see rescaleAxes, getKeyRange
@@ -6830,10 +10396,22 @@ void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString
/*! \fn void QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionChanged(bool selected)
This signal is emitted when the selection state of this plottable has changed, either by user
- interaction or by a direct call to \ref setSelected.
+ interaction or by a direct call to \ref setSelection. The parameter \a selected indicates whether
+ there are any points selected or not.
+ \see selectionChanged(const QCPDataSelection &selection)
+/*! \fn void QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionChanged(const QCPDataSelection &selection)
+ This signal is emitted when the selection state of this plottable has changed, either by user
+ interaction or by a direct call to \ref setSelection. The parameter \a selection holds the
+ currently selected data ranges.
+ \see selectionChanged(bool selected)
-/*! \fn void QCPAbstractPlottable::selectableChanged(bool selectable);
+/*! \fn void QCPAbstractPlottable::selectableChanged(QCP::SelectionType selectable);
This signal is emitted when the selectability of this plottable has changed.
@@ -6858,20 +10436,29 @@ QCPAbstractPlottable::QCPAbstractPlottable(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
- mAntialiasedErrorBars(false),
- mSelectedPen(Qt::black),
- mSelectedBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
- mSelectable(true),
- mSelected(false)
+ mSelectable(QCP::stWhole),
+ mSelectionDecorator(0)
if (keyAxis->parentPlot() != valueAxis->parentPlot())
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Parent plot of keyAxis is not the same as that of valueAxis.";
if (keyAxis->orientation() == valueAxis->orientation())
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "keyAxis and valueAxis must be orthogonal to each other.";
+ mParentPlot->registerPlottable(this);
+ setSelectionDecorator(new QCPSelectionDecorator);
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ {
+ delete mSelectionDecorator;
+ mSelectionDecorator = 0;
+ }
@@ -6906,39 +10493,16 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::setAntialiasedScatters(bool enabled)
- Sets whether the error bars of this plottable are drawn antialiased or not.
- Note that this setting may be overridden by \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::setAntialiasedErrorBars(bool enabled)
- mAntialiasedErrorBars = enabled;
The pen is used to draw basic lines that make up the plottable representation in the
- For example, the \ref QCPGraph subclass draws its graph lines with this pen.
- \see setBrush
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::setPen(const QPen &pen)
- mPen = pen;
- When the plottable is selected, this pen is used to draw basic lines instead of the normal
- pen set via \ref setPen.
+ For example, the \ref QCPGraph subclass draws its graph lines with this pen.
- \see setSelected, setSelectable, setSelectedBrush, selectTest
+ \see setBrush
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectedPen(const QPen &pen)
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::setPen(const QPen &pen)
- mSelectedPen = pen;
+ mPen = pen;
@@ -6956,17 +10520,6 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::setBrush(const QBrush &brush)
- When the plottable is selected, this brush is used to draw fills instead of the normal
- brush set via \ref setBrush.
- \see setSelected, setSelectable, setSelectedPen, selectTest
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectedBrush(const QBrush &brush)
- mSelectedBrush = brush;
The key axis of a plottable can be set to any axis of a QCustomPlot, as long as it is orthogonal
to the plottable's value axis. This function performs no checks to make sure this is the case.
The typical mathematical choice is to use the x-axis (QCustomPlot::xAxis) as key axis and the
@@ -6998,47 +10551,166 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::setValueAxis(QCPAxis *axis)
mValueAxis = axis;
- Sets whether the user can (de-)select this plottable by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface.
- (When \ref QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectPlottables.)
+ Sets which data ranges of this plottable are selected. Selected data ranges are drawn differently
+ (e.g. color) in the plot. This can be controlled via the selection decorator (see \ref
+ selectionDecorator).
- However, even when \a selectable was set to false, it is possible to set the selection manually,
- by calling \ref setSelected directly.
+ The entire selection mechanism for plottables is handled automatically when \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectPlottables. You only need to call this function when
+ you wish to change the selection state programmatically.
+ Using \ref setSelectable you can further specify for each plottable whether and to which
+ granularity it is selectable. If \a selection is not compatible with the current \ref
+ QCP::SelectionType set via \ref setSelectable, the resulting selection will be adjusted
+ accordingly (see \ref QCPDataSelection::enforceType).
+ emits the \ref selectionChanged signal when \a selected is different from the previous selection state.
+ \see setSelectable, selectTest
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelection(QCPDataSelection selection)
+ selection.enforceType(mSelectable);
+ if (mSelection != selection)
+ {
+ mSelection = selection;
+ emit selectionChanged(selected());
+ emit selectionChanged(mSelection);
+ }
+ Use this method to set an own QCPSelectionDecorator (subclass) instance. This allows you to
+ customize the visual representation of selected data ranges further than by using the default
+ QCPSelectionDecorator.
+ The plottable takes ownership of the \a decorator.
+ The currently set decorator can be accessed via \ref selectionDecorator.
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectionDecorator(QCPSelectionDecorator *decorator)
+ if (decorator)
+ {
+ if (decorator->registerWithPlottable(this))
+ {
+ if (mSelectionDecorator) // delete old decorator if necessary
+ delete mSelectionDecorator;
+ mSelectionDecorator = decorator;
+ }
+ } else if (mSelectionDecorator) // just clear decorator
+ {
+ delete mSelectionDecorator;
+ mSelectionDecorator = 0;
+ }
+ Sets whether and to which granularity this plottable can be selected.
+ A selection can happen by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface (When \ref
+ QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains \ref QCP::iSelectPlottables), by dragging a selection rect
+ (When \ref QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode is \ref QCP::srmSelect), or programmatically by
+ calling \ref setSelection.
- \see setSelected
+ \see setSelection, QCP::SelectionType
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable(bool selectable)
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable(QCP::SelectionType selectable)
if (mSelectable != selectable)
mSelectable = selectable;
+ QCPDataSelection oldSelection = mSelection;
+ mSelection.enforceType(mSelectable);
emit selectableChanged(mSelectable);
+ if (mSelection != oldSelection)
+ {
+ emit selectionChanged(selected());
+ emit selectionChanged(mSelection);
+ }
- Sets whether this plottable is selected or not. When selected, it uses a different pen and brush
- to draw its lines and fills, see \ref setSelectedPen and \ref setSelectedBrush.
+ Convenience function for transforming a key/value pair to pixels on the QCustomPlot surface,
+ taking the orientations of the axes associated with this plottable into account (e.g. whether key
+ represents x or y).
- The entire selection mechanism for plottables is handled automatically when \ref
- QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectPlottables. You only need to call this function when
- you wish to change the selection state manually.
- This function can change the selection state even when \ref setSelectable was set to false.
+ \a key and \a value are transformed to the coodinates in pixels and are written to \a x and \a y.
+ \see pixelsToCoords, QCPAxis::coordToPixel
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::coordsToPixels(double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- emits the \ref selectionChanged signal when \a selected is different from the previous selection state.
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ x = keyAxis->coordToPixel(key);
+ y = valueAxis->coordToPixel(value);
+ } else
+ {
+ y = keyAxis->coordToPixel(key);
+ x = valueAxis->coordToPixel(value);
+ }
+/*! \overload
+ Transforms the given \a key and \a value to pixel coordinates and returns them in a QPointF.
+const QPointF QCPAbstractPlottable::coordsToPixels(double key, double value) const
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QPointF(); }
- \see setSelectable, selectTest
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return QPointF(keyAxis->coordToPixel(key), valueAxis->coordToPixel(value));
+ else
+ return QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(value), keyAxis->coordToPixel(key));
+ Convenience function for transforming a x/y pixel pair on the QCustomPlot surface to plot coordinates,
+ taking the orientations of the axes associated with this plottable into account (e.g. whether key
+ represents x or y).
+ \a x and \a y are transformed to the plot coodinates and are written to \a key and \a value.
+ \see coordsToPixels, QCPAxis::coordToPixel
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelected(bool selected)
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::pixelsToCoords(double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const
- if (mSelected != selected)
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- mSelected = selected;
- emit selectionChanged(mSelected);
+ key = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(x);
+ value = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(y);
+ } else
+ {
+ key = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(y);
+ value = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(x);
+/*! \overload
+ Returns the pixel input \a pixelPos as plot coordinates \a key and \a value.
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::pixelsToCoords(const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const
+ pixelsToCoords(pixelPos.x(), pixelPos.y(), key, value);
Rescales the key and value axes associated with this plottable to contain all displayed data, so
the whole plottable is visible. If the scaling of an axis is logarithmic, rescaleAxes will make
@@ -7068,9 +10740,9 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge) const
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
if (!keyAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis"; return; }
- SignDomain signDomain = sdBoth;
+ QCP::SignDomain signDomain = QCP::sdBoth;
if (keyAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- signDomain = (keyAxis->range().upper < 0 ? sdNegative : sdPositive);
+ signDomain = (keyAxis->range().upper < 0 ? QCP::sdNegative : QCP::sdPositive);
bool foundRange;
QCPRange newRange = getKeyRange(foundRange, signDomain);
@@ -7096,24 +10768,27 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge) const
- Rescales the value axis of the plottable so the whole plottable is visible.
+ Rescales the value axis of the plottable so the whole plottable is visible. If \a inKeyRange is
+ set to true, only the data points which are in the currently visible key axis range are
+ considered.
Returns true if the axis was actually scaled. This might not be the case if this plottable has an
invalid range, e.g. because it has no data points.
See \ref rescaleAxes for detailed behaviour.
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge) const
+void QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge, bool inKeyRange) const
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid value axis"; return; }
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- SignDomain signDomain = sdBoth;
+ QCP::SignDomain signDomain = QCP::sdBoth;
if (valueAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- signDomain = (valueAxis->range().upper < 0 ? sdNegative : sdPositive);
+ signDomain = (valueAxis->range().upper < 0 ? QCP::sdNegative : QCP::sdPositive);
bool foundRange;
- QCPRange newRange = getValueRange(foundRange, signDomain);
+ QCPRange newRange = getValueRange(foundRange, signDomain, inKeyRange ? keyAxis->range() : QCPRange());
if (foundRange)
if (onlyEnlarge)
@@ -7135,166 +10810,106 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge) const
- Adds this plottable to the legend of the parent QCustomPlot (QCustomPlot::legend).
- Normally, a QCPPlottableLegendItem is created and inserted into the legend. If the plottable
- needs a more specialized representation in the legend, this function will take this into account
- and instead create the specialized subclass of QCPAbstractLegendItem.
- Returns true on success, i.e. when the legend exists and a legend item associated with this plottable isn't already in
- the legend.
+/*! \overload
+ Adds this plottable to the specified \a legend.
+ Creates a QCPPlottableLegendItem which is inserted into the legend. Returns true on success, i.e.
+ when the legend exists and a legend item associated with this plottable isn't already in the
+ legend.
+ If the plottable needs a more specialized representation in the legend, you can create a
+ corresponding subclass of \ref QCPPlottableLegendItem and add it to the legend manually instead
+ of calling this method.
\see removeFromLegend, QCPLegend::addItem
-bool QCPAbstractPlottable::addToLegend()
+bool QCPAbstractPlottable::addToLegend(QCPLegend *legend)
- if (!mParentPlot || !mParentPlot->legend)
+ if (!legend)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed legend is null";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (legend->parentPlot() != mParentPlot)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed legend isn't in the same QCustomPlot as this plottable";
return false;
+ }
- if (!mParentPlot->legend->hasItemWithPlottable(this))
+ if (!legend->hasItemWithPlottable(this))
- mParentPlot->legend->addItem(new QCPPlottableLegendItem(mParentPlot->legend, this));
+ legend->addItem(new QCPPlottableLegendItem(legend, this));
return true;
} else
return false;
- Removes the plottable from the legend of the parent QCustomPlot. This means the
- QCPAbstractLegendItem (usually a QCPPlottableLegendItem) that is associated with this plottable
- is removed.
- Returns true on success, i.e. if the legend exists and a legend item associated with this
- plottable was found and removed.
- \see addToLegend, QCPLegend::removeItem
+/*! \overload
+ Adds this plottable to the legend of the parent QCustomPlot (\ref QCustomPlot::legend).
+ \see removeFromLegend
-bool QCPAbstractPlottable::removeFromLegend() const
+bool QCPAbstractPlottable::addToLegend()
- if (!mParentPlot->legend)
+ if (!mParentPlot || !mParentPlot->legend)
return false;
- if (QCPPlottableLegendItem *lip = mParentPlot->legend->itemWithPlottable(this))
- return mParentPlot->legend->removeItem(lip);
- return false;
+ return addToLegend(mParentPlot->legend);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QRect QCPAbstractPlottable::clipRect() const
- if (mKeyAxis && mValueAxis)
- return mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect() & mValueAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect();
- else
- return QRect();
+/*! \overload
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionCategory() const
- return QCP::iSelectPlottables;
+ Removes the plottable from the specifed \a legend. This means the \ref QCPPlottableLegendItem
+ that is associated with this plottable is removed.
-/*! \internal
- Convenience function for transforming a key/value pair to pixels on the QCustomPlot surface,
- taking the orientations of the axes associated with this plottable into account (e.g. whether key
- represents x or y).
- \a key and \a value are transformed to the coodinates in pixels and are written to \a x and \a y.
- \see pixelsToCoords, QCPAxis::coordToPixel
+ Returns true on success, i.e. if the legend exists and a legend item associated with this
+ plottable was found and removed.
+ \see addToLegend, QCPLegend::removeItem
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::coordsToPixels(double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const
+bool QCPAbstractPlottable::removeFromLegend(QCPLegend *legend) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- x = keyAxis->coordToPixel(key);
- y = valueAxis->coordToPixel(value);
- } else
+ if (!legend)
- y = keyAxis->coordToPixel(key);
- x = valueAxis->coordToPixel(value);
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed legend is null";
+ return false;
-/*! \internal
- \overload
- Returns the input as pixel coordinates in a QPointF.
-const QPointF QCPAbstractPlottable::coordsToPixels(double key, double value) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QPointF(); }
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- return QPointF(keyAxis->coordToPixel(key), valueAxis->coordToPixel(value));
+ if (QCPPlottableLegendItem *lip = legend->itemWithPlottable(this))
+ return legend->removeItem(lip);
- return QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(value), keyAxis->coordToPixel(key));
+ return false;
-/*! \internal
- Convenience function for transforming a x/y pixel pair on the QCustomPlot surface to plot coordinates,
- taking the orientations of the axes associated with this plottable into account (e.g. whether key
- represents x or y).
- \a x and \a y are transformed to the plot coodinates and are written to \a key and \a value.
- \see coordsToPixels, QCPAxis::coordToPixel
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::pixelsToCoords(double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- key = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(x);
- value = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(y);
- } else
- {
- key = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(y);
- value = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(x);
- }
+/*! \overload
-/*! \internal
- \overload
+ Removes the plottable from the legend of the parent QCustomPlot.
- Returns the pixel input \a pixelPos as plot coordinates \a key and \a value.
+ \see addToLegend
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::pixelsToCoords(const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const
+bool QCPAbstractPlottable::removeFromLegend() const
- pixelsToCoords(pixelPos.x(), pixelPos.y(), key, value);
+ if (!mParentPlot || !mParentPlot->legend)
+ return false;
+ else
+ return removeFromLegend(mParentPlot->legend);
-/*! \internal
- Returns the pen that should be used for drawing lines of the plottable. Returns mPen when the
- graph is not selected and mSelectedPen when it is.
-QPen QCPAbstractPlottable::mainPen() const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QRect QCPAbstractPlottable::clipRect() const
- return mSelected ? mSelectedPen : mPen;
+ if (mKeyAxis && mValueAxis)
+ return mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect() & mValueAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect();
+ else
+ return QRect();
-/*! \internal
- Returns the brush that should be used for drawing fills of the plottable. Returns mBrush when the
- graph is not selected and mSelectedBrush when it is.
-QBrush QCPAbstractPlottable::mainBrush() const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionCategory() const
- return mSelected ? mSelectedBrush : mBrush;
+ return QCP::iSelectPlottables;
/*! \internal
@@ -7308,7 +10923,9 @@ QBrush QCPAbstractPlottable::mainBrush() const
overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- \see setAntialiased, applyFillAntialiasingHint, applyScattersAntialiasingHint, applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+ \see setAntialiased, applyFillAntialiasingHint, applyScattersAntialiasingHint
void QCPAbstractPlottable::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
@@ -7324,7 +10941,7 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) con
overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- \see setAntialiased, applyDefaultAntialiasingHint, applyScattersAntialiasingHint, applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint
+ \see setAntialiased, applyDefaultAntialiasingHint, applyScattersAntialiasingHint
void QCPAbstractPlottable::applyFillAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
@@ -7340,86 +10957,60 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::applyFillAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- \see setAntialiased, applyFillAntialiasingHint, applyDefaultAntialiasingHint, applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint
+ \see setAntialiased, applyFillAntialiasingHint, applyDefaultAntialiasingHint
void QCPAbstractPlottable::applyScattersAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedScatters, QCP::aeScatters);
-/*! \internal
- A convenience function to easily set the QPainter::Antialiased hint on the provided \a painter
- before drawing plottable error bars.
- This function takes into account the local setting of the antialiasing flag as well as the
- overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
- QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
- \see setAntialiased, applyFillAntialiasingHint, applyScattersAntialiasingHint, applyDefaultAntialiasingHint
-void QCPAbstractPlottable::applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiasedErrorBars, QCP::aeErrorBars);
-/*! \internal
- Finds the shortest squared distance of \a point to the line segment defined by \a start and \a
- end.
- This function may be used to help with the implementation of the \ref selectTest function for
- specific plottables.
- \note This function is identical to QCPAbstractItem::distSqrToLine
-double QCPAbstractPlottable::distSqrToLine(const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, const QPointF &point) const
- QVector2D a(start);
- QVector2D b(end);
- QVector2D p(point);
- QVector2D v(b-a);
- double vLengthSqr = v.lengthSquared();
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(vLengthSqr))
- {
- double mu = QVector2D::dotProduct(p-a, v)/vLengthSqr;
- if (mu < 0)
- return (a-p).lengthSquared();
- else if (mu > 1)
- return (b-p).lengthSquared();
- else
- return ((a + mu*v)-p).lengthSquared();
- } else
- return (a-p).lengthSquared();
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPAbstractPlottable::selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (mSelectable)
+ if (mSelectable != QCP::stNone)
- bool selBefore = mSelected;
- setSelected(additive ? !mSelected : true);
+ QCPDataSelection newSelection = details.value<QCPDataSelection>();
+ QCPDataSelection selectionBefore = mSelection;
+ if (additive)
+ {
+ if (mSelectable == QCP::stWhole) // in whole selection mode, we toggle to no selection even if currently unselected point was hit
+ {
+ if (selected())
+ setSelection(QCPDataSelection());
+ else
+ setSelection(newSelection);
+ } else // in all other selection modes we toggle selections of homogeneously selected/unselected segments
+ {
+ if (mSelection.contains(newSelection)) // if entire newSelection is already selected, toggle selection
+ setSelection(mSelection-newSelection);
+ else
+ setSelection(mSelection+newSelection);
+ }
+ } else
+ setSelection(newSelection);
if (selectionStateChanged)
- *selectionStateChanged = mSelected != selBefore;
+ *selectionStateChanged = mSelection != selectionBefore;
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPAbstractPlottable::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
- if (mSelectable)
+ if (mSelectable != QCP::stNone)
- bool selBefore = mSelected;
- setSelected(false);
+ QCPDataSelection selectionBefore = mSelection;
+ setSelection(QCPDataSelection());
if (selectionStateChanged)
- *selectionStateChanged = mSelected != selBefore;
+ *selectionStateChanged = mSelection != selectionBefore;
+/* end of 'src/plottable.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/item.cpp', size 49269 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemAnchor
@@ -7465,7 +11056,7 @@ void QCPAbstractPlottable::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
you want to make a new item subclass. Use \ref QCPAbstractItem::createAnchor instead, as
explained in the subclassing section of the QCPAbstractItem documentation.
-QCPItemAnchor::QCPItemAnchor(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString name, int anchorId) :
+QCPItemAnchor::QCPItemAnchor(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString &name, int anchorId) :
@@ -7494,13 +11085,13 @@ QCPItemAnchor::~QCPItemAnchor()
The pixel information is internally retrieved via QCPAbstractItem::anchorPixelPosition of the
parent item, QCPItemAnchor is just an intermediary.
-QPointF QCPItemAnchor::pixelPoint() const
+QPointF QCPItemAnchor::pixelPosition() const
if (mParentItem)
if (mAnchorId > -1)
- return mParentItem->anchorPixelPoint(mAnchorId);
+ return mParentItem->anchorPixelPosition(mAnchorId);
} else
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no valid anchor id set:" << mAnchorId;
@@ -7602,9 +11193,9 @@ void QCPItemAnchor::removeChildY(QCPItemPosition *pos)
Note that every QCPItemPosition inherits from QCPItemAnchor and thus can itself be used as parent
anchor for other positions.
- To set the apparent pixel position on the QCustomPlot surface directly, use \ref setPixelPoint. This
+ To set the apparent pixel position on the QCustomPlot surface directly, use \ref setPixelPosition. This
works no matter what type this QCPItemPosition is or what parent-child situation it is in, as \ref
- setPixelPoint transforms the coordinates appropriately, to make the position appear at the specified
+ setPixelPosition transforms the coordinates appropriately, to make the position appear at the specified
pixel values.
@@ -7638,7 +11229,7 @@ void QCPItemAnchor::removeChildY(QCPItemPosition *pos)
you want to make a new item subclass. Use \ref QCPAbstractItem::createPosition instead, as
explained in the subclassing section of the QCPAbstractItem documentation.
-QCPItemPosition::QCPItemPosition(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString name) :
+QCPItemPosition::QCPItemPosition(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString &name) :
QCPItemAnchor(parentPlot, parentItem, name),
@@ -7653,7 +11244,7 @@ QCPItemPosition::~QCPItemPosition()
// unregister as parent at children:
// Note: this is done in ~QCPItemAnchor again, but it's important QCPItemPosition does it itself, because only then
- // the setParentAnchor(0) call the correct QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint function instead of QCPItemAnchor::pixelPoint
+ // the setParentAnchor(0) call the correct QCPItemPosition::pixelPosition function instead of QCPItemAnchor::pixelPosition
foreach (QCPItemPosition *child, mChildrenX.toList())
if (child->parentAnchorX() == this)
@@ -7720,7 +11311,7 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setTypeX(QCPItemPosition::PositionType type)
if (mPositionTypeX != type)
// if switching from or to coordinate type that isn't valid (e.g. because axes or axis rect
- // were deleted), don't try to recover the pixelPoint() because it would output a qDebug warning.
+ // were deleted), don't try to recover the pixelPosition() because it would output a qDebug warning.
bool retainPixelPosition = true;
if ((mPositionTypeX == ptPlotCoords || type == ptPlotCoords) && (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis))
retainPixelPosition = false;
@@ -7729,12 +11320,12 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setTypeX(QCPItemPosition::PositionType type)
QPointF pixel;
if (retainPixelPosition)
- pixel = pixelPoint();
+ pixel = pixelPosition();
mPositionTypeX = type;
if (retainPixelPosition)
- setPixelPoint(pixel);
+ setPixelPosition(pixel);
@@ -7750,7 +11341,7 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setTypeY(QCPItemPosition::PositionType type)
if (mPositionTypeY != type)
// if switching from or to coordinate type that isn't valid (e.g. because axes or axis rect
- // were deleted), don't try to recover the pixelPoint() because it would output a qDebug warning.
+ // were deleted), don't try to recover the pixelPosition() because it would output a qDebug warning.
bool retainPixelPosition = true;
if ((mPositionTypeY == ptPlotCoords || type == ptPlotCoords) && (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis))
retainPixelPosition = false;
@@ -7759,12 +11350,12 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setTypeY(QCPItemPosition::PositionType type)
QPointF pixel;
if (retainPixelPosition)
- pixel = pixelPoint();
+ pixel = pixelPosition();
mPositionTypeY = type;
if (retainPixelPosition)
- setPixelPoint(pixel);
+ setPixelPosition(pixel);
@@ -7842,7 +11433,7 @@ bool QCPItemPosition::setParentAnchorX(QCPItemAnchor *parentAnchor, bool keepPix
// save pixel position:
QPointF pixelP;
if (keepPixelPosition)
- pixelP = pixelPoint();
+ pixelP = pixelPosition();
// unregister at current parent anchor:
if (mParentAnchorX)
@@ -7852,7 +11443,7 @@ bool QCPItemPosition::setParentAnchorX(QCPItemAnchor *parentAnchor, bool keepPix
mParentAnchorX = parentAnchor;
// restore pixel position under new parent:
if (keepPixelPosition)
- setPixelPoint(pixelP);
+ setPixelPosition(pixelP);
setCoords(0, coords().y());
return true;
@@ -7907,7 +11498,7 @@ bool QCPItemPosition::setParentAnchorY(QCPItemAnchor *parentAnchor, bool keepPix
// save pixel position:
QPointF pixelP;
if (keepPixelPosition)
- pixelP = pixelPoint();
+ pixelP = pixelPosition();
// unregister at current parent anchor:
if (mParentAnchorY)
@@ -7917,7 +11508,7 @@ bool QCPItemPosition::setParentAnchorY(QCPItemAnchor *parentAnchor, bool keepPix
mParentAnchorY = parentAnchor;
// restore pixel position under new parent:
if (keepPixelPosition)
- setPixelPoint(pixelP);
+ setPixelPosition(pixelP);
setCoords(coords().x(), 0);
return true;
@@ -7938,7 +11529,7 @@ bool QCPItemPosition::setParentAnchorY(QCPItemAnchor *parentAnchor, bool keepPix
value must also be provided in the different coordinate systems. Here, the X type refers to \a
key, and the Y type refers to \a value.
- \see setPixelPoint
+ \see setPixelPosition
void QCPItemPosition::setCoords(double key, double value)
@@ -7960,9 +11551,9 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setCoords(const QPointF &pos)
Returns the final absolute pixel position of the QCPItemPosition on the QCustomPlot surface. It
includes all effects of type (\ref setType) and possible parent anchors (\ref setParentAnchor).
- \see setPixelPoint
+ \see setPixelPosition
-QPointF QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint() const
+QPointF QCPItemPosition::pixelPosition() const
QPointF result;
@@ -7973,14 +11564,14 @@ QPointF QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint() const
result.rx() = mKey;
if (mParentAnchorX)
- result.rx() += mParentAnchorX->pixelPoint().x();
+ result.rx() += mParentAnchorX->pixelPosition().x();
case ptViewportRatio:
result.rx() = mKey*mParentPlot->viewport().width();
if (mParentAnchorX)
- result.rx() += mParentAnchorX->pixelPoint().x();
+ result.rx() += mParentAnchorX->pixelPosition().x();
result.rx() += mParentPlot->viewport().left();
@@ -7991,7 +11582,7 @@ QPointF QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint() const
result.rx() = mKey*mAxisRect.data()->width();
if (mParentAnchorX)
- result.rx() += mParentAnchorX->pixelPoint().x();
+ result.rx() += mParentAnchorX->pixelPosition().x();
result.rx() += mAxisRect.data()->left();
} else
@@ -8017,14 +11608,14 @@ QPointF QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint() const
result.ry() = mValue;
if (mParentAnchorY)
- result.ry() += mParentAnchorY->pixelPoint().y();
+ result.ry() += mParentAnchorY->pixelPosition().y();
case ptViewportRatio:
result.ry() = mValue*mParentPlot->viewport().height();
if (mParentAnchorY)
- result.ry() += mParentAnchorY->pixelPoint().y();
+ result.ry() += mParentAnchorY->pixelPosition().y();
result.ry() += mParentPlot->viewport().top();
@@ -8035,7 +11626,7 @@ QPointF QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint() const
result.ry() = mValue*mAxisRect.data()->height();
if (mParentAnchorY)
- result.ry() += mParentAnchorY->pixelPoint().y();
+ result.ry() += mParentAnchorY->pixelPosition().y();
result.ry() += mAxisRect.data()->top();
} else
@@ -8086,25 +11677,25 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setAxisRect(QCPAxisRect *axisRect)
Only if the type is \ref ptAbsolute and no parent anchor is set, this function's effect is
identical to that of \ref setCoords.
- \see pixelPoint, setCoords
+ \see pixelPosition, setCoords
-void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
+void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPosition(const QPointF &pixelPosition)
- double x = pixelPoint.x();
- double y = pixelPoint.y();
+ double x = pixelPosition.x();
+ double y = pixelPosition.y();
switch (mPositionTypeX)
case ptAbsolute:
if (mParentAnchorX)
- x -= mParentAnchorX->pixelPoint().x();
+ x -= mParentAnchorX->pixelPosition().x();
case ptViewportRatio:
if (mParentAnchorX)
- x -= mParentAnchorX->pixelPoint().x();
+ x -= mParentAnchorX->pixelPosition().x();
x -= mParentPlot->viewport().left();
x /= (double)mParentPlot->viewport().width();
@@ -8115,7 +11706,7 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
if (mAxisRect)
if (mParentAnchorX)
- x -= mParentAnchorX->pixelPoint().x();
+ x -= mParentAnchorX->pixelPosition().x();
x -= mAxisRect.data()->left();
x /= (double)mAxisRect.data()->width();
@@ -8140,13 +11731,13 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
case ptAbsolute:
if (mParentAnchorY)
- y -= mParentAnchorY->pixelPoint().y();
+ y -= mParentAnchorY->pixelPosition().y();
case ptViewportRatio:
if (mParentAnchorY)
- y -= mParentAnchorY->pixelPoint().y();
+ y -= mParentAnchorY->pixelPosition().y();
y -= mParentPlot->viewport().top();
y /= (double)mParentPlot->viewport().height();
@@ -8157,7 +11748,7 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
if (mAxisRect)
if (mParentAnchorY)
- y -= mParentAnchorY->pixelPoint().y();
+ y -= mParentAnchorY->pixelPosition().y();
y -= mAxisRect.data()->top();
y /= (double)mAxisRect.data()->height();
@@ -8280,7 +11871,7 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
To give your item a visual representation, reimplement the \ref draw function and use the passed
QCPPainter to draw the item. You can retrieve the item position in pixel coordinates from the
- position member(s) via \ref QCPItemPosition::pixelPoint.
+ position member(s) via \ref QCPItemPosition::pixelPosition.
To optimize performance you should calculate a bounding rect first (don't forget to take the pen
width into account), check whether it intersects the \ref clipRect, and only draw the item at all
@@ -8288,10 +11879,10 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
\subsection items-selection The selectTest function
- Your implementation of the \ref selectTest function may use the helpers \ref distSqrToLine and
- \ref rectSelectTest. With these, the implementation of the selection test becomes significantly
- simpler for most items. See the documentation of \ref selectTest for what the function parameters
- mean and what the function should return.
+ Your implementation of the \ref selectTest function may use the helpers \ref
+ QCPVector2D::distanceSquaredToLine and \ref rectDistance. With these, the implementation of the
+ selection test becomes significantly simpler for most items. See the documentation of \ref
+ selectTest for what the function parameters mean and what the function should return.
\subsection anchors Providing anchors
@@ -8303,7 +11894,7 @@ void QCPItemPosition::setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint)
and create it in the constructor with the \ref createAnchor function, assigning it a name and an
anchor id (an integer enumerating all anchors on the item, you may create an own enum for this).
Since anchors can be placed anywhere, relative to the item's position(s), your item needs to
- provide the position of every anchor with the reimplementation of the \ref anchorPixelPoint(int
+ provide the position of every anchor with the reimplementation of the \ref anchorPixelPosition(int
anchorId) function.
In essence the QCPItemAnchor is merely an intermediary that itself asks your item for the pixel
@@ -8359,6 +11950,8 @@ QCPAbstractItem::QCPAbstractItem(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ parentPlot->registerItem(this);
QList<QCPAxisRect*> rects = parentPlot->axisRects();
if (rects.size() > 0)
@@ -8511,7 +12104,7 @@ bool QCPAbstractItem::hasAnchor(const QString &name) const
Returns the rect the visual representation of this item is clipped to. This depends on the
current setting of \ref setClipToAxisRect as well as the axis rect set with \ref setClipAxisRect.
- If the item is not clipped to an axis rect, the \ref QCustomPlot::viewport rect is returned.
+ If the item is not clipped to an axis rect, QCustomPlot's viewport rect is returned.
\see draw
@@ -8543,39 +12136,6 @@ void QCPAbstractItem::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
/*! \internal
- Finds the shortest squared distance of \a point to the line segment defined by \a start and \a
- end.
- This function may be used to help with the implementation of the \ref selectTest function for
- specific items.
- \note This function is identical to QCPAbstractPlottable::distSqrToLine
- \see rectSelectTest
-double QCPAbstractItem::distSqrToLine(const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, const QPointF &point) const
- QVector2D a(start);
- QVector2D b(end);
- QVector2D p(point);
- QVector2D v(b-a);
- double vLengthSqr = v.lengthSquared();
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(vLengthSqr))
- {
- double mu = QVector2D::dotProduct(p-a, v)/vLengthSqr;
- if (mu < 0)
- return (a-p).lengthSquared();
- else if (mu > 1)
- return (b-p).lengthSquared();
- else
- return ((a + mu*v)-p).lengthSquared();
- } else
- return (a-p).lengthSquared();
-/*! \internal
A convenience function which returns the selectTest value for a specified \a rect and a specified
click position \a pos. \a filledRect defines whether a click inside the rect should also be
considered a hit or whether only the rect border is sensitive to hits.
@@ -8584,12 +12144,10 @@ double QCPAbstractItem::distSqrToLine(const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end,
specific items.
For example, if your item consists of four rects, call this function four times, once for each
- rect, in your \ref selectTest reimplementation. Finally, return the minimum of all four returned
- values.
- \see distSqrToLine
+ rect, in your \ref selectTest reimplementation. Finally, return the minimum (non -1) of all four
+ returned values.
-double QCPAbstractItem::rectSelectTest(const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &pos, bool filledRect) const
+double QCPAbstractItem::rectDistance(const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &pos, bool filledRect) const
double result = -1;
@@ -8600,7 +12158,7 @@ double QCPAbstractItem::rectSelectTest(const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &pos, b
double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (int i=0; i<lines.size(); ++i)
- double distSqr = distSqrToLine(lines.at(i).p1(), lines.at(i).p2(), pos);
+ double distSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(lines.at(i).p1(), lines.at(i).p2());
if (distSqr < minDistSqr)
minDistSqr = distSqr;
@@ -8625,7 +12183,7 @@ double QCPAbstractItem::rectSelectTest(const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &pos, b
\see createAnchor
-QPointF QCPAbstractItem::anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const
+QPointF QCPAbstractItem::anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "called on item which shouldn't have any anchors (this method not reimplemented). anchorId" << anchorId;
return QPointF();
@@ -8668,7 +12226,7 @@ QCPItemPosition *QCPAbstractItem::createPosition(const QString &name)
The \a anchorId must be a number identifying the created anchor. It is recommended to create an
enum (e.g. "AnchorIndex") for this on each item that uses anchors. This id is used by the anchor
- to identify itself when it calls QCPAbstractItem::anchorPixelPoint. That function then returns
+ to identify itself when it calls QCPAbstractItem::anchorPixelPosition. That function then returns
the correct pixel coordinates for the passed anchor id.
Don't delete anchors created by this function manually, as the item will take care of it.
@@ -8719,11 +12277,11 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
return QCP::iSelectItems;
+/* end of 'src/item.cpp' */
-/*! \file */
+/* including file 'src/core.cpp', size 124243 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCustomPlot
@@ -8740,19 +12298,12 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QRect QCustomPlot::viewport() const
- Returns the viewport rect of this QCustomPlot instance. The viewport is the area the plot is
- drawn in, all mechanisms, e.g. margin caluclation take the viewport to be the outer border of the
- plot. The viewport normally is the rect() of the QCustomPlot widget, i.e. a rect with top left
- (0, 0) and size of the QCustomPlot widget.
+/*! \fn QCPSelectionRect *QCustomPlot::selectionRect() const
- Don't confuse the viewport with the axis rect (QCustomPlot::axisRect). An axis rect is typically
- an area enclosed by four axes, where the graphs/plottables are drawn in. The viewport is larger
- and contains also the axes themselves, their tick numbers, their labels, the plot title etc.
+ Allows access to the currently used QCPSelectionRect instance (or subclass thereof), that is used
+ to handle and draw selection rect interactions (see \ref setSelectionRectMode).
- Only when saving to a file (see \ref savePng, \ref savePdf etc.) the viewport is temporarily
- modified to allow saving plots with sizes independent of the current widget size.
+ \see setSelectionRect
/*! \fn QCPLayoutGrid *QCustomPlot::plotLayout() const
@@ -8810,23 +12361,25 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes or \ref QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomFactor.
-/*! \fn void QCustomPlot::plottableClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, QMouseEvent *event)
+/*! \fn void QCustomPlot::plottableClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, int dataIndex, QMouseEvent *event)
This signal is emitted when a plottable is clicked.
\a event is the mouse event that caused the click and \a plottable is the plottable that received
- the click.
+ the click. The parameter \a dataIndex indicates the data point that was closest to the click
+ position.
\see plottableDoubleClick
-/*! \fn void QCustomPlot::plottableDoubleClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, QMouseEvent *event)
+/*! \fn void QCustomPlot::plottableDoubleClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, int dataIndex, QMouseEvent *event)
This signal is emitted when a plottable is double clicked.
\a event is the mouse event that caused the click and \a plottable is the plottable that received
- the click.
+ the click. The parameter \a dataIndex indicates the data point that was closest to the click
+ position.
\see plottableClick
@@ -8894,35 +12447,16 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
\see legendClick
-/*! \fn void QCustomPlot:: titleClick(QMouseEvent *event, QCPPlotTitle *title)
- This signal is emitted when a plot title is clicked.
- \a event is the mouse event that caused the click and \a title is the plot title that received
- the click.
- \see titleDoubleClick
-/*! \fn void QCustomPlot::titleDoubleClick(QMouseEvent *event, QCPPlotTitle *title)
- This signal is emitted when a plot title is double clicked.
- \a event is the mouse event that caused the click and \a title is the plot title that received
- the click.
- \see titleClick
/*! \fn void QCustomPlot::selectionChangedByUser()
This signal is emitted after the user has changed the selection in the QCustomPlot, e.g. by
clicking. It is not emitted when the selection state of an object has changed programmatically by
- a direct call to setSelected() on an object or by calling \ref deselectAll.
+ a direct call to <tt>setSelected()</tt>/<tt>setSelection()</tt> on an object or by calling \ref
+ deselectAll.
- In addition to this signal, selectable objects also provide individual signals, for example
- QCPAxis::selectionChanged or QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionChanged. Note that those signals are
- emitted even if the selection state is changed programmatically.
+ In addition to this signal, selectable objects also provide individual signals, for example \ref
+ QCPAxis::selectionChanged or \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::selectionChanged. Note that those signals
+ are emitted even if the selection state is changed programmatically.
See the documentation of \ref setInteractions for details about the selection mechanism.
@@ -8965,6 +12499,11 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
QCPAxisRect::axis interface to access the new axes. If one of the four default axes or the
default legend is removed due to manipulation of the layout system (e.g. by removing the main
axis rect), the corresponding pointers become 0.
+ If an axis convenience pointer is currently zero and a new axis rect or a corresponding axis is
+ added in the place of the main axis rect, QCustomPlot resets the convenience pointers to the
+ according new axes. Similarly the \ref legend convenience pointer will be reset if a legend is
+ added after the main legend was removed before.
/*! \var QCPAxis *QCustomPlot::yAxis
@@ -8978,6 +12517,11 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
QCPAxisRect::axis interface to access the new axes. If one of the four default axes or the
default legend is removed due to manipulation of the layout system (e.g. by removing the main
axis rect), the corresponding pointers become 0.
+ If an axis convenience pointer is currently zero and a new axis rect or a corresponding axis is
+ added in the place of the main axis rect, QCustomPlot resets the convenience pointers to the
+ according new axes. Similarly the \ref legend convenience pointer will be reset if a legend is
+ added after the main legend was removed before.
/*! \var QCPAxis *QCustomPlot::xAxis2
@@ -8993,6 +12537,11 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
QCPAxisRect::axis interface to access the new axes. If one of the four default axes or the
default legend is removed due to manipulation of the layout system (e.g. by removing the main
axis rect), the corresponding pointers become 0.
+ If an axis convenience pointer is currently zero and a new axis rect or a corresponding axis is
+ added in the place of the main axis rect, QCustomPlot resets the convenience pointers to the
+ according new axes. Similarly the \ref legend convenience pointer will be reset if a legend is
+ added after the main legend was removed before.
/*! \var QCPAxis *QCustomPlot::yAxis2
@@ -9008,6 +12557,11 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
QCPAxisRect::axis interface to access the new axes. If one of the four default axes or the
default legend is removed due to manipulation of the layout system (e.g. by removing the main
axis rect), the corresponding pointers become 0.
+ If an axis convenience pointer is currently zero and a new axis rect or a corresponding axis is
+ added in the place of the main axis rect, QCustomPlot resets the convenience pointers to the
+ according new axes. Similarly the \ref legend convenience pointer will be reset if a legend is
+ added after the main legend was removed before.
/*! \var QCPLegend *QCustomPlot::legend
@@ -9023,6 +12577,11 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractItem::selectionCategory() const
QCPAxisRect::insetLayout "inset layout", and must then also be accessed via the inset layout. If
the default legend is removed due to manipulation of the layout system (e.g. by removing the main
axis rect), the corresponding pointer becomes 0.
+ If an axis convenience pointer is currently zero and a new axis rect or a corresponding axis is
+ added in the place of the main axis rect, QCustomPlot resets the convenience pointers to the
+ according new axes. Similarly the \ref legend convenience pointer will be reset if a legend is
+ added after the main legend was removed before.
/* end of documentation of public members */
@@ -9037,6 +12596,7 @@ QCustomPlot::QCustomPlot(QWidget *parent) :
+ mBufferDevicePixelRatio(1.0), // will be adapted to primary screen below
@@ -9048,27 +12608,42 @@ QCustomPlot::QCustomPlot(QWidget *parent) :
- mPlottingHints(QCP::phCacheLabels|QCP::phForceRepaint),
+ mPlottingHints(QCP::phCacheLabels|QCP::phImmediateRefresh),
- mPaintBuffer(size()),
- mMouseEventElement(0),
- mReplotting(false)
+ mSelectionRectMode(QCP::srmNone),
+ mSelectionRect(0),
+ mOpenGl(false),
+ mMouseHasMoved(false),
+ mMouseEventLayerable(0),
+ mReplotting(false),
+ mReplotQueued(false),
+ mOpenGlMultisamples(16),
+ mOpenGlAntialiasedElementsBackup(QCP::aeNone),
+ mOpenGlCacheLabelsBackup(true)
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
QLocale currentLocale = locale();
+ setBufferDevicePixelRatio(QWidget::devicePixelRatio());
+ mOpenGlAntialiasedElementsBackup = mAntialiasedElements;
+ mOpenGlCacheLabelsBackup = mPlottingHints.testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels);
// create initial layers:
mLayers.append(new QCPLayer(this, QLatin1String("background")));
mLayers.append(new QCPLayer(this, QLatin1String("grid")));
mLayers.append(new QCPLayer(this, QLatin1String("main")));
mLayers.append(new QCPLayer(this, QLatin1String("axes")));
mLayers.append(new QCPLayer(this, QLatin1String("legend")));
+ mLayers.append(new QCPLayer(this, QLatin1String("overlay")));
+ layer(QLatin1String("overlay"))->setMode(QCPLayer::lmBuffered);
// create initial layout, axis rect and legend:
mPlotLayout = new QCPLayoutGrid;
@@ -9097,9 +12672,13 @@ QCustomPlot::QCustomPlot(QWidget *parent) :
+ // create selection rect instance:
+ mSelectionRect = new QCPSelectionRect(this);
+ mSelectionRect->setLayer(QLatin1String("overlay"));
setViewport(rect()); // needs to be called after mPlotLayout has been created
- replot();
+ replot(rpQueuedReplot);
@@ -9213,7 +12792,7 @@ void QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElement(QCP::AntialiasedElement notAntialiase
If set to true, adding a plottable (e.g. a graph) to the QCustomPlot automatically also adds the
plottable to the legend (QCustomPlot::legend).
- \see addPlottable, addGraph, QCPLegend::addItem
+ \see addGraph, QCPLegend::addItem
void QCustomPlot::setAutoAddPlottableToLegend(bool on)
@@ -9230,14 +12809,14 @@ void QCustomPlot::setAutoAddPlottableToLegend(bool on)
QCPAxisRect::setRangeDrag, \ref QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoom, \ref QCPAxisRect::setRangeDragAxes,
\ref QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes.
- <b>Plottable selection</b> is controlled by \ref QCP::iSelectPlottables. If \ref QCP::iSelectPlottables is
- set, the user may select plottables (graphs, curves, bars,...) by clicking on them or in their
- vicinity (\ref setSelectionTolerance). Whether the user can actually select a plottable can
- further be restricted with the \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable function on the specific
- plottable. To find out whether a specific plottable is selected, call
- QCPAbstractPlottable::selected(). To retrieve a list of all currently selected plottables, call
- \ref selectedPlottables. If you're only interested in QCPGraphs, you may use the convenience
- function \ref selectedGraphs.
+ <b>Plottable data selection</b> is controlled by \ref QCP::iSelectPlottables. If \ref
+ QCP::iSelectPlottables is set, the user may select plottables (graphs, curves, bars,...) and
+ their data by clicking on them or in their vicinity (\ref setSelectionTolerance). Whether the
+ user can actually select a plottable and its data can further be restricted with the \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable method on the specific plottable. For details, see the
+ special page about the \ref dataselection "data selection mechanism". To retrieve a list of all
+ currently selected plottables, call \ref selectedPlottables. If you're only interested in
+ QCPGraphs, you may use the convenience function \ref selectedGraphs.
<b>Item selection</b> is controlled by \ref QCP::iSelectItems. If \ref QCP::iSelectItems is set, the user
may select items (QCPItemLine, QCPItemText,...) by clicking on them or in their vicinity. To find
@@ -9257,7 +12836,7 @@ void QCustomPlot::setAutoAddPlottableToLegend(bool on)
find out which child items are selected, call \ref QCPLegend::selectedItems.
<b>All other selectable elements</b> The selection of all other selectable objects (e.g.
- QCPPlotTitle, or your own layerable subclasses) is controlled with \ref QCP::iSelectOther. If set, the
+ QCPTextElement, or your own layerable subclasses) is controlled with \ref QCP::iSelectOther. If set, the
user may select those objects by clicking on them. To find out which are currently selected, you
need to check their selected state explicitly.
@@ -9356,8 +12935,8 @@ void QCustomPlot::setPlottingHint(QCP::PlottingHint hint, bool enabled)
Sets the keyboard modifier that will be recognized as multi-select-modifier.
- If \ref QCP::iMultiSelect is specified in \ref setInteractions, the user may select multiple objects
- by clicking on them one after the other while holding down \a modifier.
+ If \ref QCP::iMultiSelect is specified in \ref setInteractions, the user may select multiple
+ objects (or data points) by clicking on them one after the other while holding down \a modifier.
By default the multi-select-modifier is set to Qt::ControlModifier.
@@ -9369,9 +12948,158 @@ void QCustomPlot::setMultiSelectModifier(Qt::KeyboardModifier modifier)
- Sets the viewport of this QCustomPlot. The Viewport is the area that the top level layout
- (QCustomPlot::plotLayout()) uses as its rect. Normally, the viewport is the entire widget rect.
+ Sets how QCustomPlot processes mouse click-and-drag interactions by the user.
+ If \a mode is \ref QCP::srmNone, the mouse drag is forwarded to the underlying objects. For
+ example, QCPAxisRect may process a mouse drag by dragging axis ranges, see \ref
+ QCPAxisRect::setRangeDrag. If \a mode is not \ref QCP::srmNone, the current selection rect (\ref
+ selectionRect) becomes activated and allows e.g. rect zooming and data point selection.
+ If you wish to provide your user both with axis range dragging and data selection/range zooming,
+ use this method to switch between the modes just before the interaction is processed, e.g. in
+ reaction to the \ref mousePress or \ref mouseMove signals. For example you could check whether
+ the user is holding a certain keyboard modifier, and then decide which \a mode shall be set.
+ If a selection rect interaction is currently active, and \a mode is set to \ref QCP::srmNone, the
+ interaction is canceled (\ref QCPSelectionRect::cancel). Switching between any of the other modes
+ will keep the selection rect active. Upon completion of the interaction, the behaviour is as
+ defined by the currently set \a mode, not the mode that was set when the interaction started.
+ \see setInteractions, setSelectionRect, QCPSelectionRect
+void QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode(QCP::SelectionRectMode mode)
+ if (mSelectionRect)
+ {
+ if (mode == QCP::srmNone)
+ mSelectionRect->cancel(); // when switching to none, we immediately want to abort a potentially active selection rect
+ // disconnect old connections:
+ if (mSelectionRectMode == QCP::srmSelect)
+ disconnect(mSelectionRect, SIGNAL(accepted(QRect,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(processRectSelection(QRect,QMouseEvent*)));
+ else if (mSelectionRectMode == QCP::srmZoom)
+ disconnect(mSelectionRect, SIGNAL(accepted(QRect,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(processRectZoom(QRect,QMouseEvent*)));
+ // establish new ones:
+ if (mode == QCP::srmSelect)
+ connect(mSelectionRect, SIGNAL(accepted(QRect,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(processRectSelection(QRect,QMouseEvent*)));
+ else if (mode == QCP::srmZoom)
+ connect(mSelectionRect, SIGNAL(accepted(QRect,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(processRectZoom(QRect,QMouseEvent*)));
+ }
+ mSelectionRectMode = mode;
+ Sets the \ref QCPSelectionRect instance that QCustomPlot will use if \a mode is not \ref
+ QCP::srmNone and the user performs a click-and-drag interaction. QCustomPlot takes ownership of
+ the passed \a selectionRect. It can be accessed later via \ref selectionRect.
+ This method is useful if you wish to replace the default QCPSelectionRect instance with an
+ instance of a QCPSelectionRect subclass, to introduce custom behaviour of the selection rect.
+ \see setSelectionRectMode
+void QCustomPlot::setSelectionRect(QCPSelectionRect *selectionRect)
+ if (mSelectionRect)
+ delete mSelectionRect;
+ mSelectionRect = selectionRect;
+ if (mSelectionRect)
+ {
+ // establish connections with new selection rect:
+ if (mSelectionRectMode == QCP::srmSelect)
+ connect(mSelectionRect, SIGNAL(accepted(QRect,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(processRectSelection(QRect,QMouseEvent*)));
+ else if (mSelectionRectMode == QCP::srmZoom)
+ connect(mSelectionRect, SIGNAL(accepted(QRect,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(processRectZoom(QRect,QMouseEvent*)));
+ }
+ This method allows to enable OpenGL plot rendering, for increased plotting performance of
+ graphically demanding plots (thick lines, translucent fills, etc.).
+ If \a enabled is set to true, QCustomPlot will try to initialize OpenGL and, if successful,
+ continue plotting with hardware acceleration. The parameter \a multisampling controls how many
+ samples will be used per pixel, it essentially controls the antialiasing quality. If \a
+ multisampling is set too high for the current graphics hardware, the maximum allowed value will
+ be used.
+ You can test whether switching to OpenGL rendering was successful by checking whether the
+ according getter \a QCustomPlot::openGl() returns true. If the OpenGL initialization fails,
+ rendering continues with the regular software rasterizer, and an according qDebug output is
+ generated.
+ If switching to OpenGL was successful, this method disables label caching (\ref setPlottingHint
+ "setPlottingHint(QCP::phCacheLabels, false)") and turns on QCustomPlot's antialiasing override
+ for all elements (\ref setAntialiasedElements "setAntialiasedElements(QCP::aeAll)"), leading to a
+ higher quality output. The antialiasing override allows for pixel-grid aligned drawing in the
+ OpenGL paint device. As stated before, in OpenGL rendering the actual antialiasing of the plot is
+ controlled with \a multisampling. If \a enabled is set to false, the antialiasing/label caching
+ settings are restored to what they were before OpenGL was enabled, if they weren't altered in the
+ meantime.
+ \note OpenGL support is only enabled if QCustomPlot is compiled with the macro \c QCUSTOMPLOT_USE_OPENGL
+ defined. This define must be set before including the QCustomPlot header both during compilation
+ of the QCustomPlot library as well as when compiling your application. It is best to just include
+ the line <tt>DEFINES += QCUSTOMPLOT_USE_OPENGL</tt> in the respective qmake project files.
+ \note If you are using a Qt version before 5.0, you must also add the module "opengl" to your \c
+ QT variable in the qmake project files. For Qt versions 5.0 and higher, QCustomPlot switches to a
+ newer OpenGL interface which is already in the "gui" module.
+void QCustomPlot::setOpenGl(bool enabled, int multisampling)
+ mOpenGlMultisamples = qMax(0, multisampling);
+ mOpenGl = enabled;
+ if (mOpenGl)
+ {
+ if (setupOpenGl())
+ {
+ // backup antialiasing override and labelcaching setting so we can restore upon disabling OpenGL
+ mOpenGlAntialiasedElementsBackup = mAntialiasedElements;
+ mOpenGlCacheLabelsBackup = mPlottingHints.testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels);
+ // set antialiasing override to antialias all (aligns gl pixel grid properly), and disable label caching (would use software rasterizer for pixmap caches):
+ setAntialiasedElements(QCP::aeAll);
+ setPlottingHint(QCP::phCacheLabels, false);
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to enable OpenGL, continuing plotting without hardware acceleration.";
+ mOpenGl = false;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ // restore antialiasing override and labelcaching to what it was before enabling OpenGL, if nobody changed it in the meantime:
+ if (mAntialiasedElements == QCP::aeAll)
+ setAntialiasedElements(mOpenGlAntialiasedElementsBackup);
+ if (!mPlottingHints.testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels))
+ setPlottingHint(QCP::phCacheLabels, mOpenGlCacheLabelsBackup);
+ freeOpenGl();
+ }
+ // recreate all paint buffers:
+ mPaintBuffers.clear();
+ setupPaintBuffers();
+ Q_UNUSED(enabled)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "QCustomPlot can't use OpenGL because QCUSTOMPLOT_USE_OPENGL was not defined during compilation (add 'DEFINES += QCUSTOMPLOT_USE_OPENGL' to your qmake .pro file)";
+ Sets the viewport of this QCustomPlot. Usually users of QCustomPlot don't need to change the
+ viewport manually.
+ The viewport is the area in which the plot is drawn. All mechanisms, e.g. margin caluclation take
+ the viewport to be the outer border of the plot. The viewport normally is the rect() of the
+ QCustomPlot widget, i.e. a rect with top left (0, 0) and size of the QCustomPlot widget.
+ Don't confuse the viewport with the axis rect (QCustomPlot::axisRect). An axis rect is typically
+ an area enclosed by four axes, where the graphs/plottables are drawn in. The viewport is larger
+ and contains also the axes themselves, their tick numbers, their labels, or even additional axis
+ rects, color scales and other layout elements.
This function is used to allow arbitrary size exports with \ref toPixmap, \ref savePng, \ref
savePdf, etc. by temporarily changing the viewport size.
@@ -9383,6 +13111,33 @@ void QCustomPlot::setViewport(const QRect &rect)
+ Sets the device pixel ratio used by the paint buffers of this QCustomPlot instance.
+ Normally, this doesn't need to be set manually, because it is initialized with the regular \a
+ QWidget::devicePixelRatio which is configured by Qt to fit the display device (e.g. 1 for normal
+ displays, 2 for High-DPI displays).
+ Device pixel ratios are supported by Qt only for Qt versions since 5.4. If this method is called
+ when QCustomPlot is being used with older Qt versions, outputs an according qDebug message and
+ leaves the internal buffer device pixel ratio at 1.0.
+void QCustomPlot::setBufferDevicePixelRatio(double ratio)
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(ratio, mBufferDevicePixelRatio))
+ {
+ mBufferDevicePixelRatio = ratio;
+ for (int i=0; i<mPaintBuffers.size(); ++i)
+ mPaintBuffers.at(i)->setDevicePixelRatio(mBufferDevicePixelRatio);
+ // Note: axis label cache has devicePixelRatio as part of cache hash, so no need to manually clear cache here
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Device pixel ratios not supported for Qt versions before 5.4";
+ mBufferDevicePixelRatio = 1.0;
+ }
Sets \a pm as the viewport background pixmap (see \ref setViewport). The pixmap is always drawn
below all other objects in the plot.
@@ -9468,7 +13223,7 @@ void QCustomPlot::setBackgroundScaledMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode mode)
There is an overloaded version of this function with no parameter which returns the last added
plottable, see QCustomPlot::plottable()
- \see plottableCount, addPlottable
+ \see plottableCount
QCPAbstractPlottable *QCustomPlot::plottable(int index)
@@ -9484,10 +13239,10 @@ QCPAbstractPlottable *QCustomPlot::plottable(int index)
/*! \overload
- Returns the last plottable that was added with \ref addPlottable. If there are no plottables in
- the plot, returns 0.
+ Returns the last plottable that was added to the plot. If there are no plottables in the plot,
+ returns 0.
- \see plottableCount, addPlottable
+ \see plottableCount
QCPAbstractPlottable *QCustomPlot::plottable()
@@ -9499,46 +13254,12 @@ QCPAbstractPlottable *QCustomPlot::plottable()
- Adds the specified plottable to the plot and, if \ref setAutoAddPlottableToLegend is enabled, to
- the legend (QCustomPlot::legend). QCustomPlot takes ownership of the plottable.
- Returns true on success, i.e. when \a plottable isn't already in the plot and the parent plot of
- \a plottable is this QCustomPlot (the latter is controlled by what axes were passed in the
- plottable's constructor).
- \see plottable, plottableCount, removePlottable, clearPlottables
-bool QCustomPlot::addPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable)
- if (mPlottables.contains(plottable))
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "plottable already added to this QCustomPlot:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(plottable);
- return false;
- }
- if (plottable->parentPlot() != this)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "plottable not created with this QCustomPlot as parent:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(plottable);
- return false;
- }
- mPlottables.append(plottable);
- // possibly add plottable to legend:
- if (mAutoAddPlottableToLegend)
- plottable->addToLegend();
- // special handling for QCPGraphs to maintain the simple graph interface:
- if (QCPGraph *graph = qobject_cast<QCPGraph*>(plottable))
- mGraphs.append(graph);
- if (!plottable->layer()) // usually the layer is already set in the constructor of the plottable (via QCPLayerable constructor)
- plottable->setLayer(currentLayer());
- return true;
- Removes the specified plottable from the plot and, if necessary, from the legend (QCustomPlot::legend).
+ Removes the specified plottable from the plot and deletes it. If necessary, the corresponding
+ legend item is also removed from the default legend (QCustomPlot::legend).
Returns true on success.
- \see addPlottable, clearPlottables
+ \see clearPlottables
bool QCustomPlot::removePlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable)
@@ -9561,7 +13282,7 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removePlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable)
/*! \overload
- Removes the plottable by its \a index.
+ Removes and deletes the plottable by its \a index.
bool QCustomPlot::removePlottable(int index)
@@ -9575,7 +13296,8 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removePlottable(int index)
- Removes all plottables from the plot (and the QCustomPlot::legend, if necessary).
+ Removes all plottables from the plot and deletes them. Corresponding legend items are also
+ removed from the default legend (QCustomPlot::legend).
Returns the number of plottables removed.
@@ -9592,7 +13314,7 @@ int QCustomPlot::clearPlottables()
Returns the number of currently existing plottables in the plot
- \see plottable, addPlottable
+ \see plottable
int QCustomPlot::plottableCount() const
@@ -9604,7 +13326,7 @@ int QCustomPlot::plottableCount() const
There is a convenience function if you're only interested in selected graphs, see \ref selectedGraphs.
- \see setInteractions, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelected
+ \see setInteractions, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelection
QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> QCustomPlot::selectedPlottables() const
@@ -9654,8 +13376,6 @@ QCPAbstractPlottable *QCustomPlot::plottableAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySele
Returns whether this QCustomPlot instance contains the \a plottable.
- \see addPlottable
bool QCustomPlot::hasPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable) const
@@ -9726,21 +13446,15 @@ QCPGraph *QCustomPlot::addGraph(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
QCPGraph *newGraph = new QCPGraph(keyAxis, valueAxis);
- if (addPlottable(newGraph))
- {
- newGraph->setName(QLatin1String("Graph ")+QString::number(mGraphs.size()));
- return newGraph;
- } else
- {
- delete newGraph;
- return 0;
- }
+ newGraph->setName(QLatin1String("Graph ")+QString::number(mGraphs.size()));
+ return newGraph;
- Removes the specified \a graph from the plot and, if necessary, from the QCustomPlot::legend. If
- any other graphs in the plot have a channel fill set towards the removed graph, the channel fill
- property of those graphs is reset to zero (no channel fill).
+ Removes the specified \a graph from the plot and deletes it. If necessary, the corresponding
+ legend item is also removed from the default legend (QCustomPlot::legend). If any other graphs in
+ the plot have a channel fill set towards the removed graph, the channel fill property of those
+ graphs is reset to zero (no channel fill).
Returns true on success.
@@ -9753,7 +13467,7 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removeGraph(QCPGraph *graph)
/*! \overload
- Removes the graph by its \a index.
+ Removes and deletes the graph by its \a index.
bool QCustomPlot::removeGraph(int index)
@@ -9764,7 +13478,8 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removeGraph(int index)
- Removes all graphs from the plot (and the QCustomPlot::legend, if necessary).
+ Removes all graphs from the plot and deletes them. Corresponding legend items are also removed
+ from the default legend (QCustomPlot::legend).
Returns the number of graphs removed.
@@ -9794,7 +13509,7 @@ int QCustomPlot::graphCount() const
If you are not only interested in selected graphs but other plottables like QCPCurve, QCPBars,
etc., use \ref selectedPlottables.
- \see setInteractions, selectedPlottables, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelected
+ \see setInteractions, selectedPlottables, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable, QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelection
QList<QCPGraph*> QCustomPlot::selectedGraphs() const
@@ -9813,7 +13528,7 @@ QList<QCPGraph*> QCustomPlot::selectedGraphs() const
There is an overloaded version of this function with no parameter which returns the last added
item, see QCustomPlot::item()
- \see itemCount, addItem
+ \see itemCount
QCPAbstractItem *QCustomPlot::item(int index) const
@@ -9829,10 +13544,10 @@ QCPAbstractItem *QCustomPlot::item(int index) const
/*! \overload
- Returns the last item, that was added with \ref addItem. If there are no items in the plot,
+ Returns the last item that was added to this plot. If there are no items in the plot,
returns 0.
- \see itemCount, addItem
+ \see itemCount
QCPAbstractItem *QCustomPlot::item() const
@@ -9844,32 +13559,11 @@ QCPAbstractItem *QCustomPlot::item() const
- Adds the specified item to the plot. QCustomPlot takes ownership of the item.
- Returns true on success, i.e. when \a item wasn't already in the plot and the parent plot of \a
- item is this QCustomPlot.
- \see item, itemCount, removeItem, clearItems
-bool QCustomPlot::addItem(QCPAbstractItem *item)
- if (!mItems.contains(item) && item->parentPlot() == this)
- {
- mItems.append(item);
- return true;
- } else
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "item either already in list or not created with this QCustomPlot as parent:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(item);
- return false;
- }
- Removes the specified item from the plot.
+ Removes the specified item from the plot and deletes it.
Returns true on success.
- \see addItem, clearItems
+ \see clearItems
bool QCustomPlot::removeItem(QCPAbstractItem *item)
@@ -9887,7 +13581,7 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removeItem(QCPAbstractItem *item)
/*! \overload
- Removes the item by its \a index.
+ Removes and deletes the item by its \a index.
bool QCustomPlot::removeItem(int index)
@@ -9901,7 +13595,7 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removeItem(int index)
- Removes all items from the plot.
+ Removes all items from the plot and deletes them.
Returns the number of items removed.
@@ -9918,7 +13612,7 @@ int QCustomPlot::clearItems()
Returns the number of currently existing items in the plot
- \see item, addItem
+ \see item
int QCustomPlot::itemCount() const
@@ -9980,7 +13674,7 @@ QCPAbstractItem *QCustomPlot::itemAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable) co
Returns whether this QCustomPlot contains the \a item.
- \see addItem
+ \see item
bool QCustomPlot::hasItem(QCPAbstractItem *item) const
@@ -10114,6 +13808,7 @@ bool QCustomPlot::addLayer(const QString &name, QCPLayer *otherLayer, QCustomPlo
QCPLayer *newLayer = new QCPLayer(this, name);
mLayers.insert(otherLayer->index() + (insertMode==limAbove ? 1:0), newLayer);
+ setupPaintBuffers(); // associates new layer with the appropriate paint buffer
return true;
@@ -10161,6 +13856,9 @@ bool QCustomPlot::removeLayer(QCPLayer *layer)
// if removed layer is current layer, change current layer to layer below/above:
if (layer == mCurrentLayer)
+ // invalidate the paint buffer that was responsible for this layer:
+ if (!layer->mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ layer->mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated();
// remove layer:
delete layer;
@@ -10190,7 +13888,17 @@ bool QCustomPlot::moveLayer(QCPLayer *layer, QCPLayer *otherLayer, QCustomPlot::
return false;
- mLayers.move(layer->index(), otherLayer->index() + (insertMode==limAbove ? 1:0));
+ if (layer->index() > otherLayer->index())
+ mLayers.move(layer->index(), otherLayer->index() + (insertMode==limAbove ? 1:0));
+ else if (layer->index() < otherLayer->index())
+ mLayers.move(layer->index(), otherLayer->index() + (insertMode==limAbove ? 0:-1));
+ // invalidate the paint buffers that are responsible for the layers:
+ if (!layer->mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ layer->mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated();
+ if (!otherLayer->mPaintBuffer.isNull())
+ otherLayer->mPaintBuffer.data()->setInvalidated();
return true;
@@ -10255,21 +13963,52 @@ QList<QCPAxisRect*> QCustomPlot::axisRects() const
- return result;
+ return result;
+ Returns the layout element at pixel position \a pos. If there is no element at that position,
+ returns 0.
+ Only visible elements are used. If \ref QCPLayoutElement::setVisible on the element itself or on
+ any of its parent elements is set to false, it will not be considered.
+ \see itemAt, plottableAt
+QCPLayoutElement *QCustomPlot::layoutElementAt(const QPointF &pos) const
+ QCPLayoutElement *currentElement = mPlotLayout;
+ bool searchSubElements = true;
+ while (searchSubElements && currentElement)
+ {
+ searchSubElements = false;
+ foreach (QCPLayoutElement *subElement, currentElement->elements(false))
+ {
+ if (subElement && subElement->realVisibility() && subElement->selectTest(pos, false) >= 0)
+ {
+ currentElement = subElement;
+ searchSubElements = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return currentElement;
- Returns the layout element at pixel position \a pos. If there is no element at that position,
- returns 0.
- Only visible elements are used. If \ref QCPLayoutElement::setVisible on the element itself or on
- any of its parent elements is set to false, it will not be considered.
- \see itemAt, plottableAt
+ Returns the layout element of type \ref QCPAxisRect at pixel position \a pos. This method ignores
+ other layout elements even if they are visually in front of the axis rect (e.g. a \ref
+ QCPLegend). If there is no axis rect at that position, returns 0.
+ Only visible axis rects are used. If \ref QCPLayoutElement::setVisible on the axis rect itself or
+ on any of its parent elements is set to false, it will not be considered.
+ \see layoutElementAt
-QCPLayoutElement *QCustomPlot::layoutElementAt(const QPointF &pos) const
+QCPAxisRect *QCustomPlot::axisRectAt(const QPointF &pos) const
+ QCPAxisRect *result = 0;
QCPLayoutElement *currentElement = mPlotLayout;
bool searchSubElements = true;
while (searchSubElements && currentElement)
@@ -10281,11 +14020,13 @@ QCPLayoutElement *QCustomPlot::layoutElementAt(const QPointF &pos) const
currentElement = subElement;
searchSubElements = true;
+ if (QCPAxisRect *ar = qobject_cast<QCPAxisRect*>(currentElement))
+ result = ar;
- return currentElement;
+ return result;
@@ -10363,41 +14104,60 @@ void QCustomPlot::deselectAll()
- Causes a complete replot into the internal buffer. Finally, update() is called, to redraw the
- buffer on the QCustomPlot widget surface. This is the method that must be called to make changes,
- for example on the axis ranges or data points of graphs, visible.
+ Causes a complete replot into the internal paint buffer(s). Finally, the widget surface is
+ refreshed with the new buffer contents. This is the method that must be called to make changes to
+ the plot, e.g. on the axis ranges or data points of graphs, visible.
+ The parameter \a refreshPriority can be used to fine-tune the timing of the replot. For example
+ if your application calls \ref replot very quickly in succession (e.g. multiple independent
+ functions change some aspects of the plot and each wants to make sure the change gets replotted),
+ it is advisable to set \a refreshPriority to \ref QCustomPlot::rpQueuedReplot. This way, the
+ actual replotting is deferred to the next event loop iteration. Multiple successive calls of \ref
+ replot with this priority will only cause a single replot, avoiding redundant replots and
+ improving performance.
Under a few circumstances, QCustomPlot causes a replot by itself. Those are resize events of the
QCustomPlot widget and user interactions (object selection and range dragging/zooming).
Before the replot happens, the signal \ref beforeReplot is emitted. After the replot, \ref
afterReplot is emitted. It is safe to mutually connect the replot slot with any of those two
signals on two QCustomPlots to make them replot synchronously, it won't cause an infinite
+ If a layer is in mode \ref QCPLayer::lmBuffered (\ref QCPLayer::setMode), it is also possible to
+ replot only that specific layer via \ref QCPLayer::replot. See the documentation there for
+ details.
void QCustomPlot::replot(QCustomPlot::RefreshPriority refreshPriority)
+ if (refreshPriority == QCustomPlot::rpQueuedReplot)
+ {
+ if (!mReplotQueued)
+ {
+ mReplotQueued = true;
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(replot()));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
if (mReplotting) // incase signals loop back to replot slot
mReplotting = true;
+ mReplotQueued = false;
emit beforeReplot();
- mPaintBuffer.fill(mBackgroundBrush.style() == Qt::SolidPattern ? mBackgroundBrush.color() : Qt::transparent);
- QCPPainter painter;
- painter.begin(&mPaintBuffer);
- if (painter.isActive())
- {
- painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); // to make Antialiasing look good if using the OpenGL graphicssystem
- if (mBackgroundBrush.style() != Qt::SolidPattern && mBackgroundBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush)
- painter.fillRect(mViewport, mBackgroundBrush);
- draw(&painter);
- painter.end();
- if ((refreshPriority == rpHint && mPlottingHints.testFlag(QCP::phForceRepaint)) || refreshPriority==rpImmediate)
- repaint();
- else
- update();
- } else // might happen if QCustomPlot has width or height zero
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Couldn't activate painter on buffer. This usually happens because QCustomPlot has width or height zero.";
+ updateLayout();
+ // draw all layered objects (grid, axes, plottables, items, legend,...) into their buffers:
+ setupPaintBuffers();
+ foreach (QCPLayer *layer, mLayers)
+ layer->drawToPaintBuffer();
+ for (int i=0; i<mPaintBuffers.size(); ++i)
+ mPaintBuffers.at(i)->setInvalidated(false);
+ if ((refreshPriority == rpRefreshHint && mPlottingHints.testFlag(QCP::phImmediateRefresh)) || refreshPriority==rpImmediateRefresh)
+ repaint();
+ else
+ update();
emit afterReplot();
mReplotting = false;
@@ -10428,20 +14188,20 @@ void QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes(bool onlyVisiblePlottables)
pixel width and height. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the exported image will have the
same dimensions as the QCustomPlot widget currently has.
- \a noCosmeticPen disables the use of cosmetic pens when drawing to the PDF file. Cosmetic pens
- are pens with numerical width 0, which are always drawn as a one pixel wide line, no matter what
- zoom factor is set in the PDF-Viewer. For more information about cosmetic pens, see the QPainter
- and QPen documentation.
+ Setting \a exportPen to \ref QCP::epNoCosmetic allows to disable the use of cosmetic pens when
+ drawing to the PDF file. Cosmetic pens are pens with numerical width 0, which are always drawn as
+ a one pixel wide line, no matter what zoom factor is set in the PDF-Viewer. For more information
+ about cosmetic pens, see the QPainter and QPen documentation.
The objects of the plot will appear in the current selection state. If you don't want any
selected objects to be painted in their selected look, deselect everything with \ref deselectAll
before calling this function.
Returns true on success.
- \li If you plan on editing the exported PDF file with a vector graphics editor like
- Inkscape, it is advised to set \a noCosmeticPen to true to avoid losing those cosmetic lines
+ \li If you plan on editing the exported PDF file with a vector graphics editor like Inkscape, it
+ is advised to set \a exportPen to \ref QCP::epNoCosmetic to avoid losing those cosmetic lines
(which might be quite many, because cosmetic pens are the default for e.g. axes and tick marks).
\li If calling this function inside the constructor of the parent of the QCustomPlot widget
(i.e. the MainWindow constructor, if QCustomPlot is inside the MainWindow), always provide
@@ -10449,21 +14209,21 @@ void QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes(bool onlyVisiblePlottables)
function uses the current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget. However, in Qt, these
aren't defined yet inside the constructor, so you would get an image that has strange
\a pdfCreator and \a pdfTitle may be used to set the according metadata fields in the resulting
PDF file.
\note On Android systems, this method does nothing and issues an according qDebug warning
- message. This is also the case if for other reasons the define flag QT_NO_PRINTER is set.
+ message. This is also the case if for other reasons the define flag \c QT_NO_PRINTER is set.
\see savePng, saveBmp, saveJpg, saveRastered
-bool QCustomPlot::savePdf(const QString &fileName, bool noCosmeticPen, int width, int height, const QString &pdfCreator, const QString &pdfTitle)
+bool QCustomPlot::savePdf(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, QCP::ExportPen exportPen, const QString &pdfCreator, const QString &pdfTitle)
bool success = false;
- Q_UNUSED(noCosmeticPen)
+ Q_UNUSED(exportPen)
@@ -10505,7 +14265,7 @@ bool QCustomPlot::savePdf(const QString &fileName, bool noCosmeticPen, int width
- printpainter.setMode(QCPPainter::pmNonCosmetic, noCosmeticPen);
+ printpainter.setMode(QCPPainter::pmNonCosmetic, exportPen==QCP::epNoCosmetic);
if (mBackgroundBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush &&
mBackgroundBrush.color() != Qt::white &&
@@ -10523,61 +14283,87 @@ bool QCustomPlot::savePdf(const QString &fileName, bool noCosmeticPen, int width
Saves a PNG image file to \a fileName on disc. The output plot will have the dimensions \a width
- and \a height in pixels. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the exported image will have
- the same dimensions as the QCustomPlot widget currently has. Line widths and texts etc. are not
- scaled up when larger widths/heights are used. If you want that effect, use the \a scale parameter.
+ and \a height in pixels, multiplied by \a scale. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the
+ current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget is used instead. Line widths and texts etc.
+ are not scaled up when larger widths/heights are used. If you want that effect, use the \a scale
+ parameter.
For example, if you set both \a width and \a height to 100 and \a scale to 2, you will end up with an
image file of size 200*200 in which all graphical elements are scaled up by factor 2 (line widths,
texts, etc.). This scaling is not done by stretching a 100*100 image, the result will have full
200*200 pixel resolution.
- If you use a high scaling factor, it is recommended to enable antialiasing for all elements via
+ If you use a high scaling factor, it is recommended to enable antialiasing for all elements by
temporarily setting \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements to \ref QCP::aeAll as this allows
QCustomPlot to place objects with sub-pixel accuracy.
+ image compression can be controlled with the \a quality parameter which must be between 0 and 100
+ or -1 to use the default setting.
+ The \a resolution will be written to the image file header and has no direct consequence for the
+ quality or the pixel size. However, if opening the image with a tool which respects the metadata,
+ it will be able to scale the image to match either a given size in real units of length (inch,
+ centimeters, etc.), or the target display DPI. You can specify in which units \a resolution is
+ given, by setting \a resolutionUnit. The \a resolution is converted to the format's expected
+ resolution unit internally.
+ Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the PNG format isn't supported by
+ the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
+ The objects of the plot will appear in the current selection state. If you don't want any selected
+ objects to be painted in their selected look, deselect everything with \ref deselectAll before calling
+ this function.
+ If you want the PNG to have a transparent background, call \ref setBackground(const QBrush &brush)
+ with no brush (Qt::NoBrush) or a transparent color (Qt::transparent), before saving.
\warning If calling this function inside the constructor of the parent of the QCustomPlot widget
(i.e. the MainWindow constructor, if QCustomPlot is inside the MainWindow), always provide
explicit non-zero widths and heights. If you leave \a width or \a height as 0 (default), this
function uses the current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget. However, in Qt, these
aren't defined yet inside the constructor, so you would get an image that has strange
- The objects of the plot will appear in the current selection state. If you don't want any selected
- objects to be painted in their selected look, deselect everything with \ref deselectAll before calling
- this function.
- If you want the PNG to have a transparent background, call \ref setBackground(const QBrush
- &brush) with no brush (Qt::NoBrush) or a transparent color (Qt::transparent), before saving.
- PNG compression can be controlled with the \a quality parameter which must be between 0 and 100 or
- -1 to use the default setting.
- Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the PNG format isn't supported by
- the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
\see savePdf, saveBmp, saveJpg, saveRastered
-bool QCustomPlot::savePng(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, int quality)
+bool QCustomPlot::savePng(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, int quality, int resolution, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit)
- return saveRastered(fileName, width, height, scale, "PNG", quality);
+ return saveRastered(fileName, width, height, scale, "PNG", quality, resolution, resolutionUnit);
- Saves a JPG image file to \a fileName on disc. The output plot will have the dimensions \a width
- and \a height in pixels. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the exported image will have
- the same dimensions as the QCustomPlot widget currently has. Line widths and texts etc. are not
- scaled up when larger widths/heights are used. If you want that effect, use the \a scale parameter.
+ Saves a JPEG image file to \a fileName on disc. The output plot will have the dimensions \a width
+ and \a height in pixels, multiplied by \a scale. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the
+ current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget is used instead. Line widths and texts etc.
+ are not scaled up when larger widths/heights are used. If you want that effect, use the \a scale
+ parameter.
For example, if you set both \a width and \a height to 100 and \a scale to 2, you will end up with an
image file of size 200*200 in which all graphical elements are scaled up by factor 2 (line widths,
texts, etc.). This scaling is not done by stretching a 100*100 image, the result will have full
200*200 pixel resolution.
- If you use a high scaling factor, it is recommended to enable antialiasing for all elements via
+ If you use a high scaling factor, it is recommended to enable antialiasing for all elements by
temporarily setting \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements to \ref QCP::aeAll as this allows
QCustomPlot to place objects with sub-pixel accuracy.
+ image compression can be controlled with the \a quality parameter which must be between 0 and 100
+ or -1 to use the default setting.
+ The \a resolution will be written to the image file header and has no direct consequence for the
+ quality or the pixel size. However, if opening the image with a tool which respects the metadata,
+ it will be able to scale the image to match either a given size in real units of length (inch,
+ centimeters, etc.), or the target display DPI. You can specify in which units \a resolution is
+ given, by setting \a resolutionUnit. The \a resolution is converted to the format's expected
+ resolution unit internally.
+ Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the JPEG format isn't supported by
+ the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
+ The objects of the plot will appear in the current selection state. If you don't want any selected
+ objects to be painted in their selected look, deselect everything with \ref deselectAll before calling
+ this function.
\warning If calling this function inside the constructor of the parent of the QCustomPlot widget
(i.e. the MainWindow constructor, if QCustomPlot is inside the MainWindow), always provide
explicit non-zero widths and heights. If you leave \a width or \a height as 0 (default), this
@@ -10585,228 +14371,674 @@ bool QCustomPlot::savePng(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double
aren't defined yet inside the constructor, so you would get an image that has strange
+ \see savePdf, savePng, saveBmp, saveRastered
+bool QCustomPlot::saveJpg(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, int quality, int resolution, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit)
+ return saveRastered(fileName, width, height, scale, "JPG", quality, resolution, resolutionUnit);
+ Saves a BMP image file to \a fileName on disc. The output plot will have the dimensions \a width
+ and \a height in pixels, multiplied by \a scale. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the
+ current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget is used instead. Line widths and texts etc.
+ are not scaled up when larger widths/heights are used. If you want that effect, use the \a scale
+ parameter.
+ For example, if you set both \a width and \a height to 100 and \a scale to 2, you will end up with an
+ image file of size 200*200 in which all graphical elements are scaled up by factor 2 (line widths,
+ texts, etc.). This scaling is not done by stretching a 100*100 image, the result will have full
+ 200*200 pixel resolution.
+ If you use a high scaling factor, it is recommended to enable antialiasing for all elements by
+ temporarily setting \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements to \ref QCP::aeAll as this allows
+ QCustomPlot to place objects with sub-pixel accuracy.
+ The \a resolution will be written to the image file header and has no direct consequence for the
+ quality or the pixel size. However, if opening the image with a tool which respects the metadata,
+ it will be able to scale the image to match either a given size in real units of length (inch,
+ centimeters, etc.), or the target display DPI. You can specify in which units \a resolution is
+ given, by setting \a resolutionUnit. The \a resolution is converted to the format's expected
+ resolution unit internally.
+ Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the BMP format isn't supported by
+ the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
The objects of the plot will appear in the current selection state. If you don't want any selected
objects to be painted in their selected look, deselect everything with \ref deselectAll before calling
this function.
- JPG compression can be controlled with the \a quality parameter which must be between 0 and 100 or
- -1 to use the default setting.
+ \warning If calling this function inside the constructor of the parent of the QCustomPlot widget
+ (i.e. the MainWindow constructor, if QCustomPlot is inside the MainWindow), always provide
+ explicit non-zero widths and heights. If you leave \a width or \a height as 0 (default), this
+ function uses the current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget. However, in Qt, these
+ aren't defined yet inside the constructor, so you would get an image that has strange
+ widths/heights.
+ \see savePdf, savePng, saveJpg, saveRastered
+bool QCustomPlot::saveBmp(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, int resolution, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit)
+ return saveRastered(fileName, width, height, scale, "BMP", -1, resolution, resolutionUnit);
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a minimum size hint that corresponds to the minimum size of the top level layout
+ (\ref plotLayout). To prevent QCustomPlot from being collapsed to size/width zero, set a minimum
+ size (setMinimumSize) either on the whole QCustomPlot or on any layout elements inside the plot.
+ This is especially important, when placed in a QLayout where other components try to take in as
+ much space as possible (e.g. QMdiArea).
+QSize QCustomPlot::minimumSizeHint() const
+ return mPlotLayout->minimumSizeHint();
+/*! \internal
+ Returns a size hint that is the same as \ref minimumSizeHint.
+QSize QCustomPlot::sizeHint() const
+ return mPlotLayout->minimumSizeHint();
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for when the QCustomPlot widget needs repainting. This does not cause a \ref replot, but
+ draws the internal buffer on the widget surface.
+void QCustomPlot::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+ QCPPainter painter(this);
+ if (painter.isActive())
+ {
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); // to make Antialiasing look good if using the OpenGL graphicssystem
+ if (mBackgroundBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush)
+ painter.fillRect(mViewport, mBackgroundBrush);
+ drawBackground(&painter);
+ for (int bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < mPaintBuffers.size(); ++bufferIndex)
+ mPaintBuffers.at(bufferIndex)->draw(&painter);
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for a resize of the QCustomPlot widget. The viewport (which becomes the outer rect
+ of mPlotLayout) is resized appropriately. Finally a \ref replot is performed.
+void QCustomPlot::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
+ Q_UNUSED(event)
+ // resize and repaint the buffer:
+ setViewport(rect());
+ replot(rpQueuedRefresh); // queued refresh is important here, to prevent painting issues in some contexts (e.g. MDI subwindow)
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for when a double click occurs. Emits the \ref mouseDoubleClick signal, then
+ determines the layerable under the cursor and forwards the event to it. Finally, emits the
+ specialized signals when certain objecs are clicked (e.g. \ref plottableDoubleClick, \ref
+ axisDoubleClick, etc.).
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
+void QCustomPlot::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ emit mouseDoubleClick(event);
+ mMouseHasMoved = false;
+ mMousePressPos = event->pos();
+ // determine layerable under the cursor (this event is called instead of the second press event in a double-click):
+ QList<QVariant> details;
+ QList<QCPLayerable*> candidates = layerableListAt(mMousePressPos, false, &details);
+ for (int i=0; i<candidates.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ event->accept(); // default impl of QCPLayerable's mouse events ignore the event, in that case propagate to next candidate in list
+ candidates.at(i)->mouseDoubleClickEvent(event, details.at(i));
+ if (event->isAccepted())
+ {
+ mMouseEventLayerable = candidates.at(i);
+ mMouseEventLayerableDetails = details.at(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // emit specialized object double click signals:
+ if (!candidates.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (QCPAbstractPlottable *ap = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractPlottable*>(candidates.first()))
+ {
+ int dataIndex = 0;
+ if (!details.first().value<QCPDataSelection>().isEmpty())
+ dataIndex = details.first().value<QCPDataSelection>().dataRange().begin();
+ emit plottableDoubleClick(ap, dataIndex, event);
+ } else if (QCPAxis *ax = qobject_cast<QCPAxis*>(candidates.first()))
+ emit axisDoubleClick(ax, details.first().value<QCPAxis::SelectablePart>(), event);
+ else if (QCPAbstractItem *ai = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractItem*>(candidates.first()))
+ emit itemDoubleClick(ai, event);
+ else if (QCPLegend *lg = qobject_cast<QCPLegend*>(candidates.first()))
+ emit legendDoubleClick(lg, 0, event);
+ else if (QCPAbstractLegendItem *li = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractLegendItem*>(candidates.first()))
+ emit legendDoubleClick(li->parentLegend(), li, event);
+ }
+ event->accept(); // in case QCPLayerable reimplementation manipulates event accepted state. In QWidget event system, QCustomPlot wants to accept the event.
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for when a mouse button is pressed. Emits the mousePress signal.
+ If the current \ref setSelectionRectMode is not \ref QCP::srmNone, passes the event to the
+ selection rect. Otherwise determines the layerable under the cursor and forwards the event to it.
+ \see mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
+void QCustomPlot::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ emit mousePress(event);
+ // save some state to tell in releaseEvent whether it was a click:
+ mMouseHasMoved = false;
+ mMousePressPos = event->pos();
+ if (mSelectionRect && mSelectionRectMode != QCP::srmNone)
+ {
+ if (mSelectionRectMode != QCP::srmZoom || qobject_cast<QCPAxisRect*>(axisRectAt(mMousePressPos))) // in zoom mode only activate selection rect if on an axis rect
+ mSelectionRect->startSelection(event);
+ } else
+ {
+ // no selection rect interaction, so forward event to layerable under the cursor:
+ QList<QVariant> details;
+ QList<QCPLayerable*> candidates = layerableListAt(mMousePressPos, false, &details);
+ for (int i=0; i<candidates.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ event->accept(); // default impl of QCPLayerable's mouse events ignore the event, in that case propagate to next candidate in list
+ candidates.at(i)->mousePressEvent(event, details.at(i));
+ if (event->isAccepted())
+ {
+ mMouseEventLayerable = candidates.at(i);
+ mMouseEventLayerableDetails = details.at(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ event->accept(); // in case QCPLayerable reimplementation manipulates event accepted state. In QWidget event system, QCustomPlot wants to accept the event.
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for when the cursor is moved. Emits the \ref mouseMove signal.
+ If the selection rect (\ref setSelectionRect) is currently active, the event is forwarded to it
+ in order to update the rect geometry.
+ Otherwise, if a layout element has mouse capture focus (a mousePressEvent happened on top of the
+ layout element before), the mouseMoveEvent is forwarded to that element.
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
+void QCustomPlot::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ emit mouseMove(event);
+ if (!mMouseHasMoved && (mMousePressPos-event->pos()).manhattanLength() > 3)
+ mMouseHasMoved = true; // moved too far from mouse press position, don't handle as click on mouse release
+ if (mSelectionRect && mSelectionRect->isActive())
+ mSelectionRect->moveSelection(event);
+ else if (mMouseEventLayerable) // call event of affected layerable:
+ mMouseEventLayerable->mouseMoveEvent(event, mMousePressPos);
+ event->accept(); // in case QCPLayerable reimplementation manipulates event accepted state. In QWidget event system, QCustomPlot wants to accept the event.
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for when a mouse button is released. Emits the \ref mouseRelease signal.
+ If the mouse was moved less than a certain threshold in any direction since the \ref
+ mousePressEvent, it is considered a click which causes the selection mechanism (if activated via
+ \ref setInteractions) to possibly change selection states accordingly. Further, specialized mouse
+ click signals are emitted (e.g. \ref plottableClick, \ref axisClick, etc.)
+ If a layerable is the mouse capturer (a \ref mousePressEvent happened on top of the layerable
+ before), the \ref mouseReleaseEvent is forwarded to that element.
+ \see mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent
+void QCustomPlot::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ emit mouseRelease(event);
+ if (!mMouseHasMoved) // mouse hasn't moved (much) between press and release, so handle as click
+ {
+ if (mSelectionRect && mSelectionRect->isActive()) // a simple click shouldn't successfully finish a selection rect, so cancel it here
+ mSelectionRect->cancel();
+ if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+ processPointSelection(event);
+ // emit specialized click signals of QCustomPlot instance:
+ if (QCPAbstractPlottable *ap = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractPlottable*>(mMouseEventLayerable))
+ {
+ int dataIndex = 0;
+ if (!mMouseEventLayerableDetails.value<QCPDataSelection>().isEmpty())
+ dataIndex = mMouseEventLayerableDetails.value<QCPDataSelection>().dataRange().begin();
+ emit plottableClick(ap, dataIndex, event);
+ } else if (QCPAxis *ax = qobject_cast<QCPAxis*>(mMouseEventLayerable))
+ emit axisClick(ax, mMouseEventLayerableDetails.value<QCPAxis::SelectablePart>(), event);
+ else if (QCPAbstractItem *ai = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractItem*>(mMouseEventLayerable))
+ emit itemClick(ai, event);
+ else if (QCPLegend *lg = qobject_cast<QCPLegend*>(mMouseEventLayerable))
+ emit legendClick(lg, 0, event);
+ else if (QCPAbstractLegendItem *li = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractLegendItem*>(mMouseEventLayerable))
+ emit legendClick(li->parentLegend(), li, event);
+ }
+ if (mSelectionRect && mSelectionRect->isActive()) // Note: if a click was detected above, the selection rect is canceled there
+ {
+ // finish selection rect, the appropriate action will be taken via signal-slot connection:
+ mSelectionRect->endSelection(event);
+ } else
+ {
+ // call event of affected layerable:
+ if (mMouseEventLayerable)
+ {
+ mMouseEventLayerable->mouseReleaseEvent(event, mMousePressPos);
+ mMouseEventLayerable = 0;
+ }
+ }
- Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the JPG format isn't supported by
- the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
+ if (noAntialiasingOnDrag())
+ replot(rpQueuedReplot);
+ event->accept(); // in case QCPLayerable reimplementation manipulates event accepted state. In QWidget event system, QCustomPlot wants to accept the event.
- \see savePdf, savePng, saveBmp, saveRastered
+/*! \internal
+ Event handler for mouse wheel events. First, the \ref mouseWheel signal is emitted. Then
+ determines the affected layerable and forwards the event to it.
-bool QCustomPlot::saveJpg(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, int quality)
+void QCustomPlot::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
- return saveRastered(fileName, width, height, scale, "JPG", quality);
+ emit mouseWheel(event);
+ // forward event to layerable under cursor:
+ QList<QCPLayerable*> candidates = layerableListAt(event->pos(), false);
+ for (int i=0; i<candidates.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ event->accept(); // default impl of QCPLayerable's mouse events ignore the event, in that case propagate to next candidate in list
+ candidates.at(i)->wheelEvent(event);
+ if (event->isAccepted())
+ break;
+ }
+ event->accept(); // in case QCPLayerable reimplementation manipulates event accepted state. In QWidget event system, QCustomPlot wants to accept the event.
- Saves a BMP image file to \a fileName on disc. The output plot will have the dimensions \a width
- and \a height in pixels. If either \a width or \a height is zero, the exported image will have
- the same dimensions as the QCustomPlot widget currently has. Line widths and texts etc. are not
- scaled up when larger widths/heights are used. If you want that effect, use the \a scale parameter.
- For example, if you set both \a width and \a height to 100 and \a scale to 2, you will end up with an
- image file of size 200*200 in which all graphical elements are scaled up by factor 2 (line widths,
- texts, etc.). This scaling is not done by stretching a 100*100 image, the result will have full
- 200*200 pixel resolution.
+/*! \internal
- If you use a high scaling factor, it is recommended to enable antialiasing for all elements via
- temporarily setting \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements to \ref QCP::aeAll as this allows
- QCustomPlot to place objects with sub-pixel accuracy.
+ This function draws the entire plot, including background pixmap, with the specified \a painter.
+ It does not make use of the paint buffers like \ref replot, so this is the function typically
+ used by saving/exporting methods such as \ref savePdf or \ref toPainter.
- \warning If calling this function inside the constructor of the parent of the QCustomPlot widget
- (i.e. the MainWindow constructor, if QCustomPlot is inside the MainWindow), always provide
- explicit non-zero widths and heights. If you leave \a width or \a height as 0 (default), this
- function uses the current width and height of the QCustomPlot widget. However, in Qt, these
- aren't defined yet inside the constructor, so you would get an image that has strange
- widths/heights.
+ Note that it does not fill the background with the background brush (as the user may specify with
+ \ref setBackground(const QBrush &brush)), this is up to the respective functions calling this
+ method.
+void QCustomPlot::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ updateLayout();
+ // draw viewport background pixmap:
+ drawBackground(painter);
- The objects of the plot will appear in the current selection state. If you don't want any selected
- objects to be painted in their selected look, deselect everything with \ref deselectAll before calling
- this function.
+ // draw all layered objects (grid, axes, plottables, items, legend,...):
+ foreach (QCPLayer *layer, mLayers)
+ layer->draw(painter);
- Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the BMP format isn't supported by
- the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
+ /* Debug code to draw all layout element rects
+ foreach (QCPLayoutElement* el, findChildren<QCPLayoutElement*>())
+ {
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 100), 0, Qt::DashLine));
+ painter->drawRect(el->rect());
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0, 100), 0, Qt::DashLine));
+ painter->drawRect(el->outerRect());
+ }
+ */
- \see savePdf, savePng, saveJpg, saveRastered
+/*! \internal
+ Performs the layout update steps defined by \ref QCPLayoutElement::UpdatePhase, by calling \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement::update on the main plot layout.
+ Here, the layout elements calculate their positions and margins, and prepare for the following
+ draw call.
-bool QCustomPlot::saveBmp(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale)
+void QCustomPlot::updateLayout()
- return saveRastered(fileName, width, height, scale, "BMP");
+ // run through layout phases:
+ mPlotLayout->update(QCPLayoutElement::upPreparation);
+ mPlotLayout->update(QCPLayoutElement::upMargins);
+ mPlotLayout->update(QCPLayoutElement::upLayout);
/*! \internal
- Returns a minimum size hint that corresponds to the minimum size of the top level layout
- (\ref plotLayout). To prevent QCustomPlot from being collapsed to size/width zero, set a minimum
- size (setMinimumSize) either on the whole QCustomPlot or on any layout elements inside the plot.
- This is especially important, when placed in a QLayout where other components try to take in as
- much space as possible (e.g. QMdiArea).
+ Draws the viewport background pixmap of the plot.
+ If a pixmap was provided via \ref setBackground, this function buffers the scaled version
+ depending on \ref setBackgroundScaled and \ref setBackgroundScaledMode and then draws it inside
+ the viewport with the provided \a painter. The scaled version is buffered in
+ mScaledBackgroundPixmap to prevent expensive rescaling at every redraw. It is only updated, when
+ the axis rect has changed in a way that requires a rescale of the background pixmap (this is
+ dependent on the \ref setBackgroundScaledMode), or when a differend axis background pixmap was
+ set.
+ Note that this function does not draw a fill with the background brush
+ (\ref setBackground(const QBrush &brush)) beneath the pixmap.
+ \see setBackground, setBackgroundScaled, setBackgroundScaledMode
-QSize QCustomPlot::minimumSizeHint() const
+void QCustomPlot::drawBackground(QCPPainter *painter)
- return mPlotLayout->minimumSizeHint();
+ // Note: background color is handled in individual replot/save functions
+ // draw background pixmap (on top of fill, if brush specified):
+ if (!mBackgroundPixmap.isNull())
+ {
+ if (mBackgroundScaled)
+ {
+ // check whether mScaledBackground needs to be updated:
+ QSize scaledSize(mBackgroundPixmap.size());
+ scaledSize.scale(mViewport.size(), mBackgroundScaledMode);
+ if (mScaledBackgroundPixmap.size() != scaledSize)
+ mScaledBackgroundPixmap = mBackgroundPixmap.scaled(mViewport.size(), mBackgroundScaledMode, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
+ painter->drawPixmap(mViewport.topLeft(), mScaledBackgroundPixmap, QRect(0, 0, mViewport.width(), mViewport.height()) & mScaledBackgroundPixmap.rect());
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->drawPixmap(mViewport.topLeft(), mBackgroundPixmap, QRect(0, 0, mViewport.width(), mViewport.height()));
+ }
+ }
/*! \internal
- Returns a size hint that is the same as \ref minimumSizeHint.
+ Goes through the layers and makes sure this QCustomPlot instance holds the correct number of
+ paint buffers and that they have the correct configuration (size, pixel ratio, etc.).
+ Allocations, reallocations and deletions of paint buffers are performed as necessary. It also
+ associates the paint buffers with the layers, so they draw themselves into the right buffer when
+ \ref QCPLayer::drawToPaintBuffer is called. This means it associates adjacent \ref
+ QCPLayer::lmLogical layers to a mutual paint buffer and creates dedicated paint buffers for
+ layers in \ref QCPLayer::lmBuffered mode.
+ This method uses \ref createPaintBuffer to create new paint buffers.
+ After this method, the paint buffers are empty (filled with \c Qt::transparent) and invalidated
+ (so an attempt to replot only a single buffered layer causes a full replot).
+ This method is called in every \ref replot call, prior to actually drawing the layers (into their
+ associated paint buffer). If the paint buffers don't need changing/reallocating, this method
+ basically leaves them alone and thus finishes very fast.
-QSize QCustomPlot::sizeHint() const
+void QCustomPlot::setupPaintBuffers()
- return mPlotLayout->minimumSizeHint();
+ int bufferIndex = 0;
+ if (mPaintBuffers.isEmpty())
+ mPaintBuffers.append(QSharedPointer<QCPAbstractPaintBuffer>(createPaintBuffer()));
+ for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < mLayers.size(); ++layerIndex)
+ {
+ QCPLayer *layer = mLayers.at(layerIndex);
+ if (layer->mode() == QCPLayer::lmLogical)
+ {
+ layer->mPaintBuffer = mPaintBuffers.at(bufferIndex).toWeakRef();
+ } else if (layer->mode() == QCPLayer::lmBuffered)
+ {
+ ++bufferIndex;
+ if (bufferIndex >= mPaintBuffers.size())
+ mPaintBuffers.append(QSharedPointer<QCPAbstractPaintBuffer>(createPaintBuffer()));
+ layer->mPaintBuffer = mPaintBuffers.at(bufferIndex).toWeakRef();
+ if (layerIndex < mLayers.size()-1 && mLayers.at(layerIndex+1)->mode() == QCPLayer::lmLogical) // not last layer, and next one is logical, so prepare another buffer for next layerables
+ {
+ ++bufferIndex;
+ if (bufferIndex >= mPaintBuffers.size())
+ mPaintBuffers.append(QSharedPointer<QCPAbstractPaintBuffer>(createPaintBuffer()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove unneeded buffers:
+ while (mPaintBuffers.size()-1 > bufferIndex)
+ mPaintBuffers.removeLast();
+ // resize buffers to viewport size and clear contents:
+ for (int i=0; i<mPaintBuffers.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ mPaintBuffers.at(i)->setSize(viewport().size()); // won't do anything if already correct size
+ mPaintBuffers.at(i)->clear(Qt::transparent);
+ mPaintBuffers.at(i)->setInvalidated();
+ }
/*! \internal
- Event handler for when the QCustomPlot widget needs repainting. This does not cause a \ref replot, but
- draws the internal buffer on the widget surface.
+ This method is used by \ref setupPaintBuffers when it needs to create new paint buffers.
+ Depending on the current setting of \ref setOpenGl, and the current Qt version, different
+ backends (subclasses of \ref QCPAbstractPaintBuffer) are created, initialized with the proper
+ size and device pixel ratio, and returned.
-void QCustomPlot::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
+QCPAbstractPaintBuffer *QCustomPlot::createPaintBuffer()
- Q_UNUSED(event);
- QPainter painter(this);
- painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, mPaintBuffer);
+ if (mOpenGl)
+ {
+#if defined(QCP_OPENGL_FBO)
+ return new QCPPaintBufferGlFbo(viewport().size(), mBufferDevicePixelRatio, mGlContext, mGlPaintDevice);
+#elif defined(QCP_OPENGL_PBUFFER)
+ return new QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer(viewport().size(), mBufferDevicePixelRatio, mOpenGlMultisamples);
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL enabled even though no support for it compiled in, this shouldn't have happened. Falling back to pixmap paint buffer.";
+ return new QCPPaintBufferPixmap(viewport().size(), mBufferDevicePixelRatio);
+ } else
+ return new QCPPaintBufferPixmap(viewport().size(), mBufferDevicePixelRatio);
-/*! \internal
- Event handler for a resize of the QCustomPlot widget. Causes the internal buffer to be resized to
- the new size. The viewport (which becomes the outer rect of mPlotLayout) is resized
- appropriately. Finally a \ref replot is performed.
+ This method returns whether any of the paint buffers held by this QCustomPlot instance are
+ invalidated.
+ If any buffer is invalidated, a partial replot (\ref QCPLayer::replot) is not allowed and always
+ causes a full replot (\ref QCustomPlot::replot) of all layers. This is the case when for example
+ the layer order has changed, new layers were added, layers were removed, or layer modes were
+ changed (\ref QCPLayer::setMode).
+ \see QCPAbstractPaintBuffer::setInvalidated
-void QCustomPlot::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
+bool QCustomPlot::hasInvalidatedPaintBuffers()
- // resize and repaint the buffer:
- mPaintBuffer = QPixmap(event->size());
- setViewport(rect());
- replot(rpQueued); // queued update is important here, to prevent painting issues in some contexts
+ for (int i=0; i<mPaintBuffers.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mPaintBuffers.at(i)->invalidated())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
/*! \internal
- Event handler for when a double click occurs. Emits the \ref mouseDoubleClick signal, then emits
- the specialized signals when certain objecs are clicked (e.g. \ref plottableDoubleClick, \ref
- axisDoubleClick, etc.). Finally determines the affected layout element and forwards the event to
- it.
- \see mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
+ When \ref setOpenGl is set to true, this method is used to initialize OpenGL (create a context,
+ surface, paint device).
+ Returns true on success.
+ If this method is successful, all paint buffers should be deleted and then reallocated by calling
+ \ref setupPaintBuffers, so the OpenGL-based paint buffer subclasses (\ref
+ QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer, \ref QCPPaintBufferGlFbo) are used for subsequent replots.
+ \see freeOpenGl
-void QCustomPlot::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+bool QCustomPlot::setupOpenGl()
- emit mouseDoubleClick(event);
- QVariant details;
- QCPLayerable *clickedLayerable = layerableAt(event->pos(), false, &details);
- // emit specialized object double click signals:
- if (QCPAbstractPlottable *ap = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractPlottable*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit plottableDoubleClick(ap, event);
- else if (QCPAxis *ax = qobject_cast<QCPAxis*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit axisDoubleClick(ax, details.value<QCPAxis::SelectablePart>(), event);
- else if (QCPAbstractItem *ai = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractItem*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit itemDoubleClick(ai, event);
- else if (QCPLegend *lg = qobject_cast<QCPLegend*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit legendDoubleClick(lg, 0, event);
- else if (QCPAbstractLegendItem *li = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractLegendItem*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit legendDoubleClick(li->parentLegend(), li, event);
- else if (QCPPlotTitle *pt = qobject_cast<QCPPlotTitle*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit titleDoubleClick(event, pt);
- // call double click event of affected layout element:
- if (QCPLayoutElement *el = layoutElementAt(event->pos()))
- el->mouseDoubleClickEvent(event);
- // call release event of affected layout element (as in mouseReleaseEvent, since the mouseDoubleClick replaces the second release event in double click case):
- if (mMouseEventElement)
+ freeOpenGl();
+ QSurfaceFormat proposedSurfaceFormat;
+ proposedSurfaceFormat.setSamples(mOpenGlMultisamples);
+ QOffscreenSurface *surface = new QOffscreenSurface;
+ QWindow *surface = new QWindow;
+ surface->setSurfaceType(QSurface::OpenGLSurface);
+ surface->setFormat(proposedSurfaceFormat);
+ surface->create();
+ mGlSurface = QSharedPointer<QSurface>(surface);
+ mGlContext = QSharedPointer<QOpenGLContext>(new QOpenGLContext);
+ mGlContext->setFormat(mGlSurface->format());
+ if (!mGlContext->create())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to create OpenGL context";
+ mGlContext.clear();
+ mGlSurface.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!mGlContext->makeCurrent(mGlSurface.data())) // context needs to be current to create paint device
- mMouseEventElement->mouseReleaseEvent(event);
- mMouseEventElement = 0;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to make opengl context current";
+ mGlContext.clear();
+ mGlSurface.clear();
+ return false;
- //QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); don't call base class implementation because it would just cause a mousePress/ReleaseEvent, which we don't want.
+ if (!QOpenGLFramebufferObject::hasOpenGLFramebufferObjects())
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "OpenGL of this system doesn't support frame buffer objects";
+ mGlContext.clear();
+ mGlSurface.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ mGlPaintDevice = QSharedPointer<QOpenGLPaintDevice>(new QOpenGLPaintDevice);
+ return true;
+#elif defined(QCP_OPENGL_PBUFFER)
+ return QGLFormat::hasOpenGL();
+ return false;
/*! \internal
- Event handler for when a mouse button is pressed. Emits the mousePress signal. Then determines
- the affected layout element and forwards the event to it.
- \see mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
+ When \ref setOpenGl is set to false, this method is used to deinitialize OpenGL (releases the
+ context and frees resources).
+ After OpenGL is disabled, all paint buffers should be deleted and then reallocated by calling
+ \ref setupPaintBuffers, so the standard software rendering paint buffer subclass (\ref
+ QCPPaintBufferPixmap) is used for subsequent replots.
+ \see setupOpenGl
-void QCustomPlot::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCustomPlot::freeOpenGl()
- emit mousePress(event);
- mMousePressPos = event->pos(); // need this to determine in releaseEvent whether it was a click (no position change between press and release)
- // call event of affected layout element:
- mMouseEventElement = layoutElementAt(event->pos());
- if (mMouseEventElement)
- mMouseEventElement->mousePressEvent(event);
- QWidget::mousePressEvent(event);
+ mGlPaintDevice.clear();
+ mGlContext.clear();
+ mGlSurface.clear();
/*! \internal
- Event handler for when the cursor is moved. Emits the \ref mouseMove signal.
- If a layout element has mouse capture focus (a mousePressEvent happened on top of the layout
- element before), the mouseMoveEvent is forwarded to that element.
- \see mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
+ This method is used by \ref QCPAxisRect::removeAxis to report removed axes to the QCustomPlot
+ so it may clear its QCustomPlot::xAxis, yAxis, xAxis2 and yAxis2 members accordingly.
-void QCustomPlot::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCustomPlot::axisRemoved(QCPAxis *axis)
- emit mouseMove(event);
- // call event of affected layout element:
- if (mMouseEventElement)
- mMouseEventElement->mouseMoveEvent(event);
+ if (xAxis == axis)
+ xAxis = 0;
+ if (xAxis2 == axis)
+ xAxis2 = 0;
+ if (yAxis == axis)
+ yAxis = 0;
+ if (yAxis2 == axis)
+ yAxis2 = 0;
- QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event);
+ // Note: No need to take care of range drag axes and range zoom axes, because they are stored in smart pointers
/*! \internal
- Event handler for when a mouse button is released. Emits the \ref mouseRelease signal.
+ This method is used by the QCPLegend destructor to report legend removal to the QCustomPlot so
+ it may clear its QCustomPlot::legend member accordingly.
+void QCustomPlot::legendRemoved(QCPLegend *legend)
+ if (this->legend == legend)
+ this->legend = 0;
+/*! \internal
- If the mouse was moved less than a certain threshold in any direction since the \ref
- mousePressEvent, it is considered a click which causes the selection mechanism (if activated via
- \ref setInteractions) to possibly change selection states accordingly. Further, specialized mouse
- click signals are emitted (e.g. \ref plottableClick, \ref axisClick, etc.)
+ This slot is connected to the selection rect's \ref QCPSelectionRect::accepted signal when \ref
+ setSelectionRectMode is set to \ref QCP::srmSelect.
+ First, it determines which axis rect was the origin of the selection rect judging by the starting
+ point of the selection. Then it goes through the plottables (\ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D to be
+ precise) associated with that axis rect and finds the data points that are in \a rect. It does
+ this by querying their \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D::selectTestRect method.
- If a layout element has mouse capture focus (a \ref mousePressEvent happened on top of the layout
- element before), the \ref mouseReleaseEvent is forwarded to that element.
+ Then, the actual selection is done by calling the plottables' \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable::selectEvent, placing the found selected data points in the \a details
+ parameter as <tt>QVariant(\ref QCPDataSelection)</tt>. All plottables that weren't touched by \a
+ rect receive a \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::deselectEvent.
- \see mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent
+ \see processRectZoom
-void QCustomPlot::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCustomPlot::processRectSelection(QRect rect, QMouseEvent *event)
- emit mouseRelease(event);
- bool doReplot = false;
+ bool selectionStateChanged = false;
- if ((mMousePressPos-event->pos()).manhattanLength() < 5) // determine whether it was a click operation
+ if (mInteractions.testFlag(QCP::iSelectPlottables))
- if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+ QMap<int, QPair<QCPAbstractPlottable*, QCPDataSelection> > potentialSelections; // map key is number of selected data points, so we have selections sorted by size
+ QRectF rectF(rect.normalized());
+ if (QCPAxisRect *affectedAxisRect = axisRectAt(rectF.topLeft()))
- // handle selection mechanism:
- QVariant details;
- QCPLayerable *clickedLayerable = layerableAt(event->pos(), true, &details);
- bool selectionStateChanged = false;
- bool additive = mInteractions.testFlag(QCP::iMultiSelect) && event->modifiers().testFlag(mMultiSelectModifier);
+ // determine plottables that were hit by the rect and thus are candidates for selection:
+ foreach (QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, affectedAxisRect->plottables())
+ {
+ if (QCPPlottableInterface1D *plottableInterface = plottable->interface1D())
+ {
+ QCPDataSelection dataSel = plottableInterface->selectTestRect(rectF, true);
+ if (!dataSel.isEmpty())
+ potentialSelections.insertMulti(dataSel.dataPointCount(), QPair<QCPAbstractPlottable*, QCPDataSelection>(plottable, dataSel));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mInteractions.testFlag(QCP::iMultiSelect))
+ {
+ // only leave plottable with most selected points in map, since we will only select a single plottable:
+ if (!potentialSelections.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QMap<int, QPair<QCPAbstractPlottable*, QCPDataSelection> >::iterator it = potentialSelections.begin();
+ while (it != potentialSelections.end()-1) // erase all except last element
+ it = potentialSelections.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ bool additive = event->modifiers().testFlag(mMultiSelectModifier);
// deselect all other layerables if not additive selection:
if (!additive)
+ // emit deselection except to those plottables who will be selected afterwards:
foreach (QCPLayer *layer, mLayers)
foreach (QCPLayerable *layerable, layer->children())
- if (layerable != clickedLayerable && mInteractions.testFlag(layerable->selectionCategory()))
+ if ((potentialSelections.isEmpty() || potentialSelections.constBegin()->first != layerable) && mInteractions.testFlag(layerable->selectionCategory()))
bool selChanged = false;
@@ -10815,180 +15047,192 @@ void QCustomPlot::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (clickedLayerable && mInteractions.testFlag(clickedLayerable->selectionCategory()))
- {
- // a layerable was actually clicked, call its selectEvent:
- bool selChanged = false;
- clickedLayerable->selectEvent(event, additive, details, &selChanged);
- selectionStateChanged |= selChanged;
- }
- if (selectionStateChanged)
+ // go through selections in reverse (largest selection first) and emit select events:
+ QMap<int, QPair<QCPAbstractPlottable*, QCPDataSelection> >::const_iterator it = potentialSelections.constEnd();
+ while (it != potentialSelections.constBegin())
- doReplot = true;
- emit selectionChangedByUser();
+ --it;
+ if (mInteractions.testFlag(it.value().first->selectionCategory()))
+ {
+ bool selChanged = false;
+ it.value().first->selectEvent(event, additive, QVariant::fromValue(it.value().second), &selChanged);
+ selectionStateChanged |= selChanged;
+ }
- // emit specialized object click signals:
- QVariant details;
- QCPLayerable *clickedLayerable = layerableAt(event->pos(), false, &details); // for these signals, selectability is ignored, that's why we call this again with onlySelectable set to false
- if (QCPAbstractPlottable *ap = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractPlottable*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit plottableClick(ap, event);
- else if (QCPAxis *ax = qobject_cast<QCPAxis*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit axisClick(ax, details.value<QCPAxis::SelectablePart>(), event);
- else if (QCPAbstractItem *ai = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractItem*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit itemClick(ai, event);
- else if (QCPLegend *lg = qobject_cast<QCPLegend*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit legendClick(lg, 0, event);
- else if (QCPAbstractLegendItem *li = qobject_cast<QCPAbstractLegendItem*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit legendClick(li->parentLegend(), li, event);
- else if (QCPPlotTitle *pt = qobject_cast<QCPPlotTitle*>(clickedLayerable))
- emit titleClick(event, pt);
- // call event of affected layout element:
- if (mMouseEventElement)
+ if (selectionStateChanged)
- mMouseEventElement->mouseReleaseEvent(event);
- mMouseEventElement = 0;
- }
- if (doReplot || noAntialiasingOnDrag())
- replot();
- QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ emit selectionChangedByUser();
+ replot(rpQueuedReplot);
+ } else if (mSelectionRect)
+ mSelectionRect->layer()->replot();
/*! \internal
- Event handler for mouse wheel events. First, the \ref mouseWheel signal is emitted. Then
- determines the affected layout element and forwards the event to it.
+ This slot is connected to the selection rect's \ref QCPSelectionRect::accepted signal when \ref
+ setSelectionRectMode is set to \ref QCP::srmZoom.
+ It determines which axis rect was the origin of the selection rect judging by the starting point
+ of the selection, and then zooms the axes defined via \ref QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes to the
+ provided \a rect (see \ref QCPAxisRect::zoom).
+ \see processRectSelection
-void QCustomPlot::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
+void QCustomPlot::processRectZoom(QRect rect, QMouseEvent *event)
- emit mouseWheel(event);
- // call event of affected layout element:
- if (QCPLayoutElement *el = layoutElementAt(event->pos()))
- el->wheelEvent(event);
- QWidget::wheelEvent(event);
+ Q_UNUSED(event)
+ if (QCPAxisRect *axisRect = axisRectAt(rect.topLeft()))
+ {
+ QList<QCPAxis*> affectedAxes = QList<QCPAxis*>() << axisRect->rangeZoomAxes(Qt::Horizontal) << axisRect->rangeZoomAxes(Qt::Vertical);
+ affectedAxes.removeAll(static_cast<QCPAxis*>(0));
+ axisRect->zoom(QRectF(rect), affectedAxes);
+ }
+ replot(rpQueuedReplot); // always replot to make selection rect disappear
-/*! \internal
- This is the main draw function. It draws the entire plot, including background pixmap, with the
- specified \a painter. Note that it does not fill the background with the background brush (as the
- user may specify with \ref setBackground(const QBrush &brush)), this is up to the respective
- functions calling this method (e.g. \ref replot, \ref toPixmap and \ref toPainter).
+/*! \internal
+ This method is called when a simple left mouse click was detected on the QCustomPlot surface.
+ It first determines the layerable that was hit by the click, and then calls its \ref
+ QCPLayerable::selectEvent. All other layerables receive a QCPLayerable::deselectEvent (unless the
+ multi-select modifier was pressed, see \ref setMultiSelectModifier).
+ In this method the hit layerable is determined a second time using \ref layerableAt (after the
+ one in \ref mousePressEvent), because we want \a onlySelectable set to true this time. This
+ implies that the mouse event grabber (mMouseEventLayerable) may be a different one from the
+ clicked layerable determined here. For example, if a non-selectable layerable is in front of a
+ selectable layerable at the click position, the front layerable will receive mouse events but the
+ selectable one in the back will receive the \ref QCPLayerable::selectEvent.
+ \see processRectSelection, QCPLayerable::selectTest
-void QCustomPlot::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+void QCustomPlot::processPointSelection(QMouseEvent *event)
- // run through layout phases:
- mPlotLayout->update(QCPLayoutElement::upPreparation);
- mPlotLayout->update(QCPLayoutElement::upMargins);
- mPlotLayout->update(QCPLayoutElement::upLayout);
- // draw viewport background pixmap:
- drawBackground(painter);
- // draw all layered objects (grid, axes, plottables, items, legend,...):
- foreach (QCPLayer *layer, mLayers)
+ QVariant details;
+ QCPLayerable *clickedLayerable = layerableAt(event->pos(), true, &details);
+ bool selectionStateChanged = false;
+ bool additive = mInteractions.testFlag(QCP::iMultiSelect) && event->modifiers().testFlag(mMultiSelectModifier);
+ // deselect all other layerables if not additive selection:
+ if (!additive)
- foreach (QCPLayerable *child, layer->children())
+ foreach (QCPLayer *layer, mLayers)
- if (child->realVisibility())
+ foreach (QCPLayerable *layerable, layer->children())
- painter->save();
- painter->setClipRect(child->clipRect().translated(0, -1));
- child->applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- child->draw(painter);
- painter->restore();
+ if (layerable != clickedLayerable && mInteractions.testFlag(layerable->selectionCategory()))
+ {
+ bool selChanged = false;
+ layerable->deselectEvent(&selChanged);
+ selectionStateChanged |= selChanged;
+ }
- /* Debug code to draw all layout element rects
- foreach (QCPLayoutElement* el, findChildren<QCPLayoutElement*>())
+ if (clickedLayerable && mInteractions.testFlag(clickedLayerable->selectionCategory()))
- painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 100), 0, Qt::DashLine));
- painter->drawRect(el->rect());
- painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0, 100), 0, Qt::DashLine));
- painter->drawRect(el->outerRect());
+ // a layerable was actually clicked, call its selectEvent:
+ bool selChanged = false;
+ clickedLayerable->selectEvent(event, additive, details, &selChanged);
+ selectionStateChanged |= selChanged;
+ }
+ if (selectionStateChanged)
+ {
+ emit selectionChangedByUser();
+ replot(rpQueuedReplot);
- */
/*! \internal
- Draws the viewport background pixmap of the plot.
- If a pixmap was provided via \ref setBackground, this function buffers the scaled version
- depending on \ref setBackgroundScaled and \ref setBackgroundScaledMode and then draws it inside
- the viewport with the provided \a painter. The scaled version is buffered in
- mScaledBackgroundPixmap to prevent expensive rescaling at every redraw. It is only updated, when
- the axis rect has changed in a way that requires a rescale of the background pixmap (this is
- dependent on the \ref setBackgroundScaledMode), or when a differend axis background pixmap was
- set.
+ Registers the specified plottable with this QCustomPlot and, if \ref setAutoAddPlottableToLegend
+ is enabled, adds it to the legend (QCustomPlot::legend). QCustomPlot takes ownership of the
+ plottable.
- Note that this function does not draw a fill with the background brush (\ref setBackground(const
- QBrush &brush)) beneath the pixmap.
+ Returns true on success, i.e. when \a plottable isn't already in this plot and the parent plot of
+ \a plottable is this QCustomPlot.
- \see setBackground, setBackgroundScaled, setBackgroundScaledMode
+ This method is called automatically in the QCPAbstractPlottable base class constructor.
-void QCustomPlot::drawBackground(QCPPainter *painter)
+bool QCustomPlot::registerPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable)
- // Note: background color is handled in individual replot/save functions
- // draw background pixmap (on top of fill, if brush specified):
- if (!mBackgroundPixmap.isNull())
+ if (mPlottables.contains(plottable))
- if (mBackgroundScaled)
- {
- // check whether mScaledBackground needs to be updated:
- QSize scaledSize(mBackgroundPixmap.size());
- scaledSize.scale(mViewport.size(), mBackgroundScaledMode);
- if (mScaledBackgroundPixmap.size() != scaledSize)
- mScaledBackgroundPixmap = mBackgroundPixmap.scaled(mViewport.size(), mBackgroundScaledMode, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
- painter->drawPixmap(mViewport.topLeft(), mScaledBackgroundPixmap, QRect(0, 0, mViewport.width(), mViewport.height()) & mScaledBackgroundPixmap.rect());
- } else
- {
- painter->drawPixmap(mViewport.topLeft(), mBackgroundPixmap, QRect(0, 0, mViewport.width(), mViewport.height()));
- }
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "plottable already added to this QCustomPlot:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(plottable);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (plottable->parentPlot() != this)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "plottable not created with this QCustomPlot as parent:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(plottable);
+ return false;
+ mPlottables.append(plottable);
+ // possibly add plottable to legend:
+ if (mAutoAddPlottableToLegend)
+ plottable->addToLegend();
+ if (!plottable->layer()) // usually the layer is already set in the constructor of the plottable (via QCPLayerable constructor)
+ plottable->setLayer(currentLayer());
+ return true;
/*! \internal
- This method is used by \ref QCPAxisRect::removeAxis to report removed axes to the QCustomPlot
- so it may clear its QCustomPlot::xAxis, yAxis, xAxis2 and yAxis2 members accordingly.
+ In order to maintain the simplified graph interface of QCustomPlot, this method is called by the
+ QCPGraph constructor to register itself with this QCustomPlot's internal graph list. Returns true
+ on success, i.e. if \a graph is valid and wasn't already registered with this QCustomPlot.
+ This graph specific registration happens in addition to the call to \ref registerPlottable by the
+ QCPAbstractPlottable base class.
-void QCustomPlot::axisRemoved(QCPAxis *axis)
+bool QCustomPlot::registerGraph(QCPGraph *graph)
- if (xAxis == axis)
- xAxis = 0;
- if (xAxis2 == axis)
- xAxis2 = 0;
- if (yAxis == axis)
- yAxis = 0;
- if (yAxis2 == axis)
- yAxis2 = 0;
+ if (!graph)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed graph is zero";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mGraphs.contains(graph))
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "graph already registered with this QCustomPlot";
+ return false;
+ }
- // Note: No need to take care of range drag axes and range zoom axes, because they are stored in smart pointers
+ mGraphs.append(graph);
+ return true;
/*! \internal
+ Registers the specified item with this QCustomPlot. QCustomPlot takes ownership of the item.
- This method is used by the QCPLegend destructor to report legend removal to the QCustomPlot so
- it may clear its QCustomPlot::legend member accordingly.
+ Returns true on success, i.e. when \a item wasn't already in the plot and the parent plot of \a
+ item is this QCustomPlot.
+ This method is called automatically in the QCPAbstractItem base class constructor.
-void QCustomPlot::legendRemoved(QCPLegend *legend)
+bool QCustomPlot::registerItem(QCPAbstractItem *item)
- if (this->legend == legend)
- this->legend = 0;
+ if (mItems.contains(item))
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "item already added to this QCustomPlot:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(item);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (item->parentPlot() != this)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "item not created with this QCustomPlot as parent:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(item);
+ return false;
+ }
+ mItems.append(item);
+ if (!item->layer()) // usually the layer is already set in the constructor of the item (via QCPLayerable constructor)
+ item->setLayer(currentLayer());
+ return true;
/*! \internal
@@ -11004,41 +15248,71 @@ void QCustomPlot::updateLayerIndices() const
/*! \internal
+ Returns the top-most layerable at pixel position \a pos. If \a onlySelectable is set to true,
+ only those layerables that are selectable will be considered. (Layerable subclasses communicate
+ their selectability via the QCPLayerable::selectTest method, by returning -1.)
+ \a selectionDetails is an output parameter that contains selection specifics of the affected
+ layerable. This is useful if the respective layerable shall be given a subsequent
+ QCPLayerable::selectEvent (like in \ref mouseReleaseEvent). \a selectionDetails usually contains
+ information about which part of the layerable was hit, in multi-part layerables (e.g.
+ QCPAxis::SelectablePart). If the layerable is a plottable, \a selectionDetails contains a \ref
+ QCPDataSelection instance with the single data point which is closest to \a pos.
- Returns the layerable at pixel position \a pos. If \a onlySelectable is set to true, only those
+ \see layerableListAt, layoutElementAt, axisRectAt
+QCPLayerable *QCustomPlot::layerableAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *selectionDetails) const
+ QList<QVariant> details;
+ QList<QCPLayerable*> candidates = layerableListAt(pos, onlySelectable, selectionDetails ? &details : 0);
+ if (selectionDetails && !details.isEmpty())
+ *selectionDetails = details.first();
+ if (!candidates.isEmpty())
+ return candidates.first();
+ else
+ return 0;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the layerables at pixel position \a pos. If \a onlySelectable is set to true, only those
layerables that are selectable will be considered. (Layerable subclasses communicate their
selectability via the QCPLayerable::selectTest method, by returning -1.)
+ The returned list is sorted by the layerable/drawing order. If you only need to know the top-most
+ layerable, rather use \ref layerableAt.
\a selectionDetails is an output parameter that contains selection specifics of the affected
layerable. This is useful if the respective layerable shall be given a subsequent
QCPLayerable::selectEvent (like in \ref mouseReleaseEvent). \a selectionDetails usually contains
information about which part of the layerable was hit, in multi-part layerables (e.g.
- QCPAxis::SelectablePart).
+ QCPAxis::SelectablePart). If the layerable is a plottable, \a selectionDetails contains a \ref
+ QCPDataSelection instance with the single data point which is closest to \a pos.
+ \see layerableAt, layoutElementAt, axisRectAt
-QCPLayerable *QCustomPlot::layerableAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *selectionDetails) const
+QList<QCPLayerable*> QCustomPlot::layerableListAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QList<QVariant> *selectionDetails) const
+ QList<QCPLayerable*> result;
for (int layerIndex=mLayers.size()-1; layerIndex>=0; --layerIndex)
const QList<QCPLayerable*> layerables = mLayers.at(layerIndex)->children();
- double minimumDistance = selectionTolerance()*1.1;
- QCPLayerable *minimumDistanceLayerable = 0;
for (int i=layerables.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
if (!layerables.at(i)->realVisibility())
QVariant details;
- double dist = layerables.at(i)->selectTest(pos, onlySelectable, &details);
- if (dist >= 0 && dist < minimumDistance)
+ double dist = layerables.at(i)->selectTest(pos, onlySelectable, selectionDetails ? &details : 0);
+ if (dist >= 0 && dist < selectionTolerance())
- minimumDistance = dist;
- minimumDistanceLayerable = layerables.at(i);
- if (selectionDetails) *selectionDetails = details;
+ result.append(layerables.at(i));
+ if (selectionDetails)
+ selectionDetails->append(details);
- if (minimumDistance < selectionTolerance())
- return minimumDistanceLayerable;
- return 0;
+ return result;
@@ -11046,15 +15320,32 @@ QCPLayerable *QCustomPlot::layerableAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable,
sized to \a width and \a height in pixels and scaled with \a scale. (width 100 and scale 2.0 lead
to a full resolution file with width 200.) If the \a format supports compression, \a quality may
be between 0 and 100 to control it.
Returns true on success. If this function fails, most likely the given \a format isn't supported
by the system, see Qt docs about QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().
+ The \a resolution will be written to the image file header (if the file format supports this) and
+ has no direct consequence for the quality or the pixel size. However, if opening the image with a
+ tool which respects the metadata, it will be able to scale the image to match either a given size
+ in real units of length (inch, centimeters, etc.), or the target display DPI. You can specify in
+ which units \a resolution is given, by setting \a resolutionUnit. The \a resolution is converted
+ to the format's expected resolution unit internally.
\see saveBmp, saveJpg, savePng, savePdf
-bool QCustomPlot::saveRastered(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, const char *format, int quality)
+bool QCustomPlot::saveRastered(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, const char *format, int quality, int resolution, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit)
- QPixmap buffer = toPixmap(width, height, scale);
+ QImage buffer = toPixmap(width, height, scale).toImage();
+ int dotsPerMeter = 0;
+ switch (resolutionUnit)
+ {
+ case QCP::ruDotsPerMeter: dotsPerMeter = resolution; break;
+ case QCP::ruDotsPerCentimeter: dotsPerMeter = resolution*100; break;
+ case QCP::ruDotsPerInch: dotsPerMeter = resolution/0.0254; break;
+ }
+ buffer.setDotsPerMeterX(dotsPerMeter); // this is saved together with some image formats, e.g. PNG, and is relevant when opening image in other tools
+ buffer.setDotsPerMeterY(dotsPerMeter); // this is saved together with some image formats, e.g. PNG, and is relevant when opening image in other tools
if (!buffer.isNull())
return buffer.save(fileName, format, quality);
@@ -11151,6 +15442,12 @@ void QCustomPlot::toPainter(QCPPainter *painter, int width, int height)
} else
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Passed painter is not active";
+/* end of 'src/core.cpp' */
+//amalgamation: add plottable1d.cpp
+/* including file 'src/colorgradient.cpp', size 24646 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
@@ -11169,11 +15466,15 @@ void QCustomPlot::toPainter(QCPPainter *painter, int width, int height)
Alternatively, load one of the preset color gradients shown in the image below, with \ref
loadPreset, or by directly specifying the preset in the constructor.
+ Apart from red, green and blue components, the gradient also interpolates the alpha values of the
+ configured color stops. This allows to display some portions of the data range as transparent in
+ the plot.
\image html QCPColorGradient.png
- The fact that the \ref QCPColorGradient(GradientPreset preset) constructor allows directly
- converting a \ref GradientPreset to a QCPColorGradient, you can also directly pass \ref
- GradientPreset to all the \a setGradient methods, e.g.:
+ The \ref QCPColorGradient(GradientPreset preset) constructor allows directly converting a \ref
+ GradientPreset to a QCPColorGradient. This means that you can directly pass \ref GradientPreset
+ to all the \a setGradient methods, e.g.:
\snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolorgradient-setgradient
The total number of levels used in the gradient can be set with \ref setLevelCount. Whether the
@@ -11182,9 +15483,24 @@ void QCustomPlot::toPainter(QCPPainter *painter, int width, int height)
+ Constructs a new, empty QCPColorGradient with no predefined color stops. You can add own color
+ stops with \ref setColorStopAt.
+ The color level count is initialized to 350.
+QCPColorGradient::QCPColorGradient() :
+ mLevelCount(350),
+ mColorInterpolation(ciRGB),
+ mPeriodic(false),
+ mColorBufferInvalidated(true)
+ mColorBuffer.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0), mLevelCount);
Constructs a new QCPColorGradient initialized with the colors and color interpolation according
to \a preset.
The color level count is initialized to 350.
QCPColorGradient::QCPColorGradient(GradientPreset preset) :
@@ -11208,8 +15524,8 @@ bool QCPColorGradient::operator==(const QCPColorGradient &other) const
Sets the number of discretization levels of the color gradient to \a n. The default is 350 which
- is typically enough to create a smooth appearance.
+ is typically enough to create a smooth appearance. The minimum number of levels is 2.
\image html QCPColorGradient-levelcount.png
void QCPColorGradient::setLevelCount(int n)
@@ -11232,7 +15548,8 @@ void QCPColorGradient::setLevelCount(int n)
is interpolated according to \ref setColorInterpolation.
A more convenient way to create a custom gradient may be to clear all color stops with \ref
- clearColorStops and then adding them one by one with \ref setColorStopAt.
+ clearColorStops (or creating a new, empty QCPColorGradient) and then adding them one by one with
+ \ref setColorStopAt.
\see clearColorStops
@@ -11270,46 +15587,131 @@ void QCPColorGradient::setColorInterpolation(QCPColorGradient::ColorInterpolatio
- Sets whether data points that are outside the configured data range (e.g. \ref
- QCPColorMap::setDataRange) are colored by periodically repeating the color gradient or whether
- they all have the same color, corresponding to the respective gradient boundary color.
- \image html QCPColorGradient-periodic.png
- As shown in the image above, gradients that have the same start and end color are especially
- suitable for a periodic gradient mapping, since they produce smooth color transitions throughout
- the color map. A preset that has this property is \ref gpHues.
- In practice, using periodic color gradients makes sense when the data corresponds to a periodic
- dimension, such as an angle or a phase. If this is not the case, the color encoding might become
- ambiguous, because multiple different data values are shown as the same color.
-void QCPColorGradient::setPeriodic(bool enabled)
- mPeriodic = enabled;
+ Sets whether data points that are outside the configured data range (e.g. \ref
+ QCPColorMap::setDataRange) are colored by periodically repeating the color gradient or whether
+ they all have the same color, corresponding to the respective gradient boundary color.
+ \image html QCPColorGradient-periodic.png
+ As shown in the image above, gradients that have the same start and end color are especially
+ suitable for a periodic gradient mapping, since they produce smooth color transitions throughout
+ the color map. A preset that has this property is \ref gpHues.
+ In practice, using periodic color gradients makes sense when the data corresponds to a periodic
+ dimension, such as an angle or a phase. If this is not the case, the color encoding might become
+ ambiguous, because multiple different data values are shown as the same color.
+void QCPColorGradient::setPeriodic(bool enabled)
+ mPeriodic = enabled;
+/*! \overload
+ This method is used to quickly convert a \a data array to colors. The colors will be output in
+ the array \a scanLine. Both \a data and \a scanLine must have the length \a n when passed to this
+ function. The data range that shall be used for mapping the data value to the gradient is passed
+ in \a range. \a logarithmic indicates whether the data values shall be mapped to colors
+ logarithmically.
+ if \a data actually contains 2D-data linearized via <tt>[row*columnCount + column]</tt>, you can
+ set \a dataIndexFactor to <tt>columnCount</tt> to convert a column instead of a row of the data
+ array, in \a scanLine. \a scanLine will remain a regular (1D) array. This works because \a data
+ is addressed <tt>data[i*dataIndexFactor]</tt>.
+ Use the overloaded method to additionally provide alpha map data.
+ The QRgb values that are placed in \a scanLine have their r, g and b components premultiplied
+ with alpha (see QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied).
+void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor, bool logarithmic)
+ // If you change something here, make sure to also adapt color() and the other colorize() overload
+ if (!data)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer given as data";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!scanLine)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer given as scanLine";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mColorBufferInvalidated)
+ updateColorBuffer();
+ if (!logarithmic)
+ {
+ const double posToIndexFactor = (mLevelCount-1)/range.size();
+ if (mPeriodic)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ {
+ int index = (int)((data[dataIndexFactor*i]-range.lower)*posToIndexFactor) % mLevelCount;
+ if (index < 0)
+ index += mLevelCount;
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ {
+ int index = (data[dataIndexFactor*i]-range.lower)*posToIndexFactor;
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = 0;
+ else if (index >= mLevelCount)
+ index = mLevelCount-1;
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ }
+ }
+ } else // logarithmic == true
+ {
+ if (mPeriodic)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ {
+ int index = (int)(qLn(data[dataIndexFactor*i]/range.lower)/qLn(range.upper/range.lower)*(mLevelCount-1)) % mLevelCount;
+ if (index < 0)
+ index += mLevelCount;
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ {
+ int index = qLn(data[dataIndexFactor*i]/range.lower)/qLn(range.upper/range.lower)*(mLevelCount-1);
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = 0;
+ else if (index >= mLevelCount)
+ index = mLevelCount-1;
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*! \overload
- This method is used to quickly convert a \a data array to colors. The colors will be output in
- the array \a scanLine. Both \a data and \a scanLine must have the length \a n when passed to this
- function. The data range that shall be used for mapping the data value to the gradient is passed
- in \a range. \a logarithmic indicates whether the data values shall be mapped to colors
- logarithmically.
- if \a data actually contains 2D-data linearized via <tt>[row*columnCount + column]</tt>, you can
- set \a dataIndexFactor to <tt>columnCount</tt> to convert a column instead of a row of the data
- array, in \a scanLine. \a scanLine will remain a regular (1D) array. This works because \a data
- is addressed <tt>data[i*dataIndexFactor]</tt>.
+ Additionally to the other overload of \ref colorize, this method takes the array \a alpha, which
+ has the same size and structure as \a data and encodes the alpha information per data point.
+ The QRgb values that are placed in \a scanLine have their r, g and b components premultiplied
+ with alpha (see QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied).
-void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor, bool logarithmic)
+void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const unsigned char *alpha, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor, bool logarithmic)
- // If you change something here, make sure to also adapt ::color()
+ // If you change something here, make sure to also adapt color() and the other colorize() overload
if (!data)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer given as data";
+ if (!alpha)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer given as alpha";
+ return;
+ }
if (!scanLine)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer given as scanLine";
@@ -11328,7 +15730,15 @@ void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb
int index = (int)((data[dataIndexFactor*i]-range.lower)*posToIndexFactor) % mLevelCount;
if (index < 0)
index += mLevelCount;
- scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ if (alpha[dataIndexFactor*i] == 255)
+ {
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ } else
+ {
+ const QRgb rgb = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ const float alphaF = alpha[dataIndexFactor*i]/255.0f;
+ scanLine[i] = qRgba(qRed(rgb)*alphaF, qGreen(rgb)*alphaF, qBlue(rgb)*alphaF, qAlpha(rgb)*alphaF);
+ }
} else
@@ -11339,7 +15749,15 @@ void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb
index = 0;
else if (index >= mLevelCount)
index = mLevelCount-1;
- scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ if (alpha[dataIndexFactor*i] == 255)
+ {
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ } else
+ {
+ const QRgb rgb = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ const float alphaF = alpha[dataIndexFactor*i]/255.0f;
+ scanLine[i] = qRgba(qRed(rgb)*alphaF, qGreen(rgb)*alphaF, qBlue(rgb)*alphaF, qAlpha(rgb)*alphaF);
+ }
} else // logarithmic == true
@@ -11351,7 +15769,15 @@ void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb
int index = (int)(qLn(data[dataIndexFactor*i]/range.lower)/qLn(range.upper/range.lower)*(mLevelCount-1)) % mLevelCount;
if (index < 0)
index += mLevelCount;
- scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ if (alpha[dataIndexFactor*i] == 255)
+ {
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ } else
+ {
+ const QRgb rgb = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ const float alphaF = alpha[dataIndexFactor*i]/255.0f;
+ scanLine[i] = qRgba(qRed(rgb)*alphaF, qGreen(rgb)*alphaF, qBlue(rgb)*alphaF, qAlpha(rgb)*alphaF);
+ }
} else
@@ -11362,20 +15788,31 @@ void QCPColorGradient::colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb
index = 0;
else if (index >= mLevelCount)
index = mLevelCount-1;
- scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ if (alpha[dataIndexFactor*i] == 255)
+ {
+ scanLine[i] = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ } else
+ {
+ const QRgb rgb = mColorBuffer.at(index);
+ const float alphaF = alpha[dataIndexFactor*i]/255.0f;
+ scanLine[i] = qRgba(qRed(rgb)*alphaF, qGreen(rgb)*alphaF, qBlue(rgb)*alphaF, qAlpha(rgb)*alphaF);
+ }
/*! \internal
This method is used to colorize a single data value given in \a position, to colors. The data
range that shall be used for mapping the data value to the gradient is passed in \a range. \a
logarithmic indicates whether the data value shall be mapped to a color logarithmically.
If an entire array of data values shall be converted, rather use \ref colorize, for better
+ The returned QRgb has its r, g and b components premultiplied with alpha (see
+ QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied).
QRgb QCPColorGradient::color(double position, const QCPRange &range, bool logarithmic)
@@ -11541,69 +15978,402 @@ QCPColorGradient QCPColorGradient::inverted() const
/*! \internal
- Updates the internal color buffer which will be used by \ref colorize and \ref color, to quickly
- convert positions to colors. This is where the interpolation between color stops is calculated.
+ Returns true if the color gradient uses transparency, i.e. if any of the configured color stops
+ has an alpha value below 255.
+bool QCPColorGradient::stopsUseAlpha() const
+ for (QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator it=mColorStops.constBegin(); it!=mColorStops.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it.value().alpha() < 255)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/*! \internal
+ Updates the internal color buffer which will be used by \ref colorize and \ref color, to quickly
+ convert positions to colors. This is where the interpolation between color stops is calculated.
+void QCPColorGradient::updateColorBuffer()
+ if (mColorBuffer.size() != mLevelCount)
+ mColorBuffer.resize(mLevelCount);
+ if (mColorStops.size() > 1)
+ {
+ double indexToPosFactor = 1.0/(double)(mLevelCount-1);
+ const bool useAlpha = stopsUseAlpha();
+ for (int i=0; i<mLevelCount; ++i)
+ {
+ double position = i*indexToPosFactor;
+ QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator it = mColorStops.lowerBound(position);
+ if (it == mColorStops.constEnd()) // position is on or after last stop, use color of last stop
+ {
+ mColorBuffer[i] = (it-1).value().rgba();
+ } else if (it == mColorStops.constBegin()) // position is on or before first stop, use color of first stop
+ {
+ mColorBuffer[i] = it.value().rgba();
+ } else // position is in between stops (or on an intermediate stop), interpolate color
+ {
+ QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator high = it;
+ QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator low = it-1;
+ double t = (position-low.key())/(high.key()-low.key()); // interpolation factor 0..1
+ switch (mColorInterpolation)
+ {
+ case ciRGB:
+ {
+ if (useAlpha)
+ {
+ const int alpha = (1-t)*low.value().alpha() + t*high.value().alpha();
+ const float alphaPremultiplier = alpha/255.0f; // since we use QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
+ mColorBuffer[i] = qRgba(((1-t)*low.value().red() + t*high.value().red())*alphaPremultiplier,
+ ((1-t)*low.value().green() + t*high.value().green())*alphaPremultiplier,
+ ((1-t)*low.value().blue() + t*high.value().blue())*alphaPremultiplier,
+ alpha);
+ } else
+ {
+ mColorBuffer[i] = qRgb(((1-t)*low.value().red() + t*high.value().red()),
+ ((1-t)*low.value().green() + t*high.value().green()),
+ ((1-t)*low.value().blue() + t*high.value().blue()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ciHSV:
+ {
+ QColor lowHsv = low.value().toHsv();
+ QColor highHsv = high.value().toHsv();
+ double hue = 0;
+ double hueDiff = highHsv.hueF()-lowHsv.hueF();
+ if (hueDiff > 0.5)
+ hue = lowHsv.hueF() - t*(1.0-hueDiff);
+ else if (hueDiff < -0.5)
+ hue = lowHsv.hueF() + t*(1.0+hueDiff);
+ else
+ hue = lowHsv.hueF() + t*hueDiff;
+ if (hue < 0) hue += 1.0;
+ else if (hue >= 1.0) hue -= 1.0;
+ if (useAlpha)
+ {
+ const QRgb rgb = QColor::fromHsvF(hue,
+ (1-t)*lowHsv.saturationF() + t*highHsv.saturationF(),
+ (1-t)*lowHsv.valueF() + t*highHsv.valueF()).rgb();
+ const float alpha = (1-t)*lowHsv.alphaF() + t*highHsv.alphaF();
+ mColorBuffer[i] = qRgba(qRed(rgb)*alpha, qGreen(rgb)*alpha, qBlue(rgb)*alpha, 255*alpha);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mColorBuffer[i] = QColor::fromHsvF(hue,
+ (1-t)*lowHsv.saturationF() + t*highHsv.saturationF(),
+ (1-t)*lowHsv.valueF() + t*highHsv.valueF()).rgb();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mColorStops.size() == 1)
+ {
+ const QRgb rgb = mColorStops.constBegin().value().rgb();
+ const float alpha = mColorStops.constBegin().value().alphaF();
+ mColorBuffer.fill(qRgba(qRed(rgb)*alpha, qGreen(rgb)*alpha, qBlue(rgb)*alpha, 255*alpha));
+ } else // mColorStops is empty, fill color buffer with black
+ {
+ mColorBuffer.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ mColorBufferInvalidated = false;
+/* end of 'src/colorgradient.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/selectiondecorator-bracket.cpp', size 12313 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
+/*! \class QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
+ \brief A selection decorator which draws brackets around each selected data segment
+ Additionally to the regular highlighting of selected segments via color, fill and scatter style,
+ this \ref QCPSelectionDecorator subclass draws markers at the begin and end of each selected data
+ segment of the plottable.
+ The shape of the markers can be controlled with \ref setBracketStyle, \ref setBracketWidth and
+ \ref setBracketHeight. The color/fill can be controlled with \ref setBracketPen and \ref
+ setBracketBrush.
+ To introduce custom bracket styles, it is only necessary to sublcass \ref
+ QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket and reimplement \ref drawBracket. The rest will be managed by the
+ base class.
+ Creates a new QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket instance with default values.
+QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket() :
+ mBracketPen(QPen(Qt::black)),
+ mBracketBrush(Qt::NoBrush),
+ mBracketWidth(5),
+ mBracketHeight(50),
+ mBracketStyle(bsSquareBracket),
+ mTangentToData(false),
+ mTangentAverage(2)
+ Sets the pen that will be used to draw the brackets at the beginning and end of each selected
+ data segment.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setBracketPen(const QPen &pen)
+ mBracketPen = pen;
+ Sets the brush that will be used to draw the brackets at the beginning and end of each selected
+ data segment.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setBracketBrush(const QBrush &brush)
+ mBracketBrush = brush;
+ Sets the width of the drawn bracket. The width dimension is always parallel to the key axis of
+ the data, or the tangent direction of the current data slope, if \ref setTangentToData is
+ enabled.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setBracketWidth(int width)
+ mBracketWidth = width;
+ Sets the height of the drawn bracket. The height dimension is always perpendicular to the key axis
+ of the data, or the tangent direction of the current data slope, if \ref setTangentToData is
+ enabled.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setBracketHeight(int height)
+ mBracketHeight = height;
+ Sets the shape that the bracket/marker will have.
+ \see setBracketWidth, setBracketHeight
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setBracketStyle(QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::BracketStyle style)
+ mBracketStyle = style;
+ Sets whether the brackets will be rotated such that they align with the slope of the data at the
+ position that they appear in.
+ For noisy data, it might be more visually appealing to average the slope over multiple data
+ points. This can be configured via \ref setTangentAverage.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setTangentToData(bool enabled)
+ mTangentToData = enabled;
+ Controls over how many data points the slope shall be averaged, when brackets shall be aligned
+ with the data (if \ref setTangentToData is true).
+ From the position of the bracket, \a pointCount points towards the selected data range will be
+ taken into account. The smallest value of \a pointCount is 1, which is effectively equivalent to
+ disabling \ref setTangentToData.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::setTangentAverage(int pointCount)
+ mTangentAverage = pointCount;
+ if (mTangentAverage < 1)
+ mTangentAverage = 1;
+ Draws the bracket shape with \a painter. The parameter \a direction is either -1 or 1 and
+ indicates whether the bracket shall point to the left or the right (i.e. is a closing or opening
+ bracket, respectively).
+ The passed \a painter already contains all transformations that are necessary to position and
+ rotate the bracket appropriately. Painting operations can be performed as if drawing upright
+ brackets on flat data with horizontal key axis, with (0, 0) being the center of the bracket.
+ If you wish to sublcass \ref QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket in order to provide custom bracket
+ shapes (see \ref QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::bsUserStyle), this is the method you should
+ reimplement.
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::drawBracket(QCPPainter *painter, int direction) const
+ switch (mBracketStyle)
+ {
+ case bsSquareBracket:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(mBracketWidth*direction, -mBracketHeight*0.5, 0, -mBracketHeight*0.5));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(mBracketWidth*direction, mBracketHeight*0.5, 0, mBracketHeight*0.5));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, -mBracketHeight*0.5, 0, mBracketHeight*0.5));
+ break;
+ }
+ case bsHalfEllipse:
+ {
+ painter->drawArc(-mBracketWidth*0.5, -mBracketHeight*0.5, mBracketWidth, mBracketHeight, -90*16, -180*16*direction);
+ break;
+ }
+ case bsEllipse:
+ {
+ painter->drawEllipse(-mBracketWidth*0.5, -mBracketHeight*0.5, mBracketWidth, mBracketHeight);
+ break;
+ }
+ case bsPlus:
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, -mBracketHeight*0.5, 0, mBracketHeight*0.5));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(-mBracketWidth*0.5, 0, mBracketWidth*0.5, 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unknown/custom bracket style can't be handeld by default implementation:" << static_cast<int>(mBracketStyle);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Draws the bracket decoration on the data points at the begin and end of each selected data
+ segment given in \a seletion.
+ It uses the method \ref drawBracket to actually draw the shapes.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+void QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::drawDecoration(QCPPainter *painter, QCPDataSelection selection)
+ if (!mPlottable || selection.isEmpty()) return;
+ if (QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1d = mPlottable->interface1D())
+ {
+ foreach (const QCPDataRange &dataRange, selection.dataRanges())
+ {
+ // determine position and (if tangent mode is enabled) angle of brackets:
+ int openBracketDir = (mPlottable->keyAxis() && !mPlottable->keyAxis()->rangeReversed()) ? 1 : -1;
+ int closeBracketDir = -openBracketDir;
+ QPointF openBracketPos = getPixelCoordinates(interface1d, dataRange.begin());
+ QPointF closeBracketPos = getPixelCoordinates(interface1d, dataRange.end()-1);
+ double openBracketAngle = 0;
+ double closeBracketAngle = 0;
+ if (mTangentToData)
+ {
+ openBracketAngle = getTangentAngle(interface1d, dataRange.begin(), openBracketDir);
+ closeBracketAngle = getTangentAngle(interface1d, dataRange.end()-1, closeBracketDir);
+ }
+ // draw opening bracket:
+ QTransform oldTransform = painter->transform();
+ painter->setPen(mBracketPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBracketBrush);
+ painter->translate(openBracketPos);
+ painter->rotate(openBracketAngle/M_PI*180.0);
+ drawBracket(painter, openBracketDir);
+ painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
+ // draw closing bracket:
+ painter->setPen(mBracketPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBracketBrush);
+ painter->translate(closeBracketPos);
+ painter->rotate(closeBracketAngle/M_PI*180.0);
+ drawBracket(painter, closeBracketDir);
+ painter->setTransform(oldTransform);
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ If \ref setTangentToData is enabled, brackets need to be rotated according to the data slope.
+ This method returns the angle in radians by which a bracket at the given \a dataIndex must be
+ rotated.
+ The parameter \a direction must be set to either -1 or 1, representing whether it is an opening
+ or closing bracket. Since for slope calculation multiple data points are required, this defines
+ the direction in which the algorithm walks, starting at \a dataIndex, to average those data
+ points. (see \ref setTangentToData and \ref setTangentAverage)
+ \a interface1d is the interface to the plottable's data which is used to query data coordinates.
+double QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::getTangentAngle(const QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1d, int dataIndex, int direction) const
+ if (!interface1d || dataIndex < 0 || dataIndex >= interface1d->dataCount())
+ return 0;
+ direction = direction < 0 ? -1 : 1; // enforce direction is either -1 or 1
+ // how many steps we can actually go from index in the given direction without exceeding data bounds:
+ int averageCount;
+ if (direction < 0)
+ averageCount = qMin(mTangentAverage, dataIndex);
+ else
+ averageCount = qMin(mTangentAverage, interface1d->dataCount()-1-dataIndex);
+ qDebug() << averageCount;
+ // calculate point average of averageCount points:
+ QVector<QPointF> points(averageCount);
+ QPointF pointsAverage;
+ int currentIndex = dataIndex;
+ for (int i=0; i<averageCount; ++i)
+ {
+ points[i] = getPixelCoordinates(interface1d, currentIndex);
+ pointsAverage += points[i];
+ currentIndex += direction;
+ }
+ pointsAverage /= (double)averageCount;
+ // calculate slope of linear regression through points:
+ double numSum = 0;
+ double denomSum = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<averageCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const double dx = points.at(i).x()-pointsAverage.x();
+ const double dy = points.at(i).y()-pointsAverage.y();
+ numSum += dx*dy;
+ denomSum += dx*dx;
+ }
+ if (!qFuzzyIsNull(denomSum) && !qFuzzyIsNull(numSum))
+ {
+ return qAtan2(numSum, denomSum);
+ } else // undetermined angle, probably mTangentAverage == 1, so using only one data point
+ return 0;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the pixel coordinates of the data point at \a dataIndex, using \a interface1d to access
+ the data points.
-void QCPColorGradient::updateColorBuffer()
+QPointF QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket::getPixelCoordinates(const QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1d, int dataIndex) const
- if (mColorBuffer.size() != mLevelCount)
- mColorBuffer.resize(mLevelCount);
- if (mColorStops.size() > 1)
- {
- double indexToPosFactor = 1.0/(double)(mLevelCount-1);
- for (int i=0; i<mLevelCount; ++i)
- {
- double position = i*indexToPosFactor;
- QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator it = mColorStops.lowerBound(position);
- if (it == mColorStops.constEnd()) // position is on or after last stop, use color of last stop
- {
- mColorBuffer[i] = (it-1).value().rgb();
- } else if (it == mColorStops.constBegin()) // position is on or before first stop, use color of first stop
- {
- mColorBuffer[i] = it.value().rgb();
- } else // position is in between stops (or on an intermediate stop), interpolate color
- {
- QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator high = it;
- QMap<double, QColor>::const_iterator low = it-1;
- double t = (position-low.key())/(high.key()-low.key()); // interpolation factor 0..1
- switch (mColorInterpolation)
- {
- case ciRGB:
- {
- mColorBuffer[i] = qRgb((1-t)*low.value().red() + t*high.value().red(),
- (1-t)*low.value().green() + t*high.value().green(),
- (1-t)*low.value().blue() + t*high.value().blue());
- break;
- }
- case ciHSV:
- {
- QColor lowHsv = low.value().toHsv();
- QColor highHsv = high.value().toHsv();
- double hue = 0;
- double hueDiff = highHsv.hueF()-lowHsv.hueF();
- if (hueDiff > 0.5)
- hue = lowHsv.hueF() - t*(1.0-hueDiff);
- else if (hueDiff < -0.5)
- hue = lowHsv.hueF() + t*(1.0+hueDiff);
- else
- hue = lowHsv.hueF() + t*hueDiff;
- if (hue < 0) hue += 1.0;
- else if (hue >= 1.0) hue -= 1.0;
- mColorBuffer[i] = QColor::fromHsvF(hue, (1-t)*lowHsv.saturationF() + t*highHsv.saturationF(), (1-t)*lowHsv.valueF() + t*highHsv.valueF()).rgb();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (mColorStops.size() == 1)
- {
- mColorBuffer.fill(mColorStops.constBegin().value().rgb());
- } else // mColorStops is empty, fill color buffer with black
- {
- mColorBuffer.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0));
- }
- mColorBufferInvalidated = false;
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mPlottable->keyAxis();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mPlottable->valueAxis();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QPointF(0, 0); }
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return QPointF(keyAxis->coordToPixel(interface1d->dataMainKey(dataIndex)), valueAxis->coordToPixel(interface1d->dataMainValue(dataIndex)));
+ else
+ return QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(interface1d->dataMainValue(dataIndex)), keyAxis->coordToPixel(interface1d->dataMainKey(dataIndex)));
+/* end of 'src/selectiondecorator-bracket.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-axisrect.cpp', size 47509 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
@@ -11857,21 +16627,22 @@ QList<QCPAxis*> QCPAxisRect::axes() const
Adds a new axis to the axis rect side specified with \a type, and returns it. If \a axis is 0, a
- new QCPAxis instance is created internally.
+ new QCPAxis instance is created internally. QCustomPlot owns the returned axis, so if you want to
+ remove an axis, use \ref removeAxis instead of deleting it manually.
You may inject QCPAxis instances (or sublasses of QCPAxis) by setting \a axis to an axis that was
previously created outside QCustomPlot. It is important to note that QCustomPlot takes ownership
of the axis, so you may not delete it afterwards. Further, the \a axis must have been created
with this axis rect as parent and with the same axis type as specified in \a type. If this is not
the case, a debug output is generated, the axis is not added, and the method returns 0.
This method can not be used to move \a axis between axis rects. The same \a axis instance must
not be added multiple times to the same or different axis rects.
If an axis rect side already contains one or more axes, the lower and upper endings of the new
axis (\ref QCPAxis::setLowerEnding, \ref QCPAxis::setUpperEnding) are set to \ref
\see addAxes, setupFullAxesBox
QCPAxis *QCPAxisRect::addAxis(QCPAxis::AxisType type, QCPAxis *axis)
@@ -11905,6 +16676,19 @@ QCPAxis *QCPAxisRect::addAxis(QCPAxis::AxisType type, QCPAxis *axis)
newAxis->setUpperEnding(QCPLineEnding(QCPLineEnding::esHalfBar, 6, 10, invert));
+ // reset convenience axis pointers on parent QCustomPlot if they are unset:
+ if (mParentPlot && mParentPlot->axisRectCount() > 0 && mParentPlot->axisRect(0) == this)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case QCPAxis::atBottom: { if (!mParentPlot->xAxis) mParentPlot->xAxis = newAxis; break; }
+ case QCPAxis::atLeft: { if (!mParentPlot->yAxis) mParentPlot->yAxis = newAxis; break; }
+ case QCPAxis::atTop: { if (!mParentPlot->xAxis2) mParentPlot->xAxis2 = newAxis; break; }
+ case QCPAxis::atRight: { if (!mParentPlot->yAxis2) mParentPlot->yAxis2 = newAxis; break; }
+ }
+ }
return newAxis;
@@ -11958,27 +16742,59 @@ bool QCPAxisRect::removeAxis(QCPAxis *axis)
+ Zooms in (or out) to the passed rectangular region \a pixelRect, given in pixel coordinates.
+ All axes of this axis rect will have their range zoomed accordingly. If you only wish to zoom
+ specific axes, use the overloaded version of this method.
+ \see QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode
+void QCPAxisRect::zoom(const QRectF &pixelRect)
+ zoom(pixelRect, axes());
+/*! \overload
+ Zooms in (or out) to the passed rectangular region \a pixelRect, given in pixel coordinates.
+ Only the axes passed in \a affectedAxes will have their ranges zoomed accordingly.
+ \see QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode
+void QCPAxisRect::zoom(const QRectF &pixelRect, const QList<QCPAxis*> &affectedAxes)
+ foreach (QCPAxis *axis, affectedAxes)
+ {
+ if (!axis)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "a passed axis was zero";
+ continue;
+ }
+ QCPRange pixelRange;
+ if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ pixelRange = QCPRange(pixelRect.left(), pixelRect.right());
+ else
+ pixelRange = QCPRange(pixelRect.top(), pixelRect.bottom());
+ axis->setRange(axis->pixelToCoord(pixelRange.lower), axis->pixelToCoord(pixelRange.upper));
+ }
Convenience function to create an axis on each side that doesn't have any axes yet and set their
visibility to true. Further, the top/right axes are assigned the following properties of the
bottom/left axes:
\li range (\ref QCPAxis::setRange)
\li range reversed (\ref QCPAxis::setRangeReversed)
\li scale type (\ref QCPAxis::setScaleType)
- \li scale log base (\ref QCPAxis::setScaleLogBase)
- \li ticks (\ref QCPAxis::setTicks)
- \li auto (major) tick count (\ref QCPAxis::setAutoTickCount)
- \li sub tick count (\ref QCPAxis::setSubTickCount)
- \li auto sub ticks (\ref QCPAxis::setAutoSubTicks)
- \li tick step (\ref QCPAxis::setTickStep)
- \li auto tick step (\ref QCPAxis::setAutoTickStep)
+ \li tick visibility (\ref QCPAxis::setTicks)
\li number format (\ref QCPAxis::setNumberFormat)
\li number precision (\ref QCPAxis::setNumberPrecision)
- \li tick label type (\ref QCPAxis::setTickLabelType)
- \li date time format (\ref QCPAxis::setDateTimeFormat)
- \li date time spec (\ref QCPAxis::setDateTimeSpec)
- Tick labels (\ref QCPAxis::setTickLabels) of the right and top axes are set to false.
+ \li tick count of ticker (\ref QCPAxisTicker::setTickCount)
+ \li tick origin of ticker (\ref QCPAxisTicker::setTickOrigin)
+ Tick label visibility (\ref QCPAxis::setTickLabels) of the right and top axes are set to false.
If \a connectRanges is true, the \ref QCPAxis::rangeChanged "rangeChanged" signals of the bottom
and left axes are connected to the \ref QCPAxis::setRange slots of the top and right axes.
@@ -12016,34 +16832,20 @@ void QCPAxisRect::setupFullAxesBox(bool connectRanges)
- xAxis2->setScaleLogBase(xAxis->scaleLogBase());
- xAxis2->setAutoTickCount(xAxis->autoTickCount());
- xAxis2->setSubTickCount(xAxis->subTickCount());
- xAxis2->setAutoSubTicks(xAxis->autoSubTicks());
- xAxis2->setTickStep(xAxis->tickStep());
- xAxis2->setAutoTickStep(xAxis->autoTickStep());
- xAxis2->setTickLabelType(xAxis->tickLabelType());
- xAxis2->setDateTimeFormat(xAxis->dateTimeFormat());
- xAxis2->setDateTimeSpec(xAxis->dateTimeSpec());
+ xAxis2->ticker()->setTickCount(xAxis->ticker()->tickCount());
+ xAxis2->ticker()->setTickOrigin(xAxis->ticker()->tickOrigin());
- yAxis2->setScaleLogBase(yAxis->scaleLogBase());
- yAxis2->setAutoTickCount(yAxis->autoTickCount());
- yAxis2->setSubTickCount(yAxis->subTickCount());
- yAxis2->setAutoSubTicks(yAxis->autoSubTicks());
- yAxis2->setTickStep(yAxis->tickStep());
- yAxis2->setAutoTickStep(yAxis->autoTickStep());
- yAxis2->setTickLabelType(yAxis->tickLabelType());
- yAxis2->setDateTimeFormat(yAxis->dateTimeFormat());
- yAxis2->setDateTimeSpec(yAxis->dateTimeSpec());
+ yAxis2->ticker()->setTickCount(yAxis->ticker()->tickCount());
+ yAxis2->ticker()->setTickOrigin(yAxis->ticker()->tickOrigin());
if (connectRanges)
@@ -12066,7 +16868,7 @@ QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> QCPAxisRect::plottables() const
QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> result;
for (int i=0; i<mParentPlot->mPlottables.size(); ++i)
- if (mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->keyAxis()->axisRect() == this ||mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->valueAxis()->axisRect() == this)
+ if (mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->keyAxis()->axisRect() == this || mParentPlot->mPlottables.at(i)->valueAxis()->axisRect() == this)
return result;
@@ -12136,6 +16938,8 @@ QList<QCPAbstractItem *> QCPAxisRect::items() const
Calls the base class implementation to update the margins (see \ref QCPLayoutElement::update),
and finally passes the \ref rect to the inset layout (\ref insetLayout) and calls its
QCPInsetLayout::update function.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
void QCPAxisRect::update(UpdatePhase phase)
@@ -12267,23 +17071,83 @@ void QCPAxisRect::setBackgroundScaledMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode mode)
- Returns the range drag axis of the \a orientation provided.
+ Returns the range drag axis of the \a orientation provided. If multiple axes were set, returns
+ the first one (use \ref rangeDragAxes to retrieve a list with all set axes).
\see setRangeDragAxes
QCPAxis *QCPAxisRect::rangeDragAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation)
- return (orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? mRangeDragHorzAxis.data() : mRangeDragVertAxis.data());
+ if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return mRangeDragHorzAxis.isEmpty() ? 0 : mRangeDragHorzAxis.first().data();
+ else
+ return mRangeDragVertAxis.isEmpty() ? 0 : mRangeDragVertAxis.first().data();
- Returns the range zoom axis of the \a orientation provided.
+ Returns the range zoom axis of the \a orientation provided. If multiple axes were set, returns
+ the first one (use \ref rangeZoomAxes to retrieve a list with all set axes).
\see setRangeZoomAxes
QCPAxis *QCPAxisRect::rangeZoomAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation)
- return (orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? mRangeZoomHorzAxis.data() : mRangeZoomVertAxis.data());
+ if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return mRangeZoomHorzAxis.isEmpty() ? 0 : mRangeZoomHorzAxis.first().data();
+ else
+ return mRangeZoomVertAxis.isEmpty() ? 0 : mRangeZoomVertAxis.first().data();
+ Returns all range drag axes of the \a orientation provided.
+ \see rangeZoomAxis, setRangeZoomAxes
+QList<QCPAxis*> QCPAxisRect::rangeDragAxes(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ QList<QCPAxis*> result;
+ if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeDragHorzAxis.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeDragHorzAxis.at(i).isNull())
+ result.append(mRangeDragHorzAxis.at(i).data());
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeDragVertAxis.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeDragVertAxis.at(i).isNull())
+ result.append(mRangeDragVertAxis.at(i).data());
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ Returns all range zoom axes of the \a orientation provided.
+ \see rangeDragAxis, setRangeDragAxes
+QList<QCPAxis*> QCPAxisRect::rangeZoomAxes(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ QList<QCPAxis*> result;
+ if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeZoomHorzAxis.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeZoomHorzAxis.at(i).isNull())
+ result.append(mRangeZoomHorzAxis.at(i).data());
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeZoomVertAxis.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeZoomVertAxis.at(i).isNull())
+ result.append(mRangeZoomVertAxis.at(i).data());
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
@@ -12337,29 +17201,146 @@ void QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoom(Qt::Orientations orientations)
mRangeZoom = orientations;
- Sets the axes whose range will be dragged when \ref setRangeDrag enables mouse range dragging
- on the QCustomPlot widget.
+/*! \overload
+ Sets the axes whose range will be dragged when \ref setRangeDrag enables mouse range dragging on
+ the QCustomPlot widget. Pass 0 if no axis shall be dragged in the respective orientation.
+ Use the overload taking a list of axes, if multiple axes (more than one per orientation) shall
+ react to dragging interactions.
\see setRangeZoomAxes
void QCPAxisRect::setRangeDragAxes(QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical)
- mRangeDragHorzAxis = horizontal;
- mRangeDragVertAxis = vertical;
+ QList<QCPAxis*> horz, vert;
+ if (horizontal)
+ horz.append(horizontal);
+ if (vertical)
+ vert.append(vertical);
+ setRangeDragAxes(horz, vert);
+/*! \overload
+ This method allows to set up multiple axes to react to horizontal and vertical dragging. The drag
+ orientation that the respective axis will react to is deduced from its orientation (\ref
+ QCPAxis::orientation).
+ In the unusual case that you wish to e.g. drag a vertically oriented axis with a horizontal drag
+ motion, use the overload taking two separate lists for horizontal and vertical dragging.
+void QCPAxisRect::setRangeDragAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> axes)
+ QList<QCPAxis*> horz, vert;
+ foreach (QCPAxis *ax, axes)
+ {
+ if (ax->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ horz.append(ax);
+ else
+ vert.append(ax);
+ }
+ setRangeDragAxes(horz, vert);
+/*! \overload
+ This method allows to set multiple axes up to react to horizontal and vertical dragging, and
+ define specifically which axis reacts to which drag orientation (irrespective of the axis
+ orientation).
+void QCPAxisRect::setRangeDragAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> horizontal, QList<QCPAxis*> vertical)
+ mRangeDragHorzAxis.clear();
+ foreach (QCPAxis *ax, horizontal)
+ {
+ QPointer<QCPAxis> axPointer(ax);
+ if (!axPointer.isNull())
+ mRangeDragHorzAxis.append(axPointer);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid axis passed in horizontal list:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(ax);
+ }
+ mRangeDragVertAxis.clear();
+ foreach (QCPAxis *ax, vertical)
+ {
+ QPointer<QCPAxis> axPointer(ax);
+ if (!axPointer.isNull())
+ mRangeDragVertAxis.append(axPointer);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid axis passed in vertical list:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(ax);
+ }
- Sets the axes whose range will be zoomed when \ref setRangeZoom enables mouse wheel zooming on the
- QCustomPlot widget. The two axes can be zoomed with different strengths, when different factors
- are passed to \ref setRangeZoomFactor(double horizontalFactor, double verticalFactor).
+ Sets the axes whose range will be zoomed when \ref setRangeZoom enables mouse wheel zooming on
+ the QCustomPlot widget. Pass 0 if no axis shall be zoomed in the respective orientation.
+ The two axes can be zoomed with different strengths, when different factors are passed to \ref
+ setRangeZoomFactor(double horizontalFactor, double verticalFactor).
+ Use the overload taking a list of axes, if multiple axes (more than one per orientation) shall
+ react to zooming interactions.
\see setRangeDragAxes
void QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes(QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical)
- mRangeZoomHorzAxis = horizontal;
- mRangeZoomVertAxis = vertical;
+ QList<QCPAxis*> horz, vert;
+ if (horizontal)
+ horz.append(horizontal);
+ if (vertical)
+ vert.append(vertical);
+ setRangeZoomAxes(horz, vert);
+/*! \overload
+ This method allows to set up multiple axes to react to horizontal and vertical range zooming. The
+ zoom orientation that the respective axis will react to is deduced from its orientation (\ref
+ QCPAxis::orientation).
+ In the unusual case that you wish to e.g. zoom a vertically oriented axis with a horizontal zoom
+ interaction, use the overload taking two separate lists for horizontal and vertical zooming.
+void QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> axes)
+ QList<QCPAxis*> horz, vert;
+ foreach (QCPAxis *ax, axes)
+ {
+ if (ax->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ horz.append(ax);
+ else
+ vert.append(ax);
+ }
+ setRangeZoomAxes(horz, vert);
+/*! \overload
+ This method allows to set multiple axes up to react to horizontal and vertical zooming, and
+ define specifically which axis reacts to which zoom orientation (irrespective of the axis
+ orientation).
+void QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> horizontal, QList<QCPAxis*> vertical)
+ mRangeZoomHorzAxis.clear();
+ foreach (QCPAxis *ax, horizontal)
+ {
+ QPointer<QCPAxis> axPointer(ax);
+ if (!axPointer.isNull())
+ mRangeZoomHorzAxis.append(axPointer);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid axis passed in horizontal list:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(ax);
+ }
+ mRangeZoomVertAxis.clear();
+ foreach (QCPAxis *ax, vertical)
+ {
+ QPointer<QCPAxis> axPointer(ax);
+ if (!axPointer.isNull())
+ mRangeZoomVertAxis.append(axPointer);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid axis passed in vertical list:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(ax);
+ }
@@ -12401,7 +17382,7 @@ void QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomFactor(double factor)
the axis rect with the provided \a painter. The scaled version is buffered in
mScaledBackgroundPixmap to prevent expensive rescaling at every redraw. It is only updated, when
the axis rect has changed in a way that requires a rescale of the background pixmap (this is
- dependant on the \ref setBackgroundScaledMode), or when a differend axis backgroud pixmap was
+ dependent on the \ref setBackgroundScaledMode), or when a differend axis background pixmap was
\see setBackground, setBackgroundScaled, setBackgroundScaledMode
@@ -12478,6 +17459,31 @@ int QCPAxisRect::calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side)
/*! \internal
+ Reacts to a change in layout to potentially set the convenience axis pointers \ref
+ QCustomPlot::xAxis, \ref QCustomPlot::yAxis, etc. of the parent QCustomPlot to the respective
+ axes of this axis rect. This is only done if the respective convenience pointer is currently zero
+ and if there is no QCPAxisRect at position (0, 0) of the plot layout.
+ This automation makes it simpler to replace the main axis rect with a newly created one, without
+ the need to manually reset the convenience pointers.
+void QCPAxisRect::layoutChanged()
+ if (mParentPlot && mParentPlot->axisRectCount() > 0 && mParentPlot->axisRect(0) == this)
+ {
+ if (axisCount(QCPAxis::atBottom) > 0 && !mParentPlot->xAxis)
+ mParentPlot->xAxis = axis(QCPAxis::atBottom);
+ if (axisCount(QCPAxis::atLeft) > 0 && !mParentPlot->yAxis)
+ mParentPlot->yAxis = axis(QCPAxis::atLeft);
+ if (axisCount(QCPAxis::atTop) > 0 && !mParentPlot->xAxis2)
+ mParentPlot->xAxis2 = axis(QCPAxis::atTop);
+ if (axisCount(QCPAxis::atRight) > 0 && !mParentPlot->yAxis2)
+ mParentPlot->yAxis2 = axis(QCPAxis::atRight);
+ }
+/*! \internal
Event handler for when a mouse button is pressed on the axis rect. If the left mouse button is
pressed, the range dragging interaction is initialized (the actual range manipulation happens in
the \ref mouseMoveEvent).
@@ -12487,8 +17493,9 @@ int QCPAxisRect::calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side)
\see mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
-void QCPAxisRect::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCPAxisRect::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
mDragStart = event->pos(); // need this even when not LeftButton is pressed, to determine in releaseEvent whether it was a full click (no position change between press and release)
if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
@@ -12502,10 +17509,12 @@ void QCPAxisRect::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
// Mouse range dragging interaction:
if (mParentPlot->interactions().testFlag(QCP::iRangeDrag))
- if (mRangeDragHorzAxis)
- mDragStartHorzRange = mRangeDragHorzAxis.data()->range();
- if (mRangeDragVertAxis)
- mDragStartVertRange = mRangeDragVertAxis.data()->range();
+ mDragStartHorzRange.clear();
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeDragHorzAxis.size(); ++i)
+ mDragStartHorzRange.append(mRangeDragHorzAxis.at(i).isNull() ? QCPRange() : mRangeDragHorzAxis.at(i)->range());
+ mDragStartVertRange.clear();
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeDragVertAxis.size(); ++i)
+ mDragStartVertRange.append(mRangeDragVertAxis.at(i).isNull() ? QCPRange() : mRangeDragVertAxis.at(i)->range());
@@ -12517,54 +17526,70 @@ void QCPAxisRect::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
\see mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent
-void QCPAxisRect::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCPAxisRect::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
+ Q_UNUSED(startPos)
// Mouse range dragging interaction:
if (mDragging && mParentPlot->interactions().testFlag(QCP::iRangeDrag))
if (mRangeDrag.testFlag(Qt::Horizontal))
- if (QCPAxis *rangeDragHorzAxis = mRangeDragHorzAxis.data())
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeDragHorzAxis.size(); ++i)
- if (rangeDragHorzAxis->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLinear)
+ QCPAxis *ax = mRangeDragHorzAxis.at(i).data();
+ if (!ax)
+ continue;
+ if (i >= mDragStartHorzRange.size())
+ break;
+ if (ax->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLinear)
- double diff = rangeDragHorzAxis->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.x()) - rangeDragHorzAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x());
- rangeDragHorzAxis->setRange(mDragStartHorzRange.lower+diff, mDragStartHorzRange.upper+diff);
- } else if (rangeDragHorzAxis->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
+ double diff = ax->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.x()) - ax->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x());
+ ax->setRange(mDragStartHorzRange.at(i).lower+diff, mDragStartHorzRange.at(i).upper+diff);
+ } else if (ax->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- double diff = rangeDragHorzAxis->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.x()) / rangeDragHorzAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x());
- rangeDragHorzAxis->setRange(mDragStartHorzRange.lower*diff, mDragStartHorzRange.upper*diff);
+ double diff = ax->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.x()) / ax->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x());
+ ax->setRange(mDragStartHorzRange.at(i).lower*diff, mDragStartHorzRange.at(i).upper*diff);
if (mRangeDrag.testFlag(Qt::Vertical))
- if (QCPAxis *rangeDragVertAxis = mRangeDragVertAxis.data())
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeDragVertAxis.size(); ++i)
- if (rangeDragVertAxis->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLinear)
+ QCPAxis *ax = mRangeDragVertAxis.at(i).data();
+ if (!ax)
+ continue;
+ if (i >= mDragStartVertRange.size())
+ break;
+ if (ax->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLinear)
- double diff = rangeDragVertAxis->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.y()) - rangeDragVertAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y());
- rangeDragVertAxis->setRange(mDragStartVertRange.lower+diff, mDragStartVertRange.upper+diff);
- } else if (rangeDragVertAxis->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
+ double diff = ax->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.y()) - ax->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y());
+ ax->setRange(mDragStartVertRange.at(i).lower+diff, mDragStartVertRange.at(i).upper+diff);
+ } else if (ax->mScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- double diff = rangeDragVertAxis->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.y()) / rangeDragVertAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y());
- rangeDragVertAxis->setRange(mDragStartVertRange.lower*diff, mDragStartVertRange.upper*diff);
+ double diff = ax->pixelToCoord(mDragStart.y()) / ax->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y());
+ ax->setRange(mDragStartVertRange.at(i).lower*diff, mDragStartVertRange.at(i).upper*diff);
if (mRangeDrag != 0) // if either vertical or horizontal drag was enabled, do a replot
if (mParentPlot->noAntialiasingOnDrag())
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPAxisRect::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCPAxisRect::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
+ Q_UNUSED(startPos)
mDragging = false;
if (mParentPlot->noAntialiasingOnDrag())
@@ -12578,7 +17603,7 @@ void QCPAxisRect::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
Event handler for mouse wheel events. If rangeZoom is Qt::Horizontal, Qt::Vertical or both, the
ranges of the axes defined as rangeZoomHorzAxis and rangeZoomVertAxis are scaled. The center of
the scaling operation is the current cursor position inside the axis rect. The scaling factor is
- dependant on the mouse wheel delta (which direction the wheel was rotated) to provide a natural
+ dependent on the mouse wheel delta (which direction the wheel was rotated) to provide a natural
zooming feel. The Strength of the zoom can be controlled via \ref setRangeZoomFactor.
Note, that event->delta() is usually +/-120 for single rotation steps. However, if the mouse
@@ -12599,20 +17624,30 @@ void QCPAxisRect::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
if (mRangeZoom.testFlag(Qt::Horizontal))
factor = qPow(mRangeZoomFactorHorz, wheelSteps);
- if (mRangeZoomHorzAxis.data())
- mRangeZoomHorzAxis.data()->scaleRange(factor, mRangeZoomHorzAxis.data()->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()));
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeZoomHorzAxis.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeZoomHorzAxis.at(i).isNull())
+ mRangeZoomHorzAxis.at(i)->scaleRange(factor, mRangeZoomHorzAxis.at(i)->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()));
+ }
if (mRangeZoom.testFlag(Qt::Vertical))
factor = qPow(mRangeZoomFactorVert, wheelSteps);
- if (mRangeZoomVertAxis.data())
- mRangeZoomVertAxis.data()->scaleRange(factor, mRangeZoomVertAxis.data()->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y()));
+ for (int i=0; i<mRangeZoomVertAxis.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!mRangeZoomVertAxis.at(i).isNull())
+ mRangeZoomVertAxis.at(i)->scaleRange(factor, mRangeZoomVertAxis.at(i)->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y()));
+ }
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-axisrect.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-legend.cpp', size 30933 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPAbstractLegendItem
@@ -12667,7 +17702,7 @@ QCPAbstractLegendItem::QCPAbstractLegendItem(QCPLegend *parent) :
- setMargins(QMargins(8, 2, 8, 2));
+ setMargins(QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0));
@@ -12836,6 +17871,7 @@ QCPPlottableLegendItem::QCPPlottableLegendItem(QCPLegend *parent, QCPAbstractPlo
+ setAntialiased(false);
/*! \internal
@@ -12894,6 +17930,8 @@ void QCPPlottableLegendItem::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ int halfPen = qCeil(painter->pen().widthF()*0.5)+1;
+ painter->setClipRect(mOuterRect.adjusted(-halfPen, -halfPen, halfPen, halfPen)); // extend default clip rect so thicker pens (especially during selection) are not clipped
@@ -12902,6 +17940,8 @@ void QCPPlottableLegendItem::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
Calculates and returns the size of this item. This includes the icon, the text and the padding in
+ \seebaseclassmethod
QSize QCPPlottableLegendItem::minimumSizeHint() const
@@ -12925,24 +17965,30 @@ QSize QCPPlottableLegendItem::minimumSizeHint() const
\brief Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot.
A legend is a small box somewhere in the plot which lists plottables with their name and icon.
Normally, the legend is populated by calling \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::addToLegend. The
respective legend item can be removed with \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::removeFromLegend. However,
QCPLegend also offers an interface to add and manipulate legend items directly: \ref item, \ref
itemWithPlottable, \ref itemCount, \ref addItem, \ref removeItem, etc.
- The QCPLegend derives from QCPLayoutGrid and as such can be placed in any position a
- QCPLayoutElement may be positioned. The legend items are themselves QCPLayoutElements which are
- placed in the grid layout of the legend. QCPLegend only adds an interface specialized for
- handling child elements of type QCPAbstractLegendItem, as mentioned above. In principle, any
- other layout elements may also be added to a legend via the normal \ref QCPLayoutGrid interface.
- However, the QCPAbstractLegendItem-Interface will ignore those elements (e.g. \ref itemCount will
- only return the number of items with QCPAbstractLegendItems type).
- By default, every QCustomPlot has one legend (QCustomPlot::legend) which is placed in the inset
- layout of the main axis rect (\ref QCPAxisRect::insetLayout). To move the legend to another
+ Since \ref QCPLegend derives from \ref QCPLayoutGrid, it can be placed in any position a \ref
+ QCPLayoutElement may be positioned. The legend items are themselves \ref QCPLayoutElement
+ "QCPLayoutElements" which are placed in the grid layout of the legend. \ref QCPLegend only adds
+ an interface specialized for handling child elements of type \ref QCPAbstractLegendItem, as
+ mentioned above. In principle, any other layout elements may also be added to a legend via the
+ normal \ref QCPLayoutGrid interface. See the special page about \link thelayoutsystem The Layout
+ System\endlink for examples on how to add other elements to the legend and move it outside the axis
+ rect.
+ Use the methods \ref setFillOrder and \ref setWrap inherited from \ref QCPLayoutGrid to control
+ in which order (column first or row first) the legend is filled up when calling \ref addItem, and
+ at which column or row wrapping occurs.
+ By default, every QCustomPlot has one legend (\ref QCustomPlot::legend) which is placed in the
+ inset layout of the main axis rect (\ref QCPAxisRect::insetLayout). To move the legend to another
position inside the axis rect, use the methods of the \ref QCPLayoutInset. To move the legend
- outside of the axis rect, place it anywhere else with the QCPLayout/QCPLayoutElement interface.
+ outside of the axis rect, place it anywhere else with the \ref QCPLayout/\ref QCPLayoutElement
+ interface.
/* start of documentation of signals */
@@ -12957,16 +18003,19 @@ QSize QCPPlottableLegendItem::minimumSizeHint() const
/* end of documentation of signals */
- Constructs a new QCPLegend instance with \a parentPlot as the containing plot and default values.
+ Constructs a new QCPLegend instance with default values.
- Note that by default, QCustomPlot already contains a legend ready to be used as
+ Note that by default, QCustomPlot already contains a legend ready to be used as \ref
- setRowSpacing(0);
- setColumnSpacing(10);
- setMargins(QMargins(2, 3, 2, 2));
+ setFillOrder(QCPLayoutGrid::foRowsFirst);
+ setWrap(0);
+ setRowSpacing(3);
+ setColumnSpacing(8);
+ setMargins(QMargins(7, 5, 7, 4));
setIconSize(32, 18);
@@ -12975,7 +18024,7 @@ QCPLegend::QCPLegend()
setSelectableParts(spLegendBox | spItems);
- setBorderPen(QPen(Qt::black));
+ setBorderPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0));
setSelectedBorderPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2));
setSelectedIconBorderPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2));
@@ -13236,8 +18285,10 @@ void QCPLegend::setSelectedTextColor(const QColor &color)
Returns the item with index \a i.
- \see itemCount
+ Note that the linear index depends on the current fill order (\ref setFillOrder).
+ \see itemCount, addItem, itemWithPlottable
QCPAbstractLegendItem *QCPLegend::item(int index) const
@@ -13265,6 +18316,10 @@ QCPPlottableLegendItem *QCPLegend::itemWithPlottable(const QCPAbstractPlottable
Returns the number of items currently in the legend.
+ Note that if empty cells are in the legend (e.g. by calling methods of the \ref QCPLayoutGrid
+ base class which allows creating empty cells), they are included in the returned count.
\see item
int QCPLegend::itemCount() const
@@ -13273,7 +18328,9 @@ int QCPLegend::itemCount() const
- Returns whether the legend contains \a itm.
+ Returns whether the legend contains \a item.
+ \see hasItemWithPlottable
bool QCPLegend::hasItem(QCPAbstractLegendItem *item) const
@@ -13297,26 +18354,31 @@ bool QCPLegend::hasItemWithPlottable(const QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable) cons
- Adds \a item to the legend, if it's not present already.
+ Adds \a item to the legend, if it's not present already. The element is arranged according to the
+ current fill order (\ref setFillOrder) and wrapping (\ref setWrap).
Returns true on sucess, i.e. if the item wasn't in the list already and has been successfuly added.
The legend takes ownership of the item.
+ \see removeItem, item, hasItem
bool QCPLegend::addItem(QCPAbstractLegendItem *item)
- if (!hasItem(item))
- {
- return addElement(rowCount(), 0, item);
- } else
- return false;
+ return addElement(item);
- Removes the item with index \a index from the legend.
+/*! \overload
+ Removes the item with the specified \a index from the legend and deletes it.
+ After successful removal, the legend is reordered according to the current fill order (\ref
+ setFillOrder) and wrapping (\ref setWrap), so no empty cell remains where the removed \a item
+ was. If you don't want this, rather use the raw element interface of \ref QCPLayoutGrid.
+ Returns true, if successful. Unlike \ref QCPLayoutGrid::removeAt, this method only removes
+ elements derived from \ref QCPAbstractLegendItem.
- Returns true, if successful.
\see itemCount, clearItems
bool QCPLegend::removeItem(int index)
@@ -13324,24 +18386,30 @@ bool QCPLegend::removeItem(int index)
if (QCPAbstractLegendItem *ali = item(index))
bool success = remove(ali);
- simplify();
+ if (success)
+ setFillOrder(fillOrder(), true); // gets rid of empty cell by reordering
return success;
} else
return false;
/*! \overload
- Removes \a item from the legend.
+ Removes \a item from the legend and deletes it.
+ After successful removal, the legend is reordered according to the current fill order (\ref
+ setFillOrder) and wrapping (\ref setWrap), so no empty cell remains where the removed \a item
+ was. If you don't want this, rather use the raw element interface of \ref QCPLayoutGrid.
Returns true, if successful.
\see clearItems
bool QCPLegend::removeItem(QCPAbstractLegendItem *item)
bool success = remove(item);
- simplify();
+ if (success)
+ setFillOrder(fillOrder(), true); // gets rid of empty cell by reordering
return success;
@@ -13385,6 +18453,8 @@ QList<QCPAbstractLegendItem *> QCPLegend::selectedItems() const
overrides set with \ref QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and \ref
+ \seebaseclassmethod
\see setAntialiased
void QCPLegend::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
@@ -13482,32 +18552,32 @@ QCP::Interaction QCPAbstractLegendItem::selectionCategory() const
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPLegend::parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
- Q_UNUSED(parentPlot)
+ if (parentPlot && !parentPlot->legend)
+ parentPlot->legend = this;
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-legend.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-textelement.cpp', size 12759 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPPlotTitle
+//////////////////// QCPTextElement
-/*! \class QCPPlotTitle
- \brief A layout element displaying a plot title text
- The text may be specified with \ref setText, theformatting can be controlled with \ref setFont
- and \ref setTextColor.
- A plot title can be added as follows:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpplottitle-creation
- Since a plot title is a common requirement, QCustomPlot offers specialized selection signals for
- easy interaction with QCPPlotTitle. If a layout element of type QCPPlotTitle is clicked, the
- signal \ref QCustomPlot::titleClick is emitted. A double click emits the \ref
- QCustomPlot::titleDoubleClick signal.
+/*! \class QCPTextElement
+ \brief A layout element displaying a text
+ The text may be specified with \ref setText, the formatting can be controlled with \ref setFont,
+ \ref setTextColor, and \ref setTextFlags.
+ A text element can be added as follows:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcptextelement-creation
/* start documentation of signals */
-/*! \fn void QCPPlotTitle::selectionChanged(bool selected)
+/*! \fn void QCPTextElement::selectionChanged(bool selected)
This signal is emitted when the selection state has changed to \a selected, either by user
interaction or by a direct call to \ref setSelected.
@@ -13515,106 +18585,220 @@ void QCPLegend::parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
\see setSelected, setSelectable
+/*! \fn void QCPTextElement::clicked(QMouseEvent *event)
+ This signal is emitted when the text element is clicked.
+ \see doubleClicked, selectTest
+/*! \fn void QCPTextElement::doubleClicked(QMouseEvent *event)
+ This signal is emitted when the text element is double clicked.
+ \see clicked, selectTest
/* end documentation of signals */
- Creates a new QCPPlotTitle instance and sets default values. The initial text is empty (\ref setText).
+/*! \overload
+ Creates a new QCPTextElement instance and sets default values. The initial text is empty (\ref
+ setText).
+QCPTextElement::QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ QCPLayoutElement(parentPlot),
+ mText(),
+ mTextFlags(Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextWordWrap),
+ mFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), 12)), // will be taken from parentPlot if available, see below
+ mTextColor(Qt::black),
+ mSelectedFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), 12)), // will be taken from parentPlot if available, see below
+ mSelectedTextColor(Qt::blue),
+ mSelectable(false),
+ mSelected(false)
+ if (parentPlot)
+ {
+ mFont = parentPlot->font();
+ mSelectedFont = parentPlot->font();
+ }
+ setMargins(QMargins(2, 2, 2, 2));
+/*! \overload
+ Creates a new QCPTextElement instance and sets default values.
+ The initial text is set to \a text.
+QCPTextElement::QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text) :
+ QCPLayoutElement(parentPlot),
+ mText(text),
+ mTextFlags(Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextWordWrap),
+ mFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), 12)), // will be taken from parentPlot if available, see below
+ mTextColor(Qt::black),
+ mSelectedFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), 12)), // will be taken from parentPlot if available, see below
+ mSelectedTextColor(Qt::blue),
+ mSelectable(false),
+ mSelected(false)
+ if (parentPlot)
+ {
+ mFont = parentPlot->font();
+ mSelectedFont = parentPlot->font();
+ }
+ setMargins(QMargins(2, 2, 2, 2));
+/*! \overload
- To set the title text in the constructor, rather use \ref QCPPlotTitle(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text).
+ Creates a new QCPTextElement instance and sets default values.
+ The initial text is set to \a text with \a pointSize.
-QCPPlotTitle::QCPPlotTitle(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+QCPTextElement::QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text, double pointSize) :
- mFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), 13*1.5, QFont::Bold)),
+ mText(text),
+ mTextFlags(Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextWordWrap),
+ mFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), pointSize)), // will be taken from parentPlot if available, see below
- mSelectedFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), 13*1.6, QFont::Bold)),
+ mSelectedFont(QFont(QLatin1String("sans serif"), pointSize)), // will be taken from parentPlot if available, see below
if (parentPlot)
- setLayer(parentPlot->currentLayer());
- mFont = QFont(parentPlot->font().family(), parentPlot->font().pointSize()*1.5, QFont::Bold);
- mSelectedFont = QFont(parentPlot->font().family(), parentPlot->font().pointSize()*1.6, QFont::Bold);
+ mFont = parentPlot->font();
+ mFont.setPointSizeF(pointSize);
+ mSelectedFont = parentPlot->font();
+ mSelectedFont.setPointSizeF(pointSize);
- setMargins(QMargins(5, 5, 5, 0));
+ setMargins(QMargins(2, 2, 2, 2));
+/*! \overload
+ Creates a new QCPTextElement instance and sets default values.
+ The initial text is set to \a text with \a pointSize and the specified \a fontFamily.
+QCPTextElement::QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text, const QString &fontFamily, double pointSize) :
+ QCPLayoutElement(parentPlot),
+ mText(text),
+ mTextFlags(Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextWordWrap),
+ mFont(QFont(fontFamily, pointSize)),
+ mTextColor(Qt::black),
+ mSelectedFont(QFont(fontFamily, pointSize)),
+ mSelectedTextColor(Qt::blue),
+ mSelectable(false),
+ mSelected(false)
+ setMargins(QMargins(2, 2, 2, 2));
/*! \overload
- Creates a new QCPPlotTitle instance and sets default values. The initial text is set to \a text.
+ Creates a new QCPTextElement instance and sets default values.
+ The initial text is set to \a text with the specified \a font.
-QCPPlotTitle::QCPPlotTitle(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text) :
+QCPTextElement::QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text, const QFont &font) :
- mFont(QFont(parentPlot->font().family(), parentPlot->font().pointSize()*1.5, QFont::Bold)),
+ mTextFlags(Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextWordWrap),
+ mFont(font),
- mSelectedFont(QFont(parentPlot->font().family(), parentPlot->font().pointSize()*1.6, QFont::Bold)),
+ mSelectedFont(font),
- setLayer(QLatin1String("axes"));
- setMargins(QMargins(5, 5, 5, 0));
+ setMargins(QMargins(2, 2, 2, 2));
Sets the text that will be displayed to \a text. Multiple lines can be created by insertion of "\n".
- \see setFont, setTextColor
+ \see setFont, setTextColor, setTextFlags
-void QCPPlotTitle::setText(const QString &text)
+void QCPTextElement::setText(const QString &text)
mText = text;
- Sets the \a font of the title text.
+ Sets options for text alignment and wrapping behaviour. \a flags is a bitwise OR-combination of
+ \c Qt::AlignmentFlag and \c Qt::TextFlag enums.
+ Possible enums are:
+ - Qt::AlignLeft
+ - Qt::AlignRight
+ - Qt::AlignHCenter
+ - Qt::AlignJustify
+ - Qt::AlignTop
+ - Qt::AlignBottom
+ - Qt::AlignVCenter
+ - Qt::AlignCenter
+ - Qt::TextDontClip
+ - Qt::TextSingleLine
+ - Qt::TextExpandTabs
+ - Qt::TextShowMnemonic
+ - Qt::TextWordWrap
+ - Qt::TextIncludeTrailingSpaces
+void QCPTextElement::setTextFlags(int flags)
+ mTextFlags = flags;
+ Sets the \a font of the text.
\see setTextColor, setSelectedFont
-void QCPPlotTitle::setFont(const QFont &font)
+void QCPTextElement::setFont(const QFont &font)
mFont = font;
- Sets the \a color of the title text.
+ Sets the \a color of the text.
\see setFont, setSelectedTextColor
-void QCPPlotTitle::setTextColor(const QColor &color)
+void QCPTextElement::setTextColor(const QColor &color)
mTextColor = color;
- Sets the \a font of the title text that will be used if the plot title is selected (\ref setSelected).
+ Sets the \a font of the text that will be used if the text element is selected (\ref setSelected).
\see setFont
-void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectedFont(const QFont &font)
+void QCPTextElement::setSelectedFont(const QFont &font)
mSelectedFont = font;
- Sets the \a color of the title text that will be used if the plot title is selected (\ref setSelected).
+ Sets the \a color of the text that will be used if the text element is selected (\ref setSelected).
\see setTextColor
-void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectedTextColor(const QColor &color)
+void QCPTextElement::setSelectedTextColor(const QColor &color)
mSelectedTextColor = color;
- Sets whether the user may select this plot title to \a selectable.
+ Sets whether the user may select this text element.
Note that even when \a selectable is set to <tt>false</tt>, the selection state may be changed
programmatically via \ref setSelected.
-void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectable(bool selectable)
+void QCPTextElement::setSelectable(bool selectable)
if (mSelectable != selectable)
@@ -13624,13 +18808,13 @@ void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectable(bool selectable)
- Sets the selection state of this plot title to \a selected. If the selection has changed, \ref
+ Sets the selection state of this text element to \a selected. If the selection has changed, \ref
selectionChanged is emitted.
Note that this function can change the selection state independently of the current \ref
setSelectable state.
-void QCPPlotTitle::setSelected(bool selected)
+void QCPTextElement::setSelected(bool selected)
if (mSelected != selected)
@@ -13640,13 +18824,13 @@ void QCPPlotTitle::setSelected(bool selected)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPPlotTitle::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
+void QCPTextElement::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
- applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeNone);
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mAntialiased, QCP::aeOther);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPPlotTitle::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+void QCPTextElement::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
@@ -13654,7 +18838,7 @@ void QCPPlotTitle::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QSize QCPPlotTitle::minimumSizeHint() const
+QSize QCPTextElement::minimumSizeHint() const
QFontMetrics metrics(mFont);
QSize result = metrics.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter, mText).size();
@@ -13664,7 +18848,7 @@ QSize QCPPlotTitle::minimumSizeHint() const
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QSize QCPPlotTitle::maximumSizeHint() const
+QSize QCPTextElement::maximumSizeHint() const
QFontMetrics metrics(mFont);
QSize result = metrics.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter, mText).size();
@@ -13674,7 +18858,7 @@ QSize QCPPlotTitle::maximumSizeHint() const
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPPlotTitle::selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
+void QCPTextElement::selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
@@ -13688,7 +18872,7 @@ void QCPPlotTitle::selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPPlotTitle::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
+void QCPTextElement::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
if (mSelectable)
@@ -13699,8 +18883,17 @@ void QCPPlotTitle::deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged)
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-double QCPPlotTitle::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ Returns 0.99*selectionTolerance (see \ref QCustomPlot::setSelectionTolerance) when \a pos is
+ within the bounding box of the text element's text. Note that this bounding box is updated in the
+ draw call.
+ If \a pos is outside the text's bounding box or if \a onlySelectable is true and this text
+ element is not selectable (\ref setSelectable), returns -1.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+double QCPTextElement::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
@@ -13712,12 +18905,47 @@ double QCPPlotTitle::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVarian
return -1;
+ Accepts the mouse event in order to emit the according click signal in the \ref
+ mouseReleaseEvent.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+void QCPTextElement::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ event->accept();
+ Emits the \ref clicked signal if the cursor hasn't moved by more than a few pixels since the \ref
+ mousePressEvent.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+void QCPTextElement::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
+ if ((QPointF(event->pos())-startPos).manhattanLength() <= 3)
+ emit clicked(event);
+ Emits the \ref doubleClicked signal.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+void QCPTextElement::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ emit doubleClicked(event);
/*! \internal
Returns the main font to be used. This is mSelectedFont if \ref setSelected is set to
<tt>true</tt>, else mFont is returned.
-QFont QCPPlotTitle::mainFont() const
+QFont QCPTextElement::mainFont() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedFont : mFont;
@@ -13727,10 +18955,15 @@ QFont QCPPlotTitle::mainFont() const
Returns the main color to be used. This is mSelectedTextColor if \ref setSelected is set to
<tt>true</tt>, else mTextColor is returned.
-QColor QCPPlotTitle::mainTextColor() const
+QColor QCPTextElement::mainTextColor() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedTextColor : mTextColor;
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-textelement.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-colorscale.cpp', size 25910 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
@@ -13756,7 +18989,7 @@ QColor QCPPlotTitle::mainTextColor() const
To have finer control over the number display and axis behaviour, you can directly access the
\ref axis. See the documentation of QCPAxis for details about configuring axes. For example, if
you want to change the number of automatically generated ticks, call
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolorscale-autotickcount
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolorscale-tickcount
Placing a color scale next to the main axis rect works like with any other layout element:
\snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolorscale-creation
@@ -13793,7 +19026,7 @@ QColor QCPPlotTitle::mainTextColor() const
/* end documentation of signals */
/* start documentation of signals */
-/*! \fn void QCPColorScale::dataRangeChanged(QCPRange newRange);
+/*! \fn void QCPColorScale::dataRangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange);
This signal is emitted when the data range changes.
@@ -13807,7 +19040,7 @@ QColor QCPPlotTitle::mainTextColor() const
\see setDataScaleType
-/*! \fn void QCPColorScale::gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient newGradient);
+/*! \fn void QCPColorScale::gradientChanged(const QCPColorGradient &newGradient);
This signal is emitted when the gradient changes.
@@ -13881,7 +19114,7 @@ bool QCPColorScale::rangeZoom() const
Note that after setting \a type to a different value, the axis returned by \ref axis() will
be a different one. The new axis will adopt the following properties from the previous axis: The
- range, scale type, log base and label.
+ range, scale type, label and ticker (the latter will be shared and not copied).
void QCPColorScale::setType(QCPAxis::AxisType type)
@@ -13894,14 +19127,15 @@ void QCPColorScale::setType(QCPAxis::AxisType type)
mType = type;
QCPRange rangeTransfer(0, 6);
- double logBaseTransfer = 10;
QString labelTransfer;
- // revert some settings on old axis:
- if (mColorAxis)
+ QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> tickerTransfer;
+ // transfer/revert some settings on old axis if it exists:
+ bool doTransfer = (bool)mColorAxis;
+ if (doTransfer)
rangeTransfer = mColorAxis.data()->range();
labelTransfer = mColorAxis.data()->label();
- logBaseTransfer = mColorAxis.data()->scaleLogBase();
+ tickerTransfer = mColorAxis.data()->ticker();
disconnect(mColorAxis.data(), SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
disconnect(mColorAxis.data(), SIGNAL(scaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), this, SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
@@ -13915,13 +19149,15 @@ void QCPColorScale::setType(QCPAxis::AxisType type)
// set new mColorAxis pointer:
mColorAxis = mAxisRect.data()->axis(mType);
// transfer settings to new axis:
- mColorAxis.data()->setRange(rangeTransfer); // transfer range of old axis to new one (necessary if axis changes from vertical to horizontal or vice versa)
- mColorAxis.data()->setLabel(labelTransfer);
- mColorAxis.data()->setScaleLogBase(logBaseTransfer); // scaleType is synchronized among axes in realtime via signals (connected in QCPColorScale ctor), so we only need to take care of log base here
+ if (doTransfer)
+ {
+ mColorAxis.data()->setRange(rangeTransfer); // range transfer necessary if axis changes from vertical to horizontal or vice versa (axes with same orientation are synchronized via signals)
+ mColorAxis.data()->setLabel(labelTransfer);
+ mColorAxis.data()->setTicker(tickerTransfer);
+ }
connect(mColorAxis.data(), SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
connect(mColorAxis.data(), SIGNAL(scaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), this, SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
- mAxisRect.data()->setRangeDragAxes(QCPAxis::orientation(mType) == Qt::Horizontal ? mColorAxis.data() : 0,
- QCPAxis::orientation(mType) == Qt::Vertical ? mColorAxis.data() : 0);
+ mAxisRect.data()->setRangeDragAxes(QList<QCPAxis*>() << mColorAxis.data());
@@ -14076,9 +19312,9 @@ void QCPColorScale::rescaleDataRange(bool onlyVisibleMaps)
QList<QCPColorMap*> maps = colorMaps();
QCPRange newRange;
bool haveRange = false;
- int sign = 0; // TODO: should change this to QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain later (currently is protected, maybe move to QCP namespace)
+ QCP::SignDomain sign = QCP::sdBoth;
if (mDataScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- sign = (mDataRange.upper < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ sign = (mDataRange.upper < 0 ? QCP::sdNegative : QCP::sdPositive);
for (int i=0; i<maps.size(); ++i)
if (!maps.at(i)->realVisibility() && onlyVisibleMaps)
@@ -14088,13 +19324,13 @@ void QCPColorScale::rescaleDataRange(bool onlyVisibleMaps)
bool currentFoundRange = true;
mapRange = maps.at(i)->data()->dataBounds();
- if (sign == 1)
+ if (sign == QCP::sdPositive)
if (mapRange.lower <= 0 && mapRange.upper > 0)
mapRange.lower = mapRange.upper*1e-3;
else if (mapRange.lower <= 0 && mapRange.upper <= 0)
currentFoundRange = false;
- } else if (sign == -1)
+ } else if (sign == QCP::sdNegative)
if (mapRange.upper >= 0 && mapRange.lower < 0)
mapRange.upper = mapRange.lower*1e-3;
@@ -14173,36 +19409,36 @@ void QCPColorScale::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPColorScale::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCPColorScale::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
if (!mAxisRect)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "internal axis rect was deleted";
- mAxisRect.data()->mousePressEvent(event);
+ mAxisRect.data()->mousePressEvent(event, details);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPColorScale::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCPColorScale::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
if (!mAxisRect)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "internal axis rect was deleted";
- mAxisRect.data()->mouseMoveEvent(event);
+ mAxisRect.data()->mouseMoveEvent(event, startPos);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPColorScale::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+void QCPColorScale::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos)
if (!mAxisRect)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "internal axis rect was deleted";
- mAxisRect.data()->mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ mAxisRect.data()->mouseReleaseEvent(event, startPos);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
@@ -14268,8 +19504,11 @@ QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate::QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate(QCPColorScale *parent
/*! \internal
Updates the color gradient image if necessary, by calling \ref updateGradientImage, then draws
it. Then the axes are drawn by calling the \ref QCPAxisRect::draw base class implementation.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
void QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
@@ -14298,6 +19537,7 @@ void QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate::updateGradientImage()
if (rect().isEmpty())
+ const QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied;
int n = mParentColorScale->mGradient.levelCount();
int w, h;
QVector<double> data(n);
@@ -14307,7 +19547,7 @@ void QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate::updateGradientImage()
w = n;
h = rect().height();
- mGradientImage = QImage(w, h, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ mGradientImage = QImage(w, h, format);
QVector<QRgb*> pixels;
for (int y=0; y<h; ++y)
@@ -14318,7 +19558,7 @@ void QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate::updateGradientImage()
w = rect().width();
h = n;
- mGradientImage = QImage(w, h, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ mGradientImage = QImage(w, h, format);
for (int y=0; y<h; ++y)
QRgb *pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(mGradientImage.scanLine(y));
@@ -14379,51 +19619,98 @@ void QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate::axisSelectableChanged(QCPAxis::SelectablePart
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-colorscale.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-graph.cpp', size 72363 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPData
+//////////////////// QCPGraphData
-/*! \class QCPData
+/*! \class QCPGraphData
\brief Holds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph.
- The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPDataMap.
The stored data is:
- \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this data point
- \li \a value: coordinate on the value axis of this data point
- \li \a keyErrorMinus: negative error in the key dimension (for error bars)
- \li \a keyErrorPlus: positive error in the key dimension (for error bars)
- \li \a valueErrorMinus: negative error in the value dimension (for error bars)
- \li \a valueErrorPlus: positive error in the value dimension (for error bars)
+ \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this data point (this is the \a mainKey and the \a sortKey)
+ \li \a value: coordinate on the value axis of this data point (this is the \a mainValue)
+ The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPGraphDataContainer. It is a typedef for
+ \ref QCPDataContainer with \ref QCPGraphData as the DataType template parameter. See the
+ documentation there for an explanation regarding the data type's generic methods.
+ \see QCPGraphDataContainer
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn double QCPGraphData::sortKey() const
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static QCPGraphData QCPGraphData::fromSortKey(double sortKey)
+ Returns a data point with the specified \a sortKey. All other members are set to zero.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static static bool QCPGraphData::sortKeyIsMainKey()
- \see QCPDataMap
+ Since the member \a key is both the data point key coordinate and the data ordering parameter,
+ this method returns true.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn double QCPGraphData::mainKey() const
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn double QCPGraphData::mainValue() const
+ Returns the \a value member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPGraphData::valueRange() const
+ Returns a QCPRange with both lower and upper boundary set to \a value of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Constructs a data point with key, value and all errors set to zero.
+ Constructs a data point with key and value set to zero.
-QCPData::QCPData() :
+QCPGraphData::QCPGraphData() :
- value(0),
- keyErrorPlus(0),
- keyErrorMinus(0),
- valueErrorPlus(0),
- valueErrorMinus(0)
+ value(0)
- Constructs a data point with the specified \a key and \a value. All errors are set to zero.
+ Constructs a data point with the specified \a key and \a value.
-QCPData::QCPData(double key, double value) :
+QCPGraphData::QCPGraphData(double key, double value) :
- value(value),
- keyErrorPlus(0),
- keyErrorMinus(0),
- valueErrorPlus(0),
- valueErrorMinus(0)
+ value(value)
@@ -14437,12 +19724,12 @@ QCPData::QCPData(double key, double value) :
\image html QCPGraph.png
- Usually QCustomPlot creates graphs internally via QCustomPlot::addGraph and the resulting
- instance is accessed via QCustomPlot::graph.
+ Usually you create new graphs by calling QCustomPlot::addGraph. The resulting instance can be
+ accessed via QCustomPlot::graph.
To plot data, assign it with the \ref setData or \ref addData functions. Alternatively, you can
- also access and modify the graph's data via the \ref data method, which returns a pointer to the
- internal \ref QCPDataMap.
+ also access and modify the data via the \ref data method, which returns a pointer to the internal
+ \ref QCPGraphDataContainer.
Graphs are used to display single-valued data. Single-valued means that there should only be one
data point per unique key coordinate. In other words, the graph can't have \a loops. If you do
@@ -14452,7 +19739,7 @@ QCPData::QCPData(double key, double value) :
(<tt>qQNaN()</tt> or <tt>std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()</tt>) in between the two data points that shall be
- \section appearance Changing the appearance
+ \section qcpgraph-appearance Changing the appearance
The appearance of the graph is mainly determined by the line style, scatter style, brush and pen
of the graph (\ref setLineStyle, \ref setScatterStyle, \ref setBrush, \ref setPen).
@@ -14472,11 +19759,11 @@ QCPData::QCPData(double key, double value) :
/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QCPDataMap *QCPGraph::data() const
+/*! \fn QSharedPointer<QCPGraphDataContainer> QCPGraph::data() const
- Returns a pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPDataMap. You may use it to
- directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the regular \ref
- setData or \ref addData methods, in certain situations.
+ Returns a shared pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPGraphDataContainer. You may
+ use it to directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the
+ regular \ref setData or \ref addData methods.
/* end of documentation of inline functions */
@@ -14487,249 +19774,68 @@ QCPData::QCPData(double key, double value) :
the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is
printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
- The constructed QCPGraph can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot
- then takes ownership of the graph.
+ The created QCPGraph is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred from \a
+ keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPGraph, so do not delete it manually
+ but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
To directly create a graph inside a plot, you can also use the simpler QCustomPlot::addGraph function.
QCPGraph::QCPGraph(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
- QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis)
+ QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPGraphData>(keyAxis, valueAxis)
- mData = new QCPDataMap;
+ // special handling for QCPGraphs to maintain the simple graph interface:
+ mParentPlot->registerGraph(this);
setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 0));
- setErrorPen(QPen(Qt::black));
- setSelectedPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 255), 2.5));
- setSelectedBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- setErrorType(etNone);
- setErrorBarSize(6);
- setErrorBarSkipSymbol(true);
+ setScatterSkip(0);
- delete mData;
- Replaces the current data with the provided \a data.
+/*! \overload
- If \a copy is set to true, data points in \a data will only be copied. if false, the graph
- takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is
- significantly faster than copying for large datasets.
+ Replaces the current data container with the provided \a data container.
+ Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple QCPGraphs may share the same data container safely.
+ Modifying the data in the container will then affect all graphs that share the container. Sharing
+ can be achieved by simply exchanging the data containers wrapped in shared pointers:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpgraph-datasharing-1
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the graph's data via the \ref data method, which
- returns a pointer to the internal \ref QCPDataMap.
+ If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, rather use
+ the \ref QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set method on the graph's data container directly:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpgraph-datasharing-2
+ \see addData
-void QCPGraph::setData(QCPDataMap *data, bool copy)
+void QCPGraph::setData(QSharedPointer<QCPGraphDataContainer> data)
- if (mData == data)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The data pointer is already in (and owned by) this plottable" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(data);
- return;
- }
- if (copy)
- {
- *mData = *data;
- } else
- {
- delete mData;
- mData = data;
- }
+ mDataContainer = data;
/*! \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. The provided
+ Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a keys and \a values. The provided
vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
smallest vector.
-void QCPGraph::setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.key, newData);
- }
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. Additionally the
- symmetrical value error of the data points are set to the values in \a valueError.
- For error bars to show appropriately, see \ref setErrorType.
- The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
- smallest vector.
- For asymmetrical errors (plus different from minus), see the overloaded version of this function.
-void QCPGraph::setDataValueError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &valueError)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- n = qMin(n, valueError.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- newData.valueErrorMinus = valueError[i];
- newData.valueErrorPlus = valueError[i];
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], newData);
- }
- \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. Additionally the
- negative value error of the data points are set to the values in \a valueErrorMinus, the positive
- value error to \a valueErrorPlus.
- For error bars to show appropriately, see \ref setErrorType.
- The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
- smallest vector.
-void QCPGraph::setDataValueError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &valueErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &valueErrorPlus)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- n = qMin(n, valueErrorMinus.size());
- n = qMin(n, valueErrorPlus.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- newData.valueErrorMinus = valueErrorMinus[i];
- newData.valueErrorPlus = valueErrorPlus[i];
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], newData);
- }
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. Additionally the
- symmetrical key error of the data points are set to the values in \a keyError.
- For error bars to show appropriately, see \ref setErrorType.
- The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
- smallest vector.
- For asymmetrical errors (plus different from minus), see the overloaded version of this function.
-void QCPGraph::setDataKeyError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyError)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- n = qMin(n, keyError.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- newData.keyErrorMinus = keyError[i];
- newData.keyErrorPlus = keyError[i];
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], newData);
- }
- \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. Additionally the
- negative key error of the data points are set to the values in \a keyErrorMinus, the positive
- key error to \a keyErrorPlus.
- For error bars to show appropriately, see \ref setErrorType.
- The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
- smallest vector.
-void QCPGraph::setDataKeyError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &keyErrorPlus)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- n = qMin(n, keyErrorMinus.size());
- n = qMin(n, keyErrorPlus.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- newData.keyErrorMinus = keyErrorMinus[i];
- newData.keyErrorPlus = keyErrorPlus[i];
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], newData);
- }
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. Additionally the
- symmetrical key and value errors of the data points are set to the values in \a keyError and \a valueError.
- For error bars to show appropriately, see \ref setErrorType.
- The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
- smallest vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
- For asymmetrical errors (plus different from minus), see the overloaded version of this function.
-void QCPGraph::setDataBothError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyError, const QVector<double> &valueError)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- n = qMin(n, valueError.size());
- n = qMin(n, keyError.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- newData.keyErrorMinus = keyError[i];
- newData.keyErrorPlus = keyError[i];
- newData.valueErrorMinus = valueError[i];
- newData.valueErrorPlus = valueError[i];
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], newData);
- }
- \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value pairs. Additionally the
- negative key and value errors of the data points are set to the values in \a keyErrorMinus and \a valueErrorMinus. The positive
- key and value errors are set to the values in \a keyErrorPlus \a valueErrorPlus.
- For error bars to show appropriately, see \ref setErrorType.
- The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
- smallest vector.
+ \see addData
-void QCPGraph::setDataBothError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &keyErrorPlus, const QVector<double> &valueErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &valueErrorPlus)
+void QCPGraph::setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- n = qMin(n, valueErrorMinus.size());
- n = qMin(n, valueErrorPlus.size());
- n = qMin(n, keyErrorMinus.size());
- n = qMin(n, keyErrorPlus.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- newData.keyErrorMinus = keyErrorMinus[i];
- newData.keyErrorPlus = keyErrorPlus[i];
- newData.valueErrorMinus = valueErrorMinus[i];
- newData.valueErrorPlus = valueErrorPlus[i];
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], newData);
- }
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(keys, values, alreadySorted);
Sets how the single data points are connected in the plot. For scatter-only plots, set \a ls to
\ref lsNone and \ref setScatterStyle to the desired scatter style.
@@ -14753,49 +19859,19 @@ void QCPGraph::setScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style)
- Sets which kind of error bars (Key Error, Value Error or both) should be drawn on each data
- point. If you set \a errorType to something other than \ref etNone, make sure to actually pass
- error data via the specific setData functions along with the data points (e.g. \ref
- setDataValueError, \ref setDataKeyError, \ref setDataBothError).
- \see ErrorType
-void QCPGraph::setErrorType(ErrorType errorType)
- mErrorType = errorType;
+ If scatters are displayed (scatter style not \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), \a skip number of
+ scatter points are skipped/not drawn after every drawn scatter point.
- Sets the pen with which the error bars will be drawn.
- \see setErrorBarSize, setErrorType
-void QCPGraph::setErrorPen(const QPen &pen)
- mErrorPen = pen;
+ This can be used to make the data appear sparser while for example still having a smooth line,
+ and to improve performance for very high density plots.
- Sets the width of the handles at both ends of an error bar in pixels.
-void QCPGraph::setErrorBarSize(double size)
- mErrorBarSize = size;
+ If \a skip is set to 0 (default), all scatter points are drawn.
- If \a enabled is set to true, the error bar will not be drawn as a solid line under the scatter symbol but
- leave some free space around the symbol.
- This feature uses the current scatter size (\ref QCPScatterStyle::setSize) to determine the size
- of the area to leave blank. So when drawing Pixmaps as scatter points (\ref
- QCPScatterStyle::ssPixmap), the scatter size must be set manually to a value corresponding to the
- size of the Pixmap, if the error bars should leave gaps to its boundaries.
- \ref setErrorType, setErrorBarSize, setScatterStyle
+ \see setScatterStyle
-void QCPGraph::setErrorBarSkipSymbol(bool enabled)
+void QCPGraph::setScatterSkip(int skip)
- mErrorBarSkipSymbol = enabled;
+ mScatterSkip = qMax(0, skip);
@@ -14849,287 +19925,163 @@ void QCPGraph::setChannelFillGraph(QCPGraph *targetGraph)
gives a significant reduction of replot times, but not quite as much as for line plots. This is
because scatter plots inherently need more data points to be preserved in order to still resemble
the original, non-adaptive-sampling plot. As shown above, the results still aren't quite
- identical, as banding occurs for the outer data points. This is in fact intentional, such that
- the boundaries of the data cloud stay visible to the viewer. How strong the banding appears,
- depends on the point density, i.e. the number of points in the plot.
- For some situations with scatter plots it might thus be desirable to manually turn adaptive
- sampling off. For example, when saving the plot to disk. This can be achieved by setting \a
- enabled to false before issuing a command like \ref QCustomPlot::savePng, and setting \a enabled
- back to true afterwards.
-void QCPGraph::setAdaptiveSampling(bool enabled)
- mAdaptiveSampling = enabled;
- Adds the provided data points in \a dataMap to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the graph's data via the \ref data method, which
- returns a pointer to the internal \ref QCPDataMap.
- \see removeData
-void QCPGraph::addData(const QCPDataMap &dataMap)
- mData->unite(dataMap);
-/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point in \a data to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the graph's data via the \ref data method, which
- returns a pointer to the internal \ref QCPDataMap.
- \see removeData
-void QCPGraph::addData(const QCPData &data)
- mData->insertMulti(data.key, data);
-/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point as \a key and \a value pair to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the graph's data via the \ref data method, which
- returns a pointer to the internal \ref QCPDataMap.
+ identical, as banding occurs for the outer data points. This is in fact intentional, such that
+ the boundaries of the data cloud stay visible to the viewer. How strong the banding appears,
+ depends on the point density, i.e. the number of points in the plot.
- \see removeData
+ For some situations with scatter plots it might thus be desirable to manually turn adaptive
+ sampling off. For example, when saving the plot to disk. This can be achieved by setting \a
+ enabled to false before issuing a command like \ref QCustomPlot::savePng, and setting \a enabled
+ back to true afterwards.
-void QCPGraph::addData(double key, double value)
+void QCPGraph::setAdaptiveSampling(bool enabled)
- QCPData newData;
- newData.key = key;
- newData.value = value;
- mData->insertMulti(newData.key, newData);
+ mAdaptiveSampling = enabled;
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided data points as \a key and \a value pairs to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the graph's data via the \ref data method, which
- returns a pointer to the internal \ref QCPDataMap.
+ Adds the provided points in \a keys and \a values to the current data. The provided vectors
+ should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest
+ vector.
- \see removeData
-void QCPGraph::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values)
- int n = qMin(keys.size(), values.size());
- QCPData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = keys[i];
- newData.value = values[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.key, newData);
- }
- Removes all data points with keys smaller than \a key.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPGraph::removeDataBefore(double key)
- QCPDataMap::iterator it = mData->begin();
- while (it != mData->end() && it.key() < key)
- it = mData->erase(it);
- Removes all data points with keys greater than \a key.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPGraph::removeDataAfter(double key)
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(key);
- while (it != mData->end())
- it = mData->erase(it);
- Removes all data points with keys between \a fromKey and \a toKey.
- if \a fromKey is greater or equal to \a toKey, the function does nothing. To remove
- a single data point with known key, use \ref removeData(double key).
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
- \see addData, clearData
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPGraph::removeData(double fromKey, double toKey)
+void QCPGraph::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted)
- if (fromKey >= toKey || mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(fromKey);
- QCPDataMap::iterator itEnd = mData->upperBound(toKey);
+ if (keys.size() != values.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "keys and values have different sizes:" << keys.size() << values.size();
+ const int n = qMin(keys.size(), values.size());
+ QVector<QCPGraphData> tempData(n);
+ QVector<QCPGraphData>::iterator it = tempData.begin();
+ const QVector<QCPGraphData>::iterator itEnd = tempData.end();
+ int i = 0;
while (it != itEnd)
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ {
+ it->key = keys[i];
+ it->value = values[i];
+ ++it;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ mDataContainer->add(tempData, alreadySorted); // don't modify tempData beyond this to prevent copy on write
/*! \overload
- Removes a single data point at \a key. If the position is not known with absolute precision,
- consider using \ref removeData(double fromKey, double toKey) with a small fuzziness interval around
- the suspected position, depeding on the precision with which the key is known.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPGraph::removeData(double key)
- mData->remove(key);
- Removes all data points.
- \see removeData, removeDataAfter, removeDataBefore
+ Adds the provided data point as \a key and \a value to the current data.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPGraph::clearData()
+void QCPGraph::addData(double key, double value)
- mData->clear();
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPGraphData(key, value));
/* inherits documentation from base class */
double QCPGraph::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if ((onlySelectable && !mSelectable) || mData->isEmpty())
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
return -1;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- return pointDistance(pos);
- else
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
return -1;
-/*! \overload
- Allows to define whether error bars are taken into consideration when determining the new axis
- range.
- \see rescaleKeyAxis, rescaleValueAxis, QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleAxes, QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes
-void QCPGraph::rescaleAxes(bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const
- rescaleKeyAxis(onlyEnlarge, includeErrorBars);
- rescaleValueAxis(onlyEnlarge, includeErrorBars);
-/*! \overload
- Allows to define whether error bars (of kind \ref QCPGraph::etKey) are taken into consideration
- when determining the new axis range.
- \see rescaleAxes, QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleKeyAxis
-void QCPGraph::rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const
- // this code is a copy of QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleKeyAxis with the only change
- // that getKeyRange is passed the includeErrorBars value.
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis"; return; }
- SignDomain signDomain = sdBoth;
- if (keyAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- signDomain = (keyAxis->range().upper < 0 ? sdNegative : sdPositive);
- bool foundRange;
- QCPRange newRange = getKeyRange(foundRange, signDomain, includeErrorBars);
- if (foundRange)
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- if (onlyEnlarge)
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ double result = pointDistance(pos, closestDataPoint);
+ if (details)
- if (keyAxis->range().lower < newRange.lower)
- newRange.lower = keyAxis->range().lower;
- if (keyAxis->range().upper > newRange.upper)
- newRange.upper = keyAxis->range().upper;
+ int pointIndex = closestDataPoint-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(pointIndex, pointIndex+1)));
- keyAxis->setRange(newRange);
- }
+ return result;
+ } else
+ return -1;
-/*! \overload
- Allows to define whether error bars (of kind \ref QCPGraph::etValue) are taken into consideration
- when determining the new axis range.
- \see rescaleAxes, QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleValueAxis
-void QCPGraph::rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPGraph::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- // this code is a copy of QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleValueAxis with the only change
- // is that getValueRange is passed the includeErrorBars value.
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid value axis"; return; }
+ return mDataContainer->keyRange(foundRange, inSignDomain);
- SignDomain signDomain = sdBoth;
- if (valueAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- signDomain = (valueAxis->range().upper < 0 ? sdNegative : sdPositive);
- bool foundRange;
- QCPRange newRange = getValueRange(foundRange, signDomain, includeErrorBars);
- if (foundRange)
- {
- if (onlyEnlarge)
- {
- if (valueAxis->range().lower < newRange.lower)
- newRange.lower = valueAxis->range().lower;
- if (valueAxis->range().upper > newRange.upper)
- newRange.upper = valueAxis->range().upper;
- }
- valueAxis->setRange(newRange);
- }
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
+ return mDataContainer->valueRange(foundRange, inSignDomain, inKeyRange);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPGraph::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->range().size() <= 0 || mData->isEmpty()) return;
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->range().size() <= 0 || mDataContainer->isEmpty()) return;
if (mLineStyle == lsNone && mScatterStyle.isNone()) return;
- // allocate line and (if necessary) point vectors:
- QVector<QPointF> *lineData = new QVector<QPointF>;
- QVector<QCPData> *scatterData = 0;
- if (!mScatterStyle.isNone())
- scatterData = new QVector<QCPData>;
- // fill vectors with data appropriate to plot style:
- getPlotData(lineData, scatterData);
+ QVector<QPointF> lines, scatters; // line and (if necessary) scatter pixel coordinates will be stored here while iterating over segments
- // check data validity if flag set:
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it;
- for (it = mData->constBegin(); it != mData->constEnd(); ++it)
+ // loop over and draw segments of unselected/selected data:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> selectedSegments, unselectedSegments, allSegments;
+ getDataSegments(selectedSegments, unselectedSegments);
+ allSegments << unselectedSegments << selectedSegments;
+ for (int i=0; i<allSegments.size(); ++i)
- if (QCP::isInvalidData(it.value().key, it.value().value) ||
- QCP::isInvalidData(it.value().keyErrorPlus, it.value().keyErrorMinus) ||
- QCP::isInvalidData(it.value().valueErrorPlus, it.value().valueErrorPlus))
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it.key() << "invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
- }
+ bool isSelectedSegment = i >= unselectedSegments.size();
+ // get line pixel points appropriate to line style:
+ QCPDataRange lineDataRange = isSelectedSegment ? allSegments.at(i) : allSegments.at(i).adjusted(-1, 1); // unselected segments extend lines to bordering selected data point (safe to exceed total data bounds in first/last segment, getLines takes care)
+ getLines(&lines, lineDataRange);
+ // check data validity if flag set:
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = mDataContainer->constBegin(); it != mDataContainer->constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (QCP::isInvalidData(it->key, it->value))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it->key << "invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+ }
- // draw fill of graph:
- drawFill(painter, lineData);
- // draw line:
- if (mLineStyle == lsImpulse)
- drawImpulsePlot(painter, lineData);
- else if (mLineStyle != lsNone)
- drawLinePlot(painter, lineData); // also step plots can be drawn as a line plot
- // draw scatters:
- if (scatterData)
- drawScatterPlot(painter, scatterData);
+ // draw fill of graph:
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyBrush(painter);
+ else
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ drawFill(painter, &lines);
+ // draw line:
+ if (mLineStyle != lsNone)
+ {
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ else
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ if (mLineStyle == lsImpulse)
+ drawImpulsePlot(painter, lines);
+ else
+ drawLinePlot(painter, lines); // also step plots can be drawn as a line plot
+ }
+ // draw scatters:
+ QCPScatterStyle finalScatterStyle = mScatterStyle;
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ finalScatterStyle = mSelectionDecorator->getFinalScatterStyle(mScatterStyle);
+ if (!finalScatterStyle.isNone())
+ {
+ getScatters(&scatters, allSegments.at(i));
+ drawScatterPlot(painter, scatters, finalScatterStyle);
+ }
+ }
- // free allocated line and point vectors:
- delete lineData;
- if (scatterData)
- delete scatterData;
+ // draw other selection decoration that isn't just line/scatter pens and brushes:
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->drawDecoration(painter, selection());
/* inherits documentation from base class */
@@ -15169,889 +20121,786 @@ void QCPGraph::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
/*! \internal
- This function branches out to the line style specific "get(...)PlotData" functions, according to
- the line style of the graph.
- \a lineData will be filled with raw points that will be drawn with the according draw functions,
- e.g. \ref drawLinePlot and \ref drawImpulsePlot. These aren't necessarily the original data
- points, since for step plots for example, additional points are needed for drawing lines that
- make up steps. If the line style of the graph is \ref lsNone, the \a lineData vector will be left
- untouched.
- \a scatterData will be filled with the original data points so \ref drawScatterPlot can draw the
- scatter symbols accordingly. If no scatters need to be drawn, i.e. the scatter style's shape is
- \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone, pass 0 as \a scatterData, and this step will be skipped.
- \see getScatterPlotData, getLinePlotData, getStepLeftPlotData, getStepRightPlotData,
- getStepCenterPlotData, getImpulsePlotData
+ This method retrieves an optimized set of data points via \ref getOptimizedLineData, an branches
+ out to the line style specific functions such as \ref dataToLines, \ref dataToStepLeftLines, etc.
+ according to the line style of the graph.
+ \a lines will be filled with points in pixel coordinates, that can be drawn with the according
+ draw functions like \ref drawLinePlot and \ref drawImpulsePlot. The points returned in \a lines
+ aren't necessarily the original data points. For example, step line styles require additional
+ points to form the steps when drawn. If the line style of the graph is \ref lsNone, the \a
+ lines vector will be empty.
+ \a dataRange specifies the beginning and ending data indices that will be taken into account for
+ conversion. In this function, the specified range may exceed the total data bounds without harm:
+ a correspondingly trimmed data range will be used. This takes the burden off the user of this
+ function to check for valid indices in \a dataRange, e.g. when extending ranges coming from \ref
+ getDataSegments.
+ \see getScatters
-void QCPGraph::getPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *lineData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+void QCPGraph::getLines(QVector<QPointF> *lines, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const
- switch(mLineStyle)
+ if (!lines) return;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin, end;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(begin, end, dataRange);
+ if (begin == end)
+ {
+ lines->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ QVector<QCPGraphData> lineData;
+ if (mLineStyle != lsNone)
+ getOptimizedLineData(&lineData, begin, end);
+ switch (mLineStyle)
- case lsNone: getScatterPlotData(scatterData); break;
- case lsLine: getLinePlotData(lineData, scatterData); break;
- case lsStepLeft: getStepLeftPlotData(lineData, scatterData); break;
- case lsStepRight: getStepRightPlotData(lineData, scatterData); break;
- case lsStepCenter: getStepCenterPlotData(lineData, scatterData); break;
- case lsImpulse: getImpulsePlotData(lineData, scatterData); break;
+ case lsNone: lines->clear(); break;
+ case lsLine: *lines = dataToLines(lineData); break;
+ case lsStepLeft: *lines = dataToStepLeftLines(lineData); break;
+ case lsStepRight: *lines = dataToStepRightLines(lineData); break;
+ case lsStepCenter: *lines = dataToStepCenterLines(lineData); break;
+ case lsImpulse: *lines = dataToImpulseLines(lineData); break;
/*! \internal
- If line style is \ref lsNone and the scatter style's shape is not \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone,
- this function serves at providing the visible data points in \a scatterData, so the \ref
- drawScatterPlot function can draw the scatter points accordingly.
- If line style is not \ref lsNone, this function is not called and the data for the scatter points
- are (if needed) calculated inside the corresponding other "get(...)PlotData" functions.
- \see drawScatterPlot
+ This method retrieves an optimized set of data points via \ref getOptimizedScatterData and then
+ converts them to pixel coordinates. The resulting points are returned in \a scatters, and can be
+ passed to \ref drawScatterPlot.
+ \a dataRange specifies the beginning and ending data indices that will be taken into account for
+ conversion. In this function, the specified range may exceed the total data bounds without harm:
+ a correspondingly trimmed data range will be used. This takes the burden off the user of this
+ function to check for valid indices in \a dataRange, e.g. when extending ranges coming from \ref
+ getDataSegments.
-void QCPGraph::getScatterPlotData(QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+void QCPGraph::getScatters(QVector<QPointF> *scatters, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const
- getPreparedData(0, scatterData);
+ if (!scatters) return;
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; scatters->clear(); return; }
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin, end;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(begin, end, dataRange);
+ if (begin == end)
+ {
+ scatters->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ QVector<QCPGraphData> data;
+ getOptimizedScatterData(&data, begin, end);
+ scatters->resize(data.size());
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(data.at(i).value))
+ {
+ (*scatters)[i].setX(valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value));
+ (*scatters)[i].setY(keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key));
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(data.at(i).value))
+ {
+ (*scatters)[i].setX(keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key));
+ (*scatters)[i].setY(valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value));
+ }
+ }
+ }
/*! \internal
- Places the raw data points needed for a normal linearly connected graph in \a linePixelData.
- As for all plot data retrieval functions, \a scatterData just contains all unaltered data (scatter)
- points that are visible for drawing scatter points, if necessary. If drawing scatter points is
- disabled (i.e. the scatter style's shape is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), pass 0 as \a
- scatterData, and the function will skip filling the vector.
+ Takes raw data points in plot coordinates as \a data, and returns a vector containing pixel
+ coordinate points which are suitable for drawing the line style \ref lsLine.
- \see drawLinePlot
+ The source of \a data is usually \ref getOptimizedLineData, and this method is called in \a
+ getLines if the line style is set accordingly.
+ \see dataToStepLeftLines, dataToStepRightLines, dataToStepCenterLines, dataToImpulseLines, getLines, drawLinePlot
-void QCPGraph::getLinePlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+QVector<QPointF> QCPGraph::dataToLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const
+ QVector<QPointF> result;
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (!linePixelData) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer passed as linePixelData"; return; }
- QVector<QCPData> lineData;
- getPreparedData(&lineData, scatterData);
- linePixelData->reserve(lineData.size()+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
- linePixelData->resize(lineData.size());
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return result; }
+ result.reserve(data.size()+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
+ result.resize(data.size());
- // transform lineData points to pixels:
+ // transform data points to pixels:
if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- (*linePixelData)[i].setX(valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value));
- (*linePixelData)[i].setY(keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key));
+ result[i].setX(valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value));
+ result[i].setY(keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key));
} else // key axis is horizontal
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- (*linePixelData)[i].setX(keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key));
- (*linePixelData)[i].setY(valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value));
+ result[i].setX(keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key));
+ result[i].setY(valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value));
+ return result;
- \internal
- Places the raw data points needed for a step plot with left oriented steps in \a lineData.
+/*! \internal
- As for all plot data retrieval functions, \a scatterData just contains all unaltered data (scatter)
- points that are visible for drawing scatter points, if necessary. If drawing scatter points is
- disabled (i.e. the scatter style's shape is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), pass 0 as \a
- scatterData, and the function will skip filling the vector.
+ Takes raw data points in plot coordinates as \a data, and returns a vector containing pixel
+ coordinate points which are suitable for drawing the line style \ref lsStepLeft.
- \see drawLinePlot
+ The source of \a data is usually \ref getOptimizedLineData, and this method is called in \a
+ getLines if the line style is set accordingly.
+ \see dataToLines, dataToStepRightLines, dataToStepCenterLines, dataToImpulseLines, getLines, drawLinePlot
-void QCPGraph::getStepLeftPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+QVector<QPointF> QCPGraph::dataToStepLeftLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const
+ QVector<QPointF> result;
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (!linePixelData) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer passed as lineData"; return; }
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return result; }
- QVector<QCPData> lineData;
- getPreparedData(&lineData, scatterData);
- linePixelData->reserve(lineData.size()*2+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
- linePixelData->resize(lineData.size()*2);
+ result.reserve(data.size()*2+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
+ result.resize(data.size()*2);
- // calculate steps from lineData and transform to pixel coordinates:
+ // calculate steps from data and transform to pixel coordinates:
if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().value);
- double key;
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().value);
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(key);
- lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setX(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setY(key);
+ const double key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(lastValue);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(key);
+ lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value);
+ result[i*2+1].setX(lastValue);
+ result[i*2+1].setY(key);
} else // key axis is horizontal
- double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().value);
- double key;
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().value);
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(lastValue);
- lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setX(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setY(lastValue);
+ const double key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(key);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(lastValue);
+ lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value);
+ result[i*2+1].setX(key);
+ result[i*2+1].setY(lastValue);
+ return result;
- \internal
- Places the raw data points needed for a step plot with right oriented steps in \a lineData.
+/*! \internal
- As for all plot data retrieval functions, \a scatterData just contains all unaltered data (scatter)
- points that are visible for drawing scatter points, if necessary. If drawing scatter points is
- disabled (i.e. the scatter style's shape is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), pass 0 as \a
- scatterData, and the function will skip filling the vector.
+ Takes raw data points in plot coordinates as \a data, and returns a vector containing pixel
+ coordinate points which are suitable for drawing the line style \ref lsStepRight.
- \see drawLinePlot
+ The source of \a data is usually \ref getOptimizedLineData, and this method is called in \a
+ getLines if the line style is set accordingly.
+ \see dataToLines, dataToStepLeftLines, dataToStepCenterLines, dataToImpulseLines, getLines, drawLinePlot
-void QCPGraph::getStepRightPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+QVector<QPointF> QCPGraph::dataToStepRightLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const
+ QVector<QPointF> result;
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (!linePixelData) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer passed as lineData"; return; }
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return result; }
- QVector<QCPData> lineData;
- getPreparedData(&lineData, scatterData);
- linePixelData->reserve(lineData.size()*2+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
- linePixelData->resize(lineData.size()*2);
+ result.reserve(data.size()*2+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
+ result.resize(data.size()*2);
- // calculate steps from lineData and transform to pixel coordinates:
+ // calculate steps from data and transform to pixel coordinates:
if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().key);
- double value;
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().key);
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- value = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(value);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(lastKey);
- lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setX(value);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setY(lastKey);
+ const double value = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(value);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(lastKey);
+ lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+1].setX(value);
+ result[i*2+1].setY(lastKey);
} else // key axis is horizontal
- double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().key);
- double value;
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().key);
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- value = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(lastKey);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(value);
- lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setX(lastKey);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setY(value);
+ const double value = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(lastKey);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(value);
+ lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+1].setX(lastKey);
+ result[i*2+1].setY(value);
+ return result;
- \internal
- Places the raw data points needed for a step plot with centered steps in \a lineData.
+/*! \internal
- As for all plot data retrieval functions, \a scatterData just contains all unaltered data (scatter)
- points that are visible for drawing scatter points, if necessary. If drawing scatter points is
- disabled (i.e. the scatter style's shape is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), pass 0 as \a
- scatterData, and the function will skip filling the vector.
+ Takes raw data points in plot coordinates as \a data, and returns a vector containing pixel
+ coordinate points which are suitable for drawing the line style \ref lsStepCenter.
- \see drawLinePlot
+ The source of \a data is usually \ref getOptimizedLineData, and this method is called in \a
+ getLines if the line style is set accordingly.
+ \see dataToLines, dataToStepLeftLines, dataToStepRightLines, dataToImpulseLines, getLines, drawLinePlot
-void QCPGraph::getStepCenterPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+QVector<QPointF> QCPGraph::dataToStepCenterLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const
+ QVector<QPointF> result;
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (!linePixelData) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer passed as lineData"; return; }
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return result; }
+ result.reserve(data.size()*2+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
+ result.resize(data.size()*2);
- QVector<QCPData> lineData;
- getPreparedData(&lineData, scatterData);
- linePixelData->reserve(lineData.size()*2+2); // added 2 to reserve memory for lower/upper fill base points that might be needed for fill
- linePixelData->resize(lineData.size()*2);
- // calculate steps from lineData and transform to pixel coordinates:
+ // calculate steps from data and transform to pixel coordinates:
if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().key);
- double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().value);
- double key;
- (*linePixelData)[0].setX(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[0].setY(lastKey);
- for (int i=1; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
- {
- key = (keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key)+lastKey)*0.5;
- (*linePixelData)[i*2-1].setX(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2-1].setY(key);
- lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value);
- lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(key);
- }
- (*linePixelData)[lineData.size()*2-1].setX(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[lineData.size()*2-1].setY(lastKey);
+ double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().key);
+ double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().value);
+ result[0].setX(lastValue);
+ result[0].setY(lastKey);
+ for (int i=1; i<data.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const double key = (keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key)+lastKey)*0.5;
+ result[i*2-1].setX(lastValue);
+ result[i*2-1].setY(key);
+ lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value);
+ lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(lastValue);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(key);
+ }
+ result[data.size()*2-1].setX(lastValue);
+ result[data.size()*2-1].setY(lastKey);
} else // key axis is horizontal
- double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().key);
- double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.first().value);
- double key;
- (*linePixelData)[0].setX(lastKey);
- (*linePixelData)[0].setY(lastValue);
- for (int i=1; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ double lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().key);
+ double lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.first().value);
+ result[0].setX(lastKey);
+ result[0].setY(lastValue);
+ for (int i=1; i<data.size(); ++i)
- key = (keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key)+lastKey)*0.5;
- (*linePixelData)[i*2-1].setX(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2-1].setY(lastValue);
- lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value);
- lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(lastValue);
+ const double key = (keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key)+lastKey)*0.5;
+ result[i*2-1].setX(key);
+ result[i*2-1].setY(lastValue);
+ lastValue = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value);
+ lastKey = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(key);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(lastValue);
- (*linePixelData)[lineData.size()*2-1].setX(lastKey);
- (*linePixelData)[lineData.size()*2-1].setY(lastValue);
+ result[data.size()*2-1].setX(lastKey);
+ result[data.size()*2-1].setY(lastValue);
+ return result;
- \internal
- Places the raw data points needed for an impulse plot in \a lineData.
+/*! \internal
- As for all plot data retrieval functions, \a scatterData just contains all unaltered data (scatter)
- points that are visible for drawing scatter points, if necessary. If drawing scatter points is
- disabled (i.e. the scatter style's shape is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), pass 0 as \a
- scatterData, and the function will skip filling the vector.
+ Takes raw data points in plot coordinates as \a data, and returns a vector containing pixel
+ coordinate points which are suitable for drawing the line style \ref lsImpulse.
- \see drawImpulsePlot
+ The source of \a data is usually \ref getOptimizedLineData, and this method is called in \a
+ getLines if the line style is set accordingly.
+ \see dataToLines, dataToStepLeftLines, dataToStepRightLines, dataToStepCenterLines, getLines, drawImpulsePlot
-void QCPGraph::getImpulsePlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+QVector<QPointF> QCPGraph::dataToImpulseLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const
+ QVector<QPointF> result;
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (!linePixelData) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "null pointer passed as linePixelData"; return; }
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return result; }
- QVector<QCPData> lineData;
- getPreparedData(&lineData, scatterData);
- linePixelData->resize(lineData.size()*2); // no need to reserve 2 extra points because impulse plot has no fill
+ result.resize(data.size()*2); // no need to reserve 2 extra points because impulse plot has no fill
- // transform lineData points to pixels:
+ // transform data points to pixels:
if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- double zeroPointX = valueAxis->coordToPixel(0);
- double key;
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(zeroPointX);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setX(valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value));
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setY(key);
+ const double key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(valueAxis->coordToPixel(0));
+ result[i*2+0].setY(key);
+ result[i*2+1].setX(valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value));
+ result[i*2+1].setY(key);
} else // key axis is horizontal
- double zeroPointY = valueAxis->coordToPixel(0);
- double key;
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size(); ++i)
+ for (int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i)
- key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setX(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+0].setY(zeroPointY);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setX(key);
- (*linePixelData)[i*2+1].setY(valueAxis->coordToPixel(lineData.at(i).value));
+ const double key = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).key);
+ result[i*2+0].setX(key);
+ result[i*2+0].setY(valueAxis->coordToPixel(0));
+ result[i*2+1].setX(key);
+ result[i*2+1].setY(valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.at(i).value));
+ return result;
/*! \internal
- Draws the fill of the graph with the specified brush.
- If the fill is a normal fill towards the zero-value-line, only the \a lineData is required (and
- two extra points at the zero-value-line, which are added by \ref addFillBasePoints and removed by
- \ref removeFillBasePoints after the fill drawing is done).
+ Draws the fill of the graph using the specified \a painter, with the currently set brush.
- If the fill is a channel fill between this QCPGraph and another QCPGraph (mChannelFillGraph), the
- more complex polygon is calculated with the \ref getChannelFillPolygon function.
- \see drawLinePlot
+ \a lines contains the points of the graph line, in pixel coordinates.
+ If the fill is a normal fill towards the zero-value-line, only the points in \a lines are
+ required and two extra points at the zero-value-line, which are added by \ref addFillBasePoints
+ and removed by \ref removeFillBasePoints after the fill drawing is done.
+ On the other hand if the fill is a channel fill between this QCPGraph and another QCPGraph (\a
+ mChannelFillGraph), the more complex polygon is calculated with the \ref getChannelFillPolygon
+ function, and then drawn.
+ \see drawLinePlot, drawImpulsePlot, drawScatterPlot
-void QCPGraph::drawFill(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
+void QCPGraph::drawFill(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lines) const
if (mLineStyle == lsImpulse) return; // fill doesn't make sense for impulse plot
- if (mainBrush().style() == Qt::NoBrush || mainBrush().color().alpha() == 0) return;
+ if (painter->brush().style() == Qt::NoBrush || painter->brush().color().alpha() == 0) return;
if (!mChannelFillGraph)
// draw base fill under graph, fill goes all the way to the zero-value-line:
- addFillBasePoints(lineData);
- painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- painter->setBrush(mainBrush());
- painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF(*lineData));
- removeFillBasePoints(lineData);
+ addFillBasePoints(lines);
+ painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF(*lines));
+ removeFillBasePoints(lines);
} else
// draw channel fill between this graph and mChannelFillGraph:
- painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- painter->setBrush(mainBrush());
- painter->drawPolygon(getChannelFillPolygon(lineData));
+ painter->drawPolygon(getChannelFillPolygon(lines));
/*! \internal
- Draws scatter symbols at every data point passed in \a scatterData. scatter symbols are independent
- of the line style and are always drawn if the scatter style's shape is not \ref
- QCPScatterStyle::ssNone. Hence, the \a scatterData vector is outputted by all "get(...)PlotData"
- functions, together with the (line style dependent) line data.
+ Draws scatter symbols at every point passed in \a scatters, given in pixel coordinates. The
+ scatters will be drawn with \a painter and have the appearance as specified in \a style.
\see drawLinePlot, drawImpulsePlot
-void QCPGraph::drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+void QCPGraph::drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &scatters, const QCPScatterStyle &style) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- // draw error bars:
- if (mErrorType != etNone)
- {
- applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mErrorPen);
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<scatterData->size(); ++i)
- drawError(painter, valueAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).value), keyAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).key), scatterData->at(i));
- } else
- {
- for (int i=0; i<scatterData->size(); ++i)
- drawError(painter, keyAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).key), valueAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).value), scatterData->at(i));
- }
- }
- // draw scatter point symbols:
- mScatterStyle.applyTo(painter, mPen);
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<scatterData->size(); ++i)
- if (!qIsNaN(scatterData->at(i).value))
- mScatterStyle.drawShape(painter, valueAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).value), keyAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).key));
- } else
- {
- for (int i=0; i<scatterData->size(); ++i)
- if (!qIsNaN(scatterData->at(i).value))
- mScatterStyle.drawShape(painter, keyAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).key), valueAxis->coordToPixel(scatterData->at(i).value));
- }
+ style.applyTo(painter, mPen);
+ for (int i=0; i<scatters.size(); ++i)
+ style.drawShape(painter, scatters.at(i).x(), scatters.at(i).y());
/*! \internal
- Draws line graphs from the provided data. It connects all points in \a lineData, which was
- created by one of the "get(...)PlotData" functions for line styles that require simple line
- connections between the point vector they create. These are for example \ref getLinePlotData,
- \ref getStepLeftPlotData, \ref getStepRightPlotData and \ref getStepCenterPlotData.
+ Draws lines between the points in \a lines, given in pixel coordinates.
- \see drawScatterPlot, drawImpulsePlot
+ \see drawScatterPlot, drawImpulsePlot, QCPAbstractPlottable1D::drawPolyline
-void QCPGraph::drawLinePlot(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
+void QCPGraph::drawLinePlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lines) const
- // draw line of graph:
- if (mainPen().style() != Qt::NoPen && mainPen().color().alpha() != 0)
+ if (painter->pen().style() != Qt::NoPen && painter->pen().color().alpha() != 0)
- painter->setPen(mainPen());
- painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- /* Draws polyline in batches, currently not used:
- int p = 0;
- while (p < lineData->size())
- {
- int batch = qMin(25, lineData->size()-p);
- if (p != 0)
+ drawPolyline(painter, lines);
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ Draws impulses from the provided data, i.e. it connects all line pairs in \a lines, given in
+ pixel coordinates. The \a lines necessary for impulses are generated by \ref dataToImpulseLines
+ from the regular graph data points.
+ \see drawLinePlot, drawScatterPlot
+void QCPGraph::drawImpulsePlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lines) const
+ if (painter->pen().style() != Qt::NoPen && painter->pen().color().alpha() != 0)
+ {
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ QPen oldPen = painter->pen();
+ QPen newPen = painter->pen();
+ newPen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap); // so impulse line doesn't reach beyond zero-line
+ painter->setPen(newPen);
+ painter->drawLines(lines);
+ painter->setPen(oldPen);
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ Returns via \a lineData the data points that need to be visualized for this graph when plotting
+ graph lines, taking into consideration the currently visible axis ranges and, if \ref
+ setAdaptiveSampling is enabled, local point densities. The considered data can be restricted
+ further by \a begin and \a end, e.g. to only plot a certain segment of the data (see \ref
+ getDataSegments).
+ This method is used by \ref getLines to retrieve the basic working set of data.
+ \see getOptimizedScatterData
+void QCPGraph::getOptimizedLineData(QVector<QCPGraphData> *lineData, const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const
+ if (!lineData) return;
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ if (begin == end) return;
+ int dataCount = end-begin;
+ int maxCount = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+ if (mAdaptiveSampling)
+ {
+ double keyPixelSpan = qAbs(keyAxis->coordToPixel(begin->key)-keyAxis->coordToPixel((end-1)->key));
+ if (2*keyPixelSpan+2 < (double)std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
+ maxCount = 2*keyPixelSpan+2;
+ }
+ if (mAdaptiveSampling && dataCount >= maxCount) // use adaptive sampling only if there are at least two points per pixel on average
+ {
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin;
+ double minValue = it->value;
+ double maxValue = it->value;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator currentIntervalFirstPoint = it;
+ int reversedFactor = keyAxis->pixelOrientation(); // is used to calculate keyEpsilon pixel into the correct direction
+ int reversedRound = reversedFactor==-1 ? 1 : 0; // is used to switch between floor (normal) and ceil (reversed) rounding of currentIntervalStartKey
+ double currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(begin->key)+reversedRound));
+ double lastIntervalEndKey = currentIntervalStartKey;
+ double keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor)); // interval of one pixel on screen when mapped to plot key coordinates
+ bool keyEpsilonVariable = keyAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic; // indicates whether keyEpsilon needs to be updated after every interval (for log axes)
+ int intervalDataCount = 1;
+ ++it; // advance iterator to second data point because adaptive sampling works in 1 point retrospect
+ while (it != end)
+ {
+ if (it->key < currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon) // data point is still within same pixel, so skip it and expand value span of this cluster if necessary
- ++batch;
- --p; // to draw the connection lines between two batches
- }
- painter->drawPolyline(lineData->constData()+p, batch);
- p += batch;
- }
- */
- // if drawing solid line and not in PDF, use much faster line drawing instead of polyline:
- if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phFastPolylines) &&
- painter->pen().style() == Qt::SolidLine &&
- !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmVectorized) &&
- !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNoCaching))
- {
- int i = 0;
- bool lastIsNan = false;
- const int lineDataSize = lineData->size();
- while (i < lineDataSize && (qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).y()) || qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).x()))) // make sure first point is not NaN
- ++i;
- ++i; // because drawing works in 1 point retrospect
- while (i < lineDataSize)
+ if (it->value < minValue)
+ minValue = it->value;
+ else if (it->value > maxValue)
+ maxValue = it->value;
+ ++intervalDataCount;
+ } else // new pixel interval started
- if (!qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).y()) && !qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).x())) // NaNs create a gap in the line
+ if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them to a cluster
- if (!lastIsNan)
- painter->drawLine(lineData->at(i-1), lineData->at(i));
- else
- lastIsNan = false;
+ if (lastIntervalEndKey < currentIntervalStartKey-keyEpsilon) // last point is further away, so first point of this cluster must be at a real data point
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.2, currentIntervalFirstPoint->value));
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.25, minValue));
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.75, maxValue));
+ if (it->key > currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*2) // new pixel started further away from previous cluster, so make sure the last point of the cluster is at a real data point
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.8, (it-1)->value));
} else
- lastIsNan = true;
- ++i;
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalFirstPoint->key, currentIntervalFirstPoint->value));
+ lastIntervalEndKey = (it-1)->key;
+ minValue = it->value;
+ maxValue = it->value;
+ currentIntervalFirstPoint = it;
+ currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key)+reversedRound));
+ if (keyEpsilonVariable)
+ keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor));
+ intervalDataCount = 1;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ // handle last interval:
+ if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them to a cluster
+ {
+ if (lastIntervalEndKey < currentIntervalStartKey-keyEpsilon) // last point wasn't a cluster, so first point of this cluster must be at a real data point
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.2, currentIntervalFirstPoint->value));
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.25, minValue));
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.75, maxValue));
} else
+ lineData->append(QCPGraphData(currentIntervalFirstPoint->key, currentIntervalFirstPoint->value));
+ } else // don't use adaptive sampling algorithm, transfer points one-to-one from the data container into the output
+ {
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin;
+ lineData->reserve(dataCount+2); // +2 for possible fill end points
+ while (it != end)
- int segmentStart = 0;
- int i = 0;
- const int lineDataSize = lineData->size();
- while (i < lineDataSize)
- {
- if (qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).y()) || qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).x())) // NaNs create a gap in the line
- {
- painter->drawPolyline(lineData->constData()+segmentStart, i-segmentStart); // i, because we don't want to include the current NaN point
- segmentStart = i+1;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- // draw last segment:
- painter->drawPolyline(lineData->constData()+segmentStart, lineDataSize-segmentStart);
+ lineData->append(*it);
+ ++it;
/*! \internal
- Draws impulses from the provided data, i.e. it connects all line pairs in \a lineData, which was
- created by \ref getImpulsePlotData.
- \see drawScatterPlot, drawLinePlot
-void QCPGraph::drawImpulsePlot(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
- // draw impulses:
- if (mainPen().style() != Qt::NoPen && mainPen().color().alpha() != 0)
- {
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- QPen pen = mainPen();
- pen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap); // so impulse line doesn't reach beyond zero-line
- painter->setPen(pen);
- painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- painter->drawLines(*lineData);
- }
-/*! \internal
- Returns the \a lineData and \a scatterData that need to be plotted for this graph taking into
- consideration the current axis ranges and, if \ref setAdaptiveSampling is enabled, local point
- densities.
- 0 may be passed as \a lineData or \a scatterData to indicate that the respective dataset isn't
- needed. For example, if the scatter style (\ref setScatterStyle) is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone, \a
- scatterData should be 0 to prevent unnecessary calculations.
- This method is used by the various "get(...)PlotData" methods to get the basic working set of data.
+ Returns via \a scatterData the data points that need to be visualized for this graph when
+ plotting scatter points, taking into consideration the currently visible axis ranges and, if \ref
+ setAdaptiveSampling is enabled, local point densities. The considered data can be restricted
+ further by \a begin and \a end, e.g. to only plot a certain segment of the data (see \ref
+ getDataSegments).
+ This method is used by \ref getScatters to retrieve the basic working set of data.
+ \see getOptimizedLineData
-void QCPGraph::getPreparedData(QVector<QCPData> *lineData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const
+void QCPGraph::getOptimizedScatterData(QVector<QCPGraphData> *scatterData, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator end) const
+ if (!scatterData) return;
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- // get visible data range:
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator lower, upper; // note that upper is the actual upper point, and not 1 step after the upper point
- getVisibleDataBounds(lower, upper);
- if (lower == mData->constEnd() || upper == mData->constEnd())
- return;
- // count points in visible range, taking into account that we only need to count to the limit maxCount if using adaptive sampling:
+ const int scatterModulo = mScatterSkip+1;
+ const bool doScatterSkip = mScatterSkip > 0;
+ int beginIndex = begin-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ int endIndex = end-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ while (doScatterSkip && begin != end && beginIndex % scatterModulo != 0) // advance begin iterator to first non-skipped scatter
+ {
+ ++beginIndex;
+ ++begin;
+ }
+ if (begin == end) return;
+ int dataCount = end-begin;
int maxCount = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if (mAdaptiveSampling)
- int keyPixelSpan = qAbs(keyAxis->coordToPixel(lower.key())-keyAxis->coordToPixel(upper.key()));
+ int keyPixelSpan = qAbs(keyAxis->coordToPixel(begin->key)-keyAxis->coordToPixel((end-1)->key));
maxCount = 2*keyPixelSpan+2;
- int dataCount = countDataInBounds(lower, upper, maxCount);
if (mAdaptiveSampling && dataCount >= maxCount) // use adaptive sampling only if there are at least two points per pixel on average
- if (lineData)
- {
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = lower;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator upperEnd = upper+1;
- double minValue = it.value().value;
- double maxValue = it.value().value;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator currentIntervalFirstPoint = it;
- int reversedFactor = keyAxis->rangeReversed() != (keyAxis->orientation()==Qt::Vertical) ? -1 : 1; // is used to calculate keyEpsilon pixel into the correct direction
- int reversedRound = keyAxis->rangeReversed() != (keyAxis->orientation()==Qt::Vertical) ? 1 : 0; // is used to switch between floor (normal) and ceil (reversed) rounding of currentIntervalStartKey
- double currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(lower.key())+reversedRound));
- double lastIntervalEndKey = currentIntervalStartKey;
- double keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor)); // interval of one pixel on screen when mapped to plot key coordinates
- bool keyEpsilonVariable = keyAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic; // indicates whether keyEpsilon needs to be updated after every interval (for log axes)
- int intervalDataCount = 1;
- ++it; // advance iterator to second data point because adaptive sampling works in 1 point retrospect
- while (it != upperEnd)
+ double valueMaxRange = valueAxis->range().upper;
+ double valueMinRange = valueAxis->range().lower;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin;
+ int itIndex = beginIndex;
+ double minValue = it->value;
+ double maxValue = it->value;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator minValueIt = it;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator maxValueIt = it;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator currentIntervalStart = it;
+ int reversedFactor = keyAxis->pixelOrientation(); // is used to calculate keyEpsilon pixel into the correct direction
+ int reversedRound = reversedFactor==-1 ? 1 : 0; // is used to switch between floor (normal) and ceil (reversed) rounding of currentIntervalStartKey
+ double currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(begin->key)+reversedRound));
+ double keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor)); // interval of one pixel on screen when mapped to plot key coordinates
+ bool keyEpsilonVariable = keyAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic; // indicates whether keyEpsilon needs to be updated after every interval (for log axes)
+ int intervalDataCount = 1;
+ // advance iterator to second (non-skipped) data point because adaptive sampling works in 1 point retrospect:
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ ++it;
+ else
+ {
+ itIndex += scatterModulo;
+ if (itIndex < endIndex) // make sure we didn't jump over end
+ it += scatterModulo;
+ else
+ {
+ it = end;
+ itIndex = endIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ // main loop over data points:
+ while (it != end)
+ {
+ if (it->key < currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon) // data point is still within same pixel, so skip it and expand value span of this pixel if necessary
- if (it.key() < currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon) // data point is still within same pixel, so skip it and expand value span of this cluster if necessary
+ if (it->value < minValue && it->value > valueMinRange && it->value < valueMaxRange)
- if (it.value().value < minValue)
- minValue = it.value().value;
- else if (it.value().value > maxValue)
- maxValue = it.value().value;
- ++intervalDataCount;
- } else // new pixel interval started
+ minValue = it->value;
+ minValueIt = it;
+ } else if (it->value > maxValue && it->value > valueMinRange && it->value < valueMaxRange)
- if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them to a cluster
- {
- if (lastIntervalEndKey < currentIntervalStartKey-keyEpsilon) // last point is further away, so first point of this cluster must be at a real data point
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.2, currentIntervalFirstPoint.value().value));
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.25, minValue));
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.75, maxValue));
- if (it.key() > currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*2) // new pixel started further away from previous cluster, so make sure the last point of the cluster is at a real data point
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.8, (it-1).value().value));
- } else
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalFirstPoint.key(), currentIntervalFirstPoint.value().value));
- lastIntervalEndKey = (it-1).value().key;
- minValue = it.value().value;
- maxValue = it.value().value;
- currentIntervalFirstPoint = it;
- currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.key())+reversedRound));
- if (keyEpsilonVariable)
- keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor));
- intervalDataCount = 1;
+ maxValue = it->value;
+ maxValueIt = it;
- ++it;
- }
- // handle last interval:
- if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them to a cluster
- {
- if (lastIntervalEndKey < currentIntervalStartKey-keyEpsilon) // last point wasn't a cluster, so first point of this cluster must be at a real data point
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.2, currentIntervalFirstPoint.value().value));
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.25, minValue));
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon*0.75, maxValue));
- } else
- lineData->append(QCPData(currentIntervalFirstPoint.key(), currentIntervalFirstPoint.value().value));
- }
- if (scatterData)
- {
- double valueMaxRange = valueAxis->range().upper;
- double valueMinRange = valueAxis->range().lower;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = lower;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator upperEnd = upper+1;
- double minValue = it.value().value;
- double maxValue = it.value().value;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator minValueIt = it;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator maxValueIt = it;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator currentIntervalStart = it;
- int reversedFactor = keyAxis->rangeReversed() ? -1 : 1; // is used to calculate keyEpsilon pixel into the correct direction
- int reversedRound = keyAxis->rangeReversed() ? 1 : 0; // is used to switch between floor (normal) and ceil (reversed) rounding of currentIntervalStartKey
- double currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(lower.key())+reversedRound));
- double keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor)); // interval of one pixel on screen when mapped to plot key coordinates
- bool keyEpsilonVariable = keyAxis->scaleType() == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic; // indicates whether keyEpsilon needs to be updated after every interval (for log axes)
- int intervalDataCount = 1;
- ++it; // advance iterator to second data point because adaptive sampling works in 1 point retrospect
- while (it != upperEnd)
+ ++intervalDataCount;
+ } else // new pixel started
- if (it.key() < currentIntervalStartKey+keyEpsilon) // data point is still within same pixel, so skip it and expand value span of this pixel if necessary
+ if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them
- if (it.value().value < minValue && it.value().value > valueMinRange && it.value().value < valueMaxRange)
+ // determine value pixel span and add as many points in interval to maintain certain vertical data density (this is specific to scatter plot):
+ double valuePixelSpan = qAbs(valueAxis->coordToPixel(minValue)-valueAxis->coordToPixel(maxValue));
+ int dataModulo = qMax(1, qRound(intervalDataCount/(valuePixelSpan/4.0))); // approximately every 4 value pixels one data point on average
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator intervalIt = currentIntervalStart;
+ int c = 0;
+ while (intervalIt != it)
- minValue = it.value().value;
- minValueIt = it;
- } else if (it.value().value > maxValue && it.value().value > valueMinRange && it.value().value < valueMaxRange)
- {
- maxValue = it.value().value;
- maxValueIt = it;
+ if ((c % dataModulo == 0 || intervalIt == minValueIt || intervalIt == maxValueIt) && intervalIt->value > valueMinRange && intervalIt->value < valueMaxRange)
+ scatterData->append(*intervalIt);
+ ++c;
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ ++intervalIt;
+ else
+ intervalIt += scatterModulo; // since we know indices of "currentIntervalStart", "intervalIt" and "it" are multiples of scatterModulo, we can't accidentally jump over "it" here
- ++intervalDataCount;
- } else // new pixel started
+ } else if (currentIntervalStart->value > valueMinRange && currentIntervalStart->value < valueMaxRange)
+ scatterData->append(*currentIntervalStart);
+ minValue = it->value;
+ maxValue = it->value;
+ currentIntervalStart = it;
+ currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key)+reversedRound));
+ if (keyEpsilonVariable)
+ keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor));
+ intervalDataCount = 1;
+ }
+ // advance to next data point:
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ ++it;
+ else
+ {
+ itIndex += scatterModulo;
+ if (itIndex < endIndex) // make sure we didn't jump over end
+ it += scatterModulo;
+ else
- if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them
- {
- // determine value pixel span and add as many points in interval to maintain certain vertical data density (this is specific to scatter plot):
- double valuePixelSpan = qAbs(valueAxis->coordToPixel(minValue)-valueAxis->coordToPixel(maxValue));
- int dataModulo = qMax(1, qRound(intervalDataCount/(valuePixelSpan/4.0))); // approximately every 4 value pixels one data point on average
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator intervalIt = currentIntervalStart;
- int c = 0;
- while (intervalIt != it)
- {
- if ((c % dataModulo == 0 || intervalIt == minValueIt || intervalIt == maxValueIt) && intervalIt.value().value > valueMinRange && intervalIt.value().value < valueMaxRange)
- scatterData->append(intervalIt.value());
- ++c;
- ++intervalIt;
- }
- } else if (currentIntervalStart.value().value > valueMinRange && currentIntervalStart.value().value < valueMaxRange)
- scatterData->append(currentIntervalStart.value());
- minValue = it.value().value;
- maxValue = it.value().value;
- currentIntervalStart = it;
- currentIntervalStartKey = keyAxis->pixelToCoord((int)(keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.key())+reversedRound));
- if (keyEpsilonVariable)
- keyEpsilon = qAbs(currentIntervalStartKey-keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(currentIntervalStartKey)+1.0*reversedFactor));
- intervalDataCount = 1;
+ it = end;
+ itIndex = endIndex;
- ++it;
- // handle last interval:
- if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them
+ }
+ // handle last interval:
+ if (intervalDataCount >= 2) // last pixel had multiple data points, consolidate them
+ {
+ // determine value pixel span and add as many points in interval to maintain certain vertical data density (this is specific to scatter plot):
+ double valuePixelSpan = qAbs(valueAxis->coordToPixel(minValue)-valueAxis->coordToPixel(maxValue));
+ int dataModulo = qMax(1, qRound(intervalDataCount/(valuePixelSpan/4.0))); // approximately every 4 value pixels one data point on average
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator intervalIt = currentIntervalStart;
+ int intervalItIndex = intervalIt-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ int c = 0;
+ while (intervalIt != it)
- // determine value pixel span and add as many points in interval to maintain certain vertical data density (this is specific to scatter plot):
- double valuePixelSpan = qAbs(valueAxis->coordToPixel(minValue)-valueAxis->coordToPixel(maxValue));
- int dataModulo = qMax(1, qRound(intervalDataCount/(valuePixelSpan/4.0))); // approximately every 4 value pixels one data point on average
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator intervalIt = currentIntervalStart;
- int c = 0;
- while (intervalIt != it)
- {
- if ((c % dataModulo == 0 || intervalIt == minValueIt || intervalIt == maxValueIt) && intervalIt.value().value > valueMinRange && intervalIt.value().value < valueMaxRange)
- scatterData->append(intervalIt.value());
- ++c;
+ if ((c % dataModulo == 0 || intervalIt == minValueIt || intervalIt == maxValueIt) && intervalIt->value > valueMinRange && intervalIt->value < valueMaxRange)
+ scatterData->append(*intervalIt);
+ ++c;
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ else // here we can't guarantee that adding scatterModulo doesn't exceed "it" (because "it" is equal to "end" here, and "end" isn't scatterModulo-aligned), so check via index comparison:
+ {
+ intervalItIndex += scatterModulo;
+ if (intervalItIndex < itIndex)
+ intervalIt += scatterModulo;
+ else
+ {
+ intervalIt = it;
+ intervalItIndex = itIndex;
+ }
- } else if (currentIntervalStart.value().value > valueMinRange && currentIntervalStart.value().value < valueMaxRange)
- scatterData->append(currentIntervalStart.value());
- }
- } else // don't use adaptive sampling algorithm, transfer points one-to-one from the map into the output parameters
- {
- QVector<QCPData> *dataVector = 0;
- if (lineData)
- dataVector = lineData;
- else if (scatterData)
- dataVector = scatterData;
- if (dataVector)
- {
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = lower;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator upperEnd = upper+1;
- dataVector->reserve(dataCount+2); // +2 for possible fill end points
- while (it != upperEnd)
- {
- dataVector->append(it.value());
- ++it;
- }
- if (lineData && scatterData)
- *scatterData = *dataVector;
- }
-/*! \internal
- called by the scatter drawing function (\ref drawScatterPlot) to draw the error bars on one data
- point. \a x and \a y pixel positions of the data point are passed since they are already known in
- pixel coordinates in the drawing function, so we save some extra coordToPixel transforms here. \a
- data is therefore only used for the errors, not key and value.
-void QCPGraph::drawError(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y, const QCPData &data) const
- if (qIsNaN(data.value))
- return;
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- double a, b; // positions of error bar bounds in pixels
- double barWidthHalf = mErrorBarSize*0.5;
- double skipSymbolMargin = mScatterStyle.size(); // pixels left blank per side, when mErrorBarSkipSymbol is true
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ } else if (currentIntervalStart->value > valueMinRange && currentIntervalStart->value < valueMaxRange)
+ scatterData->append(*currentIntervalStart);
+ } else // don't use adaptive sampling algorithm, transfer points one-to-one from the data container into the output
- // draw key error vertically and value error horizontally
- if (mErrorType == etKey || mErrorType == etBoth)
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin;
+ int itIndex = beginIndex;
+ scatterData->reserve(dataCount);
+ while (it != end)
- a = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.key-data.keyErrorMinus);
- b = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.key+data.keyErrorPlus);
- if (keyAxis->rangeReversed())
- qSwap(a,b);
- // draw spine:
- if (mErrorBarSkipSymbol)
- {
- if (a-y > skipSymbolMargin) // don't draw spine if error is so small it's within skipSymbolmargin
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, a, x, y+skipSymbolMargin));
- if (y-b > skipSymbolMargin)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y-skipSymbolMargin, x, b));
- } else
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, a, x, b));
- // draw handles:
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-barWidthHalf, a, x+barWidthHalf, a));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-barWidthHalf, b, x+barWidthHalf, b));
- }
- if (mErrorType == etValue || mErrorType == etBoth)
- {
- a = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.value-data.valueErrorMinus);
- b = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.value+data.valueErrorPlus);
- if (valueAxis->rangeReversed())
- qSwap(a,b);
- // draw spine:
- if (mErrorBarSkipSymbol)
- {
- if (x-a > skipSymbolMargin) // don't draw spine if error is so small it's within skipSymbolmargin
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(a, y, x-skipSymbolMargin, y));
- if (b-x > skipSymbolMargin)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+skipSymbolMargin, y, b, y));
- } else
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(a, y, b, y));
- // draw handles:
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(a, y-barWidthHalf, a, y+barWidthHalf));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(b, y-barWidthHalf, b, y+barWidthHalf));
- }
- } else // mKeyAxis->orientation() is Qt::Horizontal
- {
- // draw value error vertically and key error horizontally
- if (mErrorType == etKey || mErrorType == etBoth)
- {
- a = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.key-data.keyErrorMinus);
- b = keyAxis->coordToPixel(data.key+data.keyErrorPlus);
- if (keyAxis->rangeReversed())
- qSwap(a,b);
- // draw spine:
- if (mErrorBarSkipSymbol)
- {
- if (x-a > skipSymbolMargin) // don't draw spine if error is so small it's within skipSymbolmargin
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(a, y, x-skipSymbolMargin, y));
- if (b-x > skipSymbolMargin)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x+skipSymbolMargin, y, b, y));
- } else
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(a, y, b, y));
- // draw handles:
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(a, y-barWidthHalf, a, y+barWidthHalf));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(b, y-barWidthHalf, b, y+barWidthHalf));
- }
- if (mErrorType == etValue || mErrorType == etBoth)
- {
- a = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.value-data.valueErrorMinus);
- b = valueAxis->coordToPixel(data.value+data.valueErrorPlus);
- if (valueAxis->rangeReversed())
- qSwap(a,b);
- // draw spine:
- if (mErrorBarSkipSymbol)
+ scatterData->append(*it);
+ // advance to next data point:
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ ++it;
+ else
- if (a-y > skipSymbolMargin) // don't draw spine if error is so small it's within skipSymbolmargin
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, a, x, y+skipSymbolMargin));
- if (y-b > skipSymbolMargin)
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, y-skipSymbolMargin, x, b));
- } else
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x, a, x, b));
- // draw handles:
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-barWidthHalf, a, x+barWidthHalf, a));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(x-barWidthHalf, b, x+barWidthHalf, b));
+ itIndex += scatterModulo;
+ if (itIndex < endIndex)
+ it += scatterModulo;
+ else
+ {
+ it = end;
+ itIndex = endIndex;
+ }
+ }
-/*! \internal
- called by \ref getPreparedData to determine which data (key) range is visible at the current key
- axis range setting, so only that needs to be processed.
- \a lower returns an iterator to the lowest data point that needs to be taken into account when
- plotting. Note that in order to get a clean plot all the way to the edge of the axis rect, \a
- lower may still be just outside the visible range.
- \a upper returns an iterator to the highest data point. Same as before, \a upper may also lie
- just outside of the visible range.
- if the graph contains no data, both \a lower and \a upper point to constEnd.
-void QCPGraph::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPDataMap::const_iterator &upper) const
- if (!mKeyAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis"; return; }
- if (mData->isEmpty())
- {
- lower = mData->constEnd();
- upper = mData->constEnd();
- return;
- }
- // get visible data range as QMap iterators
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator lbound = mData->lowerBound(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower);
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator ubound = mData->upperBound(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper);
- bool lowoutlier = lbound != mData->constBegin(); // indicates whether there exist points below axis range
- bool highoutlier = ubound != mData->constEnd(); // indicates whether there exist points above axis range
- lower = (lowoutlier ? lbound-1 : lbound); // data point range that will be actually drawn
- upper = (highoutlier ? ubound : ubound-1); // data point range that will be actually drawn
+ This method outputs the currently visible data range via \a begin and \a end. The returned range
+ will also never exceed \a rangeRestriction.
-/*! \internal
- Counts the number of data points between \a lower and \a upper (including them), up to a maximum
- of \a maxCount.
- This function is used by \ref getPreparedData to determine whether adaptive sampling shall be
- used (if enabled via \ref setAdaptiveSampling) or not. This is also why counting of data points
- only needs to be done until \a maxCount is reached, which should be set to the number of data
- points at which adaptive sampling sets in.
+ This method takes into account that the drawing of data lines at the axis rect border always
+ requires the points just outside the visible axis range. So \a begin and \a end may actually
+ indicate a range that contains one additional data point to the left and right of the visible
+ axis range.
-int QCPGraph::countDataInBounds(const QCPDataMap::const_iterator &lower, const QCPDataMap::const_iterator &upper, int maxCount) const
+void QCPGraph::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &rangeRestriction) const
- if (upper == mData->constEnd() && lower == mData->constEnd())
- return 0;
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = lower;
- int count = 1;
- while (it != upper && count < maxCount)
+ if (rangeRestriction.isEmpty())
- ++it;
- ++count;
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ begin = end;
+ } else
+ {
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ // get visible data range:
+ begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(keyAxis->range().lower);
+ end = mDataContainer->findEnd(keyAxis->range().upper);
+ // limit lower/upperEnd to rangeRestriction:
+ mDataContainer->limitIteratorsToDataRange(begin, end, rangeRestriction); // this also ensures rangeRestriction outside data bounds doesn't break anything
- return count;
/*! \internal
- The line data vector generated by e.g. getLinePlotData contains only the line that connects the
- data points. If the graph needs to be filled, two additional points need to be added at the
+ The line vector generated by e.g. \ref getLines describes only the line that connects the data
+ points. If the graph needs to be filled, two additional points need to be added at the
value-zero-line in the lower and upper key positions of the graph. This function calculates these
points and adds them to the end of \a lineData. Since the fill is typically drawn before the line
stroke, these added points need to be removed again after the fill is done, with the
removeFillBasePoints function.
- The expanding of \a lineData by two points will not cause unnecessary memory reallocations,
- because the data vector generation functions (getLinePlotData etc.) reserve two extra points when
- they allocate memory for \a lineData.
+ The expanding of \a lines by two points will not cause unnecessary memory reallocations, because
+ the data vector generation functions (e.g. \ref getLines) reserve two extra points when they
+ allocate memory for \a lines.
\see removeFillBasePoints, lowerFillBasePoint, upperFillBasePoint
-void QCPGraph::addFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
+void QCPGraph::addFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lines) const
if (!mKeyAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis"; return; }
+ if (!lines) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed null as lineData"; return; }
+ if (lines->isEmpty()) return;
// append points that close the polygon fill at the key axis:
if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- *lineData << upperFillBasePoint(lineData->last().y());
- *lineData << lowerFillBasePoint(lineData->first().y());
+ *lines << upperFillBasePoint(lines->last().y());
+ *lines << lowerFillBasePoint(lines->first().y());
} else
- *lineData << upperFillBasePoint(lineData->last().x());
- *lineData << lowerFillBasePoint(lineData->first().x());
+ *lines << upperFillBasePoint(lines->last().x());
+ *lines << lowerFillBasePoint(lines->first().x());
/*! \internal
- removes the two points from \a lineData that were added by \ref addFillBasePoints.
+ removes the two points from \a lines that were added by \ref addFillBasePoints.
\see addFillBasePoints, lowerFillBasePoint, upperFillBasePoint
-void QCPGraph::removeFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
+void QCPGraph::removeFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lines) const
- lineData->remove(lineData->size()-2, 2);
+ if (!lines) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed null as lineData"; return; }
+ if (lines->isEmpty()) return;
+ lines->remove(lines->size()-2, 2);
/*! \internal
@@ -16186,14 +21035,17 @@ QPointF QCPGraph::upperFillBasePoint(double upperKey) const
/*! \internal
- Generates the polygon needed for drawing channel fills between this graph (data passed via \a
- lineData) and the graph specified by mChannelFillGraph (data generated by calling its \ref
- getPlotData function). May return an empty polygon if the key ranges have no overlap or fill
- target graph and this graph don't have same orientation (i.e. both key axes horizontal or both
- key axes vertical). For increased performance (due to implicit sharing), keep the returned
- QPolygonF const.
+ Generates the polygon needed for drawing channel fills between this graph and the graph specified
+ in \a mChannelFillGraph (see \ref setChannelFillGraph). The data points representing the line of
+ this graph in pixel coordinates must be passed in \a lines, the corresponding points of the other
+ graph are generated by calling its \ref getLines method.
+ This method may return an empty polygon if the key ranges of the two graphs have no overlap of if
+ they don't have the same orientation (e.g. one key axis vertical, the other horizontal). For
+ increased performance (due to implicit sharing), it is recommended to keep the returned QPolygonF
+ const.
-const QPolygonF QCPGraph::getChannelFillPolygon(const QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
+const QPolygonF QCPGraph::getChannelFillPolygon(const QVector<QPointF> *lines) const
if (!mChannelFillGraph)
return QPolygonF();
@@ -16206,14 +21058,14 @@ const QPolygonF QCPGraph::getChannelFillPolygon(const QVector<QPointF> *lineData
if (mChannelFillGraph.data()->mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() != keyAxis->orientation())
return QPolygonF(); // don't have same axis orientation, can't fill that (Note: if keyAxis fits, valueAxis will fit too, because it's always orthogonal to keyAxis)
- if (lineData->isEmpty()) return QPolygonF();
+ if (lines->isEmpty()) return QPolygonF();
QVector<QPointF> otherData;
- mChannelFillGraph.data()->getPlotData(&otherData, 0);
+ mChannelFillGraph.data()->getLines(&otherData, QCPDataRange(0, mChannelFillGraph.data()->dataCount()));
if (otherData.isEmpty()) return QPolygonF();
QVector<QPointF> thisData;
- thisData.reserve(lineData->size()+otherData.size()); // because we will join both vectors at end of this function
- for (int i=0; i<lineData->size(); ++i) // don't use the vector<<(vector), it squeezes internally, which ruins the performance tuning with reserve()
- thisData << lineData->at(i);
+ thisData.reserve(lines->size()+otherData.size()); // because we will join both vectors at end of this function
+ for (int i=0; i<lines->size(); ++i) // don't use the vector<<(vector), it squeezes internally, which ruins the performance tuning with reserve()
+ thisData << lines->at(i);
// pointers to be able to swap them, depending which data range needs cropping:
QVector<QPointF> *staticData = &thisData;
@@ -16396,344 +21248,91 @@ int QCPGraph::findIndexAboveY(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double y) const
/*! \internal
- Calculates the (minimum) distance (in pixels) the graph's representation has from the given \a
- pixelPoint in pixels. This is used to determine whether the graph was clicked or not, e.g. in
- \ref selectTest.
+ Calculates the minimum distance in pixels the graph's representation has from the given \a
+ pixelPoint. This is used to determine whether the graph was clicked or not, e.g. in \ref
+ selectTest. The closest data point to \a pixelPoint is returned in \a closestData. Note that if
+ the graph has a line representation, the returned distance may be smaller than the distance to
+ the \a closestData point, since the distance to the graph line is also taken into account.
If either the graph has no data or if the line style is \ref lsNone and the scatter style's shape
is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone (i.e. there is no visual representation of the graph), returns -1.0.
-double QCPGraph::pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint) const
+double QCPGraph::pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const
- if (mData->isEmpty())
+ closestData = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty())
return -1.0;
if (mLineStyle == lsNone && mScatterStyle.isNone())
return -1.0;
- // calculate minimum distances to graph representation:
- if (mLineStyle == lsNone)
- {
- // no line displayed, only calculate distance to scatter points:
- QVector<QCPData> scatterData;
- getScatterPlotData(&scatterData);
- if (scatterData.size() > 0)
- {
- double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- for (int i=0; i<scatterData.size(); ++i)
- {
- double currentDistSqr = QVector2D(coordsToPixels(scatterData.at(i).key, scatterData.at(i).value)-pixelPoint).lengthSquared();
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
- return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
- } else // no data available in view to calculate distance to
- return -1.0;
- } else
- {
- // line displayed, calculate distance to line segments:
- QVector<QPointF> lineData;
- getPlotData(&lineData, 0); // unlike with getScatterPlotData we get pixel coordinates here
- if (lineData.size() > 1) // at least one line segment, compare distance to line segments
- {
- double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- if (mLineStyle == lsImpulse)
- {
- // impulse plot differs from other line styles in that the lineData points are only pairwise connected:
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size()-1; i+=2) // iterate pairs
- {
- double currentDistSqr = distSqrToLine(lineData.at(i), lineData.at(i+1), pixelPoint);
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
- } else
- {
- // all other line plots (line and step) connect points directly:
- for (int i=0; i<lineData.size()-1; ++i)
- {
- double currentDistSqr = distSqrToLine(lineData.at(i), lineData.at(i+1), pixelPoint);
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
- }
- return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
- } else if (lineData.size() > 0) // only single data point, calculate distance to that point
- {
- return QVector2D(lineData.at(0)-pixelPoint).length();
- } else // no data available in view to calculate distance to
- return -1.0;
- }
-/*! \internal
- Finds the highest index of \a data, whose points y value is just below \a y. Assumes y values in
- \a data points are ordered descending, as is the case when plotting with vertical key axis (since
- keys are ordered ascending).
- Used to calculate the channel fill polygon, see \ref getChannelFillPolygon.
-int QCPGraph::findIndexBelowY(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double y) const
- for (int i=data->size()-1; i>=0; --i)
- {
- if (data->at(i).y() > y)
+ // calculate minimum distances to graph data points and find closestData iterator:
+ double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ // determine which key range comes into question, taking selection tolerance around pos into account:
+ double posKeyMin, posKeyMax, dummy;
+ pixelsToCoords(pixelPoint-QPointF(mParentPlot->selectionTolerance(), mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()), posKeyMin, dummy);
+ pixelsToCoords(pixelPoint+QPointF(mParentPlot->selectionTolerance(), mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()), posKeyMax, dummy);
+ if (posKeyMin > posKeyMax)
+ qSwap(posKeyMin, posKeyMax);
+ // iterate over found data points and then choose the one with the shortest distance to pos:
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(posKeyMin, true);
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator end = mDataContainer->findEnd(posKeyMax, true);
+ for (QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ const double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(coordsToPixels(it->key, it->value)-pixelPoint).lengthSquared();
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- if (i<data->size()-1)
- return i+1;
- else
- return data->size()-1;
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestData = it;
- return -1;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPGraph::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- // just call the specialized version which takes an additional argument whether error bars
- // should also be taken into consideration for range calculation. We set this to true here.
- return getKeyRange(foundRange, inSignDomain, true);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- // just call the specialized version which takes an additional argument whether error bars
- // should also be taken into consideration for range calculation. We set this to true here.
- return getValueRange(foundRange, inSignDomain, true);
-/*! \overload
- Allows to specify whether the error bars should be included in the range calculation.
- \see getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain)
-QCPRange QCPGraph::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool includeErrors) const
- QCPRange range;
- bool haveLower = false;
- bool haveUpper = false;
- double current, currentErrorMinus, currentErrorPlus;
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth) // range may be anywhere
- {
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
- {
- if (!qIsNaN(it.value().value))
- {
- current = it.value().key;
- currentErrorMinus = (includeErrors ? it.value().keyErrorMinus : 0);
- currentErrorPlus = (includeErrors ? it.value().keyErrorPlus : 0);
- if (current-currentErrorMinus < range.lower || !haveLower)
- {
- range.lower = current-currentErrorMinus;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (current+currentErrorPlus > range.upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- range.upper = current+currentErrorPlus;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- } else if (inSignDomain == sdNegative) // range may only be in the negative sign domain
- {
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
- {
- if (!qIsNaN(it.value().value))
- {
- current = it.value().key;
- currentErrorMinus = (includeErrors ? it.value().keyErrorMinus : 0);
- currentErrorPlus = (includeErrors ? it.value().keyErrorPlus : 0);
- if ((current-currentErrorMinus < range.lower || !haveLower) && current-currentErrorMinus < 0)
- {
- range.lower = current-currentErrorMinus;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current+currentErrorPlus > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current+currentErrorPlus < 0)
- {
- range.upper = current+currentErrorPlus;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- if (includeErrors) // in case point is in valid sign domain but errobars stretch beyond it, we still want to geht that point.
- {
- if ((current < range.lower || !haveLower) && current < 0)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current < 0)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- } else if (inSignDomain == sdPositive) // range may only be in the positive sign domain
+ // calculate distance to graph line if there is one (if so, will probably be smaller than distance to closest data point):
+ if (mLineStyle != lsNone)
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ // line displayed, calculate distance to line segments:
+ QVector<QPointF> lineData;
+ getLines(&lineData, QCPDataRange(0, dataCount()));
+ QCPVector2D p(pixelPoint);
+ const int step = mLineStyle==lsImpulse ? 2 : 1; // impulse plot differs from other line styles in that the lineData points are only pairwise connected
+ for (int i=0; i<lineData.size()-1; i+=step)
- if (!qIsNaN(it.value().value))
- {
- current = it.value().key;
- currentErrorMinus = (includeErrors ? it.value().keyErrorMinus : 0);
- currentErrorPlus = (includeErrors ? it.value().keyErrorPlus : 0);
- if ((current-currentErrorMinus < range.lower || !haveLower) && current-currentErrorMinus > 0)
- {
- range.lower = current-currentErrorMinus;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current+currentErrorPlus > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current+currentErrorPlus > 0)
- {
- range.upper = current+currentErrorPlus;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- if (includeErrors) // in case point is in valid sign domain but errobars stretch beyond it, we still want to get that point.
- {
- if ((current < range.lower || !haveLower) && current > 0)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current > 0)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- ++it;
+ const double currentDistSqr = p.distanceSquaredToLine(lineData.at(i), lineData.at(i+1));
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
- return range;
+ return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
-/*! \overload
- Allows to specify whether the error bars should be included in the range calculation.
+/*! \internal
- \see getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain)
+ Finds the highest index of \a data, whose points y value is just below \a y. Assumes y values in
+ \a data points are ordered descending, as is the case when plotting with vertical key axis (since
+ keys are ordered ascending).
+ Used to calculate the channel fill polygon, see \ref getChannelFillPolygon.
-QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool includeErrors) const
+int QCPGraph::findIndexBelowY(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double y) const
- QCPRange range;
- bool haveLower = false;
- bool haveUpper = false;
- double current, currentErrorMinus, currentErrorPlus;
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth) // range may be anywhere
- {
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
- {
- current = it.value().value;
- if (!qIsNaN(current))
- {
- currentErrorMinus = (includeErrors ? it.value().valueErrorMinus : 0);
- currentErrorPlus = (includeErrors ? it.value().valueErrorPlus : 0);
- if (current-currentErrorMinus < range.lower || !haveLower)
- {
- range.lower = current-currentErrorMinus;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (current+currentErrorPlus > range.upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- range.upper = current+currentErrorPlus;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- } else if (inSignDomain == sdNegative) // range may only be in the negative sign domain
- {
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
- {
- current = it.value().value;
- if (!qIsNaN(current))
- {
- currentErrorMinus = (includeErrors ? it.value().valueErrorMinus : 0);
- currentErrorPlus = (includeErrors ? it.value().valueErrorPlus : 0);
- if ((current-currentErrorMinus < range.lower || !haveLower) && current-currentErrorMinus < 0)
- {
- range.lower = current-currentErrorMinus;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current+currentErrorPlus > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current+currentErrorPlus < 0)
- {
- range.upper = current+currentErrorPlus;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- if (includeErrors) // in case point is in valid sign domain but errobars stretch beyond it, we still want to get that point.
- {
- if ((current < range.lower || !haveLower) && current < 0)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current < 0)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- } else if (inSignDomain == sdPositive) // range may only be in the positive sign domain
+ for (int i=data->size()-1; i>=0; --i)
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ if (data->at(i).y() > y)
- current = it.value().value;
- if (!qIsNaN(current))
- {
- currentErrorMinus = (includeErrors ? it.value().valueErrorMinus : 0);
- currentErrorPlus = (includeErrors ? it.value().valueErrorPlus : 0);
- if ((current-currentErrorMinus < range.lower || !haveLower) && current-currentErrorMinus > 0)
- {
- range.lower = current-currentErrorMinus;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current+currentErrorPlus > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current+currentErrorPlus > 0)
- {
- range.upper = current+currentErrorPlus;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- if (includeErrors) // in case point is in valid sign domain but errobars stretch beyond it, we still want to geht that point.
- {
- if ((current < range.lower || !haveLower) && current > 0)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if ((current > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current > 0)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- ++it;
+ if (i<data->size()-1)
+ return i+1;
+ else
+ return data->size()-1;
- foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
- return range;
+ return -1;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-graph.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-curve.cpp', size 60009 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPCurveData
@@ -16741,16 +21340,72 @@ QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool
/*! \class QCPCurveData
\brief Holds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve.
- The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPCurveDataMap.
The stored data is:
- \li \a t: the free parameter of the curve at this curve point (cp. the mathematical vector <em>(x(t), y(t))</em>)
- \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this curve point
- \li \a value: coordinate on the value axis of this curve point
+ \li \a t: the free ordering parameter of this curve point, like in the mathematical vector <em>(x(t), y(t))</em>. (This is the \a sortKey)
+ \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this curve point (this is the \a mainKey)
+ \li \a value: coordinate on the value axis of this curve point (this is the \a mainValue)
+ The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPCurveDataContainer. It is a typedef for
+ \ref QCPDataContainer with \ref QCPCurveData as the DataType template parameter. See the
+ documentation there for an explanation regarding the data type's generic methods.
+ \see QCPCurveDataContainer
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn double QCPCurveData::sortKey() const
+ Returns the \a t member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static QCPCurveData QCPCurveData::fromSortKey(double sortKey)
+ Returns a data point with the specified \a sortKey (assigned to the data point's \a t member).
+ All other members are set to zero.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static static bool QCPCurveData::sortKeyIsMainKey()
+ Since the member \a key is the data point key coordinate and the member \a t is the data ordering
+ parameter, this method returns false.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn double QCPCurveData::mainKey() const
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn double QCPCurveData::mainValue() const
- \see QCPCurveDataMap
+ Returns the \a value member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPCurveData::valueRange() const
+ Returns a QCPRange with both lower and upper boundary set to \a value of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
Constructs a curve data point with t, key and value set to zero.
@@ -16786,47 +21441,59 @@ QCPCurveData::QCPCurveData(double t, double key, double value) :
coordinate \a t, which defines the order of the points described by the other two coordinates \a
x and \a y.
- To plot data, assign it with the \ref setData or \ref addData functions.
+ To plot data, assign it with the \ref setData or \ref addData functions. Alternatively, you can
+ also access and modify the curve's data via the \ref data method, which returns a pointer to the
+ internal \ref QCPCurveDataContainer.
Gaps in the curve can be created by adding data points with NaN as key and value
(<tt>qQNaN()</tt> or <tt>std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()</tt>) in between the two data points that shall be
- \section appearance Changing the appearance
+ \section qcpcurve-appearance Changing the appearance
The appearance of the curve is determined by the pen and the brush (\ref setPen, \ref setBrush).
- \section usage Usage
- Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPCurve is a plottable (QCPAbstractPlottable). So
- the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
+ \section qcpcurve-usage Usage
+ Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPCurve is a plottable
+ (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
+ (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
- Usually, you first create an instance and add it to the customPlot:
+ Usually, you first create an instance:
\snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcurve-creation-1
- and then modify the properties of the newly created plottable, e.g.:
+ which registers it with the QCustomPlot instance of the passed axes. Note that this QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the plottable, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
+ The newly created plottable can be modified, e.g.:
\snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcurve-creation-2
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QSharedPointer<QCPCurveDataContainer> QCPCurve::data() const
+ Returns a shared pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPCurveDataContainer. You may
+ use it to directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the
+ regular \ref setData or \ref addData methods.
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
Constructs a curve which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its value
axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have
the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is
printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
- The constructed QCPCurve can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot
- then takes ownership of the graph.
+ The created QCPCurve is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred from \a
+ keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPCurve, so do not delete it manually
+ but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
QCPCurve::QCPCurve(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
- QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis)
+ QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPCurveData>(keyAxis, valueAxis)
- mData = new QCPCurveDataMap;
- mPen.setColor(Qt::blue);
- mPen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
- mBrush.setColor(Qt::blue);
- mBrush.setStyle(Qt::NoBrush);
- mSelectedPen = mPen;
- mSelectedPen.setWidthF(2.5);
- mSelectedPen.setColor(QColor(80, 80, 255)); // lighter than Qt::blue of mPen
- mSelectedBrush = mBrush;
+ // modify inherited properties from abstract plottable:
+ setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 0));
+ setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
@@ -16834,73 +21501,61 @@ QCPCurve::QCPCurve(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
- delete mData;
- Replaces the current data with the provided \a data.
+/*! \overload
- If \a copy is set to true, data points in \a data will only be copied. if false, the plottable
- takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is
- significantly faster than copying for large datasets.
+ Replaces the current data container with the provided \a data container.
+ Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple QCPCurves may share the same data container safely.
+ Modifying the data in the container will then affect all curves that share the container. Sharing
+ can be achieved by simply exchanging the data containers wrapped in shared pointers:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcurve-datasharing-1
+ If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, rather use
+ the \ref QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set method on the curve's data container directly:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcurve-datasharing-2
+ \see addData
-void QCPCurve::setData(QCPCurveDataMap *data, bool copy)
+void QCPCurve::setData(QSharedPointer<QCPCurveDataContainer> data)
- if (mData == data)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The data pointer is already in (and owned by) this plottable" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(data);
- return;
- }
- if (copy)
- {
- *mData = *data;
- } else
- {
- delete mData;
- mData = data;
- }
+ mDataContainer = data;
/*! \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a t, \a key and \a value tuples. The
- provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of
- the smallest vector.
+ Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a t, \a keys and \a values. The provided
+ vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
+ smallest vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a t in ascending order, you can
+ set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ \see addData
-void QCPCurve::setData(const QVector<double> &t, const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value)
+void QCPCurve::setData(const QVector<double> &t, const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted)
- mData->clear();
- int n = t.size();
- n = qMin(n, key.size());
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- QCPCurveData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.t = t[i];
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.t, newData);
- }
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(t, keys, values, alreadySorted);
/*! \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided \a key and \a value pairs. The t parameter
- of each data point will be set to the integer index of the respective key/value pair.
+ Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a keys and \a values. The provided vectors
+ should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest
+ vector.
+ The t parameter of each data point will be set to the integer index of the respective key/value
+ pair.
+ \see addData
-void QCPCurve::setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value)
+void QCPCurve::setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- QCPCurveData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.t = i; // no t vector given, so we assign t the index of the key/value pair
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.t, newData);
- }
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(keys, values);
@@ -16916,6 +21571,22 @@ void QCPCurve::setScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style)
+ If scatters are displayed (scatter style not \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone), \a skip number of
+ scatter points are skipped/not drawn after every drawn scatter point.
+ This can be used to make the data appear sparser while for example still having a smooth line,
+ and to improve performance for very high density plots.
+ If \a skip is set to 0 (default), all scatter points are drawn.
+ \see setScatterStyle
+void QCPCurve::setScatterSkip(int skip)
+ mScatterSkip = qMax(0, skip);
Sets how the single data points are connected in the plot or how they are represented visually
apart from the scatter symbol. For scatter-only plots, set \a style to \ref lsNone and \ref
setScatterStyle to the desired scatter style.
@@ -16927,238 +21598,204 @@ void QCPCurve::setLineStyle(QCPCurve::LineStyle style)
mLineStyle = style;
- Adds the provided data points in \a dataMap to the current data.
- \see removeData
-void QCPCurve::addData(const QCPCurveDataMap &dataMap)
- mData->unite(dataMap);
-/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point in \a data to the current data.
- \see removeData
-void QCPCurve::addData(const QCPCurveData &data)
- mData->insertMulti(data.t, data);
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point as \a t, \a key and \a value tuple to the current data
- \see removeData
+ Adds the provided points in \a t, \a keys and \a values to the current data. The provided vectors
+ should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest
+ vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPCurve::addData(double t, double key, double value)
+void QCPCurve::addData(const QVector<double> &t, const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted)
- QCPCurveData newData;
- newData.t = t;
- newData.key = key;
- newData.value = value;
- mData->insertMulti(newData.t, newData);
+ if (t.size() != keys.size() || t.size() != values.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ts, keys and values have different sizes:" << t.size() << keys.size() << values.size();
+ const int n = qMin(qMin(t.size(), keys.size()), values.size());
+ QVector<QCPCurveData> tempData(n);
+ QVector<QCPCurveData>::iterator it = tempData.begin();
+ const QVector<QCPCurveData>::iterator itEnd = tempData.end();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ it->t = t[i];
+ it->key = keys[i];
+ it->value = values[i];
+ ++it;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ mDataContainer->add(tempData, alreadySorted); // don't modify tempData beyond this to prevent copy on write
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point as \a key and \a value pair to the current data The t
- parameter of the data point is set to the t of the last data point plus 1. If there is no last
- data point, t will be set to 0.
+ Adds the provided points in \a keys and \a values to the current data. The provided vectors
+ should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest
+ vector.
- \see removeData
+ The t parameter of each data point will be set to the integer index of the respective key/value
+ pair.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPCurve::addData(double key, double value)
+void QCPCurve::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values)
- QCPCurveData newData;
- if (!mData->isEmpty())
- newData.t = (mData->constEnd()-1).key()+1;
+ if (keys.size() != values.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "keys and values have different sizes:" << keys.size() << values.size();
+ const int n = qMin(keys.size(), values.size());
+ double tStart;
+ if (!mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ tStart = (mDataContainer->constEnd()-1)->t + 1.0;
- newData.t = 0;
- newData.key = key;
- newData.value = value;
- mData->insertMulti(newData.t, newData);
-/*! \overload
- Adds the provided data points as \a t, \a key and \a value tuples to the current data.
- \see removeData
-void QCPCurve::addData(const QVector<double> &ts, const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values)
- int n = ts.size();
- n = qMin(n, keys.size());
- n = qMin(n, values.size());
- QCPCurveData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ tStart = 0;
+ QVector<QCPCurveData> tempData(n);
+ QVector<QCPCurveData>::iterator it = tempData.begin();
+ const QVector<QCPCurveData>::iterator itEnd = tempData.end();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it != itEnd)
- newData.t = ts[i];
- newData.key = keys[i];
- newData.value = values[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.t, newData);
+ it->t = tStart + i;
+ it->key = keys[i];
+ it->value = values[i];
+ ++it;
+ ++i;
+ mDataContainer->add(tempData, true); // don't modify tempData beyond this to prevent copy on write
- Removes all data points with curve parameter t smaller than \a t.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPCurve::removeDataBefore(double t)
- QCPCurveDataMap::iterator it = mData->begin();
- while (it != mData->end() && it.key() < t)
- it = mData->erase(it);
- Removes all data points with curve parameter t greater than \a t.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPCurve::removeDataAfter(double t)
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPCurveDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(t);
- while (it != mData->end())
- it = mData->erase(it);
- Removes all data points with curve parameter t between \a fromt and \a tot. if \a fromt is
- greater or equal to \a tot, the function does nothing. To remove a single data point with known
- t, use \ref removeData(double t).
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided data point as \a t, \a key and \a value to the current data.
- \see addData, clearData
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPCurve::removeData(double fromt, double tot)
+void QCPCurve::addData(double t, double key, double value)
- if (fromt >= tot || mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPCurveDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(fromt);
- QCPCurveDataMap::iterator itEnd = mData->upperBound(tot);
- while (it != itEnd)
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPCurveData(t, key, value));
/*! \overload
- Removes a single data point at curve parameter \a t. If the position is not known with absolute
- precision, consider using \ref removeData(double fromt, double tot) with a small fuzziness
- interval around the suspected position, depeding on the precision with which the curve parameter
- is known.
+ Adds the provided data point as \a key and \a value to the current data.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPCurve::removeData(double t)
- mData->remove(t);
- Removes all data points.
- \see removeData, removeDataAfter, removeDataBefore
+ The t parameter is generated automatically by increments of 1 for each point, starting at the
+ highest t of previously existing data or 0, if the curve data is empty.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPCurve::clearData()
+void QCPCurve::addData(double key, double value)
- mData->clear();
+ if (!mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPCurveData((mDataContainer->constEnd()-1)->t + 1.0, key, value));
+ else
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPCurveData(0.0, key, value));
/* inherits documentation from base class */
double QCPCurve::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if ((onlySelectable && !mSelectable) || mData->isEmpty())
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
return -1;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- return pointDistance(pos);
- else
+ {
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ double result = pointDistance(pos, closestDataPoint);
+ if (details)
+ {
+ int pointIndex = closestDataPoint-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(pointIndex, pointIndex+1)));
+ }
+ return result;
+ } else
return -1;
/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPCurve::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+ return mDataContainer->keyRange(foundRange, inSignDomain);
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPCurve::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
+ return mDataContainer->valueRange(foundRange, inSignDomain, inKeyRange);
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPCurve::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty()) return;
// allocate line vector:
- QVector<QPointF> *lineData = new QVector<QPointF>;
+ QVector<QPointF> lines, scatters;
- // fill with curve data:
- getCurveData(lineData);
- // check data validity if flag set:
- QCPCurveDataMap::const_iterator it;
- for (it = mData->constBegin(); it != mData->constEnd(); ++it)
- {
- if (QCP::isInvalidData(it.value().t) ||
- QCP::isInvalidData(it.value().key, it.value().value))
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it.key() << "invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
- }
- // draw curve fill:
- if (mainBrush().style() != Qt::NoBrush && mainBrush().color().alpha() != 0)
+ // loop over and draw segments of unselected/selected data:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> selectedSegments, unselectedSegments, allSegments;
+ getDataSegments(selectedSegments, unselectedSegments);
+ allSegments << unselectedSegments << selectedSegments;
+ for (int i=0; i<allSegments.size(); ++i)
+ bool isSelectedSegment = i >= unselectedSegments.size();
+ // fill with curve data:
+ QPen finalCurvePen = mPen; // determine the final pen already here, because the line optimization depends on its stroke width
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ finalCurvePen = mSelectionDecorator->pen();
+ QCPDataRange lineDataRange = isSelectedSegment ? allSegments.at(i) : allSegments.at(i).adjusted(-1, 1); // unselected segments extend lines to bordering selected data point (safe to exceed total data bounds in first/last segment, getCurveLines takes care)
+ getCurveLines(&lines, lineDataRange, finalCurvePen.widthF());
+ // check data validity if flag set:
+ for (QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator it = mDataContainer->constBegin(); it != mDataContainer->constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (QCP::isInvalidData(it->t) ||
+ QCP::isInvalidData(it->key, it->value))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it->key << "invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+ }
+ #endif
+ // draw curve fill:
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyBrush(painter);
+ else
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
- painter->setBrush(mainBrush());
- painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF(*lineData));
- }
- // draw curve line:
- if (mLineStyle != lsNone && mainPen().style() != Qt::NoPen && mainPen().color().alpha() != 0)
- {
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mainPen());
- painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- // if drawing solid line and not in PDF, use much faster line drawing instead of polyline:
- if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phFastPolylines) &&
- painter->pen().style() == Qt::SolidLine &&
- !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmVectorized) &&
- !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNoCaching))
- {
- int i = 0;
- bool lastIsNan = false;
- const int lineDataSize = lineData->size();
- while (i < lineDataSize && (qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).y()) || qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).x()))) // make sure first point is not NaN
- ++i;
- ++i; // because drawing works in 1 point retrospect
- while (i < lineDataSize)
- {
- if (!qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).y()) && !qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).x())) // NaNs create a gap in the line
- {
- if (!lastIsNan)
- painter->drawLine(lineData->at(i-1), lineData->at(i));
- else
- lastIsNan = false;
- } else
- lastIsNan = true;
- ++i;
- }
- } else
+ if (painter->brush().style() != Qt::NoBrush && painter->brush().color().alpha() != 0)
+ painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF(lines));
+ // draw curve line:
+ if (mLineStyle != lsNone)
+ {
+ painter->setPen(finalCurvePen);
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ drawCurveLine(painter, lines);
+ }
+ // draw scatters:
+ QCPScatterStyle finalScatterStyle = mScatterStyle;
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ finalScatterStyle = mSelectionDecorator->getFinalScatterStyle(mScatterStyle);
+ if (!finalScatterStyle.isNone())
- int segmentStart = 0;
- int i = 0;
- const int lineDataSize = lineData->size();
- while (i < lineDataSize)
- {
- if (qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).y()) || qIsNaN(lineData->at(i).x())) // NaNs create a gap in the line
- {
- painter->drawPolyline(lineData->constData()+segmentStart, i-segmentStart); // i, because we don't want to include the current NaN point
- segmentStart = i+1;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- // draw last segment:
- painter->drawPolyline(lineData->constData()+segmentStart, lineDataSize-segmentStart);
+ getScatters(&scatters, allSegments.at(i), finalScatterStyle.size());
+ drawScatterPlot(painter, scatters, finalScatterStyle);
- // draw scatters:
- if (!mScatterStyle.isNone())
- drawScatterPlot(painter, lineData);
- // free allocated line data:
- delete lineData;
+ // draw other selection decoration that isn't just line/scatter pens and brushes:
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->drawDecoration(painter, selection());
/* inherits documentation from base class */
@@ -17196,56 +21833,92 @@ void QCPCurve::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
+/*! \internal
+ Draws lines between the points in \a lines, given in pixel coordinates.
+ \see drawScatterPlot, getCurveLines
+void QCPCurve::drawCurveLine(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lines) const
+ if (painter->pen().style() != Qt::NoPen && painter->pen().color().alpha() != 0)
+ {
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ drawPolyline(painter, lines);
+ }
/*! \internal
- Draws scatter symbols at every data point passed in \a pointData. scatter symbols are independent of
- the line style and are always drawn if scatter shape is not \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone.
+ Draws scatter symbols at every point passed in \a points, given in pixel coordinates. The
+ scatters will be drawn with \a painter and have the appearance as specified in \a style.
+ \see drawCurveLine, getCurveLines
-void QCPCurve::drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> *pointData) const
+void QCPCurve::drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &points, const QCPScatterStyle &style) const
// draw scatter point symbols:
- mScatterStyle.applyTo(painter, mPen);
- for (int i=0; i<pointData->size(); ++i)
- if (!qIsNaN(pointData->at(i).x()) && !qIsNaN(pointData->at(i).y()))
- mScatterStyle.drawShape(painter, pointData->at(i));
+ style.applyTo(painter, mPen);
+ for (int i=0; i<points.size(); ++i)
+ if (!qIsNaN(points.at(i).x()) && !qIsNaN(points.at(i).y()))
+ style.drawShape(painter, points.at(i));
/*! \internal
- called by QCPCurve::draw to generate a point vector (in pixel coordinates) which represents the
- line of the curve.
+ Called by \ref draw to generate points in pixel coordinates which represent the line of the
+ curve.
Line segments that aren't visible in the current axis rect are handled in an optimized way. They
are projected onto a rectangle slightly larger than the visible axis rect and simplified
regarding point count. The algorithm makes sure to preserve appearance of lines and fills inside
the visible axis rect by generating new temporary points on the outer rect if necessary.
+ \a lines will be filled with points in pixel coordinates, that can be drawn with \ref
+ drawCurveLine.
+ \a dataRange specifies the beginning and ending data indices that will be taken into account for
+ conversion. In this function, the specified range may exceed the total data bounds without harm:
+ a correspondingly trimmed data range will be used. This takes the burden off the user of this
+ function to check for valid indices in \a dataRange, e.g. when extending ranges coming from \ref
+ getDataSegments.
+ \a penWidth specifies the pen width that will be used to later draw the lines generated by this
+ function. This is needed here to calculate an accordingly wider margin around the axis rect when
+ performing the line optimization.
Methods that are also involved in the algorithm are: \ref getRegion, \ref getOptimizedPoint, \ref
getOptimizedCornerPoints \ref mayTraverse, \ref getTraverse, \ref getTraverseCornerPoints.
+ \see drawCurveLine, drawScatterPlot
-void QCPCurve::getCurveData(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
+void QCPCurve::getCurveLines(QVector<QPointF> *lines, const QCPDataRange &dataRange, double penWidth) const
+ if (!lines) return;
+ lines->clear();
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
// add margins to rect to compensate for stroke width
- double strokeMargin = qMax(qreal(1.0), qreal(mainPen().widthF()*0.75)); // stroke radius + 50% safety
- if (!mScatterStyle.isNone())
- strokeMargin = qMax(strokeMargin, mScatterStyle.size());
- double rectLeft = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(keyAxis->range().lower)-strokeMargin*((keyAxis->orientation()==Qt::Vertical)!=keyAxis->rangeReversed()?-1:1));
- double rectRight = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(keyAxis->range().upper)+strokeMargin*((keyAxis->orientation()==Qt::Vertical)!=keyAxis->rangeReversed()?-1:1));
- double rectBottom = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(valueAxis->coordToPixel(valueAxis->range().lower)+strokeMargin*((valueAxis->orientation()==Qt::Horizontal)!=valueAxis->rangeReversed()?-1:1));
- double rectTop = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(valueAxis->coordToPixel(valueAxis->range().upper)-strokeMargin*((valueAxis->orientation()==Qt::Horizontal)!=valueAxis->rangeReversed()?-1:1));
- int currentRegion;
- QCPCurveDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- QCPCurveDataMap::const_iterator prevIt = mData->constEnd()-1;
- int prevRegion = getRegion(prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom);
+ const double strokeMargin = qMax(qreal(1.0), qreal(penWidth*0.75)); // stroke radius + 50% safety
+ const double keyMin = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(keyAxis->range().lower)-strokeMargin*keyAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ const double keyMax = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(keyAxis->range().upper)+strokeMargin*keyAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ const double valueMin = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(valueAxis->coordToPixel(valueAxis->range().lower)-strokeMargin*valueAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ const double valueMax = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(valueAxis->coordToPixel(valueAxis->range().upper)+strokeMargin*valueAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator itBegin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator itEnd = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ mDataContainer->limitIteratorsToDataRange(itBegin, itEnd, dataRange);
+ if (itBegin == itEnd)
+ return;
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator it = itBegin;
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator prevIt = itEnd-1;
+ int prevRegion = getRegion(prevIt->key, prevIt->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin);
QVector<QPointF> trailingPoints; // points that must be applied after all other points (are generated only when handling first point to get virtual segment between last and first point right)
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ while (it != itEnd)
- currentRegion = getRegion(it.value().key, it.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom);
+ const int currentRegion = getRegion(it->key, it->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin);
if (currentRegion != prevRegion) // changed region, possibly need to add some optimized edge points or original points if entering R
if (currentRegion != 5) // segment doesn't end in R, so it's a candidate for removal
@@ -17253,44 +21926,44 @@ void QCPCurve::getCurveData(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
QPointF crossA, crossB;
if (prevRegion == 5) // we're coming from R, so add this point optimized
- lineData->append(getOptimizedPoint(currentRegion, it.value().key, it.value().value, prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom));
+ lines->append(getOptimizedPoint(currentRegion, it->key, it->value, prevIt->key, prevIt->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin));
// in the situations 5->1/7/9/3 the segment may leave R and directly cross through two outer regions. In these cases we need to add an additional corner point
- *lineData << getOptimizedCornerPoints(prevRegion, currentRegion, prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, it.value().key, it.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom);
+ *lines << getOptimizedCornerPoints(prevRegion, currentRegion, prevIt->key, prevIt->value, it->key, it->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin);
} else if (mayTraverse(prevRegion, currentRegion) &&
- getTraverse(prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, it.value().key, it.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom, crossA, crossB))
+ getTraverse(prevIt->key, prevIt->value, it->key, it->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin, crossA, crossB))
// add the two cross points optimized if segment crosses R and if segment isn't virtual zeroth segment between last and first curve point:
QVector<QPointF> beforeTraverseCornerPoints, afterTraverseCornerPoints;
- getTraverseCornerPoints(prevRegion, currentRegion, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom, beforeTraverseCornerPoints, afterTraverseCornerPoints);
- if (it != mData->constBegin())
+ getTraverseCornerPoints(prevRegion, currentRegion, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin, beforeTraverseCornerPoints, afterTraverseCornerPoints);
+ if (it != itBegin)
- *lineData << beforeTraverseCornerPoints;
- lineData->append(crossA);
- lineData->append(crossB);
- *lineData << afterTraverseCornerPoints;
+ *lines << beforeTraverseCornerPoints;
+ lines->append(crossA);
+ lines->append(crossB);
+ *lines << afterTraverseCornerPoints;
} else
- lineData->append(crossB);
- *lineData << afterTraverseCornerPoints;
+ lines->append(crossB);
+ *lines << afterTraverseCornerPoints;
trailingPoints << beforeTraverseCornerPoints << crossA ;
} else // doesn't cross R, line is just moving around in outside regions, so only need to add optimized point(s) at the boundary corner(s)
- *lineData << getOptimizedCornerPoints(prevRegion, currentRegion, prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, it.value().key, it.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom);
+ *lines << getOptimizedCornerPoints(prevRegion, currentRegion, prevIt->key, prevIt->value, it->key, it->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin);
} else // segment does end in R, so we add previous point optimized and this point at original position
- if (it == mData->constBegin()) // it is first point in curve and prevIt is last one. So save optimized point for adding it to the lineData in the end
- trailingPoints << getOptimizedPoint(prevRegion, prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, it.value().key, it.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom);
+ if (it == itBegin) // it is first point in curve and prevIt is last one. So save optimized point for adding it to the lineData in the end
+ trailingPoints << getOptimizedPoint(prevRegion, prevIt->key, prevIt->value, it->key, it->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin);
- lineData->append(getOptimizedPoint(prevRegion, prevIt.value().key, prevIt.value().value, it.value().key, it.value().value, rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom));
- lineData->append(coordsToPixels(it.value().key, it.value().value));
+ lines->append(getOptimizedPoint(prevRegion, prevIt->key, prevIt->value, it->key, it->value, keyMin, valueMax, keyMax, valueMin));
+ lines->append(coordsToPixels(it->key, it->value));
} else // region didn't change
if (currentRegion == 5) // still in R, keep adding original points
- lineData->append(coordsToPixels(it.value().key, it.value().value));
+ lines->append(coordsToPixels(it->key, it->value));
} else // still outside R, no need to add anything
// see how this is not doing anything? That's the main optimization...
@@ -17300,50 +21973,150 @@ void QCPCurve::getCurveData(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const
prevRegion = currentRegion;
- *lineData << trailingPoints;
+ *lines << trailingPoints;
/*! \internal
+ Called by \ref draw to generate points in pixel coordinates which represent the scatters of the
+ curve. If a scatter skip is configured (\ref setScatterSkip), the returned points are accordingly
+ sparser.
+ Scatters that aren't visible in the current axis rect are optimized away.
+ \a scatters will be filled with points in pixel coordinates, that can be drawn with \ref
+ drawScatterPlot.
+ \a dataRange specifies the beginning and ending data indices that will be taken into account for
+ conversion.
+ \a scatterWidth specifies the scatter width that will be used to later draw the scatters at pixel
+ coordinates generated by this function. This is needed here to calculate an accordingly wider
+ margin around the axis rect when performing the data point reduction.
+ \see draw, drawScatterPlot
+void QCPCurve::getScatters(QVector<QPointF> *scatters, const QCPDataRange &dataRange, double scatterWidth) const
+ if (!scatters) return;
+ scatters->clear();
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveData.
- It returns the region of the given point (\a x, \a y) with respect to a rectangle defined by \a
- rectLeft, \a rectTop, \a rectRight, and \a rectBottom.
- The regions are enumerated from top to bottom and left to right:
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator begin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ mDataContainer->limitIteratorsToDataRange(begin, end, dataRange);
+ if (begin == end)
+ return;
+ const int scatterModulo = mScatterSkip+1;
+ const bool doScatterSkip = mScatterSkip > 0;
+ int endIndex = end-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QCPRange keyRange = keyAxis->range();
+ QCPRange valueRange = valueAxis->range();
+ // extend range to include width of scatter symbols:
+ keyRange.lower = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(keyRange.lower)-scatterWidth*keyAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ keyRange.upper = keyAxis->pixelToCoord(keyAxis->coordToPixel(keyRange.upper)+scatterWidth*keyAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ valueRange.lower = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(valueAxis->coordToPixel(valueRange.lower)-scatterWidth*valueAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ valueRange.upper = valueAxis->pixelToCoord(valueAxis->coordToPixel(valueRange.upper)+scatterWidth*valueAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin;
+ int itIndex = begin-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ while (doScatterSkip && it != end && itIndex % scatterModulo != 0) // advance begin iterator to first non-skipped scatter
+ {
+ ++itIndex;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ {
+ while (it != end)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->value) && keyRange.contains(it->key) && valueRange.contains(it->value))
+ scatters->append(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->value), keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key)));
+ // advance iterator to next (non-skipped) data point:
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ ++it;
+ else
+ {
+ itIndex += scatterModulo;
+ if (itIndex < endIndex) // make sure we didn't jump over end
+ it += scatterModulo;
+ else
+ {
+ it = end;
+ itIndex = endIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ while (it != end)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->value) && keyRange.contains(it->key) && valueRange.contains(it->value))
+ scatters->append(QPointF(keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key), valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->value)));
+ // advance iterator to next (non-skipped) data point:
+ if (!doScatterSkip)
+ ++it;
+ else
+ {
+ itIndex += scatterModulo;
+ if (itIndex < endIndex) // make sure we didn't jump over end
+ it += scatterModulo;
+ else
+ {
+ it = end;
+ itIndex = endIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveLines.
+ It returns the region of the given point (\a key, \a value) with respect to a rectangle defined
+ by \a keyMin, \a keyMax, \a valueMin, and \a valueMax.
+ The regions are enumerated from top to bottom (\a valueMin to \a valueMax) and left to right (\a
+ keyMin to \a keyMax):
<table style="width:10em; text-align:center">
<tr><td>2</td><td style="border:1px solid black">5</td><td>8</td></tr>
With the rectangle being region 5, and the outer regions extending infinitely outwards. In the
curve optimization algorithm, region 5 is considered to be the visible portion of the plot.
-int QCPCurve::getRegion(double x, double y, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom) const
+int QCPCurve::getRegion(double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin) const
- if (x < rectLeft) // region 123
+ if (key < keyMin) // region 123
- if (y > rectTop)
+ if (value > valueMax)
return 1;
- else if (y < rectBottom)
+ else if (value < valueMin)
return 3;
return 2;
- } else if (x > rectRight) // region 789
+ } else if (key > keyMax) // region 789
- if (y > rectTop)
+ if (value > valueMax)
return 7;
- else if (y < rectBottom)
+ else if (value < valueMin)
return 9;
return 8;
} else // region 456
- if (y > rectTop)
+ if (value > valueMax)
return 4;
- else if (y < rectBottom)
+ else if (value < valueMin)
return 6;
return 5;
@@ -17352,7 +22125,7 @@ int QCPCurve::getRegion(double x, double y, double rectLeft, double rectTop, dou
/*! \internal
- This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveData.
+ This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveLines.
This method is used in case the current segment passes from inside the visible rect (region 5,
see \ref getRegion) to any of the outer regions (\a otherRegion). The current segment is given by
@@ -17365,43 +22138,43 @@ int QCPCurve::getRegion(double x, double y, double rectLeft, double rectTop, dou
leaving it. It is important though that \a otherRegion correctly identifies the other region not
equal to 5.
-QPointF QCPCurve::getOptimizedPoint(int otherRegion, double otherKey, double otherValue, double key, double value, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom) const
+QPointF QCPCurve::getOptimizedPoint(int otherRegion, double otherKey, double otherValue, double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin) const
- double intersectKey = rectLeft; // initial value is just fail-safe
- double intersectValue = rectTop; // initial value is just fail-safe
+ double intersectKey = keyMin; // initial value is just fail-safe
+ double intersectValue = valueMax; // initial value is just fail-safe
switch (otherRegion)
case 1: // top and left edge
- intersectValue = rectTop;
+ intersectValue = valueMax;
intersectKey = otherKey + (key-otherKey)/(value-otherValue)*(intersectValue-otherValue);
- if (intersectKey < rectLeft || intersectKey > rectRight) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
+ if (intersectKey < keyMin || intersectKey > keyMax) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
- intersectKey = rectLeft;
+ intersectKey = keyMin;
intersectValue = otherValue + (value-otherValue)/(key-otherKey)*(intersectKey-otherKey);
case 2: // left edge
- intersectKey = rectLeft;
+ intersectKey = keyMin;
intersectValue = otherValue + (value-otherValue)/(key-otherKey)*(intersectKey-otherKey);
case 3: // bottom and left edge
- intersectValue = rectBottom;
+ intersectValue = valueMin;
intersectKey = otherKey + (key-otherKey)/(value-otherValue)*(intersectValue-otherValue);
- if (intersectKey < rectLeft || intersectKey > rectRight) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
+ if (intersectKey < keyMin || intersectKey > keyMax) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
- intersectKey = rectLeft;
+ intersectKey = keyMin;
intersectValue = otherValue + (value-otherValue)/(key-otherKey)*(intersectKey-otherKey);
case 4: // top edge
- intersectValue = rectTop;
+ intersectValue = valueMax;
intersectKey = otherKey + (key-otherKey)/(value-otherValue)*(intersectValue-otherValue);
@@ -17411,34 +22184,34 @@ QPointF QCPCurve::getOptimizedPoint(int otherRegion, double otherKey, double oth
case 6: // bottom edge
- intersectValue = rectBottom;
+ intersectValue = valueMin;
intersectKey = otherKey + (key-otherKey)/(value-otherValue)*(intersectValue-otherValue);
case 7: // top and right edge
- intersectValue = rectTop;
+ intersectValue = valueMax;
intersectKey = otherKey + (key-otherKey)/(value-otherValue)*(intersectValue-otherValue);
- if (intersectKey < rectLeft || intersectKey > rectRight) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
+ if (intersectKey < keyMin || intersectKey > keyMax) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
- intersectKey = rectRight;
+ intersectKey = keyMax;
intersectValue = otherValue + (value-otherValue)/(key-otherKey)*(intersectKey-otherKey);
case 8: // right edge
- intersectKey = rectRight;
+ intersectKey = keyMax;
intersectValue = otherValue + (value-otherValue)/(key-otherKey)*(intersectKey-otherKey);
case 9: // bottom and right edge
- intersectValue = rectBottom;
+ intersectValue = valueMin;
intersectKey = otherKey + (key-otherKey)/(value-otherValue)*(intersectValue-otherValue);
- if (intersectKey < rectLeft || intersectKey > rectRight) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
+ if (intersectKey < keyMin || intersectKey > keyMax) // doesn't intersect, so must intersect other:
- intersectKey = rectRight;
+ intersectKey = keyMax;
intersectValue = otherValue + (value-otherValue)/(key-otherKey)*(intersectKey-otherKey);
@@ -17449,7 +22222,7 @@ QPointF QCPCurve::getOptimizedPoint(int otherRegion, double otherKey, double oth
/*! \internal
- This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveData.
+ This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveLines.
In situations where a single segment skips over multiple regions it might become necessary to add
extra points at the corners of region 5 (see \ref getRegion) such that the optimized segment
@@ -17465,7 +22238,7 @@ QPointF QCPCurve::getOptimizedPoint(int otherRegion, double otherKey, double oth
the top left corner, making the optimized curve correctly pass from region 4 to 1 to 2 without
traversing 5.
-QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom) const
+QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin) const
QVector<QPointF> result;
switch (prevRegion)
@@ -17474,17 +22247,17 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
case 9: { // in this case we need another distinction of cases: segment may pass below or above rect, requiring either bottom right or top left corner points
- if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(rectLeft-key)+value < rectBottom) // segment passes below R
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); }
+ if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(keyMin-key)+value < valueMin) // segment passes below R
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); }
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); }
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); }
@@ -17494,12 +22267,12 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
@@ -17507,17 +22280,17 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
case 7: { // in this case we need another distinction of cases: segment may pass below or above rect, requiring either bottom right or top left corner points
- if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(rectRight-key)+value < rectBottom) // segment passes below R
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); }
+ if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(keyMax-key)+value < valueMin) // segment passes below R
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); }
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); }
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); }
@@ -17527,12 +22300,12 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
@@ -17540,10 +22313,10 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
@@ -17551,12 +22324,12 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
@@ -17564,17 +22337,17 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
case 3: { // in this case we need another distinction of cases: segment may pass below or above rect, requiring either bottom right or top left corner points
- if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(rectRight-key)+value < rectBottom) // segment passes below R
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); }
+ if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(keyMax-key)+value < valueMin) // segment passes below R
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); }
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); }
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); }
@@ -17584,12 +22357,12 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 1: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
@@ -17597,17 +22370,17 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
switch (currentRegion)
- case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); break; }
- case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 6: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 8: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 3: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 7: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 2: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); break; }
+ case 4: { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); break; }
case 1: { // in this case we need another distinction of cases: segment may pass below or above rect, requiring either bottom right or top left corner points
- if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(rectLeft-key)+value < rectBottom) // segment passes below R
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); }
+ if ((value-prevValue)/(key-prevKey)*(keyMin-key)+value < valueMin) // segment passes below R
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); }
- { result << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom) << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); }
+ { result << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin) << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); result.append(result.last()); result << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); }
@@ -17619,17 +22392,216 @@ QVector<QPointF> QCPCurve::getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentR
/*! \internal
- This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveData.
+ This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveLines.
+ This method returns whether a segment going from \a prevRegion to \a currentRegion (see \ref
+ getRegion) may traverse the visible region 5. This function assumes that neither \a prevRegion
+ nor \a currentRegion is 5 itself.
+ If this method returns false, the segment for sure doesn't pass region 5. If it returns true, the
+ segment may or may not pass region 5 and a more fine-grained calculation must be used (\ref
+ getTraverse).
+bool QCPCurve::mayTraverse(int prevRegion, int currentRegion) const
+ switch (prevRegion)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ case 7:
+ case 2:
+ case 3: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 3: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 6:
+ case 9: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 7: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 5: return false; // should never occur
+ case 6:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ case 9: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 7:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ case 9: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 8:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 7:
+ case 9: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ case 9:
+ {
+ switch (currentRegion)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ case 6:
+ case 8:
+ case 7: return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ default: return true;
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveLines.
+ This method assumes that the \ref mayTraverse test has returned true, so there is a chance the
+ segment defined by (\a prevKey, \a prevValue) and (\a key, \a value) goes through the visible
+ region 5.
+ The return value of this method indicates whether the segment actually traverses region 5 or not.
+ If the segment traverses 5, the output parameters \a crossA and \a crossB indicate the entry and
+ exit points of region 5. They will become the optimized points for that segment.
+bool QCPCurve::getTraverse(double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin, QPointF &crossA, QPointF &crossB) const
+ QList<QPointF> intersections; // x of QPointF corresponds to key and y to value
+ if (qFuzzyIsNull(key-prevKey)) // line is parallel to value axis
+ {
+ // due to region filter in mayTraverseR(), if line is parallel to value or key axis, R is traversed here
+ intersections.append(QPointF(key, valueMin)); // direction will be taken care of at end of method
+ intersections.append(QPointF(key, valueMax));
+ } else if (qFuzzyIsNull(value-prevValue)) // line is parallel to key axis
+ {
+ // due to region filter in mayTraverseR(), if line is parallel to value or key axis, R is traversed here
+ intersections.append(QPointF(keyMin, value)); // direction will be taken care of at end of method
+ intersections.append(QPointF(keyMax, value));
+ } else // line is skewed
+ {
+ double gamma;
+ double keyPerValue = (key-prevKey)/(value-prevValue);
+ // check top of rect:
+ gamma = prevKey + (valueMax-prevValue)*keyPerValue;
+ if (gamma >= keyMin && gamma <= keyMax)
+ intersections.append(QPointF(gamma, valueMax));
+ // check bottom of rect:
+ gamma = prevKey + (valueMin-prevValue)*keyPerValue;
+ if (gamma >= keyMin && gamma <= keyMax)
+ intersections.append(QPointF(gamma, valueMin));
+ double valuePerKey = 1.0/keyPerValue;
+ // check left of rect:
+ gamma = prevValue + (keyMin-prevKey)*valuePerKey;
+ if (gamma >= valueMin && gamma <= valueMax)
+ intersections.append(QPointF(keyMin, gamma));
+ // check right of rect:
+ gamma = prevValue + (keyMax-prevKey)*valuePerKey;
+ if (gamma >= valueMin && gamma <= valueMax)
+ intersections.append(QPointF(keyMax, gamma));
+ }
+ // handle cases where found points isn't exactly 2:
+ if (intersections.size() > 2)
+ {
+ // line probably goes through corner of rect, and we got duplicate points there. single out the point pair with greatest distance in between:
+ double distSqrMax = 0;
+ QPointF pv1, pv2;
+ for (int i=0; i<intersections.size()-1; ++i)
+ {
+ for (int k=i+1; k<intersections.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ QPointF distPoint = intersections.at(i)-intersections.at(k);
+ double distSqr = distPoint.x()*distPoint.x()+distPoint.y()+distPoint.y();
+ if (distSqr > distSqrMax)
+ {
+ pv1 = intersections.at(i);
+ pv2 = intersections.at(k);
+ distSqrMax = distSqr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ intersections = QList<QPointF>() << pv1 << pv2;
+ } else if (intersections.size() != 2)
+ {
+ // one or even zero points found (shouldn't happen unless line perfectly tangent to corner), no need to draw segment
+ return false;
+ }
+ // possibly re-sort points so optimized point segment has same direction as original segment:
+ if ((key-prevKey)*(intersections.at(1).x()-intersections.at(0).x()) + (value-prevValue)*(intersections.at(1).y()-intersections.at(0).y()) < 0) // scalar product of both segments < 0 -> opposite direction
+ intersections.move(0, 1);
+ crossA = coordsToPixels(intersections.at(0).x(), intersections.at(0).y());
+ crossB = coordsToPixels(intersections.at(1).x(), intersections.at(1).y());
+ return true;
+/*! \internal
+ This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveLines.
+ This method assumes that the \ref getTraverse test has returned true, so the segment definitely
+ traverses the visible region 5 when going from \a prevRegion to \a currentRegion.
+ In certain situations it is not sufficient to merely generate the entry and exit points of the
+ segment into/out of region 5, as \ref getTraverse provides. It may happen that a single segment, in
+ addition to traversing region 5, skips another region outside of region 5, which makes it
+ necessary to add an optimized corner point there (very similar to the job \ref
+ getOptimizedCornerPoints does for segments that are completely in outside regions and don't
+ traverse 5).
- This method returns whether a segment going from \a prevRegion to \a currentRegion (see \ref
- getRegion) may traverse the visible region 5. This function assumes that neither \a prevRegion
- nor \a currentRegion is 5 itself.
+ As an example, consider a segment going from region 1 to region 6, traversing the lower left
+ corner of region 5. In this configuration, the segment additionally crosses the border between
+ region 1 and 2 before entering region 5. This makes it necessary to add an additional point in
+ the top left corner, before adding the optimized traverse points. So in this case, the output
+ parameter \a beforeTraverse will contain the top left corner point, and \a afterTraverse will be
+ empty.
- If this method returns false, the segment for sure doesn't pass region 5. If it returns true, the
- segment may or may not pass region 5 and a more fine-grained calculation must be used (\ref
- getTraverse).
+ In some cases, such as when going from region 1 to 9, it may even be necessary to add additional
+ corner points before and after the traverse. Then both \a beforeTraverse and \a afterTraverse
+ return the respective corner points.
-bool QCPCurve::mayTraverse(int prevRegion, int currentRegion) const
+void QCPCurve::getTraverseCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin, QVector<QPointF> &beforeTraverse, QVector<QPointF> &afterTraverse) const
switch (prevRegion)
@@ -17637,3529 +22609,4747 @@ bool QCPCurve::mayTraverse(int prevRegion, int currentRegion) const
switch (currentRegion)
- case 4:
- case 7:
- case 2:
- case 3: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 6: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 8: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ break;
case 2:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1:
- case 3: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 7: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 9: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ break;
case 3:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 6:
- case 9: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 4: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 7: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 8: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ break;
case 4:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1:
- case 7: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 3: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 9: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ break;
- case 5: return false; // should never occur
+ case 5: { break; } // shouldn't happen because this method only handles full traverses
case 6:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 3:
- case 9: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 1: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 7: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ break;
case 7:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 8:
- case 9: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 2: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ case 3: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ case 6: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMax); break; }
+ break;
case 8:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 7:
- case 9: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 1: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 3: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMin); break; }
+ break;
case 9:
switch (currentRegion)
- case 3:
- case 6:
- case 8:
- case 7: return false;
- default: return true;
+ case 2: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ case 1: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMin, valueMax); break; }
+ case 4: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(keyMax, valueMin); break; }
+ break;
- default: return true;
/*! \internal
- This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveData.
+ Calculates the (minimum) distance (in pixels) the curve's representation has from the given \a
+ pixelPoint in pixels. This is used to determine whether the curve was clicked or not, e.g. in
+ \ref selectTest. The closest data point to \a pixelPoint is returned in \a closestData. Note that
+ if the curve has a line representation, the returned distance may be smaller than the distance to
+ the \a closestData point, since the distance to the curve line is also taken into account.
+ If either the curve has no data or if the line style is \ref lsNone and the scatter style's shape
+ is \ref QCPScatterStyle::ssNone (i.e. there is no visual representation of the curve), returns
+ -1.0.
+double QCPCurve::pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const
+ closestData = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1.0;
+ if (mLineStyle == lsNone && mScatterStyle.isNone())
+ return -1.0;
- This method assumes that the \ref mayTraverse test has returned true, so there is a chance the
- segment defined by (\a prevKey, \a prevValue) and (\a key, \a value) goes through the visible
- region 5.
+ if (mDataContainer->size() == 1)
+ {
+ QPointF dataPoint = coordsToPixels(mDataContainer->constBegin()->key, mDataContainer->constBegin()->value);
+ closestData = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ return QCPVector2D(dataPoint-pixelPoint).length();
+ }
- The return value of this method indicates whether the segment actually traverses region 5 or not.
+ // calculate minimum distances to curve data points and find closestData iterator:
+ double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ // iterate over found data points and then choose the one with the shortest distance to pos:
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator begin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ for (QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ const double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(coordsToPixels(it->key, it->value)-pixelPoint).lengthSquared();
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestData = it;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate distance to line if there is one (if so, will probably be smaller than distance to closest data point):
+ if (mLineStyle != lsNone)
+ {
+ QVector<QPointF> lines;
+ getCurveLines(&lines, QCPDataRange(0, dataCount()), mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*1.2); // optimized lines outside axis rect shouldn't respond to clicks at the edge, so use 1.2*tolerance as pen width
+ for (int i=0; i<lines.size()-1; ++i)
+ {
+ double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pixelPoint).distanceSquaredToLine(lines.at(i), lines.at(i+1));
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ }
+ }
+ return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-curve.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-bars.cpp', size 43512 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPBarsGroup
+/*! \class QCPBarsGroup
+ \brief Groups multiple QCPBars together so they appear side by side
+ \image html QCPBarsGroup.png
+ When showing multiple QCPBars in one plot which have bars at identical keys, it may be desirable
+ to have them appearing next to each other at each key. This is what adding the respective QCPBars
+ plottables to a QCPBarsGroup achieves. (An alternative approach is to stack them on top of each
+ other, see \ref QCPBars::moveAbove.)
+ \section qcpbarsgroup-usage Usage
+ To add a QCPBars plottable to the group, create a new group and then add the respective bars
+ intances:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbarsgroup-creation
+ Alternatively to appending to the group like shown above, you can also set the group on the
+ QCPBars plottable via \ref QCPBars::setBarsGroup.
+ The spacing between the bars can be configured via \ref setSpacingType and \ref setSpacing. The
+ bars in this group appear in the plot in the order they were appended. To insert a bars plottable
+ at a certain index position, or to reposition a bars plottable which is already in the group, use
+ \ref insert.
+ To remove specific bars from the group, use either \ref remove or call \ref
+ QCPBars::setBarsGroup "QCPBars::setBarsGroup(0)" on the respective bars plottable.
+ To clear the entire group, call \ref clear, or simply delete the group.
+ \section qcpbarsgroup-example Example
+ The image above is generated with the following code:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp qcpbarsgroup-example
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QList<QCPBars*> QCPBarsGroup::bars() const
+ Returns all bars currently in this group.
+ \see bars(int index)
+/*! \fn int QCPBarsGroup::size() const
+ Returns the number of QCPBars plottables that are part of this group.
+/*! \fn bool QCPBarsGroup::isEmpty() const
+ Returns whether this bars group is empty.
+ \see size
+/*! \fn bool QCPBarsGroup::contains(QCPBars *bars)
+ Returns whether the specified \a bars plottable is part of this group.
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs a new bars group for the specified QCustomPlot instance.
+QCPBarsGroup::QCPBarsGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
+ QObject(parentPlot),
+ mParentPlot(parentPlot),
+ mSpacingType(stAbsolute),
+ mSpacing(4)
+ clear();
+ Sets how the spacing between adjacent bars is interpreted. See \ref SpacingType.
+ The actual spacing can then be specified with \ref setSpacing.
+ \see setSpacing
+void QCPBarsGroup::setSpacingType(SpacingType spacingType)
+ mSpacingType = spacingType;
+ Sets the spacing between adjacent bars. What the number passed as \a spacing actually means, is
+ defined by the current \ref SpacingType, which can be set with \ref setSpacingType.
+ \see setSpacingType
+void QCPBarsGroup::setSpacing(double spacing)
+ mSpacing = spacing;
+ Returns the QCPBars instance with the specified \a index in this group. If no such QCPBars
+ exists, returns 0.
+ \see bars(), size
+QCPBars *QCPBarsGroup::bars(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mBars.size())
+ {
+ return mBars.at(index);
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index out of bounds:" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Removes all QCPBars plottables from this group.
+ \see isEmpty
+void QCPBarsGroup::clear()
+ foreach (QCPBars *bars, mBars) // since foreach takes a copy, removing bars in the loop is okay
+ bars->setBarsGroup(0); // removes itself via removeBars
+ Adds the specified \a bars plottable to this group. Alternatively, you can also use \ref
+ QCPBars::setBarsGroup on the \a bars instance.
+ \see insert, remove
+void QCPBarsGroup::append(QCPBars *bars)
+ if (!bars)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars is 0";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!mBars.contains(bars))
+ bars->setBarsGroup(this);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars plottable is already in this bars group:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(bars);
+ Inserts the specified \a bars plottable into this group at the specified index position \a i.
+ This gives you full control over the ordering of the bars.
- If the segment traverses 5, the output parameters \a crossA and \a crossB indicate the entry and
- exit points of region 5. They will become the optimized points for that segment.
+ \a bars may already be part of this group. In that case, \a bars is just moved to the new index
+ position.
+ \see append, remove
-bool QCPCurve::getTraverse(double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom, QPointF &crossA, QPointF &crossB) const
+void QCPBarsGroup::insert(int i, QCPBars *bars)
- QList<QPointF> intersections; // x of QPointF corresponds to key and y to value
- if (qFuzzyIsNull(key-prevKey)) // line is parallel to value axis
- {
- // due to region filter in mayTraverseR(), if line is parallel to value or key axis, R is traversed here
- intersections.append(QPointF(key, rectBottom)); // direction will be taken care of at end of method
- intersections.append(QPointF(key, rectTop));
- } else if (qFuzzyIsNull(value-prevValue)) // line is parallel to key axis
- {
- // due to region filter in mayTraverseR(), if line is parallel to value or key axis, R is traversed here
- intersections.append(QPointF(rectLeft, value)); // direction will be taken care of at end of method
- intersections.append(QPointF(rectRight, value));
- } else // line is skewed
+ if (!bars)
- double gamma;
- double keyPerValue = (key-prevKey)/(value-prevValue);
- // check top of rect:
- gamma = prevKey + (rectTop-prevValue)*keyPerValue;
- if (gamma >= rectLeft && gamma <= rectRight)
- intersections.append(QPointF(gamma, rectTop));
- // check bottom of rect:
- gamma = prevKey + (rectBottom-prevValue)*keyPerValue;
- if (gamma >= rectLeft && gamma <= rectRight)
- intersections.append(QPointF(gamma, rectBottom));
- double valuePerKey = 1.0/keyPerValue;
- // check left of rect:
- gamma = prevValue + (rectLeft-prevKey)*valuePerKey;
- if (gamma >= rectBottom && gamma <= rectTop)
- intersections.append(QPointF(rectLeft, gamma));
- // check right of rect:
- gamma = prevValue + (rectRight-prevKey)*valuePerKey;
- if (gamma >= rectBottom && gamma <= rectTop)
- intersections.append(QPointF(rectRight, gamma));
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars is 0";
+ return;
- // handle cases where found points isn't exactly 2:
- if (intersections.size() > 2)
- {
- // line probably goes through corner of rect, and we got duplicate points there. single out the point pair with greatest distance in between:
- double distSqrMax = 0;
- QPointF pv1, pv2;
- for (int i=0; i<intersections.size()-1; ++i)
- {
- for (int k=i+1; k<intersections.size(); ++k)
- {
- QPointF distPoint = intersections.at(i)-intersections.at(k);
- double distSqr = distPoint.x()*distPoint.x()+distPoint.y()+distPoint.y();
- if (distSqr > distSqrMax)
- {
- pv1 = intersections.at(i);
- pv2 = intersections.at(k);
- distSqrMax = distSqr;
- }
- }
- }
- intersections = QList<QPointF>() << pv1 << pv2;
- } else if (intersections.size() != 2)
+ // first append to bars list normally:
+ if (!mBars.contains(bars))
+ bars->setBarsGroup(this);
+ // then move to according position:
+ mBars.move(mBars.indexOf(bars), qBound(0, i, mBars.size()-1));
+ Removes the specified \a bars plottable from this group.
+ \see contains, clear
+void QCPBarsGroup::remove(QCPBars *bars)
+ if (!bars)
- // one or even zero points found (shouldn't happen unless line perfectly tangent to corner), no need to draw segment
- return false;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars is 0";
+ return;
- // possibly re-sort points so optimized point segment has same direction as original segment:
- if ((key-prevKey)*(intersections.at(1).x()-intersections.at(0).x()) + (value-prevValue)*(intersections.at(1).y()-intersections.at(0).y()) < 0) // scalar product of both segments < 0 -> opposite direction
- intersections.move(0, 1);
- crossA = coordsToPixels(intersections.at(0).x(), intersections.at(0).y());
- crossB = coordsToPixels(intersections.at(1).x(), intersections.at(1).y());
- return true;
+ if (mBars.contains(bars))
+ bars->setBarsGroup(0);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars plottable is not in this bars group:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(bars);
/*! \internal
- This function is part of the curve optimization algorithm of \ref getCurveData.
+ Adds the specified \a bars to the internal mBars list of bars. This method does not change the
+ barsGroup property on \a bars.
- This method assumes that the \ref getTraverse test has returned true, so the segment definitely
- traverses the visible region 5 when going from \a prevRegion to \a currentRegion.
+ \see unregisterBars
+void QCPBarsGroup::registerBars(QCPBars *bars)
+ if (!mBars.contains(bars))
+ mBars.append(bars);
+/*! \internal
- In certain situations it is not sufficient to merely generate the entry and exit points of the
- segment into/out of region 5, as \ref getTraverse provides. It may happen that a single segment, in
- addition to traversing region 5, skips another region outside of region 5, which makes it
- necessary to add an optimized corner point there (very similar to the job \ref
- getOptimizedCornerPoints does for segments that are completely in outside regions and don't
- traverse 5).
+ Removes the specified \a bars from the internal mBars list of bars. This method does not change
+ the barsGroup property on \a bars.
- As an example, consider a segment going from region 1 to region 6, traversing the lower left
- corner of region 5. In this configuration, the segment additionally crosses the border between
- region 1 and 2 before entering region 5. This makes it necessary to add an additional point in
- the top left corner, before adding the optimized traverse points. So in this case, the output
- parameter \a beforeTraverse will contain the top left corner point, and \a afterTraverse will be
- empty.
+ \see registerBars
+void QCPBarsGroup::unregisterBars(QCPBars *bars)
+ mBars.removeOne(bars);
+/*! \internal
- In some cases, such as when going from region 1 to 9, it may even be necessary to add additional
- corner points before and after the traverse. Then both \a beforeTraverse and \a afterTraverse
- return the respective corner points.
+ Returns the pixel offset in the key dimension the specified \a bars plottable should have at the
+ given key coordinate \a keyCoord. The offset is relative to the pixel position of the key
+ coordinate \a keyCoord.
-void QCPCurve::getTraverseCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom, QVector<QPointF> &beforeTraverse, QVector<QPointF> &afterTraverse) const
+double QCPBarsGroup::keyPixelOffset(const QCPBars *bars, double keyCoord)
- switch (prevRegion)
+ // find list of all base bars in case some mBars are stacked:
+ QList<const QCPBars*> baseBars;
+ foreach (const QCPBars *b, mBars)
- case 1:
- {
- switch (currentRegion)
- {
- case 6: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 8: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
+ while (b->barBelow())
+ b = b->barBelow();
+ if (!baseBars.contains(b))
+ baseBars.append(b);
+ }
+ // find base bar this "bars" is stacked on:
+ const QCPBars *thisBase = bars;
+ while (thisBase->barBelow())
+ thisBase = thisBase->barBelow();
+ // determine key pixel offset of this base bars considering all other base bars in this barsgroup:
+ double result = 0;
+ int index = baseBars.indexOf(thisBase);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ if (baseBars.size() % 2 == 1 && index == (baseBars.size()-1)/2) // is center bar (int division on purpose)
- switch (currentRegion)
- {
- case 7: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 9: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3:
+ return result;
+ } else
- switch (currentRegion)
+ double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth;
+ int startIndex;
+ int dir = (index <= (baseBars.size()-1)/2) ? -1 : 1; // if bar is to lower keys of center, dir is negative
+ if (baseBars.size() % 2 == 0) // even number of bars
- case 4: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 7: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 8: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- switch (currentRegion)
+ startIndex = baseBars.size()/2 + (dir < 0 ? -1 : 0);
+ result += getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at(startIndex), keyCoord)*0.5; // half of middle spacing
+ } else // uneven number of bars
- case 3: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 9: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
+ startIndex = (baseBars.size()-1)/2+dir;
+ baseBars.at((baseBars.size()-1)/2)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
+ result += qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth)*0.5; // half of center bar
+ result += getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at((baseBars.size()-1)/2), keyCoord); // center bar spacing
- break;
- }
- case 5: { break; } // shouldn't happen because this method only handles full traverses
- case 6:
- {
- switch (currentRegion)
+ for (int i = startIndex; i != index; i += dir) // add widths and spacings of bars in between center and our bars
- case 1: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 7: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
+ baseBars.at(i)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
+ result += qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth);
+ result += getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at(i), keyCoord);
- break;
+ // finally half of our bars width:
+ baseBars.at(index)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
+ result += qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth)*0.5;
+ // correct sign of result depending on orientation and direction of key axis:
+ result *= dir*thisBase->keyAxis()->pixelOrientation();
- case 7:
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the spacing in pixels which is between this \a bars and the following one, both at the
+ key coordinate \a keyCoord.
+ \note Typically the returned value doesn't depend on \a bars or \a keyCoord. \a bars is only
+ needed to get access to the key axis transformation and axis rect for the modes \ref
+ stAxisRectRatio and \ref stPlotCoords. The \a keyCoord is only relevant for spacings given in
+ \ref stPlotCoords on a logarithmic axis.
+double QCPBarsGroup::getPixelSpacing(const QCPBars *bars, double keyCoord)
+ switch (mSpacingType)
+ {
+ case stAbsolute:
- switch (currentRegion)
- {
- case 2: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- case 3: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- case 6: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectTop); break; }
- }
- break;
+ return mSpacing;
- case 8:
+ case stAxisRectRatio:
- switch (currentRegion)
- {
- case 1: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 3: { afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectBottom); break; }
- }
- break;
+ if (bars->keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return bars->keyAxis()->axisRect()->width()*mSpacing;
+ else
+ return bars->keyAxis()->axisRect()->height()*mSpacing;
- case 9:
+ case stPlotCoords:
- switch (currentRegion)
- {
- case 2: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- case 1: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); afterTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectLeft, rectTop); break; }
- case 4: { beforeTraverse << coordsToPixels(rectRight, rectBottom); break; }
- }
- break;
+ double keyPixel = bars->keyAxis()->coordToPixel(keyCoord);
+ return qAbs(bars->keyAxis()->coordToPixel(keyCoord+mSpacing)-keyPixel);
+ return 0;
-/*! \internal
+//////////////////// QCPBarsData
+/*! \class QCPBarsData
+ \brief Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars.
- Calculates the (minimum) distance (in pixels) the curve's representation has from the given \a
- pixelPoint in pixels. This is used to determine whether the curve was clicked or not, e.g. in
- \ref selectTest.
+ The stored data is:
+ \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this bar (this is the \a mainKey and the \a sortKey)
+ \li \a value: height coordinate on the value axis of this bar (this is the \a mainValue)
+ The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPBarsDataContainer. It is a typedef for
+ \ref QCPDataContainer with \ref QCPBarsData as the DataType template parameter. See the
+ documentation there for an explanation regarding the data type's generic methods.
+ \see QCPBarsDataContainer
-double QCPCurve::pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint) const
- if (mData->isEmpty())
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "requested point distance on curve" << mName << "without data";
- return 500;
- }
- if (mData->size() == 1)
- {
- QPointF dataPoint = coordsToPixels(mData->constBegin().key(), mData->constBegin().value().value);
- return QVector2D(dataPoint-pixelPoint).length();
- }
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn double QCPBarsData::sortKey() const
- // calculate minimum distance to line segments:
- QVector<QPointF> *lineData = new QVector<QPointF>;
- getCurveData(lineData);
- double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- for (int i=0; i<lineData->size()-1; ++i)
- {
- double currentDistSqr = distSqrToLine(lineData->at(i), lineData->at(i+1), pixelPoint);
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
- delete lineData;
- return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static QCPBarsData QCPBarsData::fromSortKey(double sortKey)
+ Returns a data point with the specified \a sortKey. All other members are set to zero.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPCurve::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- QCPRange range;
- bool haveLower = false;
- bool haveUpper = false;
+/*! \fn static static bool QCPBarsData::sortKeyIsMainKey()
- double current;
+ Since the member \a key is both the data point key coordinate and the data ordering parameter,
+ this method returns true.
- QCPCurveDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
- {
- current = it.value().key;
- if (!qIsNaN(current) && !qIsNaN(it.value().value))
- {
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && current > 0))
- {
- if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn double QCPBarsData::mainKey() const
- foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
- return range;
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPCurve::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- QCPRange range;
- bool haveLower = false;
- bool haveUpper = false;
+/*! \fn double QCPBarsData::mainValue() const
- double current;
+ Returns the \a value member of this data point.
- QCPCurveDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
- {
- current = it.value().value;
- if (!qIsNaN(current) && !qIsNaN(it.value().key))
- {
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && current > 0))
- {
- if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPBarsData::valueRange() const
- foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
- return range;
+ Returns a QCPRange with both lower and upper boundary set to \a value of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs a bar data point with key and value set to zero.
+QCPBarsData::QCPBarsData() :
+ key(0),
+ value(0)
+ Constructs a bar data point with the specified \a key and \a value.
+QCPBarsData::QCPBarsData(double key, double value) :
+ key(key),
+ value(value)
-//////////////////// QCPBarsGroup
+//////////////////// QCPBars
-/*! \class QCPBarsGroup
- \brief Groups multiple QCPBars together so they appear side by side
+/*! \class QCPBars
+ \brief A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot.
+ \image html QCPBars.png
- \image html QCPBarsGroup.png
+ To plot data, assign it with the \ref setData or \ref addData functions.
- When showing multiple QCPBars in one plot which have bars at identical keys, it may be desirable
- to have them appearing next to each other at each key. This is what adding the respective QCPBars
- plottables to a QCPBarsGroup achieves. (An alternative approach is to stack them on top of each
- other, see \ref QCPBars::moveAbove.)
+ \section qcpbars-appearance Changing the appearance
- \section qcpbarsgroup-usage Usage
+ The appearance of the bars is determined by the pen and the brush (\ref setPen, \ref setBrush).
+ The width of the individual bars can be controlled with \ref setWidthType and \ref setWidth.
- To add a QCPBars plottable to the group, create a new group and then add the respective bars
- intances:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbarsgroup-creation
- Alternatively to appending to the group like shown above, you can also set the group on the
- QCPBars plottable via \ref QCPBars::setBarsGroup.
+ Bar charts are stackable. This means, two QCPBars plottables can be placed on top of each other
+ (see \ref QCPBars::moveAbove). So when two bars are at the same key position, they will appear
+ stacked.
- The spacing between the bars can be configured via \ref setSpacingType and \ref setSpacing. The
- bars in this group appear in the plot in the order they were appended. To insert a bars plottable
- at a certain index position, or to reposition a bars plottable which is already in the group, use
- \ref insert.
+ If you would like to group multiple QCPBars plottables together so they appear side by side as
+ shown below, use QCPBarsGroup.
- To remove specific bars from the group, use either \ref remove or call \ref
- QCPBars::setBarsGroup "QCPBars::setBarsGroup(0)" on the respective bars plottable.
+ \image html QCPBarsGroup.png
- To clear the entire group, call \ref clear, or simply delete the group.
+ \section qcpbars-usage Usage
- \section qcpbarsgroup-example Example
+ Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPBars is a plottable
+ (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
+ (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
- The image above is generated with the following code:
- \snippet documentation/doc-image-generator/mainwindow.cpp qcpbarsgroup-example
+ Usually, you first create an instance:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-creation-1
+ which registers it with the QCustomPlot instance of the passed axes. Note that this QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the plottable, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
+ The newly created plottable can be modified, e.g.:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-creation-2
/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QList<QCPBars*> QCPBarsGroup::bars() const
+/*! \fn QSharedPointer<QCPBarsDataContainer> QCPBars::data() const
- Returns all bars currently in this group.
+ Returns a shared pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPBarsDataContainer. You may
+ use it to directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the
+ regular \ref setData or \ref addData methods.
+/*! \fn QCPBars *QCPBars::barBelow() const
+ Returns the bars plottable that is directly below this bars plottable.
+ If there is no such plottable, returns 0.
- \see bars(int index)
+ \see barAbove, moveBelow, moveAbove
-/*! \fn int QCPBarsGroup::size() const
+/*! \fn QCPBars *QCPBars::barAbove() const
+ Returns the bars plottable that is directly above this bars plottable.
+ If there is no such plottable, returns 0.
- Returns the number of QCPBars plottables that are part of this group.
+ \see barBelow, moveBelow, moveAbove
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs a bar chart which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its value
+ axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have
+ the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is
+ printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
+ The created QCPBars is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred from \a
+ keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPBars, so do not delete it manually
+ but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
+QCPBars::QCPBars(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
+ QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPBarsData>(keyAxis, valueAxis),
+ mWidth(0.75),
+ mWidthType(wtPlotCoords),
+ mBarsGroup(0),
+ mBaseValue(0),
+ mStackingGap(0)
+ // modify inherited properties from abstract plottable:
+ mPen.setColor(Qt::blue);
+ mPen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
+ mBrush.setColor(QColor(40, 50, 255, 30));
+ mBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern);
+ mSelectionDecorator->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(160, 160, 255)));
-/*! \fn bool QCPBarsGroup::isEmpty() const
+ setBarsGroup(0);
+ if (mBarBelow || mBarAbove)
+ connectBars(mBarBelow.data(), mBarAbove.data()); // take this bar out of any stacking
+/*! \overload
- Returns whether this bars group is empty.
+ Replaces the current data container with the provided \a data container.
- \see size
+ Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple QCPBars may share the same data container safely.
+ Modifying the data in the container will then affect all bars that share the container. Sharing
+ can be achieved by simply exchanging the data containers wrapped in shared pointers:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-datasharing-1
+ If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, rather use
+ the \ref QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set method on the bar's data container directly:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-datasharing-2
+ \see addData
+void QCPBars::setData(QSharedPointer<QCPBarsDataContainer> data)
+ mDataContainer = data;
-/*! \fn bool QCPBarsGroup::contains(QCPBars *bars)
+/*! \overload
- Returns whether the specified \a bars plottable is part of this group.
+ Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a keys and \a values. The provided
+ vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the
+ smallest vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ \see addData
-/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+void QCPBars::setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted)
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(keys, values, alreadySorted);
- Constructs a new bars group for the specified QCustomPlot instance.
+ Sets the width of the bars.
+ How the number passed as \a width is interpreted (e.g. screen pixels, plot coordinates,...),
+ depends on the currently set width type, see \ref setWidthType and \ref WidthType.
-QCPBarsGroup::QCPBarsGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
- QObject(parentPlot),
- mParentPlot(parentPlot),
- mSpacingType(stAbsolute),
- mSpacing(4)
+void QCPBars::setWidth(double width)
+ mWidth = width;
+ Sets how the width of the bars is defined. See the documentation of \ref WidthType for an
+ explanation of the possible values for \a widthType.
+ The default value is \ref wtPlotCoords.
+ \see setWidth
+void QCPBars::setWidthType(QCPBars::WidthType widthType)
- clear();
+ mWidthType = widthType;
- Sets how the spacing between adjacent bars is interpreted. See \ref SpacingType.
+ Sets to which QCPBarsGroup this QCPBars instance belongs to. Alternatively, you can also use \ref
+ QCPBarsGroup::append.
- The actual spacing can then be specified with \ref setSpacing.
+ To remove this QCPBars from any group, set \a barsGroup to 0.
+void QCPBars::setBarsGroup(QCPBarsGroup *barsGroup)
+ // deregister at old group:
+ if (mBarsGroup)
+ mBarsGroup->unregisterBars(this);
+ mBarsGroup = barsGroup;
+ // register at new group:
+ if (mBarsGroup)
+ mBarsGroup->registerBars(this);
- \see setSpacing
+ Sets the base value of this bars plottable.
+ The base value defines where on the value coordinate the bars start. How far the bars extend from
+ the base value is given by their individual value data. For example, if the base value is set to
+ 1, a bar with data value 2 will have its lowest point at value coordinate 1 and highest point at
+ 3.
+ For stacked bars, only the base value of the bottom-most QCPBars has meaning.
+ The default base value is 0.
-void QCPBarsGroup::setSpacingType(SpacingType spacingType)
+void QCPBars::setBaseValue(double baseValue)
- mSpacingType = spacingType;
+ mBaseValue = baseValue;
- Sets the spacing between adjacent bars. What the number passed as \a spacing actually means, is
- defined by the current \ref SpacingType, which can be set with \ref setSpacingType.
+ If this bars plottable is stacked on top of another bars plottable (\ref moveAbove), this method
+ allows specifying a distance in \a pixels, by which the drawn bar rectangles will be separated by
+ the bars below it.
+void QCPBars::setStackingGap(double pixels)
+ mStackingGap = pixels;
- \see setSpacingType
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided points in \a keys and \a values to the current data. The provided vectors
+ should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest
+ vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-void QCPBarsGroup::setSpacing(double spacing)
+void QCPBars::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted)
- mSpacing = spacing;
+ if (keys.size() != values.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "keys and values have different sizes:" << keys.size() << values.size();
+ const int n = qMin(keys.size(), values.size());
+ QVector<QCPBarsData> tempData(n);
+ QVector<QCPBarsData>::iterator it = tempData.begin();
+ const QVector<QCPBarsData>::iterator itEnd = tempData.end();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ it->key = keys[i];
+ it->value = values[i];
+ ++it;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ mDataContainer->add(tempData, alreadySorted); // don't modify tempData beyond this to prevent copy on write
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided data point as \a key and \a value to the current data.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
+void QCPBars::addData(double key, double value)
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPBarsData(key, value));
- Returns the QCPBars instance with the specified \a index in this group. If no such QCPBars
- exists, returns 0.
- \see bars(), size
+ Moves this bars plottable below \a bars. In other words, the bars of this plottable will appear
+ below the bars of \a bars. The move target \a bars must use the same key and value axis as this
+ plottable.
+ Inserting into and removing from existing bar stacking is handled gracefully. If \a bars already
+ has a bars object below itself, this bars object is inserted between the two. If this bars object
+ is already between two other bars, the two other bars will be stacked on top of each other after
+ the operation.
+ To remove this bars plottable from any stacking, set \a bars to 0.
+ \see moveBelow, barAbove, barBelow
-QCPBars *QCPBarsGroup::bars(int index) const
+void QCPBars::moveBelow(QCPBars *bars)
- if (index >= 0 && index < mBars.size())
+ if (bars == this) return;
+ if (bars && (bars->keyAxis() != mKeyAxis.data() || bars->valueAxis() != mValueAxis.data()))
- return mBars.at(index);
- } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed QCPBars* doesn't have same key and value axis as this QCPBars";
+ return;
+ }
+ // remove from stacking:
+ connectBars(mBarBelow.data(), mBarAbove.data()); // Note: also works if one (or both) of them is 0
+ // if new bar given, insert this bar below it:
+ if (bars)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index out of bounds:" << index;
- return 0;
+ if (bars->mBarBelow)
+ connectBars(bars->mBarBelow.data(), this);
+ connectBars(this, bars);
- Removes all QCPBars plottables from this group.
- \see isEmpty
+ Moves this bars plottable above \a bars. In other words, the bars of this plottable will appear
+ above the bars of \a bars. The move target \a bars must use the same key and value axis as this
+ plottable.
+ Inserting into and removing from existing bar stacking is handled gracefully. If \a bars already
+ has a bars object above itself, this bars object is inserted between the two. If this bars object
+ is already between two other bars, the two other bars will be stacked on top of each other after
+ the operation.
+ To remove this bars plottable from any stacking, set \a bars to 0.
+ \see moveBelow, barBelow, barAbove
-void QCPBarsGroup::clear()
+void QCPBars::moveAbove(QCPBars *bars)
- foreach (QCPBars *bars, mBars) // since foreach takes a copy, removing bars in the loop is okay
- bars->setBarsGroup(0); // removes itself via removeBars
+ if (bars == this) return;
+ if (bars && (bars->keyAxis() != mKeyAxis.data() || bars->valueAxis() != mValueAxis.data()))
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed QCPBars* doesn't have same key and value axis as this QCPBars";
+ return;
+ }
+ // remove from stacking:
+ connectBars(mBarBelow.data(), mBarAbove.data()); // Note: also works if one (or both) of them is 0
+ // if new bar given, insert this bar above it:
+ if (bars)
+ {
+ if (bars->mBarAbove)
+ connectBars(this, bars->mBarAbove.data());
+ connectBars(bars, this);
+ }
- Adds the specified \a bars plottable to this group. Alternatively, you can also use \ref
- QCPBars::setBarsGroup on the \a bars instance.
- \see insert, remove
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::selectTestRect
-void QCPBarsGroup::append(QCPBars *bars)
+QCPDataSelection QCPBars::selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const
- if (!bars)
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return result;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return result;
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ for (QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it=visibleBegin; it!=visibleEnd; ++it)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars is 0";
- return;
+ if (rect.intersects(getBarRect(it->key, it->value)))
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(it-mDataContainer->constBegin(), it-mDataContainer->constBegin()+1), false);
- if (!mBars.contains(bars))
- bars->setBarsGroup(this);
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars plottable is already in this bars group:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(bars);
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
- Inserts the specified \a bars plottable into this group at the specified index position \a i.
- This gives you full control over the ordering of the bars.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPBars::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return -1;
- \a bars may already be part of this group. In that case, \a bars is just moved to the new index
- position.
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ {
+ // get visible data range:
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ for (QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it=visibleBegin; it!=visibleEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ if (getBarRect(it->key, it->value).contains(pos))
+ {
+ if (details)
+ {
+ int pointIndex = it-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(pointIndex, pointIndex+1)));
+ }
+ return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
- \see append, remove
-void QCPBarsGroup::insert(int i, QCPBars *bars)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPBars::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+ /* Note: If this QCPBars uses absolute pixels as width (or is in a QCPBarsGroup with spacing in
+ absolute pixels), using this method to adapt the key axis range to fit the bars into the
+ currently visible axis range will not work perfectly. Because in the moment the axis range is
+ changed to the new range, the fixed pixel widths/spacings will represent different coordinate
+ spans than before, which in turn would require a different key range to perfectly fit, and so on.
+ The only solution would be to iteratively approach the perfect fitting axis range, but the
+ mismatch isn't large enough in most applications, to warrant this here. If a user does need a
+ better fit, he should call the corresponding axis rescale multiple times in a row.
+ */
+ QCPRange range;
+ range = mDataContainer->keyRange(foundRange, inSignDomain);
+ // determine exact range of bars by including bar width and barsgroup offset:
+ if (foundRange && mKeyAxis)
+ {
+ double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth, keyPixel;
+ // lower range bound:
+ getPixelWidth(range.lower, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
+ keyPixel = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(range.lower) + lowerPixelWidth;
+ if (mBarsGroup)
+ keyPixel += mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, range.lower);
+ const double lowerCorrected = mKeyAxis.data()->pixelToCoord(keyPixel);
+ if (!qIsNaN(lowerCorrected) && qIsFinite(lowerCorrected) && range.lower > lowerCorrected)
+ range.lower = lowerCorrected;
+ // upper range bound:
+ getPixelWidth(range.upper, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
+ keyPixel = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(range.upper) + upperPixelWidth;
+ if (mBarsGroup)
+ keyPixel += mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, range.upper);
+ const double upperCorrected = mKeyAxis.data()->pixelToCoord(keyPixel);
+ if (!qIsNaN(upperCorrected) && qIsFinite(upperCorrected) && range.upper < upperCorrected)
+ range.upper = upperCorrected;
+ }
+ return range;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPBars::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
- if (!bars)
+ // Note: can't simply use mDataContainer->valueRange here because we need to
+ // take into account bar base value and possible stacking of multiple bars
+ QCPRange range;
+ range.lower = mBaseValue;
+ range.upper = mBaseValue;
+ bool haveLower = true; // set to true, because baseValue should always be visible in bar charts
+ bool haveUpper = true; // set to true, because baseValue should always be visible in bar charts
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator itBegin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator itEnd = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (inKeyRange != QCPRange())
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars is 0";
- return;
+ itBegin = mDataContainer->findBegin(inKeyRange.lower);
+ itEnd = mDataContainer->findEnd(inKeyRange.upper);
+ }
+ for (QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ const double current = it->value + getStackedBaseValue(it->key, it->value >= 0);
+ if (qIsNaN(current)) continue;
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
+ {
+ if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
- // first append to bars list normally:
- if (!mBars.contains(bars))
- bars->setBarsGroup(this);
- // then move to according position:
- mBars.move(mBars.indexOf(bars), qBound(0, i, mBars.size()-1));
+ foundRange = true; // return true because bar charts always have the 0-line visible
+ return range;
- Removes the specified \a bars plottable from this group.
- \see contains, clear
-void QCPBarsGroup::remove(QCPBars *bars)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QPointF QCPBars::dataPixelPosition(int index) const
- if (!bars)
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size())
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars is 0";
- return;
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QPointF(); }
+ const QCPDataContainer<QCPBarsData>::const_iterator it = mDataContainer->constBegin()+index;
+ const double valuePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(getStackedBaseValue(it->key, it->value >= 0) + it->value);
+ const double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key) + (mBarsGroup ? mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, it->key) : 0);
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return QPointF(keyPixel, valuePixel);
+ else
+ return QPointF(valuePixel, keyPixel);
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Index out of bounds" << index;
+ return QPointF();
- if (mBars.contains(bars))
- bars->setBarsGroup(0);
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bars plottable is not in this bars group:" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(bars);
-/*! \internal
- Adds the specified \a bars to the internal mBars list of bars. This method does not change the
- barsGroup property on \a bars.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPBars::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty()) return;
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ // loop over and draw segments of unselected/selected data:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> selectedSegments, unselectedSegments, allSegments;
+ getDataSegments(selectedSegments, unselectedSegments);
+ allSegments << unselectedSegments << selectedSegments;
+ for (int i=0; i<allSegments.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ bool isSelectedSegment = i >= unselectedSegments.size();
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator begin = visibleBegin;
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator end = visibleEnd;
+ mDataContainer->limitIteratorsToDataRange(begin, end, allSegments.at(i));
+ if (begin == end)
+ continue;
+ for (QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ // check data validity if flag set:
+ if (QCP::isInvalidData(it->key, it->value))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it->key << "of drawn range invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+ // draw bar:
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ {
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyBrush(painter);
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ }
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->drawPolygon(getBarRect(it->key, it->value));
+ }
+ }
- \see unregisterBars
-void QCPBarsGroup::registerBars(QCPBars *bars)
+ // draw other selection decoration that isn't just line/scatter pens and brushes:
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->drawDecoration(painter, selection());
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPBars::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
- if (!mBars.contains(bars))
- mBars.append(bars);
+ // draw filled rect:
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ QRectF r = QRectF(0, 0, rect.width()*0.67, rect.height()*0.67);
+ r.moveCenter(rect.center());
+ painter->drawRect(r);
-/*! \internal
+/*! \internal
- Removes the specified \a bars from the internal mBars list of bars. This method does not change
- the barsGroup property on \a bars.
+ called by \ref draw to determine which data (key) range is visible at the current key axis range
+ setting, so only that needs to be processed. It also takes into account the bar width.
- \see registerBars
+ \a begin returns an iterator to the lowest data point that needs to be taken into account when
+ plotting. Note that in order to get a clean plot all the way to the edge of the axis rect, \a
+ lower may still be just outside the visible range.
+ \a end returns an iterator one higher than the highest visible data point. Same as before, \a end
+ may also lie just outside of the visible range.
+ if the plottable contains no data, both \a begin and \a end point to constEnd.
-void QCPBarsGroup::unregisterBars(QCPBars *bars)
+void QCPBars::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const
- mBars.removeOne(bars);
+ if (!mKeyAxis)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis";
+ begin = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ {
+ begin = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ return;
+ }
+ // get visible data range as QMap iterators
+ begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower);
+ end = mDataContainer->findEnd(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper);
+ double lowerPixelBound = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower);
+ double upperPixelBound = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper);
+ bool isVisible = false;
+ // walk left from begin to find lower bar that actually is completely outside visible pixel range:
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin;
+ while (it != mDataContainer->constBegin())
+ {
+ --it;
+ const QRectF barRect = getBarRect(it->key, it->value);
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.right() >= lowerPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.left() <= lowerPixelBound));
+ else // keyaxis is vertical
+ isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.top() <= lowerPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.bottom() >= lowerPixelBound));
+ if (isVisible)
+ begin = it;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // walk right from ubound to find upper bar that actually is completely outside visible pixel range:
+ it = end;
+ while (it != mDataContainer->constEnd())
+ {
+ const QRectF barRect = getBarRect(it->key, it->value);
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.left() <= upperPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.right() >= upperPixelBound));
+ else // keyaxis is vertical
+ isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.bottom() >= upperPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barRect.top() <= upperPixelBound));
+ if (isVisible)
+ end = it+1;
+ else
+ break;
+ ++it;
+ }
/*! \internal
- Returns the pixel offset in the key dimension the specified \a bars plottable should have at the
- given key coordinate \a keyCoord. The offset is relative to the pixel position of the key
- coordinate \a keyCoord.
+ Returns the rect in pixel coordinates of a single bar with the specified \a key and \a value. The
+ rect is shifted according to the bar stacking (see \ref moveAbove) and base value (see \ref
+ setBaseValue), and to have non-overlapping border lines with the bars stacked below.
-double QCPBarsGroup::keyPixelOffset(const QCPBars *bars, double keyCoord)
+QRectF QCPBars::getBarRect(double key, double value) const
- // find list of all base bars in case some mBars are stacked:
- QList<const QCPBars*> baseBars;
- foreach (const QCPBars *b, mBars)
- {
- while (b->barBelow())
- b = b->barBelow();
- if (!baseBars.contains(b))
- baseBars.append(b);
- }
- // find base bar this "bars" is stacked on:
- const QCPBars *thisBase = bars;
- while (thisBase->barBelow())
- thisBase = thisBase->barBelow();
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QRectF(); }
- // determine key pixel offset of this base bars considering all other base bars in this barsgroup:
- double result = 0;
- int index = baseBars.indexOf(thisBase);
- if (index >= 0)
+ double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth;
+ getPixelWidth(key, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
+ double base = getStackedBaseValue(key, value >= 0);
+ double basePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(base);
+ double valuePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(base+value);
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(key);
+ if (mBarsGroup)
+ keyPixel += mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, key);
+ double bottomOffset = (mBarBelow && mPen != Qt::NoPen ? 1 : 0)*(mPen.isCosmetic() ? 1 : mPen.widthF());
+ bottomOffset += mBarBelow ? mStackingGap : 0;
+ bottomOffset *= (value<0 ? -1 : 1)*valueAxis->pixelOrientation();
+ if (qAbs(valuePixel-basePixel) <= qAbs(bottomOffset))
+ bottomOffset = valuePixel-basePixel;
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- int startIndex;
- double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth;
- if (baseBars.size() % 2 == 1 && index == (baseBars.size()-1)/2) // is center bar (int division on purpose)
- {
- return result;
- } else if (index < (baseBars.size()-1)/2.0) // bar is to the left of center
- {
- if (baseBars.size() % 2 == 0) // even number of bars
- {
- startIndex = baseBars.size()/2-1;
- result -= getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at(startIndex), keyCoord)*0.5; // half of middle spacing
- } else // uneven number of bars
- {
- startIndex = (baseBars.size()-1)/2-1;
- baseBars.at((baseBars.size()-1)/2)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- result -= qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth)*0.5; // half of center bar
- result -= getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at((baseBars.size()-1)/2), keyCoord); // center bar spacing
- }
- for (int i=startIndex; i>index; --i) // add widths and spacings of bars in between center and our bars
- {
- baseBars.at(i)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- result -= qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth);
- result -= getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at(i), keyCoord);
- }
- // finally half of our bars width:
- baseBars.at(index)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- result -= qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth)*0.5;
- } else // bar is to the right of center
- {
- if (baseBars.size() % 2 == 0) // even number of bars
- {
- startIndex = baseBars.size()/2;
- result += getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at(startIndex), keyCoord)*0.5; // half of middle spacing
- } else // uneven number of bars
- {
- startIndex = (baseBars.size()-1)/2+1;
- baseBars.at((baseBars.size()-1)/2)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- result += qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth)*0.5; // half of center bar
- result += getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at((baseBars.size()-1)/2), keyCoord); // center bar spacing
- }
- for (int i=startIndex; i<index; ++i) // add widths and spacings of bars in between center and our bars
- {
- baseBars.at(i)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- result += qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth);
- result += getPixelSpacing(baseBars.at(i), keyCoord);
- }
- // finally half of our bars width:
- baseBars.at(index)->getPixelWidth(keyCoord, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- result += qAbs(upperPixelWidth-lowerPixelWidth)*0.5;
- }
+ return QRectF(QPointF(keyPixel+lowerPixelWidth, valuePixel), QPointF(keyPixel+upperPixelWidth, basePixel+bottomOffset)).normalized();
+ } else
+ {
+ return QRectF(QPointF(basePixel+bottomOffset, keyPixel+lowerPixelWidth), QPointF(valuePixel, keyPixel+upperPixelWidth)).normalized();
- return result;
/*! \internal
- Returns the spacing in pixels which is between this \a bars and the following one, both at the
- key coordinate \a keyCoord.
+ This function is used to determine the width of the bar at coordinate \a key, according to the
+ specified width (\ref setWidth) and width type (\ref setWidthType).
- \note Typically the returned value doesn't depend on \a bars or \a keyCoord. \a bars is only
- needed to get acces to the key axis transformation and axis rect for the modes \ref
- stAxisRectRatio and \ref stPlotCoords. The \a keyCoord is only relevant for spacings given in
- \ref stPlotCoords on a logarithmic axis.
+ The output parameters \a lower and \a upper return the number of pixels the bar extends to lower
+ and higher keys, relative to the \a key coordinate (so with a non-reversed horizontal axis, \a
+ lower is negative and \a upper positive).
-double QCPBarsGroup::getPixelSpacing(const QCPBars *bars, double keyCoord)
+void QCPBars::getPixelWidth(double key, double &lower, double &upper) const
- switch (mSpacingType)
+ lower = 0;
+ upper = 0;
+ switch (mWidthType)
- case stAbsolute:
+ case wtAbsolute:
- return mSpacing;
+ upper = mWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis.data()->pixelOrientation();
+ lower = -upper;
+ break;
- case stAxisRectRatio:
+ case wtAxisRectRatio:
- if (bars->keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- return bars->keyAxis()->axisRect()->width()*mSpacing;
- else
- return bars->keyAxis()->axisRect()->height()*mSpacing;
+ if (mKeyAxis && mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect())
+ {
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ upper = mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->width()*mWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis.data()->pixelOrientation();
+ else
+ upper = mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->height()*mWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis.data()->pixelOrientation();
+ lower = -upper;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No key axis or axis rect defined";
+ break;
- case stPlotCoords:
+ case wtPlotCoords:
- double keyPixel = bars->keyAxis()->coordToPixel(keyCoord);
- return bars->keyAxis()->coordToPixel(keyCoord+mSpacing)-keyPixel;
+ if (mKeyAxis)
+ {
+ double keyPixel = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key);
+ upper = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key+mWidth*0.5)-keyPixel;
+ lower = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key-mWidth*0.5)-keyPixel;
+ // no need to qSwap(lower, higher) when range reversed, because higher/lower are gained by
+ // coordinate transform which includes range direction
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No key axis defined";
+ break;
- return 0;
-//////////////////// QCPBarData
-/*! \class QCPBarData
- \brief Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars.
- The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPBarDataMap.
+/*! \internal
- The stored data is:
- \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this bar
- \li \a value: height coordinate on the value axis of this bar
+ This function is called to find at which value to start drawing the base of a bar at \a key, when
+ it is stacked on top of another QCPBars (e.g. with \ref moveAbove).
- \see QCPBarDataaMap
- Constructs a bar data point with key and value set to zero.
+ positive and negative bars are separated per stack (positive are stacked above baseValue upwards,
+ negative are stacked below baseValue downwards). This can be indicated with \a positive. So if the
+ bar for which we need the base value is negative, set \a positive to false.
-QCPBarData::QCPBarData() :
- key(0),
- value(0)
+double QCPBars::getStackedBaseValue(double key, bool positive) const
+ if (mBarBelow)
+ {
+ double max = 0; // don't initialize with mBaseValue here because only base value of bottom-most bar has meaning in a bar stack
+ // find bars of mBarBelow that are approximately at key and find largest one:
+ double epsilon = qAbs(key)*(sizeof(key)==4 ? 1e-6 : 1e-14); // should be safe even when changed to use float at some point
+ if (key == 0)
+ epsilon = (sizeof(key)==4 ? 1e-6 : 1e-14);
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it = mBarBelow.data()->mDataContainer->findBegin(key-epsilon);
+ QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator itEnd = mBarBelow.data()->mDataContainer->findEnd(key+epsilon);
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ if (it->key > key-epsilon && it->key < key+epsilon)
+ {
+ if ((positive && it->value > max) ||
+ (!positive && it->value < max))
+ max = it->value;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ // recurse down the bar-stack to find the total height:
+ return max + mBarBelow.data()->getStackedBaseValue(key, positive);
+ } else
+ return mBaseValue;
- Constructs a bar data point with the specified \a key and \a value.
+/*! \internal
+ Connects \a below and \a above to each other via their mBarAbove/mBarBelow properties. The bar(s)
+ currently above lower and below upper will become disconnected to lower/upper.
+ If lower is zero, upper will be disconnected at the bottom.
+ If upper is zero, lower will be disconnected at the top.
-QCPBarData::QCPBarData(double key, double value) :
- key(key),
- value(value)
+void QCPBars::connectBars(QCPBars *lower, QCPBars *upper)
+ if (!lower && !upper) return;
+ if (!lower) // disconnect upper at bottom
+ {
+ // disconnect old bar below upper:
+ if (upper->mBarBelow && upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove.data() == upper)
+ upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove = 0;
+ upper->mBarBelow = 0;
+ } else if (!upper) // disconnect lower at top
+ {
+ // disconnect old bar above lower:
+ if (lower->mBarAbove && lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow.data() == lower)
+ lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow = 0;
+ lower->mBarAbove = 0;
+ } else // connect lower and upper
+ {
+ // disconnect old bar above lower:
+ if (lower->mBarAbove && lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow.data() == lower)
+ lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow = 0;
+ // disconnect old bar below upper:
+ if (upper->mBarBelow && upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove.data() == upper)
+ upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove = 0;
+ lower->mBarAbove = upper;
+ upper->mBarBelow = lower;
+ }
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-bars.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-statisticalbox.cpp', size 28622 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPBars
+//////////////////// QCPStatisticalBoxData
-/*! \class QCPBars
- \brief A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot.
- \image html QCPBars.png
- To plot data, assign it with the \ref setData or \ref addData functions.
- \section appearance Changing the appearance
- The appearance of the bars is determined by the pen and the brush (\ref setPen, \ref setBrush).
- The width of the individual bars can be controlled with \ref setWidthType and \ref setWidth.
- Bar charts are stackable. This means, two QCPBars plottables can be placed on top of each other
- (see \ref QCPBars::moveAbove). So when two bars are at the same key position, they will appear
- stacked.
- If you would like to group multiple QCPBars plottables together so they appear side by side as
- shown below, use QCPBarsGroup.
- \image html QCPBarsGroup.png
+/*! \class QCPStatisticalBoxData
+ \brief Holds the data of one single data point for QCPStatisticalBox.
- \section usage Usage
+ The stored data is:
- Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPBars is a plottable
- (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
- (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
+ \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this data point (this is the \a mainKey and the \a sortKey)
- Usually, you first create an instance:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-creation-1
- add it to the customPlot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-creation-2
- and then modify the properties of the newly created plottable, e.g.:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpbars-creation-3
-/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QCPBars *QCPBars::barBelow() const
- Returns the bars plottable that is directly below this bars plottable.
- If there is no such plottable, returns 0.
+ \li \a minimum: the position of the lower whisker, typically the minimum measurement of the
+ sample that's not considered an outlier.
- \see barAbove, moveBelow, moveAbove
-/*! \fn QCPBars *QCPBars::barAbove() const
- Returns the bars plottable that is directly above this bars plottable.
- If there is no such plottable, returns 0.
+ \li \a lowerQuartile: the lower end of the box. The lower and the upper quartiles are the two
+ statistical quartiles around the median of the sample, they should contain 50% of the sample
+ data.
- \see barBelow, moveBelow, moveAbove
-/* end of documentation of inline functions */
- Constructs a bar chart which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its value
- axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have
- the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is
- printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
+ \li \a median: the value of the median mark inside the quartile box. The median separates the
+ sample data in half (50% of the sample data is below/above the median). (This is the \a mainValue)
- The constructed QCPBars can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot
- then takes ownership of the bar chart.
-QCPBars::QCPBars(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
- QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis),
- mData(new QCPBarDataMap),
- mWidth(0.75),
- mWidthType(wtPlotCoords),
- mBarsGroup(0),
- mBaseValue(0)
- // modify inherited properties from abstract plottable:
- mPen.setColor(Qt::blue);
- mPen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
- mBrush.setColor(QColor(40, 50, 255, 30));
- mBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern);
- mSelectedPen = mPen;
- mSelectedPen.setWidthF(2.5);
- mSelectedPen.setColor(QColor(80, 80, 255)); // lighter than Qt::blue of mPen
- mSelectedBrush = mBrush;
+ \li \a upperQuartile: the upper end of the box. The lower and the upper quartiles are the two
+ statistical quartiles around the median of the sample, they should contain 50% of the sample
+ data.
+ \li \a maximum: the position of the upper whisker, typically the maximum measurement of the
+ sample that's not considered an outlier.
+ \li \a outliers: a QVector of outlier values that will be drawn as scatter points at the \a key
+ coordinate of this data point (see \ref QCPStatisticalBox::setOutlierStyle)
+ The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer. It is a
+ typedef for \ref QCPDataContainer with \ref QCPStatisticalBoxData as the DataType template
+ parameter. See the documentation there for an explanation regarding the data type's generic
+ methods.
+ \see QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer
- setBarsGroup(0);
- if (mBarBelow || mBarAbove)
- connectBars(mBarBelow.data(), mBarAbove.data()); // take this bar out of any stacking
- delete mData;
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
- Sets the width of the bars.
+/*! \fn double QCPStatisticalBoxData::sortKey() const
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
- How the number passed as \a width is interpreted (e.g. screen pixels, plot coordinates,...),
- depends on the currently set width type, see \ref setWidthType and \ref WidthType.
+/*! \fn static QCPStatisticalBoxData QCPStatisticalBoxData::fromSortKey(double sortKey)
+ Returns a data point with the specified \a sortKey. All other members are set to zero.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-void QCPBars::setWidth(double width)
- mWidth = width;
- Sets how the width of the bars is defined. See the documentation of \ref WidthType for an
- explanation of the possible values for \a widthType.
+/*! \fn static static bool QCPStatisticalBoxData::sortKeyIsMainKey()
- The default value is \ref wtPlotCoords.
+ Since the member \a key is both the data point key coordinate and the data ordering parameter,
+ this method returns true.
- \see setWidth
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-void QCPBars::setWidthType(QCPBars::WidthType widthType)
- mWidthType = widthType;
- Sets to which QCPBarsGroup this QCPBars instance belongs to. Alternatively, you can also use \ref
- QCPBarsGroup::append.
+/*! \fn double QCPStatisticalBoxData::mainKey() const
- To remove this QCPBars from any group, set \a barsGroup to 0.
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-void QCPBars::setBarsGroup(QCPBarsGroup *barsGroup)
- // deregister at old group:
- if (mBarsGroup)
- mBarsGroup->unregisterBars(this);
- mBarsGroup = barsGroup;
- // register at new group:
- if (mBarsGroup)
- mBarsGroup->registerBars(this);
- Sets the base value of this bars plottable.
+/*! \fn double QCPStatisticalBoxData::mainValue() const
+ Returns the \a median member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
- The base value defines where on the value coordinate the bars start. How far the bars extend from
- the base value is given by their individual value data. For example, if the base value is set to
- 1, a bar with data value 2 will have its lowest point at value coordinate 1 and highest point at
- 3.
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPStatisticalBoxData::valueRange() const
- For stacked bars, only the base value of the bottom-most QCPBars has meaning.
+ Returns a QCPRange spanning from the \a minimum to the \a maximum member of this statistical box
+ data point, possibly further expanded by outliers.
- The default base value is 0.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-void QCPBars::setBaseValue(double baseValue)
- mBaseValue = baseValue;
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
- Replaces the current data with the provided \a data.
- If \a copy is set to true, data points in \a data will only be copied. if false, the plottable
- takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is
- significantly faster than copying for large datasets.
+ Constructs a data point with key and all values set to zero.
-void QCPBars::setData(QCPBarDataMap *data, bool copy)
+QCPStatisticalBoxData::QCPStatisticalBoxData() :
+ key(0),
+ minimum(0),
+ lowerQuartile(0),
+ median(0),
+ upperQuartile(0),
+ maximum(0)
- if (mData == data)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The data pointer is already in (and owned by) this plottable" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(data);
- return;
- }
- if (copy)
- {
- *mData = *data;
- } else
- {
- delete mData;
- mData = data;
- }
-/*! \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a key and \a value tuples. The
- provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of
- the smallest vector.
+ Constructs a data point with the specified \a key, \a minimum, \a lowerQuartile, \a median, \a
+ upperQuartile, \a maximum and optionally a number of \a outliers.
-void QCPBars::setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value)
+QCPStatisticalBoxData::QCPStatisticalBoxData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum, const QVector<double> &outliers) :
+ key(key),
+ minimum(minimum),
+ lowerQuartile(lowerQuartile),
+ median(median),
+ upperQuartile(upperQuartile),
+ maximum(maximum),
+ outliers(outliers)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, value.size());
- QCPBarData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = key[i];
- newData.value = value[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.key, newData);
- }
- Moves this bars plottable below \a bars. In other words, the bars of this plottable will appear
- below the bars of \a bars. The move target \a bars must use the same key and value axis as this
- plottable.
+//////////////////// QCPStatisticalBox
+/*! \class QCPStatisticalBox
+ \brief A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot.
+ \image html QCPStatisticalBox.png
- Inserting into and removing from existing bar stacking is handled gracefully. If \a bars already
- has a bars object below itself, this bars object is inserted between the two. If this bars object
- is already between two other bars, the two other bars will be stacked on top of each other after
- the operation.
+ To plot data, assign it with the \ref setData or \ref addData functions. Alternatively, you can
+ also access and modify the data via the \ref data method, which returns a pointer to the internal
+ \ref QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer.
- To remove this bars plottable from any stacking, set \a bars to 0.
+ Additionally each data point can itself have a list of outliers, drawn as scatter points at the
+ key coordinate of the respective statistical box data point. They can either be set by using the
+ respective \ref addData(double,double,double,double,double,double,const QVector<double>&)
+ "addData" method or accessing the individual data points through \ref data, and setting the
+ <tt>QVector<double> outliers</tt> of the data points directly.
- \see moveBelow, barAbove, barBelow
-void QCPBars::moveBelow(QCPBars *bars)
- if (bars == this) return;
- if (bars && (bars->keyAxis() != mKeyAxis.data() || bars->valueAxis() != mValueAxis.data()))
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed QCPBars* doesn't have same key and value axis as this QCPBars";
- return;
- }
- // remove from stacking:
- connectBars(mBarBelow.data(), mBarAbove.data()); // Note: also works if one (or both) of them is 0
- // if new bar given, insert this bar below it:
- if (bars)
- {
- if (bars->mBarBelow)
- connectBars(bars->mBarBelow.data(), this);
- connectBars(this, bars);
- }
+ \section qcpstatisticalbox-appearance Changing the appearance
+ The appearance of each data point box, ranging from the lower to the upper quartile, is
+ controlled via \ref setPen and \ref setBrush. You may change the width of the boxes with \ref
+ setWidth in plot coordinates.
- Moves this bars plottable above \a bars. In other words, the bars of this plottable will appear
- above the bars of \a bars. The move target \a bars must use the same key and value axis as this
- plottable.
+ Each data point's visual representation also consists of two whiskers. Whiskers are the lines
+ which reach from the upper quartile to the maximum, and from the lower quartile to the minimum.
+ The appearance of the whiskers can be modified with: \ref setWhiskerPen, \ref setWhiskerBarPen,
+ \ref setWhiskerWidth. The whisker width is the width of the bar perpendicular to the whisker at
+ the top (for maximum) and bottom (for minimum). If the whisker pen is changed, make sure to set
+ the \c capStyle to \c Qt::FlatCap. Otherwise the backbone line might exceed the whisker bars by a
+ few pixels due to the pen cap being not perfectly flat.
- Inserting into and removing from existing bar stacking is handled gracefully. If \a bars already
- has a bars object below itself, this bars object is inserted between the two. If this bars object
- is already between two other bars, the two other bars will be stacked on top of each other after
- the operation.
+ The median indicator line inside the box has its own pen, \ref setMedianPen.
- To remove this bars plottable from any stacking, set \a bars to 0.
+ The outlier data points are drawn as normal scatter points. Their look can be controlled with
+ \ref setOutlierStyle
- \see moveBelow, barBelow, barAbove
+ \section qcpstatisticalbox-usage Usage
+ Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPStatisticalBox is a plottable
+ (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
+ (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
+ Usually, you first create an instance:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpstatisticalbox-creation-1
+ which registers it with the QCustomPlot instance of the passed axes. Note that this QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the plottable, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
+ The newly created plottable can be modified, e.g.:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpstatisticalbox-creation-2
-void QCPBars::moveAbove(QCPBars *bars)
- if (bars == this) return;
- if (bars && (bars->keyAxis() != mKeyAxis.data() || bars->valueAxis() != mValueAxis.data()))
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed QCPBars* doesn't have same key and value axis as this QCPBars";
- return;
- }
- // remove from stacking:
- connectBars(mBarBelow.data(), mBarAbove.data()); // Note: also works if one (or both) of them is 0
- // if new bar given, insert this bar above it:
- if (bars)
- {
- if (bars->mBarAbove)
- connectBars(this, bars->mBarAbove.data());
- connectBars(bars, this);
- }
- Adds the provided data points in \a dataMap to the current data.
- \see removeData
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QSharedPointer<QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer> QCPStatisticalBox::data() const
+ Returns a shared pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer. You may use it to directly manipulate the data, which may be more
+ convenient and faster than using the regular \ref setData or \ref addData methods.
-void QCPBars::addData(const QCPBarDataMap &dataMap)
- mData->unite(dataMap);
-/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point in \a data to the current data.
- \see removeData
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs a statistical box which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its
+ value axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and
+ not have the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding
+ message is printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
+ The created QCPStatisticalBox is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred
+ from \a keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPStatisticalBox, so do not
+ delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
-void QCPBars::addData(const QCPBarData &data)
+QCPStatisticalBox::QCPStatisticalBox(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
+ QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPStatisticalBoxData>(keyAxis, valueAxis),
+ mWidth(0.5),
+ mWhiskerWidth(0.2),
+ mWhiskerPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DashLine, Qt::FlatCap),
+ mWhiskerBarPen(Qt::black),
+ mWhiskerAntialiased(false),
+ mMedianPen(Qt::black, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap),
+ mOutlierStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::blue, 6)
- mData->insertMulti(data.key, data);
+ setPen(QPen(Qt::black));
+ setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point as \a key and \a value tuple to the current data
- \see removeData
+ Replaces the current data container with the provided \a data container.
+ Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple QCPStatisticalBoxes may share the same data container
+ safely. Modifying the data in the container will then affect all statistical boxes that share the
+ container. Sharing can be achieved by simply exchanging the data containers wrapped in shared
+ pointers:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpstatisticalbox-datasharing-1
+ If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, rather use
+ the \ref QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set method on the statistical box data container directly:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpstatisticalbox-datasharing-2
+ \see addData
-void QCPBars::addData(double key, double value)
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setData(QSharedPointer<QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer> data)
- QCPBarData newData;
- newData.key = key;
- newData.value = value;
- mData->insertMulti(newData.key, newData);
+ mDataContainer = data;
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided data points as \a key and \a value tuples to the current data.
- \see removeData
+ Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a keys, \a minimum, \a lowerQuartile, \a
+ median, \a upperQuartile and \a maximum. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the
+ number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ \see addData
-void QCPBars::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values)
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &minimum, const QVector<double> &lowerQuartile, const QVector<double> &median, const QVector<double> &upperQuartile, const QVector<double> &maximum, bool alreadySorted)
- int n = keys.size();
- n = qMin(n, values.size());
- QCPBarData newData;
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- newData.key = keys[i];
- newData.value = values[i];
- mData->insertMulti(newData.key, newData);
- }
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(keys, minimum, lowerQuartile, median, upperQuartile, maximum, alreadySorted);
- Removes all data points with key smaller than \a key.
- \see addData, clearData
+ Sets the width of the boxes in key coordinates.
+ \see setWhiskerWidth
-void QCPBars::removeDataBefore(double key)
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setWidth(double width)
- QCPBarDataMap::iterator it = mData->begin();
- while (it != mData->end() && it.key() < key)
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ mWidth = width;
- Removes all data points with key greater than \a key.
- \see addData, clearData
+ Sets the width of the whiskers in key coordinates.
+ Whiskers are the lines which reach from the upper quartile to the maximum, and from the lower
+ quartile to the minimum.
+ \see setWidth
-void QCPBars::removeDataAfter(double key)
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerWidth(double width)
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPBarDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(key);
- while (it != mData->end())
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ mWhiskerWidth = width;
- Removes all data points with key between \a fromKey and \a toKey. if \a fromKey is
- greater or equal to \a toKey, the function does nothing. To remove a single data point with known
- key, use \ref removeData(double key).
+ Sets the pen used for drawing the whisker backbone.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPBars::removeData(double fromKey, double toKey)
- if (fromKey >= toKey || mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPBarDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(fromKey);
- QCPBarDataMap::iterator itEnd = mData->upperBound(toKey);
- while (it != itEnd)
- it = mData->erase(it);
-/*! \overload
+ Whiskers are the lines which reach from the upper quartile to the maximum, and from the lower
+ quartile to the minimum.
- Removes a single data point at \a key. If the position is not known with absolute precision,
- consider using \ref removeData(double fromKey, double toKey) with a small fuzziness interval
- around the suspected position, depeding on the precision with which the key is known.
+ Make sure to set the \c capStyle of the passed \a pen to \c Qt::FlatCap. Otherwise the backbone
+ line might exceed the whisker bars by a few pixels due to the pen cap being not perfectly flat.
- \see addData, clearData
+ \see setWhiskerBarPen
-void QCPBars::removeData(double key)
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerPen(const QPen &pen)
- mData->remove(key);
+ mWhiskerPen = pen;
- Removes all data points.
- \see removeData, removeDataAfter, removeDataBefore
+ Sets the pen used for drawing the whisker bars. Those are the lines parallel to the key axis at
+ each end of the whisker backbone.
+ Whiskers are the lines which reach from the upper quartile to the maximum, and from the lower
+ quartile to the minimum.
+ \see setWhiskerPen
-void QCPBars::clearData()
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerBarPen(const QPen &pen)
- mData->clear();
+ mWhiskerBarPen = pen;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-double QCPBars::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
- return -1;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- {
- QCPBarDataMap::ConstIterator it;
- for (it = mData->constBegin(); it != mData->constEnd(); ++it)
- {
- if (getBarPolygon(it.value().key, it.value().value).boundingRect().contains(pos))
- return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- }
- }
- return -1;
+ Sets whether the statistical boxes whiskers are drawn with antialiasing or not.
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPBars::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ Note that antialiasing settings may be overridden by QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and
+ QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerAntialiased(bool enabled)
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator it, lower, upperEnd;
- getVisibleDataBounds(lower, upperEnd);
- for (it = lower; it != upperEnd; ++it)
- {
- // check data validity if flag set:
- if (QCP::isInvalidData(it.value().key, it.value().value))
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it.key() << "of drawn range invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
- QPolygonF barPolygon = getBarPolygon(it.key(), it.value().value);
- // draw bar fill:
- if (mainBrush().style() != Qt::NoBrush && mainBrush().color().alpha() != 0)
- {
- applyFillAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- painter->setBrush(mainBrush());
- painter->drawPolygon(barPolygon);
- }
- // draw bar line:
- if (mainPen().style() != Qt::NoPen && mainPen().color().alpha() != 0)
- {
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mainPen());
- painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- painter->drawPolyline(barPolygon);
- }
- }
+ mWhiskerAntialiased = enabled;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPBars::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
+ Sets the pen used for drawing the median indicator line inside the statistical boxes.
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setMedianPen(const QPen &pen)
- // draw filled rect:
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setBrush(mBrush);
- painter->setPen(mPen);
- QRectF r = QRectF(0, 0, rect.width()*0.67, rect.height()*0.67);
- r.moveCenter(rect.center());
- painter->drawRect(r);
+ mMedianPen = pen;
-/*! \internal
- called by \ref draw to determine which data (key) range is visible at the current key axis range
- setting, so only that needs to be processed. It also takes into account the bar width.
- \a lower returns an iterator to the lowest data point that needs to be taken into account when
- plotting. Note that in order to get a clean plot all the way to the edge of the axis rect, \a
- lower may still be just outside the visible range.
- \a upperEnd returns an iterator one higher than the highest visible data point. Same as before, \a
- upperEnd may also lie just outside of the visible range.
- if the bars plottable contains no data, both \a lower and \a upperEnd point to constEnd.
+ Sets the appearance of the outlier data points.
+ Outliers can be specified with the method
+ \ref addData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum, const QVector<double> &outliers)
-void QCPBars::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator &upperEnd) const
+void QCPStatisticalBox::setOutlierStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style)
- if (!mKeyAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis"; return; }
- if (mData->isEmpty())
- {
- lower = mData->constEnd();
- upperEnd = mData->constEnd();
- return;
- }
- // get visible data range as QMap iterators
- lower = mData->lowerBound(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower);
- upperEnd = mData->upperBound(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper);
- double lowerPixelBound = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower);
- double upperPixelBound = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper);
- bool isVisible = false;
- // walk left from lbound to find lower bar that actually is completely outside visible pixel range:
- QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator it = lower;
- while (it != mData->constBegin())
- {
- --it;
- QRectF barBounds = getBarPolygon(it.value().key, it.value().value).boundingRect();
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.right() >= lowerPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.left() <= lowerPixelBound));
- else // keyaxis is vertical
- isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.top() <= lowerPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.bottom() >= lowerPixelBound));
- if (isVisible)
- lower = it;
- else
- break;
- }
- // walk right from ubound to find upper bar that actually is completely outside visible pixel range:
- it = upperEnd;
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ mOutlierStyle = style;
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided points in \a keys, \a minimum, \a lowerQuartile, \a median, \a upperQuartile and
+ \a maximum to the current data. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number
+ of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
+void QCPStatisticalBox::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &minimum, const QVector<double> &lowerQuartile, const QVector<double> &median, const QVector<double> &upperQuartile, const QVector<double> &maximum, bool alreadySorted)
+ if (keys.size() != minimum.size() || minimum.size() != lowerQuartile.size() || lowerQuartile.size() != median.size() ||
+ median.size() != upperQuartile.size() || upperQuartile.size() != maximum.size() || maximum.size() != keys.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "keys, minimum, lowerQuartile, median, upperQuartile, maximum have different sizes:"
+ << keys.size() << minimum.size() << lowerQuartile.size() << median.size() << upperQuartile.size() << maximum.size();
+ const int n = qMin(keys.size(), qMin(minimum.size(), qMin(lowerQuartile.size(), qMin(median.size(), qMin(upperQuartile.size(), maximum.size())))));
+ QVector<QCPStatisticalBoxData> tempData(n);
+ QVector<QCPStatisticalBoxData>::iterator it = tempData.begin();
+ const QVector<QCPStatisticalBoxData>::iterator itEnd = tempData.end();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it != itEnd)
- QRectF barBounds = getBarPolygon(upperEnd.value().key, upperEnd.value().value).boundingRect();
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.left() <= upperPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.right() >= upperPixelBound));
- else // keyaxis is vertical
- isVisible = ((!mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.bottom() >= upperPixelBound) || (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() && barBounds.top() <= upperPixelBound));
- if (isVisible)
- upperEnd = it+1;
- else
- break;
+ it->key = keys[i];
+ it->minimum = minimum[i];
+ it->lowerQuartile = lowerQuartile[i];
+ it->median = median[i];
+ it->upperQuartile = upperQuartile[i];
+ it->maximum = maximum[i];
+ ++i;
+ mDataContainer->add(tempData, alreadySorted); // don't modify tempData beyond this to prevent copy on write
-/*! \internal
+/*! \overload
- Returns the polygon of a single bar with \a key and \a value. The Polygon is open at the bottom
- and shifted according to the bar stacking (see \ref moveAbove) and base value (see \ref
- setBaseValue).
+ Adds the provided data point as \a key, \a minimum, \a lowerQuartile, \a median, \a upperQuartile
+ and \a maximum to the current data.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
-QPolygonF QCPBars::getBarPolygon(double key, double value) const
+void QCPStatisticalBox::addData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum, const QVector<double> &outliers)
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QPolygonF(); }
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPStatisticalBoxData(key, minimum, lowerQuartile, median, upperQuartile, maximum, outliers));
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::selectTestRect
+QCPDataSelection QCPStatisticalBox::selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return result;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return result;
- QPolygonF result;
- double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth;
- getPixelWidth(key, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- double base = getStackedBaseValue(key, value >= 0);
- double basePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(base);
- double valuePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(base+value);
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(key);
- if (mBarsGroup)
- keyPixel += mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, key);
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- result << QPointF(keyPixel+lowerPixelWidth, basePixel);
- result << QPointF(keyPixel+lowerPixelWidth, valuePixel);
- result << QPointF(keyPixel+upperPixelWidth, valuePixel);
- result << QPointF(keyPixel+upperPixelWidth, basePixel);
- } else
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ for (QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it=visibleBegin; it!=visibleEnd; ++it)
- result << QPointF(basePixel, keyPixel+lowerPixelWidth);
- result << QPointF(valuePixel, keyPixel+lowerPixelWidth);
- result << QPointF(valuePixel, keyPixel+upperPixelWidth);
- result << QPointF(basePixel, keyPixel+upperPixelWidth);
+ if (rect.intersects(getQuartileBox(it)))
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(it-mDataContainer->constBegin(), it-mDataContainer->constBegin()+1), false);
+ result.simplify();
return result;
-/*! \internal
- This function is used to determine the width of the bar at coordinate \a key, according to the
- specified width (\ref setWidth) and width type (\ref setWidthType).
- The output parameters \a lower and \a upper return the number of pixels the bar extends to lower
- and higher keys, relative to the \a key coordinate (so with a non-reversed horizontal axis, \a
- lower is negative and \a upper positive).
-void QCPBars::getPixelWidth(double key, double &lower, double &upper) const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPStatisticalBox::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- switch (mWidthType)
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return -1;
+ if (mKeyAxis->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- case wtAbsolute:
- {
- upper = mWidth*0.5;
- lower = -upper;
- if (mKeyAxis && (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() ^ (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)))
- qSwap(lower, upper);
- break;
- }
- case wtAxisRectRatio:
+ // get visible data range:
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ for (QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it=visibleBegin; it!=visibleEnd; ++it)
- if (mKeyAxis && mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect())
+ if (getQuartileBox(it).contains(pos)) // quartile box
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- upper = mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->width()*mWidth*0.5;
- else
- upper = mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->height()*mWidth*0.5;
- lower = -upper;
- if (mKeyAxis && (mKeyAxis.data()->rangeReversed() ^ (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)))
- qSwap(lower, upper);
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No key axis or axis rect defined";
- break;
+ double currentDistSqr = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99 * mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestDataPoint = it;
+ }
+ } else // whiskers
+ {
+ const QVector<QLineF> whiskerBackbones(getWhiskerBackboneLines(it));
+ for (int i=0; i<whiskerBackbones.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(whiskerBackbones.at(i));
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestDataPoint = it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- case wtPlotCoords:
+ if (details)
- if (mKeyAxis)
- {
- double keyPixel = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key);
- upper = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key+mWidth*0.5)-keyPixel;
- lower = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key-mWidth*0.5)-keyPixel;
- // no need to qSwap(lower, higher) when range reversed, because higher/lower are gained by
- // coordinate transform which includes range direction
- } else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No key axis defined";
- break;
+ int pointIndex = closestDataPoint-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(pointIndex, pointIndex+1)));
+ return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
+ return -1;
-/*! \internal
- This function is called to find at which value to start drawing the base of a bar at \a key, when
- it is stacked on top of another QCPBars (e.g. with \ref moveAbove).
- positive and negative bars are separated per stack (positive are stacked above baseValue upwards,
- negative are stacked below baseValue downwards). This can be indicated with \a positive. So if the
- bar for which we need the base value is negative, set \a positive to false.
-double QCPBars::getStackedBaseValue(double key, bool positive) const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPStatisticalBox::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- if (mBarBelow)
+ QCPRange range = mDataContainer->keyRange(foundRange, inSignDomain);
+ // determine exact range by including width of bars/flags:
+ if (foundRange)
- double max = 0; // don't use mBaseValue here because only base value of bottom-most bar has meaning in a bar stack
- // find bars of mBarBelow that are approximately at key and find largest one:
- double epsilon = qAbs(key)*1e-6; // should be safe even when changed to use float at some point
- if (key == 0)
- epsilon = 1e-6;
- QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator it = mBarBelow.data()->mData->lowerBound(key-epsilon);
- QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator itEnd = mBarBelow.data()->mData->upperBound(key+epsilon);
- while (it != itEnd)
- {
- if ((positive && it.value().value > max) ||
- (!positive && it.value().value < max))
- max = it.value().value;
- ++it;
- }
- // recurse down the bar-stack to find the total height:
- return max + mBarBelow.data()->getStackedBaseValue(key, positive);
- } else
- return mBaseValue;
+ if (inSignDomain != QCP::sdPositive || range.lower-mWidth*0.5 > 0)
+ range.lower -= mWidth*0.5;
+ if (inSignDomain != QCP::sdNegative || range.upper+mWidth*0.5 < 0)
+ range.upper += mWidth*0.5;
+ }
+ return range;
-/*! \internal
- Connects \a below and \a above to each other via their mBarAbove/mBarBelow properties. The bar(s)
- currently above lower and below upper will become disconnected to lower/upper.
- If lower is zero, upper will be disconnected at the bottom.
- If upper is zero, lower will be disconnected at the top.
-void QCPBars::connectBars(QCPBars *lower, QCPBars *upper)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPStatisticalBox::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
- if (!lower && !upper) return;
- if (!lower) // disconnect upper at bottom
- {
- // disconnect old bar below upper:
- if (upper->mBarBelow && upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove.data() == upper)
- upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove = 0;
- upper->mBarBelow = 0;
- } else if (!upper) // disconnect lower at top
- {
- // disconnect old bar above lower:
- if (lower->mBarAbove && lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow.data() == lower)
- lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow = 0;
- lower->mBarAbove = 0;
- } else // connect lower and upper
- {
- // disconnect old bar above lower:
- if (lower->mBarAbove && lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow.data() == lower)
- lower->mBarAbove.data()->mBarBelow = 0;
- // disconnect old bar below upper:
- if (upper->mBarBelow && upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove.data() == upper)
- upper->mBarBelow.data()->mBarAbove = 0;
- lower->mBarAbove = upper;
- upper->mBarBelow = lower;
- }
+ return mDataContainer->valueRange(foundRange, inSignDomain, inKeyRange);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPBars::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+void QCPStatisticalBox::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QCPRange range;
- bool haveLower = false;
- bool haveUpper = false;
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty()) return;
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- double current;
- QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ // loop over and draw segments of unselected/selected data:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> selectedSegments, unselectedSegments, allSegments;
+ getDataSegments(selectedSegments, unselectedSegments);
+ allSegments << unselectedSegments << selectedSegments;
+ for (int i=0; i<allSegments.size(); ++i)
- current = it.value().key;
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && current > 0))
- {
- if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ bool isSelectedSegment = i >= unselectedSegments.size();
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator begin = visibleBegin;
+ QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator end = visibleEnd;
+ mDataContainer->limitIteratorsToDataRange(begin, end, allSegments.at(i));
+ if (begin == end)
+ continue;
+ for (QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ // check data validity if flag set:
+ if (QCP::isInvalidData(it->key, it->minimum) ||
+ QCP::isInvalidData(it->lowerQuartile, it->median) ||
+ QCP::isInvalidData(it->upperQuartile, it->maximum))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << it->key << "of drawn range has invalid data." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+ for (int i=0; i<it->outliers.size(); ++i)
+ if (QCP::isInvalidData(it->outliers.at(i)))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point outlier at" << it->key << "of drawn range invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+# endif
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyBrush(painter);
+ } else
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ QCPScatterStyle finalOutlierStyle = mOutlierStyle;
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ finalOutlierStyle = mSelectionDecorator->getFinalScatterStyle(mOutlierStyle);
+ drawStatisticalBox(painter, it, finalOutlierStyle);
- ++it;
- }
- // determine exact range of bars by including bar width and barsgroup offset:
- if (haveLower && mKeyAxis)
- {
- double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth, keyPixel;
- getPixelWidth(range.lower, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- keyPixel = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(range.lower) + lowerPixelWidth;
- if (mBarsGroup)
- keyPixel += mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, range.lower);
- range.lower = mKeyAxis.data()->pixelToCoord(keyPixel);
- }
- if (haveUpper && mKeyAxis)
- {
- double lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth, keyPixel;
- getPixelWidth(range.upper, lowerPixelWidth, upperPixelWidth);
- keyPixel = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(range.upper) + upperPixelWidth;
- if (mBarsGroup)
- keyPixel += mBarsGroup->keyPixelOffset(this, range.upper);
- range.upper = mKeyAxis.data()->pixelToCoord(keyPixel);
- foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
- return range;
+ // draw other selection decoration that isn't just line/scatter pens and brushes:
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->drawDecoration(painter, selection());
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPStatisticalBox::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
+ // draw filled rect:
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ QRectF r = QRectF(0, 0, rect.width()*0.67, rect.height()*0.67);
+ r.moveCenter(rect.center());
+ painter->drawRect(r);
+ Draws the graphical representation of a single statistical box with the data given by the
+ iterator \a it with the provided \a painter.
+ If the statistical box has a set of outlier data points, they are drawn with \a outlierStyle.
+ \see getQuartileBox, getWhiskerBackboneLines, getWhiskerBarLines
+void QCPStatisticalBox::drawStatisticalBox(QCPPainter *painter, QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it, const QCPScatterStyle &outlierStyle) const
+ // draw quartile box:
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ const QRectF quartileBox = getQuartileBox(it);
+ painter->drawRect(quartileBox);
+ // draw median line with cliprect set to quartile box:
+ painter->save();
+ painter->setClipRect(quartileBox, Qt::IntersectClip);
+ painter->setPen(mMedianPen);
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(coordsToPixels(it->key-mWidth*0.5, it->median), coordsToPixels(it->key+mWidth*0.5, it->median)));
+ painter->restore();
+ // draw whisker lines:
+ applyAntialiasingHint(painter, mWhiskerAntialiased, QCP::aePlottables);
+ painter->setPen(mWhiskerPen);
+ painter->drawLines(getWhiskerBackboneLines(it));
+ painter->setPen(mWhiskerBarPen);
+ painter->drawLines(getWhiskerBarLines(it));
+ // draw outliers:
+ applyScattersAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ outlierStyle.applyTo(painter, mPen);
+ for (int i=0; i<it->outliers.size(); ++i)
+ outlierStyle.drawShape(painter, coordsToPixels(it->key, it->outliers.at(i)));
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPBars::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- QCPRange range;
- range.lower = mBaseValue;
- range.upper = mBaseValue;
- bool haveLower = true; // set to true, because baseValue should always be visible in bar charts
- bool haveUpper = true; // set to true, because baseValue should always be visible in bar charts
- double current;
+/*! \internal
+ called by \ref draw to determine which data (key) range is visible at the current key axis range
+ setting, so only that needs to be processed. It also takes into account the bar width.
+ \a begin returns an iterator to the lowest data point that needs to be taken into account when
+ plotting. Note that in order to get a clean plot all the way to the edge of the axis rect, \a
+ lower may still be just outside the visible range.
+ \a end returns an iterator one higher than the highest visible data point. Same as before, \a end
+ may also lie just outside of the visible range.
- QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ if the plottable contains no data, both \a begin and \a end point to constEnd.
+void QCPStatisticalBox::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const
+ if (!mKeyAxis)
- current = it.value().value + getStackedBaseValue(it.value().key, it.value().value >= 0);
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && current > 0))
- {
- if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
- {
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- }
- ++it;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis";
+ begin = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ return;
- foundRange = true; // return true because bar charts always have the 0-line visible
- return range;
+ begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower-mWidth*0.5); // subtract half width of box to include partially visible data points
+ end = mDataContainer->findEnd(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper+mWidth*0.5); // add half width of box to include partially visible data points
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the box in plot coordinates (keys in x, values in y of the returned rect) that covers the
+ value range from the lower to the upper quartile, of the data given by \a it.
+ \see drawStatisticalBox, getWhiskerBackboneLines, getWhiskerBarLines
+QRectF QCPStatisticalBox::getQuartileBox(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it) const
+ QRectF result;
+ result.setTopLeft(coordsToPixels(it->key-mWidth*0.5, it->upperQuartile));
+ result.setBottomRight(coordsToPixels(it->key+mWidth*0.5, it->lowerQuartile));
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the whisker backbones (keys in x, values in y of the returned lines) that cover the value
+ range from the minimum to the lower quartile, and from the upper quartile to the maximum of the
+ data given by \a it.
+ \see drawStatisticalBox, getQuartileBox, getWhiskerBarLines
+QVector<QLineF> QCPStatisticalBox::getWhiskerBackboneLines(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it) const
+ QVector<QLineF> result(2);
+ result[0].setPoints(coordsToPixels(it->key, it->lowerQuartile), coordsToPixels(it->key, it->minimum)); // min backbone
+ result[1].setPoints(coordsToPixels(it->key, it->upperQuartile), coordsToPixels(it->key, it->maximum)); // max backbone
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the whisker bars (keys in x, values in y of the returned lines) that are placed at the
+ end of the whisker backbones, at the minimum and maximum of the data given by \a it.
+ \see drawStatisticalBox, getQuartileBox, getWhiskerBackboneLines
+QVector<QLineF> QCPStatisticalBox::getWhiskerBarLines(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it) const
+ QVector<QLineF> result(2);
+ result[0].setPoints(coordsToPixels(it->key-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, it->minimum), coordsToPixels(it->key+mWhiskerWidth*0.5, it->minimum)); // min bar
+ result[1].setPoints(coordsToPixels(it->key-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, it->maximum), coordsToPixels(it->key+mWhiskerWidth*0.5, it->maximum)); // max bar
+ return result;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-statisticalbox.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-colormap.cpp', size 47531 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPStatisticalBox
+//////////////////// QCPColorMapData
-/*! \class QCPStatisticalBox
- \brief A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot.
- \image html QCPStatisticalBox.png
- To plot data, assign it with the individual parameter functions or use \ref setData to set all
- parameters at once. The individual functions are:
- \li \ref setMinimum
- \li \ref setLowerQuartile
- \li \ref setMedian
- \li \ref setUpperQuartile
- \li \ref setMaximum
- Additionally you can define a list of outliers, drawn as scatter datapoints:
- \li \ref setOutliers
- \section appearance Changing the appearance
+/*! \class QCPColorMapData
+ \brief Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable.
- The appearance of the box itself is controlled via \ref setPen and \ref setBrush. You may change
- the width of the box with \ref setWidth in plot coordinates (not pixels).
- Analog functions exist for the minimum/maximum-whiskers: \ref setWhiskerPen, \ref
- setWhiskerBarPen, \ref setWhiskerWidth. The whisker width is the width of the bar at the top
- (maximum) and bottom (minimum).
+ This class is a data storage for \ref QCPColorMap. It holds a two-dimensional array, which \ref
+ QCPColorMap then displays as a 2D image in the plot, where the array values are represented by a
+ color, depending on the value.
- The median indicator line has its own pen, \ref setMedianPen.
+ The size of the array can be controlled via \ref setSize (or \ref setKeySize, \ref setValueSize).
+ Which plot coordinates these cells correspond to can be configured with \ref setRange (or \ref
+ setKeyRange, \ref setValueRange).
- If the whisker backbone pen is changed, make sure to set the capStyle to Qt::FlatCap. Else, the
- backbone line might exceed the whisker bars by a few pixels due to the pen cap being not
- perfectly flat.
+ The data cells can be accessed in two ways: They can be directly addressed by an integer index
+ with \ref setCell. This is the fastest method. Alternatively, they can be addressed by their plot
+ coordinate with \ref setData. plot coordinate to cell index transformations and vice versa are
+ provided by the functions \ref coordToCell and \ref cellToCoord.
- The Outlier data points are drawn as normal scatter points. Their look can be controlled with
- \ref setOutlierStyle
+ A \ref QCPColorMapData also holds an on-demand two-dimensional array of alpha values which (if
+ allocated) has the same size as the data map. It can be accessed via \ref setAlpha, \ref
+ fillAlpha and \ref clearAlpha. The memory for the alpha map is only allocated if needed, i.e. on
+ the first call of \ref setAlpha. \ref clearAlpha restores full opacity and frees the alpha map.
- \section usage Usage
+ This class also buffers the minimum and maximum values that are in the data set, to provide
+ QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange with the necessary information quickly. Setting a cell to a value
+ that is greater than the current maximum increases this maximum to the new value. However,
+ setting the cell that currently holds the maximum value to a smaller value doesn't decrease the
+ maximum again, because finding the true new maximum would require going through the entire data
+ array, which might be time consuming. The same holds for the data minimum. This functionality is
+ given by \ref recalculateDataBounds, such that you can decide when it is sensible to find the
+ true current minimum and maximum. The method QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange offers a convenience
+ parameter \a recalculateDataBounds which may be set to true to automatically call \ref
+ recalculateDataBounds internally.
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn bool QCPColorMapData::isEmpty() const
- Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPStatisticalBox is a plottable.
- Usually, you first create an instance and add it to the customPlot:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpstatisticalbox-creation-1
- and then modify the properties of the newly created plottable, e.g.:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpstatisticalbox-creation-2
+ Returns whether this instance carries no data. This is equivalent to having a size where at least
+ one of the dimensions is 0 (see \ref setSize).
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
- Constructs a statistical box which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its
- value axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and
- not have the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding
- message is printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
+ Constructs a new QCPColorMapData instance. The instance has \a keySize cells in the key direction
+ and \a valueSize cells in the value direction. These cells will be displayed by the \ref QCPColorMap
+ at the coordinates \a keyRange and \a valueRange.
- The constructed statistical box can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable,
- QCustomPlot then takes ownership of the statistical box.
+ \see setSize, setKeySize, setValueSize, setRange, setKeyRange, setValueRange
-QCPStatisticalBox::QCPStatisticalBox(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
- QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis),
- mKey(0),
- mMinimum(0),
- mLowerQuartile(0),
- mMedian(0),
- mUpperQuartile(0),
- mMaximum(0)
+QCPColorMapData::QCPColorMapData(int keySize, int valueSize, const QCPRange &keyRange, const QCPRange &valueRange) :
+ mKeySize(0),
+ mValueSize(0),
+ mKeyRange(keyRange),
+ mValueRange(valueRange),
+ mIsEmpty(true),
+ mData(0),
+ mAlpha(0),
+ mDataModified(true)
- setOutlierStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::blue, 6));
- setWhiskerWidth(0.2);
- setWidth(0.5);
- setPen(QPen(Qt::black));
- setSelectedPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2.5));
- setMedianPen(QPen(Qt::black, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap));
- setWhiskerPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DashLine, Qt::FlatCap));
- setWhiskerBarPen(QPen(Qt::black));
- setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- setSelectedBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ setSize(keySize, valueSize);
+ fill(0);
+ if (mData)
+ delete[] mData;
+ if (mAlpha)
+ delete[] mAlpha;
- Sets the key coordinate of the statistical box.
+ Constructs a new QCPColorMapData instance copying the data and range of \a other.
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setKey(double key)
+QCPColorMapData::QCPColorMapData(const QCPColorMapData &other) :
+ mKeySize(0),
+ mValueSize(0),
+ mIsEmpty(true),
+ mData(0),
+ mAlpha(0),
+ mDataModified(true)
- mKey = key;
+ *this = other;
+ Overwrites this color map data instance with the data stored in \a other. The alpha map state is
+ transferred, too.
+QCPColorMapData &QCPColorMapData::operator=(const QCPColorMapData &other)
+ if (&other != this)
+ {
+ const int keySize = other.keySize();
+ const int valueSize = other.valueSize();
+ if (!other.mAlpha && mAlpha)
+ clearAlpha();
+ setSize(keySize, valueSize);
+ if (other.mAlpha && !mAlpha)
+ createAlpha(false);
+ setRange(other.keyRange(), other.valueRange());
+ if (!isEmpty())
+ {
+ memcpy(mData, other.mData, sizeof(mData[0])*keySize*valueSize);
+ if (mAlpha)
+ memcpy(mAlpha, other.mAlpha, sizeof(mAlpha[0])*keySize*valueSize);
+ }
+ mDataBounds = other.mDataBounds;
+ mDataModified = true;
+ }
+ return *this;
+/* undocumented getter */
+double QCPColorMapData::data(double key, double value)
+ int keyCell = (key-mKeyRange.lower)/(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)*(mKeySize-1)+0.5;
+ int valueCell = (value-mValueRange.lower)/(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)*(mValueSize-1)+0.5;
+ if (keyCell >= 0 && keyCell < mKeySize && valueCell >= 0 && valueCell < mValueSize)
+ return mData[valueCell*mKeySize + keyCell];
+ else
+ return 0;
+/* undocumented getter */
+double QCPColorMapData::cell(int keyIndex, int valueIndex)
+ if (keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeySize && valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < mValueSize)
+ return mData[valueIndex*mKeySize + keyIndex];
+ else
+ return 0;
+ Returns the alpha map value of the cell with the indices \a keyIndex and \a valueIndex.
+ If this color map data doesn't have an alpha map (because \ref setAlpha was never called after
+ creation or after a call to \ref clearAlpha), returns 255, which corresponds to full opacity.
+ \see setAlpha
+unsigned char QCPColorMapData::alpha(int keyIndex, int valueIndex)
+ if (mAlpha && keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeySize && valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < mValueSize)
+ return mAlpha[valueIndex*mKeySize + keyIndex];
+ else
+ return 255;
- Sets the parameter "minimum" of the statistical box plot. This is the position of the lower
- whisker, typically the minimum measurement of the sample that's not considered an outlier.
+ Resizes the data array to have \a keySize cells in the key dimension and \a valueSize cells in
+ the value dimension.
+ The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the
+ requested size.
- \see setMaximum, setWhiskerPen, setWhiskerBarPen, setWhiskerWidth
+ Setting at least one of \a keySize or \a valueSize to zero frees the internal data array and \ref
+ isEmpty returns true.
+ \see setRange, setKeySize, setValueSize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setMinimum(double value)
+void QCPColorMapData::setSize(int keySize, int valueSize)
- mMinimum = value;
+ if (keySize != mKeySize || valueSize != mValueSize)
+ {
+ mKeySize = keySize;
+ mValueSize = valueSize;
+ if (mData)
+ delete[] mData;
+ mIsEmpty = mKeySize == 0 || mValueSize == 0;
+ if (!mIsEmpty)
+ {
+#ifdef __EXCEPTIONS
+ try { // 2D arrays get memory intensive fast. So if the allocation fails, at least output debug message
+ mData = new double[mKeySize*mValueSize];
+#ifdef __EXCEPTIONS
+ } catch (...) { mData = 0; }
+ if (mData)
+ fill(0);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "out of memory for data dimensions "<< mKeySize << "*" << mValueSize;
+ } else
+ mData = 0;
+ if (mAlpha) // if we had an alpha map, recreate it with new size
+ createAlpha();
+ mDataModified = true;
+ }
- Sets the parameter "lower Quartile" of the statistical box plot. This is the lower end of the
- box. The lower and the upper quartiles are the two statistical quartiles around the median of the
- sample, they contain 50% of the sample data.
+ Resizes the data array to have \a keySize cells in the key dimension.
+ The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the
+ requested size.
- \see setUpperQuartile, setPen, setBrush, setWidth
+ Setting \a keySize to zero frees the internal data array and \ref isEmpty returns true.
+ \see setKeyRange, setSize, setValueSize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setLowerQuartile(double value)
+void QCPColorMapData::setKeySize(int keySize)
- mLowerQuartile = value;
+ setSize(keySize, mValueSize);
- Sets the parameter "median" of the statistical box plot. This is the value of the median mark
- inside the quartile box. The median separates the sample data in half (50% of the sample data is
- below/above the median).
+ Resizes the data array to have \a valueSize cells in the value dimension.
+ The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the
+ requested size.
- \see setMedianPen
+ Setting \a valueSize to zero frees the internal data array and \ref isEmpty returns true.
+ \see setValueRange, setSize, setKeySize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setMedian(double value)
+void QCPColorMapData::setValueSize(int valueSize)
- mMedian = value;
+ setSize(mKeySize, valueSize);
- Sets the parameter "upper Quartile" of the statistical box plot. This is the upper end of the
- box. The lower and the upper quartiles are the two statistical quartiles around the median of the
- sample, they contain 50% of the sample data.
+ Sets the coordinate ranges the data shall be distributed over. This defines the rectangular area
+ covered by the color map in plot coordinates.
- \see setLowerQuartile, setPen, setBrush, setWidth
+ The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if
+ the key size (\ref setKeySize) is 3 and \a keyRange is set to <tt>QCPRange(2, 3)</tt> there will
+ be cells centered on the key coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.
+ \see setSize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setUpperQuartile(double value)
+void QCPColorMapData::setRange(const QCPRange &keyRange, const QCPRange &valueRange)
- mUpperQuartile = value;
+ setKeyRange(keyRange);
+ setValueRange(valueRange);
- Sets the parameter "maximum" of the statistical box plot. This is the position of the upper
- whisker, typically the maximum measurement of the sample that's not considered an outlier.
+ Sets the coordinate range the data shall be distributed over in the key dimension. Together with
+ the value range, This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.
- \see setMinimum, setWhiskerPen, setWhiskerBarPen, setWhiskerWidth
+ The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if
+ the key size (\ref setKeySize) is 3 and \a keyRange is set to <tt>QCPRange(2, 3)</tt> there will
+ be cells centered on the key coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.
+ \see setRange, setValueRange, setSize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setMaximum(double value)
+void QCPColorMapData::setKeyRange(const QCPRange &keyRange)
- mMaximum = value;
+ mKeyRange = keyRange;
- Sets a vector of outlier values that will be drawn as scatters. Any data points in the sample
- that are not within the whiskers (\ref setMinimum, \ref setMaximum) should be considered outliers
- and displayed as such.
+ Sets the coordinate range the data shall be distributed over in the value dimension. Together with
+ the key range, This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.
- \see setOutlierStyle
+ The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if
+ the value size (\ref setValueSize) is 3 and \a valueRange is set to <tt>QCPRange(2, 3)</tt> there
+ will be cells centered on the value coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.
+ \see setRange, setKeyRange, setSize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setOutliers(const QVector<double> &values)
+void QCPColorMapData::setValueRange(const QCPRange &valueRange)
- mOutliers = values;
+ mValueRange = valueRange;
- Sets all parameters of the statistical box plot at once.
+ Sets the data of the cell, which lies at the plot coordinates given by \a key and \a value, to \a
+ z.
- \see setKey, setMinimum, setLowerQuartile, setMedian, setUpperQuartile, setMaximum
+ \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
+ value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
+ you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::setData method as it uses a linear transformation to
+ determine the cell index. Rather directly access the cell index with \ref
+ QCPColorMapData::setCell.
+ \see setCell, setRange
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum)
+void QCPColorMapData::setData(double key, double value, double z)
- setKey(key);
- setMinimum(minimum);
- setLowerQuartile(lowerQuartile);
- setMedian(median);
- setUpperQuartile(upperQuartile);
- setMaximum(maximum);
+ int keyCell = (key-mKeyRange.lower)/(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)*(mKeySize-1)+0.5;
+ int valueCell = (value-mValueRange.lower)/(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)*(mValueSize-1)+0.5;
+ if (keyCell >= 0 && keyCell < mKeySize && valueCell >= 0 && valueCell < mValueSize)
+ {
+ mData[valueCell*mKeySize + keyCell] = z;
+ if (z < mDataBounds.lower)
+ mDataBounds.lower = z;
+ if (z > mDataBounds.upper)
+ mDataBounds.upper = z;
+ mDataModified = true;
+ }
- Sets the width of the box in key coordinates.
+ Sets the data of the cell with indices \a keyIndex and \a valueIndex to \a z. The indices
+ enumerate the cells starting from zero, up to the map's size-1 in the respective dimension (see
+ \ref setSize).
- \see setWhiskerWidth
+ In the standard plot configuration (horizontal key axis and vertical value axis, both not
+ range-reversed), the cell with indices (0, 0) is in the bottom left corner and the cell with
+ indices (keySize-1, valueSize-1) is in the top right corner of the color map.
+ \see setData, setSize
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setWidth(double width)
+void QCPColorMapData::setCell(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double z)
- mWidth = width;
+ if (keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeySize && valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < mValueSize)
+ {
+ mData[valueIndex*mKeySize + keyIndex] = z;
+ if (z < mDataBounds.lower)
+ mDataBounds.lower = z;
+ if (z > mDataBounds.upper)
+ mDataBounds.upper = z;
+ mDataModified = true;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index out of bounds:" << keyIndex << valueIndex;
- Sets the width of the whiskers (\ref setMinimum, \ref setMaximum) in key coordinates.
- \see setWidth
+ Sets the alpha of the color map cell given by \a keyIndex and \a valueIndex to \a alpha. A value
+ of 0 for \a alpha results in a fully transparent cell, and a value of 255 results in a fully
+ opaque cell.
+ If an alpha map doesn't exist yet for this color map data, it will be created here. If you wish
+ to restore full opacity and free any allocated memory of the alpha map, call \ref clearAlpha.
+ Note that the cell-wise alpha which can be configured here is independent of any alpha configured
+ in the color map's gradient (\ref QCPColorGradient). If a cell is affected both by the cell-wise
+ and gradient alpha, the alpha values will be blended accordingly during rendering of the color
+ map.
+ \see fillAlpha, clearAlpha
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerWidth(double width)
+void QCPColorMapData::setAlpha(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, unsigned char alpha)
- mWhiskerWidth = width;
+ if (keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeySize && valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < mValueSize)
+ {
+ if (mAlpha || createAlpha())
+ {
+ mAlpha[valueIndex*mKeySize + keyIndex] = alpha;
+ mDataModified = true;
+ }
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index out of bounds:" << keyIndex << valueIndex;
- Sets the pen used for drawing the whisker backbone (That's the line parallel to the value axis).
+ Goes through the data and updates the buffered minimum and maximum data values.
- Make sure to set the \a pen capStyle to Qt::FlatCap to prevent the whisker backbone from reaching
- a few pixels past the whisker bars, when using a non-zero pen width.
+ Calling this method is only advised if you are about to call \ref QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange
+ and can not guarantee that the cells holding the maximum or minimum data haven't been overwritten
+ with a smaller or larger value respectively, since the buffered maximum/minimum values have been
+ updated the last time. Why this is the case is explained in the class description (\ref
+ QCPColorMapData).
- \see setWhiskerBarPen
+ Note that the method \ref QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange provides a parameter \a
+ recalculateDataBounds for convenience. Setting this to true will call this method for you, before
+ doing the rescale.
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerPen(const QPen &pen)
+void QCPColorMapData::recalculateDataBounds()
- mWhiskerPen = pen;
+ if (mKeySize > 0 && mValueSize > 0)
+ {
+ double minHeight = mData[0];
+ double maxHeight = mData[0];
+ const int dataCount = mValueSize*mKeySize;
+ for (int i=0; i<dataCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (mData[i] > maxHeight)
+ maxHeight = mData[i];
+ if (mData[i] < minHeight)
+ minHeight = mData[i];
+ }
+ mDataBounds.lower = minHeight;
+ mDataBounds.upper = maxHeight;
+ }
- Sets the pen used for drawing the whisker bars (Those are the lines parallel to the key axis at
- each end of the whisker backbone).
+ Frees the internal data memory.
- \see setWhiskerPen
+ This is equivalent to calling \ref setSize "setSize(0, 0)".
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setWhiskerBarPen(const QPen &pen)
+void QCPColorMapData::clear()
- mWhiskerBarPen = pen;
+ setSize(0, 0);
- Sets the pen used for drawing the median indicator line inside the statistical box.
+ Frees the internal alpha map. The color map will have full opacity again.
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setMedianPen(const QPen &pen)
+void QCPColorMapData::clearAlpha()
- mMedianPen = pen;
+ if (mAlpha)
+ {
+ delete[] mAlpha;
+ mAlpha = 0;
+ mDataModified = true;
+ }
- Sets the appearance of the outlier data points.
- \see setOutliers
+ Sets all cells to the value \a z.
-void QCPStatisticalBox::setOutlierStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style)
+void QCPColorMapData::fill(double z)
- mOutlierStyle = style;
+ const int dataCount = mValueSize*mKeySize;
+ for (int i=0; i<dataCount; ++i)
+ mData[i] = z;
+ mDataBounds = QCPRange(z, z);
+ mDataModified = true;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPStatisticalBox::clearData()
- setOutliers(QVector<double>());
- setKey(0);
- setMinimum(0);
- setLowerQuartile(0);
- setMedian(0);
- setUpperQuartile(0);
- setMaximum(0);
+ Sets the opacity of all color map cells to \a alpha. A value of 0 for \a alpha results in a fully
+ transparent color map, and a value of 255 results in a fully opaque color map.
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-double QCPStatisticalBox::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ If you wish to restore opacity to 100% and free any used memory for the alpha map, rather use
+ \ref clearAlpha.
+ \see setAlpha
+void QCPColorMapData::fillAlpha(unsigned char alpha)
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
- return -1;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ if (mAlpha || createAlpha(false))
- double posKey, posValue;
- pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
- // quartile box:
- QCPRange keyRange(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mKey+mWidth*0.5);
- QCPRange valueRange(mLowerQuartile, mUpperQuartile);
- if (keyRange.contains(posKey) && valueRange.contains(posValue))
- return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- // min/max whiskers:
- if (QCPRange(mMinimum, mMaximum).contains(posValue))
- return qAbs(mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(mKey)-mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(posKey));
+ const int dataCount = mValueSize*mKeySize;
+ for (int i=0; i<dataCount; ++i)
+ mAlpha[i] = alpha;
+ mDataModified = true;
- return -1;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPStatisticalBox::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- // check data validity if flag set:
- if (QCP::isInvalidData(mKey, mMedian) ||
- QCP::isInvalidData(mLowerQuartile, mUpperQuartile) ||
- QCP::isInvalidData(mMinimum, mMaximum))
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at" << mKey << "of drawn range has invalid data." << "Plottable name:" << name();
- for (int i=0; i<mOutliers.size(); ++i)
- if (QCP::isInvalidData(mOutliers.at(i)))
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point outlier at" << mKey << "of drawn range invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+ Transforms plot coordinates given by \a key and \a value to cell indices of this QCPColorMapData
+ instance. The resulting cell indices are returned via the output parameters \a keyIndex and \a
+ valueIndex.
- QRectF quartileBox;
- drawQuartileBox(painter, &quartileBox);
+ The retrieved key/value cell indices can then be used for example with \ref setCell.
- painter->save();
- painter->setClipRect(quartileBox, Qt::IntersectClip);
- drawMedian(painter);
- painter->restore();
+ If you are only interested in a key or value index, you may pass 0 as \a valueIndex or \a
+ keyIndex.
- drawWhiskers(painter);
- drawOutliers(painter);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPStatisticalBox::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
- // draw filled rect:
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mPen);
- painter->setBrush(mBrush);
- QRectF r = QRectF(0, 0, rect.width()*0.67, rect.height()*0.67);
- r.moveCenter(rect.center());
- painter->drawRect(r);
-/*! \internal
+ \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
+ value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
+ you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::coordToCell method as it uses a linear transformation to
+ determine the cell index.
- Draws the quartile box. \a box is an output parameter that returns the quartile box (in pixel
- coordinates) which is used to set the clip rect of the painter before calling \ref drawMedian (so
- the median doesn't draw outside the quartile box).
+ \see cellToCoord, QCPAxis::coordToPixel
-void QCPStatisticalBox::drawQuartileBox(QCPPainter *painter, QRectF *quartileBox) const
+void QCPColorMapData::coordToCell(double key, double value, int *keyIndex, int *valueIndex) const
- QRectF box;
- box.setTopLeft(coordsToPixels(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mUpperQuartile));
- box.setBottomRight(coordsToPixels(mKey+mWidth*0.5, mLowerQuartile));
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mainPen());
- painter->setBrush(mainBrush());
- painter->drawRect(box);
- if (quartileBox)
- *quartileBox = box;
+ if (keyIndex)
+ *keyIndex = (key-mKeyRange.lower)/(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)*(mKeySize-1)+0.5;
+ if (valueIndex)
+ *valueIndex = (value-mValueRange.lower)/(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)*(mValueSize-1)+0.5;
-/*! \internal
+ Transforms cell indices given by \a keyIndex and \a valueIndex to cell indices of this QCPColorMapData
+ instance. The resulting coordinates are returned via the output parameters \a key and \a
+ value.
- Draws the median line inside the quartile box.
-void QCPStatisticalBox::drawMedian(QCPPainter *painter) const
- QLineF medianLine;
- medianLine.setP1(coordsToPixels(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mMedian));
- medianLine.setP2(coordsToPixels(mKey+mWidth*0.5, mMedian));
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mMedianPen);
- painter->drawLine(medianLine);
-/*! \internal
+ If you are only interested in a key or value coordinate, you may pass 0 as \a key or \a
+ value.
+ \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
+ value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
+ you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::cellToCoord method as it uses a linear transformation to
+ determine the cell index.
- Draws both whisker backbones and bars.
+ \see coordToCell, QCPAxis::pixelToCoord
-void QCPStatisticalBox::drawWhiskers(QCPPainter *painter) const
+void QCPColorMapData::cellToCoord(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double *key, double *value) const
- QLineF backboneMin, backboneMax, barMin, barMax;
- backboneMax.setPoints(coordsToPixels(mKey, mUpperQuartile), coordsToPixels(mKey, mMaximum));
- backboneMin.setPoints(coordsToPixels(mKey, mLowerQuartile), coordsToPixels(mKey, mMinimum));
- barMax.setPoints(coordsToPixels(mKey-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, mMaximum), coordsToPixels(mKey+mWhiskerWidth*0.5, mMaximum));
- barMin.setPoints(coordsToPixels(mKey-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, mMinimum), coordsToPixels(mKey+mWhiskerWidth*0.5, mMinimum));
- applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint(painter);
- painter->setPen(mWhiskerPen);
- painter->drawLine(backboneMin);
- painter->drawLine(backboneMax);
- painter->setPen(mWhiskerBarPen);
- painter->drawLine(barMin);
- painter->drawLine(barMax);
+ if (key)
+ *key = keyIndex/(double)(mKeySize-1)*(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)+mKeyRange.lower;
+ if (value)
+ *value = valueIndex/(double)(mValueSize-1)*(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)+mValueRange.lower;
/*! \internal
- Draws the outlier scatter points.
-void QCPStatisticalBox::drawOutliers(QCPPainter *painter) const
- applyScattersAntialiasingHint(painter);
- mOutlierStyle.applyTo(painter, mPen);
- for (int i=0; i<mOutliers.size(); ++i)
- mOutlierStyle.drawShape(painter, coordsToPixels(mKey, mOutliers.at(i)));
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPStatisticalBox::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- foundRange = true;
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth)
- {
- return QCPRange(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mKey+mWidth*0.5);
- } else if (inSignDomain == sdNegative)
- {
- if (mKey+mWidth*0.5 < 0)
- return QCPRange(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mKey+mWidth*0.5);
- else if (mKey < 0)
- return QCPRange(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mKey);
- else
- {
- foundRange = false;
- return QCPRange();
- }
- } else if (inSignDomain == sdPositive)
- {
- if (mKey-mWidth*0.5 > 0)
- return QCPRange(mKey-mWidth*0.5, mKey+mWidth*0.5);
- else if (mKey > 0)
- return QCPRange(mKey, mKey+mWidth*0.5);
- else
- {
- foundRange = false;
- return QCPRange();
- }
- }
- foundRange = false;
- return QCPRange();
+ Allocates the internal alpha map with the current data map key/value size and, if \a
+ initializeOpaque is true, initializes all values to 255. If \a initializeOpaque is false, the
+ values are not initialized at all. In this case, the alpha map should be initialized manually,
+ e.g. with \ref fillAlpha.
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPStatisticalBox::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+ If an alpha map exists already, it is deleted first. If this color map is empty (has either key
+ or value size zero, see \ref isEmpty), the alpha map is cleared.
+ The return value indicates the existence of the alpha map after the call. So this method returns
+ true if the data map isn't empty and an alpha map was successfully allocated.
+bool QCPColorMapData::createAlpha(bool initializeOpaque)
- QVector<double> values; // values that must be considered (i.e. all outliers and the five box-parameters)
- values.reserve(mOutliers.size() + 5);
- values << mMaximum << mUpperQuartile << mMedian << mLowerQuartile << mMinimum;
- values << mOutliers;
- // go through values and find the ones in legal range:
- bool haveUpper = false;
- bool haveLower = false;
- double upper = 0;
- double lower = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i)
- {
- if ((inSignDomain == sdNegative && values.at(i) < 0) ||
- (inSignDomain == sdPositive && values.at(i) > 0) ||
- (inSignDomain == sdBoth))
- {
- if (values.at(i) > upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- upper = values.at(i);
- haveUpper = true;
- }
- if (values.at(i) < lower || !haveLower)
- {
- lower = values.at(i);
- haveLower = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // return the bounds if we found some sensible values:
- if (haveLower && haveUpper)
+ clearAlpha();
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return false;
+#ifdef __EXCEPTIONS
+ try { // 2D arrays get memory intensive fast. So if the allocation fails, at least output debug message
+ mAlpha = new unsigned char[mKeySize*mValueSize];
+#ifdef __EXCEPTIONS
+ } catch (...) { mAlpha = 0; }
+ if (mAlpha)
- foundRange = true;
- return QCPRange(lower, upper);
- } else // might happen if all values are in other sign domain
+ if (initializeOpaque)
+ fillAlpha(255);
+ return true;
+ } else
- foundRange = false;
- return QCPRange();
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "out of memory for data dimensions "<< mKeySize << "*" << mValueSize;
+ return false;
-//////////////////// QCPColorMapData
+//////////////////// QCPColorMap
-/*! \class QCPColorMapData
- \brief Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable.
+/*! \class QCPColorMap
+ \brief A plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot.
+ \image html QCPColorMap.png
- This class is a data storage for \ref QCPColorMap. It holds a two-dimensional array, which \ref
- QCPColorMap then displays as a 2D image in the plot, where the array values are represented by a
- color, depending on the value.
+ The data is stored in the class \ref QCPColorMapData, which can be accessed via the data()
+ method.
- The size of the array can be controlled via \ref setSize (or \ref setKeySize, \ref setValueSize).
- Which plot coordinates these cells correspond to can be configured with \ref setRange (or \ref
- setKeyRange, \ref setValueRange).
+ A color map has three dimensions to represent a data point: The \a key dimension, the \a value
+ dimension and the \a data dimension. As with other plottables such as graphs, \a key and \a value
+ correspond to two orthogonal axes on the QCustomPlot surface that you specify in the QCPColorMap
+ constructor. The \a data dimension however is encoded as the color of the point at (\a key, \a
+ value).
+ Set the number of points (or \a cells) in the key/value dimension via \ref
+ QCPColorMapData::setSize. The plot coordinate range over which these points will be displayed is
+ specified via \ref QCPColorMapData::setRange. The first cell will be centered on the lower range
+ boundary and the last cell will be centered on the upper range boundary. The data can be set by
+ either accessing the cells directly with QCPColorMapData::setCell or by addressing the cells via
+ their plot coordinates with \ref QCPColorMapData::setData. If possible, you should prefer
+ setCell, since it doesn't need to do any coordinate transformation and thus performs a bit
+ better.
- The data cells can be accessed in two ways: They can be directly addressed by an integer index
- with \ref setCell. This is the fastest method. Alternatively, they can be addressed by their plot
- coordinate with \ref setData. plot coordinate to cell index transformations and vice versa are
- provided by the functions \ref coordToCell and \ref cellToCoord.
+ The cell with index (0, 0) is at the bottom left, if the color map uses normal (i.e. not reversed)
+ key and value axes.
- This class also buffers the minimum and maximum values that are in the data set, to provide
- QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange with the necessary information quickly. Setting a cell to a value
- that is greater than the current maximum increases this maximum to the new value. However,
- setting the cell that currently holds the maximum value to a smaller value doesn't decrease the
- maximum again, because finding the true new maximum would require going through the entire data
- array, which might be time consuming. The same holds for the data minimum. This functionality is
- given by \ref recalculateDataBounds, such that you can decide when it is sensible to find the
- true current minimum and maximum. The method QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange offers a convenience
- parameter \a recalculateDataBounds which may be set to true to automatically call \ref
- recalculateDataBounds internally.
+ To show the user which colors correspond to which \a data values, a \ref QCPColorScale is
+ typically placed to the right of the axis rect. See the documentation there for details on how to
+ add and use a color scale.
+ \section qcpcolormap-appearance Changing the appearance
+ The central part of the appearance is the color gradient, which can be specified via \ref
+ setGradient. See the documentation of \ref QCPColorGradient for details on configuring a color
+ gradient.
+ The \a data range that is mapped to the colors of the gradient can be specified with \ref
+ setDataRange. To make the data range encompass the whole data set minimum to maximum, call \ref
+ rescaleDataRange.
+ \section qcpcolormap-transparency Transparency
+ Transparency in color maps can be achieved by two mechanisms. On one hand, you can specify alpha
+ values for color stops of the \ref QCPColorGradient, via the regular QColor interface. This will
+ cause the color map data which gets mapped to colors around those color stops to appear with the
+ accordingly interpolated transparency.
+ On the other hand you can also directly apply an alpha value to each cell independent of its
+ data, by using the alpha map feature of \ref QCPColorMapData. The relevant methods are \ref
+ QCPColorMapData::setAlpha, QCPColorMapData::fillAlpha and \ref QCPColorMapData::clearAlpha().
+ The two transparencies will be joined together in the plot and otherwise not interfere with each
+ other. They are mixed in a multiplicative matter, so an alpha of e.g. 50% (128/255) in both modes
+ simultaneously, will result in a total transparency of 25% (64/255).
+ \section qcpcolormap-usage Usage
+ Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPColorMap is a plottable
+ (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
+ (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
+ Usually, you first create an instance:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolormap-creation-1
+ which registers it with the QCustomPlot instance of the passed axes. Note that this QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the plottable, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
+ The newly created plottable can be modified, e.g.:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolormap-creation-2
+ \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
+ value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
+ you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::setData method as it uses a linear transformation to
+ determine the cell index. Rather directly access the cell index with \ref
+ QCPColorMapData::setCell.
-/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn bool QCPColorMapData::isEmpty() const
+/*! \fn QCPColorMapData *QCPColorMap::data() const
- Returns whether this instance carries no data. This is equivalent to having a size where at least
- one of the dimensions is 0 (see \ref setSize).
+ Returns a pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPColorMapData. Access this to
+ modify data points (cells) and the color map key/value range.
+ \see setData
-/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+/* start documentation of signals */
+/*! \fn void QCPColorMap::dataRangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange);
+ This signal is emitted when the data range changes.
+ \see setDataRange
+/*! \fn void QCPColorMap::dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
+ This signal is emitted when the data scale type changes.
+ \see setDataScaleType
+/*! \fn void QCPColorMap::gradientChanged(const QCPColorGradient &newGradient);
+ This signal is emitted when the gradient changes.
+ \see setGradient
+/* end documentation of signals */
- Constructs a new QCPColorMapData instance. The instance has \a keySize cells in the key direction
- and \a valueSize cells in the value direction. These cells will be displayed by the \ref QCPColorMap
- at the coordinates \a keyRange and \a valueRange.
+ Constructs a color map with the specified \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis.
- \see setSize, setKeySize, setValueSize, setRange, setKeyRange, setValueRange
+ The created QCPColorMap is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred from
+ \a keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPColorMap, so do not delete it
+ manually but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
-QCPColorMapData::QCPColorMapData(int keySize, int valueSize, const QCPRange &keyRange, const QCPRange &valueRange) :
- mKeySize(0),
- mValueSize(0),
- mKeyRange(keyRange),
- mValueRange(valueRange),
- mIsEmpty(true),
- mData(0),
- mDataModified(true)
+QCPColorMap::QCPColorMap(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
+ QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis),
+ mDataScaleType(QCPAxis::stLinear),
+ mMapData(new QCPColorMapData(10, 10, QCPRange(0, 5), QCPRange(0, 5))),
+ mInterpolate(true),
+ mTightBoundary(false),
+ mMapImageInvalidated(true)
- setSize(keySize, valueSize);
- fill(0);
- if (mData)
- delete[] mData;
+ delete mMapData;
- Constructs a new QCPColorMapData instance copying the data and range of \a other.
+ Replaces the current \ref data with the provided \a data.
+ If \a copy is set to true, the \a data object will only be copied. if false, the color map
+ takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is
+ significantly faster than copying for large datasets.
-QCPColorMapData::QCPColorMapData(const QCPColorMapData &other) :
- mKeySize(0),
- mValueSize(0),
- mIsEmpty(true),
- mData(0),
- mDataModified(true)
+void QCPColorMap::setData(QCPColorMapData *data, bool copy)
- *this = other;
+ if (mMapData == data)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The data pointer is already in (and owned by) this plottable" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(data);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (copy)
+ {
+ *mMapData = *data;
+ } else
+ {
+ delete mMapData;
+ mMapData = data;
+ }
+ mMapImageInvalidated = true;
- Overwrites this color map data instance with the data stored in \a other.
+ Sets the data range of this color map to \a dataRange. The data range defines which data values
+ are mapped to the color gradient.
+ To make the data range span the full range of the data set, use \ref rescaleDataRange.
+ \see QCPColorScale::setDataRange
-QCPColorMapData &QCPColorMapData::operator=(const QCPColorMapData &other)
+void QCPColorMap::setDataRange(const QCPRange &dataRange)
- if (&other != this)
+ if (!QCPRange::validRange(dataRange)) return;
+ if (mDataRange.lower != dataRange.lower || mDataRange.upper != dataRange.upper)
- const int keySize = other.keySize();
- const int valueSize = other.valueSize();
- setSize(keySize, valueSize);
- setRange(other.keyRange(), other.valueRange());
- if (!mIsEmpty)
- memcpy(mData, other.mData, sizeof(mData[0])*keySize*valueSize);
- mDataBounds = other.mDataBounds;
- mDataModified = true;
+ if (mDataScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
+ mDataRange = dataRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
+ else
+ mDataRange = dataRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
+ mMapImageInvalidated = true;
+ emit dataRangeChanged(mDataRange);
- return *this;
-/* undocumented getter */
-double QCPColorMapData::data(double key, double value)
- int keyCell = (key-mKeyRange.lower)/(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)*(mKeySize-1)+0.5;
- int valueCell = (value-mValueRange.lower)/(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)*(mValueSize-1)+0.5;
- if (keyCell >= 0 && keyCell < mKeySize && valueCell >= 0 && valueCell < mValueSize)
- return mData[valueCell*mKeySize + keyCell];
- else
- return 0;
-/* undocumented getter */
-double QCPColorMapData::cell(int keyIndex, int valueIndex)
- if (keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeySize && valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < mValueSize)
- return mData[valueIndex*mKeySize + keyIndex];
- else
- return 0;
- Resizes the data array to have \a keySize cells in the key dimension and \a valueSize cells in
- the value dimension.
- The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the
- requested size.
+ Sets whether the data is correlated with the color gradient linearly or logarithmically.
- Setting at least one of \a keySize or \a valueSize to zero frees the internal data array and \ref
- isEmpty returns true.
- \see setRange, setKeySize, setValueSize
+ \see QCPColorScale::setDataScaleType
-void QCPColorMapData::setSize(int keySize, int valueSize)
+void QCPColorMap::setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType)
- if (keySize != mKeySize || valueSize != mValueSize)
+ if (mDataScaleType != scaleType)
- mKeySize = keySize;
- mValueSize = valueSize;
- if (mData)
- delete[] mData;
- mIsEmpty = mKeySize == 0 || mValueSize == 0;
- if (!mIsEmpty)
- {
-#ifdef __EXCEPTIONS
- try { // 2D arrays get memory intensive fast. So if the allocation fails, at least output debug message
- mData = new double[mKeySize*mValueSize];
-#ifdef __EXCEPTIONS
- } catch (...) { mData = 0; }
- if (mData)
- fill(0);
- else
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "out of memory for data dimensions "<< mKeySize << "*" << mValueSize;
- } else
- mData = 0;
- mDataModified = true;
+ mDataScaleType = scaleType;
+ mMapImageInvalidated = true;
+ emit dataScaleTypeChanged(mDataScaleType);
+ if (mDataScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
+ setDataRange(mDataRange.sanitizedForLogScale());
- Resizes the data array to have \a keySize cells in the key dimension.
- The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the
- requested size.
+ Sets the color gradient that is used to represent the data. For more details on how to create an
+ own gradient or use one of the preset gradients, see \ref QCPColorGradient.
- Setting \a keySize to zero frees the internal data array and \ref isEmpty returns true.
- \see setKeyRange, setSize, setValueSize
+ The colors defined by the gradient will be used to represent data values in the currently set
+ data range, see \ref setDataRange. Data points that are outside this data range will either be
+ colored uniformly with the respective gradient boundary color, or the gradient will repeat,
+ depending on \ref QCPColorGradient::setPeriodic.
+ \see QCPColorScale::setGradient
-void QCPColorMapData::setKeySize(int keySize)
+void QCPColorMap::setGradient(const QCPColorGradient &gradient)
- setSize(keySize, mValueSize);
+ if (mGradient != gradient)
+ {
+ mGradient = gradient;
+ mMapImageInvalidated = true;
+ emit gradientChanged(mGradient);
+ }
- Resizes the data array to have \a valueSize cells in the value dimension.
- The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the
- requested size.
+ Sets whether the color map image shall use bicubic interpolation when displaying the color map
+ shrinked or expanded, and not at a 1:1 pixel-to-data scale.
- Setting \a valueSize to zero frees the internal data array and \ref isEmpty returns true.
- \see setValueRange, setSize, setKeySize
+ \image html QCPColorMap-interpolate.png "A 10*10 color map, with interpolation and without interpolation enabled"
-void QCPColorMapData::setValueSize(int valueSize)
+void QCPColorMap::setInterpolate(bool enabled)
- setSize(mKeySize, valueSize);
+ mInterpolate = enabled;
+ mMapImageInvalidated = true; // because oversampling factors might need to change
- Sets the coordinate ranges the data shall be distributed over. This defines the rectangular area
- covered by the color map in plot coordinates.
+ Sets whether the outer most data rows and columns are clipped to the specified key and value
+ range (see \ref QCPColorMapData::setKeyRange, \ref QCPColorMapData::setValueRange).
- The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if
- the key size (\ref setKeySize) is 3 and \a keyRange is set to <tt>QCPRange(2, 3)</tt> there will
- be cells centered on the key coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.
- \see setSize
+ if \a enabled is set to false, the data points at the border of the color map are drawn with the
+ same width and height as all other data points. Since the data points are represented by
+ rectangles of one color centered on the data coordinate, this means that the shown color map
+ extends by half a data point over the specified key/value range in each direction.
+ \image html QCPColorMap-tightboundary.png "A color map, with tight boundary enabled and disabled"
-void QCPColorMapData::setRange(const QCPRange &keyRange, const QCPRange &valueRange)
+void QCPColorMap::setTightBoundary(bool enabled)
- setKeyRange(keyRange);
- setValueRange(valueRange);
+ mTightBoundary = enabled;
- Sets the coordinate range the data shall be distributed over in the key dimension. Together with
- the value range, This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.
+ Associates the color scale \a colorScale with this color map.
- The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if
- the key size (\ref setKeySize) is 3 and \a keyRange is set to <tt>QCPRange(2, 3)</tt> there will
- be cells centered on the key coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.
- \see setRange, setValueRange, setSize
+ This means that both the color scale and the color map synchronize their gradient, data range and
+ data scale type (\ref setGradient, \ref setDataRange, \ref setDataScaleType). Multiple color maps
+ can be associated with one single color scale. This causes the color maps to also synchronize
+ those properties, via the mutual color scale.
+ This function causes the color map to adopt the current color gradient, data range and data scale
+ type of \a colorScale. After this call, you may change these properties at either the color map
+ or the color scale, and the setting will be applied to both.
+ Pass 0 as \a colorScale to disconnect the color scale from this color map again.
-void QCPColorMapData::setKeyRange(const QCPRange &keyRange)
+void QCPColorMap::setColorScale(QCPColorScale *colorScale)
- mKeyRange = keyRange;
+ if (mColorScale) // unconnect signals from old color scale
+ {
+ disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
+ disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
+ disconnect(this, SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
+ disconnect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
+ disconnect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), this, SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
+ disconnect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), this, SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
+ }
+ mColorScale = colorScale;
+ if (mColorScale) // connect signals to new color scale
+ {
+ setGradient(mColorScale.data()->gradient());
+ setDataRange(mColorScale.data()->dataRange());
+ setDataScaleType(mColorScale.data()->dataScaleType());
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
+ connect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
+ connect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), this, SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
+ connect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), this, SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
+ }
- Sets the coordinate range the data shall be distributed over in the value dimension. Together with
- the key range, This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.
+ Sets the data range (\ref setDataRange) to span the minimum and maximum values that occur in the
+ current data set. This corresponds to the \ref rescaleKeyAxis or \ref rescaleValueAxis methods,
+ only for the third data dimension of the color map.
- The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if
- the value size (\ref setValueSize) is 3 and \a valueRange is set to <tt>QCPRange(2, 3)</tt> there
- will be cells centered on the value coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.
- \see setRange, setKeyRange, setSize
+ The minimum and maximum values of the data set are buffered in the internal QCPColorMapData
+ instance (\ref data). As data is updated via its \ref QCPColorMapData::setCell or \ref
+ QCPColorMapData::setData, the buffered minimum and maximum values are updated, too. For
+ performance reasons, however, they are only updated in an expanding fashion. So the buffered
+ maximum can only increase and the buffered minimum can only decrease. In consequence, changes to
+ the data that actually lower the maximum of the data set (by overwriting the cell holding the
+ current maximum with a smaller value), aren't recognized and the buffered maximum overestimates
+ the true maximum of the data set. The same happens for the buffered minimum. To recalculate the
+ true minimum and maximum by explicitly looking at each cell, the method
+ QCPColorMapData::recalculateDataBounds can be used. For convenience, setting the parameter \a
+ recalculateDataBounds calls this method before setting the data range to the buffered minimum and
+ maximum.
+ \see setDataRange
-void QCPColorMapData::setValueRange(const QCPRange &valueRange)
+void QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange(bool recalculateDataBounds)
- mValueRange = valueRange;
+ if (recalculateDataBounds)
+ mMapData->recalculateDataBounds();
+ setDataRange(mMapData->dataBounds());
- Sets the data of the cell, which lies at the plot coordinates given by \a key and \a value, to \a
- z.
+ Takes the current appearance of the color map and updates the legend icon, which is used to
+ represent this color map in the legend (see \ref QCPLegend).
- \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
- value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
- you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::setData method as it uses a linear transformation to
- determine the cell index. Rather directly access the cell index with \ref
- QCPColorMapData::setCell.
- \see setCell, setRange
+ The \a transformMode specifies whether the rescaling is done by a faster, low quality image
+ scaling algorithm (Qt::FastTransformation) or by a slower, higher quality algorithm
+ (Qt::SmoothTransformation).
+ The current color map appearance is scaled down to \a thumbSize. Ideally, this should be equal to
+ the size of the legend icon (see \ref QCPLegend::setIconSize). If it isn't exactly the configured
+ legend icon size, the thumb will be rescaled during drawing of the legend item.
+ \see setDataRange
-void QCPColorMapData::setData(double key, double value, double z)
+void QCPColorMap::updateLegendIcon(Qt::TransformationMode transformMode, const QSize &thumbSize)
- int keyCell = (key-mKeyRange.lower)/(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)*(mKeySize-1)+0.5;
- int valueCell = (value-mValueRange.lower)/(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)*(mValueSize-1)+0.5;
- if (keyCell >= 0 && keyCell < mKeySize && valueCell >= 0 && valueCell < mValueSize)
+ if (mMapImage.isNull() && !data()->isEmpty())
+ updateMapImage(); // try to update map image if it's null (happens if no draw has happened yet)
+ if (!mMapImage.isNull()) // might still be null, e.g. if data is empty, so check here again
- mData[valueCell*mKeySize + keyCell] = z;
- if (z < mDataBounds.lower)
- mDataBounds.lower = z;
- if (z > mDataBounds.upper)
- mDataBounds.upper = z;
- mDataModified = true;
+ bool mirrorX = (keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? keyAxis() : valueAxis())->rangeReversed();
+ bool mirrorY = (valueAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ? valueAxis() : keyAxis())->rangeReversed();
+ mLegendIcon = QPixmap::fromImage(mMapImage.mirrored(mirrorX, mirrorY)).scaled(thumbSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, transformMode);
- Sets the data of the cell with indices \a keyIndex and \a valueIndex to \a z. The indices
- enumerate the cells starting from zero, up to the map's size-1 in the respective dimension (see
- \ref setSize).
- In the standard plot configuration (horizontal key axis and vertical value axis, both not
- range-reversed), the cell with indices (0, 0) is in the bottom left corner and the cell with
- indices (keySize-1, valueSize-1) is in the top right corner of the color map.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPColorMap::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mMapData->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return -1;
- \see setData, setSize
-void QCPColorMapData::setCell(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double z)
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ {
+ double posKey, posValue;
+ pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
+ if (mMapData->keyRange().contains(posKey) && mMapData->valueRange().contains(posValue))
+ {
+ if (details)
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(0, 1))); // temporary solution, to facilitate whole-plottable selection. Replace in future version with segmented 2D selection.
+ return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPColorMap::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
- if (keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeySize && valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < mValueSize)
+ foundRange = true;
+ QCPRange result = mMapData->keyRange();
+ result.normalize();
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive)
- mData[valueIndex*mKeySize + keyIndex] = z;
- if (z < mDataBounds.lower)
- mDataBounds.lower = z;
- if (z > mDataBounds.upper)
- mDataBounds.upper = z;
- mDataModified = true;
+ if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper > 0)
+ result.lower = result.upper*1e-3;
+ else if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper <= 0)
+ foundRange = false;
+ } else if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative)
+ {
+ if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower < 0)
+ result.upper = result.lower*1e-3;
+ else if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower >= 0)
+ foundRange = false;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPColorMap::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
+ if (inKeyRange != QCPRange())
+ {
+ if (mMapData->keyRange().upper < inKeyRange.lower || mMapData->keyRange().lower > inKeyRange.upper)
+ {
+ foundRange = false;
+ return QCPRange();
+ }
+ }
+ foundRange = true;
+ QCPRange result = mMapData->valueRange();
+ result.normalize();
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive)
+ {
+ if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper > 0)
+ result.lower = result.upper*1e-3;
+ else if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper <= 0)
+ foundRange = false;
+ } else if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative)
+ {
+ if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower < 0)
+ result.upper = result.lower*1e-3;
+ else if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower >= 0)
+ foundRange = false;
+ return result;
- Goes through the data and updates the buffered minimum and maximum data values.
+/*! \internal
+ Updates the internal map image buffer by going through the internal \ref QCPColorMapData and
+ turning the data values into color pixels with \ref QCPColorGradient::colorize.
- Calling this method is only advised if you are about to call \ref QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange
- and can not guarantee that the cells holding the maximum or minimum data haven't been overwritten
- with a smaller or larger value respectively, since the buffered maximum/minimum values have been
- updated the last time. Why this is the case is explained in the class description (\ref
- QCPColorMapData).
+ This method is called by \ref QCPColorMap::draw if either the data has been modified or the map image
+ has been invalidated for a different reason (e.g. a change of the data range with \ref
+ setDataRange).
- Note that the method \ref QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange provides a parameter \a
- recalculateDataBounds for convenience. Setting this to true will call this method for you, before
- doing the rescale.
+ If the map cell count is low, the image created will be oversampled in order to avoid a
+ QPainter::drawImage bug which makes inner pixel boundaries jitter when stretch-drawing images
+ without smooth transform enabled. Accordingly, oversampling isn't performed if \ref
+ setInterpolate is true.
-void QCPColorMapData::recalculateDataBounds()
+void QCPColorMap::updateMapImage()
- if (mKeySize > 0 && mValueSize > 0)
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis) return;
+ if (mMapData->isEmpty()) return;
+ const QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied;
+ const int keySize = mMapData->keySize();
+ const int valueSize = mMapData->valueSize();
+ int keyOversamplingFactor = mInterpolate ? 1 : (int)(1.0+100.0/(double)keySize); // make mMapImage have at least size 100, factor becomes 1 if size > 200 or interpolation is on
+ int valueOversamplingFactor = mInterpolate ? 1 : (int)(1.0+100.0/(double)valueSize); // make mMapImage have at least size 100, factor becomes 1 if size > 200 or interpolation is on
+ // resize mMapImage to correct dimensions including possible oversampling factors, according to key/value axes orientation:
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal && (mMapImage.width() != keySize*keyOversamplingFactor || mMapImage.height() != valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor))
+ mMapImage = QImage(QSize(keySize*keyOversamplingFactor, valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor), format);
+ else if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical && (mMapImage.width() != valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor || mMapImage.height() != keySize*keyOversamplingFactor))
+ mMapImage = QImage(QSize(valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor, keySize*keyOversamplingFactor), format);
+ QImage *localMapImage = &mMapImage; // this is the image on which the colorization operates. Either the final mMapImage, or if we need oversampling, mUndersampledMapImage
+ if (keyOversamplingFactor > 1 || valueOversamplingFactor > 1)
- double minHeight = mData[0];
- double maxHeight = mData[0];
- const int dataCount = mValueSize*mKeySize;
- for (int i=0; i<dataCount; ++i)
+ // resize undersampled map image to actual key/value cell sizes:
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal && (mUndersampledMapImage.width() != keySize || mUndersampledMapImage.height() != valueSize))
+ mUndersampledMapImage = QImage(QSize(keySize, valueSize), format);
+ else if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical && (mUndersampledMapImage.width() != valueSize || mUndersampledMapImage.height() != keySize))
+ mUndersampledMapImage = QImage(QSize(valueSize, keySize), format);
+ localMapImage = &mUndersampledMapImage; // make the colorization run on the undersampled image
+ } else if (!mUndersampledMapImage.isNull())
+ mUndersampledMapImage = QImage(); // don't need oversampling mechanism anymore (map size has changed) but mUndersampledMapImage still has nonzero size, free it
+ const double *rawData = mMapData->mData;
+ const unsigned char *rawAlpha = mMapData->mAlpha;
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ const int lineCount = valueSize;
+ const int rowCount = keySize;
+ for (int line=0; line<lineCount; ++line)
- if (mData[i] > maxHeight)
- maxHeight = mData[i];
- if (mData[i] < minHeight)
- minHeight = mData[i];
+ QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(localMapImage->scanLine(lineCount-1-line)); // invert scanline index because QImage counts scanlines from top, but our vertical index counts from bottom (mathematical coordinate system)
+ if (rawAlpha)
+ mGradient.colorize(rawData+line*rowCount, rawAlpha+line*rowCount, mDataRange, pixels, rowCount, 1, mDataScaleType==QCPAxis::stLogarithmic);
+ else
+ mGradient.colorize(rawData+line*rowCount, mDataRange, pixels, rowCount, 1, mDataScaleType==QCPAxis::stLogarithmic);
+ }
+ } else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
+ {
+ const int lineCount = keySize;
+ const int rowCount = valueSize;
+ for (int line=0; line<lineCount; ++line)
+ {
+ QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(localMapImage->scanLine(lineCount-1-line)); // invert scanline index because QImage counts scanlines from top, but our vertical index counts from bottom (mathematical coordinate system)
+ if (rawAlpha)
+ mGradient.colorize(rawData+line, rawAlpha+line, mDataRange, pixels, rowCount, lineCount, mDataScaleType==QCPAxis::stLogarithmic);
+ else
+ mGradient.colorize(rawData+line, mDataRange, pixels, rowCount, lineCount, mDataScaleType==QCPAxis::stLogarithmic);
- mDataBounds.lower = minHeight;
- mDataBounds.upper = maxHeight;
- Frees the internal data memory.
- This is equivalent to calling \ref setSize "setSize(0, 0)".
-void QCPColorMapData::clear()
- setSize(0, 0);
+ if (keyOversamplingFactor > 1 || valueOversamplingFactor > 1)
+ {
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ mMapImage = mUndersampledMapImage.scaled(keySize*keyOversamplingFactor, valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
+ else
+ mMapImage = mUndersampledMapImage.scaled(valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor, keySize*keyOversamplingFactor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
+ }
+ mMapData->mDataModified = false;
+ mMapImageInvalidated = false;
- Sets all cells to the value \a z.
-void QCPColorMapData::fill(double z)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPColorMap::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- const int dataCount = mValueSize*mKeySize;
- for (int i=0; i<dataCount; ++i)
- mData[i] = z;
- mDataBounds = QCPRange(z, z);
- mDataModified = true;
- Transforms plot coordinates given by \a key and \a value to cell indices of this QCPColorMapData
- instance. The resulting cell indices are returned via the output parameters \a keyIndex and \a
- valueIndex.
+ if (mMapData->isEmpty()) return;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) return;
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- The retrieved key/value cell indices can then be used for example with \ref setCell.
+ if (mMapData->mDataModified || mMapImageInvalidated)
+ updateMapImage();
- If you are only interested in a key or value index, you may pass 0 as \a valueIndex or \a
- keyIndex.
+ // use buffer if painting vectorized (PDF):
+ const bool useBuffer = painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmVectorized);
+ QCPPainter *localPainter = painter; // will be redirected to paint on mapBuffer if painting vectorized
+ QRectF mapBufferTarget; // the rect in absolute widget coordinates where the visible map portion/buffer will end up in
+ QPixmap mapBuffer;
+ if (useBuffer)
+ {
+ const double mapBufferPixelRatio = 3; // factor by which DPI is increased in embedded bitmaps
+ mapBufferTarget = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
+ mapBuffer = QPixmap((mapBufferTarget.size()*mapBufferPixelRatio).toSize());
+ mapBuffer.fill(Qt::transparent);
+ localPainter = new QCPPainter(&mapBuffer);
+ localPainter->scale(mapBufferPixelRatio, mapBufferPixelRatio);
+ localPainter->translate(-mapBufferTarget.topLeft());
+ }
- \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
- value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
- you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::coordToCell method as it uses a linear transformation to
- determine the cell index.
+ QRectF imageRect = QRectF(coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().lower, mMapData->valueRange().lower),
+ coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().upper, mMapData->valueRange().upper)).normalized();
+ // extend imageRect to contain outer halves/quarters of bordering/cornering pixels (cells are centered on map range boundary):
+ double halfCellWidth = 0; // in pixels
+ double halfCellHeight = 0; // in pixels
+ if (keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ if (mMapData->keySize() > 1)
+ halfCellWidth = 0.5*imageRect.width()/(double)(mMapData->keySize()-1);
+ if (mMapData->valueSize() > 1)
+ halfCellHeight = 0.5*imageRect.height()/(double)(mMapData->valueSize()-1);
+ } else // keyAxis orientation is Qt::Vertical
+ {
+ if (mMapData->keySize() > 1)
+ halfCellHeight = 0.5*imageRect.height()/(double)(mMapData->keySize()-1);
+ if (mMapData->valueSize() > 1)
+ halfCellWidth = 0.5*imageRect.width()/(double)(mMapData->valueSize()-1);
+ }
+ imageRect.adjust(-halfCellWidth, -halfCellHeight, halfCellWidth, halfCellHeight);
+ const bool mirrorX = (keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? keyAxis() : valueAxis())->rangeReversed();
+ const bool mirrorY = (valueAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ? valueAxis() : keyAxis())->rangeReversed();
+ const bool smoothBackup = localPainter->renderHints().testFlag(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
+ localPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, mInterpolate);
+ QRegion clipBackup;
+ if (mTightBoundary)
+ {
+ clipBackup = localPainter->clipRegion();
+ QRectF tightClipRect = QRectF(coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().lower, mMapData->valueRange().lower),
+ coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().upper, mMapData->valueRange().upper)).normalized();
+ localPainter->setClipRect(tightClipRect, Qt::IntersectClip);
+ }
+ localPainter->drawImage(imageRect, mMapImage.mirrored(mirrorX, mirrorY));
+ if (mTightBoundary)
+ localPainter->setClipRegion(clipBackup);
+ localPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, smoothBackup);
- \see cellToCoord, QCPAxis::coordToPixel
-void QCPColorMapData::coordToCell(double key, double value, int *keyIndex, int *valueIndex) const
- if (keyIndex)
- *keyIndex = (key-mKeyRange.lower)/(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)*(mKeySize-1)+0.5;
- if (valueIndex)
- *valueIndex = (value-mValueRange.lower)/(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)*(mValueSize-1)+0.5;
+ if (useBuffer) // localPainter painted to mapBuffer, so now draw buffer with original painter
+ {
+ delete localPainter;
+ painter->drawPixmap(mapBufferTarget.toRect(), mapBuffer);
+ }
- Transforms cell indices given by \a keyIndex and \a valueIndex to cell indices of this QCPColorMapData
- instance. The resulting coordinates are returned via the output parameters \a key and \a
- value.
- If you are only interested in a key or value coordinate, you may pass 0 as \a key or \a
- value.
- \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
- value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
- you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::cellToCoord method as it uses a linear transformation to
- determine the cell index.
- \see coordToCell, QCPAxis::pixelToCoord
-void QCPColorMapData::cellToCoord(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double *key, double *value) const
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPColorMap::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
- if (key)
- *key = keyIndex/(double)(mKeySize-1)*(mKeyRange.upper-mKeyRange.lower)+mKeyRange.lower;
- if (value)
- *value = valueIndex/(double)(mValueSize-1)*(mValueRange.upper-mValueRange.lower)+mValueRange.lower;
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ // draw map thumbnail:
+ if (!mLegendIcon.isNull())
+ {
+ QPixmap scaledIcon = mLegendIcon.scaled(rect.size().toSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
+ QRectF iconRect = QRectF(0, 0, scaledIcon.width(), scaledIcon.height());
+ iconRect.moveCenter(rect.center());
+ painter->drawPixmap(iconRect.topLeft(), scaledIcon);
+ }
+ /*
+ // draw frame:
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ painter->setPen(Qt::black);
+ painter->drawRect(rect.adjusted(1, 1, 0, 0));
+ */
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-colormap.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-financial.cpp', size 42610 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPColorMap
+//////////////////// QCPFinancialData
-/*! \class QCPColorMap
- \brief A plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot.
- \image html QCPColorMap.png
+/*! \class QCPFinancialData
+ \brief Holds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial.
- The data is stored in the class \ref QCPColorMapData, which can be accessed via the data()
- method.
+ The stored data is:
+ \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this data point (this is the \a mainKey and the \a sortKey)
+ \li \a open: The opening value at the data point (this is the \a mainValue)
+ \li \a high: The high/maximum value at the data point
+ \li \a low: The low/minimum value at the data point
+ \li \a close: The closing value at the data point
- A color map has three dimensions to represent a data point: The \a key dimension, the \a value
- dimension and the \a data dimension. As with other plottables such as graphs, \a key and \a value
- correspond to two orthogonal axes on the QCustomPlot surface that you specify in the QColorMap
- constructor. The \a data dimension however is encoded as the color of the point at (\a key, \a
- value).
- Set the number of points (or \a cells) in the key/value dimension via \ref
- QCPColorMapData::setSize. The plot coordinate range over which these points will be displayed is
- specified via \ref QCPColorMapData::setRange. The first cell will be centered on the lower range
- boundary and the last cell will be centered on the upper range boundary. The data can be set by
- either accessing the cells directly with QCPColorMapData::setCell or by addressing the cells via
- their plot coordinates with \ref QCPColorMapData::setData. If possible, you should prefer
- setCell, since it doesn't need to do any coordinate transformation and thus performs a bit
- better.
+ The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPFinancialDataContainer. It is a typedef
+ for \ref QCPDataContainer with \ref QCPFinancialData as the DataType template parameter. See the
+ documentation there for an explanation regarding the data type's generic methods.
- The cell with index (0, 0) is at the bottom left, if the color map uses normal (i.e. not reversed)
- key and value axes.
+ \see QCPFinancialDataContainer
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn double QCPFinancialData::sortKey() const
- To show the user which colors correspond to which \a data values, a \ref QCPColorScale is
- typically placed to the right of the axis rect. See the documentation there for details on how to
- add and use a color scale.
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
- \section appearance Changing the appearance
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static QCPFinancialData QCPFinancialData::fromSortKey(double sortKey)
- The central part of the appearance is the color gradient, which can be specified via \ref
- setGradient. See the documentation of \ref QCPColorGradient for details on configuring a color
- gradient.
+ Returns a data point with the specified \a sortKey. All other members are set to zero.
- The \a data range that is mapped to the colors of the gradient can be specified with \ref
- setDataRange. To make the data range encompass the whole data set minimum to maximum, call \ref
- rescaleDataRange.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn static static bool QCPFinancialData::sortKeyIsMainKey()
- \section usage Usage
+ Since the member \a key is both the data point key coordinate and the data ordering parameter,
+ this method returns true.
- Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPColorMap is a plottable
- (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
- (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
+/*! \fn double QCPFinancialData::mainKey() const
- Usually, you first create an instance and add it to the customPlot:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolormap-creation-1
- and then modify the properties of the newly created color map, e.g.:
- \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpcolormap-creation-2
+ Returns the \a key member of this data point.
- \note The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or
- value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes,
- you shouldn't use the \ref QCPColorMapData::setData method as it uses a linear transformation to
- determine the cell index. Rather directly access the cell index with \ref
- QCPColorMapData::setCell.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn double QCPFinancialData::mainValue() const
+ Returns the \a open member of this data point.
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
-/*! \fn QCPColorMapData *QCPColorMap::data() const
+/*! \fn QCPRange QCPFinancialData::valueRange() const
- Returns a pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPColorMapData. Access this to
- modify data points (cells) and the color map key/value range.
+ Returns a QCPRange spanning from the \a low to the \a high value of this data point.
- \see setData
+ For a general explanation of what this method is good for in the context of the data container,
+ see the documentation of \ref QCPDataContainer.
/* end documentation of inline functions */
-/* start documentation of signals */
+ Constructs a data point with key and all values set to zero.
+QCPFinancialData::QCPFinancialData() :
+ key(0),
+ open(0),
+ high(0),
+ low(0),
+ close(0)
+ Constructs a data point with the specified \a key and OHLC values.
+QCPFinancialData::QCPFinancialData(double key, double open, double high, double low, double close) :
+ key(key),
+ open(open),
+ high(high),
+ low(low),
+ close(close)
+//////////////////// QCPFinancial
+/*! \class QCPFinancial
+ \brief A plottable representing a financial stock chart
+ \image html QCPFinancial.png
+ This plottable represents time series data binned to certain intervals, mainly used for stock
+ charts. The two common representations OHLC (Open-High-Low-Close) bars and Candlesticks can be
+ set via \ref setChartStyle.
+ The data is passed via \ref setData as a set of open/high/low/close values at certain keys
+ (typically times). This means the data must be already binned appropriately. If data is only
+ available as a series of values (e.g. \a price against \a time), you can use the static
+ convenience function \ref timeSeriesToOhlc to generate binned OHLC-data which can then be passed
+ to \ref setData.
+ The width of the OHLC bars/candlesticks can be controlled with \ref setWidth and \ref
+ setWidthType. A typical choice is to set the width type to \ref wtPlotCoords (the default) and
+ the width to (or slightly less than) one time bin interval width.
-/*! \fn void QCPColorMap::dataRangeChanged(QCPRange newRange);
+ \section qcpfinancial-appearance Changing the appearance
+ Charts can be either single- or two-colored (\ref setTwoColored). If set to be single-colored,
+ lines are drawn with the plottable's pen (\ref setPen) and fills with the brush (\ref setBrush).
+ If set to two-colored, positive changes of the value during an interval (\a close >= \a open) are
+ represented with a different pen and brush than negative changes (\a close < \a open). These can
+ be configured with \ref setPenPositive, \ref setPenNegative, \ref setBrushPositive, and \ref
+ setBrushNegative. In two-colored mode, the normal plottable pen/brush is ignored. Upon selection
+ however, the normal selected pen/brush (provided by the \ref selectionDecorator) is used,
+ irrespective of whether the chart is single- or two-colored.
+ \section qcpfinancial-usage Usage
+ Like all data representing objects in QCustomPlot, the QCPFinancial is a plottable
+ (QCPAbstractPlottable). So the plottable-interface of QCustomPlot applies
+ (QCustomPlot::plottable, QCustomPlot::removePlottable, etc.)
+ Usually, you first create an instance:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpfinancial-creation-1
+ which registers it with the QCustomPlot instance of the passed axes. Note that this QCustomPlot
+ instance takes ownership of the plottable, so do not delete it manually but use
+ QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead. The newly created plottable can be modified, e.g.:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpfinancial-creation-2
+ Here we have used the static helper method \ref timeSeriesToOhlc, to turn a time-price data
+ series into a 24-hour binned open-high-low-close data series as QCPFinancial uses.
+/* start of documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QCPFinancialDataContainer *QCPFinancial::data() const
- This signal is emitted when the data range changes.
+ Returns a pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPFinancialDataContainer. You may
+ use it to directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the
+ regular \ref setData or \ref addData methods, in certain situations.
+/* end of documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs a financial chart which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its value
+ axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have
+ the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is
+ printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
- \see setDataRange
+ The created QCPFinancial is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred from \a
+ keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the QCPFinancial, so do not delete it manually
+ but use QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
+QCPFinancial::QCPFinancial(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
+ QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPFinancialData>(keyAxis, valueAxis),
+ mChartStyle(csCandlestick),
+ mWidth(0.5),
+ mWidthType(wtPlotCoords),
+ mTwoColored(true),
+ mBrushPositive(QBrush(QColor(50, 160, 0))),
+ mBrushNegative(QBrush(QColor(180, 0, 15))),
+ mPenPositive(QPen(QColor(40, 150, 0))),
+ mPenNegative(QPen(QColor(170, 5, 5)))
+ mSelectionDecorator->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(160, 160, 255)));
-/*! \fn void QCPColorMap::dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
+/*! \overload
- This signal is emitted when the data scale type changes.
+ Replaces the current data container with the provided \a data container.
- \see setDataScaleType
+ Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple QCPFinancials may share the same data container safely.
+ Modifying the data in the container will then affect all financials that share the container.
+ Sharing can be achieved by simply exchanging the data containers wrapped in shared pointers:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpfinancial-datasharing-1
+ If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, rather use
+ the \ref QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set method on the financial's data container directly:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcpfinancial-datasharing-2
+ \see addData, timeSeriesToOhlc
+void QCPFinancial::setData(QSharedPointer<QCPFinancialDataContainer> data)
+ mDataContainer = data;
-/*! \fn void QCPColorMap::gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient newGradient);
+/*! \overload
- This signal is emitted when the gradient changes.
+ Replaces the current data with the provided points in \a keys, \a open, \a high, \a low and \a
+ close. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be
+ the size of the smallest vector.
- \see setGradient
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ \see addData, timeSeriesToOhlc
+void QCPFinancial::setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close, bool alreadySorted)
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(keys, open, high, low, close, alreadySorted);
-/* end documentation of signals */
+ Sets which representation style shall be used to display the OHLC data.
+void QCPFinancial::setChartStyle(QCPFinancial::ChartStyle style)
+ mChartStyle = style;
- Constructs a color map with the specified \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis.
+ Sets the width of the individual bars/candlesticks to \a width in plot key coordinates.
- The constructed QCPColorMap can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot
- then takes ownership of the color map.
+ A typical choice is to set it to (or slightly less than) one bin interval width.
-QCPColorMap::QCPColorMap(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
- QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis),
- mDataScaleType(QCPAxis::stLinear),
- mMapData(new QCPColorMapData(10, 10, QCPRange(0, 5), QCPRange(0, 5))),
- mInterpolate(true),
- mTightBoundary(false),
- mMapImageInvalidated(true)
+void QCPFinancial::setWidth(double width)
+ mWidth = width;
+ Sets how the width of the financial bars is defined. See the documentation of \ref WidthType for
+ an explanation of the possible values for \a widthType.
+ The default value is \ref wtPlotCoords.
+ \see setWidth
+void QCPFinancial::setWidthType(QCPFinancial::WidthType widthType)
- delete mMapData;
+ mWidthType = widthType;
- Replaces the current \ref data with the provided \a data.
+ Sets whether this chart shall contrast positive from negative trends per data point by using two
+ separate colors to draw the respective bars/candlesticks.
- If \a copy is set to true, the \a data object will only be copied. if false, the color map
- takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is
- significantly faster than copying for large datasets.
+ If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
+ setBrush).
+ \see setPenPositive, setPenNegative, setBrushPositive, setBrushNegative
-void QCPColorMap::setData(QCPColorMapData *data, bool copy)
+void QCPFinancial::setTwoColored(bool twoColored)
- if (mMapData == data)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The data pointer is already in (and owned by) this plottable" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(data);
- return;
- }
- if (copy)
- {
- *mMapData = *data;
- } else
- {
- delete mMapData;
- mMapData = data;
- }
- mMapImageInvalidated = true;
+ mTwoColored = twoColored;
- Sets the data range of this color map to \a dataRange. The data range defines which data values
- are mapped to the color gradient.
+ If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the brush that is used to draw fills
+ of data points with a positive trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close >= open).
- To make the data range span the full range of the data set, use \ref rescaleDataRange.
+ If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
+ setBrush).
- \see QCPColorScale::setDataRange
+ \see setBrushNegative, setPenPositive, setPenNegative
-void QCPColorMap::setDataRange(const QCPRange &dataRange)
+void QCPFinancial::setBrushPositive(const QBrush &brush)
- if (!QCPRange::validRange(dataRange)) return;
- if (mDataRange.lower != dataRange.lower || mDataRange.upper != dataRange.upper)
- {
- if (mDataScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- mDataRange = dataRange.sanitizedForLogScale();
- else
- mDataRange = dataRange.sanitizedForLinScale();
- mMapImageInvalidated = true;
- emit dataRangeChanged(mDataRange);
- }
+ mBrushPositive = brush;
- Sets whether the data is correlated with the color gradient linearly or logarithmically.
+ If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the brush that is used to draw fills
+ of data points with a negative trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close < open).
- \see QCPColorScale::setDataScaleType
+ If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
+ setBrush).
+ \see setBrushPositive, setPenNegative, setPenPositive
-void QCPColorMap::setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType)
+void QCPFinancial::setBrushNegative(const QBrush &brush)
- if (mDataScaleType != scaleType)
- {
- mDataScaleType = scaleType;
- mMapImageInvalidated = true;
- emit dataScaleTypeChanged(mDataScaleType);
- if (mDataScaleType == QCPAxis::stLogarithmic)
- setDataRange(mDataRange.sanitizedForLogScale());
- }
+ mBrushNegative = brush;
- Sets the color gradient that is used to represent the data. For more details on how to create an
- own gradient or use one of the preset gradients, see \ref QCPColorGradient.
+ If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the pen that is used to draw
+ outlines of data points with a positive trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close >= open).
- The colors defined by the gradient will be used to represent data values in the currently set
- data range, see \ref setDataRange. Data points that are outside this data range will either be
- colored uniformly with the respective gradient boundary color, or the gradient will repeat,
- depending on \ref QCPColorGradient::setPeriodic.
+ If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
+ setBrush).
- \see QCPColorScale::setGradient
+ \see setPenNegative, setBrushPositive, setBrushNegative
-void QCPColorMap::setGradient(const QCPColorGradient &gradient)
+void QCPFinancial::setPenPositive(const QPen &pen)
- if (mGradient != gradient)
- {
- mGradient = gradient;
- mMapImageInvalidated = true;
- emit gradientChanged(mGradient);
- }
+ mPenPositive = pen;
- Sets whether the color map image shall use bicubic interpolation when displaying the color map
- shrinked or expanded, and not at a 1:1 pixel-to-data scale.
+ If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the pen that is used to draw
+ outlines of data points with a negative trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close < open).
- \image html QCPColorMap-interpolate.png "A 10*10 color map, with interpolation and without interpolation enabled"
+ If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
+ setBrush).
+ \see setPenPositive, setBrushNegative, setBrushPositive
+void QCPFinancial::setPenNegative(const QPen &pen)
+ mPenNegative = pen;
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided points in \a keys, \a open, \a high, \a low and \a close to the current data.
+ The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size
+ of the smallest vector.
+ If you can guarantee that the passed data points are sorted by \a keys in ascending order, you
+ can set \a alreadySorted to true, to improve performance by saving a sorting run.
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
+ \see timeSeriesToOhlc
-void QCPColorMap::setInterpolate(bool enabled)
+void QCPFinancial::addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close, bool alreadySorted)
- mInterpolate = enabled;
- mMapImageInvalidated = true; // because oversampling factors might need to change
+ if (keys.size() != open.size() || open.size() != high.size() || high.size() != low.size() || low.size() != close.size() || close.size() != keys.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "keys, open, high, low, close have different sizes:" << keys.size() << open.size() << high.size() << low.size() << close.size();
+ const int n = qMin(keys.size(), qMin(open.size(), qMin(high.size(), qMin(low.size(), close.size()))));
+ QVector<QCPFinancialData> tempData(n);
+ QVector<QCPFinancialData>::iterator it = tempData.begin();
+ const QVector<QCPFinancialData>::iterator itEnd = tempData.end();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ it->key = keys[i];
+ it->open = open[i];
+ it->high = high[i];
+ it->low = low[i];
+ it->close = close[i];
+ ++it;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ mDataContainer->add(tempData, alreadySorted); // don't modify tempData beyond this to prevent copy on write
- Sets whether the outer most data rows and columns are clipped to the specified key and value
- range (see \ref QCPColorMapData::setKeyRange, \ref QCPColorMapData::setValueRange).
+/*! \overload
- if \a enabled is set to false, the data points at the border of the color map are drawn with the
- same width and height as all other data points. Since the data points are represented by
- rectangles of one color centered on the data coordinate, this means that the shown color map
- extends by half a data point over the specified key/value range in each direction.
+ Adds the provided data point as \a key, \a open, \a high, \a low and \a close to the current
+ data.
- \image html QCPColorMap-tightboundary.png "A color map, with tight boundary enabled and disabled"
+ Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data directly via the \ref data method, which
+ returns a pointer to the internal data container.
+ \see timeSeriesToOhlc
-void QCPColorMap::setTightBoundary(bool enabled)
+void QCPFinancial::addData(double key, double open, double high, double low, double close)
- mTightBoundary = enabled;
+ mDataContainer->add(QCPFinancialData(key, open, high, low, close));
- Associates the color scale \a colorScale with this color map.
- This means that both the color scale and the color map synchronize their gradient, data range and
- data scale type (\ref setGradient, \ref setDataRange, \ref setDataScaleType). Multiple color maps
- can be associated with one single color scale. This causes the color maps to also synchronize
- those properties, via the mutual color scale.
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::selectTestRect
+QCPDataSelection QCPFinancial::selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return result;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return result;
- This function causes the color map to adopt the current color gradient, data range and data scale
- type of \a colorScale. After this call, you may change these properties at either the color map
- or the color scale, and the setting will be applied to both.
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
- Pass 0 as \a colorScale to disconnect the color scale from this color map again.
-void QCPColorMap::setColorScale(QCPColorScale *colorScale)
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it=visibleBegin; it!=visibleEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ if (rect.intersects(selectionHitBox(it)))
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(it-mDataContainer->constBegin(), it-mDataContainer->constBegin()+1), false);
+ }
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPFinancial::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
- if (mColorScale) // unconnect signals from old color scale
+ Q_UNUSED(details)
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return -1;
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
- disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
- disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
- disconnect(this, SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
- disconnect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
- disconnect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), this, SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
- disconnect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), this, SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
+ // get visible data range:
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ // perform select test according to configured style:
+ double result = -1;
+ switch (mChartStyle)
+ {
+ case QCPFinancial::csOhlc:
+ result = ohlcSelectTest(pos, visibleBegin, visibleEnd, closestDataPoint); break;
+ case QCPFinancial::csCandlestick:
+ result = candlestickSelectTest(pos, visibleBegin, visibleEnd, closestDataPoint); break;
+ }
+ if (details)
+ {
+ int pointIndex = closestDataPoint-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(pointIndex, pointIndex+1)));
+ }
+ return result;
- mColorScale = colorScale;
- if (mColorScale) // connect signals to new color scale
+ return -1;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPFinancial::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+ QCPRange range = mDataContainer->keyRange(foundRange, inSignDomain);
+ // determine exact range by including width of bars/flags:
+ if (foundRange)
- setGradient(mColorScale.data()->gradient());
- setDataRange(mColorScale.data()->dataRange());
- setDataScaleType(mColorScale.data()->dataScaleType());
- connect(this, SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), mColorScale.data(), SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
- connect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataRangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(setDataRange(QCPRange)));
- connect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient)), this, SLOT(setGradient(QCPColorGradient)));
- connect(mColorScale.data(), SIGNAL(dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType)), this, SLOT(setDataScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType)));
+ if (inSignDomain != QCP::sdPositive || range.lower-mWidth*0.5 > 0)
+ range.lower -= mWidth*0.5;
+ if (inSignDomain != QCP::sdNegative || range.upper+mWidth*0.5 < 0)
+ range.upper += mWidth*0.5;
+ return range;
- Sets the data range (\ref setDataRange) to span the minimum and maximum values that occur in the
- current data set. This corresponds to the \ref rescaleKeyAxis or \ref rescaleValueAxis methods,
- only for the third data dimension of the color map.
- The minimum and maximum values of the data set are buffered in the internal QCPColorMapData
- instance (\ref data). As data is updated via its \ref QCPColorMapData::setCell or \ref
- QCPColorMapData::setData, the buffered minimum and maximum values are updated, too. For
- performance reasons, however, they are only updated in an expanding fashion. So the buffered
- maximum can only increase and the buffered minimum can only decrease. In consequence, changes to
- the data that actually lower the maximum of the data set (by overwriting the cell holding the
- current maximum with a smaller value), aren't recognized and the buffered maximum overestimates
- the true maximum of the data set. The same happens for the buffered minimum. To recalculate the
- true minimum and maximum by explicitly looking at each cell, the method
- QCPColorMapData::recalculateDataBounds can be used. For convenience, setting the parameter \a
- recalculateDataBounds calls this method before setting the data range to the buffered minimum and
- maximum.
- \see setDataRange
-void QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange(bool recalculateDataBounds)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPFinancial::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
- if (recalculateDataBounds)
- mMapData->recalculateDataBounds();
- setDataRange(mMapData->dataBounds());
+ return mDataContainer->valueRange(foundRange, inSignDomain, inKeyRange);
- Takes the current appearance of the color map and updates the legend icon, which is used to
- represent this color map in the legend (see \ref QCPLegend).
- The \a transformMode specifies whether the rescaling is done by a faster, low quality image
- scaling algorithm (Qt::FastTransformation) or by a slower, higher quality algorithm
- (Qt::SmoothTransformation).
+ A convenience function that converts time series data (\a value against \a time) to OHLC binned
+ data points. The return value can then be passed on to \ref QCPFinancialDataContainer::set(const
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer&).
- The current color map appearance is scaled down to \a thumbSize. Ideally, this should be equal to
- the size of the legend icon (see \ref QCPLegend::setIconSize). If it isn't exactly the configured
- legend icon size, the thumb will be rescaled during drawing of the legend item.
+ The size of the bins can be controlled with \a timeBinSize in the same units as \a time is given.
+ For example, if the unit of \a time is seconds and single OHLC/Candlesticks should span an hour
+ each, set \a timeBinSize to 3600.
- \see setDataRange
+ \a timeBinOffset allows to control precisely at what \a time coordinate a bin should start. The
+ value passed as \a timeBinOffset doesn't need to be in the range encompassed by the \a time keys.
+ It merely defines the mathematical offset/phase of the bins that will be used to process the
+ data.
-void QCPColorMap::updateLegendIcon(Qt::TransformationMode transformMode, const QSize &thumbSize)
+QCPFinancialDataContainer QCPFinancial::timeSeriesToOhlc(const QVector<double> &time, const QVector<double> &value, double timeBinSize, double timeBinOffset)
- if (mMapImage.isNull() && !data()->isEmpty())
- updateMapImage(); // try to update map image if it's null (happens if no draw has happened yet)
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer data;
+ int count = qMin(time.size(), value.size());
+ if (count == 0)
+ return QCPFinancialDataContainer();
- if (!mMapImage.isNull()) // might still be null, e.g. if data is empty, so check here again
+ QCPFinancialData currentBinData(0, value.first(), value.first(), value.first(), value.first());
+ int currentBinIndex = qFloor((time.first()-timeBinOffset)/timeBinSize+0.5);
+ for (int i=0; i<count; ++i)
- bool mirrorX = (keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? keyAxis() : valueAxis())->rangeReversed();
- bool mirrorY = (valueAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ? valueAxis() : keyAxis())->rangeReversed();
- mLegendIcon = QPixmap::fromImage(mMapImage.mirrored(mirrorX, mirrorY)).scaled(thumbSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, transformMode);
+ int index = qFloor((time.at(i)-timeBinOffset)/timeBinSize+0.5);
+ if (currentBinIndex == index) // data point still in current bin, extend high/low:
+ {
+ if (value.at(i) < currentBinData.low) currentBinData.low = value.at(i);
+ if (value.at(i) > currentBinData.high) currentBinData.high = value.at(i);
+ if (i == count-1) // last data point is in current bin, finalize bin:
+ {
+ currentBinData.close = value.at(i);
+ currentBinData.key = timeBinOffset+(index)*timeBinSize;
+ data.add(currentBinData);
+ }
+ } else // data point not anymore in current bin, set close of old and open of new bin, and add old to map:
+ {
+ // finalize current bin:
+ currentBinData.close = value.at(i-1);
+ currentBinData.key = timeBinOffset+(index-1)*timeBinSize;
+ data.add(currentBinData);
+ // start next bin:
+ currentBinIndex = index;
+ currentBinData.open = value.at(i);
+ currentBinData.high = value.at(i);
+ currentBinData.low = value.at(i);
+ }
+ return data;
- Clears the colormap data by calling \ref QCPColorMapData::clear() on the internal data. This also
- resizes the map to 0x0 cells.
-void QCPColorMap::clearData()
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPFinancial::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- mMapData->clear();
+ // get visible data range:
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd);
+ // loop over and draw segments of unselected/selected data:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> selectedSegments, unselectedSegments, allSegments;
+ getDataSegments(selectedSegments, unselectedSegments);
+ allSegments << unselectedSegments << selectedSegments;
+ for (int i=0; i<allSegments.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ bool isSelectedSegment = i >= unselectedSegments.size();
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator begin = visibleBegin;
+ QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator end = visibleEnd;
+ mDataContainer->limitIteratorsToDataRange(begin, end, allSegments.at(i));
+ if (begin == end)
+ continue;
+ // draw data segment according to configured style:
+ switch (mChartStyle)
+ {
+ case QCPFinancial::csOhlc:
+ drawOhlcPlot(painter, begin, end, isSelectedSegment); break;
+ case QCPFinancial::csCandlestick:
+ drawCandlestickPlot(painter, begin, end, isSelectedSegment); break;
+ }
+ }
+ // draw other selection decoration that isn't just line/scatter pens and brushes:
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->drawDecoration(painter, selection());
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-double QCPColorMap::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+void QCPFinancial::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
- return -1;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
+ painter->setAntialiasing(false); // legend icon especially of csCandlestick looks better without antialiasing
+ if (mChartStyle == csOhlc)
+ {
+ if (mTwoColored)
+ {
+ // draw upper left half icon with positive color:
+ painter->setBrush(mBrushPositive);
+ painter->setPen(mPenPositive);
+ painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.topLeft().toPoint()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.3, rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.7).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ // draw bottom right half icon with negative color:
+ painter->setBrush(mBrushNegative);
+ painter->setPen(mPenNegative);
+ painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.bottomRight().toPoint()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.3, rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.7).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.3, rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.7).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ }
+ } else if (mChartStyle == csCandlestick)
+ {
+ if (mTwoColored)
+ {
+ // draw upper left half icon with positive color:
+ painter->setBrush(mBrushPositive);
+ painter->setPen(mPenPositive);
+ painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.topLeft().toPoint()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.75, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.25, rect.width()*0.5, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ // draw bottom right half icon with negative color:
+ painter->setBrush(mBrushNegative);
+ painter->setPen(mPenNegative);
+ painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.bottomRight().toPoint()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.75, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.25, rect.width()*0.5, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.75, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.25, rect.width()*0.5, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ Draws the data from \a begin to \a end-1 as OHLC bars with the provided \a painter.
+ This method is a helper function for \ref draw. It is used when the chart style is \ref csOhlc.
+void QCPFinancial::drawOhlcPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, bool isSelected)
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ {
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ if (isSelected && mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ else if (mTwoColored)
+ painter->setPen(it->close >= it->open ? mPenPositive : mPenNegative);
+ else
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->open);
+ double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->close);
+ // draw backbone:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low)));
+ // draw open:
+ double pixelWidth = getPixelWidth(it->key, keyPixel); // sign of this makes sure open/close are on correct sides
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel-pixelWidth, openPixel), QPointF(keyPixel, openPixel));
+ // draw close:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, closePixel), QPointF(keyPixel+pixelWidth, closePixel));
+ }
+ } else
- double posKey, posValue;
- pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
- if (mMapData->keyRange().contains(posKey) && mMapData->valueRange().contains(posValue))
- return mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ if (isSelected && mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ else if (mTwoColored)
+ painter->setPen(it->close >= it->open ? mPenPositive : mPenNegative);
+ else
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->open);
+ double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->close);
+ // draw backbone:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low), keyPixel));
+ // draw open:
+ double pixelWidth = getPixelWidth(it->key, keyPixel); // sign of this makes sure open/close are on correct sides
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(openPixel, keyPixel-pixelWidth), QPointF(openPixel, keyPixel));
+ // draw close:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(closePixel, keyPixel), QPointF(closePixel, keyPixel+pixelWidth));
+ }
- return -1;
/*! \internal
- Updates the internal map image buffer by going through the internal \ref QCPColorMapData and
- turning the data values into color pixels with \ref QCPColorGradient::colorize.
- This method is called by \ref QCPColorMap::draw if either the data has been modified or the map image
- has been invalidated for a different reason (e.g. a change of the data range with \ref
- setDataRange).
- If the map cell count is low, the image created will be oversampled in order to avoid a
- QPainter::drawImage bug which makes inner pixel boundaries jitter when stretch-drawing images
- without smooth transform enabled. Accordingly, oversampling isn't performed if \ref
- setInterpolate is true.
+ Draws the data from \a begin to \a end-1 as Candlesticks with the provided \a painter.
+ This method is a helper function for \ref draw. It is used when the chart style is \ref csCandlestick.
-void QCPColorMap::updateMapImage()
+void QCPFinancial::drawCandlestickPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, bool isSelected)
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis) return;
- if (mMapData->isEmpty()) return;
- const int keySize = mMapData->keySize();
- const int valueSize = mMapData->valueSize();
- int keyOversamplingFactor = mInterpolate ? 1 : (int)(1.0+100.0/(double)keySize); // make mMapImage have at least size 100, factor becomes 1 if size > 200 or interpolation is on
- int valueOversamplingFactor = mInterpolate ? 1 : (int)(1.0+100.0/(double)valueSize); // make mMapImage have at least size 100, factor becomes 1 if size > 200 or interpolation is on
- // resize mMapImage to correct dimensions including possible oversampling factors, according to key/value axes orientation:
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal && (mMapImage.width() != keySize*keyOversamplingFactor || mMapImage.height() != valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor))
- mMapImage = QImage(QSize(keySize*keyOversamplingFactor, valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor), QImage::Format_RGB32);
- else if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical && (mMapImage.width() != valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor || mMapImage.height() != keySize*keyOversamplingFactor))
- mMapImage = QImage(QSize(valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor, keySize*keyOversamplingFactor), QImage::Format_RGB32);
- QImage *localMapImage = &mMapImage; // this is the image on which the colorization operates. Either the final mMapImage, or if we need oversampling, mUndersampledMapImage
- if (keyOversamplingFactor > 1 || valueOversamplingFactor > 1)
- {
- // resize undersampled map image to actual key/value cell sizes:
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal && (mUndersampledMapImage.width() != keySize || mUndersampledMapImage.height() != valueSize))
- mUndersampledMapImage = QImage(QSize(keySize, valueSize), QImage::Format_RGB32);
- else if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical && (mUndersampledMapImage.width() != valueSize || mUndersampledMapImage.height() != keySize))
- mUndersampledMapImage = QImage(QSize(valueSize, keySize), QImage::Format_RGB32);
- localMapImage = &mUndersampledMapImage; // make the colorization run on the undersampled image
- } else if (!mUndersampledMapImage.isNull())
- mUndersampledMapImage = QImage(); // don't need oversampling mechanism anymore (map size has changed) but mUndersampledMapImage still has nonzero size, free it
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- const double *rawData = mMapData->mData;
if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- const int lineCount = valueSize;
- const int rowCount = keySize;
- for (int line=0; line<lineCount; ++line)
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(localMapImage->scanLine(lineCount-1-line)); // invert scanline index because QImage counts scanlines from top, but our vertical index counts from bottom (mathematical coordinate system)
- mGradient.colorize(rawData+line*rowCount, mDataRange, pixels, rowCount, 1, mDataScaleType==QCPAxis::stLogarithmic);
+ if (isSelected && mSelectionDecorator)
+ {
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyBrush(painter);
+ } else if (mTwoColored)
+ {
+ painter->setPen(it->close >= it->open ? mPenPositive : mPenNegative);
+ painter->setBrush(it->close >= it->open ? mBrushPositive : mBrushNegative);
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ }
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->open);
+ double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->close);
+ // draw high:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it->open, it->close))));
+ // draw low:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it->open, it->close))));
+ // draw open-close box:
+ double pixelWidth = getPixelWidth(it->key, keyPixel);
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(QPointF(keyPixel-pixelWidth, closePixel), QPointF(keyPixel+pixelWidth, openPixel)));
} else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
- const int lineCount = keySize;
- const int rowCount = valueSize;
- for (int line=0; line<lineCount; ++line)
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(localMapImage->scanLine(lineCount-1-line)); // invert scanline index because QImage counts scanlines from top, but our vertical index counts from bottom (mathematical coordinate system)
- mGradient.colorize(rawData+line, mDataRange, pixels, rowCount, lineCount, mDataScaleType==QCPAxis::stLogarithmic);
+ if (isSelected && mSelectionDecorator)
+ {
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyBrush(painter);
+ } else if (mTwoColored)
+ {
+ painter->setPen(it->close >= it->open ? mPenPositive : mPenNegative);
+ painter->setBrush(it->close >= it->open ? mBrushPositive : mBrushNegative);
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ painter->setBrush(mBrush);
+ }
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->open);
+ double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->close);
+ // draw high:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it->open, it->close)), keyPixel));
+ // draw low:
+ painter->drawLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it->open, it->close)), keyPixel));
+ // draw open-close box:
+ double pixelWidth = getPixelWidth(it->key, keyPixel);
+ painter->drawRect(QRectF(QPointF(closePixel, keyPixel-pixelWidth), QPointF(openPixel, keyPixel+pixelWidth)));
- if (keyOversamplingFactor > 1 || valueOversamplingFactor > 1)
- {
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- mMapImage = mUndersampledMapImage.scaled(keySize*keyOversamplingFactor, valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
- else
- mMapImage = mUndersampledMapImage.scaled(valueSize*valueOversamplingFactor, keySize*keyOversamplingFactor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
- }
- mMapData->mDataModified = false;
- mMapImageInvalidated = false;
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPColorMap::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+/*! \internal
+ This function is used to determine the width of the bar at coordinate \a key, according to the
+ specified width (\ref setWidth) and width type (\ref setWidthType). Provide the pixel position of
+ \a key in \a keyPixel (because usually this was already calculated via \ref QCPAxis::coordToPixel
+ when this function is called).
+ It returns the number of pixels the bar extends to higher keys, relative to the \a key
+ coordinate. So with a non-reversed horizontal axis, the return value is positive. With a reversed
+ horizontal axis, the return value is negative. This is important so the open/close flags on the
+ \ref csOhlc bar are drawn to the correct side.
+double QCPFinancial::getPixelWidth(double key, double keyPixel) const
- if (mMapData->isEmpty()) return;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) return;
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- if (mMapData->mDataModified || mMapImageInvalidated)
- updateMapImage();
- // use buffer if painting vectorized (PDF):
- bool useBuffer = painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmVectorized);
- QCPPainter *localPainter = painter; // will be redirected to paint on mapBuffer if painting vectorized
- QRectF mapBufferTarget; // the rect in absolute widget coordinates where the visible map portion/buffer will end up in
- QPixmap mapBuffer;
- double mapBufferPixelRatio = 3; // factor by which DPI is increased in embedded bitmaps
- if (useBuffer)
+ double result = 0;
+ switch (mWidthType)
- mapBufferTarget = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
- mapBuffer = QPixmap((mapBufferTarget.size()*mapBufferPixelRatio).toSize());
- mapBuffer.fill(Qt::transparent);
- localPainter = new QCPPainter(&mapBuffer);
- localPainter->scale(mapBufferPixelRatio, mapBufferPixelRatio);
- localPainter->translate(-mapBufferTarget.topLeft());
+ case wtAbsolute:
+ {
+ if (mKeyAxis)
+ result = mWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis.data()->pixelOrientation();
+ break;
+ }
+ case wtAxisRectRatio:
+ {
+ if (mKeyAxis && mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect())
+ {
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ result = mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->width()*mWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis.data()->pixelOrientation();
+ else
+ result = mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->height()*mWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis.data()->pixelOrientation();
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No key axis or axis rect defined";
+ break;
+ }
+ case wtPlotCoords:
+ {
+ if (mKeyAxis)
+ result = mKeyAxis.data()->coordToPixel(key+mWidth*0.5)-keyPixel;
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No key axis defined";
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ This method is a helper function for \ref selectTest. It is used to test for selection when the
+ chart style is \ref csOhlc. It only tests against the data points between \a begin and \a end.
- QRectF imageRect = QRectF(coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().lower, mMapData->valueRange().lower),
- coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().upper, mMapData->valueRange().upper)).normalized();
- // extend imageRect to contain outer halves/quarters of bordering/cornering pixels (cells are centered on map range boundary):
- double halfCellWidth = 0; // in pixels
- double halfCellHeight = 0; // in pixels
- if (keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- if (mMapData->keySize() > 1)
- halfCellWidth = 0.5*imageRect.width()/(double)(mMapData->keySize()-1);
- if (mMapData->valueSize() > 1)
- halfCellHeight = 0.5*imageRect.height()/(double)(mMapData->valueSize()-1);
- } else // keyAxis orientation is Qt::Vertical
- {
- if (mMapData->keySize() > 1)
- halfCellHeight = 0.5*imageRect.height()/(double)(mMapData->keySize()-1);
- if (mMapData->valueSize() > 1)
- halfCellWidth = 0.5*imageRect.width()/(double)(mMapData->valueSize()-1);
- }
- imageRect.adjust(-halfCellWidth, -halfCellHeight, halfCellWidth, halfCellHeight);
- bool mirrorX = (keyAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? keyAxis() : valueAxis())->rangeReversed();
- bool mirrorY = (valueAxis()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ? valueAxis() : keyAxis())->rangeReversed();
- bool smoothBackup = localPainter->renderHints().testFlag(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
- localPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, mInterpolate);
- QRegion clipBackup;
- if (mTightBoundary)
+ Like \ref selectTest, this method returns the shortest distance of \a pos to the graphical
+ representation of the plottable, and \a closestDataPoint will point to the respective data point.
+double QCPFinancial::ohlcSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &closestDataPoint) const
+ closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
+ double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- clipBackup = localPainter->clipRegion();
- QRectF tightClipRect = QRectF(coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().lower, mMapData->valueRange().lower),
- coordsToPixels(mMapData->keyRange().upper, mMapData->valueRange().upper)).normalized();
- localPainter->setClipRect(tightClipRect, Qt::IntersectClip);
- }
- localPainter->drawImage(imageRect, mMapImage.mirrored(mirrorX, mirrorY));
- if (mTightBoundary)
- localPainter->setClipRegion(clipBackup);
- localPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, smoothBackup);
- if (useBuffer) // localPainter painted to mapBuffer, so now draw buffer with original painter
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ // calculate distance to backbone:
+ double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high)), QCPVector2D(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low)));
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestDataPoint = it;
+ }
+ }
+ } else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
- delete localPainter;
- painter->drawPixmap(mapBufferTarget.toRect(), mapBuffer);
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ // calculate distance to backbone:
+ double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high), keyPixel), QCPVector2D(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low), keyPixel));
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestDataPoint = it;
+ }
+ }
+ return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPColorMap::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
+/*! \internal
+ This method is a helper function for \ref selectTest. It is used to test for selection when the
+ chart style is \ref csCandlestick. It only tests against the data points between \a begin and \a
+ end.
+ Like \ref selectTest, this method returns the shortest distance of \a pos to the graphical
+ representation of the plottable, and \a closestDataPoint will point to the respective data point.
+double QCPFinancial::candlestickSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &closestDataPoint) const
- applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
- // draw map thumbnail:
- if (!mLegendIcon.isNull())
+ closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
+ double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- QPixmap scaledIcon = mLegendIcon.scaled(rect.size().toSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
- QRectF iconRect = QRectF(0, 0, scaledIcon.width(), scaledIcon.height());
- iconRect.moveCenter(rect.center());
- painter->drawPixmap(iconRect.topLeft(), scaledIcon);
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ double currentDistSqr;
+ // determine whether pos is in open-close-box:
+ QCPRange boxKeyRange(it->key-mWidth*0.5, it->key+mWidth*0.5);
+ QCPRange boxValueRange(it->close, it->open);
+ double posKey, posValue;
+ pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
+ if (boxKeyRange.contains(posKey) && boxValueRange.contains(posValue)) // is in open-close-box
+ {
+ currentDistSqr = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99 * mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ } else
+ {
+ // calculate distance to high/low lines:
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double highLineDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high)), QCPVector2D(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it->open, it->close))));
+ double lowLineDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low)), QCPVector2D(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it->open, it->close))));
+ currentDistSqr = qMin(highLineDistSqr, lowLineDistSqr);
+ }
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestDataPoint = it;
+ }
+ }
+ } else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
+ {
+ for (QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ double currentDistSqr;
+ // determine whether pos is in open-close-box:
+ QCPRange boxKeyRange(it->key-mWidth*0.5, it->key+mWidth*0.5);
+ QCPRange boxValueRange(it->close, it->open);
+ double posKey, posValue;
+ pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
+ if (boxKeyRange.contains(posKey) && boxValueRange.contains(posValue)) // is in open-close-box
+ {
+ currentDistSqr = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99 * mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
+ } else
+ {
+ // calculate distance to high/low lines:
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double highLineDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high), keyPixel), QCPVector2D(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it->open, it->close)), keyPixel));
+ double lowLineDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low), keyPixel), QCPVector2D(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it->open, it->close)), keyPixel));
+ currentDistSqr = qMin(highLineDistSqr, lowLineDistSqr);
+ }
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestDataPoint = it;
+ }
+ }
- /*
- // draw frame:
- painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- painter->setPen(Qt::black);
- painter->drawRect(rect.adjusted(1, 1, 0, 0));
- */
+ return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPColorMap::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+/*! \internal
+ called by the drawing methods to determine which data (key) range is visible at the current key
+ axis range setting, so only that needs to be processed.
+ \a begin returns an iterator to the lowest data point that needs to be taken into account when
+ plotting. Note that in order to get a clean plot all the way to the edge of the axis rect, \a
+ begin may still be just outside the visible range.
+ \a end returns the iterator just above the highest data point that needs to be taken into
+ account. Same as before, \a end may also lie just outside of the visible range
+ if the plottable contains no data, both \a begin and \a end point to \c constEnd.
+void QCPFinancial::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const
- foundRange = true;
- QCPRange result = mMapData->keyRange();
- result.normalize();
- if (inSignDomain == QCPAbstractPlottable::sdPositive)
- {
- if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper > 0)
- result.lower = result.upper*1e-3;
- else if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper <= 0)
- foundRange = false;
- } else if (inSignDomain == QCPAbstractPlottable::sdNegative)
+ if (!mKeyAxis)
- if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower < 0)
- result.upper = result.lower*1e-3;
- else if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower >= 0)
- foundRange = false;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis";
+ begin = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ return;
- return result;
+ begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower-mWidth*0.5); // subtract half width of ohlc/candlestick to include partially visible data points
+ end = mDataContainer->findEnd(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper+mWidth*0.5); // add half width of ohlc/candlestick to include partially visible data points
-/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPColorMap::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the hit box in pixel coordinates that will be used for data selection with the selection
+ rect (\ref selectTestRect), of the data point given by \a it.
+QRectF QCPFinancial::selectionHitBox(QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it) const
- foundRange = true;
- QCPRange result = mMapData->valueRange();
- result.normalize();
- if (inSignDomain == QCPAbstractPlottable::sdPositive)
- {
- if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper > 0)
- result.lower = result.upper*1e-3;
- else if (result.lower <= 0 && result.upper <= 0)
- foundRange = false;
- } else if (inSignDomain == QCPAbstractPlottable::sdNegative)
- {
- if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower < 0)
- result.upper = result.lower*1e-3;
- else if (result.upper >= 0 && result.lower >= 0)
- foundRange = false;
- }
- return result;
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return QRectF(); }
+ double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key);
+ double highPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->high);
+ double lowPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it->low);
+ double keyWidthPixels = keyPixel-keyAxis->coordToPixel(it->key-mWidth*0.5);
+ if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ return QRectF(keyPixel-keyWidthPixels, highPixel, keyWidthPixels*2, lowPixel-highPixel).normalized();
+ else
+ return QRectF(highPixel, keyPixel-keyWidthPixels, lowPixel-highPixel, keyWidthPixels*2).normalized();
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-financial.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-errorbar.cpp', size 37210 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-//////////////////// QCPFinancialData
+//////////////////// QCPErrorBarsData
-/*! \class QCPFinancialData
- \brief Holds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial.
- The container for storing multiple data points is \ref QCPFinancialDataMap.
+/*! \class QCPErrorBarsData
+ \brief Holds the data of one single error bar for QCPErrorBars.
The stored data is:
- \li \a key: coordinate on the key axis of this data point
- \li \a open: The opening value at the data point
- \li \a high: The high/maximum value at the data point
- \li \a low: The low/minimum value at the data point
- \li \a close: The closing value at the data point
- \see QCPFinancialDataMap
+ \li \a errorMinus: how much the error bar extends towards negative coordinates from the data
+ point position
+ \li \a errorPlus: how much the error bar extends towards positive coordinates from the data point
+ position
+ The container for storing the error bar information is \ref QCPErrorBarsDataContainer. It is a
+ typedef for <tt>QVector<\ref QCPErrorBarsData></tt>.
+ \see QCPErrorBarsDataContainer
- Constructs a data point with key and all values set to zero.
+ Constructs an error bar with errors set to zero.
-QCPFinancialData::QCPFinancialData() :
- key(0),
- open(0),
- high(0),
- low(0),
- close(0)
+QCPErrorBarsData::QCPErrorBarsData() :
+ errorMinus(0),
+ errorPlus(0)
- Constructs a data point with the specified \a key and OHLC values.
+ Constructs an error bar with equal \a error in both negative and positive direction.
-QCPFinancialData::QCPFinancialData(double key, double open, double high, double low, double close) :
- key(key),
- open(open),
- high(high),
- low(low),
- close(close)
+QCPErrorBarsData::QCPErrorBarsData(double error) :
+ errorMinus(error),
+ errorPlus(error)
+ Constructs an error bar with negative and positive errors set to \a errorMinus and \a errorPlus,
+ respectively.
+QCPErrorBarsData::QCPErrorBarsData(double errorMinus, double errorPlus) :
+ errorMinus(errorMinus),
+ errorPlus(errorPlus)
-//////////////////// QCPFinancial
+//////////////////// QCPErrorBars
-/*! \class QCPFinancial
- \brief A plottable representing a financial stock chart
+/*! \class QCPErrorBars
+ \brief A plottable that adds a set of error bars to other plottables.
- \image html QCPFinancial.png
- This plottable represents time series data binned to certain intervals, mainly used for stock
- charts. The two common representations OHLC (Open-High-Low-Close) bars and Candlesticks can be
- set via \ref setChartStyle.
- The data is passed via \ref setData as a set of open/high/low/close values at certain keys
- (typically times). This means the data must be already binned appropriately. If data is only
- available as a series of values (e.g. \a price against \a time), you can use the static
- convenience function \ref timeSeriesToOhlc to generate binned OHLC-data which can then be passed
- to \ref setData.
- The width of the OHLC bars/candlesticks can be controlled with \ref setWidth and is given in plot
- key coordinates. A typical choice is to set it to (or slightly less than) one bin interval width.
- \section appearance Changing the appearance
- Charts can be either single- or two-colored (\ref setTwoColored). If set to be single-colored,
- lines are drawn with the plottable's pen (\ref setPen) and fills with the brush (\ref setBrush).
- If set to two-colored, positive changes of the value during an interval (\a close >= \a open) are
- represented with a different pen and brush than negative changes (\a close < \a open). These can
- be configured with \ref setPenPositive, \ref setPenNegative, \ref setBrushPositive, and \ref
- setBrushNegative. In two-colored mode, the normal plottable pen/brush is ignored. Upon selection
- however, the normal selected pen/brush (\ref setSelectedPen, \ref setSelectedBrush) is used,
- irrespective of whether the chart is single- or two-colored.
+ \image html QCPErrorBars.png
+ The \ref QCPErrorBars plottable can be attached to other one-dimensional plottables (e.g. \ref
+ QCPGraph, \ref QCPCurve, \ref QCPBars, etc.) and equips them with error bars.
+ Use \ref setDataPlottable to define for which plottable the \ref QCPErrorBars shall display the
+ error bars. The orientation of the error bars can be controlled with \ref setErrorType.
+ By using \ref setData, you can supply the actual error data, either as symmetric error or
+ plus/minus asymmetric errors. \ref QCPErrorBars only stores the error data. The absolute
+ key/value position of each error bar will be adopted from the configured data plottable. The
+ error data of the \ref QCPErrorBars are associated one-to-one via their index to the data points
+ of the data plottable. You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ Set either of the plus/minus errors to NaN (<tt>qQNaN()</tt> or
+ <tt>std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()</tt>) to not show the respective error bar on the data point at
+ that index.
+ \section qcperrorbars-appearance Changing the appearance
+ The appearance of the error bars is defined by the pen (\ref setPen), and the width of the
+ whiskers (\ref setWhiskerWidth). Further, the error bar backbones may leave a gap around the data
+ point center to prevent that error bars are drawn too close to or even through scatter points.
+ This gap size can be controlled via \ref setSymbolGap.
/* start of documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QCPFinancialDataMap *QCPFinancial::data() const
- Returns a pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPFinancialDataMap. You may use it to
- directly manipulate the data, which may be more convenient and faster than using the regular \ref
- setData or \ref addData methods, in certain situations.
+/*! \fn QSharedPointer<QCPErrorBarsDataContainer> QCPErrorBars::data() const
+ Returns a shared pointer to the internal data storage of type \ref QCPErrorBarsDataContainer. You
+ may use it to directly manipulate the error values, which may be more convenient and faster than
+ using the regular \ref setData methods.
/* end of documentation of inline functions */
- Constructs a financial chart which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its value
+ Constructs an error bars plottable which uses \a keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and \a valueAxis as its value
axis ("y"). \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have
the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is
printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.
- The constructed QCPFinancial can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot
- then takes ownership of the financial chart.
+ It is also important that the \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis are the same for the error bars
+ plottable and the data plottable that the error bars shall be drawn on (\ref setDataPlottable).
+ The created \ref QCPErrorBars is automatically registered with the QCustomPlot instance inferred
+ from \a keyAxis. This QCustomPlot instance takes ownership of the \ref QCPErrorBars, so do not
+ delete it manually but use \ref QCustomPlot::removePlottable() instead.
-QCPFinancial::QCPFinancial(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
+QCPErrorBars::QCPErrorBars(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis),
- mData(0),
- mChartStyle(csOhlc),
- mWidth(0.5),
- mTwoColored(false),
- mBrushPositive(QBrush(QColor(210, 210, 255))),
- mBrushNegative(QBrush(QColor(255, 210, 210))),
- mPenPositive(QPen(QColor(10, 40, 180))),
- mPenNegative(QPen(QColor(180, 40, 10)))
+ mDataContainer(new QVector<QCPErrorBarsData>),
+ mErrorType(etValueError),
+ mWhiskerWidth(9),
+ mSymbolGap(10)
- mData = new QCPFinancialDataMap;
- setSelectedPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 255), 2.5));
- setSelectedBrush(QBrush(QColor(80, 80, 255)));
+ setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0));
+ setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- delete mData;
- Replaces the current data with the provided \a data.
- If \a copy is set to true, data points in \a data will only be copied. if false, the plottable
- takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is
- significantly faster than copying for large datasets.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the plottable's data via the \ref data method, which
- returns a pointer to the internal \ref QCPFinancialDataMap.
- \see timeSeriesToOhlc
+/*! \overload
+ Replaces the current data container with the provided \a data container.
+ Since a QSharedPointer is used, multiple \ref QCPErrorBars instances may share the same data
+ container safely. Modifying the data in the container will then affect all \ref QCPErrorBars
+ instances that share the container. Sharing can be achieved by simply exchanging the data
+ containers wrapped in shared pointers:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcperrorbars-datasharing-1
+ If you do not wish to share containers, but create a copy from an existing container, assign the
+ data containers directly:
+ \snippet documentation/doc-code-snippets/mainwindow.cpp qcperrorbars-datasharing-2
+ (This uses different notation compared with other plottables, because the \ref QCPErrorBars
+ uses a \c QVector<QCPErrorBarsData> as its data container, instead of a \ref QCPDataContainer.)
+ \see addData
-void QCPFinancial::setData(QCPFinancialDataMap *data, bool copy)
+void QCPErrorBars::setData(QSharedPointer<QCPErrorBarsDataContainer> data)
- if (mData == data)
- {
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The data pointer is already in (and owned by) this plottable" << reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(data);
- return;
- }
- if (copy)
- {
- *mData = *data;
- } else
- {
- delete mData;
- mData = data;
- }
+ mDataContainer = data;
/*! \overload
- Replaces the current data with the provided open/high/low/close data. The provided vectors should
- have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.
- \see timeSeriesToOhlc
-void QCPFinancial::setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close)
- mData->clear();
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, open.size());
- n = qMin(n, high.size());
- n = qMin(n, low.size());
- n = qMin(n, close.size());
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], QCPFinancialData(key[i], open[i], high[i], low[i], close[i]));
- }
- Sets which representation style shall be used to display the OHLC data.
-void QCPFinancial::setChartStyle(QCPFinancial::ChartStyle style)
- mChartStyle = style;
+ Sets symmetrical error values as specified in \a error. The errors will be associated one-to-one
+ by the data point index to the associated data plottable (\ref setDataPlottable).
- Sets the width of the individual bars/candlesticks to \a width in plot key coordinates.
- A typical choice is to set it to (or slightly less than) one bin interval width.
+ You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ \see addData
-void QCPFinancial::setWidth(double width)
+void QCPErrorBars::setData(const QVector<double> &error)
- mWidth = width;
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(error);
- Sets whether this chart shall contrast positive from negative trends per data point by using two
- separate colors to draw the respective bars/candlesticks.
- If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
- setBrush).
- \see setPenPositive, setPenNegative, setBrushPositive, setBrushNegative
+/*! \overload
+ Sets asymmetrical errors as specified in \a errorMinus and \a errorPlus. The errors will be
+ associated one-to-one by the data point index to the associated data plottable (\ref
+ setDataPlottable).
+ You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ \see addData
-void QCPFinancial::setTwoColored(bool twoColored)
+void QCPErrorBars::setData(const QVector<double> &errorMinus, const QVector<double> &errorPlus)
- mTwoColored = twoColored;
+ mDataContainer->clear();
+ addData(errorMinus, errorPlus);
- If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the brush that is used to draw fills
- of data points with a positive trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close >= open).
- If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
- setBrush).
- \see setBrushNegative, setPenPositive, setPenNegative
+ Sets the data plottable to which the error bars will be applied. The error values specified e.g.
+ via \ref setData will be associated one-to-one by the data point index to the data points of \a
+ plottable. This means that the error bars will adopt the key/value coordinates of the data point
+ with the same index.
+ The passed \a plottable must be a one-dimensional plottable, i.e. it must implement the \ref
+ QCPPlottableInterface1D. Further, it must not be a \ref QCPErrorBars instance itself. If either
+ of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding qDebug output is generated, and the data
+ plottable of this \ref QCPErrorBars instance is set to zero.
+ For proper display, care must also be taken that the key and value axes of the \a plottable match
+ those configured for this \ref QCPErrorBars instance.
-void QCPFinancial::setBrushPositive(const QBrush &brush)
+void QCPErrorBars::setDataPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable)
- mBrushPositive = brush;
+ if (plottable && qobject_cast<QCPErrorBars*>(plottable))
+ {
+ mDataPlottable = 0;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "can't set another QCPErrorBars instance as data plottable";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (plottable && !plottable->interface1D())
+ {
+ mDataPlottable = 0;
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "passed plottable doesn't implement 1d interface, can't associate with QCPErrorBars";
+ return;
+ }
+ mDataPlottable = plottable;
- If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the brush that is used to draw fills
- of data points with a negative trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close < open).
- If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
- setBrush).
- \see setBrushPositive, setPenNegative, setPenPositive
+ Sets in which orientation the error bars shall appear on the data points. If your data needs both
+ error dimensions, create two \ref QCPErrorBars with different \a type.
-void QCPFinancial::setBrushNegative(const QBrush &brush)
+void QCPErrorBars::setErrorType(ErrorType type)
- mBrushNegative = brush;
+ mErrorType = type;
- If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the pen that is used to draw
- outlines of data points with a positive trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close >= open).
- If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
- setBrush).
- \see setPenNegative, setBrushPositive, setBrushNegative
+ Sets the width of the whiskers (the short bars at the end of the actual error bar backbones) to
+ \a pixels.
-void QCPFinancial::setPenPositive(const QPen &pen)
+void QCPErrorBars::setWhiskerWidth(double pixels)
- mPenPositive = pen;
+ mWhiskerWidth = pixels;
- If \ref setTwoColored is set to true, this function controls the pen that is used to draw
- outlines of data points with a negative trend (i.e. bars/candlesticks with close < open).
- If \a twoColored is false, the normal plottable's pen and brush are used (\ref setPen, \ref
- setBrush).
- \see setPenPositive, setBrushNegative, setBrushPositive
+ Sets the gap diameter around the data points that will be left out when drawing the error bar
+ backbones. This gap prevents that error bars are drawn too close to or even through scatter
+ points.
-void QCPFinancial::setPenNegative(const QPen &pen)
+void QCPErrorBars::setSymbolGap(double pixels)
- mPenNegative = pen;
+ mSymbolGap = pixels;
- Adds the provided data points in \a dataMap to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data via the \ref data method, which returns a
- pointer to the internal \ref QCPFinancialDataMap.
- \see removeData
+/*! \overload
+ Adds symmetrical error values as specified in \a error. The errors will be associated one-to-one
+ by the data point index to the associated data plottable (\ref setDataPlottable).
+ You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ \see setData
-void QCPFinancial::addData(const QCPFinancialDataMap &dataMap)
+void QCPErrorBars::addData(const QVector<double> &error)
- mData->unite(dataMap);
+ addData(error, error);
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point in \a data to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data via the \ref data method, which returns a
- pointer to the internal \ref QCPFinancialData.
- \see removeData
+ Adds asymmetrical errors as specified in \a errorMinus and \a errorPlus. The errors will be
+ associated one-to-one by the data point index to the associated data plottable (\ref
+ setDataPlottable).
+ You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ \see setData
-void QCPFinancial::addData(const QCPFinancialData &data)
+void QCPErrorBars::addData(const QVector<double> &errorMinus, const QVector<double> &errorPlus)
- mData->insertMulti(data.key, data);
+ if (errorMinus.size() != errorPlus.size())
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "minus and plus error vectors have different sizes:" << errorMinus.size() << errorPlus.size();
+ const int n = qMin(errorMinus.size(), errorPlus.size());
+ mDataContainer->reserve(n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ mDataContainer->append(QCPErrorBarsData(errorMinus.at(i), errorPlus.at(i)));
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided single data point given by \a key, \a open, \a high, \a low, and \a close to
- the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data via the \ref data method, which returns a
- pointer to the internal \ref QCPFinancialData.
- \see removeData
+ Adds a single symmetrical error bar as specified in \a error. The errors will be associated
+ one-to-one by the data point index to the associated data plottable (\ref setDataPlottable).
+ You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ \see setData
-void QCPFinancial::addData(double key, double open, double high, double low, double close)
+void QCPErrorBars::addData(double error)
- mData->insertMulti(key, QCPFinancialData(key, open, high, low, close));
+ mDataContainer->append(QCPErrorBarsData(error));
/*! \overload
- Adds the provided open/high/low/close data to the current data.
- Alternatively, you can also access and modify the data via the \ref data method, which returns a
- pointer to the internal \ref QCPFinancialData.
- \see removeData
+ Adds a single asymmetrical error bar as specified in \a errorMinus and \a errorPlus. The errors
+ will be associated one-to-one by the data point index to the associated data plottable (\ref
+ setDataPlottable).
+ You can directly access and manipulate the error bar data via \ref data.
+ \see setData
-void QCPFinancial::addData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close)
+void QCPErrorBars::addData(double errorMinus, double errorPlus)
- int n = key.size();
- n = qMin(n, open.size());
- n = qMin(n, high.size());
- n = qMin(n, low.size());
- n = qMin(n, close.size());
- for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- mData->insertMulti(key[i], QCPFinancialData(key[i], open[i], high[i], low[i], close[i]));
- }
+ mDataContainer->append(QCPErrorBarsData(errorMinus, errorPlus));
- Removes all data points with keys smaller than \a key.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPFinancial::removeDataBefore(double key)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+int QCPErrorBars::dataCount() const
- QCPFinancialDataMap::iterator it = mData->begin();
- while (it != mData->end() && it.key() < key)
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ return mDataContainer->size();
- Removes all data points with keys greater than \a key.
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPFinancial::removeDataAfter(double key)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPErrorBars::dataMainKey(int index) const
- if (mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPFinancialDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(key);
- while (it != mData->end())
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ if (mDataPlottable)
+ return mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainKey(index);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return 0;
- Removes all data points with keys between \a fromKey and \a toKey. if \a fromKey is greater or
- equal to \a toKey, the function does nothing. To remove a single data point with known key, use
- \ref removeData(double key).
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPFinancial::removeData(double fromKey, double toKey)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPErrorBars::dataSortKey(int index) const
- if (fromKey >= toKey || mData->isEmpty()) return;
- QCPFinancialDataMap::iterator it = mData->upperBound(fromKey);
- QCPFinancialDataMap::iterator itEnd = mData->upperBound(toKey);
- while (it != itEnd)
- it = mData->erase(it);
+ if (mDataPlottable)
+ return mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataSortKey(index);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return 0;
-/*! \overload
- Removes a single data point at \a key. If the position is not known with absolute precision,
- consider using \ref removeData(double fromKey, double toKey) with a small fuzziness interval
- around the suspected position, depeding on the precision with which the key is known.
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPErrorBars::dataMainValue(int index) const
+ if (mDataPlottable)
+ return mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainValue(index);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return 0;
- \see addData, clearData
-void QCPFinancial::removeData(double key)
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QCPRange QCPErrorBars::dataValueRange(int index) const
- mData->remove(key);
+ if (mDataPlottable)
+ {
+ const double value = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainValue(index);
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size() && mErrorType == etValueError)
+ return QCPRange(value-mDataContainer->at(index).errorMinus, value+mDataContainer->at(index).errorPlus);
+ else
+ return QCPRange(value, value);
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return QCPRange();
+ }
- Removes all data points.
- \see removeData, removeDataAfter, removeDataBefore
-void QCPFinancial::clearData()
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+QPointF QCPErrorBars::dataPixelPosition(int index) const
- mData->clear();
+ if (mDataPlottable)
+ return mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataPixelPosition(index);
+ else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return QPointF();
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-double QCPFinancial::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+bool QCPErrorBars::sortKeyIsMainKey() const
- Q_UNUSED(details)
- if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
- return -1;
- if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
- if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ if (mDataPlottable)
- // get visible data range:
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator lower, upper; // note that upper is the actual upper point, and not 1 step after the upper point
- getVisibleDataBounds(lower, upper);
- if (lower == mData->constEnd() || upper == mData->constEnd())
- return -1;
- // perform select test according to configured style:
- switch (mChartStyle)
- {
- case QCPFinancial::csOhlc:
- return ohlcSelectTest(pos, lower, upper+1); break;
- case QCPFinancial::csCandlestick:
- return candlestickSelectTest(pos, lower, upper+1); break;
- }
+ return mDataPlottable->interface1D()->sortKeyIsMainKey();
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return true;
- return -1;
- A convenience function that converts time series data (\a value against \a time) to OHLC binned
- data points. The return value can then be passed on to \ref setData.
- The size of the bins can be controlled with \a timeBinSize in the same units as \a time is given.
- For example, if the unit of \a time is seconds and single OHLC/Candlesticks should span an hour
- each, set \a timeBinSize to 3600.
- \a timeBinOffset allows to control precisely at what \a time coordinate a bin should start. The
- value passed as \a timeBinOffset doesn't need to be in the range encompassed by the \a time keys.
- It merely defines the mathematical offset/phase of the bins that will be used to process the
- data.
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::selectTestRect
-QCPFinancialDataMap QCPFinancial::timeSeriesToOhlc(const QVector<double> &time, const QVector<double> &value, double timeBinSize, double timeBinOffset)
+QCPDataSelection QCPErrorBars::selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const
- QCPFinancialDataMap map;
- int count = qMin(time.size(), value.size());
- if (count == 0)
- return QCPFinancialDataMap();
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ if (!mDataPlottable)
+ return result;
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return result;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return result;
- QCPFinancialData currentBinData(0, value.first(), value.first(), value.first(), value.first());
- int currentBinIndex = qFloor((time.first()-timeBinOffset)/timeBinSize+0.5);
- for (int i=0; i<count; ++i)
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator visibleBegin, visibleEnd;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(visibleBegin, visibleEnd, QCPDataRange(0, dataCount()));
+ QVector<QLineF> backbones, whiskers;
+ for (QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it=visibleBegin; it!=visibleEnd; ++it)
- int index = qFloor((time.at(i)-timeBinOffset)/timeBinSize+0.5);
- if (currentBinIndex == index) // data point still in current bin, extend high/low:
+ backbones.clear();
+ whiskers.clear();
+ getErrorBarLines(it, backbones, whiskers);
+ for (int i=0; i<backbones.size(); ++i)
- if (value.at(i) < currentBinData.low) currentBinData.low = value.at(i);
- if (value.at(i) > currentBinData.high) currentBinData.high = value.at(i);
- if (i == count-1) // last data point is in current bin, finalize bin:
+ if (rectIntersectsLine(rect, backbones.at(i)))
- currentBinData.close = value.at(i);
- currentBinData.key = timeBinOffset+(index)*timeBinSize;
- map.insert(currentBinData.key, currentBinData);
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(it-mDataContainer->constBegin(), it-mDataContainer->constBegin()+1), false);
+ break;
- } else // data point not anymore in current bin, set close of old and open of new bin, and add old to map:
- {
- // finalize current bin:
- currentBinData.close = value.at(i-1);
- currentBinData.key = timeBinOffset+(index-1)*timeBinSize;
- map.insert(currentBinData.key, currentBinData);
- // start next bin:
- currentBinIndex = index;
- currentBinData.open = value.at(i);
- currentBinData.high = value.at(i);
- currentBinData.low = value.at(i);
- return map;
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPFinancial::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+int QCPErrorBars::findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const
- // get visible data range:
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator lower, upper; // note that upper is the actual upper point, and not 1 step after the upper point
- getVisibleDataBounds(lower, upper);
- if (lower == mData->constEnd() || upper == mData->constEnd())
- return;
- // draw visible data range according to configured style:
- switch (mChartStyle)
+ if (mDataPlottable)
- case QCPFinancial::csOhlc:
- drawOhlcPlot(painter, lower, upper+1); break;
- case QCPFinancial::csCandlestick:
- drawCandlestickPlot(painter, lower, upper+1); break;
- }
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ int beginIndex = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->findBegin(sortKey, expandedRange);
+ if (beginIndex >= mDataContainer->size())
+ beginIndex = mDataContainer->size()-1;
+ return beginIndex;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return 0;
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-void QCPFinancial::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
+int QCPErrorBars::findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const
- painter->setAntialiasing(false); // legend icon especially of csCandlestick looks better without antialiasing
- if (mChartStyle == csOhlc)
+ if (mDataPlottable)
- if (mTwoColored)
- {
- // draw upper left half icon with positive color:
- painter->setBrush(mBrushPositive);
- painter->setPen(mPenPositive);
- painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.topLeft().toPoint()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.3, rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.7).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- // draw bottom right hald icon with negative color:
- painter->setBrush(mBrushNegative);
- painter->setPen(mPenNegative);
- painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.bottomRight().toPoint()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.3, rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.7).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- } else
+ if (mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ int endIndex = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->findEnd(sortKey, expandedRange);
+ if (endIndex > mDataContainer->size())
+ endIndex = mDataContainer->size();
+ return endIndex;
+ } else
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "no data plottable set";
+ return 0;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+double QCPErrorBars::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ if (!mDataPlottable) return -1;
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return -1;
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->axisRect()->rect().contains(pos.toPoint()))
+ {
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator closestDataPoint = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ double result = pointDistance(pos, closestDataPoint);
+ if (details)
- painter->setBrush(mBrush);
- painter->setPen(mPen);
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.3, rect.width()*0.2, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.8, rect.height()*0.7).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ int pointIndex = closestDataPoint-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ details->setValue(QCPDataSelection(QCPDataRange(pointIndex, pointIndex+1)));
- } else if (mChartStyle == csCandlestick)
+ return result;
+ } else
+ return -1;
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPErrorBars::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
+ if (!mDataPlottable) return;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ if (mKeyAxis.data()->range().size() <= 0 || mDataContainer->isEmpty()) return;
+ // if the sort key isn't the main key, we must check the visibility for each data point/error bar individually
+ // (getVisibleDataBounds applies range restriction, but otherwise can only return full data range):
+ bool checkPointVisibility = !mDataPlottable->interface1D()->sortKeyIsMainKey();
+ // check data validity if flag set:
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = mDataContainer->constBegin(); it != mDataContainer->constEnd(); ++it)
- if (mTwoColored)
+ if (QCP::isInvalidData(it->errorMinus, it->errorPlus))
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data point at index" << it-mDataContainer->constBegin() << "invalid." << "Plottable name:" << name();
+ }
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ // loop over and draw segments of unselected/selected data:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> selectedSegments, unselectedSegments, allSegments;
+ getDataSegments(selectedSegments, unselectedSegments);
+ allSegments << unselectedSegments << selectedSegments;
+ QVector<QLineF> backbones, whiskers;
+ for (int i=0; i<allSegments.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator begin, end;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(begin, end, allSegments.at(i));
+ if (begin == end)
+ continue;
+ bool isSelectedSegment = i >= unselectedSegments.size();
+ if (isSelectedSegment && mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->applyPen(painter);
+ else
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ if (painter->pen().capStyle() == Qt::SquareCap)
- // draw upper left half icon with positive color:
- painter->setBrush(mBrushPositive);
- painter->setPen(mPenPositive);
- painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.topLeft().toPoint()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.75, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.25, rect.width()*0.5, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- // draw bottom right hald icon with negative color:
- painter->setBrush(mBrushNegative);
- painter->setPen(mPenNegative);
- painter->setClipRegion(QRegion(QPolygon() << rect.bottomLeft().toPoint() << rect.topRight().toPoint() << rect.bottomRight().toPoint()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.75, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.25, rect.width()*0.5, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- } else
+ QPen capFixPen(painter->pen());
+ capFixPen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap);
+ painter->setPen(capFixPen);
+ }
+ backbones.clear();
+ whiskers.clear();
+ for (QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
- painter->setBrush(mBrush);
- painter->setPen(mPen);
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.width()*0.75, rect.height()*0.5, rect.width(), rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(rect.width()*0.25, rect.height()*0.25, rect.width()*0.5, rect.height()*0.5).translated(rect.topLeft()));
+ if (!checkPointVisibility || errorBarVisible(it-mDataContainer->constBegin()))
+ getErrorBarLines(it, backbones, whiskers);
+ painter->drawLines(backbones);
+ painter->drawLines(whiskers);
+ }
+ // draw other selection decoration that isn't just line/scatter pens and brushes:
+ if (mSelectionDecorator)
+ mSelectionDecorator->drawDecoration(painter, selection());
+/* inherits documentation from base class */
+void QCPErrorBars::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const
+ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(painter);
+ painter->setPen(mPen);
+ if (mErrorType == etValueError && mValueAxis && mValueAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.center().x(), rect.top()+2, rect.center().x(), rect.bottom()-1));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.center().x()-4, rect.top()+2, rect.center().x()+4, rect.top()+2));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.center().x()-4, rect.bottom()-1, rect.center().x()+4, rect.bottom()-1));
+ } else
+ {
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.left()+2, rect.center().y(), rect.right()-2, rect.center().y()));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.left()+2, rect.center().y()-4, rect.left()+2, rect.center().y()+4));
+ painter->drawLine(QLineF(rect.right()-2, rect.center().y()-4, rect.right()-2, rect.center().y()+4));
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPFinancial::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+QCPRange QCPErrorBars::getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+ if (!mDataPlottable)
+ {
+ foundRange = false;
+ return QCPRange();
+ }
QCPRange range;
bool haveLower = false;
bool haveUpper = false;
- double current;
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = mDataContainer->constBegin(); it != mDataContainer->constEnd(); ++it)
- current = it.value().key;
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && current > 0))
+ if (mErrorType == etValueError)
- if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ // error bar doesn't extend in key dimension (except whisker but we ignore that here), so only use data point center
+ const double current = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainKey(it-mDataContainer->constBegin());
+ if (qIsNaN(current)) continue;
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
- range.lower = current;
- haveLower = true;
+ if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
- if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ } else // mErrorType == etKeyError
+ {
+ const double dataKey = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainKey(it-mDataContainer->constBegin());
+ if (qIsNaN(dataKey)) continue;
+ // plus error:
+ double current = dataKey + (qIsNaN(it->errorPlus) ? 0 : it->errorPlus);
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
- range.upper = current;
- haveUpper = true;
+ if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // minus error:
+ current = dataKey - (qIsNaN(it->errorMinus) ? 0 : it->errorMinus);
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
+ {
+ if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
- ++it;
- // determine exact range by including width of bars/flags:
- if (haveLower && mKeyAxis)
- range.lower = range.lower-mWidth*0.5;
- if (haveUpper && mKeyAxis)
- range.upper = range.upper+mWidth*0.5;
+ if (haveUpper && !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = range.upper;
+ haveLower = true;
+ } else if (haveLower && !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = range.lower;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
return range;
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QCPRange QCPFinancial::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain inSignDomain) const
+QCPRange QCPErrorBars::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange) const
+ if (!mDataPlottable)
+ {
+ foundRange = false;
+ return QCPRange();
+ }
QCPRange range;
+ const bool restrictKeyRange = inKeyRange != QCPRange();
bool haveLower = false;
bool haveUpper = false;
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it = mData->constBegin();
- while (it != mData->constEnd())
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator itBegin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator itEnd = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (mDataPlottable->interface1D()->sortKeyIsMainKey() && restrictKeyRange)
+ {
+ itBegin = mDataContainer->constBegin()+findBegin(inKeyRange.lower);
+ itEnd = mDataContainer->constBegin()+findEnd(inKeyRange.upper);
+ }
+ for (QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
- // high:
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && it.value().high < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && it.value().high > 0))
+ if (restrictKeyRange)
- if (it.value().high < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ const double dataKey = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainKey(it-mDataContainer->constBegin());
+ if (dataKey < inKeyRange.lower || dataKey > inKeyRange.upper)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (mErrorType == etValueError)
+ {
+ const double dataValue = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainValue(it-mDataContainer->constBegin());
+ if (qIsNaN(dataValue)) continue;
+ // plus error:
+ double current = dataValue + (qIsNaN(it->errorPlus) ? 0 : it->errorPlus);
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
- range.lower = it.value().high;
- haveLower = true;
+ if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
- if (it.value().high > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ // minus error:
+ current = dataValue - (qIsNaN(it->errorMinus) ? 0 : it->errorMinus);
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
- range.upper = it.value().high;
- haveUpper = true;
+ if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
- }
- // low:
- if (inSignDomain == sdBoth || (inSignDomain == sdNegative && it.value().low < 0) || (inSignDomain == sdPositive && it.value().low > 0))
+ } else // mErrorType == etKeyError
- if (it.value().low < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ // error bar doesn't extend in value dimension (except whisker but we ignore that here), so only use data point center
+ const double current = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainValue(it-mDataContainer->constBegin());
+ if (qIsNaN(current)) continue;
+ if (inSignDomain == QCP::sdBoth || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdNegative && current < 0) || (inSignDomain == QCP::sdPositive && current > 0))
- range.lower = it.value().low;
- haveLower = true;
- }
- if (it.value().low > range.upper || !haveUpper)
- {
- range.upper = it.value().low;
- haveUpper = true;
+ if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
- ++it;
+ }
+ if (haveUpper && !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = range.upper;
+ haveLower = true;
+ } else if (haveLower && !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = range.lower;
+ haveUpper = true;
foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
@@ -21167,298 +27357,256 @@ QCPRange QCPFinancial::getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCPAbstractPlottable::Sig
/*! \internal
- Draws the data from \a begin to \a end as OHLC bars with the provided \a painter.
- This method is a helper function for \ref draw. It is used when the chart style is \ref csOhlc.
+ Calculates the lines that make up the error bar belonging to the data point \a it.
+ The resulting lines are added to \a backbones and \a whiskers. The vectors are not cleared, so
+ calling this method with different \a it but the same \a backbones and \a whiskers allows to
+ accumulate lines for multiple data points.
+ This method assumes that \a it is a valid iterator within the bounds of this \ref QCPErrorBars
+ instance and within the bounds of the associated data plottable.
-void QCPFinancial::drawOhlcPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end)
+void QCPErrorBars::getErrorBarLines(QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it, QVector<QLineF> &backbones, QVector<QLineF> &whiskers) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
+ if (!mDataPlottable) return;
- QPen linePen;
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- for (QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ int index = it-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ QPointF centerPixel = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataPixelPosition(index);
+ if (qIsNaN(centerPixel.x()) || qIsNaN(centerPixel.y()))
+ return;
+ QCPAxis *errorAxis = mErrorType == etValueError ? mValueAxis : mKeyAxis;
+ QCPAxis *orthoAxis = mErrorType == etValueError ? mKeyAxis : mValueAxis;
+ const double centerErrorAxisPixel = errorAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? centerPixel.x() : centerPixel.y();
+ const double centerOrthoAxisPixel = orthoAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? centerPixel.x() : centerPixel.y();
+ const double centerErrorAxisCoord = errorAxis->pixelToCoord(centerErrorAxisPixel); // depending on plottable, this might be different from just mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataMainKey/Value
+ const double symbolGap = mSymbolGap*0.5*errorAxis->pixelOrientation();
+ // plus error:
+ double errorStart, errorEnd;
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->errorPlus))
+ {
+ errorStart = centerErrorAxisPixel+symbolGap;
+ errorEnd = errorAxis->coordToPixel(centerErrorAxisCoord+it->errorPlus);
+ if (errorAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ {
+ if ((errorStart > errorEnd) != errorAxis->rangeReversed())
+ backbones.append(QLineF(centerOrthoAxisPixel, errorStart, centerOrthoAxisPixel, errorEnd));
+ whiskers.append(QLineF(centerOrthoAxisPixel-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel+mWhiskerWidth*0.5, errorEnd));
+ } else
- if (mSelected)
- linePen = mSelectedPen;
- else if (mTwoColored)
- linePen = it.value().close >= it.value().open ? mPenPositive : mPenNegative;
- else
- linePen = mPen;
- painter->setPen(linePen);
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().open);
- double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().close);
- // draw backbone:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low)));
- // draw open:
- double keyWidthPixels = keyPixel-keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key-mWidth*0.5); // sign of this makes sure open/close are on correct sides
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel-keyWidthPixels, openPixel), QPointF(keyPixel, openPixel));
- // draw close:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, closePixel), QPointF(keyPixel+keyWidthPixels, closePixel));
+ if ((errorStart < errorEnd) != errorAxis->rangeReversed())
+ backbones.append(QLineF(errorStart, centerOrthoAxisPixel, errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel));
+ whiskers.append(QLineF(errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel+mWhiskerWidth*0.5));
- } else
+ }
+ // minus error:
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->errorMinus))
- for (QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ errorStart = centerErrorAxisPixel-symbolGap;
+ errorEnd = errorAxis->coordToPixel(centerErrorAxisCoord-it->errorMinus);
+ if (errorAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- if (mSelected)
- linePen = mSelectedPen;
- else if (mTwoColored)
- linePen = it.value().close >= it.value().open ? mPenPositive : mPenNegative;
- else
- linePen = mPen;
- painter->setPen(linePen);
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().open);
- double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().close);
- // draw backbone:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low), keyPixel));
- // draw open:
- double keyWidthPixels = keyPixel-keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key-mWidth*0.5); // sign of this makes sure open/close are on correct sides
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(openPixel, keyPixel-keyWidthPixels), QPointF(openPixel, keyPixel));
- // draw close:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(closePixel, keyPixel), QPointF(closePixel, keyPixel+keyWidthPixels));
+ if ((errorStart < errorEnd) != errorAxis->rangeReversed())
+ backbones.append(QLineF(centerOrthoAxisPixel, errorStart, centerOrthoAxisPixel, errorEnd));
+ whiskers.append(QLineF(centerOrthoAxisPixel-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel+mWhiskerWidth*0.5, errorEnd));
+ } else
+ {
+ if ((errorStart > errorEnd) != errorAxis->rangeReversed())
+ backbones.append(QLineF(errorStart, centerOrthoAxisPixel, errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel));
+ whiskers.append(QLineF(errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel-mWhiskerWidth*0.5, errorEnd, centerOrthoAxisPixel+mWhiskerWidth*0.5));
/*! \internal
- Draws the data from \a begin to \a end as Candlesticks with the provided \a painter.
- This method is a helper function for \ref draw. It is used when the chart style is \ref csCandlestick.
+ This method outputs the currently visible data range via \a begin and \a end. The returned range
+ will also never exceed \a rangeRestriction.
+ Since error bars with type \ref etKeyError may extend to arbitrarily positive and negative key
+ coordinates relative to their data point key, this method checks all outer error bars whether
+ they truly don't reach into the visible portion of the axis rect, by calling \ref
+ errorBarVisible. On the other hand error bars with type \ref etValueError that are associated
+ with data plottables whose sort key is equal to the main key (see \ref qcpdatacontainer-datatype
+ "QCPDataContainer DataType") can be handled very efficiently by finding the visible range of
+ error bars through binary search (\ref QCPPlottableInterface1D::findBegin and \ref
+ QCPPlottableInterface1D::findEnd).
+ If the plottable's sort key is not equal to the main key, this method returns the full data
+ range, only restricted by \a rangeRestriction. Drawing optimization then has to be done on a
+ point-by-point basis in the \ref draw method.
-void QCPFinancial::drawCandlestickPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end)
+void QCPErrorBars::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &rangeRestriction) const
QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return; }
- QPen linePen;
- QBrush boxBrush;
+ if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis)
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis";
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ begin = end;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!mDataPlottable || rangeRestriction.isEmpty())
+ {
+ end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ begin = end;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!mDataPlottable->interface1D()->sortKeyIsMainKey())
+ {
+ // if the sort key isn't the main key, it's not possible to find a contiguous range of visible
+ // data points, so this method then only applies the range restriction and otherwise returns
+ // the full data range. Visibility checks must be done on a per-datapoin-basis during drawing
+ QCPDataRange dataRange(0, mDataContainer->size());
+ dataRange = dataRange.bounded(rangeRestriction);
+ begin = mDataContainer->constBegin()+dataRange.begin();
+ end = mDataContainer->constBegin()+dataRange.end();
+ return;
+ }
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ // get visible data range via interface from data plottable, and then restrict to available error data points:
+ const int n = qMin(mDataContainer->size(), mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataCount());
+ int beginIndex = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->findBegin(keyAxis->range().lower);
+ int endIndex = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->findEnd(keyAxis->range().upper);
+ int i = beginIndex;
+ while (i > 0 && i < n && i > rangeRestriction.begin())
- for (QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- {
- if (mSelected)
- {
- linePen = mSelectedPen;
- boxBrush = mSelectedBrush;
- } else if (mTwoColored)
- {
- if (it.value().close >= it.value().open)
- {
- linePen = mPenPositive;
- boxBrush = mBrushPositive;
- } else
- {
- linePen = mPenNegative;
- boxBrush = mBrushNegative;
- }
- } else
- {
- linePen = mPen;
- boxBrush = mBrush;
- }
- painter->setPen(linePen);
- painter->setBrush(boxBrush);
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().open);
- double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().close);
- // draw high:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it.value().open, it.value().close))));
- // draw low:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it.value().open, it.value().close))));
- // draw open-close box:
- double keyWidthPixels = keyPixel-keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key-mWidth*0.5);
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(QPointF(keyPixel-keyWidthPixels, closePixel), QPointF(keyPixel+keyWidthPixels, openPixel)));
- }
- } else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
+ if (errorBarVisible(i))
+ beginIndex = i;
+ --i;
+ }
+ i = endIndex;
+ while (i >= 0 && i < n && i < rangeRestriction.end())
- for (QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- {
- if (mSelected)
- {
- linePen = mSelectedPen;
- boxBrush = mSelectedBrush;
- } else if (mTwoColored)
- {
- if (it.value().close >= it.value().open)
- {
- linePen = mPenPositive;
- boxBrush = mBrushPositive;
- } else
- {
- linePen = mPenNegative;
- boxBrush = mBrushNegative;
- }
- } else
- {
- linePen = mPen;
- boxBrush = mBrush;
- }
- painter->setPen(linePen);
- painter->setBrush(boxBrush);
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- double openPixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().open);
- double closePixel = valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().close);
- // draw high:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it.value().open, it.value().close)), keyPixel));
- // draw low:
- painter->drawLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it.value().open, it.value().close)), keyPixel));
- // draw open-close box:
- double keyWidthPixels = keyPixel-keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key-mWidth*0.5);
- painter->drawRect(QRectF(QPointF(closePixel, keyPixel-keyWidthPixels), QPointF(openPixel, keyPixel+keyWidthPixels)));
- }
+ if (errorBarVisible(i))
+ endIndex = i+1;
+ ++i;
+ QCPDataRange dataRange(beginIndex, endIndex);
+ dataRange = dataRange.bounded(rangeRestriction.bounded(QCPDataRange(0, mDataContainer->size())));
+ begin = mDataContainer->constBegin()+dataRange.begin();
+ end = mDataContainer->constBegin()+dataRange.end();
/*! \internal
- This method is a helper function for \ref selectTest. It is used to test for selection when the
- chart style is \ref csOhlc. It only tests against the data points between \a begin and \a end.
+ Calculates the minimum distance in pixels the error bars' representation has from the given \a
+ pixelPoint. This is used to determine whether the error bar was clicked or not, e.g. in \ref
+ selectTest. The closest data point to \a pixelPoint is returned in \a closestData.
-double QCPFinancial::ohlcSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end) const
+double QCPErrorBars::pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
+ closestData = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (!mDataPlottable || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1.0;
+ QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator begin, end;
+ getVisibleDataBounds(begin, end, QCPDataRange(0, dataCount()));
+ // calculate minimum distances to error backbones (whiskers are ignored for speed) and find closestData iterator:
double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it;
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- {
- for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- {
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- // calculate distance to backbone:
- double currentDistSqr = distSqrToLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low)), pos);
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
- } else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
+ QVector<QLineF> backbones, whiskers;
+ for (QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
- for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ getErrorBarLines(it, backbones, whiskers);
+ for (int i=0; i<backbones.size(); ++i)
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- // calculate distance to backbone:
- double currentDistSqr = distSqrToLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low), keyPixel), pos);
+ const double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(pixelPoint).distanceSquaredToLine(backbones.at(i));
if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ closestData = it;
+ }
return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
/*! \internal
- This method is a helper function for \ref selectTest. It is used to test for selection when the
- chart style is \ref csCandlestick. It only tests against the data points between \a begin and \a
- end.
+ \note This method is identical to \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D::getDataSegments but needs to be
+ reproduced here since the \ref QCPErrorBars plottable, as a special case that doesn't have its
+ own key/value data coordinates, doesn't derive from \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D. See the
+ documentation there for details.
-double QCPFinancial::candlestickSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end) const
+void QCPErrorBars::getDataSegments(QList<QCPDataRange> &selectedSegments, QList<QCPDataRange> &unselectedSegments) const
- QCPAxis *keyAxis = mKeyAxis.data();
- QCPAxis *valueAxis = mValueAxis.data();
- if (!keyAxis || !valueAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key or value axis"; return -1; }
- double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator it;
- if (keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ selectedSegments.clear();
+ unselectedSegments.clear();
+ if (mSelectable == QCP::stWhole) // stWhole selection type draws the entire plottable with selected style if mSelection isn't empty
- for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- {
- double currentDistSqr;
- // determine whether pos is in open-close-box:
- QCPRange boxKeyRange(it.value().key-mWidth*0.5, it.value().key+mWidth*0.5);
- QCPRange boxValueRange(it.value().close, it.value().open);
- double posKey, posValue;
- pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
- if (boxKeyRange.contains(posKey) && boxValueRange.contains(posValue)) // is in open-close-box
- {
- currentDistSqr = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99 * mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- } else
- {
- // calculate distance to high/low lines:
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- double highLineDistSqr = distSqrToLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it.value().open, it.value().close))), pos);
- double lowLineDistSqr = distSqrToLine(QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low)), QPointF(keyPixel, valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it.value().open, it.value().close))), pos);
- currentDistSqr = qMin(highLineDistSqr, lowLineDistSqr);
- }
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
- } else // keyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
+ if (selected())
+ selectedSegments << QCPDataRange(0, dataCount());
+ else
+ unselectedSegments << QCPDataRange(0, dataCount());
+ } else
- for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
- {
- double currentDistSqr;
- // determine whether pos is in open-close-box:
- QCPRange boxKeyRange(it.value().key-mWidth*0.5, it.value().key+mWidth*0.5);
- QCPRange boxValueRange(it.value().close, it.value().open);
- double posKey, posValue;
- pixelsToCoords(pos, posKey, posValue);
- if (boxKeyRange.contains(posKey) && boxValueRange.contains(posValue)) // is in open-close-box
- {
- currentDistSqr = mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99 * mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99;
- } else
- {
- // calculate distance to high/low lines:
- double keyPixel = keyAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().key);
- double highLineDistSqr = distSqrToLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().high), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMax(it.value().open, it.value().close)), keyPixel), pos);
- double lowLineDistSqr = distSqrToLine(QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(it.value().low), keyPixel), QPointF(valueAxis->coordToPixel(qMin(it.value().open, it.value().close)), keyPixel), pos);
- currentDistSqr = qMin(highLineDistSqr, lowLineDistSqr);
- }
- if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
- minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
- }
+ QCPDataSelection sel(selection());
+ sel.simplify();
+ selectedSegments = sel.dataRanges();
+ unselectedSegments = sel.inverse(QCPDataRange(0, dataCount())).dataRanges();
- return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
-/*! \internal
- called by the drawing methods to determine which data (key) range is visible at the current key
- axis range setting, so only that needs to be processed.
- \a lower returns an iterator to the lowest data point that needs to be taken into account when
- plotting. Note that in order to get a clean plot all the way to the edge of the axis rect, \a
- lower may still be just outside the visible range.
- \a upper returns an iterator to the highest data point. Same as before, \a upper may also lie
- just outside of the visible range.
- if the plottable contains no data, both \a lower and \a upper point to constEnd.
- \see QCPGraph::getVisibleDataBounds
+/*! \internal
+ Returns whether the error bar at the specified \a index is visible within the current key axis
+ range.
+ This method assumes for performance reasons without checking that the key axis, the value axis,
+ and the data plottable (\ref setDataPlottable) are not zero and that \a index is within valid
+ bounds of this \ref QCPErrorBars instance and the bounds of the data plottable.
-void QCPFinancial::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &upper) const
+bool QCPErrorBars::errorBarVisible(int index) const
- if (!mKeyAxis) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid key axis"; return; }
- if (mData->isEmpty())
+ QPointF centerPixel = mDataPlottable->interface1D()->dataPixelPosition(index);
+ const double centerKeyPixel = mKeyAxis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? centerPixel.x() : centerPixel.y();
+ if (qIsNaN(centerKeyPixel))
+ return false;
+ double keyMin, keyMax;
+ if (mErrorType == etKeyError)
- lower = mData->constEnd();
- upper = mData->constEnd();
- return;
+ const double centerKey = mKeyAxis->pixelToCoord(centerKeyPixel);
+ const double errorPlus = mDataContainer->at(index).errorPlus;
+ const double errorMinus = mDataContainer->at(index).errorMinus;
+ keyMax = centerKey+(qIsNaN(errorPlus) ? 0 : errorPlus);
+ keyMin = centerKey-(qIsNaN(errorMinus) ? 0 : errorMinus);
+ } else // mErrorType == etValueError
+ {
+ keyMax = mKeyAxis->pixelToCoord(centerKeyPixel+mWhiskerWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis->pixelOrientation());
+ keyMin = mKeyAxis->pixelToCoord(centerKeyPixel-mWhiskerWidth*0.5*mKeyAxis->pixelOrientation());
- // get visible data range as QMap iterators
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator lbound = mData->lowerBound(mKeyAxis.data()->range().lower);
- QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator ubound = mData->upperBound(mKeyAxis.data()->range().upper);
- bool lowoutlier = lbound != mData->constBegin(); // indicates whether there exist points below axis range
- bool highoutlier = ubound != mData->constEnd(); // indicates whether there exist points above axis range
- lower = (lowoutlier ? lbound-1 : lbound); // data point range that will be actually drawn
- upper = (highoutlier ? ubound : ubound-1); // data point range that will be actually drawn
+ return ((keyMax > mKeyAxis->range().lower) && (keyMin < mKeyAxis->range().upper));
+/*! \internal
+ Returns whether \a line intersects (or is contained in) \a pixelRect.
+ \a line is assumed to be either perfectly horizontal or perfectly vertical, as is the case for
+ error bar lines.
+bool QCPErrorBars::rectIntersectsLine(const QRectF &pixelRect, const QLineF &line) const
+ if (pixelRect.left() > line.x1() && pixelRect.left() > line.x2())
+ return false;
+ else if (pixelRect.right() < line.x1() && pixelRect.right() < line.x2())
+ return false;
+ else if (pixelRect.top() > line.y1() && pixelRect.top() > line.y2())
+ return false;
+ else if (pixelRect.bottom() < line.y1() && pixelRect.bottom() < line.y2())
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-errorbar.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-straightline.cpp', size 7592 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemStraightLine
@@ -21474,7 +27622,8 @@ void QCPFinancial::getVisibleDataBounds(QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &low
Creates a straight line item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemStraightLine::QCPItemStraightLine(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -21519,14 +27668,14 @@ double QCPItemStraightLine::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable,
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- return distToStraightLine(QVector2D(point1->pixelPoint()), QVector2D(point2->pixelPoint()-point1->pixelPoint()), QVector2D(pos));
+ return QCPVector2D(pos).distanceToStraightLine(point1->pixelPosition(), point2->pixelPosition()-point1->pixelPosition());
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemStraightLine::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QVector2D start(point1->pixelPoint());
- QVector2D end(point2->pixelPoint());
+ QCPVector2D start(point1->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D end(point2->pixelPosition());
// get visible segment of straight line inside clipRect:
double clipPad = mainPen().widthF();
QLineF line = getRectClippedStraightLine(start, end-start, clipRect().adjusted(-clipPad, -clipPad, clipPad, clipPad));
@@ -21540,24 +27689,12 @@ void QCPItemStraightLine::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/*! \internal
- finds the shortest distance of \a point to the straight line defined by the base point \a
- base and the direction vector \a vec.
- This is a helper function for \ref selectTest.
-double QCPItemStraightLine::distToStraightLine(const QVector2D &base, const QVector2D &vec, const QVector2D &point) const
- return qAbs((base.y()-point.y())*vec.x()-(base.x()-point.x())*vec.y())/vec.length();
-/*! \internal
Returns the section of the straight line defined by \a base and direction vector \a
vec, that is visible in the specified \a rect.
This is a helper function for \ref draw.
-QLineF QCPItemStraightLine::getRectClippedStraightLine(const QVector2D &base, const QVector2D &vec, const QRect &rect) const
+QLineF QCPItemStraightLine::getRectClippedStraightLine(const QCPVector2D &base, const QCPVector2D &vec, const QRect &rect) const
double bx, by;
double gamma;
@@ -21582,31 +27719,31 @@ QLineF QCPItemStraightLine::getRectClippedStraightLine(const QVector2D &base, co
result.setLine(rect.left(), by+gamma, rect.right(), by+gamma); // no need to check right because we know line is horizontal
} else // line is skewed
- QList<QVector2D> pointVectors;
+ QList<QCPVector2D> pointVectors;
// check top of rect:
bx = rect.left();
by = rect.top();
gamma = base.x()-bx + (by-base.y())*vec.x()/vec.y();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.width())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
// check bottom of rect:
bx = rect.left();
by = rect.bottom();
gamma = base.x()-bx + (by-base.y())*vec.x()/vec.y();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.width())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
// check left of rect:
bx = rect.left();
by = rect.top();
gamma = base.y()-by + (bx-base.x())*vec.y()/vec.x();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.height())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
// check right of rect:
bx = rect.right();
by = rect.top();
gamma = base.y()-by + (bx-base.x())*vec.y()/vec.x();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.height())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
// evaluate points:
if (pointVectors.size() == 2)
@@ -21616,7 +27753,7 @@ QLineF QCPItemStraightLine::getRectClippedStraightLine(const QVector2D &base, co
// line probably goes through corner of rect, and we got two points there. single out the point pair with greatest distance:
double distSqrMax = 0;
- QVector2D pv1, pv2;
+ QCPVector2D pv1, pv2;
for (int i=0; i<pointVectors.size()-1; ++i)
for (int k=i+1; k<pointVectors.size(); ++k)
@@ -21645,8 +27782,12 @@ QPen QCPItemStraightLine::mainPen() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedPen : mPen;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-straightline.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-line.cpp', size 8498 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemLine
@@ -21664,7 +27805,8 @@ QPen QCPItemStraightLine::mainPen() const
Creates a line item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemLine::QCPItemLine(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -21735,15 +27877,15 @@ double QCPItemLine::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- return qSqrt(distSqrToLine(start->pixelPoint(), end->pixelPoint(), pos));
+ return qSqrt(QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(start->pixelPosition(), end->pixelPosition()));
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemLine::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QVector2D startVec(start->pixelPoint());
- QVector2D endVec(end->pixelPoint());
- if (startVec.toPoint() == endVec.toPoint())
+ QCPVector2D startVec(start->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D endVec(end->pixelPosition());
+ if (qFuzzyIsNull((startVec-endVec).lengthSquared()))
// get visible segment of straight line inside clipRect:
double clipPad = qMax(mHead.boundingDistance(), mTail.boundingDistance());
@@ -21769,19 +27911,19 @@ void QCPItemLine::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
This is a helper function for \ref draw.
-QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &end, const QRect &rect) const
+QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QCPVector2D &start, const QCPVector2D &end, const QRect &rect) const
bool containsStart = rect.contains(start.x(), start.y());
bool containsEnd = rect.contains(end.x(), end.y());
if (containsStart && containsEnd)
return QLineF(start.toPointF(), end.toPointF());
- QVector2D base = start;
- QVector2D vec = end-start;
+ QCPVector2D base = start;
+ QCPVector2D vec = end-start;
double bx, by;
double gamma, mu;
QLineF result;
- QList<QVector2D> pointVectors;
+ QList<QCPVector2D> pointVectors;
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(vec.y())) // line is not horizontal
@@ -21793,7 +27935,7 @@ QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &
gamma = base.x()-bx + mu*vec.x();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.width())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
// check bottom of rect:
bx = rect.left();
@@ -21803,7 +27945,7 @@ QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &
gamma = base.x()-bx + mu*vec.x();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.width())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx+gamma, by));
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(vec.x())) // line is not vertical
@@ -21816,7 +27958,7 @@ QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &
gamma = base.y()-by + mu*vec.y();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.height())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
// check right of rect:
bx = rect.right();
@@ -21826,7 +27968,7 @@ QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &
gamma = base.y()-by + mu*vec.y();
if (gamma >= 0 && gamma <= rect.height())
- pointVectors.append(QVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
+ pointVectors.append(QCPVector2D(bx, by+gamma));
@@ -21843,7 +27985,7 @@ QLineF QCPItemLine::getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &
// line probably goes through corner of rect, and we got two points there. single out the point pair with greatest distance:
double distSqrMax = 0;
- QVector2D pv1, pv2;
+ QCPVector2D pv1, pv2;
for (int i=0; i<pointVectors.size()-1; ++i)
for (int k=i+1; k<pointVectors.size(); ++k)
@@ -21871,7 +28013,11 @@ QPen QCPItemLine::mainPen() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedPen : mPen;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-line.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-curve.cpp', size 7159 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemCurve
@@ -21897,7 +28043,8 @@ QPen QCPItemLine::mainPen() const
Creates a curve item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemCurve::QCPItemCurve(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -21972,19 +28119,20 @@ double QCPItemCurve::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVarian
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- QPointF startVec(start->pixelPoint());
- QPointF startDirVec(startDir->pixelPoint());
- QPointF endDirVec(endDir->pixelPoint());
- QPointF endVec(end->pixelPoint());
+ QPointF startVec(start->pixelPosition());
+ QPointF startDirVec(startDir->pixelPosition());
+ QPointF endDirVec(endDir->pixelPosition());
+ QPointF endVec(end->pixelPosition());
QPainterPath cubicPath(startVec);
cubicPath.cubicTo(startDirVec, endDirVec, endVec);
QPolygonF polygon = cubicPath.toSubpathPolygons().first();
+ QCPVector2D p(pos);
double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (int i=1; i<polygon.size(); ++i)
- double distSqr = distSqrToLine(polygon.at(i-1), polygon.at(i), pos);
+ double distSqr = p.distanceSquaredToLine(polygon.at(i-1), polygon.at(i));
if (distSqr < minDistSqr)
minDistSqr = distSqr;
@@ -21994,15 +28142,15 @@ double QCPItemCurve::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVarian
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemCurve::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QPointF startVec(start->pixelPoint());
- QPointF startDirVec(startDir->pixelPoint());
- QPointF endDirVec(endDir->pixelPoint());
- QPointF endVec(end->pixelPoint());
- if (QVector2D(endVec-startVec).length() > 1e10f) // too large curves cause crash
+ QCPVector2D startVec(start->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D startDirVec(startDir->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D endDirVec(endDir->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D endVec(end->pixelPosition());
+ if ((endVec-startVec).length() > 1e10) // too large curves cause crash
- QPainterPath cubicPath(startVec);
- cubicPath.cubicTo(startDirVec, endDirVec, endVec);
+ QPainterPath cubicPath(startVec.toPointF());
+ cubicPath.cubicTo(startDirVec.toPointF(), endDirVec.toPointF(), endVec.toPointF());
// paint visible segment, if existent:
QRect clip = clipRect().adjusted(-mainPen().widthF(), -mainPen().widthF(), mainPen().widthF(), mainPen().widthF());
@@ -22015,9 +28163,9 @@ void QCPItemCurve::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
if (mTail.style() != QCPLineEnding::esNone)
- mTail.draw(painter, QVector2D(startVec), M_PI-cubicPath.angleAtPercent(0)/180.0*M_PI);
+ mTail.draw(painter, startVec, M_PI-cubicPath.angleAtPercent(0)/180.0*M_PI);
if (mHead.style() != QCPLineEnding::esNone)
- mHead.draw(painter, QVector2D(endVec), -cubicPath.angleAtPercent(1)/180.0*M_PI);
+ mHead.draw(painter, endVec, -cubicPath.angleAtPercent(1)/180.0*M_PI);
@@ -22030,8 +28178,12 @@ QPen QCPItemCurve::mainPen() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedPen : mPen;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-curve.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-rect.cpp', size 6479 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemRect
@@ -22047,7 +28199,8 @@ QPen QCPItemCurve::mainPen() const
Creates a rectangle item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemRect::QCPItemRect(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -22122,16 +28275,16 @@ double QCPItemRect::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- QRectF rect = QRectF(topLeft->pixelPoint(), bottomRight->pixelPoint()).normalized();
+ QRectF rect = QRectF(topLeft->pixelPosition(), bottomRight->pixelPosition()).normalized();
bool filledRect = mBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush && mBrush.color().alpha() != 0;
- return rectSelectTest(rect, pos, filledRect);
+ return rectDistance(rect, pos, filledRect);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemRect::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QPointF p1 = topLeft->pixelPoint();
- QPointF p2 = bottomRight->pixelPoint();
+ QPointF p1 = topLeft->pixelPosition();
+ QPointF p2 = bottomRight->pixelPosition();
if (p1.toPoint() == p2.toPoint())
QRectF rect = QRectF(p1, p2).normalized();
@@ -22146,9 +28299,9 @@ void QCPItemRect::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QPointF QCPItemRect::anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const
+QPointF QCPItemRect::anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const
- QRectF rect = QRectF(topLeft->pixelPoint(), bottomRight->pixelPoint());
+ QRectF rect = QRectF(topLeft->pixelPosition(), bottomRight->pixelPosition());
switch (anchorId)
case aiTop: return (rect.topLeft()+rect.topRight())*0.5;
@@ -22182,7 +28335,11 @@ QBrush QCPItemRect::mainBrush() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedBrush : mBrush;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-rect.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-text.cpp', size 13338 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemText
@@ -22205,7 +28362,8 @@ QBrush QCPItemRect::mainBrush() const
Creates a text item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemText::QCPItemText(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -22217,15 +28375,14 @@ QCPItemText::QCPItemText(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
bottomRight(createAnchor(QLatin1String("bottomRight"), aiBottomRight)),
bottom(createAnchor(QLatin1String("bottom"), aiBottom)),
bottomLeft(createAnchor(QLatin1String("bottomLeft"), aiBottomLeft)),
- left(createAnchor(QLatin1String("left"), aiLeft))
+ left(createAnchor(QLatin1String("left"), aiLeft)),
+ mText(QLatin1String("text")),
+ mPositionAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter),
+ mTextAlignment(Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignHCenter),
+ mRotation(0)
position->setCoords(0, 0);
- setRotation(0);
- setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignHCenter);
- setPositionAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- setText(QLatin1String("text"));
@@ -22380,8 +28537,8 @@ double QCPItemText::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant
return -1;
// The rect may be rotated, so we transform the actual clicked pos to the rotated
- // coordinate system, so we can use the normal rectSelectTest function for non-rotated rects:
- QPointF positionPixels(position->pixelPoint());
+ // coordinate system, so we can use the normal rectDistance function for non-rotated rects:
+ QPointF positionPixels(position->pixelPosition());
QTransform inputTransform;
inputTransform.translate(positionPixels.x(), positionPixels.y());
@@ -22393,13 +28550,13 @@ double QCPItemText::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant
QPointF textPos = getTextDrawPoint(positionPixels, textBoxRect, mPositionAlignment);
- return rectSelectTest(textBoxRect, rotatedPos, true);
+ return rectDistance(textBoxRect, rotatedPos, true);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemText::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QPointF pos(position->pixelPoint());
+ QPointF pos(position->pixelPosition());
QTransform transform = painter->transform();
transform.translate(pos.x(), pos.y());
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(mRotation))
@@ -22429,10 +28586,10 @@ void QCPItemText::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QPointF QCPItemText::anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const
+QPointF QCPItemText::anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const
// get actual rect points (pretty much copied from draw function):
- QPointF pos(position->pixelPoint());
+ QPointF pos(position->pixelPosition());
QTransform transform;
transform.translate(pos.x(), pos.y());
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(mRotation))
@@ -22526,7 +28683,11 @@ QBrush QCPItemText::mainBrush() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedBrush : mBrush;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-text.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-ellipse.cpp', size 7863 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemEllipse
@@ -22543,7 +28704,8 @@ QBrush QCPItemText::mainBrush() const
Creates an ellipse item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemEllipse::QCPItemEllipse(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -22621,9 +28783,8 @@ double QCPItemEllipse::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVari
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- double result = -1;
- QPointF p1 = topLeft->pixelPoint();
- QPointF p2 = bottomRight->pixelPoint();
+ QPointF p1 = topLeft->pixelPosition();
+ QPointF p2 = bottomRight->pixelPosition();
QPointF center((p1+p2)/2.0);
double a = qAbs(p1.x()-p2.x())/2.0;
double b = qAbs(p1.y()-p2.y())/2.0;
@@ -22632,7 +28793,7 @@ double QCPItemEllipse::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVari
// distance to border:
double c = 1.0/qSqrt(x*x/(a*a)+y*y/(b*b));
- result = qAbs(c-1)*qSqrt(x*x+y*y);
+ double result = qAbs(c-1)*qSqrt(x*x+y*y);
// filled ellipse, allow click inside to count as hit:
if (result > mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()*0.99 && mBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush && mBrush.color().alpha() != 0)
@@ -22645,8 +28806,8 @@ double QCPItemEllipse::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVari
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemEllipse::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QPointF p1 = topLeft->pixelPoint();
- QPointF p2 = bottomRight->pixelPoint();
+ QPointF p1 = topLeft->pixelPosition();
+ QPointF p2 = bottomRight->pixelPosition();
if (p1.toPoint() == p2.toPoint())
QRectF ellipseRect = QRectF(p1, p2).normalized();
@@ -22671,9 +28832,9 @@ void QCPItemEllipse::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QPointF QCPItemEllipse::anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const
+QPointF QCPItemEllipse::anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const
- QRectF rect = QRectF(topLeft->pixelPoint(), bottomRight->pixelPoint());
+ QRectF rect = QRectF(topLeft->pixelPosition(), bottomRight->pixelPosition());
switch (anchorId)
case aiTopLeftRim: return rect.center()+(rect.topLeft()-rect.center())*1/qSqrt(2);
@@ -22710,7 +28871,11 @@ QBrush QCPItemEllipse::mainBrush() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedBrush : mBrush;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-ellipse.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-pixmap.cpp', size 10615 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemPixmap
@@ -22733,7 +28898,8 @@ QBrush QCPItemEllipse::mainBrush() const
Creates a rectangle item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemPixmap::QCPItemPixmap(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
@@ -22744,14 +28910,17 @@ QCPItemPixmap::QCPItemPixmap(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
right(createAnchor(QLatin1String("right"), aiRight)),
bottom(createAnchor(QLatin1String("bottom"), aiBottom)),
bottomLeft(createAnchor(QLatin1String("bottomLeft"), aiBottomLeft)),
- left(createAnchor(QLatin1String("left"), aiLeft))
+ left(createAnchor(QLatin1String("left"), aiLeft)),
+ mScaled(false),
+ mScaledPixmapInvalidated(true),
+ mAspectRatioMode(Qt::KeepAspectRatio),
+ mTransformationMode(Qt::SmoothTransformation)
topLeft->setCoords(0, 1);
bottomRight->setCoords(1, 0);
- setScaled(false, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
@@ -22764,6 +28933,7 @@ QCPItemPixmap::~QCPItemPixmap()
void QCPItemPixmap::setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
mPixmap = pixmap;
+ mScaledPixmapInvalidated = true;
if (mPixmap.isNull())
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "pixmap is null";
@@ -22777,7 +28947,7 @@ void QCPItemPixmap::setScaled(bool scaled, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode,
mScaled = scaled;
mAspectRatioMode = aspectRatioMode;
mTransformationMode = transformationMode;
- updateScaledPixmap();
+ mScaledPixmapInvalidated = true;
@@ -22807,7 +28977,7 @@ double QCPItemPixmap::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVaria
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- return rectSelectTest(getFinalRect(), pos, true);
+ return rectDistance(getFinalRect(), pos, true);
/* inherits documentation from base class */
@@ -22833,7 +29003,7 @@ void QCPItemPixmap::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QPointF QCPItemPixmap::anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const
+QPointF QCPItemPixmap::anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const
bool flipHorz;
bool flipVert;
@@ -22879,16 +29049,25 @@ void QCPItemPixmap::updateScaledPixmap(QRect finalRect, bool flipHorz, bool flip
if (mScaled)
+ double devicePixelRatio = mPixmap.devicePixelRatio();
+ double devicePixelRatio = 1.0;
if (finalRect.isNull())
finalRect = getFinalRect(&flipHorz, &flipVert);
- if (finalRect.size() != mScaledPixmap.size())
+ if (mScaledPixmapInvalidated || finalRect.size() != mScaledPixmap.size()/devicePixelRatio)
- mScaledPixmap = mPixmap.scaled(finalRect.size(), mAspectRatioMode, mTransformationMode);
+ mScaledPixmap = mPixmap.scaled(finalRect.size()*devicePixelRatio, mAspectRatioMode, mTransformationMode);
if (flipHorz || flipVert)
mScaledPixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(mScaledPixmap.toImage().mirrored(flipHorz, flipVert));
+ mScaledPixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio);
} else if (!mScaledPixmap.isNull())
mScaledPixmap = QPixmap();
+ mScaledPixmapInvalidated = false;
/*! \internal
@@ -22910,8 +29089,8 @@ QRect QCPItemPixmap::getFinalRect(bool *flippedHorz, bool *flippedVert) const
QRect result;
bool flipHorz = false;
bool flipVert = false;
- QPoint p1 = topLeft->pixelPoint().toPoint();
- QPoint p2 = bottomRight->pixelPoint().toPoint();
+ QPoint p1 = topLeft->pixelPosition().toPoint();
+ QPoint p2 = bottomRight->pixelPosition().toPoint();
if (p1 == p2)
return QRect(p1, QSize(0, 0));
if (mScaled)
@@ -22931,11 +29110,20 @@ QRect QCPItemPixmap::getFinalRect(bool *flippedHorz, bool *flippedVert) const
QSize scaledSize = mPixmap.size();
+ scaledSize /= mPixmap.devicePixelRatio();
+ scaledSize.scale(newSize*mPixmap.devicePixelRatio(), mAspectRatioMode);
scaledSize.scale(newSize, mAspectRatioMode);
result = QRect(topLeft, scaledSize);
} else
+ result = QRect(p1, mPixmap.size()/mPixmap.devicePixelRatio());
result = QRect(p1, mPixmap.size());
if (flippedHorz)
*flippedHorz = flipHorz;
@@ -22953,7 +29141,11 @@ QPen QCPItemPixmap::mainPen() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedPen : mPen;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-pixmap.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-tracer.cpp', size 14624 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemTracer
@@ -22984,7 +29176,7 @@ QPen QCPItemPixmap::mainPen() const
\note The tracer position is only automatically updated upon redraws. So when the data of the
- graph changes and immediately afterwards (without a redraw) the a position coordinates of the
+ graph changes and immediately afterwards (without a redraw) the position coordinates of the
tracer are retrieved, they will not reflect the updated data of the graph. In this case \ref
updatePosition must be called manually, prior to reading the tracer coordinates.
@@ -22992,12 +29184,17 @@ QPen QCPItemPixmap::mainPen() const
Creates a tracer item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemTracer::QCPItemTracer(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
- mGraph(0)
+ mSize(6),
+ mStyle(tsCrosshair),
+ mGraph(0),
+ mGraphKey(0),
+ mInterpolating(false)
position->setCoords(0, 0);
@@ -23005,10 +29202,6 @@ QCPItemTracer::QCPItemTracer(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
setSelectedPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2));
- setStyle(tsCrosshair);
- setSize(6);
- setInterpolating(false);
- setGraphKey(0);
@@ -23140,7 +29333,7 @@ double QCPItemTracer::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVaria
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- QPointF center(position->pixelPoint());
+ QPointF center(position->pixelPosition());
double w = mSize/2.0;
QRect clip = clipRect();
switch (mStyle)
@@ -23149,21 +29342,21 @@ double QCPItemTracer::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVaria
case tsPlus:
if (clipRect().intersects(QRectF(center-QPointF(w, w), center+QPointF(w, w)).toRect()))
- return qSqrt(qMin(distSqrToLine(center+QPointF(-w, 0), center+QPointF(w, 0), pos),
- distSqrToLine(center+QPointF(0, -w), center+QPointF(0, w), pos)));
+ return qSqrt(qMin(QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(center+QPointF(-w, 0), center+QPointF(w, 0)),
+ QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(center+QPointF(0, -w), center+QPointF(0, w))));
case tsCrosshair:
- return qSqrt(qMin(distSqrToLine(QPointF(clip.left(), center.y()), QPointF(clip.right(), center.y()), pos),
- distSqrToLine(QPointF(center.x(), clip.top()), QPointF(center.x(), clip.bottom()), pos)));
+ return qSqrt(qMin(QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(clip.left(), center.y()), QCPVector2D(clip.right(), center.y())),
+ QCPVector2D(pos).distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(center.x(), clip.top()), QCPVector2D(center.x(), clip.bottom()))));
case tsCircle:
if (clip.intersects(QRectF(center-QPointF(w, w), center+QPointF(w, w)).toRect()))
// distance to border:
- double centerDist = QVector2D(center-pos).length();
+ double centerDist = QCPVector2D(center-pos).length();
double circleLine = w;
double result = qAbs(centerDist-circleLine);
// filled ellipse, allow click inside to count as hit:
@@ -23182,7 +29375,7 @@ double QCPItemTracer::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVaria
QRectF rect = QRectF(center-QPointF(w, w), center+QPointF(w, w));
bool filledRect = mBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush && mBrush.color().alpha() != 0;
- return rectSelectTest(rect, pos, filledRect);
+ return rectDistance(rect, pos, filledRect);
@@ -23199,7 +29392,7 @@ void QCPItemTracer::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QPointF center(position->pixelPoint());
+ QPointF center(position->pixelPosition());
double w = mSize/2.0;
QRect clip = clipRect();
switch (mStyle)
@@ -23257,39 +29450,41 @@ void QCPItemTracer::updatePosition()
if (mGraph->data()->size() > 1)
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator first = mGraph->data()->constBegin();
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator last = mGraph->data()->constEnd()-1;
- if (mGraphKey < first.key())
- position->setCoords(first.key(), first.value().value);
- else if (mGraphKey > last.key())
- position->setCoords(last.key(), last.value().value);
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator first = mGraph->data()->constBegin();
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator last = mGraph->data()->constEnd()-1;
+ if (mGraphKey <= first->key)
+ position->setCoords(first->key, first->value);
+ else if (mGraphKey >= last->key)
+ position->setCoords(last->key, last->value);
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mGraph->data()->lowerBound(mGraphKey);
- if (it != first) // mGraphKey is somewhere between iterators
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it = mGraph->data()->findBegin(mGraphKey);
+ if (it != mGraph->data()->constEnd()) // mGraphKey is not exactly on last iterator, but somewhere between iterators
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator prevIt = it-1;
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator prevIt = it;
+ ++it; // won't advance to constEnd because we handled that case (mGraphKey >= last->key) before
if (mInterpolating)
// interpolate between iterators around mGraphKey:
double slope = 0;
- if (!qFuzzyCompare((double)it.key(), (double)prevIt.key()))
- slope = (it.value().value-prevIt.value().value)/(it.key()-prevIt.key());
- position->setCoords(mGraphKey, (mGraphKey-prevIt.key())*slope+prevIt.value().value);
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare((double)it->key, (double)prevIt->key))
+ slope = (it->value-prevIt->value)/(it->key-prevIt->key);
+ position->setCoords(mGraphKey, (mGraphKey-prevIt->key)*slope+prevIt->value);
} else
// find iterator with key closest to mGraphKey:
- if (mGraphKey < (prevIt.key()+it.key())*0.5)
- it = prevIt;
- position->setCoords(it.key(), it.value().value);
+ if (mGraphKey < (prevIt->key+it->key)*0.5)
+ position->setCoords(prevIt->key, prevIt->value);
+ else
+ position->setCoords(it->key, it->value);
- } else // mGraphKey is exactly on first iterator
- position->setCoords(it.key(), it.value().value);
+ } else // mGraphKey is exactly on last iterator (should actually be caught when comparing first/last keys, but this is a failsafe for fp uncertainty)
+ position->setCoords(it->key, it->value);
} else if (mGraph->data()->size() == 1)
- QCPDataMap::const_iterator it = mGraph->data()->constBegin();
- position->setCoords(it.key(), it.value().value);
+ QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator it = mGraph->data()->constBegin();
+ position->setCoords(it->key, it->value);
} else
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "graph has no data";
} else
@@ -23316,7 +29511,11 @@ QBrush QCPItemTracer::mainBrush() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedBrush : mBrush;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-tracer.cpp' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-bracket.cpp', size 10687 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
//////////////////// QCPItemBracket
@@ -23345,21 +29544,22 @@ QBrush QCPItemTracer::mainBrush() const
Creates a bracket item and sets default values.
- The constructed item can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addItem.
+ The created item is automatically registered with \a parentPlot. This QCustomPlot instance takes
+ ownership of the item, so do not delete it manually but use QCustomPlot::removeItem() instead.
QCPItemBracket::QCPItemBracket(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) :
- center(createAnchor(QLatin1String("center"), aiCenter))
+ center(createAnchor(QLatin1String("center"), aiCenter)),
+ mLength(8),
+ mStyle(bsCalligraphic)
left->setCoords(0, 0);
right->setCoords(1, 1);
setSelectedPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2));
- setLength(8);
- setStyle(bsCalligraphic);
@@ -23420,33 +29620,33 @@ double QCPItemBracket::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVari
if (onlySelectable && !mSelectable)
return -1;
- QVector2D leftVec(left->pixelPoint());
- QVector2D rightVec(right->pixelPoint());
+ QCPVector2D p(pos);
+ QCPVector2D leftVec(left->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D rightVec(right->pixelPosition());
if (leftVec.toPoint() == rightVec.toPoint())
return -1;
- QVector2D widthVec = (rightVec-leftVec)*0.5f;
- QVector2D lengthVec(-widthVec.y(), widthVec.x());
- lengthVec = lengthVec.normalized()*mLength;
- QVector2D centerVec = (rightVec+leftVec)*0.5f-lengthVec;
+ QCPVector2D widthVec = (rightVec-leftVec)*0.5;
+ QCPVector2D lengthVec = widthVec.perpendicular().normalized()*mLength;
+ QCPVector2D centerVec = (rightVec+leftVec)*0.5-lengthVec;
switch (mStyle)
case QCPItemBracket::bsSquare:
case QCPItemBracket::bsRound:
- double a = distSqrToLine((centerVec-widthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec).toPointF(), pos);
- double b = distSqrToLine((centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec).toPointF(), pos);
- double c = distSqrToLine((centerVec+widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec).toPointF(), pos);
+ double a = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec-widthVec, centerVec+widthVec);
+ double b = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec, centerVec-widthVec);
+ double c = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec+widthVec+lengthVec, centerVec+widthVec);
return qSqrt(qMin(qMin(a, b), c));
case QCPItemBracket::bsCurly:
case QCPItemBracket::bsCalligraphic:
- double a = distSqrToLine((centerVec-widthVec*0.75f+lengthVec*0.15f).toPointF(), (centerVec+lengthVec*0.3f).toPointF(), pos);
- double b = distSqrToLine((centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec*0.7f).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec*0.75f+lengthVec*0.15f).toPointF(), pos);
- double c = distSqrToLine((centerVec+widthVec*0.75f+lengthVec*0.15f).toPointF(), (centerVec+lengthVec*0.3f).toPointF(), pos);
- double d = distSqrToLine((centerVec+widthVec+lengthVec*0.7f).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec*0.75f+lengthVec*0.15f).toPointF(), pos);
+ double a = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec-widthVec*0.75+lengthVec*0.15, centerVec+lengthVec*0.3);
+ double b = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec*0.7, centerVec-widthVec*0.75+lengthVec*0.15);
+ double c = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec+widthVec*0.75+lengthVec*0.15, centerVec+lengthVec*0.3);
+ double d = p.distanceSquaredToLine(centerVec+widthVec+lengthVec*0.7, centerVec+widthVec*0.75+lengthVec*0.15);
return qSqrt(qMin(qMin(a, b), qMin(c, d)));
@@ -23456,15 +29656,14 @@ double QCPItemBracket::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVari
/* inherits documentation from base class */
void QCPItemBracket::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
- QVector2D leftVec(left->pixelPoint());
- QVector2D rightVec(right->pixelPoint());
+ QCPVector2D leftVec(left->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D rightVec(right->pixelPosition());
if (leftVec.toPoint() == rightVec.toPoint())
- QVector2D widthVec = (rightVec-leftVec)*0.5f;
- QVector2D lengthVec(-widthVec.y(), widthVec.x());
- lengthVec = lengthVec.normalized()*mLength;
- QVector2D centerVec = (rightVec+leftVec)*0.5f-lengthVec;
+ QCPVector2D widthVec = (rightVec-leftVec)*0.5;
+ QCPVector2D lengthVec = widthVec.perpendicular().normalized()*mLength;
+ QCPVector2D centerVec = (rightVec+leftVec)*0.5-lengthVec;
QPolygon boundingPoly;
boundingPoly << leftVec.toPoint() << rightVec.toPoint()
@@ -23497,8 +29696,8 @@ void QCPItemBracket::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
QPainterPath path;
- path.cubicTo((centerVec+widthVec-lengthVec*0.8f).toPointF(), (centerVec+0.4f*widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF(), centerVec.toPointF());
- path.cubicTo((centerVec-0.4f*widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec-lengthVec*0.8f).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF());
+ path.cubicTo((centerVec+widthVec-lengthVec*0.8).toPointF(), (centerVec+0.4*widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF(), centerVec.toPointF());
+ path.cubicTo((centerVec-0.4*widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec-lengthVec*0.8).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF());
@@ -23509,11 +29708,11 @@ void QCPItemBracket::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
QPainterPath path;
- path.cubicTo((centerVec+widthVec-lengthVec*0.8f).toPointF(), (centerVec+0.4f*widthVec+0.8f*lengthVec).toPointF(), centerVec.toPointF());
- path.cubicTo((centerVec-0.4f*widthVec+0.8f*lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec-lengthVec*0.8f).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF());
+ path.cubicTo((centerVec+widthVec-lengthVec*0.8).toPointF(), (centerVec+0.4*widthVec+0.8*lengthVec).toPointF(), centerVec.toPointF());
+ path.cubicTo((centerVec-0.4*widthVec+0.8*lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec-lengthVec*0.8).toPointF(), (centerVec-widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF());
- path.cubicTo((centerVec-widthVec-lengthVec*0.5f).toPointF(), (centerVec-0.2f*widthVec+1.2f*lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec+lengthVec*0.2f).toPointF());
- path.cubicTo((centerVec+0.2f*widthVec+1.2f*lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec-lengthVec*0.5f).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF());
+ path.cubicTo((centerVec-widthVec-lengthVec*0.5).toPointF(), (centerVec-0.2*widthVec+1.2*lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec+lengthVec*0.2).toPointF());
+ path.cubicTo((centerVec+0.2*widthVec+1.2*lengthVec).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec-lengthVec*0.5).toPointF(), (centerVec+widthVec+lengthVec).toPointF());
@@ -23523,17 +29722,16 @@ void QCPItemBracket::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
/* inherits documentation from base class */
-QPointF QCPItemBracket::anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const
+QPointF QCPItemBracket::anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const
- QVector2D leftVec(left->pixelPoint());
- QVector2D rightVec(right->pixelPoint());
+ QCPVector2D leftVec(left->pixelPosition());
+ QCPVector2D rightVec(right->pixelPosition());
if (leftVec.toPoint() == rightVec.toPoint())
return leftVec.toPointF();
- QVector2D widthVec = (rightVec-leftVec)*0.5f;
- QVector2D lengthVec(-widthVec.y(), widthVec.x());
- lengthVec = lengthVec.normalized()*mLength;
- QVector2D centerVec = (rightVec+leftVec)*0.5f-lengthVec;
+ QCPVector2D widthVec = (rightVec-leftVec)*0.5;
+ QCPVector2D lengthVec = widthVec.perpendicular().normalized()*mLength;
+ QCPVector2D centerVec = (rightVec+leftVec)*0.5-lengthVec;
switch (anchorId)
@@ -23553,4 +29751,6 @@ QPen QCPItemBracket::mainPen() const
return mSelected ? mSelectedPen : mPen;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-bracket.cpp' */
diff --git a/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h b/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h
index b339237..0b1bb27 100644
--- a/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h
+++ b/tools/thermal_monitor/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
** **
** QCustomPlot, an easy to use, modern plotting widget for Qt **
-** Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Emanuel Eichhammer **
+** Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Emanuel Eichhammer **
** **
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify **
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by **
@@ -19,39 +19,73 @@
** Author: Emanuel Eichhammer **
** Website/Contact: http://www.qcustomplot.com/ **
-** Date: 25.04.15 **
-** Version: 1.3.1 **
+** Date: 13.09.16 **
+** Version: 2.0.0-beta **
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QPointer>
-#include <QWidget>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPaintEvent>
-#include <QMouseEvent>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QVector>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <QMultiMap>
-#include <QFlags>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QVector2D>
-#include <QStack>
-#include <QCache>
-#include <QMargins>
+#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+// some Qt version/configuration dependent macros to include or exclude certain code paths:
+# else
+# define QCP_OPENGL_FBO
+# endif
+# endif
+#include <QtCore/QObject>
+#include <QtCore/QPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QTimer>
+#include <QtGui/QPainter>
+#include <QtGui/QPaintEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QWheelEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
+#include <QtCore/QVector>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
+#include <QtCore/QMultiMap>
+#include <QtCore/QFlags>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QStack>
+#include <QtCore/QCache>
+#include <QtCore/QMargins>
#include <qmath.h>
#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
+# include <QtGui/QOpenGLContext>
+# include <QtGui/QOpenGLFramebufferObject>
+# include <QtGui/QOffscreenSurface>
+# else
+# include <QtGui/QWindow>
+# endif
+# include <QtOpenGL/QGLPixelBuffer>
# include <qnumeric.h>
-# include <QPrinter>
-# include <QPrintEngine>
+# include <QtGui/QWidget>
+# include <QtGui/QPrinter>
+# include <QtGui/QPrintEngine>
# include <QtNumeric>
-# include <QtPrintSupport>
+# include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
+# include <QtPrintSupport/QtPrintSupport>
class QCPPainter;
@@ -65,18 +99,18 @@ class QCPAxisPainterPrivate;
class QCPAbstractPlottable;
class QCPGraph;
class QCPAbstractItem;
+class QCPPlottableInterface1D;
+class QCPLegend;
class QCPItemPosition;
class QCPLayer;
-class QCPPlotTitle;
-class QCPLegend;
class QCPAbstractLegendItem;
+class QCPSelectionRect;
class QCPColorMap;
class QCPColorScale;
class QCPBars;
-/*! \file */
+/* including file 'src/global.h', size 16131 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
// decl definitions for shared library compilation/usage:
@@ -87,11 +121,70 @@ class QCPBars;
# define QCP_LIB_DECL
+// define empty macro for Q_DECL_OVERRIDE if it doesn't exist (Qt < 5)
- The QCP Namespace contains general enums and QFlags used throughout the QCustomPlot library
+ The QCP Namespace contains general enums, QFlags and functions used throughout the QCustomPlot
+ library.
+ It provides QMetaObject-based reflection of its enums and flags via \a QCP::staticMetaObject.
-namespace QCP
+#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
+namespace QCP {
+class QCP { // when in moc-run, make it look like a class, so we get Q_GADGET, Q_ENUMS/Q_FLAGS features in namespace
+ Q_ENUMS(ExportPen)
+ Q_ENUMS(ResolutionUnit)
+ Q_ENUMS(SignDomain)
+ Q_ENUMS(MarginSide)
+ Q_FLAGS(MarginSides)
+ Q_ENUMS(AntialiasedElement)
+ Q_FLAGS(AntialiasedElements)
+ Q_ENUMS(PlottingHint)
+ Q_FLAGS(PlottingHints)
+ Q_ENUMS(Interaction)
+ Q_FLAGS(Interactions)
+ Q_ENUMS(SelectionRectMode)
+ Q_ENUMS(SelectionType)
+ Defines the different units in which the image resolution can be specified in the export
+ functions.
+ \see QCustomPlot::savePng, QCustomPlot::saveJpg, QCustomPlot::saveBmp, QCustomPlot::saveRastered
+enum ResolutionUnit { ruDotsPerMeter ///< Resolution is given in dots per meter (dpm)
+ ,ruDotsPerCentimeter ///< Resolution is given in dots per centimeter (dpcm)
+ ,ruDotsPerInch ///< Resolution is given in dots per inch (DPI/PPI)
+ };
+ Defines how cosmetic pens (pens with numerical width 0) are handled during export.
+ \see QCustomPlot::savePdf
+enum ExportPen { epNoCosmetic ///< Cosmetic pens are converted to pens with pixel width 1 when exporting
+ ,epAllowCosmetic ///< Cosmetic pens are exported normally (e.g. in PDF exports, cosmetic pens always appear as 1 pixel on screen, independent of viewer zoom level)
+ };
+ Represents negative and positive sign domain, e.g. for passing to \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable::getKeyRange and \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::getValueRange.
+ This is primarily needed when working with logarithmic axis scales, since only one of the sign
+ domains can be visible at a time.
+enum SignDomain { sdNegative ///< The negative sign domain, i.e. numbers smaller than zero
+ ,sdBoth ///< Both sign domains, including zero, i.e. all numbers
+ ,sdPositive ///< The positive sign domain, i.e. numbers greater than zero
+ };
Defines the sides of a rectangular entity to which margins can be applied.
@@ -120,12 +213,12 @@ enum AntialiasedElement { aeAxes = 0x0001 ///< <tt>0x0001</tt> Axis ba
,aeSubGrid = 0x0004 ///< <tt>0x0004</tt> Sub grid lines
,aeLegend = 0x0008 ///< <tt>0x0008</tt> Legend box
,aeLegendItems = 0x0010 ///< <tt>0x0010</tt> Legend items
- ,aePlottables = 0x0020 ///< <tt>0x0020</tt> Main lines of plottables (excluding error bars, see element \ref aeErrorBars)
+ ,aePlottables = 0x0020 ///< <tt>0x0020</tt> Main lines of plottables
,aeItems = 0x0040 ///< <tt>0x0040</tt> Main lines of items
,aeScatters = 0x0080 ///< <tt>0x0080</tt> Scatter symbols of plottables (excluding scatter symbols of type ssPixmap)
- ,aeErrorBars = 0x0100 ///< <tt>0x0100</tt> Error bars
- ,aeFills = 0x0200 ///< <tt>0x0200</tt> Borders of fills (e.g. under or between graphs)
- ,aeZeroLine = 0x0400 ///< <tt>0x0400</tt> Zero-lines, see \ref QCPGrid::setZeroLinePen
+ ,aeFills = 0x0100 ///< <tt>0x0100</tt> Borders of fills (e.g. under or between graphs)
+ ,aeZeroLine = 0x0200 ///< <tt>0x0200</tt> Zero-lines, see \ref QCPGrid::setZeroLinePen
+ ,aeOther = 0x8000 ///< <tt>0x8000</tt> Other elements that don't fit into any of the existing categories
,aeAll = 0xFFFF ///< <tt>0xFFFF</tt> All elements
,aeNone = 0x0000 ///< <tt>0x0000</tt> No elements
@@ -136,12 +229,12 @@ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AntialiasedElements, AntialiasedElement)
\see QCustomPlot::setPlottingHints
-enum PlottingHint { phNone = 0x000 ///< <tt>0x000</tt> No hints are set
- ,phFastPolylines = 0x001 ///< <tt>0x001</tt> Graph/Curve lines are drawn with a faster method. This reduces the quality
- ///< especially of the line segment joins. (Only relevant for solid line pens.)
- ,phForceRepaint = 0x002 ///< <tt>0x002</tt> causes an immediate repaint() instead of a soft update() when QCustomPlot::replot() is called with parameter \ref QCustomPlot::rpHint.
- ///< This is set by default to prevent the plot from freezing on fast consecutive replots (e.g. user drags ranges with mouse).
- ,phCacheLabels = 0x004 ///< <tt>0x004</tt> axis (tick) labels will be cached as pixmaps, increasing replot performance.
+enum PlottingHint { phNone = 0x000 ///< <tt>0x000</tt> No hints are set
+ ,phFastPolylines = 0x001 ///< <tt>0x001</tt> Graph/Curve lines are drawn with a faster method. This reduces the quality especially of the line segment
+ ///< joins, thus is most effective for pen sizes larger than 1. It is only used for solid line pens.
+ ,phImmediateRefresh = 0x002 ///< <tt>0x002</tt> causes an immediate repaint() instead of a soft update() when QCustomPlot::replot() is called with parameter \ref QCustomPlot::rpRefreshHint.
+ ///< This is set by default to prevent the plot from freezing on fast consecutive replots (e.g. user drags ranges with mouse).
+ ,phCacheLabels = 0x004 ///< <tt>0x004</tt> axis (tick) labels will be cached as pixmaps, increasing replot performance.
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(PlottingHints, PlottingHint)
@@ -159,10 +252,46 @@ enum Interaction { iRangeDrag = 0x001 ///< <tt>0x001</tt> Axis ranges ar
,iSelectAxes = 0x010 ///< <tt>0x010</tt> Axes are selectable (or parts of them, see QCPAxis::setSelectableParts)
,iSelectLegend = 0x020 ///< <tt>0x020</tt> Legends are selectable (or their child items, see QCPLegend::setSelectableParts)
,iSelectItems = 0x040 ///< <tt>0x040</tt> Items are selectable (Rectangles, Arrows, Textitems, etc. see \ref QCPAbstractItem)
- ,iSelectOther = 0x080 ///< <tt>0x080</tt> All other objects are selectable (e.g. your own derived layerables, the plot title,...)
+ ,iSelectOther = 0x080 ///< <tt>0x080</tt> All other objects are selectable (e.g. your own derived layerables, other layout elements,...)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Interactions, Interaction)
+ Defines the behaviour of the selection rect.
+ \see QCustomPlot::setSelectionRectMode, QCustomPlot::selectionRect, QCPSelectionRect
+enum SelectionRectMode { srmNone ///< The selection rect is disabled, and all mouse events are forwarded to the underlying objects, e.g. for axis range dragging
+ ,srmZoom ///< When dragging the mouse, a selection rect becomes active. Upon releasing, the axes that are currently set as range zoom axes (\ref QCPAxisRect::setRangeZoomAxes) will have their ranges zoomed accordingly.
+ ,srmSelect ///< When dragging the mouse, a selection rect becomes active. Upon releasing, plottable data points that were within the selection rect are selected, if the plottable's selectability setting permits. (See \ref dataselection "data selection mechanism" for details.)
+ ,srmCustom ///< When dragging the mouse, a selection rect becomes active. It is the programmer's responsibility to connect according slots to the selection rect's signals (e.g. \ref QCPSelectionRect::accepted) in order to process the user interaction.
+ };
+ Defines the different ways a plottable can be selected. These images show the effect of the
+ different selection types, when the indicated selection rect was dragged:
+ <center>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\image html selectiontype-none.png stNone</td>
+ <td>\image html selectiontype-whole.png stWhole</td>
+ <td>\image html selectiontype-singledata.png stSingleData</td>
+ <td>\image html selectiontype-datarange.png stDataRange</td>
+ <td>\image html selectiontype-multipledataranges.png stMultipleDataRanges</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </center>
+ \see QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable, QCPDataSelection::enforceType
+enum SelectionType { stNone ///< The plottable is not selectable
+ ,stWhole ///< Selection behaves like \ref stMultipleDataRanges, but if there are any data points selected, the entire plottable is drawn as selected.
+ ,stSingleData ///< One individual data point can be selected at a time
+ ,stDataRange ///< Multiple contiguous data points (a data range) can be selected
+ ,stMultipleDataRanges ///< Any combination of data points/ranges can be selected
+ };
/*! \internal
Returns whether the specified \a value is considered an invalid data value for plottables (i.e.
@@ -223,91 +352,103 @@ inline int getMarginValue(const QMargins &margins, QCP::MarginSide side)
return 0;
-} // end of namespace QCP
+extern const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; // in moc-run we create a static meta object for QCP "fake" object. This line is the link to it via QCP::staticMetaObject in normal operation as namespace
+} // end of namespace QCP
+/* end of 'src/global.h' */
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPScatterStyle
- /*!
- Defines the shape used for scatter points.
- On plottables/items that draw scatters, the sizes of these visualizations (with exception of
- \ref ssDot and \ref ssPixmap) can be controlled with the \ref setSize function. Scatters are
- drawn with the pen and brush specified with \ref setPen and \ref setBrush.
- */
- Q_ENUMS(ScatterShape)
- enum ScatterShape { ssNone ///< no scatter symbols are drawn (e.g. in QCPGraph, data only represented with lines)
- ,ssDot ///< \enumimage{ssDot.png} a single pixel (use \ref ssDisc or \ref ssCircle if you want a round shape with a certain radius)
- ,ssCross ///< \enumimage{ssCross.png} a cross
- ,ssPlus ///< \enumimage{ssPlus.png} a plus
- ,ssCircle ///< \enumimage{ssCircle.png} a circle
- ,ssDisc ///< \enumimage{ssDisc.png} a circle which is filled with the pen's color (not the brush as with ssCircle)
- ,ssSquare ///< \enumimage{ssSquare.png} a square
- ,ssDiamond ///< \enumimage{ssDiamond.png} a diamond
- ,ssStar ///< \enumimage{ssStar.png} a star with eight arms, i.e. a combination of cross and plus
- ,ssTriangle ///< \enumimage{ssTriangle.png} an equilateral triangle, standing on baseline
- ,ssTriangleInverted ///< \enumimage{ssTriangleInverted.png} an equilateral triangle, standing on corner
- ,ssCrossSquare ///< \enumimage{ssCrossSquare.png} a square with a cross inside
- ,ssPlusSquare ///< \enumimage{ssPlusSquare.png} a square with a plus inside
- ,ssCrossCircle ///< \enumimage{ssCrossCircle.png} a circle with a cross inside
- ,ssPlusCircle ///< \enumimage{ssPlusCircle.png} a circle with a plus inside
- ,ssPeace ///< \enumimage{ssPeace.png} a circle, with one vertical and two downward diagonal lines
- ,ssPixmap ///< a custom pixmap specified by \ref setPixmap, centered on the data point coordinates
- ,ssCustom ///< custom painter operations are performed per scatter (As QPainterPath, see \ref setCustomPath)
- };
+/* including file 'src/vector2d.h', size 4928 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
- QCPScatterStyle();
- QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size=6);
- QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, double size);
- QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, const QColor &fill, double size);
- QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double size);
- QCPScatterStyle(const QPixmap &pixmap);
- QCPScatterStyle(const QPainterPath &customPath, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush=Qt::NoBrush, double size=6);
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPVector2D
+ QCPVector2D();
+ QCPVector2D(double x, double y);
+ QCPVector2D(const QPoint &point);
+ QCPVector2D(const QPointF &point);
// getters:
- double size() const { return mSize; }
- ScatterShape shape() const { return mShape; }
- QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
- QBrush brush() const { return mBrush; }
- QPixmap pixmap() const { return mPixmap; }
- QPainterPath customPath() const { return mCustomPath; }
+ double x() const { return mX; }
+ double y() const { return mY; }
+ double &rx() { return mX; }
+ double &ry() { return mY; }
// setters:
- void setSize(double size);
- void setShape(ScatterShape shape);
- void setPen(const QPen &pen);
- void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
- void setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap);
- void setCustomPath(const QPainterPath &customPath);
- // non-property methods:
- bool isNone() const { return mShape == ssNone; }
- bool isPenDefined() const { return mPenDefined; }
- void applyTo(QCPPainter *painter, const QPen &defaultPen) const;
- void drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, QPointF pos) const;
- void drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y) const;
- // property members:
- double mSize;
- ScatterShape mShape;
- QPen mPen;
- QBrush mBrush;
- QPixmap mPixmap;
- QPainterPath mCustomPath;
+ void setX(double x) { mX = x; }
+ void setY(double y) { mY = y; }
- // non-property members:
- bool mPenDefined;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ double length() const { return qSqrt(mX*mX+mY*mY); }
+ double lengthSquared() const { return mX*mX+mY*mY; }
+ QPoint toPoint() const { return QPoint(mX, mY); }
+ QPointF toPointF() const { return QPointF(mX, mY); }
+ bool isNull() const { return qIsNull(mX) && qIsNull(mY); }
+ void normalize();
+ QCPVector2D normalized() const;
+ QCPVector2D perpendicular() const { return QCPVector2D(-mY, mX); }
+ double dot(const QCPVector2D &vec) const { return mX*vec.mX+mY*vec.mY; }
+ double distanceSquaredToLine(const QCPVector2D &start, const QCPVector2D &end) const;
+ double distanceSquaredToLine(const QLineF &line) const;
+ double distanceToStraightLine(const QCPVector2D &base, const QCPVector2D &direction) const;
+ QCPVector2D &operator*=(double factor);
+ QCPVector2D &operator/=(double divisor);
+ QCPVector2D &operator+=(const QCPVector2D &vector);
+ QCPVector2D &operator-=(const QCPVector2D &vector);
+ // property members:
+ double mX, mY;
+ friend inline const QCPVector2D operator*(double factor, const QCPVector2D &vec);
+ friend inline const QCPVector2D operator*(const QCPVector2D &vec, double factor);
+ friend inline const QCPVector2D operator/(const QCPVector2D &vec, double divisor);
+ friend inline const QCPVector2D operator+(const QCPVector2D &vec1, const QCPVector2D &vec2);
+ friend inline const QCPVector2D operator-(const QCPVector2D &vec1, const QCPVector2D &vec2);
+ friend inline const QCPVector2D operator-(const QCPVector2D &vec);
+inline const QCPVector2D operator*(double factor, const QCPVector2D &vec) { return QCPVector2D(vec.mX*factor, vec.mY*factor); }
+inline const QCPVector2D operator*(const QCPVector2D &vec, double factor) { return QCPVector2D(vec.mX*factor, vec.mY*factor); }
+inline const QCPVector2D operator/(const QCPVector2D &vec, double divisor) { return QCPVector2D(vec.mX/divisor, vec.mY/divisor); }
+inline const QCPVector2D operator+(const QCPVector2D &vec1, const QCPVector2D &vec2) { return QCPVector2D(vec1.mX+vec2.mX, vec1.mY+vec2.mY); }
+inline const QCPVector2D operator-(const QCPVector2D &vec1, const QCPVector2D &vec2) { return QCPVector2D(vec1.mX-vec2.mX, vec1.mY-vec2.mY); }
+inline const QCPVector2D operator-(const QCPVector2D &vec) { return QCPVector2D(-vec.mX, -vec.mY); }
+/*! \relates QCPVector2D
+ Prints \a vec in a human readable format to the qDebug output.
+inline QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const QCPVector2D &vec)
+ d.nospace() << "QCPVector2D(" << vec.x() << ", " << vec.y() << ")";
+ return d.space();
+/* end of 'src/vector2d.h' */
+/* including file 'src/painter.h', size 4035 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPainter : public QPainter
@@ -322,12 +463,12 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPainter : public QPainter
,pmNoCaching = 0x02 ///< <tt>0x02</tt> Mode for all sorts of exports (e.g. PNG, PDF,...). For example, this prevents using cached pixmap labels
,pmNonCosmetic = 0x04 ///< <tt>0x04</tt> Turns pen widths 0 to 1, i.e. disables cosmetic pens. (A cosmetic pen is always drawn with width 1 pixel in the vector image/pdf viewer, independent of zoom.)
- Q_FLAGS(PainterMode PainterModes)
+ Q_ENUMS(PainterMode)
+ Q_FLAGS(PainterModes)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(PainterModes, PainterMode)
- QCPPainter(QPaintDevice *device);
- ~QCPPainter();
+ explicit QCPPainter(QPaintDevice *device);
// getters:
bool antialiasing() const { return testRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); }
@@ -360,7 +501,121 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPainter : public QPainter
QStack<bool> mAntialiasingStack;
+/* end of 'src/painter.h' */
+/* including file 'src/paintbuffer.h', size 4958 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
+ explicit QCPAbstractPaintBuffer(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio);
+ virtual ~QCPAbstractPaintBuffer();
+ // getters:
+ QSize size() const { return mSize; }
+ bool invalidated() const { return mInvalidated; }
+ double devicePixelRatio() const { return mDevicePixelRatio; }
+ // setters:
+ void setSize(const QSize &size);
+ void setInvalidated(bool invalidated=true);
+ void setDevicePixelRatio(double ratio);
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual QCPPainter *startPainting() = 0;
+ virtual void donePainting() {}
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) const = 0;
+ virtual void clear(const QColor &color) = 0;
+ // property members:
+ QSize mSize;
+ double mDevicePixelRatio;
+ // non-property members:
+ bool mInvalidated;
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual void reallocateBuffer() = 0;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPaintBufferPixmap : public QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
+ explicit QCPPaintBufferPixmap(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio);
+ virtual ~QCPPaintBufferPixmap();
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual QCPPainter *startPainting() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ void clear(const QColor &color) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-property members:
+ QPixmap mBuffer;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual void reallocateBuffer() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer : public QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
+ explicit QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio, int multisamples);
+ virtual ~QCPPaintBufferGlPbuffer();
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual QCPPainter *startPainting() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ void clear(const QColor &color) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-property members:
+ QGLPixelBuffer *mGlPBuffer;
+ int mMultisamples;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual void reallocateBuffer() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPaintBufferGlFbo : public QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
+ explicit QCPPaintBufferGlFbo(const QSize &size, double devicePixelRatio, QWeakPointer<QOpenGLContext> glContext, QWeakPointer<QOpenGLPaintDevice> glPaintDevice);
+ virtual ~QCPPaintBufferGlFbo();
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual QCPPainter *startPainting() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void donePainting() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ void clear(const QColor &color) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-property members:
+ QWeakPointer<QOpenGLContext> mGlContext;
+ QWeakPointer<QOpenGLPaintDevice> mGlPaintDevice;
+ QOpenGLFramebufferObject *mGlFrameBuffer;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual void reallocateBuffer() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+#endif // QCP_OPENGL_FBO
+/* end of 'src/paintbuffer.h' */
+/* including file 'src/layer.h', size 6885 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayer : public QObject
@@ -371,10 +626,24 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayer : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(int index READ index)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QCPLayerable*> children READ children)
Q_PROPERTY(bool visible READ visible WRITE setVisible)
+ Q_PROPERTY(LayerMode mode READ mode WRITE setMode)
/// \endcond
+ /*!
+ Defines the different rendering modes of a layer. Depending on the mode, certain layers can be
+ replotted individually, without the need to replot (possibly complex) layerables on other
+ layers.
+ \see setMode
+ */
+ enum LayerMode { lmLogical ///< Layer is used only for rendering order, and shares paint buffer with all other adjacent logical layers.
+ ,lmBuffered ///< Layer has its own paint buffer and may be replotted individually (see \ref replot).
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(LayerMode)
QCPLayer(QCustomPlot* parentPlot, const QString &layerName);
- ~QCPLayer();
+ virtual ~QCPLayer();
// getters:
QCustomPlot *parentPlot() const { return mParentPlot; }
@@ -382,9 +651,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayer : public QObject
int index() const { return mIndex; }
QList<QCPLayerable*> children() const { return mChildren; }
bool visible() const { return mVisible; }
+ LayerMode mode() const { return mMode; }
// setters:
void setVisible(bool visible);
+ void setMode(LayerMode mode);
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void replot();
// property members:
@@ -393,8 +667,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayer : public QObject
int mIndex;
QList<QCPLayerable*> mChildren;
bool mVisible;
+ LayerMode mMode;
+ // non-property members:
+ QWeakPointer<QCPAbstractPaintBuffer> mPaintBuffer;
// non-virtual methods:
+ void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ void drawToPaintBuffer();
void addChild(QCPLayerable *layerable, bool prepend);
void removeChild(QCPLayerable *layerable);
@@ -404,6 +684,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayer : public QObject
friend class QCustomPlot;
friend class QCPLayerable;
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayerable : public QObject
@@ -417,7 +698,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayerable : public QObject
/// \endcond
QCPLayerable(QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer=QString(), QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=0);
- ~QCPLayerable();
+ virtual ~QCPLayerable();
// getters:
bool visible() const { return mVisible; }
@@ -434,7 +715,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayerable : public QObject
// introduced virtual methods:
virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
// non-property methods:
bool realVisibility() const;
@@ -455,9 +736,15 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayerable : public QObject
virtual QRect clipRect() const;
virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const = 0;
virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) = 0;
- // events:
+ // selection events:
virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ // low-level mouse events:
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details);
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos);
+ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos);
+ virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details);
+ virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
// non-property methods:
void initializeParentPlot(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
@@ -469,9 +756,15 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayerable : public QObject
friend class QCustomPlot;
+ friend class QCPLayer;
friend class QCPAxisRect;
+/* end of 'src/layer.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/range.h', size 5280 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
@@ -495,46 +788,35 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPRange
friend inline const QCPRange operator*(double value, const QCPRange& range);
friend inline const QCPRange operator/(const QCPRange& range, double value);
- double size() const;
- double center() const;
- void normalize();
+ double size() const { return upper-lower; }
+ double center() const { return (upper+lower)*0.5; }
+ void normalize() { if (lower > upper) qSwap(lower, upper); }
void expand(const QCPRange &otherRange);
+ void expand(double includeCoord);
QCPRange expanded(const QCPRange &otherRange) const;
+ QCPRange expanded(double includeCoord) const;
+ QCPRange bounded(double lowerBound, double upperBound) const;
QCPRange sanitizedForLogScale() const;
QCPRange sanitizedForLinScale() const;
- bool contains(double value) const;
+ bool contains(double value) const { return value >= lower && value <= upper; }
static bool validRange(double lower, double upper);
static bool validRange(const QCPRange &range);
- static const double minRange; //1e-280;
- static const double maxRange; //1e280;
+ static const double minRange;
+ static const double maxRange;
-/* documentation of inline functions */
-/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator+=(const double& value)
- Adds \a value to both boundaries of the range.
-/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator-=(const double& value)
- Subtracts \a value from both boundaries of the range.
-/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator*=(const double& value)
- Multiplies both boundaries of the range by \a value.
+/*! \relates QCPRange
-/*! \fn QCPRange &QCPRange::operator/=(const double& value)
- Divides both boundaries of the range by \a value.
+ Prints \a range in a human readable format to the qDebug output.
-/* end documentation of inline functions */
+inline QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const QCPRange &range)
+ d.nospace() << "QCPRange(" << range.lower << ", " << range.upper << ")";
+ return d.space();
Adds \a value to both boundaries of the range.
@@ -596,45 +878,310 @@ inline const QCPRange operator/(const QCPRange& range, double value)
return result;
+/* end of 'src/axis/range.h' */
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPMarginGroup : public QObject
+/* including file 'src/selection.h', size 8579 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPDataRange
- QCPMarginGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
- ~QCPMarginGroup();
+ QCPDataRange();
+ QCPDataRange(int begin, int end);
- // non-virtual methods:
- QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(QCP::MarginSide side) const { return mChildren.value(side); }
- bool isEmpty() const;
- void clear();
+ bool operator==(const QCPDataRange& other) const { return mBegin == other.mBegin && mEnd == other.mEnd; }
+ bool operator!=(const QCPDataRange& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
- // non-property members:
- QCustomPlot *mParentPlot;
- QHash<QCP::MarginSide, QList<QCPLayoutElement*> > mChildren;
+ // getters:
+ int begin() const { return mBegin; }
+ int end() const { return mEnd; }
+ int size() const { return mEnd-mBegin; }
+ int length() const { return size(); }
- // non-virtual methods:
- int commonMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) const;
- void addChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element);
- void removeChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element);
+ // setters:
+ void setBegin(int begin) { mBegin = begin; }
+ void setEnd(int end) { mEnd = end; }
+ // non-property methods:
+ bool isValid() const { return (mEnd >= mBegin) && (mBegin >= 0); }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return length() == 0; }
+ QCPDataRange bounded(const QCPDataRange &other) const;
+ QCPDataRange expanded(const QCPDataRange &other) const;
+ QCPDataRange intersection(const QCPDataRange &other) const;
+ QCPDataRange adjusted(int changeBegin, int changeEnd) const { return QCPDataRange(mBegin+changeBegin, mEnd+changeEnd); }
+ bool intersects(const QCPDataRange &other) const;
+ bool contains(const QCPDataRange &other) const;
- friend class QCPLayoutElement;
+ // property members:
+ int mBegin, mEnd;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutElement : public QCPLayerable
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPDataSelection
- Q_PROPERTY(QCPLayout* layout READ layout)
- Q_PROPERTY(QRect rect READ rect)
- Q_PROPERTY(QRect outerRect READ outerRect WRITE setOuterRect)
- Q_PROPERTY(QMargins margins READ margins WRITE setMargins)
- Q_PROPERTY(QMargins minimumMargins READ minimumMargins WRITE setMinimumMargins)
+ explicit QCPDataSelection();
+ explicit QCPDataSelection(const QCPDataRange &range);
+ bool operator==(const QCPDataSelection& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QCPDataSelection& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ QCPDataSelection &operator+=(const QCPDataSelection& other);
+ QCPDataSelection &operator+=(const QCPDataRange& other);
+ QCPDataSelection &operator-=(const QCPDataSelection& other);
+ QCPDataSelection &operator-=(const QCPDataRange& other);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataSelection& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataSelection& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataRange& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataRange& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataSelection& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataSelection& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataRange& b);
+ friend inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataRange& b);
+ // getters:
+ int dataRangeCount() const { return mDataRanges.size(); }
+ int dataPointCount() const;
+ QCPDataRange dataRange(int index=0) const;
+ QList<QCPDataRange> dataRanges() const { return mDataRanges; }
+ QCPDataRange span() const;
+ // non-property methods:
+ void addDataRange(const QCPDataRange &dataRange, bool simplify=true);
+ void clear();
+ bool isEmpty() const { return mDataRanges.isEmpty(); }
+ void simplify();
+ void enforceType(QCP::SelectionType type);
+ bool contains(const QCPDataSelection &other) const;
+ QCPDataSelection intersection(const QCPDataRange &other) const;
+ QCPDataSelection intersection(const QCPDataSelection &other) const;
+ QCPDataSelection inverse(const QCPDataRange &outerRange) const;
+ // property members:
+ QList<QCPDataRange> mDataRanges;
+ inline static bool lessThanDataRangeBegin(const QCPDataRange &a, const QCPDataRange &b) { return a.begin() < b.begin(); }
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points in \a a joined with the data points in \a b.
+ The resulting data selection is already simplified (see \ref QCPDataSelection::simplify).
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataSelection& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result += b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points in \a a joined with the data points in \a b.
+ The resulting data selection is already simplified (see \ref QCPDataSelection::simplify).
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataSelection& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result += b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points in \a a joined with the data points in \a b.
+ The resulting data selection is already simplified (see \ref QCPDataSelection::simplify).
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataRange& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result += b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points in \a a joined with the data points in \a b.
+ The resulting data selection is already simplified (see \ref QCPDataSelection::simplify).
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator+(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataRange& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result += b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points which are in \a a but not in \a b.
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataSelection& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result -= b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points which are in \a a but not in \a b.
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataSelection& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result -= b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points which are in \a a but not in \a b.
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataSelection& a, const QCPDataRange& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result -= b;
+ return result;
+ Return a \ref QCPDataSelection with the data points which are in \a a but not in \a b.
+inline const QCPDataSelection operator-(const QCPDataRange& a, const QCPDataRange& b)
+ QCPDataSelection result(a);
+ result -= b;
+ return result;
+/*! \relates QCPDataRange
+ Prints \a dataRange in a human readable format to the qDebug output.
+inline QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const QCPDataRange &dataRange)
+ d.nospace() << "[" << dataRange.begin() << ".." << dataRange.end()-1 << "]";
+ return d.space();
+/*! \relates QCPDataSelection
+ Prints \a selection in a human readable format to the qDebug output.
+inline QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const QCPDataSelection &selection)
+ d.nospace() << "QCPDataSelection(";
+ for (int i=0; i<selection.dataRangeCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ d << ", ";
+ d << selection.dataRange(i);
+ }
+ d << ")";
+ return d.space();
+/* end of 'src/selection.h' */
+/* including file 'src/selectionrect.h', size 3338 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPSelectionRect : public QCPLayerable
+ explicit QCPSelectionRect(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ virtual ~QCPSelectionRect();
+ // getters:
+ QRect rect() const { return mRect; }
+ QCPRange range(const QCPAxis *axis) const;
+ QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
+ QBrush brush() const { return mBrush; }
+ bool isActive() const { return mActive; }
+ // setters:
+ void setPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
+ // non-property methods:
+ Q_SLOT void cancel();
+ void started(QMouseEvent *event);
+ void changed(const QRect &rect, QMouseEvent *event);
+ void canceled(const QRect &rect, QInputEvent *event);
+ void accepted(const QRect &rect, QMouseEvent *event);
+ // property members:
+ QRect mRect;
+ QPen mPen;
+ QBrush mBrush;
+ // non-property members:
+ bool mActive;
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual void startSelection(QMouseEvent *event);
+ virtual void moveSelection(QMouseEvent *event);
+ virtual void endSelection(QMouseEvent *event);
+ virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
+ // reimplemented virtual methods
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ friend class QCustomPlot;
+/* end of 'src/selectionrect.h' */
+/* including file 'src/layout.h', size 13128 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPMarginGroup : public QObject
+ explicit QCPMarginGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ virtual ~QCPMarginGroup();
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(QCP::MarginSide side) const { return mChildren.value(side); }
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ void clear();
+ // non-property members:
+ QCustomPlot *mParentPlot;
+ QHash<QCP::MarginSide, QList<QCPLayoutElement*> > mChildren;
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual int commonMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) const;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void addChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element);
+ void removeChild(QCP::MarginSide side, QCPLayoutElement *element);
+ friend class QCPLayoutElement;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutElement : public QCPLayerable
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPLayout* layout READ layout)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QRect rect READ rect)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QRect outerRect READ outerRect WRITE setOuterRect)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QMargins margins READ margins WRITE setMargins)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QMargins minimumMargins READ minimumMargins WRITE setMinimumMargins)
Q_PROPERTY(QSize minimumSize READ minimumSize WRITE setMinimumSize)
Q_PROPERTY(QSize maximumSize READ maximumSize WRITE setMaximumSize)
/// \endcond
@@ -682,7 +1229,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutElement : public QCPLayerable
virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// property members:
@@ -695,17 +1242,12 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutElement : public QCPLayerable
// introduced virtual methods:
virtual int calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side);
- // events:
- virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {Q_UNUSED(event)}
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {Q_UNUSED(event)}
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {Q_UNUSED(event)}
- virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {Q_UNUSED(event)}
- virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) {Q_UNUSED(event)}
+ virtual void layoutChanged();
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const { Q_UNUSED(painter) }
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) { Q_UNUSED(painter) }
- virtual void parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Q_UNUSED(painter) }
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Q_UNUSED(painter) }
+ virtual void parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -714,6 +1256,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutElement : public QCPLayerable
friend class QCPLayout;
friend class QCPMarginGroup;
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayout : public QCPLayoutElement
@@ -723,8 +1266,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayout : public QCPLayoutElement
explicit QCPLayout();
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void update(UpdatePhase phase);
- virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const;
+ virtual void update(UpdatePhase phase) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
virtual int elementCount() const = 0;
@@ -764,18 +1307,35 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutGrid : public QCPLayout
Q_PROPERTY(QList<double> rowStretchFactors READ rowStretchFactors WRITE setRowStretchFactors)
Q_PROPERTY(int columnSpacing READ columnSpacing WRITE setColumnSpacing)
Q_PROPERTY(int rowSpacing READ rowSpacing WRITE setRowSpacing)
+ Q_PROPERTY(FillOrder fillOrder READ fillOrder WRITE setFillOrder)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int wrap READ wrap WRITE setWrap)
/// \endcond
+ /*!
+ Defines in which direction the grid is filled when using \ref addElement(QCPLayoutElement*).
+ The column/row at which wrapping into the next row/column occurs can be specified with \ref
+ setWrap.
+ \see setFillOrder
+ */
+ enum FillOrder { foRowsFirst ///< Rows are filled first, and a new element is wrapped to the next column if the row count would exceed \ref setWrap.
+ ,foColumnsFirst ///< Columns are filled first, and a new element is wrapped to the next row if the column count would exceed \ref setWrap.
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(FillOrder)
explicit QCPLayoutGrid();
virtual ~QCPLayoutGrid();
// getters:
- int rowCount() const;
- int columnCount() const;
+ int rowCount() const { return mElements.size(); }
+ int columnCount() const { return mElements.size() > 0 ? mElements.first().size() : 0; }
QList<double> columnStretchFactors() const { return mColumnStretchFactors; }
QList<double> rowStretchFactors() const { return mRowStretchFactors; }
int columnSpacing() const { return mColumnSpacing; }
int rowSpacing() const { return mRowSpacing; }
+ int wrap() const { return mWrap; }
+ FillOrder fillOrder() const { return mFillOrder; }
// setters:
void setColumnStretchFactor(int column, double factor);
@@ -784,25 +1344,30 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutGrid : public QCPLayout
void setRowStretchFactors(const QList<double> &factors);
void setColumnSpacing(int pixels);
void setRowSpacing(int pixels);
+ void setWrap(int count);
+ void setFillOrder(FillOrder order, bool rearrange=true);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void updateLayout();
- virtual int elementCount() const;
- virtual QCPLayoutElement* elementAt(int index) const;
- virtual QCPLayoutElement* takeAt(int index);
- virtual bool take(QCPLayoutElement* element);
- virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const;
- virtual void simplify();
- virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize maximumSizeHint() const;
+ virtual void updateLayout() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int elementCount() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return rowCount()*columnCount(); }
+ virtual QCPLayoutElement* elementAt(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPLayoutElement* takeAt(int index) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool take(QCPLayoutElement* element) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void simplify() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QSize maximumSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QCPLayoutElement *element(int row, int column) const;
bool addElement(int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element);
+ bool addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element);
bool hasElement(int row, int column);
void expandTo(int newRowCount, int newColumnCount);
void insertRow(int newIndex);
void insertColumn(int newIndex);
+ int rowColToIndex(int row, int column) const;
+ void indexToRowCol(int index, int &row, int &column) const;
// property members:
@@ -810,6 +1375,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutGrid : public QCPLayout
QList<double> mColumnStretchFactors;
QList<double> mRowStretchFactors;
int mColumnSpacing, mRowSpacing;
+ int mWrap;
+ FillOrder mFillOrder;
// non-virtual methods:
void getMinimumRowColSizes(QVector<int> *minColWidths, QVector<int> *minRowHeights) const;
@@ -818,6 +1385,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutGrid : public QCPLayout
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutInset : public QCPLayout
@@ -830,6 +1398,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutInset : public QCPLayout
enum InsetPlacement { ipFree ///< The element may be positioned/sized arbitrarily, see \ref setInsetRect
,ipBorderAligned ///< The element is aligned to one of the layout sides, see \ref setInsetAlignment
+ Q_ENUMS(InsetPlacement)
explicit QCPLayoutInset();
virtual ~QCPLayoutInset();
@@ -845,13 +1414,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutInset : public QCPLayout
void setInsetRect(int index, const QRectF &rect);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void updateLayout();
- virtual int elementCount() const;
- virtual QCPLayoutElement* elementAt(int index) const;
- virtual QCPLayoutElement* takeAt(int index);
- virtual bool take(QCPLayoutElement* element);
- virtual void simplify() {}
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual void updateLayout() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int elementCount() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPLayoutElement* elementAt(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPLayoutElement* takeAt(int index) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool take(QCPLayoutElement* element) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void simplify() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
void addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element, Qt::Alignment alignment);
@@ -867,8 +1436,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLayoutInset : public QCPLayout
+/* end of 'src/layout.h' */
+/* including file 'src/lineending.h', size 4426 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLineEnding
@@ -884,18 +1459,18 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLineEnding
\see QCPItemLine::setHead, QCPItemLine::setTail, QCPItemCurve::setHead, QCPItemCurve::setTail, QCPAxis::setLowerEnding, QCPAxis::setUpperEnding
- Q_ENUMS(EndingStyle)
enum EndingStyle { esNone ///< No ending decoration
,esFlatArrow ///< A filled arrow head with a straight/flat back (a triangle)
,esSpikeArrow ///< A filled arrow head with an indented back
,esLineArrow ///< A non-filled arrow head with open back
,esDisc ///< A filled circle
,esSquare ///< A filled square
- ,esDiamond ///< A filled diamond (45° rotated square)
+ ,esDiamond ///< A filled diamond (45 degrees rotated square)
,esBar ///< A bar perpendicular to the line
,esHalfBar ///< A bar perpendicular to the line, pointing out to only one side (to which side can be changed with \ref setInverted)
,esSkewedBar ///< A bar that is skewed (skew controllable via \ref setLength)
+ Q_ENUMS(EndingStyle)
QCPLineEnding(EndingStyle style, double width=8, double length=10, bool inverted=false);
@@ -915,8 +1490,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLineEnding
// non-property methods:
double boundingDistance() const;
double realLength() const;
- void draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector2D &pos, const QVector2D &dir) const;
- void draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector2D &pos, double angle) const;
+ void draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPVector2D &pos, const QCPVector2D &dir) const;
+ void draw(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPVector2D &pos, double angle) const;
// property members:
@@ -925,91 +1500,416 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLineEnding
bool mInverted;
+/* end of 'src/lineending.h' */
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGrid :public QCPLayerable
+/* including file 'src/axis/axisticker.h', size 4177 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTicker
- Q_PROPERTY(bool subGridVisible READ subGridVisible WRITE setSubGridVisible)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedSubGrid READ antialiasedSubGrid WRITE setAntialiasedSubGrid)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedZeroLine READ antialiasedZeroLine WRITE setAntialiasedZeroLine)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPen pen READ pen WRITE setPen)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPen subGridPen READ subGridPen WRITE setSubGridPen)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPen zeroLinePen READ zeroLinePen WRITE setZeroLinePen)
- /// \endcond
- QCPGrid(QCPAxis *parentAxis);
+ /*!
+ Defines the strategies that the axis ticker may follow when choosing the size of the tick step.
+ \see setTickStepStrategy
+ */
+ enum TickStepStrategy
+ {
+ tssReadability ///< A nicely readable tick step is prioritized over matching the requested number of ticks (see \ref setTickCount)
+ ,tssMeetTickCount ///< Less readable tick steps are allowed which in turn facilitates getting closer to the requested tick count
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(TickStepStrategy)
+ QCPAxisTicker();
+ virtual ~QCPAxisTicker();
// getters:
- bool subGridVisible() const { return mSubGridVisible; }
- bool antialiasedSubGrid() const { return mAntialiasedSubGrid; }
- bool antialiasedZeroLine() const { return mAntialiasedZeroLine; }
- QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
- QPen subGridPen() const { return mSubGridPen; }
- QPen zeroLinePen() const { return mZeroLinePen; }
+ TickStepStrategy tickStepStrategy() const { return mTickStepStrategy; }
+ int tickCount() const { return mTickCount; }
+ double tickOrigin() const { return mTickOrigin; }
// setters:
- void setSubGridVisible(bool visible);
- void setAntialiasedSubGrid(bool enabled);
- void setAntialiasedZeroLine(bool enabled);
- void setPen(const QPen &pen);
- void setSubGridPen(const QPen &pen);
- void setZeroLinePen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setTickStepStrategy(TickStepStrategy strategy);
+ void setTickCount(int count);
+ void setTickOrigin(double origin);
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual void generate(const QCPRange &range, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision, QVector<double> &ticks, QVector<double> *subTicks, QVector<QString> *tickLabels);
// property members:
- bool mSubGridVisible;
- bool mAntialiasedSubGrid, mAntialiasedZeroLine;
- QPen mPen, mSubGridPen, mZeroLinePen;
- // non-property members:
- QCPAxis *mParentAxis;
+ TickStepStrategy mTickStepStrategy;
+ int mTickCount;
+ double mTickOrigin;
- // reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range);
+ virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep);
+ virtual QString getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision);
+ virtual QVector<double> createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range);
+ virtual QVector<double> createSubTickVector(int subTickCount, const QVector<double> &ticks);
+ virtual QVector<QString> createLabelVector(const QVector<double> &ticks, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision);
// non-virtual methods:
- void drawGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- void drawSubGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ void trimTicks(const QCPRange &range, QVector<double> &ticks, bool keepOneOutlier) const;
+ double pickClosest(double target, const QVector<double> &candidates) const;
+ double getMantissa(double input, double *magnitude=0) const;
+ double cleanMantissa(double input) const;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axisticker.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerdatetime.h', size 3289 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTickerDateTime : public QCPAxisTicker
+ QCPAxisTickerDateTime();
- friend class QCPAxis;
+ // getters:
+ QString dateTimeFormat() const { return mDateTimeFormat; }
+ Qt::TimeSpec dateTimeSpec() const { return mDateTimeSpec; }
+ // setters:
+ void setDateTimeFormat(const QString &format);
+ void setDateTimeSpec(Qt::TimeSpec spec);
+ void setTickOrigin(double origin); // hides base class method but calls baseclass implementation ("using" throws off IDEs and doxygen)
+ void setTickOrigin(const QDateTime &origin);
+ // static methods:
+ static QDateTime keyToDateTime(double key);
+ static double dateTimeToKey(const QDateTime dateTime);
+ static double dateTimeToKey(const QDate date);
+ // property members:
+ QString mDateTimeFormat;
+ Qt::TimeSpec mDateTimeSpec;
+ // non-property members:
+ enum DateStrategy {dsNone, dsUniformTimeInDay, dsUniformDayInMonth} mDateStrategy;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QString getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QVector<double> createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerdatetime.h' */
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickertime.h', size 3288 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTickerTime : public QCPAxisTicker
- Q_PROPERTY(AxisType axisType READ axisType)
- Q_PROPERTY(QCPAxisRect* axisRect READ axisRect)
- Q_PROPERTY(ScaleType scaleType READ scaleType WRITE setScaleType NOTIFY scaleTypeChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(double scaleLogBase READ scaleLogBase WRITE setScaleLogBase)
- Q_PROPERTY(QCPRange range READ range WRITE setRange NOTIFY rangeChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool rangeReversed READ rangeReversed WRITE setRangeReversed)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoTicks READ autoTicks WRITE setAutoTicks)
- Q_PROPERTY(int autoTickCount READ autoTickCount WRITE setAutoTickCount)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoTickLabels READ autoTickLabels WRITE setAutoTickLabels)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoTickStep READ autoTickStep WRITE setAutoTickStep)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoSubTicks READ autoSubTicks WRITE setAutoSubTicks)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool ticks READ ticks WRITE setTicks)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool tickLabels READ tickLabels WRITE setTickLabels)
- Q_PROPERTY(int tickLabelPadding READ tickLabelPadding WRITE setTickLabelPadding)
- Q_PROPERTY(LabelType tickLabelType READ tickLabelType WRITE setTickLabelType)
- Q_PROPERTY(QFont tickLabelFont READ tickLabelFont WRITE setTickLabelFont)
- Q_PROPERTY(QColor tickLabelColor READ tickLabelColor WRITE setTickLabelColor)
- Q_PROPERTY(double tickLabelRotation READ tickLabelRotation WRITE setTickLabelRotation)
- Q_PROPERTY(LabelSide tickLabelSide READ tickLabelSide WRITE setTickLabelSide)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString dateTimeFormat READ dateTimeFormat WRITE setDateTimeFormat)
- Q_PROPERTY(Qt::TimeSpec dateTimeSpec READ dateTimeSpec WRITE setDateTimeSpec)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString numberFormat READ numberFormat WRITE setNumberFormat)
- Q_PROPERTY(int numberPrecision READ numberPrecision WRITE setNumberPrecision)
- Q_PROPERTY(double tickStep READ tickStep WRITE setTickStep)
- Q_PROPERTY(QVector<double> tickVector READ tickVector WRITE setTickVector)
- Q_PROPERTY(QVector<QString> tickVectorLabels READ tickVectorLabels WRITE setTickVectorLabels)
- Q_PROPERTY(int tickLengthIn READ tickLengthIn WRITE setTickLengthIn)
- Q_PROPERTY(int tickLengthOut READ tickLengthOut WRITE setTickLengthOut)
- Q_PROPERTY(int subTickCount READ subTickCount WRITE setSubTickCount)
+ /*!
+ Defines the logical units in which fractions of time spans can be expressed.
+ \see setFieldWidth, setTimeFormat
+ */
+ enum TimeUnit { tuMilliseconds
+ ,tuSeconds
+ ,tuMinutes
+ ,tuHours
+ ,tuDays
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(TimeUnit)
+ QCPAxisTickerTime();
+ // getters:
+ QString timeFormat() const { return mTimeFormat; }
+ int fieldWidth(TimeUnit unit) const { return mFieldWidth.value(unit); }
+ // setters:
+ void setTimeFormat(const QString &format);
+ void setFieldWidth(TimeUnit unit, int width);
+ // property members:
+ QString mTimeFormat;
+ QHash<TimeUnit, int> mFieldWidth;
+ // non-property members:
+ TimeUnit mSmallestUnit, mBiggestUnit;
+ QHash<TimeUnit, QString> mFormatPattern;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QString getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void replaceUnit(QString &text, TimeUnit unit, int value) const;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickertime.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerfixed.h', size 3308 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTickerFixed : public QCPAxisTicker
+ /*!
+ Defines how the axis ticker may modify the specified tick step (\ref setTickStep) in order to
+ control the number of ticks in the axis range.
+ \see setScaleStrategy
+ */
+ enum ScaleStrategy { ssNone ///< Modifications are not allowed, the specified tick step is absolutely fixed. This might cause a high tick density and overlapping labels if the axis range is zoomed out.
+ ,ssMultiples ///< An integer multiple of the specified tick step is allowed. The used factor follows the base class properties of \ref setTickStepStrategy and \ref setTickCount.
+ ,ssPowers ///< An integer power of the specified tick step is allowed.
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(ScaleStrategy)
+ QCPAxisTickerFixed();
+ // getters:
+ double tickStep() const { return mTickStep; }
+ ScaleStrategy scaleStrategy() const { return mScaleStrategy; }
+ // setters:
+ void setTickStep(double step);
+ void setScaleStrategy(ScaleStrategy strategy);
+ // property members:
+ double mTickStep;
+ ScaleStrategy mScaleStrategy;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerfixed.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickertext.h', size 3085 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTickerText : public QCPAxisTicker
+ QCPAxisTickerText();
+ // getters:
+ QMap<double, QString> &ticks() { return mTicks; }
+ int subTickCount() const { return mSubTickCount; }
+ // setters:
+ void setTicks(const QMap<double, QString> &ticks);
+ void setTicks(const QVector<double> &positions, const QVector<QString> labels);
+ void setSubTickCount(int subTicks);
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void clear();
+ void addTick(double position, QString label);
+ void addTicks(const QMap<double, QString> &ticks);
+ void addTicks(const QVector<double> &positions, const QVector<QString> &labels);
+ // property members:
+ QMap<double, QString> mTicks;
+ int mSubTickCount;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QString getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QVector<double> createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickertext.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerpi.h', size 3911 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTickerPi : public QCPAxisTicker
+ /*!
+ Defines how fractions should be displayed in tick labels.
+ \see setFractionStyle
+ */
+ enum FractionStyle { fsFloatingPoint ///< Fractions are displayed as regular decimal floating point numbers, e.g. "0.25" or "0.125".
+ ,fsAsciiFractions ///< Fractions are written as rationals using ASCII characters only, e.g. "1/4" or "1/8"
+ ,fsUnicodeFractions ///< Fractions are written using sub- and superscript UTF-8 digits and the fraction symbol.
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(FractionStyle)
+ QCPAxisTickerPi();
+ // getters:
+ QString piSymbol() const { return mPiSymbol; }
+ double piValue() const { return mPiValue; }
+ bool periodicity() const { return mPeriodicity; }
+ FractionStyle fractionStyle() const { return mFractionStyle; }
+ // setters:
+ void setPiSymbol(QString symbol);
+ void setPiValue(double pi);
+ void setPeriodicity(int multiplesOfPi);
+ void setFractionStyle(FractionStyle style);
+ // property members:
+ QString mPiSymbol;
+ double mPiValue;
+ int mPeriodicity;
+ FractionStyle mFractionStyle;
+ // non-property members:
+ double mPiTickStep; // size of one tick step in units of mPiValue
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QString getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void simplifyFraction(int &numerator, int &denominator) const;
+ QString fractionToString(int numerator, int denominator) const;
+ QString unicodeFraction(int numerator, int denominator) const;
+ QString unicodeSuperscript(int number) const;
+ QString unicodeSubscript(int number) const;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerpi.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axistickerlog.h', size 2663 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTickerLog : public QCPAxisTicker
+ QCPAxisTickerLog();
+ // getters:
+ double logBase() const { return mLogBase; }
+ int subTickCount() const { return mSubTickCount; }
+ // setters:
+ void setLogBase(double base);
+ void setSubTickCount(int subTicks);
+ // property members:
+ double mLogBase;
+ int mSubTickCount;
+ // non-property members:
+ double mLogBaseLnInv;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QVector<double> createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axistickerlog.h' */
+/* including file 'src/axis/axis.h', size 20230 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGrid :public QCPLayerable
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool subGridVisible READ subGridVisible WRITE setSubGridVisible)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedSubGrid READ antialiasedSubGrid WRITE setAntialiasedSubGrid)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedZeroLine READ antialiasedZeroLine WRITE setAntialiasedZeroLine)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPen pen READ pen WRITE setPen)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPen subGridPen READ subGridPen WRITE setSubGridPen)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPen zeroLinePen READ zeroLinePen WRITE setZeroLinePen)
+ /// \endcond
+ explicit QCPGrid(QCPAxis *parentAxis);
+ // getters:
+ bool subGridVisible() const { return mSubGridVisible; }
+ bool antialiasedSubGrid() const { return mAntialiasedSubGrid; }
+ bool antialiasedZeroLine() const { return mAntialiasedZeroLine; }
+ QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
+ QPen subGridPen() const { return mSubGridPen; }
+ QPen zeroLinePen() const { return mZeroLinePen; }
+ // setters:
+ void setSubGridVisible(bool visible);
+ void setAntialiasedSubGrid(bool enabled);
+ void setAntialiasedZeroLine(bool enabled);
+ void setPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setSubGridPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setZeroLinePen(const QPen &pen);
+ // property members:
+ bool mSubGridVisible;
+ bool mAntialiasedSubGrid, mAntialiasedZeroLine;
+ QPen mPen, mSubGridPen, mZeroLinePen;
+ // non-property members:
+ QCPAxis *mParentAxis;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void drawGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ void drawSubGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ friend class QCPAxis;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
+ Q_PROPERTY(AxisType axisType READ axisType)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPAxisRect* axisRect READ axisRect)
+ Q_PROPERTY(ScaleType scaleType READ scaleType WRITE setScaleType NOTIFY scaleTypeChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPRange range READ range WRITE setRange NOTIFY rangeChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool rangeReversed READ rangeReversed WRITE setRangeReversed)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> ticker READ ticker WRITE setTicker)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool ticks READ ticks WRITE setTicks)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool tickLabels READ tickLabels WRITE setTickLabels)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int tickLabelPadding READ tickLabelPadding WRITE setTickLabelPadding)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QFont tickLabelFont READ tickLabelFont WRITE setTickLabelFont)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QColor tickLabelColor READ tickLabelColor WRITE setTickLabelColor)
+ Q_PROPERTY(double tickLabelRotation READ tickLabelRotation WRITE setTickLabelRotation)
+ Q_PROPERTY(LabelSide tickLabelSide READ tickLabelSide WRITE setTickLabelSide)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString numberFormat READ numberFormat WRITE setNumberFormat)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int numberPrecision READ numberPrecision WRITE setNumberPrecision)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QVector<double> tickVector READ tickVector)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QVector<QString> tickVectorLabels READ tickVectorLabels)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int tickLengthIn READ tickLengthIn WRITE setTickLengthIn)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int tickLengthOut READ tickLengthOut WRITE setTickLengthOut)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool subTicks READ subTicks WRITE setSubTicks)
Q_PROPERTY(int subTickLengthIn READ subTickLengthIn WRITE setSubTickLengthIn)
Q_PROPERTY(int subTickLengthOut READ subTickLengthOut WRITE setSubTickLengthOut)
Q_PROPERTY(QPen basePen READ basePen WRITE setBasePen)
@@ -1044,19 +1944,10 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
,atTop = 0x04 ///< <tt>0x04</tt> Axis is horizontal and on the top side of the axis rect
,atBottom = 0x08 ///< <tt>0x08</tt> Axis is horizontal and on the bottom side of the axis rect
- Q_FLAGS(AxisType AxisTypes)
+ Q_ENUMS(AxisType)
+ Q_FLAGS(AxisTypes)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AxisTypes, AxisType)
- When automatic tick label generation is enabled (\ref setAutoTickLabels), defines how the
- coordinate of the tick is interpreted, i.e. translated into a string.
- \see setTickLabelType
- */
- enum LabelType { ltNumber ///< Tick coordinate is regarded as normal number and will be displayed as such. (see \ref setNumberFormat)
- ,ltDateTime ///< Tick coordinate is regarded as a date/time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC) and will be displayed and formatted as such. (for details, see \ref setDateTimeFormat)
- };
- Q_ENUMS(LabelType)
- /*!
Defines on which side of the axis the tick labels (numbers) shall appear.
\see setTickLabelSide
@@ -1070,7 +1961,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
\see setScaleType
enum ScaleType { stLinear ///< Linear scaling
- ,stLogarithmic ///< Logarithmic scaling with correspondingly transformed plots and (major) tick marks at every base power (see \ref setScaleLogBase).
+ ,stLogarithmic ///< Logarithmic scaling with correspondingly transformed axis coordinates (possibly also \ref setTicker to a \ref QCPAxisTickerLog instance).
@@ -1082,7 +1973,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
,spTickLabels = 0x002 ///< Tick labels (numbers) of this axis (as a whole, not individually)
,spAxisLabel = 0x004 ///< The axis label
- Q_FLAGS(SelectablePart SelectableParts)
+ Q_ENUMS(SelectablePart)
+ Q_FLAGS(SelectableParts)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SelectableParts, SelectablePart)
explicit QCPAxis(QCPAxisRect *parent, AxisType type);
@@ -1092,32 +1984,23 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
AxisType axisType() const { return mAxisType; }
QCPAxisRect *axisRect() const { return mAxisRect; }
ScaleType scaleType() const { return mScaleType; }
- double scaleLogBase() const { return mScaleLogBase; }
const QCPRange range() const { return mRange; }
bool rangeReversed() const { return mRangeReversed; }
- bool autoTicks() const { return mAutoTicks; }
- int autoTickCount() const { return mAutoTickCount; }
- bool autoTickLabels() const { return mAutoTickLabels; }
- bool autoTickStep() const { return mAutoTickStep; }
- bool autoSubTicks() const { return mAutoSubTicks; }
+ QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> ticker() const { return mTicker; }
bool ticks() const { return mTicks; }
bool tickLabels() const { return mTickLabels; }
int tickLabelPadding() const;
- LabelType tickLabelType() const { return mTickLabelType; }
QFont tickLabelFont() const { return mTickLabelFont; }
QColor tickLabelColor() const { return mTickLabelColor; }
double tickLabelRotation() const;
LabelSide tickLabelSide() const;
- QString dateTimeFormat() const { return mDateTimeFormat; }
- Qt::TimeSpec dateTimeSpec() const { return mDateTimeSpec; }
QString numberFormat() const;
int numberPrecision() const { return mNumberPrecision; }
- double tickStep() const { return mTickStep; }
QVector<double> tickVector() const { return mTickVector; }
QVector<QString> tickVectorLabels() const { return mTickVectorLabels; }
int tickLengthIn() const;
int tickLengthOut() const;
- int subTickCount() const { return mSubTickCount; }
+ bool subTicks() const { return mSubTicks; }
int subTickLengthIn() const;
int subTickLengthOut() const;
QPen basePen() const { return mBasePen; }
@@ -1144,37 +2027,26 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
// setters:
Q_SLOT void setScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType type);
- void setScaleLogBase(double base);
Q_SLOT void setRange(const QCPRange &range);
void setRange(double lower, double upper);
void setRange(double position, double size, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment);
void setRangeLower(double lower);
void setRangeUpper(double upper);
void setRangeReversed(bool reversed);
- void setAutoTicks(bool on);
- void setAutoTickCount(int approximateCount);
- void setAutoTickLabels(bool on);
- void setAutoTickStep(bool on);
- void setAutoSubTicks(bool on);
+ void setTicker(QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> ticker);
void setTicks(bool show);
void setTickLabels(bool show);
void setTickLabelPadding(int padding);
- void setTickLabelType(LabelType type);
void setTickLabelFont(const QFont &font);
void setTickLabelColor(const QColor &color);
void setTickLabelRotation(double degrees);
void setTickLabelSide(LabelSide side);
- void setDateTimeFormat(const QString &format);
- void setDateTimeSpec(const Qt::TimeSpec &timeSpec);
void setNumberFormat(const QString &formatCode);
void setNumberPrecision(int precision);
- void setTickStep(double step);
- void setTickVector(const QVector<double> &vec);
- void setTickVectorLabels(const QVector<QString> &vec);
void setTickLength(int inside, int outside=0);
void setTickLengthIn(int inside);
void setTickLengthOut(int outside);
- void setSubTickCount(int count);
+ void setSubTicks(bool show);
void setSubTickLength(int inside, int outside=0);
void setSubTickLengthIn(int inside);
void setSubTickLengthOut(int outside);
@@ -1200,11 +2072,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
void setUpperEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-property methods:
Qt::Orientation orientation() const { return mOrientation; }
+ int pixelOrientation() const { return rangeReversed() != (orientation()==Qt::Vertical) ? -1 : 1; }
void moveRange(double diff);
+ void scaleRange(double factor);
void scaleRange(double factor, double center);
void setScaleRatio(const QCPAxis *otherAxis, double ratio=1.0);
void rescale(bool onlyVisiblePlottables=false);
@@ -1220,7 +2094,6 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
static AxisType opposite(AxisType type);
- void ticksRequest();
void rangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange);
void rangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange, const QCPRange &oldRange);
void scaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
@@ -1245,22 +2118,17 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
QColor mLabelColor, mSelectedLabelColor;
// tick labels:
//int mTickLabelPadding; // in QCPAxisPainter
- bool mTickLabels, mAutoTickLabels;
+ bool mTickLabels;
//double mTickLabelRotation; // in QCPAxisPainter
- LabelType mTickLabelType;
QFont mTickLabelFont, mSelectedTickLabelFont;
QColor mTickLabelColor, mSelectedTickLabelColor;
- QString mDateTimeFormat;
- Qt::TimeSpec mDateTimeSpec;
int mNumberPrecision;
QLatin1Char mNumberFormatChar;
bool mNumberBeautifulPowers;
//bool mNumberMultiplyCross; // QCPAxisPainter
// ticks and subticks:
bool mTicks;
- double mTickStep;
- int mSubTickCount, mAutoTickCount;
- bool mAutoTicks, mAutoTickStep, mAutoSubTicks;
+ bool mSubTicks;
//int mTickLengthIn, mTickLengthOut, mSubTickLengthIn, mSubTickLengthOut; // QCPAxisPainter
QPen mTickPen, mSelectedTickPen;
QPen mSubTickPen, mSelectedSubTickPen;
@@ -1268,12 +2136,11 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
QCPRange mRange;
bool mRangeReversed;
ScaleType mScaleType;
- double mScaleLogBase, mScaleLogBaseLogInv;
// non-property members:
QCPGrid *mGrid;
QCPAxisPainterPrivate *mAxisPainter;
- int mLowestVisibleTick, mHighestVisibleTick;
+ QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> mTicker;
QVector<double> mTickVector;
QVector<QString> mTickVectorLabels;
QVector<double> mSubTickVector;
@@ -1281,23 +2148,18 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
int mCachedMargin;
// introduced virtual methods:
- virtual void setupTickVectors();
- virtual void generateAutoTicks();
- virtual int calculateAutoSubTickCount(double tickStep) const;
virtual int calculateMargin();
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const;
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// events:
- virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
- virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
- void visibleTickBounds(int &lowIndex, int &highIndex) const;
- double baseLog(double value) const;
- double basePow(double value) const;
+ void setupTickVectors();
QPen getBasePen() const;
QPen getTickPen() const;
QPen getSubTickPen() const;
@@ -1315,6 +2177,9 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
@@ -1366,8 +2231,8 @@ class QCPAxisPainterPrivate
struct TickLabelData
- QString basePart, expPart;
- QRect baseBounds, expBounds, totalBounds, rotatedTotalBounds;
+ QString basePart, expPart, suffixPart;
+ QRect baseBounds, expBounds, suffixBounds, totalBounds, rotatedTotalBounds;
QFont baseFont, expFont;
QCustomPlot *mParentPlot;
@@ -1384,112 +2249,1104 @@ class QCPAxisPainterPrivate
virtual void getMaxTickLabelSize(const QFont &font, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize) const;
+/* end of 'src/axis/axis.h' */
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractPlottable : public QCPLayerable
+/* including file 'src/scatterstyle.h', size 7275 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPScatterStyle
- Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedFill READ antialiasedFill WRITE setAntialiasedFill)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedScatters READ antialiasedScatters WRITE setAntialiasedScatters)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedErrorBars READ antialiasedErrorBars WRITE setAntialiasedErrorBars)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPen pen READ pen WRITE setPen)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPen selectedPen READ selectedPen WRITE setSelectedPen)
- Q_PROPERTY(QBrush brush READ brush WRITE setBrush)
- Q_PROPERTY(QBrush selectedBrush READ selectedBrush WRITE setSelectedBrush)
- Q_PROPERTY(QCPAxis* keyAxis READ keyAxis WRITE setKeyAxis)
- Q_PROPERTY(QCPAxis* valueAxis READ valueAxis WRITE setValueAxis)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool selectable READ selectable WRITE setSelectable NOTIFY selectableChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool selected READ selected WRITE setSelected NOTIFY selectionChanged)
- /// \endcond
- QCPAbstractPlottable(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
- // getters:
- QString name() const { return mName; }
- bool antialiasedFill() const { return mAntialiasedFill; }
- bool antialiasedScatters() const { return mAntialiasedScatters; }
- bool antialiasedErrorBars() const { return mAntialiasedErrorBars; }
- QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
- QPen selectedPen() const { return mSelectedPen; }
- QBrush brush() const { return mBrush; }
- QBrush selectedBrush() const { return mSelectedBrush; }
- QCPAxis *keyAxis() const { return mKeyAxis.data(); }
- QCPAxis *valueAxis() const { return mValueAxis.data(); }
- bool selectable() const { return mSelectable; }
- bool selected() const { return mSelected; }
- // setters:
- void setName(const QString &name);
- void setAntialiasedFill(bool enabled);
- void setAntialiasedScatters(bool enabled);
- void setAntialiasedErrorBars(bool enabled);
- void setPen(const QPen &pen);
- void setSelectedPen(const QPen &pen);
- void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
- void setSelectedBrush(const QBrush &brush);
- void setKeyAxis(QCPAxis *axis);
- void setValueAxis(QCPAxis *axis);
- Q_SLOT void setSelectable(bool selectable);
- Q_SLOT void setSelected(bool selected);
+ /*!
+ Represents the various properties of a scatter style instance. For example, this enum is used
+ to specify which properties of \ref QCPSelectionDecorator::setScatterStyle will be used when
+ highlighting selected data points.
+ Specific scatter properties can be transferred between \ref QCPScatterStyle instances via \ref
+ setFromOther.
+ */
+ enum ScatterProperty { spNone = 0x00 ///< <tt>0x00</tt> None
+ ,spPen = 0x01 ///< <tt>0x01</tt> The pen property, see \ref setPen
+ ,spBrush = 0x02 ///< <tt>0x02</tt> The brush property, see \ref setBrush
+ ,spSize = 0x04 ///< <tt>0x04</tt> The size property, see \ref setSize
+ ,spShape = 0x08 ///< <tt>0x08</tt> The shape property, see \ref setShape
+ ,spAll = 0xFF ///< <tt>0xFF</tt> All properties
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(ScatterProperty)
+ Q_FLAGS(ScatterProperties)
+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ScatterProperties, ScatterProperty)
- // introduced virtual methods:
- virtual void clearData() = 0;
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const = 0;
- virtual bool addToLegend();
- virtual bool removeFromLegend() const;
- // non-property methods:
- void rescaleAxes(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const;
- void rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const;
- void rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const;
- void selectionChanged(bool selected);
- void selectableChanged(bool selectable);
- Represents negative and positive sign domain for passing to \ref getKeyRange and \ref getValueRange.
+ Defines the shape used for scatter points.
+ On plottables/items that draw scatters, the sizes of these visualizations (with exception of
+ \ref ssDot and \ref ssPixmap) can be controlled with the \ref setSize function. Scatters are
+ drawn with the pen and brush specified with \ref setPen and \ref setBrush.
- enum SignDomain { sdNegative ///< The negative sign domain, i.e. numbers smaller than zero
- ,sdBoth ///< Both sign domains, including zero, i.e. all (rational) numbers
- ,sdPositive ///< The positive sign domain, i.e. numbers greater than zero
- };
+ enum ScatterShape { ssNone ///< no scatter symbols are drawn (e.g. in QCPGraph, data only represented with lines)
+ ,ssDot ///< \enumimage{ssDot.png} a single pixel (use \ref ssDisc or \ref ssCircle if you want a round shape with a certain radius)
+ ,ssCross ///< \enumimage{ssCross.png} a cross
+ ,ssPlus ///< \enumimage{ssPlus.png} a plus
+ ,ssCircle ///< \enumimage{ssCircle.png} a circle
+ ,ssDisc ///< \enumimage{ssDisc.png} a circle which is filled with the pen's color (not the brush as with ssCircle)
+ ,ssSquare ///< \enumimage{ssSquare.png} a square
+ ,ssDiamond ///< \enumimage{ssDiamond.png} a diamond
+ ,ssStar ///< \enumimage{ssStar.png} a star with eight arms, i.e. a combination of cross and plus
+ ,ssTriangle ///< \enumimage{ssTriangle.png} an equilateral triangle, standing on baseline
+ ,ssTriangleInverted ///< \enumimage{ssTriangleInverted.png} an equilateral triangle, standing on corner
+ ,ssCrossSquare ///< \enumimage{ssCrossSquare.png} a square with a cross inside
+ ,ssPlusSquare ///< \enumimage{ssPlusSquare.png} a square with a plus inside
+ ,ssCrossCircle ///< \enumimage{ssCrossCircle.png} a circle with a cross inside
+ ,ssPlusCircle ///< \enumimage{ssPlusCircle.png} a circle with a plus inside
+ ,ssPeace ///< \enumimage{ssPeace.png} a circle, with one vertical and two downward diagonal lines
+ ,ssPixmap ///< a custom pixmap specified by \ref setPixmap, centered on the data point coordinates
+ ,ssCustom ///< custom painter operations are performed per scatter (As QPainterPath, see \ref setCustomPath)
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(ScatterShape)
+ QCPScatterStyle();
+ QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, double size=6);
+ QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, double size);
+ QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QColor &color, const QColor &fill, double size);
+ QCPScatterStyle(ScatterShape shape, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double size);
+ QCPScatterStyle(const QPixmap &pixmap);
+ QCPScatterStyle(const QPainterPath &customPath, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush=Qt::NoBrush, double size=6);
+ // getters:
+ double size() const { return mSize; }
+ ScatterShape shape() const { return mShape; }
+ QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
+ QBrush brush() const { return mBrush; }
+ QPixmap pixmap() const { return mPixmap; }
+ QPainterPath customPath() const { return mCustomPath; }
+ // setters:
+ void setFromOther(const QCPScatterStyle &other, ScatterProperties properties);
+ void setSize(double size);
+ void setShape(ScatterShape shape);
+ void setPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
+ void setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap);
+ void setCustomPath(const QPainterPath &customPath);
+ // non-property methods:
+ bool isNone() const { return mShape == ssNone; }
+ bool isPenDefined() const { return mPenDefined; }
+ void undefinePen();
+ void applyTo(QCPPainter *painter, const QPen &defaultPen) const;
+ void drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, const QPointF &pos) const;
+ void drawShape(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y) const;
+ // property members:
+ double mSize;
+ ScatterShape mShape;
+ QPen mPen;
+ QBrush mBrush;
+ QPixmap mPixmap;
+ QPainterPath mCustomPath;
+ // non-property members:
+ bool mPenDefined;
+/* end of 'src/scatterstyle.h' */
+/* including file 'src/datacontainer.h', size 4535 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+/*! \relates QCPDataContainer
+ Returns whether the sort key of \a a is less than the sort key of \a b.
+ \see QCPDataContainer::sort
+template <class DataType>
+inline bool qcpLessThanSortKey(const DataType &a, const DataType &b) { return a.sortKey() < b.sortKey(); }
+template <class DataType>
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPDataContainer
+ typedef typename QVector<DataType>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef typename QVector<DataType>::iterator iterator;
+ QCPDataContainer();
+ // getters:
+ int size() const { return mData.size()-mPreallocSize; }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return size() == 0; }
+ bool autoSqueeze() const { return mAutoSqueeze; }
+ // setters:
+ void setAutoSqueeze(bool enabled);
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void set(const QCPDataContainer<DataType> &data);
+ void set(const QVector<DataType> &data, bool alreadySorted=false);
+ void add(const QCPDataContainer<DataType> &data);
+ void add(const QVector<DataType> &data, bool alreadySorted=false);
+ void add(const DataType &data);
+ void removeBefore(double sortKey);
+ void removeAfter(double sortKey);
+ void remove(double sortKeyFrom, double sortKeyTo);
+ void remove(double sortKey);
+ void clear();
+ void sort();
+ void squeeze(bool preAllocation=true, bool postAllocation=true);
+ const_iterator constBegin() const { return mData.constBegin()+mPreallocSize; }
+ const_iterator constEnd() const { return mData.constEnd(); }
+ iterator begin() { return mData.begin()+mPreallocSize; }
+ iterator end() { return mData.end(); }
+ const_iterator findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const;
+ const_iterator findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const;
+ const_iterator at(int index) const { return constBegin()+qBound(0, index, size()); }
+ QCPRange keyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain signDomain=QCP::sdBoth);
+ QCPRange valueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain signDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange());
+ QCPDataRange dataRange() const { return QCPDataRange(0, size()); }
+ void limitIteratorsToDataRange(const_iterator &begin, const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const;
+ // property members:
+ bool mAutoSqueeze;
+ // non-property memebers:
+ QVector<DataType> mData;
+ int mPreallocSize;
+ int mPreallocIteration;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void preallocateGrow(int minimumPreallocSize);
+ void performAutoSqueeze();
+// include implementation in header since it is a class template:
+/* including file 'src/datacontainer.cpp', size 31224 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPDataContainer
+/*! \class QCPDataContainer
+ \brief The generic data container for one-dimensional plottables
+ This class template provides a fast container for data storage of one-dimensional data. The data
+ type is specified as template parameter (called \a DataType in the following) and must provide
+ some methods as described in the \ref qcpdatacontainer-datatype "next section".
+ The data is stored in a sorted fashion, which allows very quick lookups by the sorted key as well
+ as retrieval of ranges (see \ref findBegin, \ref findEnd, \ref keyRange) using binary search. The
+ container uses a preallocation and a postallocation scheme, such that appending and prepending
+ data (with respect to the sort key) is very fast and minimizes reallocations. If data is added
+ which needs to be inserted between existing keys, the merge usually can be done quickly too,
+ using the fact that existing data is always sorted. The user can further improve performance by
+ specifying that added data is already itself sorted by key, if he can guarantee that this is the
+ case (see for example \ref add(const QVector<DataType> &data, bool alreadySorted)).
+ The data can be accessed with the provided const iterators (\ref constBegin, \ref constEnd). If
+ it is necessary to alter existing data in-place, the non-const iterators can be used (\ref begin,
+ \ref end). Changing data members that are not the sort key (for most data types called \a key) is
+ safe from the container's perspective.
+ Great care must be taken however if the sort key is modified through the non-const iterators. For
+ performance reasons, the iterators don't automatically cause a re-sorting upon their
+ manipulation. It is thus the responsibility of the user to leave the container in a sorted state
+ when finished with the data manipulation, before calling any other methods on the container. A
+ complete re-sort (e.g. after finishing all sort key manipulation) can be done by calling \ref
+ sort. Failing to do so can not be detected by the container efficiently and will cause both
+ rendering artifacts and potential data loss.
+ Implementing one-dimensional plottables that make use of a \ref QCPDataContainer<T> is usually
+ done by subclassing from \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D "QCPAbstractPlottable1D<T>", which
+ introduces an according \a mDataContainer member and some convenience methods.
+ \section qcpdatacontainer-datatype Requirements for the DataType template parameter
+ The template parameter <tt>DataType</tt> is the type of the stored data points. It must be
+ trivially copyable and have the following public methods, preferably inline:
+ \li <tt>double sortKey() const</tt>\n Returns the member variable of this data point that is the
+ sort key, defining the ordering in the container. Often this variable is simply called \a key.
+ \li <tt>static DataType fromSortKey(double sortKey)</tt>\n Returns a new instance of the data
+ type initialized with its sort key set to \a sortKey.
+ \li <tt>static bool sortKeyIsMainKey()</tt>\n Returns true if the sort key is equal to the main
+ key (see method \c mainKey below). For most plottables this is the case. It is not the case for
+ example for \ref QCPCurve, which uses \a t as sort key and \a key as main key. This is the reason
+ why QCPCurve unlike QCPGraph can display parametric curves with loops.
+ \li <tt>double mainKey() const</tt>\n Returns the variable of this data point considered the main
+ key. This is commonly the variable that is used as the coordinate of this data point on the key
+ axis of the plottable. This method is used for example when determining the automatic axis
+ rescaling of key axes (\ref QCPAxis::rescale).
+ \li <tt>double mainValue() const</tt>\n Returns the variable of this data point considered the
+ main value. This is commonly the variable that is used as the coordinate of this data point on
+ the value axis of the plottable.
+ \li <tt>QCPRange valueRange() const</tt>\n Returns the range this data point spans in the value
+ axis coordinate. If the data is single-valued (e.g. QCPGraphData), this is simply a range with
+ both lower and upper set to the main data point value. However if the data points can represent
+ multiple values at once (e.g QCPFinancialData with its \a high, \a low, \a open and \a close
+ values at each \a key) this method should return the range those values span. This method is used
+ for example when determining the automatic axis rescaling of value axes (\ref
+ QCPAxis::rescale).
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn int QCPDataContainer<DataType>::size() const
+ Returns the number of data points in the container.
+/*! \fn bool QCPDataContainer<DataType>::isEmpty() const
+ Returns whether this container holds no data points.
+/*! \fn QCPDataContainer::const_iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::constBegin() const
+ Returns a const iterator to the first data point in this container.
+/*! \fn QCPDataContainer::const_iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::constEnd() const
+ Returns a const iterator to the element past the last data point in this container.
+/*! \fn QCPDataContainer::iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::begin() const
+ Returns a non-const iterator to the first data point in this container.
+ You can manipulate the data points in-place through the non-const iterators, but great care must
+ be taken when manipulating the sort key of a data point, see \ref sort, or the detailed
+ description of this class.
+/*! \fn QCPDataContainer::iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::end() const
+ Returns a non-const iterator to the element past the last data point in this container.
+ You can manipulate the data points in-place through the non-const iterators, but great care must
+ be taken when manipulating the sort key of a data point, see \ref sort, or the detailed
+ description of this class.
+/*! \fn QCPDataContainer::const_iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::at(int index) const
+ Returns a const iterator to the element with the specified \a index. If \a index points beyond
+ the available elements in this container, returns \ref constEnd, i.e. an iterator past the last
+ valid element.
+ You can use this method to easily obtain iterators from a \ref QCPDataRange, see the \ref
+ dataselection-accessing "data selection page" for an example.
+/*! \fn QCPDataRange QCPDataContainer::dataRange() const
+ Returns a \ref QCPDataRange encompassing the entire data set of this container. This means the
+ begin index of the returned range is 0, and the end index is \ref size.
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Constructs a QCPDataContainer used for plottable classes that represent a series of key-sorted
+ data
+template <class DataType>
+QCPDataContainer<DataType>::QCPDataContainer() :
+ mAutoSqueeze(true),
+ mPreallocSize(0),
+ mPreallocIteration(0)
+ Sets whether the container automatically decides when to release memory from its post- and
+ preallocation pools when data points are removed. By default this is enabled and for typical
+ applications shouldn't be changed.
+ If auto squeeze is disabled, you can manually decide when to release pre-/postallocation with
+ \ref squeeze.
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::setAutoSqueeze(bool enabled)
+ if (mAutoSqueeze != enabled)
+ {
+ mAutoSqueeze = enabled;
+ if (mAutoSqueeze)
+ performAutoSqueeze();
+ }
+/*! \overload
+ Replaces the current data in this container with the provided \a data.
+ \see add, remove
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set(const QCPDataContainer<DataType> &data)
+ clear();
+ add(data);
+/*! \overload
+ Replaces the current data in this container with the provided \a data
+ If you can guarantee that the data points in \a data have ascending order with respect to the
+ DataType's sort key, set \a alreadySorted to true to avoid an unnecessary sorting run.
+ \see add, remove
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::set(const QVector<DataType> &data, bool alreadySorted)
+ mData = data;
+ mPreallocSize = 0;
+ mPreallocIteration = 0;
+ if (!alreadySorted)
+ sort();
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided \a data to the current data in this container.
+ \see set, remove
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::add(const QCPDataContainer<DataType> &data)
+ if (data.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ const int n = data.size();
+ const int oldSize = size();
+ if (oldSize > 0 && !qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>(*constBegin(), *(data.constEnd()-1))) // prepend if new data keys are all smaller than or equal to existing ones
+ {
+ if (mPreallocSize < n)
+ preallocateGrow(n);
+ mPreallocSize -= n;
+ std::copy(data.constBegin(), data.constEnd(), begin());
+ } else // don't need to prepend, so append and merge if necessary
+ {
+ mData.resize(mData.size()+n);
+ std::copy(data.constBegin(), data.constEnd(), end()-n);
+ if (oldSize > 0 && !qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>(*(constEnd()-n-1), *(constEnd()-n))) // if appended range keys aren't all greater than existing ones, merge the two partitions
+ std::inplace_merge(begin(), end()-n, end(), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ }
+ Adds the provided data points in \a data to the current data.
+ If you can guarantee that the data points in \a data have ascending order with respect to the
+ DataType's sort key, set \a alreadySorted to true to avoid an unnecessary sorting run.
+ \see set, remove
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::add(const QVector<DataType> &data, bool alreadySorted)
+ if (data.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (isEmpty())
+ {
+ set(data, alreadySorted);
+ return;
+ }
+ const int n = data.size();
+ const int oldSize = size();
+ if (alreadySorted && oldSize > 0 && !qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>(*constBegin(), *(data.constEnd()-1))) // prepend if new data is sorted and keys are all smaller than or equal to existing ones
+ {
+ if (mPreallocSize < n)
+ preallocateGrow(n);
+ mPreallocSize -= n;
+ std::copy(data.constBegin(), data.constEnd(), begin());
+ } else // don't need to prepend, so append and then sort and merge if necessary
+ {
+ mData.resize(mData.size()+n);
+ std::copy(data.constBegin(), data.constEnd(), end()-n);
+ if (!alreadySorted) // sort appended subrange if it wasn't already sorted
+ std::sort(end()-n, end(), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ if (oldSize > 0 && !qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>(*(constEnd()-n-1), *(constEnd()-n))) // if appended range keys aren't all greater than existing ones, merge the two partitions
+ std::inplace_merge(begin(), end()-n, end(), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ }
+/*! \overload
+ Adds the provided single data point to the current data.
+ \see remove
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::add(const DataType &data)
+ if (isEmpty() || !qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>(data, *(constEnd()-1))) // quickly handle appends if new data key is greater or equal to existing ones
+ {
+ mData.append(data);
+ } else if (qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>(data, *constBegin())) // quickly handle prepends using preallocated space
+ {
+ if (mPreallocSize < 1)
+ preallocateGrow(1);
+ --mPreallocSize;
+ *begin() = data;
+ } else // handle inserts, maintaining sorted keys
+ {
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator insertionPoint = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), data, qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ mData.insert(insertionPoint, data);
+ }
+ Removes all data points with (sort-)keys smaller than or equal to \a sortKey.
+ \see removeAfter, remove, clear
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::removeBefore(double sortKey)
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator it = begin();
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator itEnd = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKey), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ mPreallocSize += itEnd-it; // don't actually delete, just add it to the preallocated block (if it gets too large, squeeze will take care of it)
+ if (mAutoSqueeze)
+ performAutoSqueeze();
+ Removes all data points with (sort-)keys greater than or equal to \a sortKey.
+ \see removeBefore, remove, clear
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::removeAfter(double sortKey)
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator it = std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKey), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator itEnd = end();
+ mData.erase(it, itEnd); // typically adds it to the postallocated block
+ if (mAutoSqueeze)
+ performAutoSqueeze();
+ Removes all data points with (sort-)keys between \a sortKeyFrom and \a sortKeyTo. if \a
+ sortKeyFrom is greater or equal to \a sortKeyTo, the function does nothing. To remove a single
+ data point with known (sort-)key, use \ref remove(double sortKey).
+ \see removeBefore, removeAfter, clear
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::remove(double sortKeyFrom, double sortKeyTo)
+ if (sortKeyFrom >= sortKeyTo || isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKeyFrom), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::iterator itEnd = std::upper_bound(it, end(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKeyTo), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ mData.erase(it, itEnd);
+ if (mAutoSqueeze)
+ performAutoSqueeze();
+/*! \overload
+ Removes a single data point at \a sortKey. If the position is not known with absolute (binary)
+ precision, consider using \ref remove(double sortKeyFrom, double sortKeyTo) with a small
+ fuzziness interval around the suspected position, depeding on the precision with which the
+ (sort-)key is known.
+ \see removeBefore, removeAfter, clear
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::remove(double sortKey)
+ QCPDataContainer::iterator it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKey), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ if (it != end() && it->sortKey() == sortKey)
+ {
+ if (it == begin())
+ ++mPreallocSize; // don't actually delete, just add it to the preallocated block (if it gets too large, squeeze will take care of it)
+ else
+ mData.erase(it);
+ }
+ if (mAutoSqueeze)
+ performAutoSqueeze();
+ Removes all data points.
+ \see remove, removeAfter, removeBefore
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::clear()
+ mData.clear();
+ mPreallocIteration = 0;
+ mPreallocSize = 0;
+ Re-sorts all data points in the container by their sort key.
+ When setting, adding or removing points using the QCPDataContainer interface (\ref set, \ref add,
+ \ref remove, etc.), the container makes sure to always stay in a sorted state such that a full
+ resort is never necessary. However, if you choose to directly manipulate the sort key on data
+ points by accessing and modifying it through the non-const iterators (\ref begin, \ref end), it
+ is your responsibility to bring the container back into a sorted state before any other methods
+ are called on it. This can be achieved by calling this method immediately after finishing the
+ sort key manipulation.
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::sort()
+ std::sort(begin(), end(), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ Frees all unused memory that is currently in the preallocation and postallocation pools.
+ Note that QCPDataContainer automatically decides whether squeezing is necessary, if \ref
+ setAutoSqueeze is left enabled. It should thus not be necessary to use this method for typical
+ applications.
+ The parameters \a preAllocation and \a postAllocation control whether pre- and/or post allocation
+ should be freed, respectively.
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::squeeze(bool preAllocation, bool postAllocation)
+ if (preAllocation)
+ {
+ if (mPreallocSize > 0)
+ {
+ std::copy(begin(), end(), mData.begin());
+ mData.resize(size());
+ mPreallocSize = 0;
+ }
+ mPreallocIteration = 0;
+ }
+ if (postAllocation)
+ mData.squeeze();
+ Returns an iterator to the data point with a (sort-)key that is equal to, just below, or just
+ above \a sortKey. If \a expandedRange is true, the data point just below \a sortKey will be
+ considered, otherwise the one just above.
+ This can be used in conjunction with \ref findEnd to iterate over data points within a given key
+ range, including or excluding the bounding data points that are just beyond the specified range.
+ If \a expandedRange is true but there are no data points below \a sortKey, \ref constBegin is
+ returned.
+ If the container is empty, returns \ref constEnd.
+ \see findEnd, QCPPlottableInterface1D::findBegin
+template <class DataType>
+typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return constEnd();
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(constBegin(), constEnd(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKey), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ if (expandedRange && it != constBegin()) // also covers it == constEnd case, and we know --constEnd is valid because mData isn't empty
+ --it;
+ return it;
+ Returns an iterator to the element after the data point with a (sort-)key that is equal to, just
+ above or just below \a sortKey. If \a expandedRange is true, the data point just above \a sortKey
+ will be considered, otherwise the one just below.
+ This can be used in conjunction with \ref findBegin to iterate over data points within a given
+ key range, including the bounding data points that are just below and above the specified range.
+ If \a expandedRange is true but there are no data points above \a sortKey, \ref constEnd is
+ returned.
+ If the container is empty, \ref constEnd is returned.
+ \see findBegin, QCPPlottableInterface1D::findEnd
+template <class DataType>
+typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator QCPDataContainer<DataType>::findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const
+ if (isEmpty())
+ return constEnd();
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = std::upper_bound(constBegin(), constEnd(), DataType::fromSortKey(sortKey), qcpLessThanSortKey<DataType>);
+ if (expandedRange && it != constEnd())
+ ++it;
+ return it;
+ Returns the range encompassed by the (main-)key coordinate of all data points. The output
+ parameter \a foundRange indicates whether a sensible range was found. If this is false, you
+ should not use the returned QCPRange (e.g. the data container is empty or all points have the
+ same key).
+ Use \a signDomain to control which sign of the key coordinates should be considered. This is
+ relevant e.g. for logarithmic plots which can mathematically only display one sign domain at a
+ time.
+ If the DataType reports that its main key is equal to the sort key (\a sortKeyIsMainKey), as is
+ the case for most plottables, this method uses this fact and finds the range very quickly.
+ \see valueRange
+template <class DataType>
+QCPRange QCPDataContainer<DataType>::keyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain signDomain)
+ if (isEmpty())
+ {
+ foundRange = false;
+ return QCPRange();
+ }
+ QCPRange range;
+ bool haveLower = false;
+ bool haveUpper = false;
+ double current;
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = constBegin();
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator itEnd = constEnd();
+ if (signDomain == QCP::sdBoth) // range may be anywhere
+ {
+ if (DataType::sortKeyIsMainKey()) // if DataType is sorted by main key (e.g. QCPGraph, but not QCPCurve), use faster algorithm by finding just first and last key with non-NaN value
+ {
+ while (it != itEnd) // find first non-nan going up from left
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->mainValue()))
+ {
+ range.lower = it->mainKey();
+ haveLower = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ it = itEnd;
+ while (it != constBegin()) // find first non-nan going down from right
+ {
+ --it;
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->mainValue()))
+ {
+ range.upper = it->mainKey();
+ haveUpper = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else // DataType is not sorted by main key, go through all data points and accordingly expand range
+ {
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->mainValue()))
+ {
+ current = it->mainKey();
+ if (current < range.lower || !haveLower)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if (current > range.upper || !haveUpper)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (signDomain == QCP::sdNegative) // range may only be in the negative sign domain
+ {
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->mainValue()))
+ {
+ current = it->mainKey();
+ if ((current < range.lower || !haveLower) && current < 0)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if ((current > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current < 0)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ } else if (signDomain == QCP::sdPositive) // range may only be in the positive sign domain
+ {
+ while (it != itEnd)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(it->mainValue()))
+ {
+ current = it->mainKey();
+ if ((current < range.lower || !haveLower) && current > 0)
+ {
+ range.lower = current;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if ((current > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current > 0)
+ {
+ range.upper = current;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
+ return range;
+ Returns the range encompassed by the value coordinates of the data points in the specified key
+ range (\a inKeyRange), using the full \a DataType::valueRange reported by the data points. The
+ output parameter \a foundRange indicates whether a sensible range was found. If this is false,
+ you should not use the returned QCPRange (e.g. the data container is empty or all points have the
+ same value).
+ If \a inKeyRange has both lower and upper bound set to zero (is equal to <tt>QCPRange()</tt>),
+ all data points are considered, without any restriction on the keys.
+ Use \a signDomain to control which sign of the value coordinates should be considered. This is
+ relevant e.g. for logarithmic plots which can mathematically only display one sign domain at a
+ time.
+ \see keyRange
+template <class DataType>
+QCPRange QCPDataContainer<DataType>::valueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain signDomain, const QCPRange &inKeyRange)
+ if (isEmpty())
+ {
+ foundRange = false;
+ return QCPRange();
+ }
+ QCPRange range;
+ const bool restrictKeyRange = inKeyRange != QCPRange();
+ bool haveLower = false;
+ bool haveUpper = false;
+ QCPRange current;
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator itBegin = constBegin();
+ QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator itEnd = constEnd();
+ if (DataType::sortKeyIsMainKey() && restrictKeyRange)
+ {
+ itBegin = findBegin(inKeyRange.lower);
+ itEnd = findEnd(inKeyRange.upper);
+ }
+ if (signDomain == QCP::sdBoth) // range may be anywhere
+ {
+ for (QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ if (restrictKeyRange && (it->mainKey() < inKeyRange.lower || it->mainKey() > inKeyRange.upper))
+ continue;
+ current = it->valueRange();
+ if ((current.lower < range.lower || !haveLower) && !qIsNaN(current.lower))
+ {
+ range.lower = current.lower;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if ((current.upper > range.upper || !haveUpper) && !qIsNaN(current.upper))
+ {
+ range.upper = current.upper;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (signDomain == QCP::sdNegative) // range may only be in the negative sign domain
+ {
+ for (QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ if (restrictKeyRange && (it->mainKey() < inKeyRange.lower || it->mainKey() > inKeyRange.upper))
+ continue;
+ current = it->valueRange();
+ if ((current.lower < range.lower || !haveLower) && current.lower < 0 && !qIsNaN(current.lower))
+ {
+ range.lower = current.lower;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if ((current.upper > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current.upper < 0 && !qIsNaN(current.upper))
+ {
+ range.upper = current.upper;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (signDomain == QCP::sdPositive) // range may only be in the positive sign domain
+ {
+ for (QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
+ {
+ if (restrictKeyRange && (it->mainKey() < inKeyRange.lower || it->mainKey() > inKeyRange.upper))
+ continue;
+ current = it->valueRange();
+ if ((current.lower < range.lower || !haveLower) && current.lower > 0 && !qIsNaN(current.lower))
+ {
+ range.lower = current.lower;
+ haveLower = true;
+ }
+ if ((current.upper > range.upper || !haveUpper) && current.upper > 0 && !qIsNaN(current.upper))
+ {
+ range.upper = current.upper;
+ haveUpper = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foundRange = haveLower && haveUpper;
+ return range;
+ Makes sure \a begin and \a end mark a data range that is both within the bounds of this data
+ container's data, as well as within the specified \a dataRange.
+ This function doesn't require for \a dataRange to be within the bounds of this data container's
+ valid range.
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::limitIteratorsToDataRange(const_iterator &begin, const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const
+ QCPDataRange iteratorRange(begin-constBegin(), end-constBegin());
+ iteratorRange = iteratorRange.bounded(dataRange.bounded(this->dataRange()));
+ begin = constBegin()+iteratorRange.begin();
+ end = constBegin()+iteratorRange.end();
+/*! \internal
+ Increases the preallocation pool to have a size of at least \a minimumPreallocSize. Depending on
+ the preallocation history, the container will grow by more than requested, to speed up future
+ consecutive size increases.
+ if \a minimumPreallocSize is smaller than or equal to the current preallocation pool size, this
+ method does nothing.
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::preallocateGrow(int minimumPreallocSize)
+ if (minimumPreallocSize <= mPreallocSize)
+ return;
+ int newPreallocSize = minimumPreallocSize;
+ newPreallocSize += (1u<<qBound(4, mPreallocIteration+4, 15)) - 12; // do 4 up to 32768-12 preallocation, doubling in each intermediate iteration
+ ++mPreallocIteration;
+ int sizeDifference = newPreallocSize-mPreallocSize;
+ mData.resize(mData.size()+sizeDifference);
+ std::copy_backward(mData.begin()+mPreallocSize, mData.end()-sizeDifference, mData.end());
+ mPreallocSize = newPreallocSize;
+/*! \internal
+ This method decides, depending on the total allocation size and the size of the unused pre- and
+ postallocation pools, whether it is sensible to reduce the pools in order to free up unused
+ memory. It then possibly calls \ref squeeze to do the deallocation.
+ If \ref setAutoSqueeze is enabled, this method is called automatically each time data points are
+ removed from the container (e.g. \ref remove).
+ \note when changing the decision parameters, care must be taken not to cause a back-and-forth
+ between squeezing and reallocation due to the growth strategy of the internal QVector and \ref
+ preallocateGrow. The hysteresis between allocation and deallocation should be made high enough
+ (at the expense of possibly larger unused memory from time to time).
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPDataContainer<DataType>::performAutoSqueeze()
+ const int totalAlloc = mData.capacity();
+ const int postAllocSize = totalAlloc-mData.size();
+ const int usedSize = size();
+ bool shrinkPostAllocation = false;
+ bool shrinkPreAllocation = false;
+ if (totalAlloc > 650000) // if allocation is larger, shrink earlier with respect to total used size
+ {
+ shrinkPostAllocation = postAllocSize > usedSize*1.5; // QVector grow strategy is 2^n for static data. Watch out not to oscillate!
+ shrinkPreAllocation = mPreallocSize*10 > usedSize;
+ } else if (totalAlloc > 1000) // below 10 MiB raw data be generous with preallocated memory, below 1k points don't even bother
+ {
+ shrinkPostAllocation = postAllocSize > usedSize*5;
+ shrinkPreAllocation = mPreallocSize > usedSize*1.5; // preallocation can grow into postallocation, so can be smaller
+ }
+ if (shrinkPreAllocation || shrinkPostAllocation)
+ squeeze(shrinkPreAllocation, shrinkPostAllocation);
+/* end of 'src/datacontainer.cpp' */
+/* end of 'src/datacontainer.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottable.h', size 8312 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPSelectionDecorator
+ QCPSelectionDecorator();
+ virtual ~QCPSelectionDecorator();
+ // getters:
+ QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
+ QBrush brush() const { return mBrush; }
+ QCPScatterStyle scatterStyle() const { return mScatterStyle; }
+ QCPScatterStyle::ScatterProperties usedScatterProperties() const { return mUsedScatterProperties; }
+ // setters:
+ void setPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
+ void setScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &scatterStyle, QCPScatterStyle::ScatterProperties usedProperties=QCPScatterStyle::spPen);
+ void setUsedScatterProperties(const QCPScatterStyle::ScatterProperties &properties);
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void applyPen(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ void applyBrush(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ QCPScatterStyle getFinalScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &unselectedStyle) const;
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual void copyFrom(const QCPSelectionDecorator *other);
+ virtual void drawDecoration(QCPPainter *painter, QCPDataSelection selection);
+ // property members:
+ QPen mPen;
+ QBrush mBrush;
+ QCPScatterStyle mScatterStyle;
+ QCPScatterStyle::ScatterProperties mUsedScatterProperties;
+ // non-property members:
+ QCPAbstractPlottable *mPlottable;
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual bool registerWithPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable);
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QCPSelectionDecorator)
+ friend class QCPAbstractPlottable;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractPlottable : public QCPLayerable
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedFill READ antialiasedFill WRITE setAntialiasedFill)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool antialiasedScatters READ antialiasedScatters WRITE setAntialiasedScatters)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPen pen READ pen WRITE setPen)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QBrush brush READ brush WRITE setBrush)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPAxis* keyAxis READ keyAxis WRITE setKeyAxis)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPAxis* valueAxis READ valueAxis WRITE setValueAxis)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCP::SelectionType selectable READ selectable WRITE setSelectable NOTIFY selectableChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPDataSelection selection READ selection WRITE setSelection NOTIFY selectionChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPSelectionDecorator* selectionDecorator READ selectionDecorator WRITE setSelectionDecorator)
+ /// \endcond
+ QCPAbstractPlottable(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
+ virtual ~QCPAbstractPlottable();
+ // getters:
+ QString name() const { return mName; }
+ bool antialiasedFill() const { return mAntialiasedFill; }
+ bool antialiasedScatters() const { return mAntialiasedScatters; }
+ QPen pen() const { return mPen; }
+ QBrush brush() const { return mBrush; }
+ QCPAxis *keyAxis() const { return mKeyAxis.data(); }
+ QCPAxis *valueAxis() const { return mValueAxis.data(); }
+ QCP::SelectionType selectable() const { return mSelectable; }
+ bool selected() const { return !mSelection.isEmpty(); }
+ QCPDataSelection selection() const { return mSelection; }
+ QCPSelectionDecorator *selectionDecorator() const { return mSelectionDecorator; }
+ // setters:
+ void setName(const QString &name);
+ void setAntialiasedFill(bool enabled);
+ void setAntialiasedScatters(bool enabled);
+ void setPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
+ void setKeyAxis(QCPAxis *axis);
+ void setValueAxis(QCPAxis *axis);
+ Q_SLOT void setSelectable(QCP::SelectionType selectable);
+ Q_SLOT void setSelection(QCPDataSelection selection);
+ void setSelectionDecorator(QCPSelectionDecorator *decorator);
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const = 0;
+ virtual QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1D() { return 0; }
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const = 0;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const = 0;
+ // non-property methods:
+ void coordsToPixels(double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const;
+ const QPointF coordsToPixels(double key, double value) const;
+ void pixelsToCoords(double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const;
+ void pixelsToCoords(const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const;
+ void rescaleAxes(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const;
+ void rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const;
+ void rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge=false, bool inKeyRange=false) const;
+ bool addToLegend(QCPLegend *legend);
+ bool addToLegend();
+ bool removeFromLegend(QCPLegend *legend) const;
+ bool removeFromLegend() const;
+ void selectionChanged(bool selected);
+ void selectionChanged(const QCPDataSelection &selection);
+ void selectableChanged(QCP::SelectionType selectable);
// property members:
QString mName;
- bool mAntialiasedFill, mAntialiasedScatters, mAntialiasedErrorBars;
- QPen mPen, mSelectedPen;
- QBrush mBrush, mSelectedBrush;
+ bool mAntialiasedFill, mAntialiasedScatters;
+ QPen mPen;
+ QBrush mBrush;
QPointer<QCPAxis> mKeyAxis, mValueAxis;
- bool mSelectable, mSelected;
+ QCP::SelectionType mSelectable;
+ QCPDataSelection mSelection;
+ QCPSelectionDecorator *mSelectionDecorator;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual QRect clipRect() const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) = 0;
- virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const;
- void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ virtual QRect clipRect() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE = 0;
+ virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// events:
- virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
- virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const = 0;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const = 0;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const = 0;
// non-virtual methods:
- void coordsToPixels(double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const;
- const QPointF coordsToPixels(double key, double value) const;
- void pixelsToCoords(double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const;
- void pixelsToCoords(const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const;
- QPen mainPen() const;
- QBrush mainBrush() const;
void applyFillAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
void applyScattersAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- void applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- double distSqrToLine(const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, const QPointF &point) const;
@@ -1500,15 +3357,22 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractPlottable : public QCPLayerable
+/* end of 'src/plottable.h' */
+/* including file 'src/item.h', size 9368 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemAnchor
- QCPItemAnchor(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString name, int anchorId=-1);
+ QCPItemAnchor(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString &name, int anchorId=-1);
virtual ~QCPItemAnchor();
// getters:
QString name() const { return mName; }
- virtual QPointF pixelPoint() const;
+ virtual QPointF pixelPosition() const;
// property members:
@@ -1539,6 +3403,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemAnchor
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPosition : public QCPItemAnchor
Defines the ways an item position can be specified. Thus it defines what the numbers passed to
@@ -1555,8 +3420,9 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPosition : public QCPItemAnchor
///< vertically at the top of the axis rect, etc. You can also go beyond the axis rect by providing negative coordinates or coordinates larger than 1.
,ptPlotCoords ///< Dynamic positioning at a plot coordinate defined by two axes (see \ref setAxes).
+ Q_ENUMS(PositionType)
- QCPItemPosition(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString name);
+ QCPItemPosition(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, QCPAbstractItem *parentItem, const QString &name);
virtual ~QCPItemPosition();
// getters:
@@ -1572,7 +3438,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPosition : public QCPItemAnchor
QCPAxis *keyAxis() const { return mKeyAxis.data(); }
QCPAxis *valueAxis() const { return mValueAxis.data(); }
QCPAxisRect *axisRect() const;
- virtual QPointF pixelPoint() const;
+ virtual QPointF pixelPosition() const;
// setters:
void setType(PositionType type);
@@ -1585,7 +3451,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPosition : public QCPItemAnchor
void setCoords(const QPointF &coords);
void setAxes(QCPAxis* keyAxis, QCPAxis* valueAxis);
void setAxisRect(QCPAxisRect *axisRect);
- void setPixelPoint(const QPointF &pixelPoint);
+ void setPixelPosition(const QPointF &pixelPosition);
// property members:
@@ -1596,12 +3462,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPosition : public QCPItemAnchor
QCPItemAnchor *mParentAnchorX, *mParentAnchorY;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual QCPItemPosition *toQCPItemPosition() { return this; }
+ virtual QCPItemPosition *toQCPItemPosition() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return this; }
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractItem : public QCPLayerable
@@ -1614,7 +3481,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractItem : public QCPLayerable
Q_PROPERTY(bool selected READ selected WRITE setSelected NOTIFY selectionChanged)
/// \endcond
- QCPAbstractItem(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPAbstractItem(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPAbstractItem();
// getters:
@@ -1630,7 +3497,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractItem : public QCPLayerable
Q_SLOT void setSelected(bool selected);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const = 0;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE = 0;
// non-virtual methods:
QList<QCPItemPosition*> positions() const { return mPositions; }
@@ -1652,20 +3519,19 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractItem : public QCPLayerable
bool mSelectable, mSelected;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const;
- virtual QRect clipRect() const;
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) = 0;
+ virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QRect clipRect() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE = 0;
// events:
- virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
- virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
- virtual QPointF anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const;
+ virtual QPointF anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const;
// non-virtual methods:
- double distSqrToLine(const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, const QPointF &point) const;
- double rectSelectTest(const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &pos, bool filledRect) const;
+ double rectDistance(const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &pos, bool filledRect) const;
QCPItemPosition *createPosition(const QString &name);
QCPItemAnchor *createAnchor(const QString &name, int anchorId);
@@ -1676,6 +3542,11 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractItem : public QCPLayerable
friend class QCPItemAnchor;
+/* end of 'src/item.h' */
+/* including file 'src/core.h', size 14797 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
@@ -1690,6 +3561,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(int selectionTolerance READ selectionTolerance WRITE setSelectionTolerance)
Q_PROPERTY(bool noAntialiasingOnDrag READ noAntialiasingOnDrag WRITE setNoAntialiasingOnDrag)
Q_PROPERTY(Qt::KeyboardModifier multiSelectModifier READ multiSelectModifier WRITE setMultiSelectModifier)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool openGl READ openGl WRITE setOpenGl)
/// \endcond
@@ -1707,16 +3579,19 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
\see replot
- enum RefreshPriority { rpImmediate ///< The QCustomPlot surface is immediately refreshed, by calling QWidget::repaint() after the replot
- ,rpQueued ///< Queues the refresh such that it is performed at a slightly delayed point in time after the replot, by calling QWidget::update() after the replot
- ,rpHint ///< Whether to use immediate repaint or queued update depends on whether the plotting hint \ref QCP::phForceRepaint is set, see \ref setPlottingHints.
+ enum RefreshPriority { rpImmediateRefresh ///< Replots immediately and repaints the widget immediately by calling QWidget::repaint() after the replot
+ ,rpQueuedRefresh ///< Replots immediately, but queues the widget repaint, by calling QWidget::update() after the replot. This way multiple redundant widget repaints can be avoided.
+ ,rpRefreshHint ///< Whether to use immediate or queued refresh depends on whether the plotting hint \ref QCP::phImmediateRefresh is set, see \ref setPlottingHints.
+ ,rpQueuedReplot ///< Queues the entire replot for the next event loop iteration. This way multiple redundant replots can be avoided. The actual replot is then done with \ref rpRefreshHint priority.
+ Q_ENUMS(RefreshPriority)
explicit QCustomPlot(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual ~QCustomPlot();
// getters:
QRect viewport() const { return mViewport; }
+ double bufferDevicePixelRatio() const { return mBufferDevicePixelRatio; }
QPixmap background() const { return mBackgroundPixmap; }
bool backgroundScaled() const { return mBackgroundScaled; }
Qt::AspectRatioMode backgroundScaledMode() const { return mBackgroundScaledMode; }
@@ -1729,9 +3604,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
bool noAntialiasingOnDrag() const { return mNoAntialiasingOnDrag; }
QCP::PlottingHints plottingHints() const { return mPlottingHints; }
Qt::KeyboardModifier multiSelectModifier() const { return mMultiSelectModifier; }
+ QCP::SelectionRectMode selectionRectMode() const { return mSelectionRectMode; }
+ QCPSelectionRect *selectionRect() const { return mSelectionRect; }
+ bool openGl() const { return mOpenGl; }
// setters:
void setViewport(const QRect &rect);
+ void setBufferDevicePixelRatio(double ratio);
void setBackground(const QPixmap &pm);
void setBackground(const QPixmap &pm, bool scaled, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode=Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
void setBackground(const QBrush &brush);
@@ -1749,12 +3628,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
void setPlottingHints(const QCP::PlottingHints &hints);
void setPlottingHint(QCP::PlottingHint hint, bool enabled=true);
void setMultiSelectModifier(Qt::KeyboardModifier modifier);
+ void setSelectionRectMode(QCP::SelectionRectMode mode);
+ void setSelectionRect(QCPSelectionRect *selectionRect);
+ void setOpenGl(bool enabled, int multisampling=16);
// non-property methods:
// plottable interface:
QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable(int index);
QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable();
- bool addPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable);
bool removePlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable);
bool removePlottable(int index);
int clearPlottables();
@@ -1776,7 +3657,6 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
// item interface:
QCPAbstractItem *item(int index) const;
QCPAbstractItem *item() const;
- bool addItem(QCPAbstractItem* item);
bool removeItem(QCPAbstractItem *item);
bool removeItem(int index);
int clearItems();
@@ -1801,20 +3681,21 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
QCPAxisRect* axisRect(int index=0) const;
QList<QCPAxisRect*> axisRects() const;
QCPLayoutElement* layoutElementAt(const QPointF &pos) const;
+ QCPAxisRect* axisRectAt(const QPointF &pos) const;
Q_SLOT void rescaleAxes(bool onlyVisiblePlottables=false);
QList<QCPAxis*> selectedAxes() const;
QList<QCPLegend*> selectedLegends() const;
Q_SLOT void deselectAll();
- bool savePdf(const QString &fileName, bool noCosmeticPen=false, int width=0, int height=0, const QString &pdfCreator=QString(), const QString &pdfTitle=QString());
- bool savePng(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int quality=-1);
- bool saveJpg(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int quality=-1);
- bool saveBmp(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0);
- bool saveRastered(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, const char *format, int quality=-1);
+ bool savePdf(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, QCP::ExportPen exportPen=QCP::epAllowCosmetic, const QString &pdfCreator=QString(), const QString &pdfTitle=QString());
+ bool savePng(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int quality=-1, int resolution=96, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit=QCP::ruDotsPerInch);
+ bool saveJpg(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int quality=-1, int resolution=96, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit=QCP::ruDotsPerInch);
+ bool saveBmp(const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int resolution=96, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit=QCP::ruDotsPerInch);
+ bool saveRastered(const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, const char *format, int quality=-1, int resolution=96, QCP::ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit=QCP::ruDotsPerInch);
QPixmap toPixmap(int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0);
void toPainter(QCPPainter *painter, int width=0, int height=0);
- Q_SLOT void replot(QCustomPlot::RefreshPriority refreshPriority=QCustomPlot::rpHint);
+ Q_SLOT void replot(QCustomPlot::RefreshPriority refreshPriority=QCustomPlot::rpRefreshHint);
QCPAxis *xAxis, *yAxis, *xAxis2, *yAxis2;
QCPLegend *legend;
@@ -1826,16 +3707,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
void mouseRelease(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event);
- void plottableClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, QMouseEvent *event);
- void plottableDoubleClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, QMouseEvent *event);
+ void plottableClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, int dataIndex, QMouseEvent *event);
+ void plottableDoubleClick(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable, int dataIndex, QMouseEvent *event);
void itemClick(QCPAbstractItem *item, QMouseEvent *event);
void itemDoubleClick(QCPAbstractItem *item, QMouseEvent *event);
void axisClick(QCPAxis *axis, QCPAxis::SelectablePart part, QMouseEvent *event);
void axisDoubleClick(QCPAxis *axis, QCPAxis::SelectablePart part, QMouseEvent *event);
void legendClick(QCPLegend *legend, QCPAbstractLegendItem *item, QMouseEvent *event);
void legendDoubleClick(QCPLegend *legend, QCPAbstractLegendItem *item, QMouseEvent *event);
- void titleClick(QMouseEvent *event, QCPPlotTitle *title);
- void titleDoubleClick(QMouseEvent *event, QCPPlotTitle *title);
void selectionChangedByUser();
void beforeReplot();
@@ -1844,6 +3723,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
// property members:
QRect mViewport;
+ double mBufferDevicePixelRatio;
QCPLayoutGrid *mPlotLayout;
bool mAutoAddPlottableToLegend;
QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> mPlottables;
@@ -1862,40 +3742,656 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCustomPlot : public QWidget
QCPLayer *mCurrentLayer;
QCP::PlottingHints mPlottingHints;
Qt::KeyboardModifier mMultiSelectModifier;
+ QCP::SelectionRectMode mSelectionRectMode;
+ QCPSelectionRect *mSelectionRect;
+ bool mOpenGl;
// non-property members:
- QPixmap mPaintBuffer;
+ QList<QSharedPointer<QCPAbstractPaintBuffer> > mPaintBuffers;
QPoint mMousePressPos;
- QPointer<QCPLayoutElement> mMouseEventElement;
+ bool mMouseHasMoved;
+ QPointer<QCPLayerable> mMouseEventLayerable;
+ QVariant mMouseEventLayerableDetails;
bool mReplotting;
+ bool mReplotQueued;
+ int mOpenGlMultisamples;
+ QCP::AntialiasedElements mOpenGlAntialiasedElementsBackup;
+ bool mOpenGlCacheLabelsBackup;
+ QSharedPointer<QOpenGLContext> mGlContext;
+ QSharedPointer<QSurface> mGlSurface;
+ QSharedPointer<QOpenGLPaintDevice> mGlPaintDevice;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
- virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
- virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
+ virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QSize sizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ virtual void updateLayout();
virtual void axisRemoved(QCPAxis *axis);
virtual void legendRemoved(QCPLegend *legend);
+ Q_SLOT virtual void processRectSelection(QRect rect, QMouseEvent *event);
+ Q_SLOT virtual void processRectZoom(QRect rect, QMouseEvent *event);
+ Q_SLOT virtual void processPointSelection(QMouseEvent *event);
// non-virtual methods:
+ bool registerPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable);
+ bool registerGraph(QCPGraph *graph);
+ bool registerItem(QCPAbstractItem* item);
void updateLayerIndices() const;
QCPLayerable *layerableAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *selectionDetails=0) const;
+ QList<QCPLayerable*> layerableListAt(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QList<QVariant> *selectionDetails=0) const;
void drawBackground(QCPPainter *painter);
+ void setupPaintBuffers();
+ QCPAbstractPaintBuffer *createPaintBuffer();
+ bool hasInvalidatedPaintBuffers();
+ bool setupOpenGl();
+ void freeOpenGl();
friend class QCPLegend;
friend class QCPAxis;
friend class QCPLayer;
friend class QCPAxisRect;
+ friend class QCPAbstractPlottable;
+ friend class QCPGraph;
+ friend class QCPAbstractItem;
+/* end of 'src/core.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottable1d.h', size 4250 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlottableInterface1D
+ // introduced pure virtual methods:
+ virtual int dataCount() const = 0;
+ virtual double dataMainKey(int index) const = 0;
+ virtual double dataSortKey(int index) const = 0;
+ virtual double dataMainValue(int index) const = 0;
+ virtual QCPRange dataValueRange(int index) const = 0;
+ virtual QPointF dataPixelPosition(int index) const = 0;
+ virtual bool sortKeyIsMainKey() const = 0;
+ virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const = 0;
+ virtual int findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const = 0;
+ virtual int findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const = 0;
+template <class DataType>
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractPlottable1D : public QCPAbstractPlottable, public QCPPlottableInterface1D
+ // No Q_OBJECT macro due to template class
+ QCPAbstractPlottable1D(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
+ virtual ~QCPAbstractPlottable1D();
+ // virtual methods of 1d plottable interface:
+ virtual int dataCount() const;
+ virtual double dataMainKey(int index) const;
+ virtual double dataSortKey(int index) const;
+ virtual double dataMainValue(int index) const;
+ virtual QCPRange dataValueRange(int index) const;
+ virtual QPointF dataPixelPosition(int index) const;
+ virtual bool sortKeyIsMainKey() const;
+ virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const;
+ virtual int findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const;
+ virtual int findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const;
+ // virtual methods:
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1D() { return this; }
+ // property members:
+ QSharedPointer<QCPDataContainer<DataType> > mDataContainer;
+ // helpers for subclasses:
+ void getDataSegments(QList<QCPDataRange> &selectedSegments, QList<QCPDataRange> &unselectedSegments) const;
+ void drawPolyline(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lineData) const;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QCPAbstractPlottable1D)
+// include implementation in header since it is a class template:
+/* including file 'src/plottable1d.cpp', size 22240 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+//////////////////// QCPPlottableInterface1D
+/*! \class QCPPlottableInterface1D
+ \brief Defines an abstract interface for one-dimensional plottables
+ This class contains only pure virtual methods which define a common interface to the data
+ of one-dimensional plottables.
+ For example, it is implemented by the template class \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D (the preferred
+ base class for one-dimensional plottables). So if you use that template class as base class of
+ your one-dimensional plottable, you won't have to care about implementing the 1d interface
+ yourself.
+ If your plottable doesn't derive from \ref QCPAbstractPlottable1D but still wants to provide a 1d
+ interface (e.g. like \ref QCPErrorBars does), you should inherit from both \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable and \ref QCPPlottableInterface1D and accordingly reimplement the pure
+ virtual methods of the 1d interface, matching your data container. Also, reimplement \ref
+ QCPAbstractPlottable::interface1D to return the \c this pointer.
+ If you have a \ref QCPAbstractPlottable pointer, you can check whether it implements this
+ interface by calling \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::interface1D and testing it for a non-zero return
+ value. If it indeed implements this interface, you may use it to access the plottable's data
+ without needing to know the exact type of the plottable or its data point type.
+/* start documentation of pure virtual functions */
+/*! \fn virtual int QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataCount() const = 0;
+ Returns the number of data points of the plottable.
+/*! \fn virtual QCPDataSelection QCPPlottableInterface1D::selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const = 0;
+ Returns a data selection containing all the data points of this plottable which are contained (or
+ hit by) \a rect. This is used mainly in the selection rect interaction for data selection (\ref
+ dataselection "data selection mechanism").
+ If \a onlySelectable is true, an empty QCPDataSelection is returned if this plottable is not
+ selectable (i.e. if \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::setSelectable is \ref QCP::stNone).
+ \note \a rect must be a normalized rect (positive or zero width and height). This is especially
+ important when using the rect of \ref QCPSelectionRect::accepted, which is not necessarily
+ normalized. Use <tt>QRect::normalized()</tt> when passing a rect which might not be normalized.
+/*! \fn virtual double QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataMainKey(int index) const = 0
+ Returns the main key of the data point at the given \a index.
+ What the main key is, is defined by the plottable's data type. See the \ref
+ qcpdatacontainer-datatype "QCPDataContainer DataType" documentation for details about this naming
+ convention.
+/*! \fn virtual double QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataSortKey(int index) const = 0
+ Returns the sort key of the data point at the given \a index.
+ What the sort key is, is defined by the plottable's data type. See the \ref
+ qcpdatacontainer-datatype "QCPDataContainer DataType" documentation for details about this naming
+ convention.
+/*! \fn virtual double QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataMainValue(int index) const = 0
+ Returns the main value of the data point at the given \a index.
+ What the main value is, is defined by the plottable's data type. See the \ref
+ qcpdatacontainer-datatype "QCPDataContainer DataType" documentation for details about this naming
+ convention.
+/*! \fn virtual QCPRange QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataValueRange(int index) const = 0
+ Returns the value range of the data point at the given \a index.
+ What the value range is, is defined by the plottable's data type. See the \ref
+ qcpdatacontainer-datatype "QCPDataContainer DataType" documentation for details about this naming
+ convention.
+/*! \fn virtual QPointF QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataPixelPosition(int index) const = 0
+ Returns the pixel position on the widget surface at which the data point at the given \a index
+ appears.
+ Usually this corresponds to the point of \ref dataMainKey/\ref dataMainValue, in pixel
+ coordinates. However, depending on the plottable, this might be a different apparent position
+ than just a coord-to-pixel transform of those values. For example, \ref QCPBars apparent data
+ values can be shifted depending on their stacking, bar grouping or configured base value.
+/*! \fn virtual bool QCPPlottableInterface1D::sortKeyIsMainKey() const = 0
+ Returns whether the sort key (\ref dataSortKey) is identical to the main key (\ref dataMainKey).
+ What the sort and main keys are, is defined by the plottable's data type. See the \ref
+ qcpdatacontainer-datatype "QCPDataContainer DataType" documentation for details about this naming
+ convention.
+/*! \fn virtual int QCPPlottableInterface1D::findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const = 0
+ Returns the index of the data point with a (sort-)key that is equal to, just below, or just above
+ \a sortKey. If \a expandedRange is true, the data point just below \a sortKey will be considered,
+ otherwise the one just above.
+ This can be used in conjunction with \ref findEnd to iterate over data points within a given key
+ range, including or excluding the bounding data points that are just beyond the specified range.
+ If \a expandedRange is true but there are no data points below \a sortKey, 0 is returned.
+ If the container is empty, returns 0 (in that case, \ref findEnd will also return 0, so a loop
+ using these methods will not iterate over the index 0).
+ \see findEnd, QCPDataContainer::findBegin
+/*! \fn virtual int QCPPlottableInterface1D::findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const = 0
+ Returns the index one after the data point with a (sort-)key that is equal to, just above, or
+ just below \a sortKey. If \a expandedRange is true, the data point just above \a sortKey will be
+ considered, otherwise the one just below.
+ This can be used in conjunction with \ref findBegin to iterate over data points within a given
+ key range, including the bounding data points that are just below and above the specified range.
+ If \a expandedRange is true but there are no data points above \a sortKey, the index just above the
+ highest data point is returned.
+ If the container is empty, returns 0.
+ \see findBegin, QCPDataContainer::findEnd
+/* end documentation of pure virtual functions */
+//////////////////// QCPAbstractPlottable1D
+/*! \class QCPAbstractPlottable1D
+ \brief A template base class for plottables with one-dimensional data
+ This template class derives from \ref QCPAbstractPlottable and from the abstract interface \ref
+ QCPPlottableInterface1D. It serves as a base class for all one-dimensional data (i.e. data with
+ one key dimension), such as \ref QCPGraph and QCPCurve.
+ The template parameter \a DataType is the type of the data points of this plottable (e.g. \ref
+ QCPGraphData or \ref QCPCurveData). The main purpose of this base class is to provide the member
+ \a mDataContainer (a shared pointer to a \ref QCPDataContainer "QCPDataContainer<DataType>") and
+ implement the according virtual methods of the \ref QCPPlottableInterface1D, such that most
+ subclassed plottables don't need to worry about this anymore.
+ Further, it provides a convenience method for retrieving selected/unselected data segments via
+ \ref getDataSegments. This is useful when subclasses implement their \ref draw method and need to
+ draw selected segments with a different pen/brush than unselected segments (also see \ref
+ QCPSelectionDecorator).
+ This class implements basic functionality of \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::selectTest and \ref
+ QCPPlottableInterface1D::selectTestRect, assuming point-like data points, based on the 1D data
+ interface. In spite of that, most plottable subclasses will want to reimplement those methods
+ again, to provide a more accurate hit test based on their specific data visualization geometry.
+/* start documentation of inline functions */
+/*! \fn QCPPlottableInterface1D *QCPAbstractPlottable1D::interface1D()
+ Returns a \ref QCPPlottableInterface1D pointer to this plottable, providing access to its 1D
+ interface.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+/* end documentation of inline functions */
+ Forwards \a keyAxis and \a valueAxis to the \ref QCPAbstractPlottable::QCPAbstractPlottable
+ "QCPAbstractPlottable" constructor and allocates the \a mDataContainer.
+template <class DataType>
+QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::QCPAbstractPlottable1D(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) :
+ QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis),
+ mDataContainer(new QCPDataContainer<DataType>)
+template <class DataType>
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataCount
+template <class DataType>
+int QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::dataCount() const
+ return mDataContainer->size();
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataMainKey
+template <class DataType>
+double QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::dataMainKey(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size())
+ {
+ return (mDataContainer->constBegin()+index)->mainKey();
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Index out of bounds" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataSortKey
+template <class DataType>
+double QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::dataSortKey(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size())
+ {
+ return (mDataContainer->constBegin()+index)->sortKey();
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Index out of bounds" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataMainValue
+template <class DataType>
+double QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::dataMainValue(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size())
+ {
+ return (mDataContainer->constBegin()+index)->mainValue();
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Index out of bounds" << index;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataValueRange
+template <class DataType>
+QCPRange QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::dataValueRange(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size())
+ {
+ return (mDataContainer->constBegin()+index)->valueRange();
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Index out of bounds" << index;
+ return QCPRange(0, 0);
+ }
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::dataPixelPosition
+template <class DataType>
+QPointF QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::dataPixelPosition(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < mDataContainer->size())
+ {
+ const typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it = mDataContainer->constBegin()+index;
+ return coordsToPixels(it->mainKey(), it->mainValue());
+ } else
+ {
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Index out of bounds" << index;
+ return QPointF();
+ }
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::sortKeyIsMainKey
+template <class DataType>
+bool QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::sortKeyIsMainKey() const
+ return DataType::sortKeyIsMainKey();
+ Implements a rect-selection algorithm assuming the data (accessed via the 1D data interface) is
+ point-like. Most subclasses will want to reimplement this method again, to provide a more
+ accurate hit test based on the true data visualization geometry.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+template <class DataType>
+QCPDataSelection QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const
+ QCPDataSelection result;
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return result;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return result;
+ // convert rect given in pixels to ranges given in plot coordinates:
+ double key1, value1, key2, value2;
+ pixelsToCoords(rect.topLeft(), key1, value1);
+ pixelsToCoords(rect.bottomRight(), key2, value2);
+ QCPRange keyRange(key1, key2); // QCPRange normalizes internally so we don't have to care about whether key1 < key2
+ QCPRange valueRange(value1, value2);
+ typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator begin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (DataType::sortKeyIsMainKey()) // we can assume that data is sorted by main key, so can reduce the searched key interval:
+ {
+ begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(keyRange.lower, false);
+ end = mDataContainer->findEnd(keyRange.upper, false);
+ }
+ if (begin == end)
+ return result;
+ int currentSegmentBegin = -1; // -1 means we're currently not in a segment that's contained in rect
+ for (typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ if (currentSegmentBegin == -1)
+ {
+ if (valueRange.contains(it->mainValue()) && keyRange.contains(it->mainKey())) // start segment
+ currentSegmentBegin = it-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ } else if (!valueRange.contains(it->mainValue()) || !keyRange.contains(it->mainKey())) // segment just ended
+ {
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(currentSegmentBegin, it-mDataContainer->constBegin()), false);
+ currentSegmentBegin = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // process potential last segment:
+ if (currentSegmentBegin != -1)
+ result.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(currentSegmentBegin, end-mDataContainer->constBegin()), false);
+ result.simplify();
+ return result;
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::findBegin
+template <class DataType>
+int QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const
+ return mDataContainer->findBegin(sortKey, expandedRange)-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ \copydoc QCPPlottableInterface1D::findEnd
+template <class DataType>
+int QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange) const
+ return mDataContainer->findEnd(sortKey, expandedRange)-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ Implements a point-selection algorithm assuming the data (accessed via the 1D data interface) is
+ point-like. Most subclasses will want to reimplement this method again, to provide a more
+ accurate hit test based on the true data visualization geometry.
+ \seebaseclassmethod
+template <class DataType>
+double QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const
+ if ((onlySelectable && mSelectable == QCP::stNone) || mDataContainer->isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ if (!mKeyAxis || !mValueAxis)
+ return -1;
+ QCPDataSelection selectionResult;
+ double minDistSqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ int minDistIndex = mDataContainer->size();
+ typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator begin = mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator end = mDataContainer->constEnd();
+ if (DataType::sortKeyIsMainKey()) // we can assume that data is sorted by main key, so can reduce the searched key interval:
+ {
+ // determine which key range comes into question, taking selection tolerance around pos into account:
+ double posKeyMin, posKeyMax, dummy;
+ pixelsToCoords(pos-QPointF(mParentPlot->selectionTolerance(), mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()), posKeyMin, dummy);
+ pixelsToCoords(pos+QPointF(mParentPlot->selectionTolerance(), mParentPlot->selectionTolerance()), posKeyMax, dummy);
+ if (posKeyMin > posKeyMax)
+ qSwap(posKeyMin, posKeyMax);
+ begin = mDataContainer->findBegin(posKeyMin, true);
+ end = mDataContainer->findEnd(posKeyMax, true);
+ }
+ if (begin == end)
+ return -1;
+ QCPRange keyRange(mKeyAxis->range());
+ QCPRange valueRange(mValueAxis->range());
+ for (typename QCPDataContainer<DataType>::const_iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ const double mainKey = it->mainKey();
+ const double mainValue = it->mainValue();
+ if (keyRange.contains(mainKey) && valueRange.contains(mainValue)) // make sure data point is inside visible range, for speedup in cases where sort key isn't main key and we iterate over all points
+ {
+ const double currentDistSqr = QCPVector2D(coordsToPixels(mainKey, mainValue)-pos).lengthSquared();
+ if (currentDistSqr < minDistSqr)
+ {
+ minDistSqr = currentDistSqr;
+ minDistIndex = it-mDataContainer->constBegin();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (minDistIndex != mDataContainer->size())
+ selectionResult.addDataRange(QCPDataRange(minDistIndex, minDistIndex+1), false);
+ selectionResult.simplify();
+ if (details)
+ details->setValue(selectionResult);
+ return qSqrt(minDistSqr);
+ Splits all data into selected and unselected segments and outputs them via \a selectedSegments
+ and \a unselectedSegments, respectively.
+ This is useful when subclasses implement their \ref draw method and need to draw selected
+ segments with a different pen/brush than unselected segments (also see \ref
+ QCPSelectionDecorator).
+ \see setSelection
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::getDataSegments(QList<QCPDataRange> &selectedSegments, QList<QCPDataRange> &unselectedSegments) const
+ selectedSegments.clear();
+ unselectedSegments.clear();
+ if (mSelectable == QCP::stWhole) // stWhole selection type draws the entire plottable with selected style if mSelection isn't empty
+ {
+ if (selected())
+ selectedSegments << QCPDataRange(0, dataCount());
+ else
+ unselectedSegments << QCPDataRange(0, dataCount());
+ } else
+ {
+ QCPDataSelection sel(selection());
+ sel.simplify();
+ selectedSegments = sel.dataRanges();
+ unselectedSegments = sel.inverse(QCPDataRange(0, dataCount())).dataRanges();
+ }
+ A helper method which draws a line with the passed \a painter, according to the pixel data in \a
+ lineData. NaN points create gaps in the line, as expected from QCustomPlot's plottables (this is
+ the main difference to QPainter's regular drawPolyline, which handles NaNs by lagging or
+ crashing).
+ Further it uses a faster line drawing technique based on \ref QCPPainter::drawLine rather than \c
+ QPainter::drawPolyline if the configured \ref QCustomPlot::setPlottingHints() and \a painter
+ style allows.
+template <class DataType>
+void QCPAbstractPlottable1D<DataType>::drawPolyline(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lineData) const
+ // if drawing solid line and not in PDF, use much faster line drawing instead of polyline:
+ if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phFastPolylines) &&
+ painter->pen().style() == Qt::SolidLine &&
+ !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmVectorized) &&
+ !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNoCaching))
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ bool lastIsNan = false;
+ const int lineDataSize = lineData.size();
+ while (i < lineDataSize && (qIsNaN(lineData.at(i).y()) || qIsNaN(lineData.at(i).x()))) // make sure first point is not NaN
+ ++i;
+ ++i; // because drawing works in 1 point retrospect
+ while (i < lineDataSize)
+ {
+ if (!qIsNaN(lineData.at(i).y()) && !qIsNaN(lineData.at(i).x())) // NaNs create a gap in the line
+ {
+ if (!lastIsNan)
+ painter->drawLine(lineData.at(i-1), lineData.at(i));
+ else
+ lastIsNan = false;
+ } else
+ lastIsNan = true;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ int segmentStart = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ const int lineDataSize = lineData.size();
+ while (i < lineDataSize)
+ {
+ if (qIsNaN(lineData.at(i).y()) || qIsNaN(lineData.at(i).x()) || qIsInf(lineData.at(i).y())) // NaNs create a gap in the line. Also filter Infs which make drawPolyline block
+ {
+ painter->drawPolyline(lineData.constData()+segmentStart, i-segmentStart); // i, because we don't want to include the current NaN point
+ segmentStart = i+1;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // draw last segment:
+ painter->drawPolyline(lineData.constData()+segmentStart, lineDataSize-segmentStart);
+ }
+/* end of 'src/plottable1d.cpp' */
+/* end of 'src/plottable1d.h' */
+/* including file 'src/colorgradient.h', size 6243 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorGradient
@@ -1930,7 +4426,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorGradient
- QCPColorGradient(GradientPreset preset=gpCold);
+ QCPColorGradient();
+ QCPColorGradient(GradientPreset preset);
bool operator==(const QCPColorGradient &other) const;
bool operator!=(const QCPColorGradient &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
@@ -1947,28 +4444,107 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorGradient
void setColorInterpolation(ColorInterpolation interpolation);
void setPeriodic(bool enabled);
- // non-property methods:
- void colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor=1, bool logarithmic=false);
- QRgb color(double position, const QCPRange &range, bool logarithmic=false);
- void loadPreset(GradientPreset preset);
- void clearColorStops();
- QCPColorGradient inverted() const;
+ // non-property methods:
+ void colorize(const double *data, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor=1, bool logarithmic=false);
+ void colorize(const double *data, const unsigned char *alpha, const QCPRange &range, QRgb *scanLine, int n, int dataIndexFactor=1, bool logarithmic=false);
+ QRgb color(double position, const QCPRange &range, bool logarithmic=false);
+ void loadPreset(GradientPreset preset);
+ void clearColorStops();
+ QCPColorGradient inverted() const;
+ // property members:
+ int mLevelCount;
+ QMap<double, QColor> mColorStops;
+ ColorInterpolation mColorInterpolation;
+ bool mPeriodic;
+ // non-property members:
+ QVector<QRgb> mColorBuffer; // have colors premultiplied with alpha (for usage with QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
+ bool mColorBufferInvalidated;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ bool stopsUseAlpha() const;
+ void updateColorBuffer();
+/* end of 'src/colorgradient.h' */
+/* including file 'src/selectiondecorator-bracket.h', size 4426 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket : public QCPSelectionDecorator
+ /*!
+ Defines which shape is drawn at the boundaries of selected data ranges.
+ Some of the bracket styles further allow specifying a height and/or width, see \ref
+ setBracketHeight and \ref setBracketWidth.
+ */
+ enum BracketStyle { bsSquareBracket ///< A square bracket is drawn.
+ ,bsHalfEllipse ///< A half ellipse is drawn. The size of the ellipse is given by the bracket width/height properties.
+ ,bsEllipse ///< An ellipse is drawn. The size of the ellipse is given by the bracket width/height properties.
+ ,bsPlus ///< A plus is drawn.
+ ,bsUserStyle ///< Start custom bracket styles at this index when subclassing and reimplementing \ref drawBracket.
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(BracketStyle)
+ QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket();
+ virtual ~QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket();
+ // getters:
+ QPen bracketPen() const { return mBracketPen; }
+ QBrush bracketBrush() const { return mBracketBrush; }
+ int bracketWidth() const { return mBracketWidth; }
+ int bracketHeight() const { return mBracketHeight; }
+ BracketStyle bracketStyle() const { return mBracketStyle; }
+ bool tangentToData() const { return mTangentToData; }
+ int tangentAverage() const { return mTangentAverage; }
+ // setters:
+ void setBracketPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setBracketBrush(const QBrush &brush);
+ void setBracketWidth(int width);
+ void setBracketHeight(int height);
+ void setBracketStyle(BracketStyle style);
+ void setTangentToData(bool enabled);
+ void setTangentAverage(int pointCount);
- void updateColorBuffer();
+ // introduced virtual methods:
+ virtual void drawBracket(QCPPainter *painter, int direction) const;
+ // virtual methods:
+ virtual void drawDecoration(QCPPainter *painter, QCPDataSelection selection);
// property members:
- int mLevelCount;
- QMap<double, QColor> mColorStops;
- ColorInterpolation mColorInterpolation;
- bool mPeriodic;
+ QPen mBracketPen;
+ QBrush mBracketBrush;
+ int mBracketWidth;
+ int mBracketHeight;
+ BracketStyle mBracketStyle;
+ bool mTangentToData;
+ int mTangentAverage;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ double getTangentAngle(const QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1d, int dataIndex, int direction) const;
+ QPointF getPixelCoordinates(const QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1d, int dataIndex) const;
- // non-property members:
- QVector<QRgb> mColorBuffer;
- bool mColorBufferInvalidated;
+/* end of 'src/selectiondecorator-bracket.h' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-axisrect.h', size 7528 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
@@ -1985,12 +4561,15 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
// getters:
QPixmap background() const { return mBackgroundPixmap; }
+ QBrush backgroundBrush() const { return mBackgroundBrush; }
bool backgroundScaled() const { return mBackgroundScaled; }
Qt::AspectRatioMode backgroundScaledMode() const { return mBackgroundScaledMode; }
Qt::Orientations rangeDrag() const { return mRangeDrag; }
Qt::Orientations rangeZoom() const { return mRangeZoom; }
QCPAxis *rangeDragAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation);
QCPAxis *rangeZoomAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation);
+ QList<QCPAxis*> rangeDragAxes(Qt::Orientation orientation);
+ QList<QCPAxis*> rangeZoomAxes(Qt::Orientation orientation);
double rangeZoomFactor(Qt::Orientation orientation);
// setters:
@@ -2002,7 +4581,11 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
void setRangeDrag(Qt::Orientations orientations);
void setRangeZoom(Qt::Orientations orientations);
void setRangeDragAxes(QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical);
+ void setRangeDragAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> axes);
+ void setRangeDragAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> horizontal, QList<QCPAxis*> vertical);
void setRangeZoomAxes(QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical);
+ void setRangeZoomAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> axes);
+ void setRangeZoomAxes(QList<QCPAxis*> horizontal, QList<QCPAxis*> vertical);
void setRangeZoomFactor(double horizontalFactor, double verticalFactor);
void setRangeZoomFactor(double factor);
@@ -2016,6 +4599,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
bool removeAxis(QCPAxis *axis);
QCPLayoutInset *insetLayout() const { return mInsetLayout; }
+ void zoom(const QRectF &pixelRect);
+ void zoom(const QRectF &pixelRect, const QList<QCPAxis*> &affectedAxes);
void setupFullAxesBox(bool connectRanges=false);
QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> plottables() const;
QList<QCPGraph*> graphs() const;
@@ -2036,8 +4621,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
QPoint center() const { return mRect.center(); }
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void update(UpdatePhase phase);
- virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const;
+ virtual void update(UpdatePhase phase) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QList<QCPLayoutElement*> elements(bool recursive) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// property members:
@@ -2048,24 +4633,27 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
Qt::AspectRatioMode mBackgroundScaledMode;
QCPLayoutInset *mInsetLayout;
Qt::Orientations mRangeDrag, mRangeZoom;
- QPointer<QCPAxis> mRangeDragHorzAxis, mRangeDragVertAxis, mRangeZoomHorzAxis, mRangeZoomVertAxis;
+ QList<QPointer<QCPAxis> > mRangeDragHorzAxis, mRangeDragVertAxis;
+ QList<QPointer<QCPAxis> > mRangeZoomHorzAxis, mRangeZoomVertAxis;
double mRangeZoomFactorHorz, mRangeZoomFactorVert;
// non-property members:
- QCPRange mDragStartHorzRange, mDragStartVertRange;
+ QList<QCPRange> mDragStartHorzRange, mDragStartVertRange;
QCP::AntialiasedElements mAADragBackup, mNotAADragBackup;
QPoint mDragStart;
bool mDragging;
QHash<QCPAxis::AxisType, QList<QCPAxis*> > mAxes;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual int calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side);
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void layoutChanged() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// events:
- virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-property methods:
void drawBackground(QCPPainter *painter);
@@ -2078,6 +4666,12 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisRect : public QCPLayoutElement
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-axisrect.h' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-legend.h', size 10392 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractLegendItem : public QCPLayoutElement
@@ -2111,7 +4705,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractLegendItem : public QCPLayoutElement
Q_SLOT void setSelected(bool selected);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
void selectionChanged(bool selected);
@@ -2127,13 +4721,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAbstractLegendItem : public QCPLayoutElement
bool mSelectable, mSelected;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const;
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual QRect clipRect() const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) = 0;
+ virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QRect clipRect() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE = 0;
// events:
- virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
- virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -2156,8 +4750,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlottableLegendItem : public QCPAbstractLegendItem
QCPAbstractPlottable *mPlottable;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen getIconBorderPen() const;
@@ -2191,11 +4785,12 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLegend : public QCPLayoutGrid
\see setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts
- enum SelectablePart { spNone = 0x000 ///< <tt>0x000</tt> None
+ enum SelectablePart { spNone = 0x000 ///< <tt>0x000</tt> None
,spLegendBox = 0x001 ///< <tt>0x001</tt> The legend box (frame)
,spItems = 0x002 ///< <tt>0x002</tt> Legend items individually (see \ref selectedItems)
- Q_FLAGS(SelectablePart SelectableParts)
+ Q_ENUMS(SelectablePart)
+ Q_FLAGS(SelectableParts)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SelectableParts, SelectablePart)
explicit QCPLegend();
@@ -2235,7 +4830,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLegend : public QCPLayoutGrid
void setSelectedTextColor(const QColor &color);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QCPAbstractLegendItem *item(int index) const;
@@ -2268,13 +4863,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLegend : public QCPLayoutGrid
QColor mSelectedTextColor;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
- virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const;
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ virtual void parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// events:
- virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
- virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen getBorderPen() const;
@@ -2289,8 +4884,13 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPLegend : public QCPLayoutGrid
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-legend.h' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-textelement.h', size 5343 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlotTitle : public QCPLayoutElement
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPTextElement : public QCPLayoutElement
@@ -2303,11 +4903,15 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlotTitle : public QCPLayoutElement
Q_PROPERTY(bool selected READ selected WRITE setSelected NOTIFY selectionChanged)
/// \endcond
- explicit QCPPlotTitle(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
- explicit QCPPlotTitle(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text);
+ explicit QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text);
+ QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text, double pointSize);
+ QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text, const QString &fontFamily, double pointSize);
+ QCPTextElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text, const QFont &font);
// getters:
QString text() const { return mText; }
+ int textFlags() const { return mTextFlags; }
QFont font() const { return mFont; }
QColor textColor() const { return mTextColor; }
QFont selectedFont() const { return mSelectedFont; }
@@ -2317,6 +4921,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlotTitle : public QCPLayoutElement
// setters:
void setText(const QString &text);
+ void setTextFlags(int flags);
void setFont(const QFont &font);
void setTextColor(const QColor &color);
void setSelectedFont(const QFont &font);
@@ -2325,15 +4930,21 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlotTitle : public QCPLayoutElement
Q_SLOT void setSelected(bool selected);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
void selectionChanged(bool selected);
void selectableChanged(bool selectable);
+ void clicked(QMouseEvent *event);
+ void doubleClicked(QMouseEvent *event);
// property members:
QString mText;
+ int mTextFlags;
QFont mFont;
QColor mTextColor;
QFont mSelectedFont;
@@ -2342,23 +4953,31 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPPlotTitle : public QCPLayoutElement
bool mSelectable, mSelected;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize maximumSizeHint() const;
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QSize maximumSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// events:
- virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged);
- virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged);
+ virtual void selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QFont mainFont() const;
QColor mainTextColor() const;
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-textelement.h' */
+/* including file 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-colorscale.h', size 5907 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate : public QCPAxisRect
@@ -2426,12 +5045,12 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorScale : public QCPLayoutElement
void rescaleDataRange(bool onlyVisibleMaps);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void update(UpdatePhase phase);
+ virtual void update(UpdatePhase phase) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
- void dataRangeChanged(QCPRange newRange);
+ void dataRangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange);
void dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
- void gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient newGradient);
+ void gradientChanged(const QCPColorGradient &newGradient);
// property members:
@@ -2446,12 +5065,12 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorScale : public QCPLayoutElement
QPointer<QCPAxis> mColorAxis;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// events:
- virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -2460,43 +5079,50 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorScale : public QCPLayoutElement
-/*! \file */
+/* end of 'src/layoutelements/layoutelement-colorscale.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-graph.h', size 8826 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGraphData
- QCPData();
- QCPData(double key, double value);
+ QCPGraphData();
+ QCPGraphData(double key, double value);
+ inline double sortKey() const { return key; }
+ inline static QCPGraphData fromSortKey(double sortKey) { return QCPGraphData(sortKey, 0); }
+ inline static bool sortKeyIsMainKey() { return true; }
+ inline double mainKey() const { return key; }
+ inline double mainValue() const { return value; }
+ inline QCPRange valueRange() const { return QCPRange(value, value); }
double key, value;
- double keyErrorPlus, keyErrorMinus;
- double valueErrorPlus, valueErrorMinus;
-/*! \typedef QCPDataMap
- Container for storing \ref QCPData items in a sorted fashion. The key of the map
- is the key member of the QCPData instance.
+/*! \typedef QCPGraphDataContainer
+ Container for storing \ref QCPGraphData points. The data is stored sorted by \a key.
+ This template instantiation is the container in which QCPGraph holds its data. For details about
+ the generic container, see the documentation of the class template \ref QCPDataContainer.
- This is the container in which QCPGraph holds its data.
- \see QCPData, QCPGraph::setData
+ \see QCPGraphData, QCPGraph::setData
-typedef QMap<double, QCPData> QCPDataMap;
-typedef QMapIterator<double, QCPData> QCPDataMapIterator;
-typedef QMutableMapIterator<double, QCPData> QCPDataMutableMapIterator;
+typedef QCPDataContainer<QCPGraphData> QCPGraphDataContainer;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGraph : public QCPAbstractPlottable
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGraph : public QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPGraphData>
Q_PROPERTY(LineStyle lineStyle READ lineStyle WRITE setLineStyle)
Q_PROPERTY(QCPScatterStyle scatterStyle READ scatterStyle WRITE setScatterStyle)
- Q_PROPERTY(ErrorType errorType READ errorType WRITE setErrorType)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPen errorPen READ errorPen WRITE setErrorPen)
- Q_PROPERTY(double errorBarSize READ errorBarSize WRITE setErrorBarSize)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool errorBarSkipSymbol READ errorBarSkipSymbol WRITE setErrorBarSkipSymbol)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int scatterSkip READ scatterSkip WRITE setScatterSkip)
Q_PROPERTY(QCPGraph* channelFillGraph READ channelFillGraph WRITE setChannelFillGraph)
Q_PROPERTY(bool adaptiveSampling READ adaptiveSampling WRITE setAdaptiveSampling)
/// \endcond
@@ -2515,153 +5141,126 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGraph : public QCPAbstractPlottable
,lsImpulse ///< each data point is represented by a line parallel to the value axis, which reaches from the data point to the zero-value-line
- /*!
- Defines what kind of error bars are drawn for each data point
- */
- enum ErrorType { etNone ///< No error bars are shown
- ,etKey ///< Error bars for the key dimension of the data point are shown
- ,etValue ///< Error bars for the value dimension of the data point are shown
- ,etBoth ///< Error bars for both key and value dimensions of the data point are shown
- };
- Q_ENUMS(ErrorType)
explicit QCPGraph(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
virtual ~QCPGraph();
// getters:
- QCPDataMap *data() const { return mData; }
+ QSharedPointer<QCPGraphDataContainer> data() const { return mDataContainer; }
LineStyle lineStyle() const { return mLineStyle; }
QCPScatterStyle scatterStyle() const { return mScatterStyle; }
- ErrorType errorType() const { return mErrorType; }
- QPen errorPen() const { return mErrorPen; }
- double errorBarSize() const { return mErrorBarSize; }
- bool errorBarSkipSymbol() const { return mErrorBarSkipSymbol; }
+ int scatterSkip() const { return mScatterSkip; }
QCPGraph *channelFillGraph() const { return mChannelFillGraph.data(); }
bool adaptiveSampling() const { return mAdaptiveSampling; }
// setters:
- void setData(QCPDataMap *data, bool copy=false);
- void setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value);
- void setDataKeyError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyError);
- void setDataKeyError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &keyErrorPlus);
- void setDataValueError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &valueError);
- void setDataValueError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &valueErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &valueErrorPlus);
- void setDataBothError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyError, const QVector<double> &valueError);
- void setDataBothError(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value, const QVector<double> &keyErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &keyErrorPlus, const QVector<double> &valueErrorMinus, const QVector<double> &valueErrorPlus);
+ void setData(QSharedPointer<QCPGraphDataContainer> data);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted=false);
void setLineStyle(LineStyle ls);
void setScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style);
- void setErrorType(ErrorType errorType);
- void setErrorPen(const QPen &pen);
- void setErrorBarSize(double size);
- void setErrorBarSkipSymbol(bool enabled);
+ void setScatterSkip(int skip);
void setChannelFillGraph(QCPGraph *targetGraph);
void setAdaptiveSampling(bool enabled);
// non-property methods:
- void addData(const QCPDataMap &dataMap);
- void addData(const QCPData &data);
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted=false);
void addData(double key, double value);
- void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values);
- void removeDataBefore(double key);
- void removeDataAfter(double key);
- void removeData(double fromKey, double toKey);
- void removeData(double key);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void clearData();
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
- using QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleAxes;
- using QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleKeyAxis;
- using QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleValueAxis;
- void rescaleAxes(bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const; // overloads base class interface
- void rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const; // overloads base class interface
- void rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const; // overloads base class interface
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// property members:
- QCPDataMap *mData;
- QPen mErrorPen;
LineStyle mLineStyle;
QCPScatterStyle mScatterStyle;
- ErrorType mErrorType;
- double mErrorBarSize;
- bool mErrorBarSkipSymbol;
+ int mScatterSkip;
QPointer<QCPGraph> mChannelFillGraph;
bool mAdaptiveSampling;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool includeErrors) const; // overloads base class interface
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool includeErrors) const; // overloads base class interface
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
- virtual void drawFill(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
- virtual void drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- virtual void drawLinePlot(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
- virtual void drawImpulsePlot(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
+ virtual void drawFill(QCPPainter *painter, QVector<QPointF> *lines) const;
+ virtual void drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &scatters, const QCPScatterStyle &style) const;
+ virtual void drawLinePlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lines) const;
+ virtual void drawImpulsePlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lines) const;
+ virtual void getOptimizedLineData(QVector<QCPGraphData> *lineData, const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const;
+ virtual void getOptimizedScatterData(QVector<QCPGraphData> *scatterData, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator begin, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator end) const;
// non-virtual methods:
- void getPreparedData(QVector<QCPData> *lineData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *lineData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getScatterPlotData(QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getLinePlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getStepLeftPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getStepRightPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getStepCenterPlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void getImpulsePlotData(QVector<QPointF> *linePixelData, QVector<QCPData> *scatterData) const;
- void drawError(QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y, const QCPData &data) const;
- void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPDataMap::const_iterator &upper) const;
- int countDataInBounds(const QCPDataMap::const_iterator &lower, const QCPDataMap::const_iterator &upper, int maxCount) const;
- void addFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
- void removeFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
+ void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &rangeRestriction) const;
+ void getLines(QVector<QPointF> *lines, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const;
+ void getScatters(QVector<QPointF> *scatters, const QCPDataRange &dataRange) const;
+ QVector<QPointF> dataToLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const;
+ QVector<QPointF> dataToStepLeftLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const;
+ QVector<QPointF> dataToStepRightLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const;
+ QVector<QPointF> dataToStepCenterLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const;
+ QVector<QPointF> dataToImpulseLines(const QVector<QCPGraphData> &data) const;
+ void addFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lines) const;
+ void removeFillBasePoints(QVector<QPointF> *lines) const;
QPointF lowerFillBasePoint(double lowerKey) const;
QPointF upperFillBasePoint(double upperKey) const;
- const QPolygonF getChannelFillPolygon(const QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
+ const QPolygonF getChannelFillPolygon(const QVector<QPointF> *lines) const;
int findIndexBelowX(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double x) const;
int findIndexAboveX(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double x) const;
int findIndexBelowY(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double y) const;
int findIndexAboveY(const QVector<QPointF> *data, double y) const;
- double pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint) const;
+ double pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPGraphDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const;
friend class QCustomPlot;
friend class QCPLegend;
-/*! \file */
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-graph.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-curve.h', size 7409 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPCurveData
QCPCurveData(double t, double key, double value);
+ inline double sortKey() const { return t; }
+ inline static QCPCurveData fromSortKey(double sortKey) { return QCPCurveData(sortKey, 0, 0); }
+ inline static bool sortKeyIsMainKey() { return false; }
+ inline double mainKey() const { return key; }
+ inline double mainValue() const { return value; }
+ inline QCPRange valueRange() const { return QCPRange(value, value); }
double t, key, value;
-/*! \typedef QCPCurveDataMap
- Container for storing \ref QCPCurveData items in a sorted fashion. The key of the map
- is the t member of the QCPCurveData instance.
+/*! \typedef QCPCurveDataContainer
+ Container for storing \ref QCPCurveData points. The data is stored sorted by \a t, so the \a
+ sortKey() (returning \a t) is different from \a mainKey() (returning \a key).
+ This template instantiation is the container in which QCPCurve holds its data. For details about
+ the generic container, see the documentation of the class template \ref QCPDataContainer.
- This is the container in which QCPCurve holds its data.
\see QCPCurveData, QCPCurve::setData
+typedef QCPDataContainer<QCPCurveData> QCPCurveDataContainer;
-typedef QMap<double, QCPCurveData> QCPCurveDataMap;
-typedef QMapIterator<double, QCPCurveData> QCPCurveDataMapIterator;
-typedef QMutableMapIterator<double, QCPCurveData> QCPCurveDataMutableMapIterator;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPCurve : public QCPAbstractPlottable
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPCurve : public QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPCurveData>
Q_PROPERTY(QCPScatterStyle scatterStyle READ scatterStyle WRITE setScatterStyle)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int scatterSkip READ scatterSkip WRITE setScatterSkip)
Q_PROPERTY(LineStyle lineStyle READ lineStyle WRITE setLineStyle)
/// \endcond
@@ -2673,69 +5272,71 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPCurve : public QCPAbstractPlottable
enum LineStyle { lsNone ///< No line is drawn between data points (e.g. only scatters)
,lsLine ///< Data points are connected with a straight line
+ Q_ENUMS(LineStyle)
explicit QCPCurve(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
virtual ~QCPCurve();
// getters:
- QCPCurveDataMap *data() const { return mData; }
+ QSharedPointer<QCPCurveDataContainer> data() const { return mDataContainer; }
QCPScatterStyle scatterStyle() const { return mScatterStyle; }
+ int scatterSkip() const { return mScatterSkip; }
LineStyle lineStyle() const { return mLineStyle; }
// setters:
- void setData(QCPCurveDataMap *data, bool copy=false);
- void setData(const QVector<double> &t, const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value);
- void setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value);
+ void setData(QSharedPointer<QCPCurveDataContainer> data);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &t, const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted=false);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values);
void setScatterStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style);
+ void setScatterSkip(int skip);
void setLineStyle(LineStyle style);
// non-property methods:
- void addData(const QCPCurveDataMap &dataMap);
- void addData(const QCPCurveData &data);
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &t, const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted=false);
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values);
void addData(double t, double key, double value);
void addData(double key, double value);
- void addData(const QVector<double> &ts, const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values);
- void removeDataBefore(double t);
- void removeDataAfter(double t);
- void removeData(double fromt, double tot);
- void removeData(double t);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void clearData();
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// property members:
- QCPCurveDataMap *mData;
QCPScatterStyle mScatterStyle;
+ int mScatterSkip;
LineStyle mLineStyle;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
- virtual void drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> *pointData) const;
+ virtual void drawCurveLine(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &lines) const;
+ virtual void drawScatterPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QVector<QPointF> &points, const QCPScatterStyle &style) const;
// non-virtual methods:
- void getCurveData(QVector<QPointF> *lineData) const;
- int getRegion(double x, double y, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom) const;
- QPointF getOptimizedPoint(int prevRegion, double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom) const;
- QVector<QPointF> getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom) const;
+ void getCurveLines(QVector<QPointF> *lines, const QCPDataRange &dataRange, double penWidth) const;
+ void getScatters(QVector<QPointF> *scatters, const QCPDataRange &dataRange, double scatterWidth) const;
+ int getRegion(double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin) const;
+ QPointF getOptimizedPoint(int prevRegion, double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin) const;
+ QVector<QPointF> getOptimizedCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin) const;
bool mayTraverse(int prevRegion, int currentRegion) const;
- bool getTraverse(double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom, QPointF &crossA, QPointF &crossB) const;
- void getTraverseCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double rectLeft, double rectTop, double rectRight, double rectBottom, QVector<QPointF> &beforeTraverse, QVector<QPointF> &afterTraverse) const;
- double pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint) const;
+ bool getTraverse(double prevKey, double prevValue, double key, double value, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin, QPointF &crossA, QPointF &crossB) const;
+ void getTraverseCornerPoints(int prevRegion, int currentRegion, double keyMin, double valueMax, double keyMax, double valueMin, QVector<QPointF> &beforeTraverse, QVector<QPointF> &afterTraverse) const;
+ double pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPCurveDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const;
friend class QCustomPlot;
friend class QCPLegend;
-/*! \file */
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-curve.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-bars.h', size 8924 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBarsGroup : public QObject
@@ -2754,9 +5355,11 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBarsGroup : public QObject
enum SpacingType { stAbsolute ///< Bar spacing is in absolute pixels
,stAxisRectRatio ///< Bar spacing is given by a fraction of the axis rect size
,stPlotCoords ///< Bar spacing is in key coordinates and thus scales with the key axis range
- };
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(SpacingType)
QCPBarsGroup(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
- ~QCPBarsGroup();
+ virtual ~QCPBarsGroup();
// getters:
SpacingType spacingType() const { return mSpacingType; }
@@ -2797,30 +5400,41 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBarsGroup : public QObject
friend class QCPBars;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBarData
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBarsData
- QCPBarData();
- QCPBarData(double key, double value);
+ QCPBarsData();
+ QCPBarsData(double key, double value);
+ inline double sortKey() const { return key; }
+ inline static QCPBarsData fromSortKey(double sortKey) { return QCPBarsData(sortKey, 0); }
+ inline static bool sortKeyIsMainKey() { return true; }
+ inline double mainKey() const { return key; }
+ inline double mainValue() const { return value; }
+ inline QCPRange valueRange() const { return QCPRange(value, value); } // note that bar base value isn't held in each QCPBarsData and thus can't/shouldn't be returned here
double key, value;
-/*! \typedef QCPBarDataMap
- Container for storing \ref QCPBarData items in a sorted fashion. The key of the map
- is the key member of the QCPBarData instance.
+/*! \typedef QCPBarsDataContainer
- This is the container in which QCPBars holds its data.
- \see QCPBarData, QCPBars::setData
+ Container for storing \ref QCPBarsData points. The data is stored sorted by \a key.
+ This template instantiation is the container in which QCPBars holds its data. For details about
+ the generic container, see the documentation of the class template \ref QCPDataContainer.
+ \see QCPBarsData, QCPBars::setData
-typedef QMap<double, QCPBarData> QCPBarDataMap;
-typedef QMapIterator<double, QCPBarData> QCPBarDataMapIterator;
-typedef QMutableMapIterator<double, QCPBarData> QCPBarDataMutableMapIterator;
+typedef QCPDataContainer<QCPBarsData> QCPBarsDataContainer;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPBarsData>
@@ -2828,6 +5442,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable
Q_PROPERTY(WidthType widthType READ widthType WRITE setWidthType)
Q_PROPERTY(QCPBarsGroup* barsGroup READ barsGroup WRITE setBarsGroup)
Q_PROPERTY(double baseValue READ baseValue WRITE setBaseValue)
+ Q_PROPERTY(double stackingGap READ stackingGap WRITE setStackingGap)
Q_PROPERTY(QCPBars* barBelow READ barBelow)
Q_PROPERTY(QCPBars* barAbove READ barAbove)
/// \endcond
@@ -2842,7 +5457,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable
,wtAxisRectRatio ///< Bar width is given by a fraction of the axis rect size
,wtPlotCoords ///< Bar width is in key coordinates and thus scales with the key axis range
- Q_ENUMS(WidthType)
+ Q_ENUMS(WidthType)
explicit QCPBars(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
virtual ~QCPBars();
@@ -2852,52 +5467,49 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable
WidthType widthType() const { return mWidthType; }
QCPBarsGroup *barsGroup() const { return mBarsGroup; }
double baseValue() const { return mBaseValue; }
+ double stackingGap() const { return mStackingGap; }
QCPBars *barBelow() const { return mBarBelow.data(); }
QCPBars *barAbove() const { return mBarAbove.data(); }
- QCPBarDataMap *data() const { return mData; }
+ QSharedPointer<QCPBarsDataContainer> data() const { return mDataContainer; }
// setters:
+ void setData(QSharedPointer<QCPBarsDataContainer> data);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted=false);
void setWidth(double width);
void setWidthType(WidthType widthType);
void setBarsGroup(QCPBarsGroup *barsGroup);
void setBaseValue(double baseValue);
- void setData(QCPBarDataMap *data, bool copy=false);
- void setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &value);
+ void setStackingGap(double pixels);
// non-property methods:
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values, bool alreadySorted=false);
+ void addData(double key, double value);
void moveBelow(QCPBars *bars);
void moveAbove(QCPBars *bars);
- void addData(const QCPBarDataMap &dataMap);
- void addData(const QCPBarData &data);
- void addData(double key, double value);
- void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &values);
- void removeDataBefore(double key);
- void removeDataAfter(double key);
- void removeData(double fromKey, double toKey);
- void removeData(double key);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void clearData();
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QPointF dataPixelPosition(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// property members:
- QCPBarDataMap *mData;
double mWidth;
WidthType mWidthType;
QCPBarsGroup *mBarsGroup;
double mBaseValue;
+ double mStackingGap;
QPointer<QCPBars> mBarBelow, mBarAbove;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
- void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPBarDataMap::const_iterator &upperEnd) const;
- QPolygonF getBarPolygon(double key, double value) const;
+ void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const;
+ QRectF getBarRect(double key, double value) const;
void getPixelWidth(double key, double &lower, double &upper) const;
double getStackedBaseValue(double key, bool positive) const;
static void connectBars(QCPBars* lower, QCPBars* upper);
@@ -2906,27 +5518,62 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable
friend class QCPLegend;
friend class QCPBarsGroup;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-bars.h' */
-/*! \file */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-statisticalbox.h', size 7516 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPStatisticalBoxData
+ QCPStatisticalBoxData();
+ QCPStatisticalBoxData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum, const QVector<double>& outliers=QVector<double>());
+ inline double sortKey() const { return key; }
+ inline static QCPStatisticalBoxData fromSortKey(double sortKey) { return QCPStatisticalBoxData(sortKey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
+ inline static bool sortKeyIsMainKey() { return true; }
+ inline double mainKey() const { return key; }
+ inline double mainValue() const { return median; }
+ inline QCPRange valueRange() const
+ {
+ QCPRange result(minimum, maximum);
+ for (QVector<double>::const_iterator it = outliers.constBegin(); it != outliers.constEnd(); ++it)
+ result.expand(*it);
+ return result;
+ }
+ double key, minimum, lowerQuartile, median, upperQuartile, maximum;
+ QVector<double> outliers;
+/*! \typedef QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer
+ Container for storing \ref QCPStatisticalBoxData points. The data is stored sorted by \a key.
+ This template instantiation is the container in which QCPStatisticalBox holds its data. For
+ details about the generic container, see the documentation of the class template \ref
+ QCPDataContainer.
+ \see QCPStatisticalBoxData, QCPStatisticalBox::setData
+typedef QCPDataContainer<QCPStatisticalBoxData> QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPStatisticalBox : public QCPAbstractPlottable
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPStatisticalBox : public QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPStatisticalBoxData>
- Q_PROPERTY(double key READ key WRITE setKey)
- Q_PROPERTY(double minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum)
- Q_PROPERTY(double lowerQuartile READ lowerQuartile WRITE setLowerQuartile)
- Q_PROPERTY(double median READ median WRITE setMedian)
- Q_PROPERTY(double upperQuartile READ upperQuartile WRITE setUpperQuartile)
- Q_PROPERTY(double maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum)
- Q_PROPERTY(QVector<double> outliers READ outliers WRITE setOutliers)
Q_PROPERTY(double width READ width WRITE setWidth)
Q_PROPERTY(double whiskerWidth READ whiskerWidth WRITE setWhiskerWidth)
Q_PROPERTY(QPen whiskerPen READ whiskerPen WRITE setWhiskerPen)
Q_PROPERTY(QPen whiskerBarPen READ whiskerBarPen WRITE setWhiskerBarPen)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool whiskerAntialiased READ whiskerAntialiased WRITE setWhiskerAntialiased)
Q_PROPERTY(QPen medianPen READ medianPen WRITE setMedianPen)
Q_PROPERTY(QCPScatterStyle outlierStyle READ outlierStyle WRITE setOutlierStyle)
/// \endcond
@@ -2934,65 +5581,67 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPStatisticalBox : public QCPAbstractPlottable
explicit QCPStatisticalBox(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
// getters:
- double key() const { return mKey; }
- double minimum() const { return mMinimum; }
- double lowerQuartile() const { return mLowerQuartile; }
- double median() const { return mMedian; }
- double upperQuartile() const { return mUpperQuartile; }
- double maximum() const { return mMaximum; }
- QVector<double> outliers() const { return mOutliers; }
+ QSharedPointer<QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer> data() const { return mDataContainer; }
double width() const { return mWidth; }
double whiskerWidth() const { return mWhiskerWidth; }
QPen whiskerPen() const { return mWhiskerPen; }
QPen whiskerBarPen() const { return mWhiskerBarPen; }
+ bool whiskerAntialiased() const { return mWhiskerAntialiased; }
QPen medianPen() const { return mMedianPen; }
QCPScatterStyle outlierStyle() const { return mOutlierStyle; }
// setters:
- void setKey(double key);
- void setMinimum(double value);
- void setLowerQuartile(double value);
- void setMedian(double value);
- void setUpperQuartile(double value);
- void setMaximum(double value);
- void setOutliers(const QVector<double> &values);
- void setData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum);
+ void setData(QSharedPointer<QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer> data);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &minimum, const QVector<double> &lowerQuartile, const QVector<double> &median, const QVector<double> &upperQuartile, const QVector<double> &maximum, bool alreadySorted=false);
void setWidth(double width);
void setWhiskerWidth(double width);
void setWhiskerPen(const QPen &pen);
void setWhiskerBarPen(const QPen &pen);
+ void setWhiskerAntialiased(bool enabled);
void setMedianPen(const QPen &pen);
void setOutlierStyle(const QCPScatterStyle &style);
// non-property methods:
- virtual void clearData();
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &minimum, const QVector<double> &lowerQuartile, const QVector<double> &median, const QVector<double> &upperQuartile, const QVector<double> &maximum, bool alreadySorted=false);
+ void addData(double key, double minimum, double lowerQuartile, double median, double upperQuartile, double maximum, const QVector<double> &outliers=QVector<double>());
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// property members:
- QVector<double> mOutliers;
- double mKey, mMinimum, mLowerQuartile, mMedian, mUpperQuartile, mMaximum;
double mWidth;
double mWhiskerWidth;
- QPen mWhiskerPen, mWhiskerBarPen, mMedianPen;
+ QPen mWhiskerPen, mWhiskerBarPen;
+ bool mWhiskerAntialiased;
+ QPen mMedianPen;
QCPScatterStyle mOutlierStyle;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// introduced virtual methods:
- virtual void drawQuartileBox(QCPPainter *painter, QRectF *quartileBox=0) const;
- virtual void drawMedian(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void drawWhiskers(QCPPainter *painter) const;
- virtual void drawOutliers(QCPPainter *painter) const;
+ virtual void drawStatisticalBox(QCPPainter *painter, QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it, const QCPScatterStyle &outlierStyle) const;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const;
+ QRectF getQuartileBox(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it) const;
+ QVector<QLineF> getWhiskerBackboneLines(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it) const;
+ QVector<QLineF> getWhiskerBarLines(QCPStatisticalBoxDataContainer::const_iterator it) const;
friend class QCustomPlot;
friend class QCPLegend;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-statisticalbox.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-colormap.h', size 7070 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMapData
@@ -3010,6 +5659,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMapData
QCPRange dataBounds() const { return mDataBounds; }
double data(double key, double value);
double cell(int keyIndex, int valueIndex);
+ unsigned char alpha(int keyIndex, int valueIndex);
// setters:
void setSize(int keySize, int valueSize);
@@ -3020,11 +5670,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMapData
void setValueRange(const QCPRange &valueRange);
void setData(double key, double value, double z);
void setCell(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double z);
+ void setAlpha(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, unsigned char alpha);
// non-property methods:
void recalculateDataBounds();
void clear();
+ void clearAlpha();
void fill(double z);
+ void fillAlpha(unsigned char alpha);
bool isEmpty() const { return mIsEmpty; }
void coordToCell(double key, double value, int *keyIndex, int *valueIndex) const;
void cellToCoord(int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double *key, double *value) const;
@@ -3034,11 +5687,15 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMapData
int mKeySize, mValueSize;
QCPRange mKeyRange, mValueRange;
bool mIsEmpty;
// non-property members:
double *mData;
+ unsigned char *mAlpha;
QCPRange mDataBounds;
bool mDataModified;
+ bool createAlpha(bool initializeOpaque=true);
friend class QCPColorMap;
@@ -3081,13 +5738,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMap : public QCPAbstractPlottable
Q_SLOT void updateLegendIcon(Qt::TransformationMode transformMode=Qt::SmoothTransformation, const QSize &thumbSize=QSize(32, 18));
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void clearData();
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
- void dataRangeChanged(QCPRange newRange);
+ void dataRangeChanged(const QCPRange &newRange);
void dataScaleTypeChanged(QCPAxis::ScaleType scaleType);
- void gradientChanged(QCPColorGradient newGradient);
+ void gradientChanged(const QCPColorGradient &newGradient);
// property members:
@@ -3098,6 +5756,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMap : public QCPAbstractPlottable
bool mInterpolate;
bool mTightBoundary;
QPointer<QCPColorScale> mColorScale;
// non-property members:
QImage mMapImage, mUndersampledMapImage;
QPixmap mLegendIcon;
@@ -3107,47 +5766,57 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPColorMap : public QCPAbstractPlottable
virtual void updateMapImage();
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
friend class QCustomPlot;
friend class QCPLegend;
-/*! \file */
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-colormap.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-financial.h', size 8622 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPFinancialData
QCPFinancialData(double key, double open, double high, double low, double close);
+ inline double sortKey() const { return key; }
+ inline static QCPFinancialData fromSortKey(double sortKey) { return QCPFinancialData(sortKey, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
+ inline static bool sortKeyIsMainKey() { return true; }
+ inline double mainKey() const { return key; }
+ inline double mainValue() const { return open; }
+ inline QCPRange valueRange() const { return QCPRange(low, high); } // open and close must lie between low and high, so we don't need to check them
double key, open, high, low, close;
-/*! \typedef QCPFinancialDataMap
- Container for storing \ref QCPFinancialData items in a sorted fashion. The key of the map
- is the key member of the QCPFinancialData instance.
+/*! \typedef QCPFinancialDataContainer
+ Container for storing \ref QCPFinancialData points. The data is stored sorted by \a key.
- This is the container in which QCPFinancial holds its data.
- \see QCPFinancial, QCPFinancial::setData
+ This template instantiation is the container in which QCPFinancial holds its data. For details
+ about the generic container, see the documentation of the class template \ref QCPDataContainer.
+ \see QCPFinancialData, QCPFinancial::setData
-typedef QMap<double, QCPFinancialData> QCPFinancialDataMap;
-typedef QMapIterator<double, QCPFinancialData> QCPFinancialDataMapIterator;
-typedef QMutableMapIterator<double, QCPFinancialData> QCPFinancialDataMutableMapIterator;
+typedef QCPDataContainer<QCPFinancialData> QCPFinancialDataContainer;
-class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPFinancial : public QCPAbstractPlottable
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPFinancial : public QCPAbstractPlottable1D<QCPFinancialData>
Q_PROPERTY(ChartStyle chartStyle READ chartStyle WRITE setChartStyle)
Q_PROPERTY(double width READ width WRITE setWidth)
+ Q_PROPERTY(WidthType widthType READ widthType WRITE setWidthType)
Q_PROPERTY(bool twoColored READ twoColored WRITE setTwoColored)
Q_PROPERTY(QBrush brushPositive READ brushPositive WRITE setBrushPositive)
Q_PROPERTY(QBrush brushNegative READ brushNegative WRITE setBrushNegative)
@@ -3156,6 +5825,18 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPFinancial : public QCPAbstractPlottable
/// \endcond
+ Defines the ways the width of the financial bar can be specified. Thus it defines what the
+ number passed to \ref setWidth actually means.
+ \see setWidthType, setWidth
+ */
+ enum WidthType { wtAbsolute ///< width is in absolute pixels
+ ,wtAxisRectRatio ///< width is given by a fraction of the axis rect size
+ ,wtPlotCoords ///< width is in key coordinates and thus scales with the key axis range
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(WidthType)
+ /*!
Defines the possible representations of OHLC data in the plot.
\see setChartStyle
@@ -3169,21 +5850,22 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPFinancial : public QCPAbstractPlottable
virtual ~QCPFinancial();
// getters:
- QCPFinancialDataMap *data() const { return mData; }
+ QSharedPointer<QCPFinancialDataContainer> data() const { return mDataContainer; }
ChartStyle chartStyle() const { return mChartStyle; }
double width() const { return mWidth; }
+ WidthType widthType() const { return mWidthType; }
bool twoColored() const { return mTwoColored; }
QBrush brushPositive() const { return mBrushPositive; }
QBrush brushNegative() const { return mBrushNegative; }
QPen penPositive() const { return mPenPositive; }
QPen penNegative() const { return mPenNegative; }
// setters:
- void setData(QCPFinancialDataMap *data, bool copy=false);
- void setData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close);
+ void setData(QSharedPointer<QCPFinancialDataContainer> data);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close, bool alreadySorted=false);
void setChartStyle(ChartStyle style);
void setWidth(double width);
+ void setWidthType(WidthType widthType);
void setTwoColored(bool twoColored);
void setBrushPositive(const QBrush &brush);
void setBrushNegative(const QBrush &brush);
@@ -3191,48 +5873,175 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPFinancial : public QCPAbstractPlottable
void setPenNegative(const QPen &pen);
// non-property methods:
- void addData(const QCPFinancialDataMap &dataMap);
- void addData(const QCPFinancialData &data);
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &keys, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close, bool alreadySorted=false);
void addData(double key, double open, double high, double low, double close);
- void addData(const QVector<double> &key, const QVector<double> &open, const QVector<double> &high, const QVector<double> &low, const QVector<double> &close);
- void removeDataBefore(double key);
- void removeDataAfter(double key);
- void removeData(double fromKey, double toKey);
- void removeData(double key);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void clearData();
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// static methods:
- static QCPFinancialDataMap timeSeriesToOhlc(const QVector<double> &time, const QVector<double> &value, double timeBinSize, double timeBinOffset = 0);
+ static QCPFinancialDataContainer timeSeriesToOhlc(const QVector<double> &time, const QVector<double> &value, double timeBinSize, double timeBinOffset = 0);
// property members:
- QCPFinancialDataMap *mData;
ChartStyle mChartStyle;
double mWidth;
+ WidthType mWidthType;
bool mTwoColored;
QBrush mBrushPositive, mBrushNegative;
QPen mPenPositive, mPenNegative;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const;
- virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
- virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ // non-virtual methods:
+ void drawOhlcPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, bool isSelected);
+ void drawCandlestickPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, bool isSelected);
+ double getPixelWidth(double key, double keyPixel) const;
+ double ohlcSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &closestDataPoint) const;
+ double candlestickSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end, QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &closestDataPoint) const;
+ void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator &end) const;
+ QRectF selectionHitBox(QCPFinancialDataContainer::const_iterator it) const;
+ friend class QCustomPlot;
+ friend class QCPLegend;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-financial.h' */
+/* including file 'src/plottables/plottable-errorbar.h', size 7567 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPErrorBarsData
+ QCPErrorBarsData();
+ explicit QCPErrorBarsData(double error);
+ QCPErrorBarsData(double errorMinus, double errorPlus);
+ double errorMinus, errorPlus;
+/*! \typedef QCPErrorBarsDataContainer
+ Container for storing \ref QCPErrorBarsData points. It is a typedef for <tt>QVector<\ref
+ QCPErrorBarsData></tt>.
+ This is the container in which \ref QCPErrorBars holds its data. Unlike most other data
+ containers for plottables, it is not based on \ref QCPDataContainer. This is because the error
+ bars plottable is special in that it doesn't store its own key and value coordinate per error
+ bar. It adopts the key and value from the plottable to which the error bars shall be applied
+ (\ref QCPErrorBars::setDataPlottable). So the stored \ref QCPErrorBarsData doesn't need a
+ sortable key, but merely an index (as \c QVector provides), which maps one-to-one to the indices
+ of the other plottable's data.
+ \see QCPErrorBarsData, QCPErrorBars::setData
+typedef QVector<QCPErrorBarsData> QCPErrorBarsDataContainer;
+class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPErrorBars : public QCPAbstractPlottable, public QCPPlottableInterface1D
+ Q_PROPERTY(QSharedPointer<QCPErrorBarsDataContainer> data READ data WRITE setData)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QCPAbstractPlottable* dataPlottable READ dataPlottable WRITE setDataPlottable)
+ Q_PROPERTY(ErrorType errorType READ errorType WRITE setErrorType)
+ Q_PROPERTY(double whiskerWidth READ whiskerWidth WRITE setWhiskerWidth)
+ Q_PROPERTY(double symbolGap READ symbolGap WRITE setSymbolGap)
+ /// \endcond
+ /*!
+ Defines in which orientation the error bars shall appear. If your data needs both error
+ dimensions, create two \ref QCPErrorBars with different \ref ErrorType.
+ \see setErrorType
+ */
+ enum ErrorType { etKeyError ///< The errors are for the key dimension (bars appear parallel to the key axis)
+ ,etValueError ///< The errors are for the value dimension (bars appear parallel to the value axis)
+ };
+ Q_ENUMS(ErrorType)
+ explicit QCPErrorBars(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis);
+ virtual ~QCPErrorBars();
+ // getters:
+ QSharedPointer<QCPErrorBarsDataContainer> data() const { return mDataContainer; }
+ QCPAbstractPlottable *dataPlottable() const { return mDataPlottable.data(); }
+ ErrorType errorType() const { return mErrorType; }
+ double whiskerWidth() const { return mWhiskerWidth; }
+ double symbolGap() const { return mSymbolGap; }
+ // setters:
+ void setData(QSharedPointer<QCPErrorBarsDataContainer> data);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &error);
+ void setData(const QVector<double> &errorMinus, const QVector<double> &errorPlus);
+ void setDataPlottable(QCPAbstractPlottable* plottable);
+ void setErrorType(ErrorType type);
+ void setWhiskerWidth(double pixels);
+ void setSymbolGap(double pixels);
+ // non-property methods:
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &error);
+ void addData(const QVector<double> &errorMinus, const QVector<double> &errorPlus);
+ void addData(double error);
+ void addData(double errorMinus, double errorPlus);
+ // virtual methods of 1d plottable interface:
+ virtual int dataCount() const;
+ virtual double dataMainKey(int index) const;
+ virtual double dataSortKey(int index) const;
+ virtual double dataMainValue(int index) const;
+ virtual QCPRange dataValueRange(int index) const;
+ virtual QPointF dataPixelPosition(int index) const;
+ virtual bool sortKeyIsMainKey() const;
+ virtual QCPDataSelection selectTestRect(const QRectF &rect, bool onlySelectable) const;
+ virtual int findBegin(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const;
+ virtual int findEnd(double sortKey, bool expandedRange=true) const;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPPlottableInterface1D *interface1D() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return this; }
+ // property members:
+ QSharedPointer<QCPErrorBarsDataContainer> mDataContainer;
+ QPointer<QCPAbstractPlottable> mDataPlottable;
+ ErrorType mErrorType;
+ double mWhiskerWidth;
+ double mSymbolGap;
+ // reimplemented virtual methods:
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QCPRange getValueRange(bool &foundRange, QCP::SignDomain inSignDomain=QCP::sdBoth, const QCPRange &inKeyRange=QCPRange()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
- void drawOhlcPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end);
- void drawCandlestickPlot(QCPPainter *painter, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end);
- double ohlcSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end) const;
- double candlestickSelectTest(const QPointF &pos, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &begin, const QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &end) const;
- void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPFinancialDataMap::const_iterator &upper) const;
+ void getErrorBarLines(QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator it, QVector<QLineF> &backbones, QVector<QLineF> &whiskers) const;
+ void getVisibleDataBounds(QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &begin, QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &end, const QCPDataRange &rangeRestriction) const;
+ double pointDistance(const QPointF &pixelPoint, QCPErrorBarsDataContainer::const_iterator &closestData) const;
+ // helpers:
+ void getDataSegments(QList<QCPDataRange> &selectedSegments, QList<QCPDataRange> &unselectedSegments) const;
+ bool errorBarVisible(int index) const;
+ bool rectIntersectsLine(const QRectF &pixelRect, const QLineF &line) const;
friend class QCustomPlot;
friend class QCPLegend;
+/* end of 'src/plottables/plottable-errorbar.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-straightline.h', size 3117 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemStraightLine : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3242,7 +6051,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemStraightLine : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QPen selectedPen READ selectedPen WRITE setSelectedPen)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemStraightLine(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemStraightLine(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemStraightLine();
// getters:
@@ -3254,7 +6063,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemStraightLine : public QCPAbstractItem
void setSelectedPen(const QPen &pen);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const point1;
QCPItemPosition * const point2;
@@ -3264,14 +6073,18 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemStraightLine : public QCPAbstractItem
QPen mPen, mSelectedPen;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
- double distToStraightLine(const QVector2D &point1, const QVector2D &vec, const QVector2D &point) const;
- QLineF getRectClippedStraightLine(const QVector2D &point1, const QVector2D &vec, const QRect &rect) const;
+ QLineF getRectClippedStraightLine(const QCPVector2D &point1, const QCPVector2D &vec, const QRect &rect) const;
QPen mainPen() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-straightline.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-line.h', size 3407 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemLine : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3283,7 +6096,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemLine : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QCPLineEnding tail READ tail WRITE setTail)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemLine(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemLine(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemLine();
// getters:
@@ -3299,7 +6112,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemLine : public QCPAbstractItem
void setTail(const QCPLineEnding &tail);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const start;
QCPItemPosition * const end;
@@ -3310,13 +6123,18 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemLine : public QCPAbstractItem
QCPLineEnding mHead, mTail;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
- QLineF getRectClippedLine(const QVector2D &start, const QVector2D &end, const QRect &rect) const;
+ QLineF getRectClippedLine(const QCPVector2D &start, const QCPVector2D &end, const QRect &rect) const;
QPen mainPen() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-line.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-curve.h', size 3379 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemCurve : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3328,7 +6146,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemCurve : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QCPLineEnding tail READ tail WRITE setTail)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemCurve(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemCurve(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemCurve();
// getters:
@@ -3344,7 +6162,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemCurve : public QCPAbstractItem
void setTail(const QCPLineEnding &tail);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const start;
QCPItemPosition * const startDir;
@@ -3357,12 +6175,17 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemCurve : public QCPAbstractItem
QCPLineEnding mHead, mTail;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen mainPen() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-curve.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-rect.h', size 3688 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemRect : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3374,7 +6197,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemRect : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QBrush selectedBrush READ selectedBrush WRITE setSelectedBrush)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemRect(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemRect(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemRect();
// getters:
@@ -3390,7 +6213,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemRect : public QCPAbstractItem
void setSelectedBrush(const QBrush &brush);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const topLeft;
QCPItemPosition * const bottomRight;
@@ -3409,14 +6232,19 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemRect : public QCPAbstractItem
QBrush mBrush, mSelectedBrush;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QPointF anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QPointF anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen mainPen() const;
QBrush mainBrush() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-rect.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-text.h', size 5554 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemText : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3437,7 +6265,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemText : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QMargins padding READ padding WRITE setPadding)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemText(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemText(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemText();
// getters:
@@ -3471,7 +6299,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemText : public QCPAbstractItem
void setPadding(const QMargins &padding);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const position;
QCPItemAnchor * const topLeft;
@@ -3498,8 +6326,8 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemText : public QCPAbstractItem
QMargins mPadding;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QPointF anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QPointF anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPointF getTextDrawPoint(const QPointF &pos, const QRectF &rect, Qt::Alignment positionAlignment) const;
@@ -3509,6 +6337,11 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemText : public QCPAbstractItem
QBrush mainBrush() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-text.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-ellipse.h', size 3868 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemEllipse : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3520,7 +6353,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemEllipse : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QBrush selectedBrush READ selectedBrush WRITE setSelectedBrush)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemEllipse(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemEllipse(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemEllipse();
// getters:
@@ -3536,7 +6369,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemEllipse : public QCPAbstractItem
void setSelectedBrush(const QBrush &brush);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const topLeft;
QCPItemPosition * const bottomRight;
@@ -3558,14 +6391,19 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemEllipse : public QCPAbstractItem
QBrush mBrush, mSelectedBrush;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QPointF anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QPointF anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen mainPen() const;
QBrush mainBrush() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-ellipse.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-pixmap.h', size 4373 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPixmap : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3579,7 +6417,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPixmap : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(QPen selectedPen READ selectedPen WRITE setSelectedPen)
/// \endcond
- QCPItemPixmap(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemPixmap(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemPixmap();
// getters:
@@ -3597,7 +6435,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPixmap : public QCPAbstractItem
void setSelectedPen(const QPen &pen);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const topLeft;
QCPItemPosition * const bottomRight;
@@ -3615,13 +6453,14 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPixmap : public QCPAbstractItem
QPixmap mPixmap;
QPixmap mScaledPixmap;
bool mScaled;
+ bool mScaledPixmapInvalidated;
Qt::AspectRatioMode mAspectRatioMode;
Qt::TransformationMode mTransformationMode;
QPen mPen, mSelectedPen;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QPointF anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QPointF anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
void updateScaledPixmap(QRect finalRect=QRect(), bool flipHorz=false, bool flipVert=false);
@@ -3629,6 +6468,11 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemPixmap : public QCPAbstractItem
QPen mainPen() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-pixmap.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-tracer.h', size 4762 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemTracer : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3658,7 +6502,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemTracer : public QCPAbstractItem
- QCPItemTracer(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemTracer(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemTracer();
// getters:
@@ -3684,7 +6528,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemTracer : public QCPAbstractItem
void setInterpolating(bool enabled);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
void updatePosition();
@@ -3702,13 +6546,19 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemTracer : public QCPAbstractItem
bool mInterpolating;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen mainPen() const;
QBrush mainBrush() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-tracer.h' */
+/* including file 'src/items/item-bracket.h', size 3969 */
+/* commit 633339dadc92cb10c58ef3556b55570685fafb99 2016-09-13 23:54:56 +0200 */
class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemBracket : public QCPAbstractItem
@@ -3720,13 +6570,20 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemBracket : public QCPAbstractItem
Q_PROPERTY(BracketStyle style READ style WRITE setStyle)
/// \endcond
+ /*!
+ Defines the various visual shapes of the bracket item. The appearance can be further modified
+ by \ref setLength and \ref setPen.
+ \see setStyle
+ */
enum BracketStyle { bsSquare ///< A brace with angled edges
,bsRound ///< A brace with round edges
,bsCurly ///< A curly brace
,bsCalligraphic ///< A curly brace with varying stroke width giving a calligraphic impression
+ Q_ENUMS(BracketStyle)
- QCPItemBracket(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
+ explicit QCPItemBracket(QCustomPlot *parentPlot);
virtual ~QCPItemBracket();
// getters:
@@ -3742,7 +6599,7 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemBracket : public QCPAbstractItem
void setStyle(BracketStyle style);
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const;
+ virtual double selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QCPItemPosition * const left;
QCPItemPosition * const right;
@@ -3756,12 +6613,16 @@ class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPItemBracket : public QCPAbstractItem
BracketStyle mStyle;
// reimplemented virtual methods:
- virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);
- virtual QPointF anchorPixelPoint(int anchorId) const;
+ virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual QPointF anchorPixelPosition(int anchorId) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// non-virtual methods:
QPen mainPen() const;
+/* end of 'src/items/item-bracket.h' */
From 3cabd094d2d2a02dc6cc754262542d5e6a07ab41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Vogt <fvogt@suse.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 11:02:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Do not output qDebug() messages in release builds
- Otherwise QCustomPlot spams harmless messages
tools/thermal_monitor/ThermalMonitor.pro | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tools/thermal_monitor/ThermalMonitor.pro b/tools/thermal_monitor/ThermalMonitor.pro
index 995cc55..bb40208 100644
--- a/tools/thermal_monitor/ThermalMonitor.pro
+++ b/tools/thermal_monitor/ThermalMonitor.pro
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ QT += core gui dbus
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets printsupport
+# Do not print qDebug() messages in release builds
TARGET = ThermalMonitor