Daniel P. Berrangé a940a6e527 Convert license to SPDX format
Signed-off-by: Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange@redhat.com>
2023-05-19 11:54:52 +01:00

192 lines
5.2 KiB

#define _version_suffix
Name: spice-gtk
Version: 0.42
Release: %autorelease
Summary: A GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT AND MIT-open-group and BSD-3-Clause
URL: https://www.spice-space.org/spice-gtk.html
#VCS: git:git://anongit.freedesktop.org/spice/spice-gtk
Source0: https://www.spice-space.org/download/gtk/%{name}-%{version}%{?_version_suffix}.tar.xz
#Source1: https://www.spice-space.org/download/gtk/%{name}-%{version}%{?_version_suffix}.tar.xz.sig
#Source2: victortoso-E37A484F.keyring
BuildRequires: git-core
BuildRequires: meson
BuildRequires: usbredir-devel >= 0.7.1
BuildRequires: libusb1-devel >= 1.0.21
BuildRequires: pixman-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel
BuildRequires: opus-devel
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel
BuildRequires: libcacard-devel
BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
BuildRequires: libacl-devel
%if ! 0%{?flatpak}
BuildRequires: polkit-devel
BuildRequires: gtk-doc
BuildRequires: vala
BuildRequires: usbutils
BuildRequires: libsoup3-devel
BuildRequires: libphodav-devel >= 3.0
BuildRequires: lz4-devel
BuildRequires: gtk3-devel
BuildRequires: json-glib-devel
BuildRequires: spice-protocol >= 0.14.1
BuildRequires: gstreamer1-devel >= 1.10 gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel >= 1.10
BuildRequires: python3-six
BuildRequires: python3-pyparsing
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
BuildRequires: gnupg2
BuildRequires: libcap-ng-devel
BuildRequires: wayland-protocols-devel
Obsoletes: spice-gtk-python < 0.32
Requires: spice-glib%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Client libraries for SPICE desktop servers.
%package -n spice-glib
Summary: A GObject for communicating with Spice servers
%description -n spice-glib
spice-client-glib-2.0 is a SPICE client library for GLib2.
%package -n spice-glib-devel
Summary: Development files to build Glib2 applications with spice-glib-2.0
Requires: spice-glib%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkgconfig
Requires: glib2-devel
%description -n spice-glib-devel
spice-client-glib-2.0 is a SPICE client library for GLib2.
Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the spice-glib-2.0 libraries
%package -n spice-gtk3
Summary: A GTK3 widget for SPICE clients
Requires: spice-glib%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n spice-gtk3
spice-client-glib-3.0 is a SPICE client library for Gtk3.
%package -n spice-gtk3-devel
Summary: Development files to build GTK3 applications with spice-gtk-3.0
Requires: spice-gtk3%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: spice-glib-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkgconfig
Requires: gtk3-devel
Obsoletes: spice-gtk-devel < 0.32
%description -n spice-gtk3-devel
spice-client-gtk-3.0 provides a SPICE viewer widget for GTK3.
Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the spice-gtk3 libraries
%package -n spice-gtk3-vala
Summary: Vala bindings for the spice-gtk-3.0 library
Requires: spice-gtk3%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: spice-gtk3-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n spice-gtk3-vala
A module allowing use of the spice-gtk-3.0 widget from vala
%package tools
Summary: Spice-gtk tools
Requires: spice-gtk3%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description tools
Simple clients for interacting with SPICE servers.
spicy is a client to a SPICE desktop server.
spicy-screenshot is a tool to capture screen-shots of a SPICE desktop.
#gpgv2 --quiet --keyring %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE0}
%autosetup -S git_am
# meson macro has --auto-features=enabled
%meson \
-Dbuiltin-mjpeg=false \
%ifarch s390x # https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/spice/spice-gtk/issues/120
-Dusbredir=disabled \
%if 0%{?flatpak}
%find_lang %{name}
%ldconfig_scriptlets -n spice-glib
%ldconfig_scriptlets -n spice-gtk3
%doc README.md
%files -n spice-glib -f %{name}.lang
%if ! 0%{?flatpak}
%dir %{_libexecdir}/spice-gtk-%{_arch}/
%attr(4755, root, root) %{_libexecdir}/spice-gtk-%{_arch}/spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper
%files -n spice-glib-devel
%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/*
%files -n spice-gtk3
%files -n spice-gtk3-devel
%files -n spice-gtk3-vala
%files tools