#DESC Su - Run shells with substitute user and group # # Domains for the su program. # X-Debian-Packages: login # # su_exec_t is the type of the su executable. # type su_exec_t, file_type, sysadmfile; allow sysadm_su_t user_home_dir_type:dir search; # Everything else is in the su_domain macro in # macros/program/su_macros.te. ifdef(`use_mcs', ` ifdef(`targeted_policy', ` range_transition unconfined_t su_exec_t s0 - s0:c0.c255; domain_auto_trans(unconfined_t, su_exec_t, sysadm_su_t) # allow user to suspend terminal allow sysadm_su_t unconfined_t:process signal; allow sysadm_su_t self:process { signal sigstop }; can_exec(sysadm_su_t, bin_t) rw_dir_create_file(sysadm_su_t, home_dir_type) ') ')