Update subscription-manager to 1.25.5-1

Resolves: #1700445 - Do not disabled repos in redhat.repo; ENT-1261 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1701406 - Do not build subman-rhsm with python2 on later versions of rhel
Resolves: #1660883 - Better feedback for repo commands when not registered
Resolves: #1657173 - Install cron service properly on SLES; ENT-1250 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1698468 - require python-librepo for rhel 7 (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1694107 - Begin packaging syspurpose for python 2 systems (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1698645 - Ensure we use local syspurpose when there are network issues
Resolves: #1696428 - use enabled_metadata = 0 for disabled repositories
Resolves: #1665022 - Syspurpose client to have the same behavior as SubMan when in
Resolves: #1637090 - Do not send Host header twice, when m2crypto is used; ENT-1100
Resolves: #1681171 - Install only one prod cert, when RPM is available in more repos.
Resolves: #1591315 - Fewer warning messages when golden ticket is used; ENT-671
Resolves: #1520383 - Use more appropriate log levels instead of info (wpoteat@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1669994 - Use on_date on syspurpose status if specified (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1621275 - Less communication with candlepin server from sub-man plugin;
Resolves: #1657171 - Bug fix of .spec file specific for SuSE; ENT-1056
Resolves: #1591704 - Handle disabled status when golden ticket is in play
Resolves: #1685037 - Ignore null repos when running using packagekit (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1666845 - Always submit empty string for reset (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1666845 - Do not set role or usage to the empty string (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1673973 - Do not override sla on auto-attach (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1673973 - Read syspurpose on register using cockpit (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1655778 - Increase RHEL major version detection reliability
Resolves: #1668152 - Remove the Select SLA screen from initial-setup
Resolves: #1676982 - Do not make duplicate sync calls on syspurpose show
Resolves: #1654531 - Add default for proxy_scheme in rhsm.conf (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1701406 - Do not build subman-rhsm with python2 on later versions of rhel
Resolves: #1660883 - Better feedback for repo commands when not registered
Resolves: #1657173 - Install cron service properly on SLES; ENT-1250 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1698468 - require python-librepo for rhel 7 (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1694107 - Begin packaging syspurpose for python 2 systems (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1698645 - Ensure we use local syspurpose when there are network issues
Resolves: #1696428 - use enabled_metadata = 0 for disabled repositories
Resolves: #1665022 - Syspurpose client to have the same behavior as SubMan when in
Resolves: #1637090 - Do not send Host header twice, when m2crypto is used; ENT-1100
Resolves: #1681171 - Install only one prod cert, when RPM is available in more repos.
Resolves: #1591315 - Fewer warning messages when golden ticket is used; ENT-671
Resolves: #1520383 - Use more appropriate log levels instead of info (wpoteat@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1669994 - Use on_date on syspurpose status if specified (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1621275 - Less communication with candlepin server from sub-man plugin;
Resolves: #1657171 - Bug fix of .spec file specific for SuSE; ENT-1056
Resolves: #1591704 - Handle disabled status when golden ticket is in play
Resolves: #1685037 - Ignore null repos when running using packagekit (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1666845 - Always submit empty string for reset (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1666845 - Do not set role or usage to the empty string (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1673973 - Do not override sla on auto-attach (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1673973 - Read syspurpose on register using cockpit (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1655778 - Increase RHEL major version detection reliability
Resolves: #1668152 - Remove the Select SLA screen from initial-setup
Resolves: #1676982 - Do not make duplicate sync calls on syspurpose show
Resolves: #1654531 - Add default for proxy_scheme in rhsm.conf (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1654531 - Add proxy_scheme to rhsm.conf (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1665409 - Update syspurpose status in cockpit addon (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1673838 - Set trailing character '\0' at the end of cert content
Resolves: #1666516 - Allow reporting of profile info on dnf transactions
Resolves: #1633216 - Use new libdnf API to reuse connection to repo; ENT-1111
Resolves: #1668947 - set enable_metadata to 0 for disabled repos; ENT-1146
Resolves: #1666512 - Add some details on dnf uploadprofile to rhsm.conf man page
Resolves: #1666516 - Don't send package list, when report_package_profile=0; ENT-1097
Resolves: #1671734 - Dont traceback on status syspurpose sync - Do not show an error or
Resolves: #1668152 - take into account syspurpose during initial-setup - Registering
Resolves: #1661414 - No message display when set service level by subscription
Resolves: #1661400 - Incorrect handling of response message (wpoteat@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1652870 - Stay consistent with Katello list (wpoteat@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1660520 - Modify spec file to require right version of libdnf.
Resolves: #1582317 - Do not collect hardware facts twice; ENT-653 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1666373 - Do not delete product certs for disabled repos; ENT-1034
Resolves: #1634033 - do not install conf file for non-existant dnf plugin
Resolves: #1652870 - handle new syspurpose status states - Now, the new syspurpose
Resolves: #1632394 - Supplement initial-setup-gui with our addon (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1654531 - Make default repolist proxy to http protocol when not specified
Resolves: #1655083 - Sync syspurpose on status command (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1658383 - Ensure syspurpose has translations (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1624859 - Simplify syspurpose bash completion (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1656598 - Treat false as disabled when listing repos (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1663254 - Remove "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client/Desktop" role option
Resolves: #1591399 - Stop throwing exception on timeout to avoid stacktrace
Resolves: #1658409 - Stop redhat.repo from growing exponentially (awood@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1661219 - Do not delete product certs for disabled repos; ENT-1034
Resolves: #1660224 - Allow setting and unsetting of addons and service level
Resolves: #1618901 - Module name unknown (wpoteat@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1643128 - Do not execute subscription-manager dnf plugin twice; ENT-987
Resolves: #1660224 - Use the result from SyncResult objects for showing syspurpose
Resolves: #1633277 - syspurpose tool will now log in rhsm.log - The syspurpose tool will
Resolves: #1654491 - Use new API of DNF (jhnidek@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1633264 - Ensure we sync syspurpose on register (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1625214 - send ConfigChanged event when file replaced - Now, the ConfigChanged
Resolves: #1654873 - Add man entry for rhsmcertd.disable (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1654868 - Add man page docs of the package_profile_on_trans option
Resolves: #1638153 - Restore service-level command for older servers (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1624859 - Add bash completion for syspurpose aspects (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1633380 - show syspurpose status Unknown when cache missing - When the server
Resolves: #1642888 - Add semanage advice on setting non-default proxy_port
Resolves: #1651621 - use cockpit-desktop to launch cockpit based gui (csnyder@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1618372 - Print accessible content paths from X509 extension using rct
Resolves: #1650323 - dnf subcommand for profile uploads; ENT-984 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1599801 - fix Python2 and Python3 incompatibility; ENT-776
Resolves: #1649125 - setuptools naming change (wpoteat@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1618498 - cockpit will notify activation keys require org - When trying to
Resolves: #1651669 - Remove dbus-python from egg requirements (khowell@redhat.com)
Resolves: #1650941 - Fix value of Self-Support SLA in valid_fields.json
Resolves: #1642271 - Do not set a None lang (csnyder@redhat.com)
This commit is contained in:
William Poteat 2019-05-08 15:59:24 -04:00
parent 3f45ec99d3
commit 3992489ab6
3 changed files with 464 additions and 37 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -95,3 +95,5 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
SHA512 (subscription-manager-1.24.2.tar.gz) = ce3674895a16b4f379598674d13cfa9acd615a87736b84e4c5294c4e8e2a52b5a98f231aa088e8b3c77a5e01d89224345e23d04d538571474da8b81b73f11711
SHA512 (subscription-manager-cockpit-1.24.2.tar.gz) = a87c0d1b7be7d3632c9395cb3ed3109a7cc4d1b03747e52418956b3dde104b08a11c97021782f74b2dde777c0611174d2c233a076e8d2a86253f1eb6046b909b
SHA512 (subscription-manager-1.25.5.tar.gz) = 674f721df5924f19741a7cd6a5160443a6ff1d5e53da69aaded030c0457b2a60e727f5ea8858e887f028c08641f0a6345ddb3ef7c2dbd9cb87d201aaa6ebfbc9
SHA512 (subscription-manager-cockpit-1.25.5.tar.gz) = cfa12ef2d6a4f6ef9ea10af22a58b174982281785a96e8ed7344d522e94e6b1d5aed91fe48684a373db46ec4690ba9e0a85a110a1450d1c4b355c42556848e13

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%bcond_without python3
%if !(0%{?fedora} < 30 && %{with python3})
%if !(0%{?fedora} < 30 && %{with python3}) || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
%bcond_with python2_rhsm
%bcond_without python2_rhsm
@ -31,6 +31,12 @@
%global use_subman_gui 1
%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} < 1200
%global completion_dir %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
%global completion_dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions
%global rhsm_plugins_dir /usr/share/rhsm-plugins
# on recent Fedora and RHEL 7, let's not use m2crypto
%global use_m2crypto (0%{?fedora} < 23 && 0%{?rhel} < 7)
@ -62,12 +68,13 @@
%global __python %__python3
%global py_package_prefix python%{python3_pkgversion}
%global rhsm_package_name %{py_package_prefix}-subscription-manager-rhsm
%global include_syspurpose 1
%global py_package_prefix python
%global rhsm_package_name subscription-manager-rhsm
%global include_syspurpose 1
%global _hardened_build 1
%{!?__global_ldflags: %global __global_ldflags -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now}
@ -131,9 +138,10 @@
%global subpackages SUBPACKAGES="%{?include_syspurpose:syspurpose}"
Name: subscription-manager
Version: 1.24.2
Release: 3%{?dist}
Version: 1.25.5
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Tools and libraries for subscription and repository management
Group: System Environment/Base
License: GPLv2
URL: http://www.candlepinproject.org/
@ -145,12 +153,15 @@ URL: http://www.candlepinproject.org/
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
# this is a little different from the Source0, because of limitations in tito,
# namely that tito expects only one source tarball
%if %{use_cockpit}
Source1: %{name}-cockpit-%{version}.tar.gz
%if 0%{?suse_version}
Source2: subscription-manager-rpmlintrc
%if 0%{?suse_version} < 1200
%if (0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} < 1200)
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
# The following macro examples are preceeded by '%' to stop macro expansion
@ -172,11 +183,17 @@ Requires: virt-what
Requires: %{rhsm_package_name} = %{version}
Requires: %{py_package_prefix}-six
Requires: %{py_package_prefix}-dateutil
Requires: %{py_package_prefix}-syspurpose
# rhel 8 has different naming for setuptools going forward
%if (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} >= 8)
Requires: platform-python-setuptools
Requires: %{py_package_prefix}-setuptools
%if %{with python3}
Requires: python3-dbus
Requires: python3-syspurpose
Requires: %{?suse_version:dbus-1-python} %{!?suse_version:dbus-python}
@ -258,18 +275,19 @@ The Subscription Manager package provides programs and libraries to allow users
to manage subscriptions and yum repositories from the Red Hat entitlement
%if %{with python3}
%package -n %{py_package_prefix}-syspurpose
Summary: A commandline utility for declaring system syspurpose
Group: System Environment/Base
%description -n %{py_package_prefix}-syspurpose
Provides the syspurpose commandline utility. This utility manages the
system syspurpose.
%package -n subscription-manager-plugin-container
Summary: A plugin for handling container content
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n subscription-manager-plugin-container
@ -280,6 +298,7 @@ from the server. Populates /etc/docker/certs.d appropriately.
%if %{use_rhsm_gtk}
%package -n rhsm-gtk
Summary: GTK+ widgets used by subscription-manager-gui and initial_setup
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: %{?gtk3:%{py_package_prefix}-gobject, gtk3} %{!?gtk3:pygtk2, pygtk2-libglade}
Requires: usermode-gtk
# Fedora can figure this out automatically, but RHEL cannot:
@ -306,6 +325,7 @@ and RHSM initial_setup module for Anaconda.
%if %{use_subman_gui}
%package -n subscription-manager-gui
Summary: A GUI interface to manage Red Hat product subscriptions
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: gnome-icon-theme
@ -325,6 +345,7 @@ subscriptions.
%package -n subscription-manager-migration
Summary: Migration scripts for moving to certificate based subscriptions
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: rhnlib
@ -342,18 +363,31 @@ subscriptions
%if %use_dnf
%package -n dnf-plugin-subscription-manager
Summary: Subscription Manager plugins for DNF
Group: System Environment/Base
%if (0%{?fedora} >= 29 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8)
BuildRequires: cmake
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: json-c-devel
BuildRequires: libdnf-devel >= 0.22.5
Requires: json-c
Requires: libdnf >= 0.22.5
# See BZ 1581410 - avoid a circular dependency
%if (0%{?rhel} < 8)
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: dnf >= 1.0.0
%if %{with python3}
Requires: python3-dnf-plugins-core
Requires: python3-librepo
Requires: python2-dnf-plugins-core
%if (0%{?rhel} == 7)
Requires: python-librepo
Requires: python2-librepo
Requires: dnf >= 1.0.0
%description -n dnf-plugin-subscription-manager
This package provides plugins to interact with repositories and subscriptions
@ -365,6 +399,7 @@ product-id plugins.
%if %use_firstboot
%package -n subscription-manager-firstboot
Summary: Firstboot screens for subscription manager
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: rhsm-gtk = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: rhn-setup-gnome
@ -379,9 +414,13 @@ This package contains the firstboot screens for subscription-manager.
%if %use_initial_setup
%package -n subscription-manager-initial-setup-addon
Summary: initial-setup screens for subscription-manager
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: rhsm-gtk = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: initial-setup-gui >=
Obsoletes: subscription-manager-firstboot < 1.15.3-1
%if (0%{?fedora} >= 24 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8)
Supplements: initial-setup-gui
%description -n subscription-manager-initial-setup-addon
This package contains the initial-setup screens for subscription-manager.
@ -391,6 +430,7 @@ This package contains the initial-setup screens for subscription-manager.
%if %has_ostree
%package -n subscription-manager-plugin-ostree
Summary: A plugin for handling OSTree content.
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: %{py_package_prefix}-gobject-base
# plugin needs a slightly newer version of python-iniparse for 'tidy'
@ -406,6 +446,7 @@ the remote in the currently deployed .origin file.
%package -n %{rhsm_package_name}
Summary: A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
Group: Development/Libraries
%if %use_m2crypto
Requires: %{?suse_version:python-m2crypto} %{!?suse_version:m2crypto}
@ -438,6 +479,7 @@ entitlements, certificates, and access to content.
%if %{with python2_rhsm}
%package -n python2-subscription-manager-rhsm
Summary: A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
Group: Development/Libraries
BuildRequires: python2-devel
@ -463,6 +505,7 @@ entitlements, certificates, and access to content.
%package -n subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates
Summary: Certificates required to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
Group: Development/Libraries
Provides: python-rhsm-certificates = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: python-rhsm-certificates <= 1.20.3-1
@ -497,12 +540,20 @@ make -f Makefile VERSION=%{version}-%{release} CFLAGS="%{optflags}" \
python2 ./setup.py build --quiet --gtk-version=%{?gtk3:3}%{?!gtk3:2} --rpm-version=%{version}-%{release}
%if (%{use_dnf} && (0%{?fedora} >= 29 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8))
pushd src/dnf-plugins/product-id
%cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" .
rm -rf %{buildroot}
make -f Makefile install VERSION=%{version}-%{release} \
PYTHON=%{__python} PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PYTHON_SITELIB=%{python_sitearch} \
OS_VERSION=%{?fedora}%{?rhel}%{?suse_version} OS_DIST=%{dist} \
COMPLETION_DIR=%{completion_dir} \
%{?install_ostree} %{?post_boot_tool} %{?gtk_version} \
%{?install_yum_plugins} %{?install_dnf_plugins} \
%{?install_zypper_plugins} \
@ -512,6 +563,13 @@ make -f Makefile install VERSION=%{version}-%{release} \
%{?subpackages} \
%if (%{use_dnf} && (0%{?fedora} >= 29 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8))
pushd src/dnf-plugins/product-id
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libdnf/plugins
%if %{with python2_rhsm}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{python2_sitearch}/rhsm
# Build binary extension in Python2 site-packages directory
@ -533,25 +591,32 @@ desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}/usr/share/applications/subscription-manager-c
%find_lang rhsm
# libexec directory does not exist on sles based distros
%if 0%{?suse_version}
sed -i 's/libexec/lib/g' %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/rhsmd
%find_lang rhsm
%if 0%{?include_syspurpose}
%find_lang syspurpose
# fake out the redhat.repo file
%if %{use_yum} || %{use_dnf}
%{__mkdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo
# fake out the certificate directories
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/consumer
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/entitlement
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/consumer
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/entitlement
# Setup cert directories for the container plugin:
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/docker/certs.d/
%{__mkdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/docker/certs.d/cdn.redhat.com
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/docker/certs.d/
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/docker/certs.d/cdn.redhat.com
install -m 644 %{_builddir}/%{buildsubdir}/etc-conf/redhat-entitlement-authority.pem %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/docker/certs.d/cdn.redhat.com/redhat-entitlement-authority.crt
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/etc/rhsm/ca
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/etc/rhsm/ca
install -m 644 %{_builddir}/%{buildsubdir}/etc-conf/redhat-entitlement-authority.pem %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/rhsm/ca/redhat-entitlement-authority.pem
install -m 644 %{_builddir}/%{buildsubdir}/etc-conf/redhat-uep.pem %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem
@ -623,6 +688,7 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/rhsmcertd-worker
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/rhsmd
# our config dirs and files
%attr(755,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/consumer
%attr(755,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/entitlement
@ -658,7 +724,6 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
# remove the repo file when we are deleted
%config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/dnf/plugins/subscription-manager.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/dnf/plugins/product-id.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/dnf/plugins/search-disabled-repos.conf
# misc system config
@ -674,14 +739,14 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
%attr(750,root,root) %dir %{_var}/lib/rhsm/cache
%attr(750,root,root) %dir %{_var}/lib/rhsm/repo_server_val
%if %use_subman_gui
%dir %{python_sitearch}/subscription_manager
@ -854,7 +919,7 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
@ -901,20 +966,23 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
%doc README.Fedora
%if %{with python3}
%files -n %{py_package_prefix}-syspurpose
%files -n %{py_package_prefix}-syspurpose -f syspurpose.lang
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/syspurpose*.egg-info
%dir %{python_sitelib}/syspurpose*.egg-info
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/rhsm/syspurpose
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/syspurpose
%dir %{python_sitelib}/syspurpose
%if %{with python3}
%doc %{_mandir}/man8/syspurpose.8.*
%attr(755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/syspurpose
%attr(644,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/rhsm/syspurpose/valid_fields.json
%attr(644,root,root) %{completion_dir}/syspurpose
%files -n subscription-manager-plugin-container
@ -967,6 +1035,9 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
%files -n dnf-plugin-subscription-manager
%if (0%{?fedora} >= 29 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8)
@ -995,11 +1066,12 @@ find %{buildroot} -name \*.py -exec touch -r %{SOURCE0} '{}' \;
%if ! %use_subman_gui
@ -1033,7 +1105,7 @@ if [ -x /bin/dbus-send ] ; then
%if !%use_systemd
if [ "$1" -eq "2" ] ; then
if [ "$1" = "2" ] ; then
/sbin/service rhsmcertd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
@ -1075,13 +1147,366 @@ fi
%if %{use_subman_gui}
%postun -n subscription-manager-gui
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
%if (0%{?fedora} < 30 || 0%{?rhel} < 8)
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
%if !0%{?suse_version}
scrollkeeper-update -q || :
%posttrans -n subscription-manager-gui
%if (0%{?fedora} < 30 || 0%{?rhel} < 8)
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
gtk-update-icon-cache -f %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
* Sun Feb 03 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.24.2-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue May 07 2019 Christopher Snyder <csnyder@redhat.com> 1.25.5-1
- 1700445: Do not disabled repos in redhat.repo; ENT-1261 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
* Mon May 06 2019 Christopher Snyder <csnyder@redhat.com> 1.25.4-1
- Do another tag for the benefit of downstream
* Thu May 02 2019 Christopher Snyder <csnyder@redhat.com> 1.25.3-1
- 1701406: Do not build subman-rhsm with python2 on later versions of rhel
- cockpit plugin: Fix alignment and layout issues in register dialog
- 1660883: Better feedback for repo commands when not registered
- 1657173: Install cron service properly on SLES; ENT-1250 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1698468: require python-librepo for rhel 7 (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1694107: Begin packaging syspurpose for python 2 systems (csnyder@redhat.com)
- Fix subscription-manager-cockpit AppStream data (martin@piware.de)
- 1698645: Ensure we use local syspurpose when there are network issues
- Fix broken AptRepoFile section function (pamp@atix.de)
- 1696428: use enabled_metadata = 0 for disabled repositories
- 1665022: Syspurpose client to have the same behavior as SubMan when in
conflict with server (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1637090: Do not send Host header twice, when m2crypto is used; ENT-1100
- 1681171: Install only one prod cert, when RPM is available in more repos.
- 1591315: Fewer warning messages when golden ticket is used; ENT-671
- Make reading of productdb more robust and reliable. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Correct SLES version detection conditional (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove Python 2 subpackage from Fedora 30+ (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove obsolete scriptlets in more recent distributions. (awood@redhat.com)
- Use different completion directory for SLES 11 (awood@redhat.com)
- 1520383: Use more appropriate log levels instead of info (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1669994: Use on_date on syspurpose status if specified (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1621275: Less communication with candlepin server from sub-man plugin;
ENT-923 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Allow subman yum plugin to disable all system repo (suttner@atix.de)
- 1657171: Bug fix of .spec file specific for SuSE; ENT-1056
- Restore bug fix of product-id lost during solving merge conflict.
- Refactoring of libdnf productid plugin. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1591704: Handle disabled status when golden ticket is in play
- 1685037: Ignore null repos when running using packagekit (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1666845: Always submit empty string for reset (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1666845: Do not set role or usage to the empty string (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1673973: Do not override sla on auto-attach (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1673934, 1673931: Two bug fixes of productid libdnf plugin; ENT-1165
- 1673973: Read syspurpose on register using cockpit (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1655778: Increase RHEL major version detection reliability
- 1668152: Remove the Select SLA screen from initial-setup
- 1676982: Do not make duplicate sync calls on syspurpose show
- 1654531: Add default for proxy_scheme in rhsm.conf (csnyder@redhat.com)
- syspurpose bash-completion file path is now correct (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- spec file used wrong macro. %%{_datadir} is the macro for the correct
filesystem path (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- changed destination path of bash-completion files to fit corrected path from
commit 3a5263e55 (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- correct destination path for bash completion files "/etc/bash_completion.d/"
is used for user deployed files Check output from rpm -ql bash-completion for
more details (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- allow offline repo management (code@james.cassell.me)
* Thu May 02 2019 Christopher Snyder <csnyder@redhat.com>
- 1701406: Do not build subman-rhsm with python2 on later versions of rhel
- cockpit plugin: Fix alignment and layout issues in register dialog
- 1660883: Better feedback for repo commands when not registered
- 1657173: Install cron service properly on SLES; ENT-1250 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1698468: require python-librepo for rhel 7 (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1694107: Begin packaging syspurpose for python 2 systems (csnyder@redhat.com)
- Fix subscription-manager-cockpit AppStream data (martin@piware.de)
- 1698645: Ensure we use local syspurpose when there are network issues
- Fix broken AptRepoFile section function (pamp@atix.de)
- 1696428: use enabled_metadata = 0 for disabled repositories
- 1665022: Syspurpose client to have the same behavior as SubMan when in
conflict with server (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1637090: Do not send Host header twice, when m2crypto is used; ENT-1100
- 1681171: Install only one prod cert, when RPM is available in more repos.
- 1591315: Fewer warning messages when golden ticket is used; ENT-671
- Make reading of productdb more robust and reliable. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Correct SLES version detection conditional (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove Python 2 subpackage from Fedora 30+ (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove obsolete scriptlets in more recent distributions. (awood@redhat.com)
- Use different completion directory for SLES 11 (awood@redhat.com)
- 1520383: Use more appropriate log levels instead of info (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1669994: Use on_date on syspurpose status if specified (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1621275: Less communication with candlepin server from sub-man plugin;
ENT-923 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Allow subman yum plugin to disable all system repo (suttner@atix.de)
- 1657171: Bug fix of .spec file specific for SuSE; ENT-1056
- Restore bug fix of product-id lost during solving merge conflict.
- Refactoring of libdnf productid plugin. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1591704: Handle disabled status when golden ticket is in play
- 1685037: Ignore null repos when running using packagekit (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1666845: Always submit empty string for reset (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1666845: Do not set role or usage to the empty string (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1673973: Do not override sla on auto-attach (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1673934, 1673931: Two bug fixes of productid libdnf plugin; ENT-1165
- 1673973: Read syspurpose on register using cockpit (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1655778: Increase RHEL major version detection reliability
- 1668152: Remove the Select SLA screen from initial-setup
- 1676982: Do not make duplicate sync calls on syspurpose show
- 1654531: Add default for proxy_scheme in rhsm.conf (csnyder@redhat.com)
- syspurpose bash-completion file path is now correct (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- spec file used wrong macro. %%{_datadir} is the macro for the correct
filesystem path (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- changed destination path of bash-completion files to fit corrected path from
commit 3a5263e55 (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- correct destination path for bash completion files "/etc/bash_completion.d/"
is used for user deployed files Check output from rpm -ql bash-completion for
more details (p.seiler@linuxmail.org)
- allow offline repo management (code@james.cassell.me)
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Christopher Snyder <csnyder@redhat.com> 1.25.1-1
- 1654531: Add proxy_scheme to rhsm.conf (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1665409: Update syspurpose status in cockpit addon (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1673838: Set trailing character '\0' at the end of cert content
- 1666516: Allow reporting of profile info on dnf transactions
- 1633216: Use new libdnf API to reuse connection to repo; ENT-1111
- 1668947: set enable_metadata to 0 for disabled repos; ENT-1146
- 1666512: Add some details on dnf uploadprofile to rhsm.conf man page
- More reliable PXE server and PXE client (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1666516: Don't send package list, when report_package_profile=0; ENT-1097
- 1671734: Dont traceback on status syspurpose sync - Do not show an error or
traceback when running the status command and the server is unreachable
during syncing of syspurpose data. (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1668152: take into account syspurpose during initial-setup - Registering
through initial-setup will now persist & use the syspurpose values that were
set during the anaconda installation process. (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1661414: No message display when set service level by subscription
manager[ENT-1106] (ojanus@redhat.com)
- 1661400: Incorrect handling of response message (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1652870: Stay consistent with Katello list (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- ENT-978: Upgrade pxe-server/client to fedora29 - Also, now the RHSM spoke in
anaconda initializes and logs in the rhsm.log. (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1660520: Modify spec file to require right version of libdnf.
- 1582317: Do not collect hardware facts twice; ENT-653 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1666373: Do not delete product certs for disabled repos; ENT-1034
- Supplements keyword is not available on rhel7 or centos7.
- 1634033: do not install conf file for non-existant dnf plugin
- 1652870: handle new syspurpose status states - Now, the new syspurpose
statuses 'matched', 'mismatched' and 'not specified' returned by the server
will also be handled and shown. - In addition, for backwards compatibility,
if the server returns one of 'valid', 'invalid' or 'partial' status, those
will still be handled and shown too by subscription-manager.
- 1632394: Supplement initial-setup-gui with our addon (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1654531: Make default repolist proxy to http protocol when not specified
- 1655083: Sync syspurpose on status command (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1658383: Ensure syspurpose has translations (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1624859: Simplify syspurpose bash completion (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1656598: Treat false as disabled when listing repos (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1663254: Remove "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client/Desktop" role option
- 1591399: Stop throwing exception on timeout to avoid stacktrace
- 1658409: Stop redhat.repo from growing exponentially (awood@redhat.com)
- 1661219: Do not delete product certs for disabled repos; ENT-1034
- 1660224: Allow setting and unsetting of addons and service level
- 1618901: Module name unknown (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1643128: Do not execute subscription-manager dnf plugin twice; ENT-987
- 1660224: Use the result from SyncResult objects for showing syspurpose
- Added several unit tests and refactoring of code to libdnf product ID plugin
- 1633277: syspurpose tool will now log in rhsm.log - The syspurpose tool will
now log all communication with the server in the rhsm.log - Added a lot of
log statements in the key actions of the syspurpose tool itself, to help
with debugging. (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1636852 & 1646384: better auth handling when listing service-levels - When
running service-level --list with invalid credentials, dont traceback, but
show the proper error to the user. - This is handled when either the
--serverurl, or --username and --password options are used.
- 1654491: Use new API of DNF (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1633264: Ensure we sync syspurpose on register (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1625214: send ConfigChanged event when file replaced - Now, the ConfigChanged
event will be sent not only when a monitored file is edited in place, but
also when the whole file is replaced with another who is moved/renamed to
the same location & name. (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1654873: Add man entry for rhsmcertd.disable (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1654868: Add man page docs of the package_profile_on_trans option
- 1638153: Restore service-level command for older servers (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1624859: Add bash completion for syspurpose aspects (csnyder@redhat.com)
- 1633380: show syspurpose status Unknown when cache missing - When the server
is unreachable and the syspurpose status cache is missing, then don't
traceback, but show status as 'Unknown'. - Also, when the server is
reachable, but the system is unregisted, show the 'Unknown' syspurpose
status, but don't cache it. (nmoumoul@redhat.com)
- 1642888: Add semanage advice on setting non-default proxy_port
- 1651621: use cockpit-desktop to launch cockpit based gui (csnyder@redhat.com)
- Bug fix: include debuginfo in RPM with debuginfo information
- Sync changes with Entitlement Server from both subman and syspurpose
- 1618372: Print accessible content paths from X509 extension using rct
- 1650323: dnf subcommand for profile uploads; ENT-984 (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1599801: fix Python2 and Python3 incompatibility; ENT-776
- 1649125: setuptools naming change (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- 1618498: cockpit will notify activation keys require org - When trying to
register with activation keys in cockpit, now the proper message will be
displayed to the user when he doesn't also provide an organisation.
- 1651669: Remove dbus-python from egg requirements (khowell@redhat.com)
- Fix issue with Python 3.7 on Fedora 29. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Fix several issues with os.errno (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- 1650941: Fix value of Self-Support SLA in valid_fields.json
- Fix builds of product-id plugin (khowell@redhat.com)
- Fixed bug that caused crashes of PackageKit daemon. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Small fixes of libdnf product-id plugin (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Disable rhsmcertd by config entry (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- Typo fixes (khowell@redhat.com)
- Add fixes from @kahowell (dellweg@atix.de)
- Add dpkg-post-invoke hook deb_package_profile_upload (dellweg@atix.de)
- Add apt-transport-katello (dellweg@atix.de)
- Fall back to python package version (dellweg@atix.de)
- Make AptRepoFile dependent on the existence of python-deb822
- Add dependencies (dellweg@atix.de)
- Multiplex server_value_repo_logic for all packet managers (dellweg@atix.de)
- Factor out repofile.py from repolib.py (dellweg@atix.de)
- Make apt, yum and zypper equal siblings in repolib (dellweg@atix.de)
- Add AptRepoFile (dellweg@atix.de)
- Rename modules to use underscore instead of hyphen. (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove zypper productid tests (for now) (khowell@redhat.com)
- Fix service name in zypper tests (khowell@redhat.com)
- Do not build libdnf plugin on RHEL 7 or Fedora 28. (awood@redhat.com)
- Uniquify the module list (paji@redhat.com)
- ENT-949: run the package profile reporting on the post_trans_hook for each
transaction (wpoteat@redhat.com)
- Add module that can be invoked to force package profile upload.
- Polished libdnf product-id plugin accorind feedback from PR.
- 1632394 Fix error caused by changes in pyanaconda API. ENT-906
- Package product-id plugin (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove macro forms of system executables (awood@redhat.com)
- Change in-source build message to a warning. (awood@redhat.com)
- Correct a few issues from code review. (awood@redhat.com)
- Remove "hello world" plugin (awood@redhat.com)
- Fixed almost all memory leaks from product-id plugin (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Make "Debug" default built type. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Solve some warnings. (awood@redhat.com)
- Added documentation about product-id plugin. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Add docs. Deduplicate repo IDs. (awood@redhat.com)
- Added some unit tests for reading product certificate. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Get rid of remaining compile warnings. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Incorporate productDB code. (awood@redhat.com)
- Add option to make production ready code, added some more strict gcc options.
- Added more unit tests and fixed one bug. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Added some basic test for creating handle and hook. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Add incomplete method to write database. (awood@redhat.com)
- Added basic support for testing product-id.c (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Fixed some memory leaks from productdb and unit tests. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Additional product db work (awood@redhat.com)
- Fix memory leaks and logging messages. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Fixed issue with list of installed packages and small changes
- More productdb functions and tests. (awood@redhat.com)
- Removing of unused product certs and productdb (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Code and tests for product-db. (awood@redhat.com)
- Basic refactoring, add unit framework. (awood@redhat.com)
- Fixed issue with variable substitution. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Removed more memory leaks and improved printError(). (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Write the map of product ID to repos into JSON. (awood@redhat.com)
- Added support for JSON-C into CMakeLists.txt. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Fixed several memory leaks using Valgrind (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Rename method to denote it actually installs a cert. (awood@redhat.com)
- Move hook method up to be with its friends. (awood@redhat.com)
- Only install product certs from active repos. (awood@redhat.com)
- Switch to CMake for product-id plugin by removing Makefile.
- Make reading of product certificate more robust. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Loging of productid plugin and put decompressed cert to /etc/pki/product
- Figure out what file name to use for the product cert. (awood@redhat.com)
- Link product-id.so with zlib, libcrypto and libssl libraries.
- Gunzip the product certificate. (awood@redhat.com)
- Find active packages (awood@redhat.com)
- Faster method of fetching active repos. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Look for active packages (awood@redhat.com)
- Fetch productid file. (awood@redhat.com)
- Ignore cmake build directories (awood@redhat.com)
- Rename using hyphen (awood@redhat.com)
- Add CMake file (awood@redhat.com)
- Makefile and trivial version of product id plugin (awood@redhat.com)
- Add note about using a local build. (awood@redhat.com)
- Added debug printing to log file (testing of pkcon). (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Added more notes to README.md. (jhnidek@redhat.com)
- Added README.md; fixed bug in plugin and added some \n to printf.
- Added initial test/example libdnf plugin (crog@redhat.com)
- Clean up temp files after unit tests. (awood@redhat.com)
- Add an environment variable to disable package profile reporting
- 1642271: Do not set a None lang (csnyder@redhat.com)
- Detect sles11 via /etc/SuSE-release (khowell@redhat.com)
* Thu Jan 10 2019 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 1.24.2-2
- 1650203: Remove Python 2 subpackage from Fedora 30+ (mhroncok@redhat.com)