#!/bin/bash # This script delivers current documentation/configs and assures it has the intended # settings for a particular branch/release. # For questions reach to Jindrich Novy ensure() { if grep ^$2[[:blank:]].*= $1 > /dev/null then sed -i "s;^$2[[:blank:]]=.*;$2 = $3;" $1 else if grep ^\#.*$2[[:blank:]].*= $1 > /dev/null then sed -i "/^#.*$2[[:blank:]].*=/a \ $2 = $3" $1 else echo "$2 = \"$3\"" >> $1 fi fi } ./pyxis.sh ./update-vendored.sh spectool -f -g skopeo.spec ensure storage.conf driver \"overlay\" ensure storage.conf mountopt \"nodev,metacopy=on\" ensure registries.conf unqualified-search-registries [\"registry.fedoraproject.org\",\ \"registry.access.redhat.com\",\ \"registry.centos.org\",\ \"docker.io\"] ensure containers.conf events_logger \"file\" ensure containers.conf infra_image \"registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/pause\" ensure containers.conf runtime \"runc\" [ `grep "keyctl" seccomp.json | wc -l` == 0 ] && sed -i '/\"kill\",/i \ "keyctl",' seccomp.json sed -i '/\"socketcall\",/i \ "socket",' seccomp.json if ! grep \"NET_RAW\" containers.conf > /dev/null then sed -i '/^default_capabilities/a \ "NET_RAW",' containers.conf fi