# Explicitly use bindir tools, in case others are in the PATH,
# like the rustup shims in a user's ~/.cargo/bin/.
# Since cargo 1.31, install only uses $CARGO_HOME/config, ignoring $PWD.
#   https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/6397
# But we can set CARGO_HOME locally, which is a good idea anyway to make sure
# it never writes to ~/.cargo during rpmbuild.
%__cargo %{_bindir}/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo %{_bindir}/cargo
%__rustc %{_bindir}/rustc
%__rustdoc %{_bindir}/rustdoc

# Enable optimization, debuginfo, and link hardening.
%__global_rustflags -Copt-level=3 -Cdebuginfo=2 -Clink-arg=-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now

%__global_rustflags_toml [%{lua:
    for arg in string.gmatch(rpm.expand("%{__global_rustflags}"), "%S+") do
        print('"' .. arg .. '", ')

%cargo_prep(V:) (\
%{__mkdir} -p .cargo \
cat > .cargo/config << EOF \
rustc = "%{__rustc}"\
rustdoc = "%{__rustdoc}"\
rustflags = %{__global_rustflags_toml}\
root = "%{buildroot}%{_prefix}"\
verbose = true\
%if 0%{-V:1}\
%{__tar} -xoaf %{S:%{-V*}}\
cat >> .cargo/config << EOF \
replace-with = "vendored-sources"\
directory = "./vendor"\

%cargo_build %__cargo build --release %{?_smp_mflags}

%cargo_test %__cargo test --release %{?_smp_mflags} --no-fail-fast

%cargo_install %__cargo install --no-track --path .