policy_module(mta,1.0) ######################################## # # Declarations # type etc_aliases_t; files_make_file(etc_aliases_t) type etc_mail_t; files_make_file(etc_mail_t) attribute mailserver_domain; type mqueue_spool_t; files_make_file(mqueue_spool_t) type mail_spool_t; files_make_file(mail_spool_t) type sendmail_exec_t; files_make_file(sendmail_exec_t) type system_mail_t; #, user_mail_domain, nscd_client_domain; domain_make_domain(system_mail_t) role system_r types system_mail_t; ifdef(`targeted_policy',`',` optional_policy(`sendmail.te', ` domain_make_entrypoint_file(system_mail_t,sendmail_exec_t) ', ` init_make_system_domain(system_mail_t,sendmail_exec_t) ') dnl end if sendmail ') dnl end targeted_policy ######################################## # # System mail local policy # allow system_mail_t self:capability { setuid setgid chown }; allow system_mail_t self:process { sigkill sigstop signull signal setrlimit }; allow system_mail_t self:tcp_socket { create connect ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind getopt setopt shutdown }; # re-exec itself allow system_mail_t sendmail_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans }; allow system_mail_t sendmail_exec_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; kernel_read_kernel_sysctl(system_mail_t) kernel_read_system_state(system_mail_t) kernel_read_network_state(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_tcp_on_all_interfaces(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_raw_on_all_interfaces(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_tcp_on_all_nodes(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_raw_on_all_nodes(system_mail_t) corenetwork_bind_tcp_on_all_nodes(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_tcp_on_all_ports(system_mail_t) devices_get_pseudorandom_data(system_mail_t) fs_get_persistent_fs_attributes(system_mail_t) init_script_use_pseudoterminal(system_mail_t) files_read_runtime_system_config(system_mail_t) files_read_general_system_config(system_mail_t) # It wants to check for nscd files_ignore_search_runtime_data_directory(system_mail_t) corecommands_execute_general_programs(system_mail_t) libraries_use_dynamic_loader(system_mail_t) libraries_use_shared_libraries(system_mail_t) logging_send_system_log_message(system_mail_t) miscfiles_read_localization(system_mail_t) sysnetwork_read_network_config(system_mail_t) tunable_policy(`use_dns',` allow system_mail_t self:udp_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind getopt setopt shutdown connect }; corenetwork_sendrecv_udp_on_all_interfaces(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_udp_on_all_nodes(system_mail_t) corenetwork_bind_udp_on_all_nodes(system_mail_t) corenetwork_sendrecv_udp_on_dns_port(system_mail_t) ') optional_policy(`procmail.te',` procmail_execute(system_mail_t) ') ifdef(`TODO',` optional_policy(`sendmail.te',` allow system_mail_t etc_mail_t:dir { getattr search }; allow system_mail_t etc_runtime_t:file { getattr read }; allow system_mail_t proc_t:dir search; allow system_mail_t proc_t:file { getattr read }; allow system_mail_t proc_t:lnk_file read; dontaudit system_mail_t proc_net_t:dir search; allow system_mail_t fs_t:filesystem getattr; allow system_mail_t var_t:dir getattr; allow system_mail_t var_spool_t:dir getattr; dontaudit system_mail_t userpty_type:chr_file { getattr read write }; # sendmail -q allow system_mail_t mqueue_spool_t:dir rw_dir_perms; allow system_mail_t mqueue_spool_t:file create_file_perms; ifdef(`crond.te', ` dontaudit system_mail_t system_crond_tmp_t:file append; ') ') dnl end if sendmail can_ypbind(system_mail_t) allow system_mail_t device_t:dir search; allow system_mail_t { var_t var_spool_t }:dir search; allow system_mail_t sbin_t:dir search; # Transition from a system domain to the derived domain. domain_auto_trans(privmail, sendmail_exec_t, system_mail_t) allow privmail sendmail_exec_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; ifdef(`crond.te', ` # Read cron temporary files. allow system_mail_t system_crond_tmp_t:file { read getattr ioctl }; allow mta_user_agent system_crond_tmp_t:file { read getattr }; ') ifdef(`qmail.te', ` allow system_mail_t qmail_etc_t:dir search; allow system_mail_t qmail_etc_t:{ file lnk_file } read; ')dnl end if qmail ifdef(`targeted_policy', ` # rules are currently defined in sendmail.te, but it is not included in # targeted policy. We could move these rules permanantly here. ifdef(`postfix.te', `', ` domain_execute_all_entrypoint_programs(system_mail_t) files_execute_system_config_script(system_mail_t) corecommands_execute_general_programs(system_mail_t) corecommands_execute_system_programs(system_mail_t) libraries_use_dynamic_loader(system_mail_t) libraries_use_shared_libraries(system_mail_t) libraries_execute_dynamic_loader(system_mail_t) libraries_execute_library_scripts(system_mail_t) ') allow system_mail_t { var_t var_spool_t }:dir getattr; allow system_mail_t mqueue_spool_t:dir { create read getattr lock setattr ioctl link unlink rename search add_name remove_name reparent write rmdir }; allow system_mail_t mqueue_spool_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow system_mail_t mqueue_spool_t:lnk_file { create read getattr setattr link unlink rename }; allow system_mail_t mail_spool_t:dir { create read getattr lock setattr ioctl link unlink rename search add_name remove_name reparent write rmdir }; allow system_mail_t mail_spool_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow system_mail_t mail_spool_t:lnk_file { create read getattr setattr link unlink rename }; allow system_mail_t mail_spool_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms; allow system_mail_t etc_mail_t:file { getattr read }; ', ` dnl if not targeted policy: optional_policy(`sendmail.te', ` # sendmail has an ugly design, the one process parses input from the user and # then does system things with it. domain_auto_trans(initrc_t, sendmail_exec_t, sendmail_t) ') # allow the sysadmin to do "mail someone < /home/user/whatever" allow sysadm_mail_t user_home_dir_type:dir search; r_dir_file(sysadm_mail_t, user_home_type) ') dnl end ifdef targeted_policy # for a mail server process that does things in response to a user command allow mta_user_agent userdomain:process sigchld; allow mta_user_agent { userdomain privfd }:fd use; ifdef(`crond.te', ` allow mta_user_agent crond_t:process sigchld; ') allow mta_user_agent sysadm_t:fifo_file { read write }; allow { system_mail_t mta_user_agent } privmail:fd use; allow { system_mail_t mta_user_agent } privmail:process sigchld; allow { system_mail_t mta_user_agent } privmail:fifo_file { read write }; allow { system_mail_t mta_user_agent } admin_tty_type:chr_file { read write }; ifdef(`arpwatch.te', ` # why is mail delivered to a directory of type arpwatch_data_t? allow mta_delivery_agent arpwatch_data_t:dir search; allow { system_mail_t mta_user_agent } arpwatch_tmp_t:file rw_file_perms; ifdef(`hide_broken_symptoms', ` dontaudit { system_mail_t mta_user_agent } arpwatch_t:packet_socket { read write }; ') ')dnl end if arpwatch.te allow mta_delivery_agent home_root_t:dir { getattr search }; # for /var/spool/mail ra_dir_create_file(mta_delivery_agent, mail_spool_t) # for piping mail to a command can_exec(mta_delivery_agent, shell_exec_t) allow mta_delivery_agent bin_t:dir search; allow mta_delivery_agent bin_t:lnk_file read; allow mta_delivery_agent { etc_runtime_t proc_t }:file { getattr read }; # Transition from a system domain to the derived domain. domain_auto_trans(privmail, sendmail_exec_t, system_mail_t) allow privmail sendmail_exec_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; ifdef(`crond.te', ` # Read cron temporary files. allow system_mail_t system_crond_tmp_t:file { read getattr ioctl }; allow mta_user_agent system_crond_tmp_t:file { read getattr }; ') ') dnl end TODO