
856 lines
43 KiB
Raw Normal View History

diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/ansible/shared.yml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/ansible/shared.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b44c91cbf4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/ansible/shared.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora,multi_platform_rhel
+# reboot = false
+# strategy = configure
+# complexity = low
+# disruption = medium
+- name: Check for existing entry
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ path: "/etc/pam.d/password-auth"
+ create: no
+ regexp: '^password.**'
+ state: absent
+ check_mode: true
+ changed_when: false
+ register: result_pam_pwquality_present
+- name: Check if system relies on authselect
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: /usr/bin/authselect
+ register: result_authselect_present
+- name: "Remediation where authselect tool is present"
+ block:
+ - name: Check the integrity of the current authselect profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect check
+ register: result_authselect_check_cmd
+ changed_when: false
+ ignore_errors: true
+ - name: Informative message based on the authselect integrity check result
+ ansible.builtin.assert:
+ that:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ fail_msg:
+ - authselect integrity check failed. Remediation aborted!
+ - This remediation could not be applied because the authselect profile is not intact.
+ - It is not recommended to manually edit the PAM files when authselect is available.
+ - In cases where the default authselect profile does not cover a specific demand, a custom authselect profile is recommended.
+ success_msg:
+ - authselect integrity check passed
+ - name: Get authselect current profile
+ cmd: authselect current -r | awk '{ print $1 }'
+ register: result_authselect_profile
+ changed_when: false
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - name: Define the current authselect profile as a local fact
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ authselect_current_profile: "{{ result_authselect_profile.stdout }}"
+ authselect_custom_profile: "{{ result_authselect_profile.stdout }}"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_authselect_profile.stdout is match("custom/")
+ - name: Define the new authselect custom profile as a local fact
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ authselect_current_profile: "{{ result_authselect_profile.stdout }}"
+ authselect_custom_profile: "custom/hardening"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_authselect_profile.stdout is not match("custom/")
+ - name: Get authselect current features to also enable them in the custom profile
+ cmd: authselect current | tail -n+3 | awk '{ print $2 }'
+ register: result_authselect_features
+ changed_when: false
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - name: Check if any custom profile with the same name was already created in the past
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: /etc/authselect/{{ authselect_custom_profile }}
+ register: result_authselect_custom_profile_present
+ changed_when: false
+ when:
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - name: Create a custom profile based on the current profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - not result_authselect_custom_profile_present.stat.exists
+ - name: Ensure the desired configuration is present in the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ dest: "/etc/authselect/{{ authselect_custom_profile }}/password-auth"
+ insertbefore: ^password.*sufficient.**
+ line: "password requisite"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_pam_pwquality_present.found == 0
+ - name: Ensure a backup of current authselect profile before selecting the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect apply-changes -b --backup=before-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ register: result_authselect_backup
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - authselect_custom_profile is not match(authselect_current_profile)
+ - name: Ensure the custom profile is selected
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect select {{ authselect_custom_profile }} --force
+ register: result_pam_authselect_select_profile
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - authselect_custom_profile is not match(authselect_current_profile)
+ - name: Restore the authselect features in the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect enable-feature {{ item }}
+ loop: "{{ result_authselect_features.stdout_lines }}"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_authselect_features is not skipped
+ - result_pam_authselect_select_profile is not skipped
+ - name: Ensure the custom profile changes are applied
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect apply-changes -b --backup=after-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_present.stat.exists
+# For systems without authselect
+- name: "Remediation where authselect tool is not present and PAM files are directly edited"
+ block:
+ - name: Ensure the desired configuration is present in the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ dest: "/etc/pam.d/password-auth"
+ insertbefore: ^password.*sufficient.**
+ line: "password requisite"
+ when:
+ - result_pam_pwquality_present.found == 0
+ when:
+ - not result_authselect_present.stat.exists
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/bash/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/bash/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2fca2a79ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/bash/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora,multi_platform_rhel
+if [ -f /usr/bin/authselect ]; then
+ if authselect check; then
+ CURRENT_PROFILE=$(authselect current -r | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ # Standard profiles delivered with authselect should not be modified.
+ # If not already in use, a custom profile is created preserving the enabled features.
+ if [[ ! $CURRENT_PROFILE == custom/* ]]; then
+ ENABLED_FEATURES=$(authselect current | tail -n+3 | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ authselect create-profile hardening -b $CURRENT_PROFILE
+ CURRENT_PROFILE="custom/hardening"
+ # Ensure a backup before changing the profile
+ authselect apply-changes -b --backup=before-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ authselect select $CURRENT_PROFILE
+ for feature in $ENABLED_FEATURES; do
+ authselect enable-feature $feature;
+ done
+ fi
+ # Include the desired configuration in the custom profile
+ # The line should be included on the top password section
+ if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $CUSTOM_FILE) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $CUSTOM_FILE
+ fi
+ authselect apply-changes -b --backup=after-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ else
+ echo "
+authselect integrity check failed. Remediation aborted!
+This remediation could not be applied because the authselect profile is not intact.
+It is not recommended to manually edit the PAM files when authselect is available.
+In cases where the default authselect profile does not cover a specific demand, a custom authselect profile is recommended."
+ false
+ fi
+ FILE_PATH="/etc/pam.d/$PAM_FILE"
+ if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $FILE_PATH) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $FILE_PATH
+ fi
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/oval/shared.xml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/oval/shared.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..84f32456beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/oval/shared.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ <definition class="compliance" id="{{{ rule_id }}}" version="1">
+ {{{ oval_metadata("The PAM module pam_pwquality is used in password-auth") }}}
+ <criteria comment="Condition for pam_pwquality in password-auth is satisfied">
+ <criterion comment="pam_pwquality password-auth"
+ test_ref="test_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth"/>
+ </criteria>
+ </definition>
+ <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth" version="1">
+ <ind:filepath>/etc/pam.d/password-auth</ind:filepath>
+ <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^password[\s]*requisite[\s]*pam_pwquality\.so</ind:pattern>
+ <ind:instance datatype="int" operation="equals">1</ind:instance>
+ </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
+ <ind:textfilecontent54_test check="all" check_existence="only_one_exists" version="1"
+ id="test_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth"
+ comment="check the configuration of /etc/pam.d/password-auth">
+ <ind:object object_ref="object_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth"/>
+ </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/rule.yml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/rule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c7bb1ad7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/rule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+prodtype: fedora,rhel7,rhel8,rhel9,rhv4
+title: 'Ensure PAM password complexity module is enabled in password-auth'
+description: |-
+ To enable PAM password complexity in password-auth file:
+ Edit the <tt>password</tt> section in
+ <tt>/etc/pam.d/password-auth</tt> to show
+ <tt>password requisite</tt>.
+rationale: |-
+ Enabling PAM password complexity permits to enforce strong passwords and consequently
+ makes the system less prone to dictionary attacks.
+severity: medium
+ cce@rhel7: CCE-85876-1
+ cce@rhel8: CCE-85877-9
+ cce@rhel9: CCE-85878-7
+ stigid@rhel8: RHEL-08-020100
+ocil_clause: ' is not enabled in password-auth'
+ocil: |-
+ To check if is enabled in password-auth, run the following command:
+ <pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/password-auth</pre></pre>
+ The output should be similar to the following:
+ <pre>password requisite</pre>
+platform: pam
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d696c36b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+authselect select $CUSTOM_PROFILE --force
+sed -i --follow-symlinks -e '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/ s/^#*/#/g' $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH
+authselect apply-changes -b
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0435899262b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+authselect select $CUSTOM_PROFILE --force
+if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH
+authselect apply-changes -b
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..472616a51f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+authselect select $CUSTOM_PROFILE --force
+sed -i --follow-symlinks '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/d' $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH
+authselect apply-changes -b
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..59f9d6f77c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+# remediation = none
+# This modification will break the integrity checks done by authselect.
+sed -i --follow-symlinks -e '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/ s/^#*/#/g' $SYSTEM_AUTH_FILE
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71f87b19045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# packages = pam
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7,Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora
+if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $config_file) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $config_file
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95b73b24d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7,Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora
+# packages = pam
+sed -i --follow-symlinks '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/d' $config_file
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/ansible/shared.yml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/ansible/shared.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13cd20458ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/ansible/shared.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora,multi_platform_rhel
+# reboot = false
+# strategy = configure
+# complexity = low
+# disruption = medium
+- name: Check for existing entry
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ path: "/etc/pam.d/system-auth"
+ create: no
+ regexp: '^password.**'
+ state: absent
+ check_mode: true
+ changed_when: false
+ register: result_pam_pwquality_present
+- name: Check if system relies on authselect
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: /usr/bin/authselect
+ register: result_authselect_present
+- name: "Remediation where authselect tool is present"
+ block:
+ - name: Check the integrity of the current authselect profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect check
+ register: result_authselect_check_cmd
+ changed_when: false
+ ignore_errors: true
+ - name: Informative message based on the authselect integrity check result
+ ansible.builtin.assert:
+ that:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ fail_msg:
+ - authselect integrity check failed. Remediation aborted!
+ - This remediation could not be applied because the authselect profile is not intact.
+ - It is not recommended to manually edit the PAM files when authselect is available.
+ - In cases where the default authselect profile does not cover a specific demand, a custom authselect profile is recommended.
+ success_msg:
+ - authselect integrity check passed
+ - name: Get authselect current profile
+ cmd: authselect current -r | awk '{ print $1 }'
+ register: result_authselect_profile
+ changed_when: false
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - name: Define the current authselect profile as a local fact
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ authselect_current_profile: "{{ result_authselect_profile.stdout }}"
+ authselect_custom_profile: "{{ result_authselect_profile.stdout }}"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_authselect_profile.stdout is match("custom/")
+ - name: Define the new authselect custom profile as a local fact
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ authselect_current_profile: "{{ result_authselect_profile.stdout }}"
+ authselect_custom_profile: "custom/hardening"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_authselect_profile.stdout is not match("custom/")
+ - name: Get authselect current features to also enable them in the custom profile
+ cmd: authselect current | tail -n+3 | awk '{ print $2 }'
+ register: result_authselect_features
+ changed_when: false
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - name: Check if any custom profile with the same name was already created in the past
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: /etc/authselect/{{ authselect_custom_profile }}
+ register: result_authselect_custom_profile_present
+ changed_when: false
+ when:
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - name: Create a custom profile based on the current profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - not result_authselect_custom_profile_present.stat.exists
+ - name: Ensure the desired configuration is present in the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ dest: "/etc/authselect/{{ authselect_custom_profile }}/system-auth"
+ insertbefore: ^password.*sufficient.**
+ line: "password requisite"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_pam_pwquality_present.found == 0
+ - name: Ensure a backup of current authselect profile before selecting the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect apply-changes -b --backup=before-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ register: result_authselect_backup
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - authselect_custom_profile is not match(authselect_current_profile)
+ - name: Ensure the custom profile is selected
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect select {{ authselect_custom_profile }} --force
+ register: result_pam_authselect_select_profile
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - authselect_current_profile is not match("custom/")
+ - authselect_custom_profile is not match(authselect_current_profile)
+ - name: Restore the authselect features in the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect enable-feature {{ item }}
+ loop: "{{ result_authselect_features.stdout_lines }}"
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ - result_authselect_features is not skipped
+ - result_pam_authselect_select_profile is not skipped
+ - name: Ensure the custom profile changes are applied
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: authselect apply-changes -b --backup=after-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_check_cmd is success
+ - result_authselect_profile is not skipped
+ when:
+ - result_authselect_present.stat.exists
+# For systems without authselect
+- name: "Remediation where authselect tool is not present and PAM files are directly edited"
+ block:
+ - name: Ensure the desired configuration is present in the custom profile
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ dest: "/etc/pam.d/system-auth"
+ insertbefore: ^password.*sufficient.**
+ line: "password requisite"
+ when:
+ - result_pam_pwquality_present.found == 0
+ when:
+ - not result_authselect_present.stat.exists
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/bash/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/bash/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a7972a3f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/bash/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora,multi_platform_rhel
+if [ -f /usr/bin/authselect ]; then
+ if authselect check; then
+ CURRENT_PROFILE=$(authselect current -r | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ # Standard profiles delivered with authselect should not be modified.
+ # If not already in use, a custom profile is created preserving the enabled features.
+ if [[ ! $CURRENT_PROFILE == custom/* ]]; then
+ ENABLED_FEATURES=$(authselect current | tail -n+3 | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ authselect create-profile hardening -b $CURRENT_PROFILE
+ CURRENT_PROFILE="custom/hardening"
+ # Ensure a backup before changing the profile
+ authselect apply-changes -b --backup=before-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ authselect select $CURRENT_PROFILE
+ for feature in $ENABLED_FEATURES; do
+ authselect enable-feature $feature;
+ done
+ fi
+ # Include the desired configuration in the custom profile
+ # The line should be included on the top password section
+ if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $CUSTOM_FILE) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $CUSTOM_FILE
+ fi
+ authselect apply-changes -b --backup=after-pwquality-hardening.backup
+ else
+ echo "
+authselect integrity check failed. Remediation aborted!
+This remediation could not be applied because the authselect profile is not intact.
+It is not recommended to manually edit the PAM files when authselect is available.
+In cases where the default authselect profile does not cover a specific demand, a custom authselect profile is recommended."
+ false
+ fi
+ FILE_PATH="/etc/pam.d/$PAM_FILE"
+ if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $FILE_PATH) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $FILE_PATH
+ fi
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/oval/shared.xml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/oval/shared.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8d241f1ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/oval/shared.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ <definition class="compliance" id="{{{ rule_id }}}" version="1">
+ {{{ oval_metadata("The PAM module pam_pwquality is used in system-auth") }}}
+ <criteria comment="Condition for pam_pwquality in system-auth is satisfied">
+ <criterion comment="pam_pwquality system-auth"
+ test_ref="test_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth"/>
+ </criteria>
+ </definition>
+ <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth" version="1">
+ <ind:filepath>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</ind:filepath>
+ <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^password[\s]*requisite[\s]*pam_pwquality\.so</ind:pattern>
+ <ind:instance datatype="int" operation="equals">1</ind:instance>
+ </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
+ <ind:textfilecontent54_test check="all" check_existence="only_one_exists" version="1"
+ id="test_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth"
+ comment="check the configuration of /etc/pam.d/system-auth">
+ <ind:object object_ref="object_accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth"/>
+ </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/rule.yml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/rule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ea42ff9b07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/rule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+prodtype: fedora,rhel7,rhel8,rhel9,rhv4
+title: 'Ensure PAM password complexity module is enabled in system-auth'
+description: |-
+ To enable PAM password complexity in system-auth file:
+ Edit the <tt>password</tt> section in
+ <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt> to show
+ <tt>password requisite</tt>.
+rationale: |-
+ Enabling PAM password complexity permits to enforce strong passwords and consequently
+ makes the system less prone to dictionary attacks.
+severity: medium
+ cce@rhel7: CCE-85874-6
+ cce@rhel8: CCE-85872-0
+ cce@rhel9: CCE-85873-8
+ stigid@rhel8: RHEL-08-020101
+ocil_clause: ' is not enabled in system-auth'
+ocil: |-
+ To check if is enabled in system-auth, run the following command:
+ <pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/system-auth</pre></pre>
+ The output should be similar to the following:
+ <pre>password requisite</pre>
+platform: pam
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..849f16d0f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+authselect select $CUSTOM_PROFILE --force
+sed -i --follow-symlinks -e '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/ s/^#*/#/g' $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH
+authselect apply-changes -b
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a98c244980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+authselect select $CUSTOM_PROFILE --force
+if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH
+authselect apply-changes -b
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6786f6c13d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+authselect create-profile hardening -b sssd
+authselect select $CUSTOM_PROFILE --force
+sed -i --follow-symlinks '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/d' $CUSTOM_SYSTEM_AUTH
+authselect apply-changes -b
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3d9e5884f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# packages = authselect
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9,multi_platform_fedora
+# remediation = none
+# This modification will break the integrity checks done by authselect.
+sed -i --follow-symlinks -e '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/ s/^#*/#/g' $SYSTEM_AUTH_FILE
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71f87b19045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# packages = pam
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7,Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora
+if [ $(grep -c "^\s*password.*requisite.*" $config_file) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sed -i --follow-symlinks '0,/^password.*/s/^password.*/password requisite\n&/' $config_file
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c8f6f79fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7,Red Hat Virtualization 4,multi_platform_fedora
+# packages = pam
+sed -i --follow-symlinks '/^password\s*requisite\s*pam_pwquality\.so/d' $config_file
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_retry/rule.yml b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_retry/rule.yml
index eeb55a6ff5c..6b2219a3eab 100644
--- a/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_retry/rule.yml
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/accounts/accounts-pam/password_quality/password_quality_pwquality/accounts_password_pam_retry/rule.yml
@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@ title: 'Ensure PAM Enforces Password Requirements - Authentication Retry Prompts
description: |-
To configure the number of retry prompts that are permitted per-session:
+ {{% if product in ['rhel8', 'rhel9'] %}}
+ Edit the <tt>/etc/security/pwquality.conf</tt> to include
+ {{% else %}}
Edit the <tt></tt> statement in
{{% if 'ubuntu' not in product %}}
- <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt> {{% if product in ['rhel8', 'rhel9'] %}} and
- <tt>/etc/pam.d/password-auth</tt> {{% endif %}} to show
+ <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt> to show
{{% else %}}
<tt>/etc/pam.d/common-password</tt> to show
{{% endif %}}
+ {{% endif %}}
<tt>retry={{{xccdf_value("var_password_pam_retry") }}}</tt>, or a lower value if site
policy is more restrictive. The DoD requirement is a maximum of 3 prompts
per session.
@@ -48,17 +51,21 @@ references:
stigid@ol7: OL07-00-010119
stigid@ol8: OL08-00-020100
stigid@rhel7: RHEL-07-010119
- stigid@rhel8: RHEL-08-020100
+ stigid@rhel8: RHEL-08-020104
stigid@ubuntu2004: UBTU-20-010057
ocil_clause: 'it is not the required value'
ocil: |-
To check how many retry attempts are permitted on a per-session basis, run the following command:
+ {{% if product in ['rhel8', 'rhel9'] %}}
+ <pre>$ grep retry /etc/security/pwquality.conf</pre>
+ {{% else %}}
{{% if 'ubuntu' in product %}}
<pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/common-password</pre>
{{% else %}}
- <pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/system-auth {{% if product in ['rhel8', 'rhel9'] %}}/etc/pam.d/password-auth{{% endif %}}</pre>
+ <pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/system-auth</pre>
+ {{% endif %}}
{{% endif %}}
The <tt>retry</tt> parameter will indicate how many attempts are permitted.
The DoD required value is less than or equal to 3.
diff --git a/products/rhel8/profiles/stig.profile b/products/rhel8/profiles/stig.profile
index d92bc72971c..62fc512f05e 100644
--- a/products/rhel8/profiles/stig.profile
+++ b/products/rhel8/profiles/stig.profile
@@ -523,6 +523,20 @@ selections:
- sssd_enable_certmap
# RHEL-08-020100
+ - accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth
+ # RHEL-08-020101
+ - accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth
+ # RHEL-08-020102
+ # This is only required for RHEL8 systems below version 8.4 where the
+ # retry parameter was not yet available on /etc/security/pwquality.conf.
+ # RHEL-08-020103
+ # This is only required for RHEL8 systems below version 8.4 where the
+ # retry parameter was not yet available on /etc/security/pwquality.conf.
+ # RHEL-08-020104
- accounts_password_pam_retry
# RHEL-08-020110
diff --git a/products/rhel9/profiles/stig.profile b/products/rhel9/profiles/stig.profile
index 42c6d0e9aca..ad08a6d3410 100644
--- a/products/rhel9/profiles/stig.profile
+++ b/products/rhel9/profiles/stig.profile
@@ -524,6 +524,20 @@ selections:
- sssd_enable_certmap
# RHEL-08-020100
+ - accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth
+ # RHEL-08-020101
+ - accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth
+ # RHEL-08-020102
+ # This is only required for RHEL8 systems below version 8.4 where the
+ # retry parameter was not yet available on /etc/security/pwquality.conf.
+ # RHEL-08-020103
+ # This is only required for RHEL8 systems below version 8.4 where the
+ # retry parameter was not yet available on /etc/security/pwquality.conf.
+ # RHEL-08-020104
- accounts_password_pam_retry
# RHEL-08-020110
diff --git a/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig.profile b/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig.profile
index e4fee44f9f9..33e82401c3d 100644
--- a/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig.profile
+++ b/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig.profile
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ selections:
- accounts_password_pam_ocredit
- accounts_password_pam_pwhistory_remember_password_auth
- accounts_password_pam_pwhistory_remember_system_auth
+- accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth
+- accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth
- accounts_password_pam_retry
- accounts_password_pam_ucredit
- accounts_password_pam_unix_rounds_password_auth
diff --git a/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig_gui.profile b/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig_gui.profile
index 83d04775e3a..5beeb4f28af 100644
--- a/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig_gui.profile
+++ b/tests/data/profile_stability/rhel8/stig_gui.profile
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ selections:
- accounts_password_pam_ocredit
- accounts_password_pam_pwhistory_remember_password_auth
- accounts_password_pam_pwhistory_remember_system_auth
+- accounts_password_pam_pwquality_password_auth
+- accounts_password_pam_pwquality_system_auth
- accounts_password_pam_retry
- accounts_password_pam_ucredit
- accounts_password_pam_unix_rounds_password_auth