#DESC Sound - Sound utilities # # Authors: Mark Westerman <mark.westerman@.com> # X-Debian-Packages: esound # ################################# # # Rules for the sound_t domain. # daemon_base_domain(sound) type sound_file_t, file_type, sysadmfile; allow initrc_t sound_file_t:file { getattr read }; allow sound_t sound_file_t:file rw_file_perms; # Use capabilities. # Commented out by default. #allow sound_t self:capability { sys_admin sys_rawio sys_time dac_override }; dontaudit sound_t self:capability { sys_admin sys_rawio sys_time dac_read_search dac_override }; # Read and write the sound device. allow sound_t sound_device_t:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Read and write ttys. allow sound_t sysadm_tty_device_t:chr_file rw_file_perms; read_locale(sound_t) allow initrc_t sound_file_t:file { setattr write };