
171 lines
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%global with_debug 1
%if 0%{?with_debug}
%global _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts %{nil}
%global _dwz_low_mem_die_limit 0
%global debug_package %{nil}
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
# RHEL 8's default %%gobuild macro doesn't account for the BUILDTAGS variable, so we
# set it separately here and do not depend on RHEL 8's go-srpm-macros package.
%if %{defined rhel} && 0%{?rhel} == 8
%define gobuild(o:) go build -buildmode pie -compiler gc -tags="rpm_crashtraceback libtrust_openssl ${BUILDTAGS:-}" -ldflags "-linkmode=external -compressdwarf=false ${LDFLAGS:-} -B 0x$(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d ' \\n') -extldflags '%__global_ldflags'" -a -v -x %{?**};
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
%global gomodulesmode GO111MODULE=on
# No btrfs on RHEL
%if %{defined fedora}
%define build_with_btrfs 1
# Only used in official koji builds
# Copr builds set a separate epoch for all environments
%if %{defined fedora}
%define conditional_epoch 1
%define conditional_epoch 2
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
Name: skopeo
%if %{defined copr_username}
Epoch: 102
Epoch: %{conditional_epoch}
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
# DO NOT TOUCH the Version string!
# The TRUE source of this specfile is:
# If that's what you're reading, Version must be 0, and will be updated by Packit for
# copr and koji builds.
# If you're reading this on dist-git, the version is automatically filled in by Packit.
Version: 1.13.2
License: Apache-2.0 and BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause and ISC and MIT and MPL-2.0
Release: %autorelease
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
%if %{defined golang_arches_future}
ExclusiveArch: %{golang_arches_future}
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
ExclusiveArch: aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64
Summary: Inspect container images and repositories on registries
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
# Tarball fetched from upstream
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/go-md2man
%if %{defined build_with_btrfs}
BuildRequires: btrfs-progs-devel
BuildRequires: git-core
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
BuildRequires: golang
%if !%{defined gobuild}
BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
BuildRequires: gpgme-devel
BuildRequires: libassuan-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(devmapper)
BuildRequires: ostree-devel
BuildRequires: glib2-devel
BuildRequires: make
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
BuildRequires: shadow-utils-subid-devel
Requires: containers-common >= 4:1-21
Command line utility to inspect images and repositories directly on Docker
registries without the need to pull them
%package tests
Summary: Tests for %{name}
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires: bats
Requires: gnupg
Requires: jq
Requires: golang
Requires: podman
Requires: crun
Requires: httpd-tools
Requires: openssl
Requires: fakeroot
Requires: squashfs-tools
%description tests
This package contains system tests for %{name}
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
%autosetup -Sgit %{name}-%{version}
# The %%install stage should not rebuild anything but only install what's
# built in the %%build stage. So, remove any dependency on build targets.
sed -i 's/^install-binary: bin\/%{name}.*/install-binary:/' Makefile
sed -i 's/^completions: bin\/%{name}.*/completions:/' Makefile
sed -i 's/^install-docs: docs.*/install-docs:/' Makefile
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
# These extra flags present in $CFLAGS have been skipped for now as they break the build
CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-flto=auto//g')
CGO_CFLAGS=$(echo $CGO_CFLAGS | sed 's/-specs=\/usr\/lib\/rpm\/redhat\/redhat-annobin-cc1//g')
%ifarch x86_64
export CGO_CFLAGS="$CGO_CFLAGS -m64 -mtune=generic -fcf-protection=full"
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
BASEBUILDTAGS="$(hack/ $(hack/"
%if %{defined build_with_btrfs}
export BUILDTAGS="$BASEBUILDTAGS $(hack/ $(hack/"
export BUILDTAGS="$BASEBUILDTAGS btrfs_noversion exclude_graphdriver_btrfs"
# unset LDFLAGS earlier set from set_build_flags
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
%gobuild -o bin/%{name} ./cmd/%{name}
%{__make} docs
make \
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
install-binary install-docs install-completions
# system tests
install -d -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/%{name}/test/system
cp -pav systemtest/* %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/%{name}/test/system/
#define license tag if not already defined
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc}
%license LICENSE
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions
%dir %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d
%dir %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions
%files tests
%license LICENSE
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
%if %{defined autochangelog}
2023-07-06 19:28:16 +00:00
# NOTE: This changelog will be visible on CentOS 8 Stream builds
# Other envs are capable of handling autochangelog
* Tue Jun 13 2023 RH Container Bot <>
- Placeholder changelog for envs that are not autochangelog-ready.
- Contact upstream if you need to report an issue with the build.