# __rustc: path to the default rustc executable
%__rustc /usr/bin/rustc

# __rustdoc: path to the default rustdoc executable
%__rustdoc /usr/bin/rustdoc

# rustflags_opt_level: default optimization level
# It corresponds to the "-Copt-level" rustc command line option.
%rustflags_opt_level 3

# rustflags_debuginfo: default verbosity of debug information
# It corresponds to the "-Cdebuginfo" rustc command line option.
# In some cases, it might be required to override this macro with "1" or even
# "0", if memory usage gets too high during builds on some resource-constrained
# architectures (most likely on 32-bit architectures), which will however
# reduce the quality of the produced debug symbols.
%rustflags_debuginfo 2

# rustflags_codegen_units: default number of parallel code generation units
# The default value of "1" results in generation of better code, but comes at
# the cost of longer build times.
%rustflags_codegen_units 1

# build_rustflags: default compiler flags for rustc (RUSTFLAGS)
# -Copt-level: set optimization level (default: highest optimization level)
# -Cdebuginfo: set debuginfo verbosity (default: full debug information)
# -Ccodegen-units: set number of parallel code generation units (default: 1)
# -Cforce-frame-pointers: force inclusion of frame pointers (default: enabled
#       on x86_64 and aarch64 on Fedora 37+)
# Additionally, some linker flags are set which correspond to the default
# Fedora compiler flags for hardening and for embedding package versions into
# compiled binaries.
# ref. https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/codegen-options/index.html
%build_rustflags %{shrink:
  %{expr:0%{?_include_frame_pointers} && ("%{_arch}" != "ppc64le" && "%{_arch}" != "s390x" && "%{_arch}" != "i386") ? "-Cforce-frame-pointers=yes" : ""}
  %[0%{?_package_note_status} ? "-Clink-arg=%_package_note_flags" : ""]

# __cargo: cargo command with environment variables
# CARGO_HOME: This ensures cargo reads configuration file from .cargo/config.toml,
#       and prevents writing any files to $HOME during RPM builds.
%__cargo /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo RUSTFLAGS='%{build_rustflags}' /usr/bin/cargo

# __cargo_common_opts: common command line flags for cargo
# _smp_mflags: run builds and tests in parallel
%__cargo_common_opts %{?_smp_mflags}

# cargo_prep: macro to set up build environment for cargo projects
# This involves four steps:
# - create the ".cargo" directory if it doesn't exist yet
# - dump custom cargo configuration into ".cargo/config.toml"
# - remove "Cargo.lock" if it exists (it breaks builds with custom cargo config)
# - remove "Cargo.toml.orig" if it exists (it breaks running "cargo package")
# Options:
#   -V <number>    - unpack and use vendored sources from Source<number> tarball
#                    (deprecated; use -v instead)
#   -v <directory> - use vendored sources from <directory>
#   -N             - Don't set up any registry. Only set up the build configuration.
%{-v:%{-V:%{error:-v and -V are mutually exclusive!}}}\
%{-v:%{-N:%{error:-v and -N are mutually exclusive!}}}\
set -euo pipefail\
%{__mkdir} -p target/rpm\
/usr/bin/ln -s rpm target/release\
%{__rm} -rf .cargo/\
%{__mkdir} -p .cargo\
cat > .cargo/config.toml << EOF\
rustc = "%{__rustc}"\
rustdoc = "%{__rustdoc}"\
inherits = "release"\
opt-level = %{rustflags_opt_level}\
codegen-units = %{rustflags_codegen_units}\
debug = %{rustflags_debuginfo}\
strip = "none"\
CFLAGS = "%{build_cflags}"\
CXXFLAGS = "%{build_cxxflags}"\
LDFLAGS = "%{build_ldflags}"\
root = "%{buildroot}%{_prefix}"\
verbose = true\
%{-V:%{__tar} -xoaf %{S:%{-V*}}}\
cat >> .cargo/config.toml << EOF\
directory = "%{-v*}%{-V:./vendor}"\
registry = "https://crates.io"\
replace-with = "vendored-sources"\
%{__rm} -f Cargo.toml.orig\

# __cargo_parse_opts: function-like macro which parses common flags into the
#       equivalent command-line flags for cargo
%__cargo_parse_opts(naf:) %{shrink:\
    %{-n:%{-a:%{error:Can't specify both -n and -a}}}           \
    %{-f:%{-a:%{error:Can't specify both -f(%{-f*}) and -a}}}   \
    %{-n:--no-default-features}                                 \
    %{-a:--all-features}                                        \
    %{-f:--features %{-f*}}                                     \
    %{nil}                                                      \

# NB: cargo_build/test/install do not use the -n/-a/-f argument parsing like
# Fedora's rust-packaging, because that change would break anyone that's
# already passing arguments directly to cargo after the macro. Instead, one can
# explicitly use --no-default-features, --all-features, or --features XYZ.

# cargo_build: builds the crate with cargo
%{shrink:                                               \
    %{__cargo} build                                    \
    %{__cargo_common_opts}                              \
    --profile rpm                                       \

# cargo_test: runs the test suite with cargo
# To pass command-line arguments to the cargo test runners directly (for
# example, to skip certain tests during package builds), the
# "cargo test" argument parsing need to be bypassed,
# i.e. "%%cargo_test -- --skip foo" for skipping all tests with names that
# match "foo".
%{shrink:                                               \
    %{__cargo} test                                     \
    %{__cargo_common_opts}                              \
    --profile rpm                                       \
    --no-fail-fast                                      \

# cargo_install: install files into the buildroot
# For "binary" crates, this macro installs all "bin" build targets to _bindir
# inside the buildroot. The "--no-track" option prevents the creation of the
# "$CARGO_HOME/.crates.toml" file, which is used to keep track of which version
# of a specific binary has been installed, but which conflicts between builds
# of different Rust applications and is not needed when building RPM packages.
set -euo pipefail                                                   \
  %{shrink:                                                         \
    %{__cargo} install                                              \
      %{__cargo_common_opts}                                        \
      --profile rpm                                                 \
      --no-track                                                    \
      --path .                                                      \
  }                                                                 \

# cargo_license: print license information for all crate dependencies
# The "no-build,no-dev,no-proc-macro" argument results in only crates which are
# linked into the final binary to be considered.
# Additionally, deprecated SPDX syntax ("/" instead of "OR") is normalized
# before sorting the results to ensure reproducible output of this macro.
# This macro must be called with the same feature flags as other cargo macros,
# in particular, "cargo_build", otherwise its output will be incomplete.
# The "cargo tree" command called by this macro will fail if there are missing
# (optional) dependencies.
set -euo pipefail\
%{shrink:                                                           \
    %{__cargo} tree                                                 \
    --workspace                                                     \
    --offline                                                       \
    --edges no-build,no-dev,no-proc-macro                           \
    --no-dedupe                                                     \
    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}                \
    --prefix none                                                   \
    --format "{l}: {p}"                                             \
    | sed -e "s: ($(pwd)[^)]*)::g" -e "s: / :/:g" -e "s:/: OR :g"   \
    | sort -u                                                       \

# cargo_license_summary: print license summary for all crate dependencies
# This macro works in the same way as cargo_license, except that it only prints
# a list of licenses, and not the complete license information for every crate
# in the dependency tree. This is useful for determining the correct License
# tag for packages that contain compiled Rust binaries.
set -euo pipefail\
%{shrink:                                                           \
    %{__cargo} tree                                                 \
    --workspace                                                     \
    --offline                                                       \
    --edges no-build,no-dev,no-proc-macro                           \
    --no-dedupe                                                     \
    %{__cargo_parse_opts %{-n} %{-a} %{-f:-f%{-f*}}}                \
    --prefix none                                                   \
    --format "# {l}"                                                \
    | sed -e "s: / :/:g" -e "s:/: OR :g"                            \
    | sort -u                                                       \

# cargo_vendor_manifest: write list of vendored crates and their versions
# The arguments for the internal "cargo tree" call emulate the logic
# that determines which crates are included when running "cargo vendor".
# The results are written to "cargo-vendor.txt".
# TODO: --all-features may be overly broad; this should be modified to
# use %%__cargo_parse_opts to handle feature flags.
set -euo pipefail\
%{shrink:                                                           \
    %{__cargo} tree                                                 \
    --workspace                                                     \
    --offline                                                       \
    --edges normal,build                                            \
    --no-dedupe                                                     \
    --all-features                                                  \
    --prefix none                                                   \
    --format "{p}"                                                  \
    | grep -v "$(pwd)"                                              \
    | sed -e "s: (proc-macro)::"                                    \
    | sort -u                                                       \
    > cargo-vendor.txt                                              \