# Macros for xauth domains.

# Author:  Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au>

# xauth_domain(domain_prefix)
# Define a derived domain for the xauth program when executed
# by a user domain.
# The type declaration for the executable type for this program is
# provided separately in domains/program/xauth.te. 
ifdef(`xauth.te', `
# Derived domain based on the calling user domain and the program.
type $1_xauth_t, domain;

allow $1_xauth_t self:process signal;

home_domain($1, xauth)

# Transition from the user domain to this domain.
domain_auto_trans($1_t, xauth_exec_t, $1_xauth_t)
ifdef(`ssh.te', `
domain_auto_trans($1_ssh_t, xauth_exec_t, $1_xauth_t)
allow $1_xauth_t sshd_t:fifo_file { getattr read };
dontaudit $1_xauth_t $1_ssh_t:tcp_socket { read write };
allow $1_xauth_t sshd_t:process sigchld;
')dnl end if ssh

# The user role is authorized for this domain.
role $1_r types $1_xauth_t;

# Inherit and use descriptors from gnome-pty-helper.
ifdef(`gnome-pty-helper.te', `
allow $1_xauth_t $1_gph_t:fd use;

allow $1_xauth_t privfd:fd use;
allow $1_xauth_t ptmx_t:chr_file { read write };

# allow ps to show xauth
can_ps($1_t, $1_xauth_t)
allow $1_t $1_xauth_t:process signal;


# allow DNS lookups...
ifdef(`named.te', `
can_udp_send($1_xauth_t, named_t)
can_udp_send(named_t, $1_xauth_t)
')dnl end if named.te

allow $1_xauth_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
allow $1_xauth_t etc_t:file { getattr read };
allow $1_xauth_t fs_t:filesystem getattr;

# Write to the user domain tty.
access_terminal($1_xauth_t, $1)

# Scan /var/run.
allow $1_xauth_t var_t:dir search;
allow $1_xauth_t var_run_t:dir search; 

allow $1_xauth_t $1_tmp_t:file { getattr ioctl read };

')dnl end xauth_domain macro

', `


')dnl end if xauth.te