## <summary>Ainit ALSA configuration tool</summary> ######################################## ## <summary> ## Domain transition to alsa ## </summary> ## <param name="domain"> ## <summary> ## Domain allowed access. ## </summary> ## </param> # interface(`alsa_domtrans',` gen_require(` type alsa_t; type alsa_exec_t; ') domain_auto_trans($1, alsa_exec_t, alsa_t) allow $1 alsa_t:fd use; allow alsa_t $1:fd use; allow alsa_t $1:fifo_file rw_file_perms; allow alsa_t $1:process sigchld; ') ######################################## ## <summary> ## Allow read and write access to alsa semaphores. ## </summary> ## <param name="domain"> ## <summary> ## Domain allowed access. ## </summary> ## </param> # interface(`alsa_rw_semaphores',` gen_require(` type alsa_t; ') allow $1 alsa_t:sem { unix_read unix_write associate read write }; ') ######################################## ## <summary> ## Allow read and write access to alsa shared memory. ## </summary> ## <param name="domain"> ## <summary> ## Domain allowed access. ## </summary> ## </param> # interface(`alsa_rw_shared_mem',` gen_require(` type alsa_t; ') allow $1 alsa_t:shm { unix_read unix_write create_shm_perms }; ') ######################################## ## <summary> ## Read alsa writable config files. ## </summary> ## <param name="domain"> ## <summary> ## Domain allowed access. ## </summary> ## </param> # interface(`alsa_read_rw_config',` gen_require(` type alsa_etc_rw_t; ') allow $1 alsa_etc_rw_t:dir r_dir_perms; allow $1 alsa_etc_rw_t:file r_file_perms; allow $1 alsa_etc_rw_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; ')