Tells the thinpool driver the amount by which the thinpool needs to be grown. This is specified in terms of % of pool size. So a value of 20 means that when threshold is hit, pool will be grown by 20% of existing pool size. (default: 20%)
Tells the driver the thinpool extension threshold in terms of percentage of pool size. For example, if threshold is 60, that means when pool is 60% full, threshold has been hit. (default: 80%)
Specifies the min free space percent in a thin pool required for new device creation to succeed. Valid values are from 0% - 99%. Value 0% disables. (default: 10%)
Marks devicemapper block device for deferred removal. If the device is in use when its driver attempts to remove it, the driver tells the kernel to remove the device as soon as possible. Note this does not free up the disk space, use deferred deletion to fully remove the thinpool. (default: true).
Marks thinpool device for deferred deletion. If the thinpool is in use when the driver attempts to delete it, the driver will attempt to delete device every 30 seconds until successful, or when it restarts. Deferred deletion permanently deletes the device and all data stored in the device will be lost. (default: true).
Specifies the maximum number of retries XFS should attempt to complete IO when ENOSPC (no space) error is returned by underlying storage device. (default: 0, which means to try continuously.)
Tell storage drivers to use the specified OSTree repository. Some storage drivers, such as overlay, might use
Tell storage drivers to not create a PRIVATE bind mount on their home directory.