# Copyright (C) 2005 Tresys Technology, LLC policy_module(rpm,1.0) ######################################## # # Declarations # type rpm_t; #, admin, privmem, priv_system_role; type rpm_exec_t; init_make_system_domain(rpm_t,rpm_exec_t) kernel_make_object_identity_change_constraint_exception(rpm_t) domain_make_file_descriptors_widely_inheritable(rpm_t) role system_r types rpm_t; type rpm_file_t; files_make_file(rpm_file_t) type rpm_tmp_t; files_make_temporary_file(rpm_tmp_t) type rpm_tmpfs_t; files_make_tmpfs_file(rpm_tmpfs_t) type rpm_log_t; logging_make_log_file(rpm_log_t) type rpm_var_lib_t; files_make_file(rpm_var_lib_t) typealias rpm_var_lib_t alias var_lib_rpm_t; type rpm_script_t; #, admin, privmem, priv_system_role; type rpm_script_exec_t; kernel_make_object_identity_change_constraint_exception(rpm_script_t) corecommands_make_shell_entrypoint(rpm_script_t) domain_make_domain(rpm_script_t) domain_make_entrypoint_file(rpm_t,rpm_script_t) domain_make_file_descriptors_widely_inheritable(rpm_script_t) role system_r types rpm_script_t; type rpm_script_tmp_t; files_make_temporary_file(rpm_script_tmp_t) type rpm_script_tmpfs_t; files_make_tmpfs_file(rpm_script_tmpfs_t) type rpmbuild_t; domain_make_domain(rpmbuild_t) type rpmbuild_exec_t; domain_make_entrypoint_file(rpmbuild_t,rpmbuild_exec_t) ######################################## # # rpm Local policy # allow rpm_t self:capability { chown dac_override fowner fsetid setgid setuid net_bind_service sys_chroot sys_tty_config mknod }; allow rpm_t self:process ~{ ptrace setcurrent setexec setfscreate setrlimit execmem dyntransition }; allow rpm_t self:process { getattr setexec setfscreate setrlimit }; allow rpm_t self:fd use; allow rpm_t self:fifo_file { read getattr lock ioctl write append }; allow rpm_t self:unix_dgram_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown }; allow rpm_t self:unix_stream_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown listen accept }; allow rpm_t self:unix_dgram_socket sendto; allow rpm_t self:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow rpm_t self:udp_socket { connect }; allow rpm_t self:udp_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind getopt setopt shutdown }; allow rpm_t self:tcp_socket { listen accept create connect ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind getopt setopt shutdown }; allow rpm_t self:shm { associate getattr setattr create destroy read write lock unix_read unix_write }; allow rpm_t self:sem { associate getattr setattr create destroy read write unix_read unix_write }; allow rpm_t self:msgq { associate getattr setattr create destroy read write enqueue unix_read unix_write }; allow rpm_t self:msg { send receive }; allow rpm_t self:dir search; allow rpm_t self:file { getattr read write }; allow rpm_t rpm_log_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; logging_create_private_log(rpm_t,rpm_log_t) allow rpm_t rpm_tmp_t:dir { create read getattr lock setattr ioctl link unlink rename search add_name remove_name reparent write rmdir }; allow rpm_t rpm_tmp_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; files_create_private_tmp_data(rpm_t, rpm_tmp_t, { file dir }) allow rpm_t rpm_tmpfs_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl add_name remove_name write }; allow rpm_t rpm_tmpfs_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow rpm_t rpm_tmpfs_t:lnk_file { create read getattr setattr link unlink rename }; allow rpm_t rpm_tmpfs_t:sock_file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow rpm_t rpm_tmpfs_t:fifo_file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; filesystem_create_private_tmpfs_data(rpm_t,rpm_tmpfs_t,{ dir file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file }) # Access /var/lib/rpm files allow rpm_t rpm_var_lib_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow rpm_t rpm_var_lib_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl add_name remove_name write }; #files_create_private_libraries(rpm_t,rpm_var_lib_t,dir) kernel_read_system_state(rpm_t) kernel_read_kernel_sysctl(rpm_t) kernel_get_selinuxfs_mount_point(rpm_t) kernel_validate_selinux_context(rpm_t) kernel_compute_selinux_access_vector(rpm_t) kernel_compute_selinux_create_context(rpm_t) kernel_compute_selinux_relabel_context(rpm_t) kernel_compute_selinux_reachable_user_contexts(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_tcp_on_all_interfaces(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_raw_on_all_interfaces(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_udp_on_all_interfaces(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_tcp_on_all_nodes(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_raw_on_all_nodes(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_udp_on_all_nodes(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_tcp_on_all_ports(rpm_t) corenetwork_network_udp_on_all_ports(rpm_t) corenetwork_bind_tcp_on_all_nodes(rpm_t) corenetwork_bind_udp_on_all_nodes(rpm_t) devices_get_pseudorandom_data(rpm_t) #devices_manage_all_device_types(rpm_t) #filesystem_manage_nfs_dir(rpm_t) #filesystem_manage_nfs_files(rpm_t) filesystem_get_all_filesystems_attributes(rpm_t) storage_raw_write_fixed_disk(rpm_t) # for installing kernel packages storage_raw_read_fixed_disk(rpm_t) terminal_list_pseudoterminals(rpm_t) authlogin_ignore_read_shadow_passwords(rpm_t) corecommands_execute_general_programs(rpm_t) corecommands_execute_system_programs(rpm_t) corecommands_shell_transition(rpm_t,rpm_script_t) domain_execute_all_entrypoint_programs(rpm_t) domain_read_all_domains_process_state(rpm_t) domain_use_widely_inheritable_file_descriptors(rpm_t) files_execute_system_config_script(rpm_t) init_script_transition(rpm_t) libraries_use_dynamic_loader(rpm_t) libraries_use_shared_libraries(rpm_t) libraries_execute_dynamic_loader(rpm_t) libraries_execute_library_scripts(rpm_t) libraries_ldconfig_transition(rpm_t) logging_send_system_log_message(rpm_t) # allow compiling and loading new policy selinux_manage_source_policy(rpm_t) selinux_manage_binary_policy(rpm_t) sysnetwork_read_network_config(rpm_t) userdomain_use_all_unprivileged_users_file_descriptors(rpm_t) #cron_transition_from(rpm,rpm_exec_t) ifdef(`TODO',` type_transition rpm_t tmpfs_t:{ dir file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file } rpm_tmpfs_t; dontaudit rpm_t domain:process ptrace; # read/write/create any files in the system allow rpm_t { file_type -shadow_t }:{ file lnk_file dir fifo_file sock_file } { relabelfrom relabelto }; allow rpm_t { file_type - shadow_t }:dir { create read getattr lock setattr ioctl link unlink rename search add_name remove_name reparent write rmdir }; allow rpm_t { file_type - shadow_t }:{ file lnk_file fifo_file sock_file } { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; dontaudit rpm_t domain:{ socket unix_dgram_socket udp_socket unix_stream_socket tcp_socket fifo_file rawip_socket packet_socket } getattr; allow rpm_t ttyfile:chr_file unlink; # needs rw permission to the directory for an rpm package that includes a mount # point allow rpm_t fs_type:dir { setattr rw_dir_perms }; allow rpm_t mount_t:tcp_socket write; allow rpm_t nfs_t:lnk_file { create read getattr setattr link unlink rename }; allow rpm_t sysfs_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl }; allow rpm_t usbdevfs_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl }; allow rpm_t rpc_pipefs_t:dir search; can_ypbind(rpm_t) optional_policy(`gnome-pty-helper.te', ` allow rpm_t sysadm_gph_t:fd use; ') optional_policy(`automount.te', ` allow rpm_t autofs_t:dir { search getattr }; ') optional_policy(`mount.te', ` allow rpm_t mount_t:udp_socket rw_socket_perms; ') # for kernel package installation optional_policy(`mount.te', ` allow mount_t rpm_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms; ') # Commonly used from postinst scripts optional_policy(`consoletype.te', ` allow consoletype_t rpm_t:fifo_file r_file_perms; ') optional_policy(`crond.te', ` allow crond_t rpm_t:fifo_file r_file_perms; ') ') dnl endif TODO ######################################## # # rpm-script Local policy # allow rpm_script_t self:capability { chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid setgid setuid ipc_lock sys_chroot sys_nice mknod kill }; allow rpm_script_t self:process ~{ ptrace setcurrent setexec setfscreate setrlimit execmem dyntransition }; allow rpm_script_t self:fd use; allow rpm_script_t self:fifo_file { read getattr lock ioctl write append }; allow rpm_script_t self:unix_dgram_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown }; allow rpm_script_t self:unix_stream_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown listen accept }; allow rpm_script_t self:unix_dgram_socket sendto; allow rpm_script_t self:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow rpm_script_t self:shm { associate getattr setattr create destroy read write lock unix_read unix_write }; allow rpm_script_t self:sem { associate getattr setattr create destroy read write unix_read unix_write }; allow rpm_script_t self:msgq { associate getattr setattr create destroy read write enqueue unix_read unix_write }; allow rpm_script_t self:msg { send receive }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_tmp_t:file { getattr read ioctl }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmp_t:dir mounton; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmp_t:dir { create read getattr lock setattr ioctl link unlink rename search add_name remove_name reparent write rmdir }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmp_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; files_create_private_tmp_data(rpm_script_t, rpm_script_tmp_t, { file dir }) allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmpfs_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl add_name remove_name write }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmpfs_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmpfs_t:lnk_file { create read getattr setattr link unlink rename }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmpfs_t:sock_file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow rpm_script_t rpm_script_tmpfs_t:fifo_file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; filesystem_create_private_tmpfs_data(rpm_script_t,rpm_script_tmpfs_t,{ dir file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file }) kernel_read_kernel_sysctl(rpm_script_t) kernel_get_selinuxfs_mount_point(rpm_script_t) kernel_validate_selinux_context(rpm_script_t) kernel_compute_selinux_access_vector(rpm_script_t) kernel_compute_selinux_create_context(rpm_script_t) kernel_compute_selinux_relabel_context(rpm_script_t) kernel_compute_selinux_reachable_user_contexts(rpm_script_t) kernel_read_system_state(rpm_script_t) filesystem_manage_nfs_files(rpm_script_t) filesystem_get_nfs_filesystem_attributes(rpm_script_t) # why is this not using mount? filesystem_get_persistent_filesystem_attributes(rpm_script_t) filesystem_mount_persistent_filesystem(rpm_script_t) filesystem_unmount_persistent_filesystem(rpm_script_t) storage_raw_read_fixed_disk(rpm_script_t) storage_raw_write_fixed_disk(rpm_script_t) terminal_get_general_physical_terminal_attributes(rpm_script_t) terminal_list_pseudoterminals(rpm_script_t) authlogin_ignore_get_shadow_passwords_attributes(rpm_script_t) # ideally we would not need this authlogin_manage_all_files_except_shadow(rpm_script_t) corecommands_execute_general_programs(rpm_script_t) corecommands_execute_system_programs(rpm_script_t) domain_use_widely_inheritable_file_descriptors(rpm_script_t) domain_execute_all_entrypoint_programs(rpm_script_t) domain_signal_all_domains(rpm_script_t) domain_signull_all_domains(rpm_script_t) files_execute_system_config_script(rpm_script_t) files_read_runtime_system_config(rpm_script_t) init_script_transition(rpm_script_t) libraries_use_dynamic_loader(rpm_script_t) libraries_use_shared_libraries(rpm_script_t) libraries_execute_dynamic_loader(rpm_script_t) libraries_execute_library_scripts(rpm_script_t) libraries_ldconfig_transition(rpm_script_t) logging_send_system_log_message(rpm_script_t) miscfiles_read_localization(rpm_script_t) modutils_depmod_transition(rpm_script_t) modutils_insmod_transition(rpm_script_t) selinux_load_policy_transition(rpm_script_t) selinux_restorecon_transition(rpm_script_t) userdomain_use_all_users_file_descriptors(rpm_script_t) optional_policy(`bootloader.te', ` bootloader_transition(rpm_script_t) ') ifdef(`TODO',` allow rpm_script_t sysfs_t:dir r_dir_perms; # ideally we would not need this allow rpm_script_t { device_t device_type }:{ chr_file blk_file } { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename }; allow rpm_script_t usr_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans }; allow rpm_script_t autofs_t:dir { search getattr }; can_ypbind(rpm_script_t) allow rpm_script_t domain:dir { search getattr read }; allow rpm_script_t domain:{ file lnk_file } { read getattr }; allow rpm_script_t domain:process getattr; # We need to suppress this denial because procps tries to access # /proc/pid/environ and this now triggers a ptrace check in recent kernels # (2.4 and 2.6). Might want to change procps to not do this, or only if # running in a privileged domain. dontaudit rpm_script_t domain:process ptrace; optional_policy(`automount.te', ` allow rpm_script_t autofs_t:dir { search getattr }; ') optional_policy(`lpd.te', ` allow rpm_script_t printconf_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans }; ') optional_policy(`ssh.te', ` allow sshd_t rpm_script_t:fd use; ') ') dnl end TODO ######################################## # # rpm-build Local policy # # cjp: this looks like dead policy. nothing # can transition to this domain, nor can it # really do anything useful. kernel_get_selinuxfs_mount_point(rpmbuild_t) kernel_validate_selinux_context(rpmbuild_t) kernel_compute_selinux_access_vector(rpmbuild_t) kernel_compute_selinux_create_context(rpmbuild_t) kernel_compute_selinux_relabel_context(rpmbuild_t) kernel_compute_selinux_reachable_user_contexts(rpmbuild_t) selinux_read_source_policy(rpmbuild_t) ifdef(`TODO',` allow userdomain var_lib_t:dir { getattr search }; allow { insmod_t depmod_t } rpm_t:fifo_file { getattr read write append ioctl lock }; optional_policy(`cups.te', ` allow cupsd_t rpm_var_lib_t:dir { getattr read search }; allow cupsd_t rpm_var_lib_t:file { read getattr }; allow cupsd_t rpb_var_lib_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; allow cupsd_t initrc_exec_t:file { getattr read }; domain_auto_trans(rpm_script_t, cupsd_exec_t, cupsd_t) ') optional_policy(`ssh-agent.te', ` domain_auto_trans(rpm_script_t, ssh_agent_exec_t, sysadm_ssh_agent_t) ') optional_policy(`useradd.te', ` domain_auto_trans(rpm_script_t, useradd_exec_t, useradd_t) domain_auto_trans(rpm_script_t, groupadd_exec_t, groupadd_t) role system_r types { useradd_t groupadd_t }; allow { useradd_t groupadd_t } rpm_t:fd use; allow { useradd_t groupadd_t } rpm_t:fifo_file { read write }; ') optional_policy(`bootloader.te',` allow bootloader_t rpm_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms; ') optional_policy(`prelink.te', ` domain_auto_trans(rpm_t, prelink_exec_t, prelink_t) ') ifdef(`hide_broken_symptoms', ` optional_policy(`pamconsole.te', ` domain_trans(rpm_t, pam_console_exec_t, rpm_script_t) ') ') ifdef(`unlimitedRPM', ` typeattribute rpm_t auth_write; unconfined_domain(rpm_t) typeattribute rpm_script_t auth_write; unconfined_domain(rpm_script_t) ') ') dnl end TODO