######################################## # # Macros for switching between source policy # and loadable policy module support # ############################## # # For adding the module statement # define(`policy_module',` ifndef(`self_contained_policy',` module $1 $2; require { role system_r; all_kernel_class_perms ifdef(`enable_mcs',` decl_sens(0,0) decl_cats(0,decr(mcs_num_cats)) ') ifdef(`enable_mls',` decl_sens(0,decr(mls_num_sens)) decl_cats(0,decr(mls_num_cats)) ') } ') ') ############################## # # For use in interfaces, to optionally insert a require block # define(`gen_require',` ifdef(`self_contained_policy',` ifdef(`__in_optional_policy',` require { $1 } # end require ') ',` require { $1 } # end require ') ') # helper function, since m4 wont expand macros # if a line is a comment (#): define(`policy_m4_comment',` ##### $2 depth: $1 ')dnl ############################## # # In the future interfaces should be in loadable modules # # template(name,rules) # define(`template',` dnl ifdef(`$1',`refpolicyerr(`duplicate definition of $1(). Original definition on '$1.) define(`__if_error')',`define(`$1',__line__)') dnl `define(`$1',` dnl define(`policy_temp',incr(policy_call_depth)) dnl pushdef(`policy_call_depth',policy_temp) dnl undefine(`policy_temp') dnl policy_m4_comment(policy_call_depth,begin `$1'(dollarsstar)) dnl $2 dnl define(`policy_temp',decr(policy_call_depth)) dnl pushdef(`policy_call_depth',policy_temp) dnl undefine(`policy_temp') dnl policy_m4_comment(policy_call_depth,end `$1'(dollarsstar)) dnl '') ') ############################## # # In the future interfaces should be in loadable modules # # interface(name,rules) # define(`interface',` dnl ifdef(`$1',`refpolicyerr(`duplicate definition of $1(). Original definition on '$1.) define(`__if_error')',`define(`$1',__line__)') dnl `define(`$1',` dnl define(`policy_temp',incr(policy_call_depth)) dnl pushdef(`policy_call_depth',policy_temp) dnl undefine(`policy_temp') dnl policy_m4_comment(policy_call_depth,begin `$1'(dollarsstar)) dnl $2 define(`policy_temp',decr(policy_call_depth)) dnl pushdef(`policy_call_depth',policy_temp) dnl undefine(`policy_temp') dnl policy_m4_comment(policy_call_depth,end `$1'(dollarsstar)) dnl '') ') define(`policy_call_depth',0) ############################## # # Optional policy handling # define(`optional_policy',` ifelse(regexp(`$1',`\W'),`-1',` refpolicywarn(`deprecated use of module name ($1) as first parameter of optional_policy() block.') optional_policy(shift($*)) ',` optional {`'pushdef(`__in_optional_policy') $1 ifelse(`$2',`',`',`} else { $2 ')}`'popdef(`__in_optional_policy')`'ifndef(`__in_optional_policy',` # end optional') ') ') ############################## # # Determine if we should use the default # tunable value as specified by the policy # or if the override value should be used # define(`dflt_or_overr',`ifdef(`$1',$1,$2)') ############################## # # Extract booleans out of an expression. # This needs to be reworked so expressions # with parentheses can work. define(`declare_required_symbols',` ifelse(regexp($1, `\w'), -1, `', `dnl bool regexp($1, `\(\w+\)', `\1'); declare_required_symbols(regexp($1, `\w+\(.*\)', `\1'))dnl ') dnl ') ############################## # # Tunable declaration # define(`gen_tunable',` bool $1 dflt_or_overr(`$1'_conf,$2); ') ############################## # # Tunable policy handling # define(`tunable_policy',` gen_require(` declare_required_symbols(`$1') ') if (`$1') { $2 ifelse(`$3',`',`',`} else { $3 ')} ')