.TH "setenforce" "1" "7 April 2004" "dwalsh@redhat.com" "SELinux Command Line documentation" .SH "NAME" setenforce \- modify the mode SELinux is running in. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B setenforce [ Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ] .SH "DESCRIPTION" Use Enforcing or 1 to put SELinux in enforcing mode. Use Permissive or 0 to put SELinux in permissive mode. You need to modify .I /etc/grub.conf or .I /etc/selinux/config to disable SELinux. .SH AUTHOR Dan Walsh, .SH "SEE ALSO" getenforce(8), selinuxenabled(8) .SH FILES /etc/grub.conf, /etc/selinux/config