"""PyPlate : a simple Python-based templating program PyPlate parses a file and replaces directives (in double square brackets [[ ... ]]) by various means using a given dictionary of variables. Arbitrary Python code can be run inside many of the directives, making this system highly flexible. Usage: # Load and parse template file template = pyplate.Template("output") (filename or string) # Execute it with a dictionary of variables template.execute_file(output_stream, locals()) PyPlate defines the following directives: [[...]] evaluate the arbitrary Python expression and insert the result into the output [[# ... #]] comment. [[exec ...]] execute arbitrary Python code in the sandbox namespace [[if ...]] conditional expressions with usual Python semantics [[elif ...]] [[else]] [[end]] [[for ... in ...]] for-loop with usual Python semantics [[end]] [[def ...(...)]] define a "function" out of other templating elements [[end]] [[call ...]] call a templating function (not a regular Python function) """ # # Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Droettboom # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # from __future__ import nested_scopes import sys, string, re, cStringIO re_directive = re.compile("\[\[(.*)\]\]") re_for_loop = re.compile("for (.*) in (.*)") re_if = re.compile("if (.*)") re_elif = re.compile("elif (.*)") re_def = re.compile("def (.*?)\((.*)\)") re_call = re.compile("call (.*?)\((.*)\)") re_exec = re.compile("exec (.*)") re_comment = re.compile("#(.*)#") ############################################################ # Template parser class ParserException(Exception): def __init__(self, lineno, s): Exception.__init__(self, "line %d: %s" % (lineno, s)) class Template: def __init__(self, filename=None): if filename != None: try: self.parse_file(filename) except: self.parse_string(filename) def parse_file(self, filename): file = open(filename, 'r') self.parse(file) file.close() def parse_string(self, template): file = cStringIO.StringIO(template) self.parse(file) file.close() def parse(self, file): self.file = file self.line = self.file.read() self.lineno = 0 self.functions = {} self.tree = TopLevelTemplateNode(self) def parser_get(self): if self.line == '': return None return self.line def parser_eat(self, chars): self.lineno = self.lineno + self.line[:chars].count("\n") self.line = self.line[chars:] def parser_exception(self, s): raise ParserException(self.lineno, s) def execute_file(self, filename, data): file = open(filename, 'w') self.execute(file, data) file.close() def execute_string(self, data): s = cStringIO.StringIO() self.execute(s, data) return s.getvalue() def execute_stdout(self, data): self.execute(sys.stdout, data) def execute(self, stream=sys.stdout, data={}): self.tree.execute(stream, data) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.tree) ############################################################ # NODES class TemplateNode: def __init__(self, parent, s): self.parent = parent self.s = s self.node_list = [] while 1: new_node = TemplateNodeFactory(parent) if self.add_node(new_node): break def add_node(self, node): if node == 'end': return 1 elif node != None: self.node_list.append(node) else: raise self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] does not have a matching [[end]]" % self.s) def execute(self, stream, data): for node in self.node_list: node.execute(stream, data) def __repr__(self): r = "<" + self.__class__.__name__ + " " for i in self.node_list: r = r + repr(i) r = r + ">" return r class TopLevelTemplateNode(TemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent): TemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, '') def add_node(self, node): if node != None: self.node_list.append(node) else: return 1 class ForTemplateNode(TemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): TemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, s) match = re_for_loop.match(s) if match == None: raise self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] is not a valid for-loop expression" % self.s) else: self.vars_temp = match.group(1).split(",") self.vars = [] for v in self.vars_temp: self.vars.append(v.strip()) print self.vars self.expression = match.group(2) def execute(self, stream, data): remember_vars = {} for var in self.vars: if data.has_key(var): remember_vars[var] = data[var] for list in eval(self.expression, globals(), data): if util.is_sequence(list): for index, value in util.enumerate(list): data[self.vars[index]] = value else: data[self.vars[0]] = list TemplateNode.execute(self, stream, data) for key, value in remember_vars.items(): data[key] = value class IfTemplateNode(TemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): self.else_node = None TemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, s) match = re_if.match(s) if match == None: raise self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] is not a valid if expression" % self.s) else: self.expression = match.group(1) def add_node(self, node): if node == 'end': return 1 elif isinstance(node, ElseTemplateNode): self.else_node = node return 1 elif isinstance(node, ElifTemplateNode): self.else_node = node return 1 elif node != None: self.node_list.append(node) else: raise self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] does not have a matching [[end]]" % self.s) def execute(self, stream, data): if eval(self.expression, globals(), data): TemplateNode.execute(self, stream, data) elif self.else_node != None: self.else_node.execute(stream, data) class ElifTemplateNode(IfTemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): self.else_node = None TemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, s) match = re_elif.match(s) if match == None: self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] is not a valid elif expression" % self.s) else: self.expression = match.group(1) class ElseTemplateNode(TemplateNode): pass class FunctionTemplateNode(TemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): TemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, s) match = re_def.match(s) if match == None: self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] is not a valid function definition" % self.s) self.function_name = match.group(1) self.vars_temp = match.group(2).split(",") self.vars = [] for v in self.vars_temp: self.vars.append(v.strip()) print self.vars self.parent.functions[self.function_name] = self def execute(self, stream, data): pass def call(self, args, stream, data): remember_vars = {} for index, var in util.enumerate(self.vars): if data.has_key(var): remember_vars[var] = data[var] data[var] = args[index] TemplateNode.execute(self, stream, data) for key, value in remember_vars.items(): data[key] = value class LeafTemplateNode(TemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): self.parent = parent self.s = s def execute(self, stream, data): stream.write(self.s) def __repr__(self): return "<" + self.__class__.__name__ + ">" class CommentTemplateNode(LeafTemplateNode): def execute(self, stream, data): pass class ExpressionTemplateNode(LeafTemplateNode): def execute(self, stream, data): stream.write(str(eval(self.s, globals(), data))) class ExecTemplateNode(LeafTemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): LeafTemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, s) match = re_exec.match(s) if match == None: self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] is not a valid statement" % self.s) self.s = match.group(1) def execute(self, stream, data): exec(self.s, globals(), data) pass class CallTemplateNode(LeafTemplateNode): def __init__(self, parent, s): LeafTemplateNode.__init__(self, parent, s) match = re_call.match(s) if match == None: self.parent.parser_exception( "[[%s]] is not a valid function call" % self.s) self.function_name = match.group(1) self.vars = "(" + match.group(2).strip() + ",)" def execute(self, stream, data): self.parent.functions[self.function_name].call( eval(self.vars, globals(), data), stream, data) ############################################################ # Node factory template_factory_type_map = { 'if' : IfTemplateNode, 'for' : ForTemplateNode, 'elif' : ElifTemplateNode, 'else' : ElseTemplateNode, 'def' : FunctionTemplateNode, 'call' : CallTemplateNode, 'exec' : ExecTemplateNode } template_factory_types = template_factory_type_map.keys() def TemplateNodeFactory(parent): src = parent.parser_get() if src == None: return None match = re_directive.search(src) if match == None: parent.parser_eat(len(src)) return LeafTemplateNode(parent, src) elif src == '' or match.start() != 0: parent.parser_eat(match.start()) return LeafTemplateNode(parent, src[:match.start()]) else: directive = match.group()[2:-2].strip() parent.parser_eat(match.end()) if directive == 'end': return 'end' elif re_comment.match(directive): return CommentTemplateNode(parent, directive) else: for i in template_factory_types: if directive[0:len(i)] == i: return template_factory_type_map[i](parent, directive) return ExpressionTemplateNode(parent, directive) ############################################################ # TESTING CODE if __name__ == '__main__': combinations = (('OneBit', 'Float', 'GreyScale'), ('GreyScale', 'RGB')) template = Template(""" [[# This is a comment #]] [[# This example does recursive function calls need to generate feature combinations #]] [[def switch(layer, args)]] switch(m[[layer]].id) { [[for option in combinations[layer]]] [[exec current = option + '(m' + str(layer) + ')']] case [[option]]: [[if layer == layers - 1]] function_call([[string.join(args + [current], ',')]]); [[else]] [[call switch(layer + 1, args + [current])]] [[end]] break; [[end]] } [[end]] PyObject *py_overload_resolution_[[function_name]](PyObject *args) { [[call switch(0, [])]] } """) data = {'combinations' : combinations, 'function_name' : 'threshold', 'layers' : 2} template.execute(sys.stdout, data)