# Copyright (C) 2005 Tresys Technology, LLC ## ## Policy for dmesg. ######################################## ## ## ## Execute dmesg in the dmesg domain. ## ## ## The type of the process performing this action. ## ## ## # define(`dmesg_transition',` requires_block_template(`$0'_depend) allow $1 dmesg_exec_t:file { getattr read execute }; allow $1 dmesg_t:process transition; type_transition $1 dmesg_exec_t:process dmesg_t; dontaudit $1 dmesg_t:process { noatsecure siginh rlimitinh }; ') define(`dmesg_transition_depend',` type dmesg_t, dmesg_exec_t; class file { getattr read execute }; class process { transition noatsecure siginh rlimitinh }; ') ######################################## ## ## ## Execute dmesg in the caller domain. ## ## ## The type of the process performing this action. ## ## ## # define(`dmesg_execute',` requires_block_template(`$0'_depend) allow $1 dmesg_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans }; ') define(`dmesg_execute_depend',` type dmesg_exec_t; class file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans }; ') ##