## RADIUS authentication and accounting server. ######################################## ## ## Use radius over a UDP connection. (Deprecated) ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`radius_use',` refpolicywarn(`$0($*) has been deprecated.') ') ######################################## ## ## All of the rules required to administrate ## an radius environment ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## ## # interface(`radius_admin',` gen_require(` type radiusd_t, radiusd_etc_t, radiusd_log_t; type radiusd_etc_rw_t, radiusd_var_lib_t, radiusd_var_run_t; ') allow $1 radiusd_t:process { ptrace signal_perms getattr }; ps_process_pattern($1, radiusd_t) files_list_etc($1) manage_files_pattern($1, radiusd_etc_t, radiusd_etc_t) logging_list_logs($1) manage_files_pattern($1, radiusd_log_t, radiusd_log_t) manage_files_pattern($1, radiusd_etc_rw_t, radiusd_etc_rw_t) files_list_var_lib($1) manage_files_pattern($1, radiusd_var_lib_t, radiusd_var_lib_t) files_list_pids($1) manage_files_pattern($1, radiusd_var_run_t, radiusd_var_run_t) ')