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description = Local Service Configuration
activeServices = nss, dp, pam
description = NSS Responder Configuration
timeout = 150
# the following prevents sssd for searching for the root user/group in
# all domains (you can add here a comma separated list of system accounts are
# always going to be /etc/passwd users, or that you want to filter out)
filterGroups = root
filterUsers = root
description = Data Provider Configuration
timeout = 150
description = PAM Responder Configuration
timeout = 150
description = InfoPipe Configuration
timeout = 150
description = Service Monitor Configuration
sbusTimeout = 150
servicePingTime = 300
description = Domains served by SSSD
; domains = LOCAL,LDAP
# SSSD will not start if you don't configure any domain.
# Add new domains condifgurations as [domains/<NAME>] sections.
# Then add the list of domains (in the order you want them to be
# queried in the 'domains" attribute above and uncomment it
# Example LOCAL domain that proxies to /etc/passwd and /etc/group files
# This configuration is meant mostly as a migration path to be able to store
# additional information about users while still keeping /etc/passwd
# authoritative.
; [domains/LOCAL]
; description = LOCAL migration domain
; enumerate = 3
; minId = 500
; magicPrivateGroups = FALSE
; legacy = TRUE
; provider = proxy
; libName = files
; libPath = libnss_files.so.2
# optionally a file named sssdproxylocal can be place in pam.d configured to
# check pam_unix only and pam_sss can be used in the normal pam stack
; auth-module = proxy
; pam-target = sssdproxylocal
# Example LOCAL domain that stores all users natively in the SSSD internal
# directory. These local users and groups are not visibile in /etc/passwd, it
# now contains only root and system accounts.
; [domains/LOCAL]
; description = LOCAL Users domain
; enumerate = 3
; minId = 500
; maxId = 999
; legacy = FALSE
; magicPrivateGroups = TRUE
# Example LDAP domain that uses the proxy backend and the standard nss_ldap
# and pam_ldap modules (Useful until we have good working native ldap backends).
# For this to work the /etc/ldap.conf file needs to be correctly configured just
# like you would do when using nss_ldap in nsswitch.conf, but instead of setting
# passwd: files ldap, set passwd: files, sss instead there.
# Also consider using the following setting in /etc/ldap.conf to avoid needless
# delays if the ldap server is offline:
# timelimit 10
# bind_timelimit 5
# nss_reconnect_maxsleeptime 2
# nss_reconnect_sleeptime 1
; [domains/LDAP]
; description = Proxy request to our LDAP server
; enumerate = 0
; minId = 1000
; legacy = TRUE
; provider = proxy
; libName = ldap
; libPath = libnss_ldap.so.2