2020-02-06 12:09:25 -05:00

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# For more information on this configuration file, see containers-registries.conf(5).
# There are multiple versions of the configuration syntax available, where the
# second iteration is backwards compatible to the first one. Mixing up both
# formats will result in an runtime error.
# The initial configuration format looks like this:
# Registries to search for images that are not fully-qualified.
# i.e. vs my_image:latest
# Pulling an image that is not fully qualified, i.e., one that includes the
# image name but does not include the registry or tag, is not recommended.
# There is a risk that the image being pulled could be spoofed. An example
# of this would be if a user wanted to pull an image named `foobar` from a
# registry and expect it to come from If is
# not first in the search list, an attacker could place a different `foobar`
# image at a registry earlier in the search list. Now you would accidentally
# run the attackers code rather than the intended content. Registries that
# are added to this list should be completely controlled, i.e., not allow
# unknown/arbitrary users being able to create accounts with arbitrary names
# to prevent an image from being spoofed, squatted or otherwise made
# insecure. If it is necessary to use one of these registries, it should be
# added at the end of the list.
# It is recommended to use fully-qualified images for pulling as the
# destination registry is unambiguous. Pulling by digest
# (i.e., further eliminates the ambiguity of
# tags.
registries = ['', '', '', '']
# Registries that do not use TLS when pulling images or uses self-signed
# certificates.
registries = []
# Blocked Registries, blocks the `docker daemon` from pulling from the blocked registry. If you specify
# "*", then the docker daemon will only be allowed to pull from registries listed above in the search
# registries. Blocked Registries is deprecated because other container runtimes and tools will not use it.
# It is recommended that you use the trust policy file /etc/containers/policy.json to control which
# registries you want to allow users to pull and push from. policy.json gives greater flexibility, and
# supports all container runtimes and tools including the docker daemon, cri-o, buildah ...
# The atomic CLI `atomic trust` can be used to easily configure the policy.json file.
registries = []
# The second version of the configuration format allows to specify registry
# mirrors:
# NOTE: Please read the note about the risk of unqualified images identified above.
# # An array of host[:port] registries to try when pulling an unqualified image, in order.
# unqualified-search-registries = [""]
# [[registry]]
# # The "prefix" field is used to choose the relevant [[registry]] TOML table;
# # (only) the TOML table with the longest match for the input image name
# # (taking into account namespace/repo/tag/digest separators) is used.
# #
# # If the prefix field is missing, it defaults to be the same as the "location" field.
# prefix = ""
# # If true, unencrypted HTTP as well as TLS connections with untrusted
# # certificates are allowed.
# insecure = false
# # If true, pulling images with matching names is forbidden.
# blocked = false
# # The physical location of the "prefix"-rooted namespace.
# #
# # By default, this equal to "prefix" (in which case "prefix" can be omitted
# # and the [[registry]] TOML table can only specify "location").
# #
# # Example: Given
# # prefix = ""
# # location = ""
# # requests for the image will actually work with the
# # image.
# location ="
# # (Possibly-partial) mirrors for the "prefix"-rooted namespace.
# #
# # The mirrors are attempted in the specified order; the first one that can be
# # contacted and contains the image will be used (and if none of the mirrors contains the image,
# # the primary location specified by the "registry.location" field, or using the unmodified
# # user-specified reference, is tried last).
# #
# # Each TOML table in the "mirror" array can contain the following fields, with the same semantics
# # as if specified in the [[registry]] TOML table directly:
# # - location
# # - insecure
# [[registry.mirror]]
# location = "example-mirror-0.local/mirror-for-foo"
# [[registry.mirror]]
# location = "example-mirror-1.local/mirrors/foo"
# insecure = true
# # Given the above, a pull of will try:
# # 1. example-mirror-0.local/mirror-for-foo/image:latest
# # 2. example-mirror-1.local/mirrors/foo/image:latest
# # 3.
# # in order, and use the first one that exists.