## Secure shell client and server policy. ####################################### ## ## Basic SSH client template. ## ## ##

## This template creates a derived domains which are used ## for ssh client sessions. A derived ## type is also created to protect the user ssh keys. ##


## This template was added for NX. ##

## ## ## The prefix of the domain (e.g., user ## is the prefix for user_t). ## ## ## ## ## The type of the domain. ## ## ## ## ## The role associated with the user domain. ## ## # template(`ssh_basic_client_template',` gen_require(` attribute ssh_server; type ssh_exec_t, sshd_key_t, sshd_tmp_t; ') ############################## # # Declarations # type $1_ssh_t; application_domain($1_ssh_t, ssh_exec_t) role $3 types $1_ssh_t; type $1_home_ssh_t; files_type($1_home_ssh_t) ############################## # # Client local policy # allow $1_ssh_t self:capability { setuid setgid dac_override dac_read_search }; allow $1_ssh_t self:process ~{ ptrace setcurrent setexec setfscreate setrlimit execmem execstack execheap }; allow $1_ssh_t self:fd use; allow $1_ssh_t self:fifo_file rw_fifo_file_perms; allow $1_ssh_t self:unix_dgram_socket { create_socket_perms sendto }; allow $1_ssh_t self:unix_stream_socket { create_stream_socket_perms connectto }; allow $1_ssh_t self:shm create_shm_perms; allow $1_ssh_t self:sem create_sem_perms; allow $1_ssh_t self:msgq create_msgq_perms; allow $1_ssh_t self:msg { send receive }; allow $1_ssh_t self:tcp_socket create_socket_perms; allow $1_ssh_t self:netlink_route_socket r_netlink_socket_perms; # for rsync allow $1_ssh_t $2:unix_stream_socket rw_socket_perms; allow $1_ssh_t $2:unix_stream_socket connectto; # Read the ssh key file. allow $1_ssh_t sshd_key_t:file read_file_perms; # Access the ssh temporary files. allow $1_ssh_t sshd_tmp_t:dir manage_dir_perms; allow $1_ssh_t sshd_tmp_t:file manage_file_perms; files_tmp_filetrans($1_ssh_t, sshd_tmp_t, { file dir }) # Transition from the domain to the derived domain. domtrans_pattern($2, ssh_exec_t, $1_ssh_t) # inheriting stream sockets is needed for "ssh host command" as no pty # is allocated # cjp: should probably fix target to be an attribute for ssh servers # or "regular" (not special like sshd_extern_t) servers allow $2 ssh_server:unix_stream_socket rw_stream_socket_perms; # allow ps to show ssh ps_process_pattern($2, $1_ssh_t) # user can manage the keys and config manage_files_pattern($2, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) manage_lnk_files_pattern($2, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) manage_sock_files_pattern($2, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) # ssh client can manage the keys and config manage_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) read_lnk_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) # ssh servers can read the user keys and config allow ssh_server $1_home_ssh_t:dir list_dir_perms; read_files_pattern(ssh_server, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) read_lnk_files_pattern(ssh_server, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) kernel_read_kernel_sysctls($1_ssh_t) corenet_all_recvfrom_unlabeled($1_ssh_t) corenet_all_recvfrom_netlabel($1_ssh_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_if($1_ssh_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_nodes($1_ssh_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_ports($1_ssh_t) corenet_tcp_connect_ssh_port($1_ssh_t) corenet_sendrecv_ssh_client_packets($1_ssh_t) dev_read_urand($1_ssh_t) fs_getattr_all_fs($1_ssh_t) fs_search_auto_mountpoints($1_ssh_t) # run helper programs - needed eg for x11-ssh-askpass corecmd_exec_shell($1_ssh_t) corecmd_exec_bin($1_ssh_t) domain_use_interactive_fds($1_ssh_t) files_list_home($1_ssh_t) files_read_usr_files($1_ssh_t) files_read_etc_runtime_files($1_ssh_t) files_read_etc_files($1_ssh_t) files_read_var_files($1_ssh_t) libs_use_ld_so($1_ssh_t) libs_use_shared_libs($1_ssh_t) logging_send_syslog_msg($1_ssh_t) logging_read_generic_logs($1_ssh_t) miscfiles_read_localization($1_ssh_t) seutil_read_config($1_ssh_t) sysnet_read_config($1_ssh_t) sysnet_dns_name_resolve($1_ssh_t) tunable_policy(`read_default_t',` files_list_default($1_ssh_t) files_read_default_files($1_ssh_t) files_read_default_symlinks($1_ssh_t) files_read_default_sockets($1_ssh_t) files_read_default_pipes($1_ssh_t) ') optional_policy(` kerberos_use($1_ssh_t) ') optional_policy(` nis_use_ypbind($1_ssh_t) ') optional_policy(` nscd_socket_use($1_ssh_t) ') ') ####################################### ## ## The per role template for the ssh module. ## ## ##

## This template creates a derived domains which are used ## for ssh client sessions and user ssh agents. A derived ## type is also created to protect the user ssh keys. ##


## This template is invoked automatically for each user, and ## generally does not need to be invoked directly ## by policy writers. ##

## ## ## The prefix of the user domain (e.g., user ## is the prefix for user_t). ## ## ## ## ## The type of the user domain. ## ## ## ## ## The role associated with the user domain. ## ## # template(`ssh_per_role_template',` gen_require(` type ssh_agent_exec_t, ssh_keysign_exec_t, sshd_t, sshd_key_t; ') ############################## # # Declarations # ssh_basic_client_template($1, $2, $3) userdom_user_home_content($1, $1_home_ssh_t) type $1_ssh_agent_t; application_domain($1_ssh_agent_t, ssh_agent_exec_t) domain_interactive_fd($1_ssh_agent_t) role $3 types $1_ssh_agent_t; type $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t; files_tmp_file($1_ssh_agent_tmp_t) type $1_ssh_keysign_t; application_domain($1_ssh_keysign_t, ssh_keysign_exec_t) role $3 types $1_ssh_keysign_t; type $1_ssh_tmpfs_t; files_tmpfs_file($1_ssh_tmpfs_t) ############################## # # Client local policy # manage_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t) manage_lnk_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t) manage_fifo_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t) manage_sock_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t) fs_tmpfs_filetrans($1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t, { dir file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file }) manage_dirs_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) manage_sock_files_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t) userdom_user_home_dir_filetrans($1, $1_ssh_t, $1_home_ssh_t, { dir sock_file }) # Allow the ssh program to communicate with ssh-agent. stream_connect_pattern($1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, $1_ssh_agent_t) allow $1_ssh_t sshd_t:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow $2 $1_ssh_t:process signal; userdom_use_unpriv_users_fds($1_ssh_t) userdom_dontaudit_list_user_home_dirs($1,$1_ssh_t) userdom_search_user_home_dirs($1,$1_ssh_t) # Write to the user domain tty. userdom_use_user_terminals($1,$1_ssh_t) # needs to read krb tgt userdom_read_user_tmp_files($1, $1_ssh_t) tunable_policy(`allow_ssh_keysign',` domain_auto_trans($1_ssh_t, ssh_keysign_exec_t, $1_ssh_keysign_t) allow $1_ssh_keysign_t $1_ssh_t:fd use; allow $1_ssh_keysign_t $1_ssh_t:process sigchld; allow $1_ssh_keysign_t $1_ssh_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms; ') tunable_policy(`use_nfs_home_dirs',` fs_manage_nfs_dirs($1_ssh_t) fs_manage_nfs_files($1_ssh_t) ') tunable_policy(`use_samba_home_dirs',` fs_manage_cifs_dirs($1_ssh_t) fs_manage_cifs_files($1_ssh_t) ') # for port forwarding tunable_policy(`user_tcp_server',` corenet_tcp_bind_ssh_port($1_ssh_t) ') optional_policy(` xserver_user_x_domain_template($1, $1_ssh, $1_ssh_t, $1_ssh_tmpfs_t) xserver_domtrans_user_xauth($1, $1_ssh_t) ') ifdef(`TODO',` # for /bin/sh used to execute xauth dontaudit $1_ssh_t proc_t:{ lnk_file file } { getattr read }; #allow ssh to access keys stored on removable media # Should we have a boolean around this? files_search_mnt($1_ssh_t) r_dir_file($1_ssh_t, removable_t) ') dnl endif TODO ############################## # # $1_ssh_agent_t local policy # allow $1_ssh_agent_t self:process setrlimit; allow $1_ssh_agent_t self:capability setgid; allow $1_ssh_agent_t { $1_ssh_agent_t $2 }:process signull; allow $1_ssh_agent_t self:unix_stream_socket { create_stream_socket_perms connectto }; manage_dirs_pattern($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t) manage_sock_files_pattern($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t) files_tmp_filetrans($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, { dir sock_file }) # for ssh-add stream_connect_pattern($2, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, $1_ssh_agent_tmp_t, $1_ssh_agent_t) # Allow the user shell to signal the ssh program. allow $2 $1_ssh_agent_t:process signal; # allow ps to show ssh ps_process_pattern($2, $1_ssh_agent_t) domtrans_pattern($2, ssh_agent_exec_t, $1_ssh_agent_t) kernel_read_kernel_sysctls($1_ssh_agent_t) dev_read_urand($1_ssh_agent_t) dev_read_rand($1_ssh_agent_t) fs_search_auto_mountpoints($1_ssh_agent_t) # transition back to normal privs upon exec corecmd_shell_domtrans($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_t) corecmd_bin_domtrans($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_t) domain_use_interactive_fds($1_ssh_agent_t) files_read_etc_files($1_ssh_agent_t) files_read_etc_runtime_files($1_ssh_agent_t) files_search_home($1_ssh_agent_t) libs_read_lib_files($1_ssh_agent_t) libs_use_ld_so($1_ssh_agent_t) libs_use_shared_libs($1_ssh_agent_t) logging_send_syslog_msg($1_ssh_agent_t) miscfiles_read_localization($1_ssh_agent_t) seutil_dontaudit_read_config($1_ssh_agent_t) # Write to the user domain tty. userdom_use_user_terminals($1,$1_ssh_agent_t) # for the transition back to normal privs upon exec userdom_user_home_domtrans($1, $1_ssh_agent_t, $2) allow $2 $1_ssh_agent_t:fd use; allow $2 $1_ssh_agent_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms; allow $2 $1_ssh_agent_t:process sigchld; tunable_policy(`use_nfs_home_dirs',` fs_manage_nfs_files($1_ssh_agent_t) # transition back to normal privs upon exec fs_nfs_domtrans($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_t) ') tunable_policy(`use_samba_home_dirs',` fs_manage_cifs_files($1_ssh_agent_t) # transition back to normal privs upon exec fs_cifs_domtrans($1_ssh_agent_t, $1_t) ') optional_policy(` nis_use_ypbind($1_ssh_agent_t) ') optional_policy(` xserver_use_xdm_fds($1_ssh_agent_t) xserver_rw_xdm_pipes($1_ssh_agent_t) ') ifdef(`TODO',` dontaudit $1_ssh_agent_t proc_t:{ lnk_file file } { getattr read }; ') dnl endif TODO ############################## # # $1_ssh_keysign_t local policy # tunable_policy(`allow_ssh_keysign',` allow $1_ssh_keysign_t self:capability { setgid setuid }; allow $1_ssh_keysign_t self:unix_stream_socket create_socket_perms; allow $1_ssh_keysign_t sshd_key_t:file { getattr read }; dev_read_urand($1_ssh_keysign_t) files_read_etc_files($1_ssh_keysign_t) libs_use_ld_so($1_ssh_keysign_t) libs_use_shared_libs($1_ssh_keysign_t) ') optional_policy(` tunable_policy(`allow_ssh_keysign',` nscd_socket_use($1_ssh_keysign_t) ') ') ') ####################################### ## ## The template to define a ssh server. ## ## ##

## This template creates a domains to be used for ## creating a ssh server. This is typically done ## to have multiple ssh servers of different sensitivities, ## such as for an internal network-facing ssh server, and ## a external network-facing ssh server. ##

## ## ## The prefix of the server domain (e.g., sshd ## is the prefix for sshd_t). ## ## # template(`ssh_server_template', ` type $1_t, ssh_server; auth_login_pgm_domain($1_t) type $1_devpts_t; term_login_pty($1_devpts_t) type $1_var_run_t; files_pid_file($1_var_run_t) allow $1_t self:capability { kill sys_chroot sys_resource chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid setuid sys_tty_config }; allow $1_t self:fifo_file rw_fifo_file_perms; allow $1_t self:process { signal setsched setrlimit setexec }; allow $1_t self:tcp_socket create_stream_socket_perms; allow $1_t self:udp_socket create_socket_perms; # ssh agent connections: allow $1_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms; allow $1_t $1_devpts_t:chr_file { rw_chr_file_perms setattr getattr relabelfrom }; term_create_pty($1_t,$1_devpts_t) allow $1_t $1_var_run_t:file manage_file_perms; files_pid_filetrans($1_t, $1_var_run_t, file) can_exec($1_t, sshd_exec_t) # Access key files allow $1_t sshd_key_t:file { getattr read }; kernel_read_kernel_sysctls($1_t) corenet_all_recvfrom_unlabeled($1_t) corenet_all_recvfrom_netlabel($1_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_if($1_t) corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_if($1_t) corenet_raw_sendrecv_all_if($1_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_nodes($1_t) corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_nodes($1_t) corenet_raw_sendrecv_all_nodes($1_t) corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_ports($1_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_all_ports($1_t) corenet_tcp_bind_all_nodes($1_t) corenet_udp_bind_all_nodes($1_t) corenet_tcp_bind_ssh_port($1_t) corenet_tcp_connect_all_ports($1_t) corenet_sendrecv_ssh_server_packets($1_t) fs_dontaudit_getattr_all_fs($1_t) auth_rw_login_records($1_t) auth_rw_faillog($1_t) corecmd_read_bin_symlinks($1_t) corecmd_getattr_bin_files($1_t) # for sshd subsystems, such as sftp-server. corecmd_getattr_bin_files($1_t) domain_interactive_fd($1_t) files_read_etc_files($1_t) files_read_etc_runtime_files($1_t) libs_use_ld_so($1_t) libs_use_shared_libs($1_t) logging_search_logs($1_t) miscfiles_read_localization($1_t) sysnet_read_config($1_t) userdom_dontaudit_relabelfrom_unpriv_users_ptys($1_t) userdom_search_all_users_home_dirs($1_t) tunable_policy(`use_nfs_home_dirs',` fs_read_nfs_files($1_t) ') tunable_policy(`use_samba_home_dirs',` fs_read_cifs_files($1_t) ') optional_policy(` kerberos_use($1_t) ') optional_policy(` # Allow checking users mail at login mta_getattr_spool($1_t) ') optional_policy(` nscd_socket_use($1_t) ') optional_policy(` nx_spec_domtrans_server($1_t) ') ') ######################################## ## ## Send a SIGCHLD signal to the ssh server. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_sigchld',` gen_require(` type sshd_t; ') allow $1 sshd_t:process sigchld; ') ######################################## ## ## Read a ssh server unnamed pipe. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_read_pipes',` gen_require(` type sshd_t; ') allow $1 sshd_t:fifo_file { getattr read }; ') ######################################## ## ## Read and write ssh server unix domain stream sockets. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_rw_stream_sockets',` gen_require(` type sshd_t; ') allow $1 sshd_t:unix_stream_socket rw_stream_socket_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Read and write ssh server TCP sockets. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_rw_tcp_sockets',` gen_require(` type sshd_t; ') allow $1 sshd_t:tcp_socket rw_stream_socket_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Do not audit attempts to read and write ## ssh server TCP sockets. ## ## ## ## Domain to not audit. ## ## # interface(`ssh_dontaudit_rw_tcp_sockets',` gen_require(` type sshd_t; ') dontaudit $1 sshd_t:tcp_socket { read write }; ') ######################################## ## ## Connect to SSH daemons over TCP sockets. (Deprecated) ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_tcp_connect',` refpolicywarn(`$0($*) has been deprecated.') ') ######################################## ## ## Execute the ssh daemon sshd domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_domtrans',` gen_require(` type sshd_t, sshd_exec_t; ') domtrans_pattern($1, sshd_exec_t, sshd_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Execute the ssh client in the caller domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_exec',` gen_require(` type ssh_exec_t; ') corecmd_search_bin($1) can_exec($1, ssh_exec_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Execute the ssh key generator in the ssh keygen domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_domtrans_keygen',` gen_require(` type ssh_keygen_t, ssh_keygen_exec_t; ') domtrans_pattern($1, ssh_keygen_exec_t, ssh_keygen_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Read ssh server keys ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`ssh_dontaudit_read_server_keys',` gen_require(` type sshd_key_t; ') dontaudit $1 sshd_key_t:file { getattr read }; ')