% storage.conf(5) Container Storage Configuration File % Dan Walsh % May 2017 # NAME storage.conf - Syntax of Container Storage configuration file # DESCRIPTION The STORAGE configuration file specifies all of the available container storage options for tools using shared container storage, but in a TOML format that can be more easily modified and versioned. # FORMAT The [TOML format][toml] is used as the encoding of the configuration file. Every option and subtable listed here is nested under a global "storage" table. No bare options are used. The format of TOML can be simplified to: [table] option = value [table.subtable1] option = value [table.subtable2] option = value ## STORAGE TABLE The `storage` table supports the following options: **graphroot**="" container storage graph dir (default: "/var/lib/containers/storage") Default directory to store all writable content created by container storage programs **runroot**="" container storage run dir (default: "/var/run/containers/storage") Default directory to store all temporary writable content created by container storage programs **driver**="" container storage driver (default is "overlay") Default Copy On Write (COW) container storage driver ### STORAGE OPTIONS TABLE The `storage.options` table supports the following options: **additionalimagestores**=[] Paths to additional container image stores. Usually these are read/only and stored on remote network shares. **size**="" Maximum size of a container image. Default is 10GB. This flag can be used to set quota on the size of container images. **override_kernel_check**="" Tell storage drivers to ignore kernel version checks. Some storage drivers assume that if a kernel is too old, the driver is not supported. But for kernels that have had the drivers backported, this flag allows users to override the checks # HISTORY May 2017, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh Format copied from crio.conf man page created by Aleksa Sarai